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Confusion about Woman of the Year?

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This is true, however it is noted that my sources do target all LGBTs, From the 'L' for 'Lesbians' to the T in 'Transgenders'. The main concept of the part of my post that you quoted still stands, there really is nothing that proves that Transgenders are mentally ill. However you are right there there is a major difference between wanting someone of the same sex and wanting to be a different sex.
That's fine, I just wanted to let you know that I clarify, from my position I will always see them differently.

I understand what you are trying to say though.

This is only half true. While you were brought up in a more accepting family, and while there is a major improvements in our society that proves that progress has been made since the early 2000s in both society's acceptance, understanding and the scientific research that is placed forth in showing more and more that LGBTs are normal people, there is still a lot of discrimination and bullying because of it. So yes, while it is much better than it was in the past it is still an issue and acting like it isn't existent is a rather dangerous attitude over it in itself.
Well you have to understand that the LGBT thing as a whole is completely new. Society doesn't know how to deal with it, NOR should it be forced to handle it in a particular way.

This is again why I am Libertarian. No side should be able to use the government to force others to think they way they do, be that "Traditional" or otherwise.

I saw this a while back and thought it was interesting. Not the "nobody is born that way", but how they say that "Homosexuality" is "new" to our culture. I know its not exactly on topic, but it IS interesting to think about. http://dailycaller.com/2014/03/19/nobody-is-born-that-way-gay-historians-say/

This is actually a concerning question to me just for the fact that it was even asked to begin with. Still though, to answer your questions. Yes there are such things as an LGBT community though these tend to be more like social groups where they talk with one another and are more often associated with a more major issue. Even so, this is not what I was meant to reference since I was using it to talk about LGBTs in general, which is often called the "LGBT community". Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Forgive me, I grew up both in America and Japan back and fourth every 4 to 6 months. Sometimes I am not thinking in the terms right. I thought you meant communities like a literal "city".

I won't lie that you completely lost me here. I do not necessarily recall what you're talking about in this moment so I do hope you can clarify more on the context of this quote. Thanks.

As for 'personal bias', I do hope governmental sites and educational documents that are made after a college study are not considered as such.
You mentioned that the psychiatrist was probably expressing a personal bias. I just wanted to explain that I look at everything from a stand point that it is a personal bias.

Government sites? Government is partisan politics, and bias towards whoever is in power. I could give examples, but it would open up too much to talk about in the conversation. And I feel the same way about college studies, because you can have two opposing studies and people will gravitate towards the one that fits their own bias.

To clarify, as my previous sources may show, the main reason things were so 'flip-floppy' when it comes to LGBT and mental illnesses is because of the bias in the past, things were far less advanced, and that LGBT were considered ANYTHING but normal. As time progressed progress was slowly made until today where evidence supports the fact that LGBTs for the most part are not mentally ill. Of course though, Transgenders are still considered 'iffy' on the subject, as Jorick pointed out, but in general they are still very capable in functioning perfectly fine in society and in the end, that is really all that matters.
I want to refer to this again, I don't think there was a bias in the past because "being gay" in the past was not a thing to "Be", but more of an "action that one could take".

Good, I'm glad to hear you are relatively open minded and wish to understand more on why the overall populace think the way they do.
I'm going to take this to task. With about half the population split down the center(basing this on the political divide, which I think is an accurate-ish measuring stick for this topic) , I don't think the "overall populace" things that way.

What I think it should think is "Live and Let live", or better put in my way "leave each other the fuck alone.". XD

Survey: LGBT Adults See Acceptance But Also Discrimination
LGBT Bullying Statistics (While this is a source, I am not considering it to be 100% liable only because I am sure that these statistics might've been manipulated to make things seem worse than they are. I'll be conducting a further study on this later on.)
For that LGBT Bullying Statistics, I offer this:

Fact Sheet: Lesbian Partner Violence

A Same-Sex Domestic Violence Epidemic Is Silent
Hey look, it's a GIF representing what you're all doing right now:


Since this is officially a Wall Headbutting Contest, though, I think Jorick's form and impact is best and I award him 8/8. Shit's great, mate.
I am a veteran of many wall headbutting events. I always come prepared.




