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Amina ~ 'Hot-Wire'


A lone raven eyebrow raised with much curiosity when she saw Adrian just wash his dishes then take off pretty much as soon as Olivia walked into the kitchen. Amina gave her head a single light disdaining shake before taking another huge sip of her black coffee.

There was no exchange between the two blonde cohorts. Not even a nod. Maybe Amina missed the eye-contact between Adrian and Oivia (Amina definitely did not miss the catty glare her shadowy brother gave her) and maybe it was not her business but still...

Eyebrows popped up, icy blues shot wide and she froze mid sip.

Did something happen between those two blondies..?
Amina thought as she lowered her coffee mug, or did... some thing... happen between those two... heheh... rawrrrrr, Sie.... he sooooo could have borrowed my camera had I known... or at least i could have offered to take pics...rrrawwwrrr!

Amina giggled out loud to herself, then just waved a hand mid-air to no one in particular. Nah, Sie isn't like that. Bro's a bit introverted but not pervie... at least as far as I know... stillllll... Hm. Maybe Foxy hit on him and it got awkward...? Ewww.


The mechanic shrugged. Not her business. But Olivia looking for some coffee was about to be her business. Ughs. If Miss Uppity comes over, I'm just gonna be cool--


Amina being Amina blurted out the uppity cow sound without thinking, then a leather gloved hand shot upward to cover her rude mouth. Ehhh... her muscular shoulders shrugged as she smirked, ...welll, mght as well try to cover up that slip up:

"Achoo...!!" a fake sneeze emitted from the tall brunette then because she was kinda' douche'd up on coffee... and she was Amina afterall: "Ach-MOOOOO...!!!"

Amina burst out laughing and ended up spilling some of her coffee as she fled to the window to open it up since it was getting kind of uppity-- erm, stuffy in the kitchen with all the Darkmoon members in here all at once. Upon the window ledge she rested her coffee cup then headed on over to the small closet and grabbed the mop.

Ugh, coffee was so messy to clean up. Perhaps next time she should have tea-- Tea!!!

"Hey~hey, anyone seen Ghost come back?"

Icy blues looked around the room and peered at each face before resting upon Ace's visage, "Ghost peeled out of the garage last night, Ace. Sir. He had... that look on his face while talking on his phone. Voice calm as usual. Said: "I'll be there in three hours. Don't worry..." to whoever was on the other end. Then he's outtie, post-haste, sir."

A scowl then creased her features, "...and but hey, like where are those new fishies anyways...! They should be cleaning up this spill for Hot-Wire, man...!"


While Ace tried to seem just as chipper as always, he knew that a few of the others had caught on to his act. He blinked with surprise when Hotwire mentioned the boss. Come back? So he did sneak off last night. The medic listened intently as the demolition derby queen explained exactly how he left. Who's within three hours of here? Martin? He wouldn't worry about anything. No, factor in the lead foot... Leone?

"Thanks for letting me know." His voice did not hint towards his worries, and had a dismissing tone to it. The medic had to break from his now anxious thoughts before it became too obvious that he was worrying. The Ace of Hearts having a heart? No way. That was definitely not how he was trained. "I'll be in the library if anyone needs me. For anyone going on missions today, good luck and let me know when you're going." Just in case they needed his medical expertise. He stood up from the table and pushed in his chair. He cleaned up his small mess and slipped out of the room without another word. He picked up the same book he'd been reading last night and took a seat in his comfy chair.

Finding where he left off, he continued to read along, though he was distracted by the idea that Leone was the one who summoned Ghost. The boss did not enjoy having to leave just after getting home.
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Burian nodded to Hot-Wire, glancing around the room at all the people walking inside. It was becoming much too noisy for the morning. He stood, coffee in hand, grabbed a hunk of bread from the bag on the counter, and walked out to the living area. He sat on a couch, placing his coffee on an end table. He sighed contentedly. Now it was more quiet, and not as full.

