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@WeepingLiberty, I'm assuming, at least for my characters, that it's the latter.
Makes it sort of a last ditch effort in combat, unless you don't mind displaying your nudity to your enemies.
Psssst, @Vivian. I has a question for you.

When a beastshifter shifts into their beast form..... What happens to their clothing? #TheImportantThings

Do they magically poof away (and back again), or do they just kind of fall off leaving the shifter butt naked when they return to human form? xD
Normally, the clothing would rip and leave them but naked afterwards, but it's a magical world, special clothing wouldn't be uncommon.
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I'd imagine they'd end up naked unless they were wearing enchanted clothes made for such situations.
Name: Ubes

Appearance: They grow to be about the size of a whale, their bodies are sort of a square shape (more prominent around the snout) and their tails are flat and ideal for paddling. On the top of their heads is a blowhole.

Behavior: They're a gentle species and are intelligent. They live in groups with about ten adults and some children. They've been known to help sailors who've lost their ship at sea get back to land. They're usually very dull colors such as grey.

Habitat: Fresh and Saltwater

Strengths: Able to dive deep into the ocean, intelligence, Swimming

Weaknesses: Land, Natural predators,

Variants: None


| Species Submission |

.:| Name |:.

.:| Appearance |:.
When a Phenfox is born and regenerates from from the ash it's the size of an average baby mouse.
they are very easy to miss, but very social. Their fur color actually runs through the rainbow, whenever they regenerate
their fur color is either another shade of the same color and they work through shades at a time, or
they change whole colors so from Purple to blue and their accent color from Yellow to Orange
Because the Phenfox is a loyal pet it will grow with you and often times reach maturity with you.
When the Phenfox reaches maturity they are as large as the average four week old kitten.

.:| Behavior |:.
The Phenfox, depending on what type of life the Phenfox is given depends
on the behavior.

When a Phenfox is born and someone isn't their they'll be courious, they'll
search the room several times over. Each time they search the room becoming angry
to the point they won't want anything to do with humans. They will then run off where ever
becoming hostile toward anyone or anything really, they want to live their life in solitude.

However if someone is their when a Phenfox is born, a Phenfox will
trust them like a mother because they are young and feel that they need
someone their for them. A Phenfox will then stick with the owner and grow with them
as a sign of their loyalty. When the owner of the Phenfox dies, the Phenfox will crumble into
a pile of ash along side their master to be reborn.

.:| Habitat |:.
Phenfoxes originated on Astrival.
Despite the protests of K - 9, Phenfoxes were
wanted animals for their rarity, they could be sold
at high prices. Very few were sold and caught before
K - 9 Made it Illegal to take any animals to or from the
continent. If any were found smuggled then they would be
confiscated and trained to go back to the wild.
So, very few are seen housed OR in the wild on other continents.

.:| Strengths |:.
Their ability to adapt to new environments quickly
Agile and fast
Loud and Obnoxious when needed
Remembering objects places
Gives good cuddles

.:| Weaknesses |:.
Unable to Swim - Afraid of water
Issues getting used to new people
The need of their owner
The hostility toward every living thing

.:| Variants |:.
Their are no Currently found
or known variants of the Phenfox​
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@E.T., you still alive?
Yup, sorry about the delay. I am moving out this monday so there has been a lot of packing going on. I will try and get something up soon. That is if you guys are still interested in my plot.
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I know I'm still on for it.~
  • Thank You
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Well consider me motivated.
No lack of motivation allowed here.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I'll be getting a reply up later ttoday when it isn't 3AM!
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