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"I... just some steak and vegetables, nothing fancy," replied the angel in return, unable to really acknowledge that his parents seemed pretty relaxed about it all. If the dragons attacked first then Oscar couldn't complain that his parents attacked them in return, to defend themselves. He had no qualms about that-- but he hated the fact that this all occurred because Seven killed Sebastion.

And he really didn't like that his parents seemed to appreciate what Seven had done and find pride in it, while he had let it ruin his relationship. He had spent two long months tiptoeing around his boyfriend, unable to even look him in the eye, and yet his parents arrived and were perfectly... happy with it?

Yes, Sebastion had been a bastard and he had made him cry, but he hadn't been violent nor initiated an attack. Seven had. He'd attacked him and killed him when Sebastion had simply been standing without an intention to lash out. If he had, Oscar wouldn't be the way he was now. He'd understand that Seven was defending him, and he'd understand the murder. He just couldn't... acknowledge and accept the violence that had taken place.

"Are you sure you're okay though, Papa? I... I should have told you that Sebastion was killed, it could have helped you predict an attack a-and I... I'm sorry," he apologised again, tiredly reaching to put out the plates, only setting enough for him and hs parents. He and Seven didn't eat together anymore, after all.

"Is Seven not joining us?" Marco murmured casually, cracking his knuckles before he noticed just how tired and upset his son was. "...Is everything alright? Has he done something? Do I need to have a word with him?"

"O-Oh no, don't-- we're just having problems," the teenager shrugged, smiling as brightly as he could in an effort to relax his parents a little. "It's... a little tense, th-that's all."
"A little tense? What's going on? Has he hurt you?" Asked Cassiel, his eyes instantly narrowing as he thought about Seven hurting his child. Cassiel was protective over his little baby. So if Seven had hurt him, he would hurt Seven back tenfold. Before he could get an answer out of his son, little Cassy stumbled over. He learned to walk in those two months!

He stood at the child gate that was put up in the living room. The living room became their playroom, really. So the boys would play in the playroom with all their toys and watch tv. He watched the adults with wide green eyes.

Cassiel looked over to the baby, cooing lightly. "Your little boys are just so cute~" He cooed, waving to little Cassy and the baby waved back with giggles and gurgles.
"They're... everything to me, really. They're really well behaved and perfect and they're... everything I need in my life," answered the young father as he happily waved over at his baby, despite it also filling him with sadness. He and Seven used to happily hang out with the children together, cuddle up for a family movie night. That hadn't happened in all these months because he refused to cuddle with him and it was awful. He wanted things to go back to normal, so the kids could really have all their parents together again, but... he just didn't like being around the man these days.

"He doesn't hurt me, he wouldn't ever ever do that," he finally replied, watching Marco as the man happily rested back when the meals were handed out. "We're just... in a bad way at the moment. I don't like the fact he... murdered Sebastion, i-it upset me and I can't... get over that."

"That's the issue? Son, that man was a fucking asshole. Seven did the right thing. I'd have killed him, or Cassiel would have. Seven just got there first," shrugged the man in reply, critically eyeing his son's food. Oscar had always been a vegetarian. He'd decided that when he was young that he didn't like to eat meat. He still cooked it for his boyfriend and his parents, but he refused to eat any himself. Now, his plate was full of nothing but steak-- and it was barely cooked. In fact, it did look raw, and that just made Marco look at his son strangely. "You're not a vegetarian anymore? I mean-- what's with the raw meat, kid?"

"It's not raw, it's... it's rare, Daddy. I like rare steak. It's how it should be cooked. All nice and pink on the inside," murmured Oscar as he poked at the meat with his fork. He knew he hadn't cooked it, but he was trying to pretend that he had.

He was hardly going to admit to his parents that not only was he pregnant (a fact he thought they'd dislike given how young he still was) but had also started craving raw meat, so much so that he often blended it into a smoothie to drink at the park while strolling with his children. He didn't understand how he had these new cravings and he particularly hated that he had ruined a lifetime of vegetarianism because of it. He felt, honestly, like a monster because... well, he sometimes looked at people on the street and imagined how good they would taste, perhaps with a little barbecue sauce and garlic.