Jesus christ. Get the fuck out. I don't always agree with Kak's opinion either, but it's obvious he isn't trying to start shit. Actually, it seems to be you that's the problem here. If you don't like reading about this shit so much, get the fuck out. Nobody is asking whether you like this thread or Kak or not, and to be honest, you posting what you have been posting here is the real wall headbutting, and the only one baiting is you. I bet you're just waiting for Kak to say something you can construe as mean so you can say "SEE, I WAS RIGHT GUYS, HAHA, AREN'T I THE BEST? STROKE MY DICK FOR ME."

Seriously man. You're a fucking moderator. You're supposed to be an example for the community and you are acting like a goddamned child. To see that you've been given no warnings here, or that (I'm assuming here) you haven't been quietly asked to stop posting by another mod or admin is actually fucking appalling. I've considered hitting the report button on you, but that would be pretty pointless because I'm talking to one of the authorities on the forum here, and it appears the general consensus is that your shit is golden. I'm pretty sick of it.
My apologies.

I was cursed by a gypsy to never take anything seriously in General Chat.

I for one never assumed you were a troll -- and I definitely agree that everyone assuming you were trolling just because you share a different opinion than the majority was a bit uncalled for -- and, I did try to help you out and explain things the best I could, which I'm only mentioning again because the fact that you didn't reply or acknowledge it already makes it seem like you didn't notice it, and I do legitimately want to help explain things.
I appreciate that, and I totally messed up and didn't see the response. That happens when you have a lot of "dicks" flooding a legitimate thread...

There is a difference between identifying as a gender that doesn't match your sex and claiming to have sex organs that one doesn't have.

A trans man would identify as male, but he can't say "I have a penis" if he hasn't had any surgery and therefore doesn't, because, like you said, that statement simply wouldn't be true. But, that's not the point of it all, you see.

Identifying as a certain gender does not mean you're trying to delude yourself into thinking that your biology is different than what it is. In fact, I'd argue that trans people are probably very much aware of what their biology is, given the fact that, for many, their biology and the fact that their body doesn't match their gender makes them very uncomfortable.
And I understand this. What I don't understand is why people are trying to change that natural biology. A persons body generally knows when they need a state of repair, and when someone changes there plumbing, it tries to fix itself. I understand not being comfortable with certain aspects, but trying to change in such a drastic way is just something I can't square with myself, especially when it seems like physical harm.

People don't need to change their bodies in order to "qualify" as trans. Being trans means that someone's gender identity doesn't match their biological sex. That's it. It doesn't necessarily imply anything about surgery, hormones, or even someone's choice of clothes. It just refers to gender
This actually helps me with the definition of trans. I can accept that, and I can accept things like hormone therapy and stuff, but like I tried to say before, I can't logically get on board with what seems to be self mutilation. I could accept the other things mention, though.

Say there's a woman -- and I do mean a cis woman with the two X's, just so we're clear -- who just so happens to have a more muscular and broad-shouldered body than the average girl, and also happens to have more body hair than the average female, as well as a bit of peachfuzz on her upper lip. A lot of aspects about her physical appearance, especially her hairy lip, make her feel uncomfortable because they feel too masculine. She's a girl, so she wants to look like a girl -- and, therefore, she's uncomfortable with her own masculine build and body/facial hair. Even if she still clearly looks feminine enough for people to recognize her as a girl at a glance, and even if the hair on her lip is something that no one's ever commented on and that is only really visible when she really takes a close look at herself in the mirror, it still makes her uncomfortable because she doesn't like feeling like a man. Her body just doesn't feel feminine enough to match her gender.

Now, let's say it's discovered that the reason why she has these somewhat more masculine traits is because she happens to have a bit more testosterone in her system than the average female. Everything that's masculine about her is something that's biological, genetic, hormonal, etc -- all things that are pretty much out of her control. She's still a girl, definitely, but she doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin because of the masculine traits that were assigned to her at birth, most of which would be difficult or impossible to permanently change.

So, here's a thought... what if this woman (I'm going to call her "Susan" from here on out to make things easier), instead of being born with just a bit of extra testosterone and the traits that came with it, was also born with a Y chromosome and male sex organs? Would she no longer be considered a girl? It's still a matter of biological traits making her feel unhappy with her body, which she feels doesn't match her gender -- nothing has changed there. The only thing that's different is that she has a Y chromosome now and the traits that come with it. How does that change the situation?

