
Original poster
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Ring ring. Ring ring.

That was his private phone. Axel glanced at the caller id, not surprised to see that it was blocked. However, considering that it was this phone, it meant that it was a client he'd killed for before. A sigh left his lips, but he tapped the answer button and held the phone to his ear. "Time and place."

The person on the other end knew how he worked. "Tomorrow noon, a cafe named Mixers." And that was it. The call ended, and Axel slipped it back into his pocket. A new job, a new purpose. Having just finished up his last one, he began making preparations to see his returning client.

"Ghost." Axel looked up when his name was called. He had arrived early to check the cafe, in case the information had slipped to unsavoury characters. He had a reputation after all, and it wouldn't be a surprise if someone sent another assassin after him. It had happened before, ending in the other's death. But there was no telling when it would happen again.

The chair squeaked as it was pulled back, his client sitting down opposite him. "How've you been?"

"File." Axel was not one for small talk. It lengthened his vulnerability time, and only made him more cautious. His client sighed, sliding over a file. Axel didn't understand why any of them bothered trying to talk. He wasn't interested in any of it. Taking the file, he did a quick check. "Five million."

"Done. Half now, the other half when the target is dead." With a nod, the grey haired killer stood from his chair and grabbed his bag. Slipping the file in, he turned and left the cafe as quickly as he came. Agni Serru... The name was familiar. But now, she was only a target. And she would die.
A long string of curses poured out of the double garage as its source kicked the wheel of a truck that was currently suspended above the assailant. It had been sent in the day before, the owner complaining of bad breaks and upon inspection, Agni had found a note wedged behind the rear wheels. She had one particular customer that liked to send her work in the most peculiar way and it was beginning to get on her nerves. Not to mention the note had a time and date that was only half an hour from that moment. Luckily the park was only down the road, shouldn't take long to get there.

Once she arrived, however, there was no one to be found. Just another note, stuck on the table. Why this client insisted on using note was beyond her, but at least she had enough information to find her next target. Alex Cantrel. It was a name that nagged the back of her mind on her way back to the shop but she needed to focus on preparing. After all, distractions never helped with jobs like this.
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Axel hated this part the most. The research. Sure, his client had given him a file on what they knew about her, but it was never enough. Pulling his laptop towards him, he opened it up and prepared himself for a good few hours of staring at a screen. It was likely that he would have to ask around, but considering that his target was another assassin it was uncertain that people would know anything, even the ones that knew her.

Being a high grade contract killer, his work had to be flawless. One mistake could cause his target to escape, and it could cost him his life. Not only that, but he worked alone. Sure, it minimised the possibility of being betrayed, but it also made his workload a whole lot harder. It had crossed his mind a few times; getting a partner. But that was one of the major causes of death amongst assassins. Money called easier than loyalty.

Agni Serru... Why did it feel like he had heard that name before? Axel had never failed a job, so he was certain she wasn't a previous target. It was bothering him more than it should. Besides, even if she used to mean something to him then it wasn't the case now. Slamming his laptop shut, he shouldered his backpack and headed out. He couldn't stand sitting there, not when it was still bothering him. There had been a possible sighting of her in the file, so he would check out the area around there. It was a mechanic shop if he remembered correctly. Maybe killing her would ease his mind.
Once Agni he returned back to the garage, she got straight to work. Though the truck was a vessel to pass a note, it did indeed need it's brake fixed. Besides, she couldn't very well start researching her target whilst her neighbours were still around. They didn't work with her, but they worked in the shops next to her and sometimes they would stop in. She didn't need an accidental witness to kill. That would raise questions. No, she would continue at her pretend job, like nothing had happened, and wait for them all to go home.

Once she had finished the brakes, she pushed herself out from underneath the truck and glanced around. It was still early, but most of the others had left. Standing, she moved towards the office where her equipment was, but paused. She was sure she was forgetting something. And for once it wasn't about the name. She shrugged, probably a delivery. With that in mind, she entered the office, shut the blinds and locked the door. The postman would knock at least.

