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Ann Marie Rayne

Ann looked to Jameson and offered him a brighter smile as she nodded, standing up then reaching for the wayward pen. She took it gently then looked over to Alicia and dipped her head. She flipped the pad to a clean sheet and wrote quickly then handed it to Jameson so he could read ~~Thank you for finding the pen and for not being scared of me.~~ She headed over to Alicia to hold out a hand to the younger girl, glad she hadn't been down here for the fuss. She motioned to the door, an indication that they should return outside then looked to Jameson again so they would walk out together.
Jameson Francis

If nothing else, Jameson could say it had been a long time since he'd been accused of tricking others into breaking the rules by a girl several years his junior. Jameson only raised an eyebrow when Alicia showed up to - he wasn't even quite sure. Scold them? Thank them? Usher them out like a good, cheery little hall monitor? At the very leas the wasn't as upset as the last time he'd seen her, and the way she crossed her arms and tried to be authoritative was kind of adorable.

"Uh. . . Apology accepted?" He hazarded when Alicia concluded he wasn't trying to corrupt anyone after all, and looked down at the notebook in his hand after automatically accepting it from Ann. "Scared?" He read aloud without much thought, and afterwards handed the notebook back to her with a sheepish expression. "Little freaked out." He admitted, but would fall into step with the girls when they started to make their way out again. "I've never really met anyone with powers before this place. I'm still . . . getting used to things."

For the time being he had a feeling he was going to get a little freaked out by everything, but Ann didn't scare him. "Why are we all getting herded outside, by the way?" Surely one of them would know better than he did. Maybe this was a normal thing.
Alicia Winters.jpg Alicia Winters

Alicia looks at Jameson with a warm and welcoming smile as she explained what she knew of the situation "Well, Mr Powers is the head educator here at the orphanage so it's likely something related to education. I apologize, I don't know much more than that I'm afraid. Still it's important to give him utmost respect and to follow the rules here to show that we care about this place as much as the adults do. It makes it easier and more harmonious for everyone..." She smiles at the thought of being a teacher and speaks her dreams aloud to these two companions of hers as they return to the back yard, being in the hall right now "I hope I can be the lead educator here someday... I like to teach and I really want to cherish this place for the rest of my life. It's safer here than it is out in the world with all those hateful people and just the natural dangers. At least here people actively try to control themselves..." She sighs and looks at Ann for a moment, thinking to ask what happened that would make Jameson scared but she thought better of it. Instead turning to the boy himself and speaking on another matter "Um... do you think Joakim is mad at me...? I kind of stormed off on him... a-a-and he really didn't do anything that bad. I just really want to keep my hair and everything perfect... for my mother. She taught me to always look and act my best. It... feels wrong when something messes that up" Alicia seems absolutely obsessed with honoring her mother's memory but doesn't mention anything she wants to honor about her father, not even once
Ann Marie Rayne

Ann accepted the book back and closed it, setting the pen so that the little clip was attached to the spiral so it wouldn't get lost again. She was glad he wasn't scared of her, though if this was his first time among others with powers, well then she could fully understand him being freaked out about it all. A shrug answered his question about why they were called out then she looked to Alicia as the girl answered and revealed her dreams of being a teacher here. She wished the younger girl luck, because such would be needed if they were to have any positions of power of any kind with anyone who knew what they could do. Normal people could aspire to do things, but they were far from normal. ot that she would ever burst the girl's bubble on her own. Her hand moved to the girl's shoulder at the question of Joa being mad and she shook her head. She didn't think the boy was mad, confused yes, but not mad.
♫ Now Playing: 20. 'Powers'

More and more children began accumulating outside, gathering around, or near to, a man. Percy Washington Powers was six-foot-four, two-hundred and sixty seven pounds, and hulking. For a man rapidly approaching 58, Powers had the equivalent physique of Atlas himself, even if you couldn't must tell. Through his thick double-breasted coat and hiking boots, however, were the outlines of a man who spent a lot of time worrying about his personal fitness, despite seeming to have all of his time taken up caring for his students. Despite all of this, Powers shuddered in the cold morning air, sun glinting off the balding spot on the back of his head.
He folded his arms against the cold, but remained with a straight back and stiff upper lip, he was the very visual definition of power.

