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I was at a Wedding all day (My Cousin's I was one of his Groomsman) so I totally forgot to let you all know that I wasn't getting up my races today, I meant Monday not Sunday.
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That's all well and true, but Rias is still suffering from a deadly little thing commonly called "naivety". Call it her flaw, if you will. Whether she will overcome it by plot's end, or whether she will survive at all, is yet to be seen.~
What intellectual setbacks do they have @Periodically Incorrect? I believe if the species is capable of invention and organizing well enough to make cities out of whatever they find they'd be more race like than species. Or is the inventing/stealing more of an instinct kind've thing?
The inventing and stealing is instinct.
Is it possible to reason with them to stop? (I.e. are they capable of comprehending their own decisions and recognizing them as troublesome / hurtful)
No, actually Goblins are mindless building machines so if they need something they think they are in the right to take it. They don´t think about the consequences that follow all they want to do is take.
I can definitely see Kelluva Isle as some sort of modern pinnacle of technology, that definitely features a clockwork city.
Alright! Then I´ll just change the continent! Location can remain right?


Mimics take the appearance of bare human women when outside their 'shells', and wear no garments save for some stolen jewelry. Mimic 'shells' are usually treasure chests, and occasionally, other containers like vases. Higher-level mimics use doors and towngates.

Mimics draw magical power as long as a part of them is attached to their pocket dimension. Magic varies and can be learnt.
Mimics live in the Mimic Realm, where they can percieve - but not interact with - our world. (Think the Shadowzone) They can access our realm through 'containers' that act as gateways to our realm - primarily treasure chests and vases. However, higher-levelled Mimic can access our realm through doors and literal gates.
Their 'shells' will be enhanced manyfold in endurance, making the softest wood as hard as iron.

The Mimics were a synthetic Fae race created by ancient alchemists in a failed experiment. In a failed attempt to create a homonculus using fairy dust and a bunch of other ingredients, they created a different dimension with its own, odd life.
Little else is known about these tough cookies about their past, but they are considered pests and are very annoying.

Mimics, while fully sentient and aware of their mischief, tend to thrive near dangerous dungeons with lots of loot. They love to horde treasure, which does explain why they will appear in bazaars and black markets, too.
Mimics require human males for reproductive purposes.

Mimics are known for being crafty. Each Mimic acts differently, though, and hence each encounter is as unpredictable as the other.

Mimics draw power from their dimension. As long as they are fully detached from this dimension or without an anchor, they are powerless. As long as they are, their stamina is limitless.

Mimics have all kinds of containers, from Vases to Treasure Chests, depending on habitat. These are usual non-mobile mimics. However, the special Matryoshka Mimic is rare, and it is impossible to realise it at first glance. It is said that the moore mobile Matryoshka Mimics are more dangerous than annoying, and no one has ever returned from a fight with one.​
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Cogs and Fire

((Thought I should add this. Sorry if it's too early to do so.))

Name: Canisus

Appearance: Canisus have a range of appearances. Some look like normal humans and other have wolfish characteristics. For example, some may have claws and canine ears instead of hands and human ears.

Abilities: Canisus have enhanced senses and the ability to morph into any canine species. That said, not all are able to do so. The ability is slowly being lost due to breeding with other species.

History: Originally the species lived in packs deep in the Featherleaf Woods. However, with new technology they have dispersed across the land. Other than this, their history has been relatively peaceful.

Behaviour: Their behaviour depends on what form they are in. When humanoid they tend to act like any human would. As canines, they may act like normal canines. Soemtimes different behaviours may cross between the two different states. for example, a humanoid may have canine like beaviour such as sniffing and tail wagging.

- Hunting
- Tracking
- Foraging
- Physical combat

- Sugar induced sickness
- Sensitive senses
- Hate dog whistles

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  • Nice Execution!
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I'm curious how they're capable of persuasion. I don't mean to nitpick, I just want to make sure everything is kept in the right category and all!;;

Goblins are tricky creatures. Some people classify them as races (like LOTR or WoW) while others classify them as species (think bogeys)...

