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As he made his way around the event, making idle small chat with some of the donors attending the charity event. Robbie heard the telltale signs that the guest heroes had arrived. Or at least some of them. Turning to try and get a look at who was there, he easily recognized the man known as Mr. Fantastic. Also called "Reed Richards." One of the Pro-Registration heroes on his world.

The rest, he was unfamiliar with. Save for the mention of Mrs. Walters. He couldn't help but be reminded of the old world he was once apart of. Deciding it was for the best if he distanced himself from the crowd. Robbie made his way to a bench not too far away from the event, but still a far enough to where he would be undisturbed for a little bit. Laying the duffle bag down next to him on the bench, opening it up to peek at its contents. His suit had hardly been messed with, aside from the displacement caused by him moving around constantly.

He reached inside to touch the spikey helmet, gently touching the spikes on the outside before reaching to the inside of the helm. Immediately he was greeted with the painful touch of spikes. The placement of the spikes were specific enough to where they would block his vision or doing something along the lines. They still hurt. That was their purpose. To serve as a painful reminder of his failure. He soon closed the duffle bag, not wanting anyone to walk past and see what was inside.

He would just sit there, watching the event go on. Waiting for his chance to question Mr. Fantastic.

@Camleen @Ms.Ezra @Michale CS @Nomad-22 @AnyoneElseIMissedThatIsAttendingTheEvent
Azalia Ashburn
@Michale CS

"Yeah, I guess it is best for me to stay where I am. But, Cypher has a knack for finding individuals and I am no exception to that rule. As for the collab I would love to. Just, be warned... things tend to get weird when I am around." Azalia said scratching the back of her head. It was obvious she was feeling out of her element on this one. Working with someone else brought with it some issues that she would have to tackle. But, if things really went south... atleast there would be someone with overt abilities to deal with the chaos.

Hearing soft footsteps Azalia suddenly turned on her heel and took something from Cyphers hand. "Appreciated." Azalia said to the stunned body guard. "I heard your foot steps." Azalia lied. She had seen him a mile away courtesy of the disembodied rabbits head giving her a good view of the meadow. "You know, as much as I love music, my true love is in art and design." Azalia said suddenly. Taking a long and drawn out sip from her iced coffee Azalia shook her head "Brain freeze... why did I have to be born with a thin membrane on the top of my mouth."

"Do you know any good places to get nice clothes that aren't that over the top. Specificly things that dont cost the net worth of a small country." Azalia chirped out. Cypher nudged her "You still need to donate." He said making her slowly turn her head "Yeah I know. It isn't like it is going to end suddenly. Well.. knowing my luck the ground could suddenly decide to blow up leaving only the two of us on a small sliver of rock. Its like I live in a pocket universe of looney toons. Duck Dodgers is going to show up next I bet." The young woman continued on "Anyway, we definitely need to do something together in the future. Maybe something involving water... or if we really want to make it interesting, it should definitely be lava."

Silver Surfer
New York Charity Event


Norrin had been in communication with his dear friend Reed and had agreed to help today. He had anonymous donations brought in from Los Angeles, National City and San Diego, flying them here himself. Later he would treat a raffle winner to a fast ride on the board.

Now finished with the paperwork of the donation, he began to circulate among the crowd. He spotted Psyhawk working patrol and gave her a nod and a smile. He acknowledged a mental message from Eden. With so many people, many dressed in costumes of their own, he managed to wander about relatively unbothered. He found a young man sitting by himself at a bench and sat down near him.

" You don't look like you are enjoying yourself "

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @Camleen @Nomad-22 @The Wanderer @Angelic Fusion

Riri… the new 'Iron Man' (Iron Girl? Iron Woman?) was named Riri. She'll remember that. Her eyes linger on the armor, thinking how she wouldn't like to wear something so cumbersome. But then, she is built (literally built) for speed and agility. Not to be a big gun, though in some situations that's exactly what she can be.