Is she no longer considered a girl just because of the fact that she has the more "complete package" of male traits, even though she still feels like a woman and feels uncomfortable and self-conscious about those masculine characteristics?
I understand what you are getting at. The chromosome argument I made before may have not been proper to what I am trying to convey. I think that Male and Female are a way of identifying a person based on what they contribute to reproduction, naturally.

Yes, I can understand the Gender thing. And if people want to call boy and girl "social constructs" I get that too, so long as they realize that they are only making more "social constructs" by adding to the pot.

I can't look at someone and know "what gender is this person?", based on what they might feel about themselves or how they portray themselves. But what I can do is identify you based on what I can see "male" or "female" parts.

Even when a person drastically changes how they look (I cross dress and pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.) I think most people can tell. I know I haven't been fooled yet (not saying that fooling people is the intention).

You might say that she only counts as a man now because she is "fully" biologically male, but, consider this: in the first hypothetical, Susan had mostly female characteristics, but with some traits that were clearly more masculine. If being fully biologically male means that one must be of the male gender, does that mean that a person with mostly feminine traits but a few masculine ones would have to identify as mostly female, but slightly male? Because Susan didn't -- she identified as fully female, with her masculine traits feeling like they didn't match her identity and therefore making her uncomfortable. And it's not like that's something that we'd have trouble believing could happen; lots of girls feel insecure about having body/facial hair, and lots of boys feel insecure about having a more feminine voice. These are everyday examples of cis people who may feel like their body doesn't completely match their gender. And those aspects of their body that they dislike? Biological. Genetic. Assigned at birth. Etc. And it would be ridiculous to assert that a hairy-lipped girl or a womanly-voiced boy would have to identify as partially the opposite gender just because of some physical traits that they can't change, especially under the reasoning of "it's genetic so you can't change it".
Quoting this so you don't think I skipped it.

And, if we have no trouble accepting that examples such as these are definitely the gender that they say they are, why can't we accept the same thing in trans people?

Food for thought...
I would like to ask this, just a casual question I guess. I don't know if you feel that gender is a "social construct" or not, but if you do:

Usually the argument for gender for people who aren't so "traditional", is that gender is merely a social construct and should be ignored as just "male or female", and started making all these labels to identify how someone feels.

If people are fine rejecting the traditional "male and female" labels, then shouldn't people who are more "traditional" be allowed to reject all the "new" labels?

Again, I believe very strongly in "live and let live".

I think maybe you should stop starting threads as these because it seems to lead down the drain. If you have questions maybe use the pm system.
I'm learning a shit ton, even if I don't necessarily agree with it all. Its still new knowledge.
I think it's an open forum and they should be allowed to have civil discussion about modern affairs without worry of harassment and fear of reprisal. That and he'd have to know who to ask instead of sending a mass private group message to the hundred or so general chat posters.
Marry me.

Yes it is an open forum, there's nothing wrong with asking questions about topics confusing but it seems that in threads past and present everyone gets heated with opinions and so forth not solving anything. Anyways I just gave my opinion on the matter I'm done.
Let me clarify, I am not trying to solve anything. I am trying to learn something.
Jesus christ. Get the fuck out. I don't always agree with Kak's opinion either, but it's obvious he isn't trying to start shit. Actually, it seems to be you that's the problem here. If you don't like reading about this shit so much, get the fuck out. Nobody is asking whether you like this thread or Kak or not, and to be honest, you posting what you have been posting here is the real wall headbutting, and the only one baiting is you. I bet you're just waiting for Kak to say something you can construe as mean so you can say "SEE, I WAS RIGHT GUYS, HAHA, AREN'T I THE BEST? STROKE MY DICK FOR ME."

Seriously man. You're a fucking moderator. You're supposed to be an example for the community and you are acting like a goddamned child. To see that you've been given no warnings here, or that (I'm assuming here) you haven't been quietly asked to stop posting by another mod or admin is actually fucking appalling. I've considered hitting the report button on you, but that would be pretty pointless because I'm talking to one of the authorities on the forum here, and it appears the general consensus is that your shit is golden. I'm pretty sick of it.
I was honestly just considering saying something about this, myself.