That wasn't a normal way to think and the angel, who prided himself on being good and virtuous, now felt like the worst of the worst.

"I... I eat meat now, it's not a huge deal. I liked the smell of bacon in the cafe nearby and I tried some and it was lovely. It's... I'm fine, Daddy. It's steak. Steak can be rare."
"But that isn't cooked at all...You have always hated meat, what's going on now?" He asked arching a brow. Cassiel knew his son and knew something was going on with him. For one he's wearing a huge sweater. Oscar usually wore cutesy little things. And now he was eating raw meat? That was different. Maybe he was sick? He didn't possibly think that he was pregnant in any way at all.

Seven came out from the bathroom, now dressed in his pajamas. Cassy caught sight of him, and giggled loudly, reaching for him. "Dada! Dada!"

Seven smiled softly at the baby walking over, careful not to get too close to Oscar as he picked the baby up, rubbing his back nuzzling his nose.
Except, Marco was far more astute. He was aware something was going on with his son and it didn't take him long to put two and two together. The signs were pretty much all there. He may not have known his son when he first fell pregnant, but he'd known Amethyst and Nissa through their pregnancies. He knew the signs. He could see the fact his son was wearing larger clothing and had strange cravings (though he had no idea just how deep those cravings were) and he saw just how beautiful Oscar was with his glowing, fresh-faced skin.

And it didn't remotely make him happy. He adored all three of Oscar's children-- but he still felt like Oscar was far too young for this lifestyle. He wanted him to do all the typical teenager things, goof around and get drunk and just go wild. He wanted him to experience all of that... not be stuck indoors with three children every hour of the day. He especially didn't think it was wise for his youngest to then go and get pregnant again with a 4th child, all before his 17th birthday.

"...You are an idiot, Oscar. A-An absolute idiot," he grumbled, causing Oscar's face to darken to a red in realisation that Marco knew. "How far along are you? I imagine quite a lot, if you're hiding it with baggy sweaters. What are you, four or five months along? Enough to have to hide it?"

"N-No, no, just... just two months, I... I just... it's showing a lot, it's really weird, a-actually. I was never this big at this stage with the boys," he mumbled, awkwardly staring down at his plate. He wanted the ground to swallow him up right now because this was the height of awkwardness for him.
Seven turned around, his eyes wide. Two months? Like two months pregnant. Oscar was...Pregnant. His eyes began to water with how happy he was. He wanted to hug Oscar but...Oscar wouldn't like that at all. Cassiel eyes widen and he grimaced before standing up angrily.

"Oscar! You..You can't just have a baby with him! He...I'm sorry Seven, but we don't even know what he is. The reason your so big has to be because of him! And the raw meat?! That must also be because of him!"

Seven grimaced looking away as he held Cassy in his arms. Once again, Seven felt as though he has done something and he was in the wrong for. It was a baby...Shouldn't they be happy?
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Seeing his parents grimace and refuse to show even a little happiness only made Oscar frown more, to the point of getting tearful. Obviously he was upset - his parents weren't supporting him over something momentous in his life. He might be in a bad place with his boyfriend right now, but Seven was the love of his life. Having his child would really complete them, he knew that.

And it just ripped him apart inside to see his parents look so angry about it. They... had a point, of course. He was far, far bigger than he should be at the two month stage, and his urge for raw meat was so intense that he knew it wasn't... natural, but that didn't mean he shouldn't have a baby with him. Seven was not a monster. He may have been worried over the two months that he was dating some monster-- but he was certain now that he wasn't. Seven killed someone who made Oscar feel like shit. It... wasn't as bad as he initially thought, not when he really thought about it.

"He is... is the most special person in my life. He is not some disgusting monster. He's a demon. He looks different, sure, but he's beautiful to me. I want you to... accept that I love him, that I'm having his baby and that we're a proper family," he declared sternly, dabbing the blood from the raw meat from his lips before silently patting the seat beside him, gesturing Seven over excitedly. "...I would have told you, but we weren't in a good place and... and... a-anyway! It's exciting, right? I hope it's a girl, I want a baby girl to complete us."
Seven looked at him with wide eyes. He sat Cassy back down in the living room, before hugging him tightly, allowing tears to run down his cheeks. He was so happy! They were having a baby! And...Oscar forgave him! He pulled away with a huge grin, wiping his eyes with a little chuckle.