Her green eyes move to Janice as she speaks, and her gaze then moves to her open hand. Ah yes, real people who are together sometimes hold hands when they are in public and moving about. Especially in crowds. Of course she doesn't at first… but…

She reaches out, her smaller hand grasping Janice's as they move off, for a few moments her eyes lingering on Riri's armor. But she also catches sight of something else… when Riri arrived she had thought that perhaps a missile had been coming at them. Based solely on the sound of Riri's thrusters. But now, she thinks a missile is heading towards the crowd based solely on the sight of one Norrin Radd descending from the sky. Janice would feel her freeze a moment, her mind telling her to act with the (seemingly) eminent danger. But once he descends low enough, her enhanced eyesight is able to make out the silhouette of a man. She quickly looks away though. This is becoming more and more and more of a bad idea. It feels like 'heroes' are coming out of the woodwork. The Silver Surfer is considered to be an extreme threat, and she only once found a way to kill him in simulations.

Unfortunately it also meant destroying most of the United States in the process. But she did beat him!

As they walk along the various games offered, 'Jennifer' gazes at each in passing. Of course she realizes she has no money… well no money on her. But that's a plot point for another post. The thought of the Silver Surfer now here seems to be put into the back of her mind as she eyes all of the games… her gaze lingering on a shooting game with BB rifles. Together they stop at the balloon game, her now wide eyes peering up at all of the stuffed animals. Eesh… she's never seen so many in one place. Janice releases her hand, and she moves up closer to the counter, both hands resting on its edge as she looks over the prizes offered. And slowly her head tilts to one side as she sees a small 'Hello Kitty' stuffed toy. She stares at it intently, and then towards the worker behind the counter as he addresses them.

Janice gives an example of how to win at the game… she frowns thoughtfully as she looks towards the balloons. So, what's the scam here? Killing the balloons with the darts would be easy. But it's a matter of pure chance of getting a prize. And she's willing to bet very few of the balloons have prizes under them. Probably by the time you spent enough on darts to find a prize, you could have just gone to the store and bought the prize. Probably a version of it of superior quality.

That's all in her head, of course. 'Jennifer' wouldn't point out such things.

She looks up at Janice as she throws her darts… and internally is critical of her throwing stance. But she does manage to kill 2 balloons in a row. Almost immediately when Janice gives her the go ahead and scoops up the 10 remaining darts in her left hand, holding them so she can grasp them quickly with her right. She looks over the remaining balloons… and comes up with a pattern of the likeliest places the prizes would be. She glances at the worker, then back to the balloons. He is a carnival games worker… probably has been doing this for a while. He has good customer service, but she's willing to guess that he wouldn't go out of his way to put up prizes behind the balloons that would be harder for him to reach. So she eliminates the top row of balloons as targets. If her theory is correct, he would have put prizes behind the balloons that were easily within his reach, because he's been doing it so much today that he is tired of doing it. Or so she assumes.

Her right hand flicks down and grasps a dart from her left, and in one smooth motion she plucks it up and throws it, killing a balloon. She presumes she's supposed to keep going, that she is to use all of the darts. And so she does. Her motions are the same for every single dart, killing balloons in rapid succession, a pattern obvious in her path of latex destruction. She doesn't hit any of the balloons on the top row. While it is totally chance of getting a prize, she thinks she has made her odds better.

And she feels a little pride she could kill as many balloons as she did.

Tagging: @Ms.Ezra, @Gands
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Robbie nearly jumped out of his skin when the Silver Surfer showed right next to him. As he was in deep thought about what to ask Richards when he would finally get to talk to him.

The Surfer had remarked that Robbie looked as if he wasn't having fun. Been awhile since he had fun. "Not much of a social person. Came here to not only see an old friend. But also lend a helping hand." He said. Doing his best to act nonchalant.

On the inside, Robbie was having a battle. Part of him just wanted to ask the Surfer questions, or even ask to talk to Richards himself. But on the other hand, he could be seen as a crazy person. So, until the time came. He was just going to have to play it cool.


Her motions are the same for every single dart, killing balloons in rapid succession, a pattern obvious in her path of latex destruction. She doesn't hit any of the balloons on the top row. While it is totally chance of getting a prize, she thinks she has made her odds better.

Janice clapped for Jennifer when she hit the first balloon, and kept going until the fourth balloon was popped in such quick succession. Her hands hung in the air until the final dart was gone.

"Oh wow. What did she win?" She asked the worker, who was similarly surprised as he went to collect each dart.

"Well uh she can pick out four small prizes or one large and a small." He said indicating the rows she could select from.

"Neat! So what would you like Jennifer?" She asked, for now letting the question of why she was so good at darts sit in the back of her mind. It could be she just had a natural talent.

"Fine whatever. I'll try to go easy on the lucky winner."