It's not like he disliked his brothers and sisters, but mornings were definitely not for loud and many people. They were for sitting around and drinking coffee, having a smoke, eating some food. Speaking of smoke... The Slav quickly finished the plain bread and chugged the rest of his coffee, before hoisting himself up, and walking outside into the chilly air. He grabbed a cigarette from the package in his pocket, pulling it to his lips and lighting it, giving it a few puffs. It was a nice morning. I wonder when he wants us to leave... He pondered, not knowing when Silence had wanted to start the mission.

Cordelia laughed at Hot-Wire when she mentioned no one could afford her. "You know it." She responded a bit cheekily, giving her butt a small shake. She resumed her breakfast, giving Ace a respectful nod. The library did sound like a really nice place to be right now... Finishing off her breakfast, she quickly washed her dishes, and waved to the room. "I'll be seeing y'all around." She told them, heading to her room. She picked out some clothes for the day, sensible but fashionable, as usual. She had to take a shower. She couldn't stand feeling all of this grime on herself.

She took a relatively quick shower, nice and hot, and wrapped her hair in a towel when she was done. After dressing and applying a small amount of makeup, she dried her hair a bit, ran a comb through it, then stepped back outside. She made her way to the library, again giving Ace a respectful nod, as she combed through the shelves of books.
With one final look in the mirror Yvonne let out a relieved sigh before smiling at her reflection. She noticed that her cuts and bruises from yesterday were almost gone. She also noticed that for odd reason, she felt refreshed and energized eventhough she haven't haf her daily dose of coffee yet. "Is this because I dreamt about..Ace last night?" Yvonne immediately blushed at the thought and shook her head furiously. "N-No.. Its not because of that. I mean, I dream about guys all the time! Yeah.. Like..um..like.." Unable to finish her sentence, she slapped her forehead and let out a groan before looking at the mirror once again. "Okay. Just calm down. You can do this. You dreamt about him because you forgot to say thank you. Yep. That's it" With one final sigh, she smoothed down her black halter top and wore her black pumps before making her way out of her room to go downstairs.

She haven't got any missions today so decided to just spend the day around the guild, maybe tease some guild members or maybe get to know Falcon better. She finds Falcon utterly adorable and she felt very protective for him. "hmm, maybe I'll do that.. But I wonder if Ace will be jealous. Ack! Stop it, Yvonne! Get Ace out of your head!"

"Ah, speak of the devil.." As soon as she arrived downstairs, the first thing she noticed was Ace, before she noticed the rest of the room. The place was already packed with people. Queen and Hotwire were already there. So was Burian. Fox was there too which reminded her.. "Where's Falcon?" she asked the group as she made her way towards the kitchen before making her own coffee. She set the water to seventy eight degrees before adding the roasted civet coffee. Once she was done making her coffee, she took a sip from it and let out a sigh "Haaa~ civet coffee is the best!" The pinkette then took a look around the room before sipping her coffee amd making her way towards the library. It is a daily tradition for Yvonne to read books for an hour or so in the library aftef she made coffee.

As soon as she entered, she immediately saw Ace and took another sip of her coffee before sauntering towards Ace. All I need is say thank you and that's it. No need to be weird about it. Just..be cool.. Don't be weird.. Don't be weird

"Hey, Ace!" Yvonne greeted in a high pitched squeaky voice before coughing and clearing her throat. I thought I said don't be weird!! Aaaaahh!! Pull yourself together, Owl! You're a strong, confident, independent woman! PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!

"Um, I just want to say thanks for the medicine. It worked wonders on my cuts and bruises. Thank you...so..um.." fidgeting a little, Yvonne stood on top of her toes and pecked Ace's cheek quickly, blushing madly. She then rushed to one of the bookshelves, tripping over air and spilling coffee all over the floor before falling boobs first and ass up on the floor. "Oooow.."
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  • Love
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Ace glanced up from his reading when he heard someone enter the library. It would seem that Owl was just completing her morning routine. But she came walking up to him instead of grabbing a book and settling down. He listened quietly as she thanked him again for his medical expertise, his expression carefully kept neutral. He'd come to a decision last night about this dilemma. When she gave him a kiss on the cheek, only a slight blush crossed his cheeks. He watched as she scurried off to one of the shelves and did one of her all too typical wipeouts.