Cassiel sighed, shaking his head as he sat back down. "...Well...You're having a baby. This is crazy, we need you to see a doctor, see how the baby is, and when the baby will come. Obviously, it's going to be much sooner than we think." Mumbled Cassiel, looking at his large stomach. "Marco and I will contact a doctor so they can come and see what's going on."
"I don't need you guys getting involved when you clearly don't accept this. You... You can go and not come back if you feel that strongly. I'm... happy. I'm really, really exceptionally happy, Papa. I do't like that you're showing this much anger, but I'm going to choose to stick with Seven regardless of what you think," he continued bravely, his hand gripping Seven's in his own with that same cute, infectious smile creeping on his lips. Was he scared? Well, sort of, yes. This wasn't like any pregnancy he'd had in the past. The three he'd had before this one had all developed normally, and the strangest craving he'd had was for some pickled onions.

He was, therefore, understandably wary of the fact that he was already so big and had these horrid cravings that made him feel like a monster. He was scared-- but that didn't matter. He loved Seven no matter what, and he would adore their child too. Seven wasn't like any other demon, so was it any surprise the pregnancy wasn't particularly normal? He should have expected it, really.

Nuzzling into his lover for a little affection after two months without it, he happily exchanged a few kisses with him before resting his head on his shoulder, quietly drinking in the warmth from his body. "You can sleep back in bed tonight with me. We can share a bath or something cute like that."
"Of course I was unhappy Oscar. This is your fourth child, and you haven't reached your seventeenth birthday. I just wanted you to live a little. And we don't know much about Seven. But I'll accept the child. They are my grandchild. And I will be sending a doctor here. As well as staying here. You're obviously going to need help, and you can try t refuse my help all you want, but you are officially stuck with me. Baby, you don't mind me staying here for a little do you?" He asked his husband, leaning on him with a purr. "You are my son Oscar...I'm always going to make sure you're okay."

Seven smiled down at his boyfriend, happier than he had been in a while. Well...He could ask him soon, right? He could ask to marry him! They should get married! They don't need a huge wedding just a marriage license would do. He wanted to be married, and for them to have their fourth baby. It'll be fun! They'll have their hands full of course, but Seven was more than happy!
"Seriously? You're leaving me again to sneak off to Earth with Oscar? You've always done this, Cassiel. You never change, do you?" Sighed Marco in faux annoyance, rolling his eyes lightly to show that he was simply teasing. This was one instance where he really didn't mind his husband leaving for a few days. The most important thing was Oscar and their unborn grandchild. If Cassiel had to stay away from his position as joint ruler of Hell to make sure that Oscar was okay, so be it. He supported that wholeheartedly.

"I don't mind, Papa. I... I could do with the help," smiled Oscar, currently too happy to really argue with anyone right now. "Mark's getting so big and Cassy too and Ember's having, like, four bottles a night... I could do with the help, actually, as long as... you're nice to my boyfriend."
"Of course, I love Seven. I won't be mean to him, promise." Smiled the man. The following day, a doctor was in the apartment. She set up her entire equipment in the guest room while she examined Oscar. Seven sat in the room with him, holding his lover's hand. Cassiel was in there too, having just put the boys down for their nap.

"....He already appears to be 23 weeks pregnant. However, you say you're only two months in? Well, the fetus is growing quickly. And the baby should be here in just six weeks, maybe even five." She mumbled as she looked at the screen.

"Five weeks?...Well, what's the gender of the baby?" Cassiel asked, looking at the screen to see if he could see.

"Well...Do you want to know Oscar? I don't want to spoil it if you wish to be surprised." Smiled the woman.
Six or five weeks?

That... did scare him a little. He had plenty of experience when it came to children, but Ember wasn't even six months old yet. Having another little baby around so soon was quite worrying and definitely would pile on the pressure, but really? He was far, far more excited than scared. He was having a baby with the only man he would ever love this much - how was that not amazing?

"...Is it a girl? Daddy's having a girl? A yucky girl?" Grimaced Mark, the toddler folding his arms as he grumpily stared at the screen, trying to make out how these blobs were somehow his potential brother or sister.

