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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Body Parts
yellow Power Level: Talented Human to Enhanced (@Ringmaster @Gands Sections BUT if you have any questions on using a particular character, send a PM to @Ringmaster regarding the bulk of this event!),

red Enhanced to Superhuman ( LIMITED @Michale CS sections, your mileage may vary, and it will be a SMALL role in the overall plot, just to include those who are outside the range but whose PCs are in the area IC )

Look/Feel: [ Mob War/Riot - Marvel's Netflix MCU level ] No player cap!

This is an invite-only RP, but everyone in Epic Crossover is already considered invited! Note this is a major event with THREE GMS, @Gands @Michale CS and @Ringmaster. All collaboration to be handled in an Iwaku Conversation or on Discord.

'Nuff Said!

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Big Patrick

" Wait a moment please Raylene. If normal is what yah truly want, then no oath will be needed. We can find a bar or restaurant you can run.Y ou have my word on it. Stay out of this as best yah can and come back afterwords.

Daughter, we..you and I can't go backwards and undo what's been done. You long ago made it clear you weren't going to have much to do with me or any of this. I respected that. Yes, I was disappointed at your condition for a number of reasons. Thats water under the bridge now. Go and do what you will with my blessing. I do not expect to survive this war, but I have done what was done to protect our people. "

Lastly April..give this letter tah Grady on the event of my likely passing please."

At this point, Shamrock has brought some clothes for Raylene to change into.

@Michale CS
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" Wait a moment please Raylene. If normal is what yah truly want, then no oath will be needed. We can find a bar or restaurant you can run.Y ou have my word on it. Stay out of this as best yah can and come back afterwords.
"I just want to sleep now. I appreciate the offer, but protocol. I'm going to Rupert for the seed money for a place. If he refuses that, then I'll come back to you and take up your offer, if it's still on the table. You don't happen to have somewhere nearby I can crash? My home address was with the employee files and I can't be sure that none of the thugs got my address, and you see how well my uncle reacted. Last I heard he was turtling up."

Daughter, we..you and I can't go backwards and undo what's been done. You long ago made it clear you weren't going to have much to do with me or any of this. I respected that. Yes, I was disappointed at your condition for a number of reasons. Thats water under the bridge now. Go and do what you will with my blessing. I do not expect to survive this war, but I have done what was done to protect our people. "

Lastly April..give this letter tah Grady on the event of my likely passing please."
"I... don't want to lose you. I've lost so much else. I can't lose you too! I can't!" She went to Patrick and hugged him, perhaps a little tighter than needed, but Patrick could take it. "I... I can barely feel this. But I can't go turnin human at the cost of goin to some goddess cap in hand like th' north to th' Bloody Queen."

After awhile she let him go. "I'm gonna keep stayin wit' Grady, and helpin Rayleen out. But I was tryin for a life I can't have anymore, daddy. So I'm gonna stay by your side through all this. I ain't lettin no one take my daddy away. I'm a selfish little witch, I don't want ta lose anymore than I have."

Big Patrick

"There are no promises in life daughter. Especially with the like of the scum in this town.
Please go and get Miss Raylene tah Grady's for tah night.

Raylene, < he takes a deep breath here > You aren't gonnah have a normal life missy. Best yah be prepared for that. Sometime again, it will bite yah on the ass. That bein said, if yah ask, I will support yah, as will April and Grady I'm sure.

Shamrock darling, show April the numbers on Reserve vault number three and see how long we can keep our shops, restaurants and such closed when she gets back. "

@Michale CS
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Big Patrick

"There are no promises in life daughter. Especially with the like of the scum in this town.
Please go and get Miss Raylene tah Grady's for tah night.

Raylene, < he takes a deep breath here > You aren't gonnah have a normal life missy. Best yah be prepared for that. Sometime again, it will bite yah on the ass. That bein said, if yah ask, I will support yah, as will April and Grady I'm sure.

Shamrock darling, show April the numbers on Reserve vault number three and see how long we can keep our shops, restaurants and such closed when she gets back. "

@Michale CS
So it came to be that there were two attractive women coming back to Grady's house that night, and both of them had been though a sort of cleansing and closure they never let themselves have. Rayleen had insisted they stop somewhere for her to get something decent to wear, and despite her previous misgivings, they went through a Wal-Mart to buy a few things. A T-Shirt, some sweat pants, and a pail of Ice cream. That's right a pail. Like five quarts.