It's kind of sad to see that a dissenting opinion is immediately assumed to be baiting, especially when just about everyone else here seems to be keeping a level head about the whole thing, and I don't think I've seen Kakumei come off as hostile or particularly bait-y once.

I don't agree with them, either, but I wouldn't assume they're a troll just because their views don't align with mine (or that of the Iwaku majority).
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Jesus christ. Get the fuck out. I don't always agree with Kak's opinion either, but it's obvious he isn't trying to start shit. Actually, it seems to be you that's the problem here. If you don't like reading about this shit so much, get the fuck out. Nobody is asking whether you like this thread or Kak or not, and to be honest, you posting what you have been posting here is the real wall headbutting, and the only one baiting is you. I bet you're just waiting for Kak to say something you can construe as mean so you can say "SEE, I WAS RIGHT GUYS, HAHA, AREN'T I THE BEST? STROKE MY DICK FOR ME."

Seriously man. You're a fucking moderator. You're supposed to be an example for the community and you are acting like a goddamned child. To see that you've been given no warnings here, or that (I'm assuming here) you haven't been quietly asked to stop posting by another mod or admin is actually fucking appalling. I've considered hitting the report button on you, but that would be pretty pointless because I'm talking to one of the authorities on the forum here, and it appears the general consensus is that your shit is golden. I'm pretty sick of it.
Hrm. There are a lot of things I could say to this, but I'll keep it to two.

1. Even if another member is being a shit, that's not an excuse for this kind of personal attack and abusive language. Call someone out for being a shit, by all means, by do try to maintain civility or you might just end up on the staff shit list for flaming.

2. We have a special feature for reporting a staff member that you think is causing problems: https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/forms/report-staff-dispute.8/respond
Eh, honestly, as stupid as it might be for someone to want to remain horribly unhealthy or cripple themselves or whatever, it's their body to do with as they please. Genitals are a different matter than, say, an arm or a leg though. Losing a limb or similar major crippling alteration would drastically affect someone's ability to live their life, perhaps make them unable to work and thus perhaps need to have their expenses paid for by disability benefits, and that's a bit of a conundrum. Altering genitals will really only fuck with their ability to procreate (and that's not even a sure thing), and we already have less invasive optional surgeries that can do that for both men and women, so we've already decided that it's ethically fine. The question to ask is not "is it okay for someone to surgically alter their body," but rather what will cause more long term harm and have a higher likelihood of severe harm: the disorder that makes them want to radically alter their body, or going through with the surgery? Generally it looks like chopping off a limb is still pretty crazy, but gender reassignment surgery is gaining support amongst psychiatric and medical practitioners, so who knows how that coin will land in the end.
And I agree, people should be able to do anything they want as crazy or stupid as it may seem to anyone (or even everyone) else.

I'm simply getting tired of people saying that I am an idiot or a bigot because I can't logically square the idea of (really just the sex reassignment) part of transgendered.

Yep, that's pretty much my whole argument. People handle emotions differently, they react to various experiences differently, so trying to judge what someone should or shouldn't be able to handle is kinda crappy. Trans people simply have some more obvious emotional vulnerabilities than the average person who is comfortable with their gender, thus it follows logically that they're more likely to have major negative emotional reactions.
Well again, I agree with live and let live. I'm just trying to understand the idea of why people get down on the idea of doing something so drastic to themselves. I don't want someone to do something so drastic and then kill themselves. That makes ME feel uncomfortable with myself for not being able to convey to someone how serious that could be.

That's not a fair comparison at all. A sudden unexpected injury with permanent effects that isn't something people will likely mock and harass you for is different from growing up with something that is rather confusing and hard to deal with plus might attract levels up hate up to and including murderous rage.
Eh, I was mocked in my neckbrace, but its anecdotal at best... And I don't see much hate and murderous rage here in America nor over in Japan. I can think of a few countries governed by Sharia Law that certainly do though.. Lost a good friend to their bullshit... Anyway, more personal shit that has no place in this..