Sitting at the desk, she reached under and pulled out the laptop, rather than using her computer. All she knew was the name ad profession. And since he was an assassin, she didn't have much to go one. But she still had to try.
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Axel had left early, intending to get there by at least afternoon. However once he arrived, he noticed that it was quiet and there were few people still around. Ideally, it would've been a great situation had he come here for the kill; yet he had only brought one of his weapons. If he saw his chance, he would take it, but he only wanted to observe. Less people meant he would stand out more.

Pulling his hoodie over his head, he wondered if it was the best choice. Normally it would only stand out more as being suspicious and possibly dangerous, but there was the chance that someone would recognise him as their target. Nearing the mechanic shop, he felt the slightest hint of annoyance that few people were around. It would've made his current objective a whole lot easier.

Debating on what to do, he tried to minimise the risks in his head. If he went in and asked, the most likely possibility was that no one was there and they'd gone home. The worst case scenario was that a killer had heard about this and was currently waiting for him inside, and the best case being his target was there and he could finish the job in a day. All of them meant going in and checking. If he turned around and left, then he would have accomplished nothing that day. Frowning, he took a deep breath and began heading towards it with renewed determination.
((On phone, sorry.))

Agni cursed, slamming the laptop closed. She always thought of herself as thorough, but her actions were fruitless. Nothing came up about her target. Biting the nail on her thumb she swivelled around on her chair. Research got her nowhere. Being her target was also an assassin, it was likely he had a file on the guild's records. Except she no longer worked for them. But there was someone who was indebted to her.

A moment later she was on the phone. "Mart, I need a favour..."
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
At first glance, it looked like no one was around. When he walked inside however, he noticed the room at the back. Axel pondered on it for a second, deciding on what to do. Sighing to himself, he called out, "Anyone there?" If no one answered, he'd head back. Otherwise, he only had those possibilities. Maybe he'd get some information on his target if he was lucky.

Walking in a bit further, he glanced over all the equipment inside. It seemed normal enough, but considering his target was also an assassin, it could be a front. Some people liked having a job they could work at constantly, but Axel himself didn't like the idea. It left you vulnerable to possible witnesses. And if you worked every day, it was easy to know when you were there.

He looked back at the small room. Soon enough, he'd have his answer and decision on what to do. Axel didn't know what he was hoping for; he'd wanted to take it easy that day but his target had been bothering him. At the same time, if his target was really there right now it was possible she was good enough to avoid being killed on the first strike. The contract killer felt his knife reassuringly, fingers closing around the hilt.
After a few painful minutes talking on the phone with the most chatterbox of an assassin Agni had ever met, she hung up and stood from her seat. With a bit or persuasion, she was able to temporarily access the files of the guild, and though there was very little on her target, at least there was something. But as she moved back to her desk to reopen her laptop, she heard a call in the garage. She paused and listened, it certainly wasn't one of her neighbours. But on the other hand, it could also be a new client. For the garage, that is. Or the postie. There was a number of possibilities, but her gut still told her otherwise.

Reaching behind the door, she removed the small pistol and stepped out of the office as quietly as possible. She then made her way to the back and as she moved, turned on the engine of the old international. The sound of her pistol could easily be misidentified as the truck's backfire. It was the reason she didn't bother to fix it. Once she was closer to the back door to the garage, she replied. "Is someone there?"
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Someone answered. But something felt off. Keeping his hand on the knife, he kept his hoodie on and called out, "Yeah, I was hoping to ask you some questions if you didn't mind." Hell, it didn't sound convincing even to him. However the person had come from the room in the back, so maybe it wasn't someone out to kill him. If it was his target... What would be the chances that her target was also him?

