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"I take that as a no, then? Shame, really, because I don't really want to die, believe it or not-- ooh, that's... yeah, that looks painful, Cass," the demon frowned, not entirely reacting in horror. He retained his signature sense of the theatrical, if his dramatic frown and overly dramatic expression was anything to go by.

"...How about you spare our lives, Al? Come on buddy, no hard feelings? My mother won't take what I did personally, not at all. I'm her baby boy, I'll... say sorry and win her affections back. Look, before you wield that fucking axe at me again, just-- just hear me out. What can I possibly offer to spare my life? I'm fully aware I'm backed into a corner with no chance of escape so, being the cretinous coward I am, I'll bargain my way out."
"You honestly think I'll allow you to live? You know how much trouble you've caused me?" Asked the man, glaring at the two. And while Alejandro was focused Marco, Cassiel leaped forward with a dagger driving it through Alejandro's chest. It wouldn't kill him, it took more to kill him.

"Marco! Now, kill him!" Cassiel demanded. Even in the pain, he was in, he was still able to attack. Alejandro hadn't seen it coming. Grunting in pain the King tried pushing the Angel off put he wouldn't budge.
Had he planned on bargaining with Alejandro? Not at all. He'd simply chosen to talk to distract him. He'd always found that he had an amazing ability to distract anyone, even in the heat of battle with the reigning King of Hell. It was a talent, really, perhaps one even more impressive than his ability to kill a man without breaking sweat.

Grinning wide from ear to ear at Cassius' move, he reached for his trusty knife to double the damage in Alejandro's chest, making sure to drive the dagger in as deep as he could and, for good measure, gave it a good twist or two. With his body now up close to Alejandro's, his face close enough to feel the pained breaths from the other demon, he sighed heavily and gave a good wink to really piss him off in what he hoped was his final moments.

"You know, it's been real, Al. I'm gonna miss this little game we've been playing, but hey, adios fella. You've been great~" He purred, tugging the dagger out and, after a few hectic stabs, finally stood back in satisfaction that they'd finished the job.

"...We should go and find my mother, I want to see her bleed," he began with a grin back at Cassiel-- though, for the first time that day, his smile vanished in an instant. For the first time in all the weeks he'd known Cassiel, his eyes flashed with genuine fear and horror, mumbling under his breath a few curses and only stopping when the knife that had been tossed through the air landed in its target - Marco's right eye. Stumbling back a few steps with a hard swallow, he blinked his one good, unharmed eye before crashing to the ground, leaving a clearly satisfied Honey stood in the doorway of the main hall with another dagger at the ready.

"...Unless you want one shoved in your eye, I highly recommend you don't move an inch, dear. I have guards coming in two seconds, you'll be outnumbered by forty or so more men. Even you aren't tough enough to deal with us all, especially injured."
Cassiel eyes widen before his eyes went to Honey. He didn't have a plan for this. He didn't know what he would do or how to do it. He could grab Marco, and escape. But he had a bad wing. He was sure he could still fly, but the blood would leave a trail. Looking down at the King who was taking shallow breaths, he looked over to the Queen and didn't have any other plans. "Honey is your name correct? You'd kill your son? You know, he begged me to keep you alive. I was planning on killing you, but he wasn't going to. He knew you'd live. I'm sure you know your son isn't sane, but he does love you." He would lie, try and get Marco to be safe. He didn't understand why. But he thought he should protect Marco.

Holding his hands up, he tossed his weapon to the side. He knew when he was defeated. "I surrender. I don't regret anything I've done." He grumbled, glaring at the Queen.
"Do you honestly expect me to believe a word you're saying? I don't know why you're protecting him. He'd sell you down the river in a heartbeat. He's a cold, calculating piece of shit who I regret giving birth to, sweetheart. He means next to nothing to me and I know that feeling is mutual, so yes, I'd gladly kill my son. Don't try and pretend he cares for me, I don't believe you because it's certainly not true. The boy is a monster, even by demon standards. He's made of darkness, I'd love to rid him from the world. I brought him into it, I think it's fitting that I'm the one to make him leave," she drawled as coldly as she was expected to, eyeing her bleeding son on the floor with an unimpressed frown, only letting that expression flicker into a smile once his breathing seemed to cease. Whether or not he was dead yet, she didn't now, but he was at least injured enough to stay on the floor.