Tommy fist pumped, whispering yes, loudn enough for both Richards and Raph to hear. Yup the little boy got Mikey's charm...hopefully with more brains. Knowing his kid brother, Raphael wouldn't be surprised if that bonehead was already doing something loony right about now in his Turtle Titan gimmick at this event.

Turtle Titan Logo.png

No sooner than Raph was finishing his wondering, when Mikey... eh, Turtle Titan, popped his head in. "Oh hey brooooh- ke my way into an important meeting in the trailer I guess. There's a super hero here!" He caught his mistake and kneeled by Tommy. "Oh, man, I'm sorry, I guess I blew your secret identity, dude. Sorry bout that."

Billy laughed. "I'm not a super hero, you are! You're Turtle Titan!"

"I am? What, well look at this costume, I guess I am! Oh, anyway, Mister Fantastic, I figured out what my auction will be. An hour of skateboarding lessons on the beach followed by a surfing lesson, and ending with... pizza. Sound cool?" Mikey finished up.

"I suppose that's sufficient. If we have any last minute entries from the heroes they can see me behind the stage. It's nearly time for the opening ceremonies. If you'll excuse me." He gave a wink to Turtle Titan for his handling of Billy as he left.

"Hey, Billy. I gotta talk to Nightwatcher here for a minute. Secret Super Hero stuff. I'd let you stay but to do so would put you in extreme danger. Can you guard the door for us while we have our conference?" Mikey said with a very well done sincerity, mainly because he mostly meant it.

Billy smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, Turtle Titan! See you soon, Nightwatcher!" and he stepped out.

"Sorry bro, took me off guard I didn't see the kid at first."
He said quietly, knowing that Billy was likely listening at the door. "I just wanted you to know that April will be here covering this event for the Bugle."


"Yeah, I guess it is best for me to stay where I am. But, Cypher has a knack for finding individuals and I am no exception to that rule. As for the collab I would love to. Just, be warned... things tend to get weird when I am around."

"Darlin' I've been to the microverse, been through the Inferno event, and the Incident. Weird sort of happens around me. It's not going to bother me one bit."

"Do you know any good places to get nice clothes that aren't that over the top. Specifically things that don't cost the net worth of a small country." Azalia chirped out.

"Out of the Closet. High end second hand and consignment store. All proceeds go to support LGBT charities. There's one on 24th around the corner from Madison Square Garden, next to the bridal store." Alison rattled off. "I'd love to go with you if you're shopping for yourself, unless that's a more personal thing for you."

The young woman continued on "Anyway, we definitely need to do something together in the future. Maybe something involving water... or if we really want to make it interesting, it should definitely be lava."

"Perfect. I'll give your guy my guy's number and we'll work it out on the back end later, huh?"

@Angelic Fusion


"Sure. I gotta get backstage soon anyway." RiRi made her way through her fans, headed to the stage.

Not too long later, the curtain draws back on the stage, revealing a central podium and several microphone stands to either side of that. A fanfare plays for a moment to draw the attention to the stage.

Once attention was there, the music changed up


Jennifer Walters walked out on stage, like a model out onto the catwalk. "Are you ready to run? Because you know I am!" She was wearing a variation of her usual costume, and spent several minutes getting the crowd worked up before the music changed once again and not one, but two armored figures landed to each side of She-Hulk.


This got a big cheer for the audience. War Machine stepped up to his mic and spoke. "I'm-" he cleared his throat. "We're so happy to be here today representing Stark Industries. Ironheart's decided that she's just going to add onto my auction package, so after your Quinjet flight around New York, we'll end up at the Stark Industries building for a lunch with both of us. The run starts in thirty minutes, and remember, your 5k run donates 5k to the charities supported. Each person who finishes the race adds five thousand dollars to Stark's donation today!"


Just then, Reed Richards 'group hugged' the heroes on stage by himself and stepped up beside Jennifer on the podium. "How about a big round of applause for our heroes?" After the requisite cheering and applauding, the other heroes and celebrities in attendance were paraded on stage, where each of them let the audience know of what their auction item was. The tickets won in the carnival games could be placed in any of the boxes at the base of the stage named for the donating hero, and one ticket would be pulled from each at the end of the run.