"Grady, Rayleen don't feel safe goin home as it might be that someone got into Cobblepot's files and got her address." She announced to him as Rayleen just breezed into the kitchen and helped herself to what she needed to get several scoops of that ice cream into a bowl and the rest stored in the fridge. But... he wasn't home. "Great. He ain't home either."

"Wanna fool around?" Rayleen teased.

"What?! Be serious Ray." April replied, then would have blinked if she could. "You were serious, weren't you?"

"Kinda. We could just make it look like we were for when Grady gets home." She offered, giggling.

"You're delirious."

"Probably." She came out of the kitchen with the bowl of ice cream. "Still, it'll make him wonder when he shows up. Harmless little prank. Something, anything, to lighten the mood."

"You... but... well fine. Grady gives me a bed but I hardly use it. Finish your ice cream then join me there. Realize I get damned cold if the heat's left down so crank it up. When he finds you lyin across me I wanna see his face. It's what he gets for not bein here when we come home."

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"Wrong. Two heads often leads to the one who knows something second guessing themselves because their so-called 'help' believes in something wrong." He said, purely to be argumentative as he frowned and rubbed his chin.

"..But you did handle yourself well enough with Cobblepot, and afterwards when the firebug decided he'd have some fun splatting himself against our might. Very well. For the night, I'll work with you. If nothing else, I can use you as a distraction. Come then. We have two groups to look into, and both have been active in Gotham recently"

With no further words, he turned and dived off the building before rappelling to a nearby one, launching himself up into the air and off into the night.​
"...Descortés." She mumbled to herself after his immediate rebuttal, just for the sake of being contrarian it seemed, considering his following words. It was...a compliment. I think. Somewhat backhanded with that mention of using her as a distraction, but still she was just going to take it as a solid compliment. "Alright then. Going to work, the bird and the spider." Anya smirked a little before following, a web carrying her over after Damian.​
So, the Spider and the Robin headed out into the night, but it looked like leads on the known quantities in Gotham were scarce, with the rest of the powers retracting and bracing for similar impacts as the one Cobblepot suffered. However, through a lot of intimidation, investigation and a healthy portion of brute force the pair got some information.

The Purple Dragons had all but disappeared from the streets of Gotham, after having slowly appearing around town for the past few weeks.
The only leads on the possible HQ for where the Foot Clan were operating in Gotham were so conflicting that if there was a base, it was moving a lot, or there were a lot of them.
And both of them had the sense that these preliminary strikes were simply feeling out resistance and exposing weakness.

What do you want for one nights work?

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer
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It wasn't long before that toxic money that Joker was spreading would kill dozens of people in the area, starting with the first ones to distribute it. Before it could spread much further, however, a special sort of man bought a candy bar in a convenience store and would have gotten sick and died, but for the fact that he was only one part of a very large collective.

One known as James Madrox. Thankfully, one of his duplicates was skilled enough in toxicology to devise a way to detect the tainted money on sight. Another such dupe was enough of a mathematician to trace the origin of the money and project the spots where it could have spread.

Then, it was a matter of spending a lot of cash to get the tainted bills in change, and absorbing into the main Madrox to shake off the effects of the toxin. Thankfully one of the dupes was a banker and 'borrowed' enough money to quite literally launder the tainted cash away.

Joker would have to wonder why only a dozen businesses were effected by his supposedly city-wide death toll. But... in no time, he would have just one suspect. Even though he showed up on dozens of cameras at the same time.

@Sir Kaltao
...what an exhausting night.

And infuriating. Every time that Ravager and GizmoGal thought they had these shadowy figures in sight and close enough to engage in combat, they'd disappear again, leading them all over the city.

Eventually, they lost track of them altogether when they paused for a moment, finding about a dozen dead people, all clutching money in their hands, in one of the subway tunnel. It was a bizarre enough scene to distract even Ravager long enough to pause for a moment.

And that moment was long enough for them to disappear from being traced. At least for tonight.

@Ms.Ezra @OrlandoBloomers
Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)

@Michale CS @Gands @Ringmaster @Chewy Rabbits @C.T. @thatguyinthestore

The sentinel was quick to swoop in, if it weren't for her vastly different outfit, and apparent lack of a familiar symbol, she might have almost looked like a discount Batman (or Batwoman in this case). She landed beside Gordon in what was almost an instant at the mention of rifles.