The way I see it, is if the goblins have little villages of their own then they should be classified as a race. However, if they just steal things and horde them in a cave somewhere, then they sound more like a species. There are plenty of species with pack mentalities, so having a group structure would just be apart of their behavior.
Goblins are tricky creatures. Some people classify them as races (like LOTR or WoW) while others classify them as species (think bogeys)...

The way I see it, is if the goblins have little villages of their own then they should be classified as a race. However, if they just steal things and horde them in a cave somewhere, then they sound more like a species. There are plenty of species with pack mentalities, so having a group structure would just be apart of their behavior.
Yes, of course. I won't deny that, especially after making several species that have a pack mentality, but I believe persuasion would require a higher level of intelligence. Unlike Angler Fish (who naturally have a physical modification that 'persuade' fish to come closer) I would believe telling someone "Come here, we have candy," would require some higher level of intelligence. So I kind of see the instinctual hoarding of items and the mental capabilities to persuade someone/thing a bit conflicting.
Yes, of course. I won't deny that, especially after making several species that have a pack mentality, but I believe persuasion would require a higher level of intelligence. Unlike Angler Fish (who naturally have a physical modification that 'persuade' fish to come closer) I would believe telling someone "Come here, we have candy," would require some higher level of intelligence. So I kind of see the instinctual hoarding of items and the mental capabilities to persuade someone/thing a bit conflicting.

I wouldn't say they're conflicting. Their behavior as well as their habitat both lead me to say mark them as a race. They might be considered among the lowest standard for race, however they still qualify.

@Periodically Incorrect : Wouldn't it be neat if Goblins were a race variant of the species Hobgoblin (or Bogey)?
I wouldn't say they're conflicting. Their behavior as well as their habitat both lead me to say mark them as a race. They might be considered among the lowest standard for race, however they still qualify.

@Periodically Incorrect : Wouldn't it be neat if Goblins were a race variant of the species Hobgoblin (or Bogey)?
His submission is put under species, not a race. Which is what is leading me to the whole questioning. This is his creation, so I feel it would be fair to discuss any 'hazy' bits with them.
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Got a few new submission sheets for you to review when you have the time. I'm sure you're dead by now trying to read through all the submissions thus far. Lol.


Name: Heaven Spire

Continent: Kelluva Isle

While not the tallest point on the continent, the Heaven Spire is the tallest 'man-made' structure on the isle. However, the jutting tower is not the entire structure. Buried beneath the earth lies a chamber that contains the contraption responsible for generating the field that contains the island's air. This area is accessible only from a maintanence entrance located on the spire at ground level and only by those with the specially designed gear key. Through this same entrance the upper levels of the spire can be accessed by a mixture of staircases and magnetic platforms. This portion is responsible for the filtration and redistribution of air and requires monthly maintenance unlike the generator which only requires a yearly tune-up. The island's airfield, while generated in the basement, is cast from a device located at the very top of the spire. The only notable thing about the field is the slight light distortion, but goes unnoticed for the most part.

Location: Dead center; Top-side


Name: Cragpoint Pier

Continent: Kelluva Isle

Due to the high altitude of the continent, airships are unable to make the journey to the top without experiencing potentially fatal malfunctions. Instead visitors fly up part of the way and dock their vessels (for a reasonable fee) at Cragpoint Pier for the duration of their stay. From the dock there is an hour and a half long magne-train ride that connects the underside of the island to the surface. Fortunately though, this ride is absolutely free.

Location: Center-ish; Underside


Name: Gateway Station

Continent: Kelluva Isle

Gateway Station serves as both the entrance and exit to the surface of the island, connected to Cragpoint Pier by the magne-train. While called a station, the area actually serves as a miniature town for visitors. It is made up of several motel buildings, a couple of cafes, and a taxi service that will deliver travelors to any of the major cities on the island.

Location: Northeast of the spire; Located at the base of the mountains


Name: Bellavue City

Continent: Kelluva Isle

Home to the one of the world's largest libraries, Bellavue has become the gathering place of scholars and inquisitive souls. Naturally, those from various crafts gravitated to areas with similar people, thus creating unofficial districts dedicated to each particular craft. The city's economy is split between the many different supply shops as well as the tourists brought in by the Heaven Spire.