He set down his book and went over to help her up, worry for her wellbeing taking over his features. "Are you alright?" He asked, offering her a hand up. When she was back on her feet he quickly slipped back into the kitchen for a roll of paper towels. Grabbing what he needed, he returned to the library and quietly cleaned up the mess. His knees gave an audible pop as he stood back up. "Owl, I need to talk to you about something." He stated, keeping his expression carefully neutral.
Olivia Elington
Alias: Fox

Hearing Hot-Wire's attempt at passing off a slip of a tongue as a sneeze, Olivia couldn't help but roll her eyes. However, she didn't say anything else other than muttering a soft and inaudible, "Immature." It was much too early in the morning to get worked up with the other assassin's childish antics. 'I can't believe we're practically the same age.' There was also the fact that the other made a mess and complained instead of doing something about it. However, Olivia chose to say nothing of it and instead leave the room, she liked peace and quiet in the morning and staying in the kitchen would definitely not provide that. She headed to her room, since it was the most obvious place she would go. If Silence needed her then he would knock. After all, he didn't state a time which led to her to have no idea as to when he wants to start the mission.
Yvonne tried to stand up by herself, she really did but failed miserably due to her spraining her ankle. It seems like when she fell, her ankle got twisted and sprained. Good thing Ace helped her up and cleaned up her mess. "T-Thank you..." she shyly mumbled, a faint blush showing on her cheeks. She looked away from him and cursed under her breath. Why did she stutter?! And why did her cheeks felt hot! She is not crushing on him! Why would she anyway? He's just the medic. Yvonne could have fallen for anyone she wanted. Heck, men kissed the ground she walks on and men fell down her feet. Why Ace though? Wait.. Is she falling for him?! The thought sent butterflies in her stomach and made her heart pound ten times faster than before. What in the world is happening to her?

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Ace said he needed to talk to her. Trying to compose herself, she looked at Ace and cleared her throat before answering, forcing the blush on her cheeks to come down "Of course." she agreed in a calm voice, motioning for him to sit down on one of the couches. Yvonne may look cool, calm and collected right now but inside she was freaking out. A lot of questions started to plague her mind: did she do something wrong? Did he figured out why she was acting weird?

Taking a deep breath, she smiled sweetly and asked "What do you want to talk about?"


Amina ~ 'Hot-Wire'


Grumbling and shaking her neck this way and that, Hot-Wire continued to mop up her mess on the floor. She paused only to briefly bid Ace and Lady Q each a fond farewell.

A polite head nod and cheery smile she gave them before returning to mop. Then instantly the bad attirtude returned.. An ugly sneer lifted at her upper lip as the image of Ms. Uppity CowMOO! rolling her eyes at Amina replayed in slow motion in her mind's eye.

Suddenly the tall mechanic paused mid-mopping motion and froze with a quizzical yet soured expression on her face.

Wait. Sie glared at me. Then Foxy rolled her eyes at me. Why am I so upset about that?? That's usually how it goes anyways... Whatever... I don't care.

A light shrug she gave then sighed heavily as she rinsed then wrung out the mop head. Ace had come in to get some paper towels but Hot~Wire was too lost in tumultuous thought to notice. Slowly she nestled the mop back into its home in the broom closet and sighed once more.

A final sigh and she found the calming inner strength to face her feelings. Hot-Wire finally dropped the curtain of denial and allowed herself to realize exactly what upset her.

Amina was not upset at the fact that the new fishies totally dissed breakfast and were not here to clean up after her. No, she was upset because she did not get a real reaction out of either of her blonde Darkmoon siblings. Yes, they seemed to put up with her antics but they never played along. And that was where the truth of her grumpy mood shift lay.