"Where? What kind?" She said abruptly.

With her knowledge on standard military weapons, she might be able to recognize what they were, but on the other hand... She had a feeling she might not be dealing with standard military weaponry, based on the sort of wreckage they were sifting through.​
"I'm sorry, I know that I have a bat-signal but I don't just hand out information to anyone wearing a mask. But you'll find out soon enough. Everyone will." He explained in brief what the rifles did then went back to being incredibly busy. There were reports of multiple deaths unrelated to the Iceberg and he had to get units on the scene.

Grady Murtaugh

It's been a bad couple of nights and I get the feeling it will only get worse. Now a whole host of people in costumes getting involved. Some of them might actually be heroes. Some of them only look smart, act smart but are not street smart.

Someone is pulling the strings

I am at the no name bar, The folks here are restless, no masks or capes tonight. Word has gotten around about a bounty.

I get a text from April. Raylene was at my place feasting on Ice cream. Yeah, it's been a tough night all over.

I hope Blue Bird shows up soon and with out her little hotheaded spider friend.
@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
Grady Murtaugh

It's been a bad couple of nights and I get the feeling it will only get worse. Now a whole host of people in costumes getting involved. Some of them might actually be heroes. Some of them only look smart, act smart but are not street smart.

Someone is pulling the strings

I am at the no name bar, The folks here are restless, no masks or capes tonight. Word has gotten around about a bounty.

I get a text from April. Raylene was at my place feasting on Ice cream. Yeah, it's been a tough night all over.

I hope Blue Bird shows up soon and with out her little hotheaded spider friend.
@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
So, when a guy wearing a costume walked in, everyone looked his way. He paused, casting his gaze across the room. "No one wants to try the Who Wants to be a Millionare, nearly certain death edition?" Almost uniformly, eyes averted, and a few people got up and left. The proprietor narrowed his eyes, but just shook his head. No one here was going to try to collect from a guy who wore a skull mask and who, earlier, proved himself crazy enough to kamikaze his flying bike into a guy wearing flammable materials and carrying grenades.

He walked over, put a buck in the jukebox, and started up a song playing.

"Thought so." He moved over and joined Grady, chuckling. "So, who else we waiting on? Seniorita Arana and The Brat Wonder?"

@thatguyinthestore @Gands
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" I hope not. I don't know the current Robin..but his reputation makes me think he and I won't get along. As for Spider salsa..just a simple no for now. But I am waiting for someone. "

Which brings me to you..I saw your act at the iceberg. Very commendable really..but .."

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
...what an exhausting night.

And infuriating. Every time that Ravager and GizmoGal thought they had these shadowy figures in sight and close enough to engage in combat, they'd disappear again, leading them all over the city.

Eventually, they lost track of them altogether when they paused for a moment, finding about a dozen dead people, all clutching money in their hands, in one of the subway tunnel. It was a bizarre enough scene to distract even Ravager long enough to pause for a moment.

And that moment was long enough for them to disappear from being traced. At least for tonight.

@Ms.Ezra @OrlandoBloomers

Across the entire chase, Ravager hadn't once emerged to address the other costumed pursuer proper. Any glimpse of her had been fleeting, at best, her form restricted to the shadows and in a near-constant state of motion. She didn't have to pause, didn't get tired. Not in the conventional way. She could've kept this chase up all night if she had the mind for it.

She didn't. And as the garish ninja slipped their tail once again, the mercenary's daughter decided she was giving up on this utter waste of time and stepped out into the open, raising a militaristic hand to Gizmo to signal her to stop while her other came up to remove her own mask, uncaring of revealing the face beneath it.


"Hff. Enough of this crap. Someone should tell pajamaboy foreplay with no followup is what a jackass does."

Considering him a loose thread to be snipped later for the time being, she nevertheless shook her head in bitter disgust. Moving over to the gaggle of corpses unfazed and stooping low over one to touch it, Rose eventually picked up the wad of money he clutched to examine it, trying to find another lead to follow on from here. Nearly instantly she felt her cheeks start to warm, some type of foreign pathogen trying to invade her body only to be jumped on by the metahuman serum so-conveniently pumping through her veins.

"Great. Hey mutie, keep your distance. Toxin coating these notes. If I start hurling up my dinner a few seconds from now it's my system, fighting it off."