@Gands @Camleen @Angelic Fusion @Nomad-22 @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra

'Jennifer' seems to be distracted as she finishes off the darts, absently brushing her hands off. She is criticizing herself internally, thinking she could have made a better pattern. But she is very critical of herself.

Perhaps because she's used to constantly being judged, and now that there's no one around to do it, she does it herself.

The man behind the counter directs his attention to Laura, and says "Well uh.. she can pick out four small prizes or one large and one small." The period at the end of that sentence barely has time to pass through his lips before Laura speaks up promptly, pointing. "The Hello Kitty doll. And" she looks along the row of prizes, her eyes narrowing at one. She points to it "And that monkey." The carnie retrieves the larger of the two, the Hello Kitty and hands it off to Laura, and then he hands her the stuffed monkey. It's actually a sock monkey doll.

She holds them in her hands, and then looks up to Janice. She holds the sock monkey doll out to her "This belongs to you now." And for a brief brief moment her New York accent is gone. She then grasps Janice's free hand, and she leads her away from the balloon game. She now leads Janice through the crowd, her smaller form kind of leaning forward as she does so. But she stops suddenly as the very loud music from the stage starts. She is motionless as she stares in the direction of the stage, still holding Janice's hand. Her eyes narrow a little as one by one the 'heroes' present themselves. She says nothing as she watches them, an emotionless gaze upon her features. But in her head…

She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters. Extreme threat. Blind first, then incapacitate limbs one by one starting with the legs. Hit and run tactics.
War Machine, James Rhodes. Riri. EMP pulse to disable armor, then remove power supply and/or life support systems. Keep within melee range at all times.
Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards. Use liquid nitrogen derivative to retard elasticity. Make small cuts along limbs to allow for 'tearing'. Remove head.

She seems to come out of it after a moment, looking up at Janice and once more leading her through the crowd. She doesn't seem particularly interested in the heroes, though just about everyone else is going crazy over them. To 'Jennifer', she's more like… meh.

Right towards the shooting game. A game with BB guns and moving targets of all shapes… mostly stars, circles, little trees and bunny shapes. She stops at the counter, the woman behind the counter speaking excitedly. "Step on up and show off your skill! You ladies seem like you can handle yourselves and a rifle! Take a few shots and win yourself some shiny prizes!" Now she looks up to Janice, motioning her towards one of the guns with her head. "I don't have no moneys. Can I play this one? Can you show me how?"

Of course it's silly to think she needs to be shown how to shoot a gun, even a fake one. She's already spotted the fact that the sights are off, probably intentionally. But she's still trying to make a show of it… trying to perhaps dissuade any suspicion..

Tagging: @Ms.Ezra, @Michale CS, @Nomad-22, @The Wanderer
Silver Surfer aka Norin Radd
New York Charity event

Norrin gently placed a hand on the other fellows shoulder.

"I hope you have good fortune while you wait for your friend. "

With that Norrin began again to wander the park while he waited to be on the main stage. While he walked, his board floated behind him vertically. He saw the woman Janice that his friend Eden wanted him to say hello to. She was with a teenager.

"Excuse me, is your name Janice ? Eden tells me you are a woman of quality "

@Michale CS @Camleen @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra

"This belongs to you now." And for a brief brief moment her New York accent is gone.

"Oh thank you Jennifer, you're too kind." Janice accepted the monkey and used the small magnets in its hands to hang it from her neck as she was led by the hand to the next game. When the music and Mr. Fantastic drew their attention to the main stage, Janice was too distracted ogling She-Hulk with stars and hearts in her eyes to take note of Jennifer's demeanor. At the end of the ceremony, she quickly dug out from her fanny pack a handful of tickets from her earlier modest foray into the carnival games that dispensed tickets rather than prizes and had turned to Jennifer when Silver Surfer hovered over to them.

"S-she said I'm a woman of quality? Well if Eden thinks so, that must be true." She gave the Silver Surfer a toothy smile and blushed. "It's nice to meet you Mr. Surfer. Say, can you watch my friend Jenny here while I quick run and throw in my tickets? Thanks." She asked then thanked him without waiting for a response and running to the stage. Her intention was to throw all of her tickets into She-Hulk's box, but she was judging herself for being so obviously smitten and desperate. So Janice tossed some into the boxes of the Turtle Titan and Nightwatcher, even though she'd not entirely heard what they were offering, before dropping the rest in her most desired prize. Like a schoolgirl, Janice only waved at She-Hulk with a flush face and wide smile before trotting back to Jennifer.