Motioning the guards to deal with Cassiel, just to reprimand him for a moment, she wasted no time in rushing straight past Marco to her boyfriend, kneeling beside him and pressing her hands to his chest in an effort to stem the bleeding. "Hey... you hold on, understand? You're not dying on me, not now. I need a new dress, Al, I can't have you dying on me," she teased lightly, even at this point not changing how they interacted-- though the onslaught of tears and her trembling lip indicated just how dearly she loved him. "...Just hold tight, the medics are on their way. The angel's caught, I think they're going to break his kneecaps so he can't run away, and my son is... he's dealt with. We're okay."
Cassiel was about to do something so stupid. That damn halfbreed's stupidity must have rubbed off on him. There weren't that many guards yet. He could fight them off, he could help Marco. And that what he did. Easily killing the guards, he grabbed Marco, flapping his wings as hard as he could flying out of a massive window. He knew he would be easily tracked back to their hideout due to the blood, but he had medicine to heal the halfbreed. Yes, he wouldn't have one eye, but he would live.

Alejandro took shallow breaths looking at his Queen, before smirking at her a bit. "I'll live....I've been through worst. Make sure....those damn bastards are caught."
They wouldn't have much time, given how quickly Honey had ordered the guards to track them down, but they had an hour at the most thanks to how far and how hard it was to get to the hideout. An hour was enough to heal and make sure Marco didn't die. He was slower healing than full blood demons, but he healed quicker than a human would at least, and after a lengthy chunk of the hour taken up with him regaining consciousness and re-hydrating, Marco was now stood looking in a mirror.

Only he could be concerned more about his looks than almost being killed. He'd lost an eye and, rather than focus on the fact he survived, he was bemoaning his good looks. Not that he'd lost them - he simply had a new edge to his aesthetic. He looked a good deal more tough, at least.

"This eye-patch makes me look stupid, Cassiel," he mumbled, pouting for extra effect-- until realising that the other was still hurt and hadn't taken much time healing himself up. "Ugh, come here, you big doofus. Let me at least clean those feathers for you, hm? Least I could do for you helping me out. I knew you liked me. I'm a real charmer. Most people just adore me. You took your time, but I knew you'd fall for me eventually~!"
"Fuck off." Grumbled Cassiel as he cleaned his feathers himself, wincing a bit. His cheeks were a soft pink, but he refused to admit his feelings. "I thought you said you'd kill me if you gained feelings for me. The way you charged into death like that obviously means something. You could have let those guards and the King kill me, and kill the King. But you didn't." Mumbled the man, grimacing at his broken wing.

"....Thanks for that though. I didn't expect it." He mumbled as he gave his wing a good flap before putting it away. "We don't have much time...We need to leave. Like now." Grabbing a bag of supply, he looked at the halfbreed. "I'm sure they aren't far now. Let's leave now...We'll go to Earth and lose them there. That way we can heal and come up with another plan."
"What, did you honestly think I saved you? Oh, fuck, that's embarrassing. No, dude, I didn't save you, at least not because I had feelings. You still have a use for me. I still need you, don't I? They're not dead. If I'd let you be killed, I'd have killed Alejandro and my lovely witch of a mother would have killed me. Don't you see? If I allowed you to die, who would have scooped me up and flew me to safety~? I was simply saving my skin by saving you, it's called thinking ahead," purred Marco with a playful wink, thankful for his remarkable ability to think on his feet. He hadn't at all known that Honey would turn up on the scene, so yes, he had saved Cassiel because he simply wanted to save him.

But his ability to turn the situation around in seconds made it seem like he had a plan in place and was simply saving Cassiel because it helped him be saved in return. It made him look cruel, selfish and like he only cared for himself, which was how he wanted to be seen.

He didn't want to look like the guy that saved an angel because he sort of liked his company.