"If it's a girl, you boys had all better protect her. She'll be so lucky, hm? Having three big, strong brothers looking out for her," cooed Oscar as he leaned his hand down to pet his son's hair, before glancing at the doctor curiously. "...Is it a girl?"
"Yup. You're having a little girl." She grinned happily. Seven's eyes widen and watered at the words. A little girl. Their first little girl. Their little Princess. He wiped the tears that had fallen and he grinned excitedly at that. Picking up his son, he pointed to the screen, showing his son his first sister.

Cassiel smiled brightly at the screen. "Wow, your first daughter Oscar....I'm so proud of you." He whispered, moving to hold his son's hand with teary eyes. "A little girl...You two should get to thinking of names...She'll be here quick." Chuckled Cassiel.
"I already have a name, Papa. I want to call her Angelica," he admitted happily, sitting up from his laid out position a little with a hand on his stomach, just to take in the excited little kicks. Granted, a small, small part of him was concerned how his daughter would be received. She wouldn't be a normal demon, not if she took after Seven. He was concerned why he had these strange cravings and whether her brothers would like her-- but he was sure, deep down, that he'd love her regardless of all of that. She was like a miracle - she was the thing that was going to solidify them as a family and cease all their problems.
"Angelica? How beautiful. That such a perfect name for the little angel." He cooed, rubbing Oscar's stomach happily. "I love her already. Mark, you protect her. You're her big brother. She's going to need guidance from you." Cassiel told his grandchild. "Your first little sister...How do you feel Mark?" He asked happily.

Seven held his son' rubbing his back as he waited for his answer, smiling lightly at him.
Grimacing irritably at the very idea that there would be another baby, his frown deepened initially at the fact this baby would be a girl. It didn't immediately please him to hear that-- but then Oscar appealed to him and caught his interest. Oscar knew how to get through to Mark best, and it worked perfectly - Mark loved the idea of being strong and a tough protector, so within a few seconds, he went from detesting the idea of the baby girl to loving it.

"Will she be tiny? Girls are tiny," babbled Mark as he scrambled up close to his father. "I'll protect h-her, lots. A-And Cassy will too, and Ember. We'll be, like, all tough and strong and w-we'll protect her and... I'm happy, totally!"
Cassiel smiled, knowing his little trick would work. "Yup, she'll be a little thing. So you have to be big and strong for her, you and your brothers. I'm sure she'll be happy to have you three as her big brothers." Smiled the man, moving to peck his grandson's nose.

Seven smiled, stroking down his hair with a grin, purring lightly. His little family was getting bigger, and he was more than happy. He looked at Oscar and grinned brightly at him. He would ask him tonight...He would ask him tonight to marry him.
"Maybe we could come home soon? I... I like it here in Paris, it's so romantic, but my home is in Hell, isn't it? And... now Daddy isn't angry anymore, I'd like to be with my family, Seven. With Nissa and Zazriel and my nieces and nephews and... I think I'd prefer to be there," began Oscar suddenly once the realisation hit him that there was no need to really... stay away from Hell any longer. He liked having this normal life and he loved the fact Seven had a normal job, but there was no reason he couldn't continue it. He could simply come to work on Earth and then return when his shift was over.

He'd much rather him do that than return to be his father's right-hand assassin. Anything was better than that.

"Maybe, anyway," he tiredly continued, pushing himself up off the couch with a faint grimace - it was pretty difficult to do the simplest of things right now. "I just... I think I'd like having people there to help me. It's difficult when you work and I'm with the kids and don't have the energy to run after them, that's all."
Hearing that he wanted to leave and go back to Hell kind of dampened Seven's mood, but he did miss a few people there. Some people were his friends! Others looked at him in disgust, and it bothered him. But....It was his home. So he knew he would have to return home soon enough. Running his fingers through his hair, Seven smiled in agreement. He wanted to show everyone how smart Mark and Cass got, as well as how big Ember got and the baby on the way.

"Great! I think it's great you two are coming home! Mark, aren't you happy to be coming home? You get to see me every day!" Cooed Cassiel taking the baby, and bouncing him happily. "And you get to see all your cousins, as well as Nissa's baby." Nissa had her baby just a few months ago.