Well, here's some food for thought: what's so "radical" about the surgery? You might as well consider it a cosmetic procedure plus maybe also getting sterilized, because you're just moving stuff around to make it look more like you would prefer. Looking at it from a purely medical perspective and discarding socially ingrained biases about gender issues, an appendectomy could be considered more radical than gender reassignment surgery because you're removing an organ entirely rather than just moving things. Oh, and before you say something about that only being done to save lives, if the statistics were to show that post-transition trans people had a far lower suicide rate than those who don't get such treatment then I would argue that the surgery does in fact save lives, but to be fair I haven't been able to find any statistics at that split suicide rates based on stage of therapy or transition.
I mean "radical" in the sense of it being very extreme of a way to deal with the problem. Talking to someone who is a dick is a lot more reasonable then say, punching them in the face. If I am not mistaken, even in transgendered statistics, sex reassignment surgery is usually a very rare and last resort.

Also, I would say that the hormone therapy is far more radical because it causes extreme changes in body and brain chemistry, but you don't seem to have said anything negative about that side of things. Is a visible physical change more extreme than a less visible chemical change just by virtue of it being visible?
But I thought that they were taking the hormones to change there body to match more how they feel? Isn't emotion dictated by brain chemistry? Or am I way off base?

Conscious hate on the part of someone making negative comments isn't required for someone to interpret their statements as being driven by hate. Someone who is pro-capitalism could see a socialist's comments about everything wrong with capitalism as being driven by hate. A Muslim could take any criticism of their religion, no matter how minor, as hate from the hypothetical Buddhist. Perception matters more than intent when it comes to how statements actually affect people.
See I have to drastically disagree. Hate is an emotion and would have to be inherent for it to be legitimate. Hate is based on intent and even more so on action. If you feel "uncomfortable" that doesn't mean that someone should think you feel hatred.
I was honestly just considering saying something like this, myself.

It's kind of sad to see that a dissenting opinion is immediately assumed to be baiting, especially when just about everyone else here seems to be keeping a level head about the whole thing, and I don't think I've seen Kakumei come off as hostile or particularly bait-y once.

I don't agree with them, either, but I wouldn't assume they're a troll just because their views don't align with mine (or that of the Iwaku majority).
Hrm. There are a lot of things I could say to this, but I'll keep it to two.

1. Even if another member is being a shit, that's not an excuse for this kind of personal attack and abusive language. Call someone out for being a shit, by all means, by do try to maintain civility or you might just end up on the staff shit list for flaming.

2. We have a special feature for reporting a staff member that you think is causing problems: https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/forms/report-staff-dispute.8/respond
I apologize for being so rude. I'm not very good at keeping my temper under control, but I'm feeling better now. vv" It's just, to see someone in a position of authority acting like this really burns me up. @Grumpy , I should have re-read my post a couple times and toned it down. I'm calling you out on bad behavior, when I myself am acting like a shit.

Ah, I had completely forgot we had a Staff report function. I'll keep it in mind now.

I'll see myself out now. Have a nice discussion you all.
Jesus christ. Get the fuck out. I don't always agree with Kak's opinion either, but it's obvious he isn't trying to start shit. Actually, it seems to be you that's the problem here. If you don't like reading about this shit so much, get the fuck out. Nobody is asking whether you like this thread or Kak or not, and to be honest, you posting what you have been posting here is the real wall headbutting, and the only one baiting is you. I bet you're just waiting for Kak to say something you can construe as mean so you can say "SEE, I WAS RIGHT GUYS, HAHA, AREN'T I THE BEST? STROKE MY DICK FOR ME."

Seriously man. You're a fucking moderator. You're supposed to be an example for the community and you are acting like a goddamned child. To see that you've been given no warnings here, or that (I'm assuming here) you haven't been quietly asked to stop posting by another mod or admin is actually fucking appalling. I've considered hitting the report button on you, but that would be pretty pointless because I'm talking to one of the authorities on the forum here, and it appears the general consensus is that your shit is golden. I'm pretty sick of it.
Thank you. I've been feeling like this for a little bit now. I just.. Wouldn't actually say it...

I was honestly just considering saying something like this, myself.