"Earth, yeah? I'm down for that. I like Earth. Humans are fascinating," he drawled, nodding his agreement as he reached for a bag of the weapons he had hoarded over the months. "Are you sure you don't want to just drop me, though? We don't have to stick together, Cassiel. We aren't an old married couple. We can, you know, go our separate ways and devise separate plans. If we split up and end our alliance, you have more of a chance of surviving. I'm her son. She'll track me down based on that alone. Unless you simply can't bear being apart from me? I know, I know. I'm adorable, but you can't catch feelings for me. I'll have to kill you."
"Then do it." Dared Cassiel. Cassiel knew Marco well enough by now to know when he was leaving. Marco didn't know his mother would show up. Looking at the man unimpressed he looked him in his eyes, standing right in front of him. "Kill me now. I mean, I have feelings for you. You should want to get rid of me now." Stated the angel.

Blinking when he felt that the demons were closing in, he sighed. "We've got to go now." Cassiel couldn't open a portal on his own, but he did have a device for that. Using it the portal opened and led to Earth. "If you don't have feelings then when we get to Earth just leave or kill me. Simple for someone as crazy as you, right?" He asked as he walked through the portal.
"I've fucking told you before not to call me crazy. I threatened to gouge out your eye. Ironically, that's the fate I've practically suffered, and it's nice of you to tell me how sorry you are that I just lost an eye," spat the demon after him, realising that he was more or less talking to himself, but it felt nice to at least get some anger out.

Being called crazy by other people didn't sit well with him. He knew he wasn't really wired right in the brain and he'd gladly self-deprecate and poke fun at his insanity. He just didn't like other people doing it that much, so if he had to talk to himself to get some anger out, so be it.

That said, he could get anger out by killing Cassiel, because that was what he should do. The angel admitted he had feelings and... well, Marco was used to guys falling for him. He was handsome, he was part incubus, and so people fell in love with him more often than he'd like them to. To solve that problem, he killed them. Cassiel was no different. He was just another poor fellow who had gained unfortunate feelings, so yes, he should be killed.

Yet, that wasn't what Marco did when they arrived in the middle of busy New York City. He didn't slice his throat and walk away like nothing had happened, as easy as that would have been to do. Instead, before Cassiel could even collect himself and take in the surroundings, the angel had Marco's arms around his shoulders and had been pushed up against a brick wall, the demon pushing his lips eagerly onto his and holding him into a kiss until growing aware of the fact they were drawing attention for their passionate kiss.

"Mm... I'm not gonna kill 'ya. Not when you kiss like that, anyway," he shrugged, dusting himself down and straightening his jacket, as though he hadn't just thrust himself into a heated kiss. "Where to, then? A nice hotel? I want five star. Anything less is a travesty."
Flustered, he cleared his throat as he adjusted his shirt. "N-No. Absolutely not. We have to lay low somewhere. Hotels ask for names...We need to rent an apartment...Find somewhere where they don't really care who you are." Mumbled the man, as he began walking, shoving through people. "Let's get going. We don't have much time."

He was trying to shake off the kiss, but...As beautiful as Cassiel was, that was his first kiss. Cassiel was all about work. Nothing more, nothing less. He didn't have time to lollygag and get into relationships. But...He did fall for Marco, and he wasn't sure when he did, or how. And the fact he just kissed him...Stolen his first kiss. It was mind-blowing. Were kisses always like that? Always so heated? Cass wanted another, but like hell was he going to fucking let this cocky demon know.

After walking around the city all day, Cassiel finally found a place he was okay with. Cassiel said no to others because they seemed to out in the open, and they asked too many questions. So he found some crappy ass apartment building who didn't ask for much and allowed them to move in the same day. Walking into the small apartment, he laid on the floor, since they didn't have a bed. Closing his eyes, he allowed his wings around cocooning himself again, wincing from his hurt wing. But it wasn't bleeding anymore, that was a good sign.

"...Tomorrow we think of plans." He tiredly mumbled, before opening his wings to look at him. "...You should sleep.."
"Mm... Nuh-uh. I mean, we can definitely talk about plans and all that boring ass stuff, but I want some fun too. I want you to dye your hair and maybe cut it. Oh, you gotta go platinum blonde. Be a blonde bombshell, I'd love that. But nope, you won't do that. You're not fun. You're all business. I get it, okay? If I were in charge, we'd get nothing done and we'd be dead by now. I get it, I really do, but please can we unwind a tad and have a little bit of fun?" He frowned, sitting down in the corner of the room in his human form. Unlike most demons who became pained from having to hide their real forms on Earth, Marco didn't have such troubles. He was half human, after all, so hiding his wings and his horns was something he could happily do for years without so much as a headache. And sometimes, he just wanted to sleep without his stupid horns getting in the way or his wings taking up too much room. Like now, for instance. The apartment was tiny enough without his huge ass wings making it feel smaller. So human form it was.