Axel jumped a little when he heard the engine turn on. His instincts were prickling; something just seemed wrong. He wasn't sure what exactly it was... The engine sound, or how her voice seemed somewhat familiar... He stopped moving for a second, trying to figure out what to do. What he should say. He had his back turned to the backdoor, not expecting anyone else.

"You don't happen to be Agni Serru, by any chance?"[/fieldbox]
He wanted to ask questions. That narrowed it down to two choices of who it could be. Either the police had finally caught up with her, or she or her neighbors had become a target. Given the man was alone, at least as far as she could tell, and never mentioned the police, she believed the latter.

About to reply she was cut of by his question. A question that sent a chill down her spine. "Who me? Nah, name's Madison," Agni replied, opting to use an alias. As she peered under the International, she spotted his pair legs, the pair that had managed to block her closest exit. Perfect...
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
She could be lying. "Ah, that's unfortunate. Do you know someone by that name?" Axel had to keep up appearances. However if she was really her... He had to ask a question that wouldn't sound suspicious. Though it was likely he was already extremely suspicious. He moved towards the voice, his grip on his knife never loosening.
{Sorry, couldn't think of much to write :c}
Agni watched him move, hoping for him to step into her line of sight for a perfect shot. Even if it was wishful thinking. "Yeah, yeah. She's my colleague, built this place up with her and Bill. Could call her up if You'd like, see if she's home." Now to wait and see how hed react to that.
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Hesitating, Axel thought about it. Of course, it could be a lie to cover up the fact that she really was Agni. What was the best thing to say in this scenario? With his life constantly on the line, he had to be prepared for everything. But for this... He'd take a gamble. Not only that, but he had a gut feeling that the person he was talking to wasn't who she said she was. "That'd be great actually. I wanted to talk to her about a project we were doing." As he spoke, he moved away from the voice so he was no longer in line of sight. Whatever happened next... His knife was in hand.
Well, she hadn't expected that for sure. With a sigh, Agni moved away from the car, accidentally knocking over some tools in the process, and made her way towards the office, gun in hand. Slowly, she peered around the corner, bringing up her gun to aim at the man. "And who should I say is asking for her?"
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Axel was on more alert once he heard noise. He began moving towards it, quietly, determined to find the person. "Well I'd prefer seeing the person I'm talking to if that's okay." He wasn't about to reveal his name yet, not when he couldn't see who he was talking to. It would give him the chance to see if she was his target or not.
Agni mentally cursed, shaking her head. If only he would stand still. "Well if you'd stop moving then I'd be able to show you," she called back, moving to follow his faint footsteps again. This was beginning to bug her, she had work to do. She didn't have time to play cat and mouse with some idiot. "Seriously, where are you?"
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Axel grimaced and tried to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. "Sorry sorry, this place is pretty interesting. Where are you?" It was a bad excuse, but he had to be cautious. Becoming quieter, he masked the sound of his footsteps by walking lighter and headed towards her. There was a butterfly feeling in his stomach, which was strange because it wasn't like this was his first kill, far from it. There was something strange about the entire situation...
Agni let out a soft grown, deciding to lean against her office door instead. "I'm at the office if you actually want to see me," she muttered, though she hoped it was loud enough for him to hear her. On the other hand she needed him to keep talking, so she could track where he was. "So, uh. What's this project about? Agni never mentioned it."
[fieldbox=Axel Cantrel, #8a98ad, solid]
Axel hesitated, before heading in the general direction of the office. He wasn't sure whether to trust it or not, but it was his best bet. As he got closer, he began to hesitate more and use anything he could for cover. He knew it was likely she had a gun, and she probably had a better view of the area. It was probably best he left and came back some other time. However he had already lied about the project... Perhaps it was best to simply kill whoever was there anyway. "Top secret, I'm afraid. Though it's pretty interesting." Axel continued forward, having almost reached the office.
"Top secret hunh?" Agni asked, feigning interest. "Are you sure you cant tell me?" On the last question she had made her voice sickly sweet. Almost to the point that she was sick.