It's kind of sad to see that a dissenting opinion is immediately assumed to be baiting, especially when just about everyone else here seems to be keeping a level head about the whole thing, and I don't think I've seen Kakumei come off as hostile or particularly bait-y once.

I don't agree with them, either, but I wouldn't assume they're a troll just because their views don't align with mine (or that of the Iwaku majority).
I owe you thanks as well. I'm trying to be sincere here, really.


I need to figure out how to condense everyone's arguments together so I can reply to them more efficiently. The sheer volume of all this is a bit daunting, but I am really to at least come to an understanding...
I'll go back and respond to the post that was directed at me in just a second, but first, I want to make one quick comment here,

See I have to drastically disagree. Hate is an emotion and would have to be inherent for it to be legitimate. Hate is based on intent and even more so on action. If you feel "uncomfortable" that doesn't mean that someone should think you feel hatred.

I'd have to disagree that the feeling of hate can only come from intent. A person can definitely feel like they're being hated even if it wasn't the intent of the other person.

In this case, that could easily mean a trans person feeling "hated" by many of their peers who refuse to accept their identity. If a trans boy is surrounded by people who keep calling him a "she" and who insist that he's a girl, or ask why he can't just be more girly, or ask why he's deluding himself into thinking he's a boy -- well, those people might not think that they're being "hateful" and instead only saying what to them seems perfectly normal, because they don't understand how a person of the female sex could possibly be a boy. They think they're in the right, without "hating" him.

But for the trans boy, there's definitely reason for him to feel hated, what with everyone around him refusing to accept his identity and constantly trying to shove him into the "girl" category no matter how much he protests. This is no longer simply a matter of feeling uncomfortable with one's own body, this is thinking that everyone in your life is against you and doesn't respect you for who you are -- and, at that point, it doesn't matter what the intent was -- the emotional harm is clear.
I'd have to disagree that the feeling of hate can only come from intent. A person can definitely feel like they're being hated even if it wasn't the intent of the other person
No, I'm not saying that the other person has to feel the intent for it to actually be hate. I think its unfair for people to automatically assume that you hate them because you don't agree with them.

I'll use myself as an example:

I am legitimately concerned by the repercussions of doing something as drastic as removing a bodypart or changing how it works in order to be more comfortable, especially with how new the idea is and how it effects people because its such a new concept and idea.

Its anecdotal again, but I have met very few people who seem to actually "hate" transgendered people just because they simply disagree with the concept.

In this case, that could easily mean a trans person feeling "hated" by many of their peers who refuse to accept their identity.
This is my point. Just because you feel hated, doesn't actually make you hated.

Just because I feel hated by Grumpy, doesn't mean he actually does. (Though, Its not really something I wouldn't mind betting on in this case. XD )

You can't just base things on feelings..
Just because I feel hated by Grumpy, doesn't mean he actually does. (Though, Its not really something I wouldn't mind betting on in this case. XD )

I fucking hate everyone, don't worry. It's not just you.

If I can shake off the aforementioned gypsy curse for just a second and jump in on what Kaga's saying, though, maybe 'hate' isn't the precise word to use. It's emotionally wearing, might be a better way of phrasing it. How they feel about their identity isn't something that they can help, and yet facing rejection, a lack of understanding or outright hostility for it is gonna take its toll. That's my theory as to why suicide is so prominent amongst trans folk.

I'll leave you with this cheeky little spoken-word song by a fairly awesome trans woman who lives in one of the rougher parts of England, since she can probably express what I'm trying to say a lot better than I ever could.

Now then, back to shitposting, before that gypsy catches up to me.
If I can shake off the aforementioned gypsy curse for just a second and jump in on what Kaga's saying, though, maybe 'hate' isn't the precise word to use. It's emotionally wearing, might be a better way of phrasing it. How they feel about their identity isn't something that they can help, and yet facing rejection, a lack of understanding or outright hostility for it is gonna take its toll. That's my theory as to why suicide is so prominent amongst trans folk.
I think that saying "emotionally wearing" is far more appropriate than "hate". I think using hate like that is just a way to negatively stigmatize someone without even a fair chance or explanation of what they really feel.