"I'm not sleeping, I don't really sleep. It's... hard to explain, but hey, that story's for another day. Haven't you noticed all these weeks that I haven't had one wink of sleep~? I'm messed up, handsome. My brain's all scrambled, I'm a real fucked up kid. So yeah, I don't sleep, but at least I'm a handy watchman. I'll wake you up if trouble finds us, okay? Now get to sleep, have some beauty rest."
"So you have been watching me sleep?!" The angel sat up quickly, suddenly annoyed. "I knew it! I always feel eyes on me when I sleep...Stop doing that." Grumbled the grumpy man as he turned away, closing his eyes. "I'm not cutting or dying my hair. I like the way I look. I don't think I'll change it."

But hearing he would like it if he did change his hair got the angel thinking. Would he want to kiss him if he did change his hair? Wait, what? Don't think like that! Groaning, he covered his face a bit, before looking back at the demon. "....I might change my hair though...Change isn't so bad."
"Oh, I'm not a weirdo. I don't 'watch' you sleep. I observe. I analyse. I... okay, I watch, but you're downright interesting. You mumble all sorts of strange words. I kept a diary, in fact, to see if what you were saying was some strange angel code, something I could find use in. Turns out you were mumbling about nonsensical crap, but it was a fun exercise while it lasted," shrugged the demon, having absolutely no remorse in his observations. It wasn't like he sat over him like a genuine weirdo. Not at all. He'd simply... overheard him talk in his sleep and occasionally he let his eyes wander to the angel as he slumbered. Nothing was entirely wrong with that.

"Oh, so you are going to change your hair, now? How... interesting. You changed your mind in, what, two seconds? God, I'm good, aren't I? I used to have to work to manipulate people, really work, so either my talents have improved massively or you want to impress me. Either way, I'm happy. Blonde it is-- and cut your hair short. I like the whole long hair thing, but a nice sort cut you can gel to the side would be dreamy."
"I am not doing this to impress you. I'm doing this because I want to change. I've never changed my looks, not once. I thought maybe it's time for a change." Cassiel was saying this more to convince himself that he wasn't trying to impress Marco. Marco was just some stupid, reckless, asshole. Yes, he was cute, charming, and dashingly handsome, and the way he smiled was so- Stop! Stop, stop, stop! Mentally smacking himself, he looked away from the demon.

"I think long hair is outdated here on Earth. I'm just going to cut it for myself. Not for you, I don't care about what you think of me. And I happen to want to try blonde. I think blonde would suit me. Again, I'm not doing this for you. Purely for me, and my curiosity." This was so for Marco. As aforementioned, Cassiel never had a relationship or crush. So he didn't know how to cope with these strange feelings. So he was willing to change to earn affection from the man.
"Blah, blah, blah. Do you like lying to yourself, because I find it hurts, right here, if I lie to myself," he began, resting a hand just above his heart. "It's not right to do that to yourself, my darling feathered friend. So, you like me. I don't blame you. Look at me! One eye and I'm still a heartthrob. I've captured a lot of hearts-- actually, I mean that in a literal sense. You know everyone that's fallen in love with me? I killed them, you know that. Did I ever tell you I took out their hearts and ate them with a nice wine accompaniment? They fell for me, I ate their hearts. It's all quite romantic."

Sighing heavily to himself, licking his lips hungrily without really realising it, he rested his hands behind his head and let himself fully relax-- even though he wasn't going to sleep. It didn't mean he couldn't relax though, did it?