The only person who really seemed to play along was Kats. Snowita. Amina whipped out her giant phone to check notifications. Still nothing. No reply from Katsumi. Another sigh. The phone returned to her pocket with a rough shove.

That only person who really seemed to play along just left without saying goodbye. Not a single word--

Whatever...! I don't care anyway...! I just don't care...

The slamming of the broom closet door and a stamping of a foot showed just how much Hot-Wire just did not care.

At the window now she stood, leaning her forehead onto the cool, smooth surface. One hands thumb and index finger pinched the bridge of her nose, the other held her cooled off coffee.

"Moooo." she uttered softly, lips pulling upward by a slight smile.

But Hot-Wire's smokey voice held no humour in it. Raven hued eyebrows knit together in a scowl locking away glistening icy blue eyes.

"Whatever... I don't care. I don't..."


Ace took a seat on the couch, silently going over what he was going to say to her. "If I were ignorant, or an idiot, then I wouldn't have a PhD." He started. "I can't ignore your recent behavior." He paused, a soft sigh escaping him as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. I'm an asshole. A one-hundred percent, complete asshole. His thoughts really didn't help him in the matter of getting this settled. "I am here strictly for work, Owl. Not to meet new people. Not to date. Not to get romantically involved. So it would be best for you if you just gave up on whatever feelings you have for me."

He didn't look at her as he spoke, as he knew that he'd lose his train of thought. With his piece said, he brought his gaze back to her. He frowned, seeing that she was favoring a leg. "You hurt your ankle." He stated with a frown. He stood up and approached her carefully. If he learned anything from working in the Brotherhood for so long, it was that pissed off assassins were the most dangerous patients on the planet. And he couldn't imagine Owl not being pissed at him right now.
Laurence Milton
Alias: Falcon

Lowering his gun, Laurence took a quick glance at his watch. It wasn't late morning but it was late enough that he assumed most of the other brotherhood members would be done with breakfast already. 'I guess it would be safe to go now.' At least, he hoped it was. It wasn't a problem skipping breakfast but he'd rather not, if he could. Holstering his gun, he went towards the paper he shot at earlier and replaced it with another knowing that it would be rude to leave it as is. Rude was definitely an adjective he did not want to be portrayed as. After all, rude people often annoyed others with their personality and he could only guess how terrifying the assassins in the hideout would be if they were angry. The hallway he passed through was quiet, though he thought that he shouldn't be surprised. It was so peaceful and silent that he slightly jumped in surprise when he heard a loud slam. He was just outside the door, his hand on the handle when he heard the noise. It made him rethink of whether to go inside or not. But hearing nothing as loud in the following seconds, Laurence assumed it was safe to enter so he did. His footsteps were light, barely making a sound. Honestly, he wasn't sure where the food was but it was the kitchen and he supposed that it shouldn't be too difficult to find. As he made his way closer, he found Hot-Wire and decided to give a nod and a soft, "Hello," as a greeting.
As soon as Ace opened his mouth, Yvonne's blood ran cold. She didn't have to hear all of his words just to know what he's implying. She wanted to stop him from talking, to tell him to just stop and yet, she can't. She just looked at him with owlish eyes, her skin now pale and white, her lips dry and chapped. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed as hard as the cold bare hands of the one she loved could squeeze. She felt empty inside like the last drop of her love has dripped from her painful heart. It felt like her heart was like a wall of an abandoned building, cracking, rotting and particles scattering from it like sand it the wind. No words can express the pain she's feeling right now, the disappointment, the pain. Heck, she didn't even expect to hurt like this.

"Of course...I understand. I understand completely" Yvonne whispered once she got all her bearings, chuckling a little at how stupid she is. Of course, he's here for work. Of course, he's here not to meet new people. Not to get romantically involved. They are always in line with danger, with death always knocking on the door. Love is something that is not appropriate for their job. Chuckling even more, she leaned back in her chair and let out a loud sigh, a small smile gracing her lips. "Wow.. You're the very first one to reject me. I'm so used to guys falling for me that I didn't realize how much rejection hurts. Heck, I did not expect it to hurt at all.."