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra
  • Nice Execution!
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" I hope not. I don't know the current Robin..but his reputation makes me think he and I won't get along. As for Spider salsa..just a simple no for now. But I am waiting for someone. "

Which brings me to you..I saw your act at the iceberg. Very commendable really..but .."

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
"It was not my intention to crash a hundred grand worth of vehicle to stop a two-bit criminal, but he actually dodged three of my arrows, something few people have been able to do. It was a drastic measure born of chaos. I was there mainly to make sure the hotheads didn't escalate things needlessly, then Firefly undid any good I was going to do." He shrugged and scoffed.

"I've just spoken with Rupert Thorne's faction. This took him by surprise too." Taskmaster snorted. "They tried to hire me out from under my current employer. Not something I'd ever do, if I ever wanted to be hired by anyone reputable again. I did get something else. Something of more use than the stone wall I got from Thorne's group on the way back from my meeting, which I'll say was not followed by a bombing and won't show up on the news tomorrow."

He pulled out what looked a bit like a jewelry box and opened it up. "I happened to convince one of the fine young men of this town to let me have this after he purchased it... from his cousin he said, who lives across the river in New York. Sonic device. Either this is a one-shot or one that takes awhile to recharge between uses. Still, it's similar enough to one of the device one of the women who run around calling themselves the Black Canary use to make me wonder who would mass produce such a thing. I'm still working on that." He closed up the box and tucked it away.

"Normally I'd say this was a toy made by AIM or Star Labs, but neither of them are usually keen on them getting to a common street thug. I gotta resarch that more."

@Gands @thatguyinthestore
You are a mercenary, the good ones work by a code, like you do. Truthfully, I'm just a guy with some gifts. I've only done the hero thing once, and that was for family.

This whole thing though, really drags you towards trying to help. What's going on is obscene.

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore
You are a mercenary, the good ones work by a code, like you do. Truthfully, I'm just a guy with some gifts. I've only done the hero thing once, and that was for family.

This whole thing though, really drags you towards trying to help. What's going on is obscene.

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore

He scoffed again. "Good as in quality I'll agree with, but the whole moral compass thing is lost on me. Everyone has one motivation in this world - whatever the hell it is that makes them happy. In the end it's all selfishness. Some people will say that they just want to make other's lives better and that's a load of shit. Something inside you just can't abide by these things happening and you believe that you can fix things all by yourself. And feel good that you made a difference. That last part... That's everyone's payoff. Everyone just wants to feel good about themselves."

@Gands @thatguyinthestore
Gotta work on my cardio. Gizmo Gal thought as they came to a stop and she did her best not to collapse against a wall or breath too hard to catch her breath. I didn't know I'd be chasing a ninja. When she saw the bodies littering this section of the subway, she then did her best to not run out of disgust. She hadn't seen a dead body, much less this many, before.
"Great. Hey mutie, keep your distance. Toxin coating these notes. If I start hurling up my dinner a few seconds from now it's my system, fighting it off."

She was glad her previously unseen companion finally showed herself, and warned Janice of the bodies. "Thank for the warning. Gizmo Gal by the way." The young woman introduced herself as she performed a scan of the area.

"They haven't been dead long according to thermal scan." Her altered voice said then added. "And they have more than money. There's semi-fresh food, open bottles of liquor, and some are in new clothes. They just recently came into this money, and came here to celebrate." Janice walked around the bodies using her helmet to look further. "Tents. Shanty dwellings. Beds of scrap. They came back to the only safe place they knew."

"Been a while since Nancy Drew, but I'd hazard a guess this isn't connected to the ninja we've been chasing. This is the work of someone with a sick sense of humor to make killer money." Gizmo Gal said thinking aloud. "So Joker's work. If there are more, I'd imagine there's a little more fear going around up top."

  • Thank You
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Gotta work on my cardio. Gizmo Gal thought as they came to a stop and she did her best not to collapse against a wall or breath too hard to catch her breath. I didn't know I'd be chasing a ninja. When she saw the bodies littering this section of the subway, she then did her best to not run out of disgust. She hadn't seen a dead body, much less this many, before.

She was glad her previously unseen companion finally showed herself, and warned Janice of the bodies. "Thank for the warning. Gizmo Gal by the way." The young woman introduced herself as she performed a scan of the area.