"Darling, I'm fine with your... feelings. I've promised you I won't kill you, and I'm a man of my word. You're a sweetheart, really. Am I a little disappointed in you? Sure. I thought you were this mighty angel who was above all this love stuff."
He was fine with his feelings for him? What was that supposed to mean? Did that mean Marco didn't like him back? Or something like that? Cassiel didn't say anything else, he just rolled over, pretending to be asleep until he really did go to sleep. But while he was awake his words played on his mind. All of these feelings were confusing him. They were making him overanalyze things and it was annoying. He wanted to know if Marco felt the same. He did kiss him earlier but...Marco wasn't sane, he could have done that out of fun to amuse himself.

So for the next two months of living with the demon, the angel had even more questions. Marco seemed to flirt with....Everyone! Literally, every human easily fell for Marco. Of course, humans fell for the gorgeous angels, but Cassiel always glared and snapped at them. Cassiel was like snow. Beautiful to look at, fucking freezing to touch. Cassiel did cut his hair and dye it. And damn did he look good. He caught plenty of looks both male and female. But...That didn't matter much. Marco still...Was fucking confusing.

Did he fucking like him or not?! Cassiel often caught himself staring at the demon, but he was still icy towards him. But not as harshly as he used to be when they first met. Currently, in the garage, he worked at, Cassiel was working on a car. He found decent work that paid enough to cover rent. And he happened to like working on cars. Cassiel wiped the sweat from his brow, being shirtless. Showing off his super-toned body. On his back to lines that looked like scars were on display. Little did humans know that's where his wings sprout from.
Now, did Marco know that the angel was wracked with all of these feelings and the constant desperation to decipher whether Marco shared them? Not at all. Sure, he had teased him and poked fun at the fact he thought Cassiel had developed feelings, but he genuinely didn't think he did. He honestly thought that they liked one another, but as friends-- and that in itself was a huge thing for someone like Marco, who usually just disposed of people like they were old food wrappers. He didn't really have people close to him so, in that regard, Cassiel was the closest person in his life. Ever.

He just didn't realise Cassiel's feelings were more than friendship. He flirted with him, teased him and played with his emotions, but that was just... Marco. That was how he was. It didn't mean he understood how Cassiel felt towards him, not genuinely. If he thought Cassiel had feelings like that, he'd have tried to kill him months ago.

However, the fact he remained oblivious meant they'd spent more weeks bonding and hanging out, so even if he found out now, he wouldn't find it easy to kill him. And hell, Marco wasn't sure how he felt about Cassiel. The fact he had saved him during that battle still played on his mind. He couldn't forget that feeling he'd been hit with when he saw Cassiel was going to get hurt. Worry? Anger? A desperation to save him? He couldn't pinpoint just what emotion he had felt, but it confused him because he had never... wanted to save someone before. Instead of confronting it, though, he chose to just ignore it and let it fester away in the back of his head somewhere.

Currently, the half-demon was sat on another car in the garage, frowning irritably to himself. He really didn't understand why the other had taken up a job. Yes, he understood it was to blend in and seem normal, to go undetected and evade suspicion as well as to pay rent, but god, couldn't he have chosen a better job? Although, admittedly, the sight of Cassiel going shirtless was a good way to pass the time.

"I want a milkshake," he demanded from the bonnet of the other car, laying down with his sunglasses over his eyes. He may not be topless and showing his own body off, but he didn't need to. He was easily the epitome of cool at the moment - his denim jeans, white t-shirt that clung to his muscles and the leather jacket he'd put together was more than attractive. Sure, maybe Cassiel was getting more attention, but he would too if he tore his shirt off and strolled about half-naked. "And, dear god, put a shirt on. I'm fed up of all these women stopping to chat to you about cars. They're just eyeing you up, Cassiel. They're not interested in cars, they're interested in you. Why don't you go on a date? It can't hurt. I told you, you need to have fun. One date isn't going to end in chaos. It's been two months, they haven't found us. I think we're pretty safe for a while."
"I'm not interested in dating." Replied the angel. Well, it was half true. He didn't want any of those women. He wanted Marco, but Marco was so damn confusing. And this was Cassiel's first crush, so he didn't know how to approach him about it. Running his hands through his short blonde hair, he glanced over at Marco.

"It's too hot for a shirt anyway. And I'm busy working. You know, paying rent. Something you refuse to do." Yeah, Cassiel was a bit bitter about that. He felt like he was taking care of Marco.