"Okay. I'm back. So, let's drop some targets before the fun run." She held out her hand for the Surfer to shake. "Again, really nice to meet you Mr. Surfer."

Going up to the shooting gallery, Janice gave over a five dollar bill and was given one of the BB guns. "I'll admit guns are not my thing. My PE teacher always told us if we couldn't settle things with diplomacy, hand and fists were the best option. But here I go." And Janice quickly showed that she needed glasses for reading and shooting, as she only grazed one target with the six BBs in the gun.

"See? Oh and uh, when you're telling your folks about this, leave out that I let you fire a BB gun, k?" She asked while giving another five and handing her the reloaded BB gun.

@Michale CS @Gands @Camleen
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"Totally, Mr. Stark know's I'm a complete team player!" exclaimed Spidey as he spoke to Captain America. "But if you're talking about that stuff with Captain Pin-cushion and The Vul-turd, I totally had it handled, even without Mr. Stark's help!" Before Spidey could back up his point further, he stopped short, realizing he was sounding just like a kid right now. But then again, he was a kid, but nobody here knew that so silently told himself to get his act together.

But as the girls teleported away and Cap and Luke Cage got into a car together, Spidey realized he had essentially become a third-wheel. As the car containing both meta-humans drove away, Spidey groaned and spoke to himself as he fired off a strand of webbing, ready to follow them. "Great," he muttered, making sure not to activate his communicator so the others couldn't hear his griping, "And here I was thinking I might actually conserve some web-fluid tonight."

Following closely behind the car, but keeping out of sight of any passers-by so as to not draw further attention to the group, Spidey leapt from rooftop to rooftop, using whatever webbing he could spare to help pass over the larger gaps until they finally reached their destination.

As he perched on a nearby rooftop next to a gargoyle statue, waiting for the others to get out of the car, Spidey spied a poster across the way advertising a superhero-charged run for charity held by Stark Industries. His eyes popped open wide and he nearly slapped himself for forgetting the event. "Oh crap-sickles!" he muttered, "I promised J.J I'd be there to get photos, I completely forgot-- Ugh. I hope Miles doesn't have anything else to do today..."

Quickly whipping out his phone from a secure compartment on the utility belt attached to his waist, Spidey quickly shot off a text to his friend and fellow-photograph enthusiast, Miles Morales, asking him to accompany Eddie while the Bugle covered the event. As much as Peter wanted to go (more so for the chance at meeting She-Hulk, War Machine and what seemed like Tony's newest protege, Iron Heart and doing the run as Peter Parker to help out the cause), he knew that Spider-Man was needed right now. After all; he managed to convince Captain America to let him help, he couldn't pass up this valuable opportunity for some additional 'Avengers-cred' while also kicking some bad-guy butt.
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Castle Wyvern
Night before Charity Event​

"Well Ah reckon ah could be a cousin from Texas. Introduce me as Odessa, would ya? We can tell Hudson the genuine truth and let him decide what to tell the others." She was quick in more than body, but of wit as well, apparently.

"Got it Odessa." Brooklyn affirmed. The pair soared up into the clouds and landed in the castle courtyard. Bronx was there, gnawing on a large bone of something likely pilfered from the kitchen. The Gargoyle beast perked up at his presence, but when Ophelia/Odessa touched down regarded her with wary eyes and a low growl as he approached.

"Easy Bronx, she's one of us." Brooklyn assured the beast, touching his haunch and motioning to Ophelia. "If you are our kin, he'll smell something of us on you, and trust you."

@Michale CS
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Castle Wyvern
Night before Charity Event
"Easy Bronx, she's one of us." Brooklyn assured the beast, touching his haunch and motioning to Ophelia. "If you are our kin, he'll smell something of us on you, and trust you."

"Of course I know Bronx! I also know he likes to be scratched right here..." Ophelia approached with a familiar ease and found that one spot on the back of his neck that Bronx could never quite scratch himself. And indeed, she would smell like what she was, a mix of Goliath and Eliza, with a little something else, but definitely gargoyle-y.

@Sir Kaltao

As noted before… heroes coming out of the woodwork. Coming here was a really bad idea. She's supposed to be staying hidden. She's wanted for hundreds of murders in about a dozen countries… not exactly the kind of status that allows one to just meander around. But coming here isn't the first dumb decision she has made recently.