Even though Ace mentioned her ankle and noticing how he's carefully approaching her, Yvonne only let out one of her sweetest laughs. It was so sickly sweet that you can almost have diabetes just hearing it. "No need to act like I'm an animal going to a rampage! I'm super cool! Just because you rejected me doesn't mean something changed between us!."

Liar. Her thoughts shouted. Of course these changed everything but Yvonne isn't going to tell him that. In fact, she'll just act normal. Put on a strong facade and act like nothing happened. Act like her heart doesn't feel like it's ripped to shreds. Act like Yvonne. Still laughing, she shook her head and forced herself to stood up, ignoring the sudden jolt of pain from her ankle. She cannot let him see her weak. She cannot let him know she's hurt physically and emotionally. "Well, I'm going to go grab a drink in the kitchen while you...stay here. I don't feel like reading anymore and I gotta refill my coffee sooooooo yeah. See you around."

Yvonne then quickly hobbled away from him and quickly walked down the corridors, ignoring the swelling and the pain on her ankle. She needed to let out her frustrations and release all her emotions. The only place she knew where she can do that was the shooting range but its too far away and her ankle hurts like a bitch. She then found a closet near the kitchen and decided that its enough for now. She locked herself in the closet, sat down with her back against the door and hugged her knees tight against her chest before letting her tears fall, biting her lip hard to stop herself from making any sounds.​
Silence, now feeling ready to tackle the day, pondered on the placing of the other two. It was more likely Burian was finished first, especially considering he was there before Adrian himself, but then, it was also possible that Fox was in her room, especially considering her general speed, to learn, to complete, to just be. He was fairly certain that he had heard footsteps going into her room, but then, he didn't often venture around anyone else's rooms, so he could be extremely wrong. He had the sudden realisation that he had never specified when they were leaving, which meant he would have to find them. "How can you forget something as simple as a time?" he murmured to himself, before deciding that therefore he should have to go and get them now. Ghost said it was urgent... if he hadn't suggested the group, Silence would have honestly left a lot earlier, but he knew that, no matter how much he didn't want to, he needed them to help him.

Adrian made his way out of the room, closing the door gently, and made his way to what he was pretty sure was Fox's room. It was strange to think for two years he had lived under the same roof as her and wasn't even sure where she slept or what her real name was. Still, he knocked on the door, awaiting a response from the other side. It would be pretty embarrassing if this was the wrong room... he thought, impatiently waiting, twitching.
Olivia Elington
Alias: Fox

Having finished her coffee, Olivia prepared for the day. Well, mostly the mission. She changed clothes to an outfit that was better suited for the mission. It's not as if there's any need to look pretty when all that had to be done was kill everyone. She highly doubt that assassins would let their guard down for a girl. She wore her jeans and buttoned up her dark plaid shirt before fixing her hair into a bun. It would be idiotic if she missed a shot just because her hair was in her eyes. She checked her guns to ensure they were in pristine condition before placing them in their respective holsters, one inside her boots, hidden by her jeans while the other two was attached to her belt, hidden by her shirt. Just as she finished fixing up, she heard soft, barely audible footsteps outside just before there was a knock on her door. It had taken her less than five second to open the door and came face to face with Silence. 'Well, it's about time.' She actually expected him to start the mission earlier but since this was his, she wouldn't complain about the time he chooses. She took in his look of impatience. She wondered why but decided that it was unimportant at the moment. "Silence." She greeted as she stepped out, closing the door behind her. Honestly, she didn't spend much time talking to the male as they both seem to prefer keeping to themselves. 'A mission is a mission, I suppose we'll just both adapt.'
At least she was quick, Silence thought to himself as he saw Fox open the door. Fox was one he preferred to observe from a distance. At times, she could be somewhat off-putting to Adrian. He wasn't sure why, perhaps it was because she had a similar approach in life to himself. "When we get the Slav, we can go..." he said, once again missing out quite a bit of information, which he quickly realised, before adding, "I'll meet you in the garage... unless you want to get him..." It had been quite a while since he'd done a group mission and even longer since he had to invite and not be invited. A good few months, maybe years. He'd forgotten how to do it properly. He waited a few moments in case she wanted to say something, but honestly, he just wanted to get out and get on with the mission. The quicker he got Burian, the quicker they could get to London, and the quicker was the better. Regardless of her words, Silence turned to go towards the kitchen, where he had saw the Slav last. It would be only logical to check there first, followed by the bar. Perhaps a little earlier to start drinking, but this was Burian they were talking about.
Burian groaned as he got up from the couch, having dozed off again. He saw Adrian heading towards the kitchen, and flagged him down. "Comrade! When are we going? I must get my weapons ready." He called, sitting up and stretching a bit. He wanted to get going, so he could drink even sooner. "I need something to drink, so I would like to get done as soon as possible. I do not drink before missions." He reminded him, picking at his teeth with a toothpick. He had to decide which gun to take for this mission- though he was likely to just go with the tried and true AK-47 that he loved so much. "Are there any others coming with us? We would likely do well with a third."