I'll leave you with this cheeky little spoken-word song by a fairly awesome trans woman who lives in one of the rougher parts of England, since she can probably express what I'm trying to say a lot better than I ever could.
I'll have to watch it in a erm... less public place, lest I receive some of that "hate" from the doofuses around me.
Open then minimise, my man. There's no video, after all, just lyrics.

And a Pokemon metaphor, too, if that's any incentive.
And I understand this. What I don't understand is why people are trying to change that natural biology. A persons body generally knows when they need a state of repair, and when someone changes there plumbing, it tries to fix itself. I understand not being comfortable with certain aspects, but trying to change in such a drastic way is just something I can't square with myself, especially when it seems like physical harm.
*shrugs* Why would the hypothetical Susan perhaps want to get laser hair removal for that lip of hers? Why would anyone want to change any physical trait that they aren't comfortable with?

Whether or not it's a gender thing, I see nothing wrong with people having these changes made if that's what they want to do with their body.

And, as for it causing "physical harm", well, I'm going to assume that the medical professionals performing the surgery know what they're doing, and that it won't be a dangerous process.

This actually helps me with the definition of trans. I can accept that, and I can accept things like hormone therapy and stuff, but like I tried to say before, I can't logically get on board with what seems to be self mutilation. I could accept the other things mention, though.
Once again, I'd have to disagree that this sort of surgery is "self mutilation", since it's being performed by medical professionals.

At any rate, this thread started with the question of whether or not Caitlyn Jenner really counted as a woman, and I just wanted to clear up that trans people are whatever gender they say they are, regardless of whether or not they've had surgery (so, yes, she would "count").

Whether or not you agree with having that sort of surgery is a bit of a different can of worms. Just wanted to make sure we at least understand each other about the previous point.

I understand what you are getting at. The chromosome argument I made before may have not been proper to what I am trying to convey. I think that Male and Female are a way of identifying a person based on what they contribute to reproduction, naturally.
Well, yeah, that would make sense for referring to the male and female sexes... Gender is different, though, is what I'm trying to say.

Yes, I can understand the Gender thing. And if people want to call boy and girl "social constructs" I get that too, so long as they realize that they are only making more "social constructs" by adding to the pot.

I can't look at someone and know "what gender is this person?", based on what they might feel about themselves or how they portray themselves. But what I can do is identify you based on what I can see "male" or "female" parts.
Yeah, I admit that people are bound to make assumptions about people's gender based on physical appearance, but I really don't see why that's such a huge issue. If I accidentally misgender someone and they correct me, then I'll apologize and try to keep their gender in mind in the future. If someone introduces themself as being a certain gender, I'll accept that at the start, too.

I think the convenience of knowing everyone's gender right away (which we would still have for most of the population) is a small sacrifice to be made for sake of helping trans people feel more comfortable about themselves by respecting their gender identity.

But if people are going to remain so hung up on physical parts to determine gender, then, well... all the more reason for trans people to feel the need to get surgery.

It's one thing if you want them to be happy with their bodies without surgery, but you really can't blame them for wanting to change that about themselves if the people around them still vehemently assert that one needs a penis to be a boy or a vagina to be a girl.

Even when a person drastically changes how they look (I cross dress and pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.) I think most people can tell. I know I haven't been fooled yet (not saying that fooling people is the intention).
So? Just because I know what a trans person's biological sex is doesn't mean their gender is any less valid -- especially if the changes made to their physical appearance still signify to you that they prooobably identify as the gender they're trying to look like, and not that of the sex that you can see behind the curtain.

I would like to ask this, just a casual question I guess. I don't know if you feel that gender is a "social construct" or not, but if you do:

Usually the argument for gender for people who aren't so "traditional", is that gender is merely a social construct and should be ignored as just "male or female", and started making all these labels to identify how someone feels.

If people are fine rejecting the traditional "male and female" labels, then shouldn't people who are more "traditional" be allowed to reject all the "new" labels?
I won't force people to change. Example: I haven't been pointing out every time you called Caitlyn Jenner a "he" and telling you it's wrong.

Instead, I focus more on understanding, and so, yes, I would strongly encourage people to learn to be accepting of people's identities, even if they are "new" for them, because I think it's good for them to understand what exactly it means to be trans and the harsh effects that misgendering can have on a person.
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