'Jennifer' holds her new Hello Kitty plush under her arm carefully, as if afraid to hurt it. Discretely she sniffs at the air as her head bows down, taking in a very unusual scent. One that stands out amongst the crowd of sweaty people and of carnival food. As he approaches, 'Jennifer' looks towards the Silver Surfer, her eyes narrowing a little. Oh it would be fun to try and kill him.

Not that she thinks murder is fun… she sees it as a necessity. But fighting him, the challenge of it, that would be fun. She'd probably get her ass handed to her, but the challenge would be fun. She looks up between Janice and the Silver Surfer as they briefly converse… and her eyes widen slightly when she hears that she's going to be left alone with the chrome man. She stares up at Janice as if to silently say 'whu?'.

And as Janice moves off to try and fulfill her fantasies with carnival tickets, 'Jennifer' just stands silently and stares up at the Silver Surfer. She says nothing as she holds onto her new plush (actually her only stuffed toy), her eyes just staring into his eyes. An unamused look upon her young features. Even if Norrin tries to speak to her, she will just continue to stare silently (almost creepily) up to him.

Janice comes back after what seems like hours (though of course it's just been a few minutes), and 'Jennifer' turns towards the shooting gallery. But as she turns, her eyes remain locked on the Silver Surfer's eyes, even watching him over her shoulder for a moment. Her attention, though, is then directed towards Janice and her shooting skills. Which aren't great. She can indeed tell that Janice needs glasses or something, judging by the way she is squinting at the targets. Well if she would have known that, she wouldn't have had her go first.

She looks towards the counter in front of her and carefully sits her Hello Kitty on it… her hands hovering above the doll for a few moments, adjusting how it's sitting, her hands above the doll for a few moments, and then adjusts it again. She wants to make sure the doll doesn't fall, and it can see her shooting. She looks up at Janice as she takes the gun in hand, nodding a little. "I won't tell mama and papa." Which should be easy enough. She doesn't have a father and her mother is dead. Her real mother and father, anyways. Well kind of father. It's very complicated.

She holds the BB rifle up, and sees she was right about the sights being off. Probably intentionally. Most wouldn't notice that, of course. So when they shoot, they think they just aren't great shots. But she knows to adjust for this. The targets start to move again, and she starts to fire.


She lowers the rifle, having missed 2 of the targets. But she doesn't seem disappointed. The other targets she hit (2 star shapes and 2 circle shapes) were hit perfectly in their centers. The woman behind the counter reaches out to take the gun from her and speaks in a disappointed tone. "Aw well that's too bad! Ya needed one more for a prize, little one!" 'Jennifer' shrugs a little as she grasps her plushie once more, looking up to Janice as she speaks, a certain earnest in her tone. "I did not want to murder the bunnies." Some of the targets were rabbit shaped. Her attention moves towards the area around them, seeing if the Silver Surfer is still there… and then she looks back towards Janice. "What now? What do ya wanna do? Want me ta win ya more tickets so ya can see She-Hulk?" She says with a little nod up to her.
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Azalia Ashburn
@Michale CS @Gands @Nomad-22 @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra @Camleen

"Yeah, I think I can go to that store. Thats also a nice cause to support so that only makes me want to go there even more." Azalia said before Alison handed her number to Cypher. "Oh, the weird I deal with may show you a thing or two." Azalia said with a smirk. "Its different, not that I dont think you've seen worse. But, it has its own special brand of obnoxious about it." The woman continued to say before her attention was directed to the stage and those up on it. "Oh wow... Okay. Alison it was awesome to meet you but, I need to get tickets. I wouldn't mind getting and inside look at Stark's tower. But, I guess its more about the inner workings of the jet." Azalia began to ramble off before blushing.

"Alright, nerding out here. Ill see you later." Azalia said before going through the now condensed crowd. Bumping into a few people she was finally stopped by Cypher. "This way." Cypher said leading her away from the stage. She had been unable to figure out where exactly she was through sound alone. And, with the changes to the area the disembodied rabbits head had its view blocked.

With the help of her guard Azalia reached the donation area and donated money rather than food. Food spoils, but money inflates. Laughing to herself Cypher looked over at her "Whats so funny?" He asked Azalia. "Inside joke. By inside I mean I am laughing at something I was thinking about." The woman responded before going over and waiting for the crowd to clear out decently. "I've never actually seen what any of them look like up close. But, then again getting to within a foot of someone is abit of a presonal space breach." Azalia said as she put the tickets into the different slots.