"They haven't been dead long according to thermal scan." Her altered voice said then added. "And they have more than money. There's semi-fresh food, open bottles of liquor, and some are in new clothes. They just recently came into this money, and came here to celebrate." Janice walked around the bodies using her helmet to look further. "Tents. Shanty dwellings. Beds of scrap. They came back to the only safe place they knew."

"Been a while since Nancy Drew, but I'd hazard a guess this isn't connected to the ninja we've been chasing. This is the work of someone with a sick sense of humor to make killer money." Gizmo Gal said thinking aloud. "So Joker's work. If there are more, I'd imagine there's a little more fear going around up top."

Ravager, in contrast, had seen quite a few dead bodies before. Had been the cause of more than a fair share of them. The sight of the bodypile consequentially didn't phase her, even if she wrinkled the bridge of her nose and clenched her teeth in a snarl of disgust as she stood back up from the corpse. "Homeless. Woulda been funnier if he gave the cash out to some rich corporate douchebags in nice suits. These people had nothing to take away."

She officially owed Joker one in the head. Maybe two or three if he kept moving afterward. Turning and clenching her gloved fists as she walked past her associate-by-circumstance, she turned and looked her over with an appraising eye.

"It's Rose. My real name, not the stripper handles we walk around with. Every time I hear someone call me "Ravager" makes me wanna stick swords in my ears, and if you're worrying about my identity then don't bother 'cause I don't have one worth covering."

Her tone, though still gruff by nature, shifted suddenly to something more nonchalant, five fingers pointing casually in Gizmo Gal's direction and making a slight waving gesture as if to point something out with an almost-smirk. "You must be new. Haven't seen you around doing this before. X-suit's a dead giveaway, but I like this whole Daft Punk thing you got going on here with the helmet."

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Gotta work on my cardio. Gizmo Gal thought as they came to a stop and she did her best not to collapse against a wall or breath too hard to catch her breath. I didn't know I'd be chasing a ninja. When she saw the bodies littering this section of the subway, she then did her best to not run out of disgust. She hadn't seen a dead body, much less this many, before.

She was glad her previously unseen companion finally showed herself, and warned Janice of the bodies. "Thank for the warning. Gizmo Gal by the way." The young woman introduced herself as she performed a scan of the area.

"They haven't been dead long according to thermal scan." Her altered voice said then added. "And they have more than money. There's semi-fresh food, open bottles of liquor, and some are in new clothes. They just recently came into this money, and came here to celebrate." Janice walked around the bodies using her helmet to look further. "Tents. Shanty dwellings. Beds of scrap. They came back to the only safe place they knew."

"Been a while since Nancy Drew, but I'd hazard a guess this isn't connected to the ninja we've been chasing. This is the work of someone with a sick sense of humor to make killer money." Gizmo Gal said thinking aloud. "So Joker's work. If there are more, I'd imagine there's a little more fear going around up top."

Ravager, in contrast, had seen quite a few dead bodies before. Had been the cause of more than a fair share of them. The sight of the bodypile consequentially didn't phase her, even if she wrinkled the bridge of her nose and clenched her teeth in a snarl of disgust as she stood back up from the corpse. "Homeless. Woulda been funnier if he gave the cash out to some rich corporate douchebags in nice suits. These people had nothing to take away."

She officially owed Joker one in the head. Maybe two or three if he kept moving afterward. Turning and clenching her gloved fists as she walked past her associate-by-circumstance, she turned and looked her over with an appraising eye.

"It's Rose. My real name, not the stripper handles we walk around with. Every time I hear someone call me "Ravager" makes me wanna stick swords in my ears, and if you're worrying about my identity then don't bother 'cause I don't have one worth covering."

Her tone, though still gruff by nature, shifted suddenly to something more nonchalant, five fingers pointing casually in Gizmo Gal's direction and making a slight waving gesture as if to point something out with an almost-smirk. "You must be new. Haven't seen you around doing this before. X-suit's a dead giveaway, but I like this whole Daft Punk thing you got going on here with the helmet."


Her voice emanated out of the darkness as a simple and straightforward greeting before the speaker stepped out of the shadows that obscured her from sight.


She too had been pursuing the trail the ninja left, and as it was, also following Ravager and her compatriot. And just like them, she too had lost the ninja. It didn't show on her face or in her voice, but she was impressed. Any ninja who could lose her in addition to Rose Wilson, was not someone to trifle with. She would have just departed the scene without letting her presence be known, were it not for the bodies scattered around.