He sneezed.

He nodded at a small ginger girl as she approached him quietly, without caution, and with just the slightest bit of eye contact. He'd been spending after-school hours on Mondays with Eden, helping her to cope with their little orphan society, as well as check up on her psychologically. Things were going well enough. She took a seat in the snow to his right, and her eyes drifted as they often did, from person to person, erratically and without purpose. She didn't show any sort of stress in her body language, but it was nonetheless an instinctive reaction to stress for the girl. She shifted her gaze from one peer to another, rolling through every face and newcomer in the crowd, its density growing around her, collective body heat palpable from close distance, chatter growing louder and more clear, conversations, laughter, noise, people.



♫ Now Playing: 21. 'Waltz in Orphan Major'

Eden's eyes did not blink, they only watched. Soft-lidded yet vigilant, she struck every face with sharp green focus, her brain spiraling in and out of nigh-desperation. She was sweating.


A tap on her shoulder, Powers. She closed her eyes, breathing heavy. her mind still reeling, her ears still hearing, but she tried, as hard as she could. just to tune it out.


She took a d e e p breath.

If you were outside, you'd have felt the temperature drop about fifteen degrees over the course of that breath.

Even though Ricchon was quite amused by Joakim as he put up a show about blind dating, he kept himself from laughing. He did not want to interrupt him. At the batting of eyelashes however, Ricchon finally let out a short, low chuckle.
Even though Joa told another joke about being stared at, Ricchon turned serious, and remained so when Joa did too.
"I understand," Ricchon said with a barely visible nod. Shaking his head softly he added "I am not going to ask you. You've been here for only one day, and you're probably overwhelmed already. You don't need to explain yourself..." Keeping back his next statement of just wanting to be friends, he started to put on his duster coat. Grinning for a short moment, he teased "...yet." Shrugging the coat further onto his shoulders he gestured for the exit. "Let's just try to enjoy this trip, shall we?" . Ricchon felt easier near Joa. He was bound to have a moment's rest with this boy since he was mostly bright and funny. Ricchon's dark powers grew stronger around negative emotions after all, and the tall former mafia son just wanted to feel normal for a while. He felt like he could with Joa.
Whenever the white haired Ann Marie, and Jameson made their way past them, and over to the dinging hall, Ricchon had given the girl a longing glance. When Alicia passed them in her hunt for the two, looking precocious as always, Ricchon smiled amused. The girl was a funny little squirrel.
Jameson Francis

If nothing else, at least someone around knew what was going on that was willing to explain it to him. Jameson managed a faint sort of smile at Alicia and her precise speech at such a young age, amused by the way she tried so hard to be prim and proper. For her mother, it seemed. Whether the woman had passed or was simply alive and separated from her daughter like he'd been separated from his father, Jameson didn't know and wouldn't ask so as not to upset the poor girl. But it was sweet, her wanting to try so hard for someone that wasn't around anymore. Whatever kept her going.

"Ah." He said simply when she was done with her explanation, holding back more questions as to why on earth they would have some sort of class outside when it was cold and not everyone seemed to have proper jackets. He shook his head and gave a sort of sheepish smile afterwards, shrugging at the thought of Joa being angry. "I don't think he was mad. Confused, probably. There were more . . . distracting things after you left anyway. Just say sorry for running of, maybe, and ask him not to do it again, and it'll be fine."

Who could stay upset at the poor girl, anyway? What had happened to her the night before was terrifying and unfair, and now it seemed she was all politeness and smiles. She deserved the best this place could offer, even if that probably wasn't very much.