Feeling a tug on her arm as they walked away from the stage Azalia saw the very light outline of a grinning face staring up at her. The Vistine rabbit waved its arms around before waddling off and behind one of the food vendors. The behavior of the rabbit made her sigh "Ill be back. I need to use the bathroom." Azalia said as her guard nodded. Making her way over the rabbit Azalia kneeled down next to it as it phased itself into the real world. "Heiss, Essen du." The creature began to say as Azalia took a seat. "Okay, thats fine but you are bugging me at one hell of an inconvenient time." She responded to the creature.

Sighing Azalia nodded and gave the creature a twenty dollar bill. "Go crazy." She mumbled out slightly frazzled by the creature choosing this place to bug her at. The rabbit soon returned and handed the woman a large cup. Staring up at her Azalia exhaled causing the cup to collapse in on itself before reforming its shape into a chalice like shape. The rabbit snatched it out of her hand before filling it up with quarters. "Happy now?" She asked it. Its head shook up and down fast before it began to shake the chalice. Leering at the creature Azalia shook her head and walked away back to Cypher. During her walk back the noise of metal on metal could be heard followed by cackling laughter as the creature entertained itself.​
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april-o-neil.jpg April was there, looking annoyed. Her cameraman, Parker, didn't show. She looked at her watch again and began taking pictures with her phone, making a lot of notes.

The kid was supposedly good at taking pictures of super heroes, and she felt bad getting him in trouble so she just shot him a text.

"I'm covering for you this time, Parker, but you owe me. Big. Meet me later for digital copies of the pictures 'you' took. April."

Then, April discreetly shot off texts to Nightwatcher and Turtle Titan, asking them to get some good pictures of themselves and the other supers during the run, promising to buy them the Big Poppa pizza from Big Momma's and Poppa's pizza, which was simply the largest pizza to be had anywhere commercially...

She figured that would satisfy them for their work. Plus, she was going to tell Parker that she had "expenses" because of him.

@Nomad-22 @mr_pibbs
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No sooner than Raph was finishing his wondering, when Mikey... eh, Turtle Titan, popped his head in. "Oh hey brooooh- ke my way into an important meeting in the trailer I guess. There's a super hero here!" He caught his mistake and kneeled by Tommy. "Oh, man, I'm sorry, I guess I blew your secret identity, dude. Sorry bout that."

Billy laughed. "I'm not a super hero, you are! You're Turtle Titan!"

"I am? What, well look at this costume, I guess I am! Oh, anyway, Mister Fantastic, I figured out what my auction will be. An hour of skateboarding lessons on the beach followed by a surfing lesson, and ending with... pizza. Sound cool?" Mikey finished up.

"I suppose that's sufficient. If we have any last minute entries from the heroes they can see me behind the stage. It's nearly time for the opening ceremonies. If you'll excuse me." He gave a wink to Turtle Titan for his handling of Billy as he left.

"Hey, Billy. I gotta talk to Nightwatcher here for a minute. Secret Super Hero stuff. I'd let you stay but to do so would put you in extreme danger. Can you guard the door for us while we have our conference?" Mikey said with a very well done sincerity, mainly because he mostly meant it.

Billy smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, Turtle Titan! See you soon, Nightwatcher!" and he stepped out.

"Sorry bro, took me off guard I didn't see the kid at first." He said quietly, knowing that Billy was likely listening at the door. "I just wanted you to know that April will be here covering this event for the Bugle."


"Darlin' I've been to the microverse, been through the Inferno event, and the Incident. Weird sort of happens around me. It's not going to bother me one bit."

"Out of the Closet. High end second hand and consignment store. All proceeds go to support LGBT charities. There's one on 24th around the corner from Madison Square Garden, next to the bridal store." Alison rattled off. "I'd love to go with you if you're shopping for yourself, unless that's a more personal thing for you."

"Perfect. I'll give your guy my guy's number and we'll work it out on the back end later, huh?"

@Angelic Fusion


"Sure. I gotta get backstage soon anyway." RiRi made her way through her fans, headed to the stage.

Not too long later, the curtain draws back on the stage, revealing a central podium and several microphone stands to either side of that. A fanfare plays for a moment to draw the attention to the stage.