Cordelia hid behind her book, listening to the two talk. She could immediately feel a dislike for Owl rise in her, but it was quelled as he told her that he wasn't looking for someone. That made sense. She kept reading her book, something on different poisonous plants. She wanted to expand her poison repertoire soon, and this seemed like the best way to do it. When Owl left, Cordelia slowly peeked out from her book, smiling a bit. "Sorry, I should have left. But... Uh, it felt weird to just stand and leave..." She apologized to Ace, returning to her book a bit. "But, change of subject. You're a doctor. What poisons could you recommend for me? I need something to place in drinks. I already use insulin and botulinum toxin for injections." She hoped he'd be okay to talk with her after that confrontation, and tried to act as neutral as she could. "I was also thinking of maybe starting to use belladonna for ingesting."
Ace watched helplessly as Owl turned and hobbled out. He wouldn't go after her, mostly out of fear of inspiring the wrong emotions, but also because the Queen was eavesdropping. He put on a neutral expression, one of the more useful items that comes from being able to compartmentalize his emotions. He turned and returned to his original spot, picking up where he left off in his book. "Ricin is water soluble. Tasteless and odorless, very small amounts can be very devastating. Aconite also works well in alcoholic beverages, as the alcohols from the two blend and make it difficult to show on autopsy tests. You would need only a few grains of Ricin powder, and half a tablespoon of Aconite." He spoke in a matter of fact way as he turned the page. "Belladonna is useful, also easy to hide in alcoholic beverages. The berries are very sweet, ten to twenty can kill an average person. Though, it's rather easy to gain an immunity to it." The book was a medical study on most known heart problems.

Tachycardia, quite the dilemma. The heart occasionally speeds up uncontrollably, and while mild cases can go untreated, the more severe ones required a pacemaker to be implanted. The medic silently hoped that no one in the building would force him to preform that kind of surgery on them. Ordering a pacemaker costed a lot. He wondered idly if they actually had enough funding to even order a few in case of emergencies.
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Amina ~ 'Hot-Wire'


Amina cleared her throat and turned her cheek from Laurence. She blinked several times while sipping her coffee, still with her back to him.

"Hey~hey, new fish... " Hot-Wire quickly recomposed herself, but her smokey voice still lacked the sass and smarm that always seemed to be present. "There's coffee on. Sugar n' cream over there. You're welcome to have some, kay? If you wanna eat, there's stuff in the fridge and cupboards, but you gotta make it yourself, kay...?"

Another clearing her throat once more she sauntered on over to the coffee pot and poured herself a second helping. A huge swill she took-- "oh but hot damn that's good, right?" --another hit and she was revving up and reviving that sass.

A leather gloved hand shot out, grabbed a fresh mug and tossed it into the air while putting her own mug down.