The guns hitting the streets, the local criminals emboldened by them...that was still very much an important issue. But if the Joker was indeed around, spreading further mayhem in the streets, then that took top priority. Locking him away, preferably for good. Gotham was already going crazy enough without a loose cannon.

"Smart companion. Useful. I will be joining you to take out Joker." She stated confidently, scanning the bodies herself. No time to bury, but the analysis did seem to be correct. After a moment Cassandra added in the same serious tone: "Name not a stripper handle." With that she turned to Gizmo Gal and simply nodded in silent greeting.

@OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra
  • Nice Execution!
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"Homeless. Woulda been funnier if he gave the cash out to some rich corporate douchebags in nice suits. These people had nothing to take away."
"Dissemination was his game then. And from what I've heard, he's all about the cruel joke." Janice kept walking past the bodies and dwellings.
"It's Rose. My real name, not the stripper handles we walk around with. Every time I hear someone call me "Ravager" makes me wanna stick swords in my ears, and if you're worrying about my identity then don't bother 'cause I don't have one worth covering."
"Nice to meet you Rose. You'll understand if I don't share my real name. I do have an identity worth covering. So you can just call me by my stripper handle if and when we get to know each other better." She chuckled after, which sounded odd when synthesized. She stepped on a discarded dufflebag and kicked it out of her way. Ahead, she saw the open door to a maintenance area and went for it.

"You must be new. Haven't seen you around doing this before. X-suit's a dead giveaway, but I like this whole Daft Punk thing you got going on here with the helmet."
"Thanks. Helmets always made more sense to me. Especially since I don't have a healing factor." She was about to say something else when someone new joined them. She chuckled again. "Joker will feel lucky, having three ladies looking to tie him up."

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T.
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"Nice to meet you Rose. You'll understand if I don't share my real name. I do have an identity worth covering. So you can just call me by my stripper handle if and when we get to know each other better." She chuckled after, which sounded odd when synthesized. She stepped on a discarded dufflebag and kicked it out of her way. Ahead, she saw the open door to a maintenance area and went for it.
"I'll trim it to GG. Less of a mouthful."

She remarked back with a relaxed attitude, smirking a little further at the stray kick to the duffle bag and giving it a heavy boot off into the ramshackle structures herself when she passed by a moment later. Stress relief. She was sure the owner wouldn't mind. Any further action was interrupted by the arrival of another figure, one of few individuals in the world with a hope in hell of sneaking up on her on a good day. And, unfortunately, far from her favorite person.

Her voice emanated out of the darkness as a simple and straightforward greeting before the speaker stepped out of the shadows that obscured her from sight.


She too had been pursuing the trail the ninja left, and as it was, also following Ravager and her compatriot. And just like them, she too had lost the ninja. It didn't show on her face or in her voice, but she was impressed. Any ninja who could lose her in addition to Rose Wilson, was not someone to trifle with. She would have just departed the scene without letting her presence be known, were it not for the bodies scattered around.

The guns hitting the streets, the local criminals emboldened by them...that was still very much an important issue. But if the Joker was indeed around, spreading further mayhem in the streets, then that took top priority. Locking him away, preferably for good. Gotham was already going crazy enough without a loose cannon.

"Smart companion. Useful. I will be joining you to take out Joker." She stated confidently, scanning the bodies herself. No time to bury, but the analysis did seem to be correct. After a moment Cassandra added in the same serious tone: "Name not a stripper handle." With that she turned to Gizmo Gal and simply nodded in silent greeting.

@OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra

Her reaction was nil when yet another mysterious figure stepped forth from the shadows to address her that night. Only this one wasn't so mysterious, having forgone even the old stitched-together mask for a new look that didn't seem all-too concerned with concealing her face. How familiar. It was impossible to glean what complex thoughts passed through her enhanced mind in the span of seconds as Cassandra made her intentions further clear, but there was nothing complex about what happened whenever the bat-aligned hero came close enough.

"What a comforting thought. The smile you left on my throat is just gleaming. Trouble is--"


A fist snapped out at metahuman speeds to try and clock her in the jaw the instant she turned to nod at GG, Rose moving for a swift and immediate KO by sucker punch.

"--the LAST thing either of us need is a BAT weighing us down!"

@C.T. @Ms.Ezra
  • Nice Execution!
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