{Sub Location}: Union Library, as it is called, serves as a barrier that keeps both citizens and nosey tourists from getting too close to the spire (Which is kind of how it got so big). It has entrances on all sides to allow easy access for all districts.

Location: Center; Surrounding the Heaven Spire​

Name: Imam

For the most part, Imam appear human with a few exceptions. Their eyes glow (most noticeably in the dark) and they have naturally occurring tattoos (patterns are unique to the person; kind of like ). Other differences vary from Imam to Imam as they are linked with their abilities.

Each Imam is born connected to an animal spirit guide that they, once adolescents, can enter into a contract with. It is through this contract that the Imam's natural, magical power is boosted. Their magic is elemental in nature and is directly linked with the user's own stamina.

A secondary perk of the contract is that the Imam and the spirit guide are able to temporarily fuse as times resulting in changes in not only appearance but magic use as well. When fused the human will take on ethereal type qualities mimicking their guide (wings, claws, tails...) and their tattoos will begin to glow in the same ghostly manner. When in this state, their magical power is once against boosted, but only for one element. The element is thought to be dependent on the "species" of spirit guide.

Spirit guides and their contracts are psychically linked with one another, which allows for communication even when apart. Similar to the fusion, the contracted Imam is able to look through the eyes of their spirit guide thus increasing their field of awareness. This ability, however, has a limited distance and will only work within a mile of the Imam's position. Additionally, while in this state, the Imam cannot move their own body leaving them virtually defenseless.

The origins of the Imam people can be traced back to the forests of Feora, however they have long since abandoned their roots to travel the world in search of knowledge. A primarily neutral race, Imam pride themselves in not picking sides concerning conflict and will not get involved unless the outcome effects them directly. Once involved, though, they are a force to be reckoned with. While there are few records of the Imam creating a huge impact on the world, there have been a few documented scuffles in early Human history. The details of these scuffles are hazy but it is believed that the Imam felt threatened by the technology humans were creating and confronted them. It is also believed that these disagreements were settled with minimal violence and were what gave rise to the Imam's desire to learn.

Today they are considered nomadic, choosing to either travel alone or in groups varying in size.

Imam are a curious bunch that pride themselves on neutrality and when it comes to choosing sides, the usually don't. Over the years they have become known to gather books and other scholarly materials from around the world with the intent to share them with others, storing them in libraries and archives. Despite their love for knowledge, Imam are known for being incredibly spiritual will often rely more heavily on their instincts than the information they have collected over the years.

Strengths: Elemental Magic, Stamina, Intuition, Level-headedness, Patience

Weaknesses: Neutrality, Physical combat, Sentimentality, Pointless destruction (They will loose they're cool fast when faced with this)​

Name: Esperit Vaixell

Esperit Vaixell is an organization comprised primarily of, but not exclusively, Imam. They're goals consist of the collection and archiving of information from around the world as well as the upkeep of the Union Library. And while not necessarily they're job, they act as guardians of sorts to the Heaven Spire.

Base of Operations: Union Library in Bellavue City, Kelluva Isle​
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I wouldn't say they're conflicting. Their behavior as well as their habitat both lead me to say mark them as a race. They might be considered among the lowest standard for race, however they still qualify.

@Periodically Incorrect : Wouldn't it be neat if Goblins were a race variant of the species Hobgoblin (or Bogey)?
Okay, I´ll just say it´s a race then and change the form tomorrow.
Time to spend 5000 hours adding stuff.
@Demmy, I'll approve as soon as you come up with weaknesses. Maybe @Vivian or @Crow can help with that.
Hmmm... @Demmy

You could take inspiration from actual dogs.

Chocolate-induced sickness
Inability to think and going berserk when exposed to dog whistles
Enhanced senses may put user at a disadvantage(e.g. extra-sensitive)
Check the Update List, everyone. This one was a big one.
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