"Just make sure you clean up after yourself, new fish--"

It would shatter as it hit the counters marble surface~

"--cuz your mommy's not here to clean up after you--"

Juuuuust before it hit, Hot~Wire's other hand shot out, caught it rightsideup as her other hand snatched the coffee pot and poured coffee rather alarmingly quick, but expertly not spilling a drop. Yeah~yeah! What a rush! Aaaaand Amina was Amina once more.

"Besides, looks like ya gots a new mommy now anyways...! Hoot~hooooot...!" A smirk, wink, and a nod she tossed Falcon then she placed the mug onto the counter for exactly half a second.

"So! Whatcha up to today, new fish?"
asked Amina as she expertly slid the coffee mug along the counter towards Falcon.

"Hey! Ya wanna keep Hot-Wire company while she rides into town?"

The sliding coffee mug hurtled onward towards the edge of the counter as Amina reached over to grab her own mug.

"You like coooooookies right?"


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Olivia Elington
Alias: Fox

There was no doubt about Silence's skills but seemed to have a manner of speaking lack of details. However, she didn't fault him on that. She knew him to be someone that went on missions alone, much like her which meant that having a group would be somewhat of a new experience. 'But depending on him, this could be a solo mission. At least, similar to one.' She didn't mean that only one person would do the work but rather, they just had to do what's needed. It could be done individually, clearing out the place with specific places assigned to one or another method that had them work alone with their respective tasks. But she didn't tell him such a thing since it was his mission and he would decide what to do with their small group.

"I'll be waiting in the garage then." Whether she stays with him or not, Olivia didn't think it would matter. However, she preferred to avoid the backtracking so she decided to head to the garage while Silence went to get Burian. Going downstairs, she headed towards the garage. However, she stopped when she passed by a closet door near the kitchen. Now, it's odd for a person to be in a closet but she was quite sure that she was heard the sounds of breathing inside. She was a cautious girl and while she trusted no other assassin could infiltrate the hideout, it was a possibility. A small one, of course. Resting a hand on the gun hidden under her shirt, she called out softly in a cold voice, although it's practically what she sounds like all the time. "Is anyone there?" There was a chance she was wrong about an enemy and it could just be one of their own members which is why she decided to call out first before doing anything rash.

Laurence Milton
Alias: Falcon

A fish was far from a bird but nevertheless, he turned to Hot-Wire when he heard her call him 'New fish'. After all, he was most likely the only newcomer currently present in the room. Unless there was someone who he didn't know nor see - an unlikely occurrence but possible – since most did have the ability to keep their presence unknown. They were assassins, after all. Keeping hidden is like second nature. 'Most likely not.' He nodded to what the female said, saying a soft, "Okay, thank you." before turning to the cupboards that she mentioned. 'She seems…calmer.' At least, compared to yesterday. Laurence wasn't sure if it was something to be worried or bothered about since he did only know the other for an hour or less. 'It's definitely not enough to completely know a person so maybe it's nothing?' Although from experience, he knew that 'nothing' was barely ever just that. Naturally, it made him cautious and slightly paranoid, occasionally giving Hot-Wire a subtle glance as he got a piece of bread and a glass of water. After draining the glass of water, he washed it in the sink and placed it back where the other glasses are. Coffee wasn't really something he liked to drink unless absolutely necessary. Coffee did make people crash when the effect wore off.

Having finished his business in the kitchen, Laurence turned to leave. However, before he could take more than two steps towards the door, he heard Hot-Wire speak to him once more. The next moment made his mind go into extreme panic – he didn't even understand what she said - even if all that showed in his face was slight surprise through the widening of his eyes. Being as far as he is, he wouldn't reach the mug in time. Luckily, he didn't even have to take a step as the other caught it and refilled the mug with coffee. Really, he wondered just how much caffeine she had.