Once attention was there, the music changed up


Jennifer Walters walked out on stage, like a model out onto the catwalk. "Are you ready to run? Because you know I am!" She was wearing a variation of her usual costume, and spent several minutes getting the crowd worked up before the music changed once again and not one, but two armored figures landed to each side of She-Hulk.

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This got a big cheer for the audience. War Machine stepped up to his mic and spoke. "I'm-" he cleared his throat. "We're so happy to be here today representing Stark Industries. Ironheart's decided that she's just going to add onto my auction package, so after your Quinjet flight around New York, we'll end up at the Stark Industries building for a lunch with both of us. The run starts in thirty minutes, and remember, your 5k run donates 5k to the charities supported. Each person who finishes the race adds five thousand dollars to Stark's donation today!"


Just then, Reed Richards 'group hugged' the heroes on stage by himself and stepped up beside Jennifer on the podium. "How about a big round of applause for our heroes?" After the requisite cheering and applauding, the other heroes and celebrities in attendance were paraded on stage, where each of them let the audience know of what their auction item was. The tickets won in the carnival games could be placed in any of the boxes at the base of the stage named for the donating hero, and one ticket would be pulled from each at the end of the run.

@Gands @Camleen @Angelic Fusion @Nomad-22 @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra

View attachment 139384 April was there, looking annoyed. Her cameraman, Parker, didn't show. She looked at her watch again and began taking pictures with her phone, making a lot of notes.

The kid was supposedly good at taking pictures of super heroes, and she felt bad getting him in trouble so she just shot him a text.

"I'm covering for you this time, Parker, but you owe me. Big. Meet me later for digital copies of the pictures 'you' took. April."

@Nomad-22 @mr_pibbs

Think of Mikey and he appears and nearly screw things up. Raph recalled a saying Casey mentioned from some old war, loose lips sink ships. That totally fits Mikey in Raph's opnion as he stared at him in annoyance, as his little brother toward a more private discussion with Tommy nearby and no doubt trying to listen in.

"You always have trouble with that big mouth of yours." Raph replied before Mikey told that their good friend April O'Neal will be present. Nodding his head Raphael actually appreciated the head ups, April was one of the very selected few outside of the family that he trusted completely. Heck she was like an older sister, he reminded himself and it would be good if they can catch up.

"Thanks and try not to give away anymore secret identities."

Saying that Raph then playfully slapped the back of Mikey's head. Once done he found Tommy who looked up to him and said. "You know Turtle Titan?"

"Like a toothache. But he gots it where it counts."

"Sweet...uh listen Nightwatcher my mom just text me, she got my dinner ready at a table nearby, so I got to go but I'll be back to watch ya fight."

Rubbing Tommy's hair who giggle in respond, Raph replied.

"Sure thing kid, go enjoy your meal."

Afterward, Raph had to endure go up on stage with the capes and actually explain his reward for them. His armor and helmet thankfully masked his disgust of being part of this display like it was some freakin circus. Soon as that was done, Raphael began his search for Ms. O'Neal, it wasn't easy at first with this sea of people, but he found her ten minutes later, looking rather frustrated and texting someone it looks like.

Raph stealthy made his way right behind April in order to surprise her, while he glanced at her message on the phone.

"Who's Peter, your new boyfriend?" He asked in teasing tone through the helmet.
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"Who's Peter, your new boyfriend?" He asked in teased through the helmet.

"My new photographer."
Just then the second message she sent, to Raph and Mikey, popped through on their comms. In the distance, Mikey yelled "Whoa! I've never seen a pizza that big!"

"And he's late. So we have to cover for him. Listen, this Parker is known for getting great pictures of supers, so could you take a few during the run?"

"My new photographer." Just then the second message she sent, to Raph and Mikey, popped through on their comms. In the distance, Mikey yelled "Whoa! I've never seen a pizza that big!"

"And he's late. So we have to cover for him. Listen, this Parker is known for getting great pictures of supers, so could you take a few during the run?"


He sighed heavily people just keep adding stuff of him to do today, nevertheless Raph said. "Alright April I'll take some, but only for you, not for this Peter."

His stomach then growl, in hungry, Mikey's loud mention of pizza started it. Focusing on back April he then added.

"So how you been O'Neal? I heard that your boss J.J. can be quite the jerk."
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