The look of confusion was stuck to his face as he wondered what she meant about a mother. 'Oh, is she talking about Owl?'[/i] He assumed it was the other bird that Hot-Wire was talking about due to the fact that 'hoot hoot' was the common representation of an Owl's sound. 'Ah, it must be what she said yesterday.' He thought, remembering Owl's words. Silence – not the assassin - took over as he had his realization over Hot-Wire's words. He wasn't sure if she was expecting a reply or not. Apparently, it was the latter since she spoke once more and this time, with a question. To which he simply shook his head, having no plans for the day. Thinking that was the end, he turned once more to leave. However, from the corner of his eye, he saw a mug sliding to his direction, and towards the edge of the counter, rather quickly. Without hesitation, he took a step towards the counter and stopped the mug just as reached the edge, half a second away from taking a dive towards the floor. 'These people will be the death of me...' He thought as he breathed a sigh of relief when he reached the mug in time.

Before anything else, a second question was asked to which he nodded to since it'll probably not be a good idea to reject. Besides, he didn't have anything to do today so may as well go. As for the third question, he actually spoke this time. Although his voice was unsure and questioning, "Yeah, I guess?"
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Amina ~ 'Hot-Wire'


A lone raven-hued eyebrow raised upward and an intrigued glint lit those icy blues. Falcon had caught the mug. Last second. No sweat, no complaints. Well done, new fish...

Amina raised her mug up to Falcon and took a finishing sip before replying. "Hey~hey, that's good, new fish, cuz I'mma take you to a bakery! And I'm soooooo sure you'll love these cookies too. You gots cash, bro?"

While still staring at Falcon, she placed her mug onto the counter. Her face held a quizzical expression upon it as she continued to stare at the diminutive Darkmoon Sharpshooter. A 'L' shape she made with one hand, and a '7' shape she made with the other. She brought them together and stared at Falcon through the fingery frame, squinting one eye closed.

"Hey, so do you know your hat size? Actually nevermind, 'kay cuz i think your head will fit her helmet. Oh! Hey, you know how to use a camera, focus, exposure, whites and all that right? Actually nevermind, kay cuz auto mode is reeeeeeaally good on my camera. And you strapped, right? What kinda' sidearm you use, bro? You gots a silencer? You'll need it where we're going. Oh! And how's your balance? Cuz yeah-yeah, Hot-Wire drives like innsanity on speed, kay? Actually nevermind, kay? Just have a coffee, kay? Get wired and you'll be okay, kay? Oh! Let's head on up to grab our stuff first. And I gots to put on underwear too, right? You need underwear? What's that? Ewww! FALCON WANTS TO WEAR HOT-WIRES UNDIES?! You such a pervie new fish!"

The tall mechanic finally stopped talking long enough to playfully smack Falcons arm then burst out laughing.

"Oh, oh, oh, hey~hey, you gonna drink that, right?"
Amina pointed to the mug in Laurence's hand then immediately reached out for her coffee mug... and promptly refilled her own. "Kay, so like let's pound these back then head on up and get some underwear on our butts...! Hey, do you like cat vids?"

Giggling like a little school girl, she clinked her mug onto Laurence's mug. "Here's to a good day, bro. Vroom~vroom meow, bitches! Amirite?"


Silence stopped mid-way to the kitchen upon hearing a familiar voice. Comrade! When are we going? I must get my weapons ready. He turned to face Burian, eyes skimming over the man momentarily, realising that the Slav was right; no obvious weapon was on his person. "I was hoping to leave now, but you must go get your weapons. Meet you in parking, as soon as possible." He began to turn around and walk back to where Fox was, before the other male spoke again. I need something to drink, so I would like to get done as soon as possible. I do not drink before missions. "Then you must get your weapons quickly. There is water in my car." Adrian was surprised he'd originally even thought someone as skilled (and alive) as Burian drank before a mission. To do so would be practically suicide. Are there any others coming with us? We would likely do well with a third. Adrian nodded. Perhaps Hot-Wire did do something smart after all, he thought. "Yes, Fox will be joining us. In fact, she is waiting for us." With that, he pointed at his wrist, no watch there but the gist was enough, and began to make his way to his car.
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