[ Rag'n'Bone Man - Wolves ]

"I understand," Ricchon responded with the tiniest nod in history, and then proceeded to shake his head as if he wasn't sure what to do with it, "I am not going to ask you. You've been here for only one day, and you're probably overwhelmed already. You don't need to explain yourself..." Well, another first. Joa was used to kids straight up pointing at him and getting all nosy, no matter if they were barely past the toddler age or in their later teens like Ricchon himself. Teenagers especially, Joa had noted, tended to be the most biggest pricks about their looks, but more importantly, how others looked. Joa had gotten some crap about it in the past, being asked stupid or otherwise awkward questions about his appearance that had the tendency to be insensitive, or being called names to his face or behind his back. He had grown used to it, almost numb to such treatment, hardened his emotions and brushed them away. The way he dealt with these types was with sardonic humor and sarcastic comments. Stupid questions deserved equally stupid answers.

So, in a way, Ricchon had just gained some points in Joa's eyes. Well played, Brooding Boy. Well played.

Well, until he shrugged on his coat and grinned momentarily, adding; "...yet."

The surprised, yet hopeful expression of wonder dropped from Joa's face in an instant and turned stale like a week old open beer can. Ricchon gestured towards the exit, continuing; "Let's just try to enjoy this trip, shall we?"

Without missing a beat, he replied with a monotonous voice. "Shoot, I knew you were too good to be true. No second date for you, Mister A." Joa threw his head back and sighed dramatically, reciting some Shakespeare; "O Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art thou, Romeo?"

However, when the two blondies, Ann and Jameson, passed them in the hallway, he didn't miss the longing glance Ricchon was giving the girl. He was quick to try and act like he did just not totally look like a daydreaming school girl when Alicia ran soon past them too, quick on the duo's heels on their way to... where ever they were going. Joa's scarily observant and intelligent eyes moved back to Ricchon, where he just stared at the older boy in silence, with that look in his eyes that was wordlessly spelling "I'm onto you, pal."

Then, a lopsided smirk spread on his face, and Joa was sure Ricchon would have figured by now that he would be hearing about this for the longest time. He reached out to wrap his hand around Ricchon's shoulder, already acting incredibly friendly with him. Joa was an easygoing guy, and at times a bit overly friendly. "...O Romeo, Romeo. I found thou, Romeo. But alas, I am not thee Juliet." He recites, with a little mockery in his tone. Then he starts walking Ricchon out, not commenting on it any further.

But, of course. Just before the entrance door closed behind them, one last comment could be heard.

"So... you like them quiet, huh?"

I mean, come on. This was Joakim Alexei Hale. There was no way he could remain quiet when such a golden opening was offered to him on a silver plate and sprinkled with diamond dust! It would be a crime not to use it and tease this poor fellow. But most of all, it seemed like Ricchon was having an one-sided crush here, and if it was probably up to this brooding, generally quiet boy, he would never get anything done. So, this is where Joa was going to step in. He was going to be the wingman Ricchon never wanted.​
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Alicia Winters.jpg Alicia Winters

With that exchange between the three of them the group made it back outside into the cold. Alicia seems almost lost in thought for a moment when she catches sight of Joakim with Ricchon. They were the last people Alicia thought would hang out together, the latter being rather dark and broody. Alicia got the feeling that Joakim was more of the jokester than brooder and thus wouldn't enjoy Ricchon's company. With that excuse she cleared her throat and turned to look at her current companions "Um... may I excuse myself to properly apologize to Joakim? U-unless you wish to accompany me and make sure I don't mess it up...?" "Mess up an apology? Is that really the best I can think of to get them to come with me? Wait a minute... why am I making an excuse for them to accompany me?! I should've just asked... Well it's too late now, what's done is done" Alicia shakes her head to clear the buzzing thoughts from her mind before she turns swiftly and strides over to the duo whether Ann and Jameson agree to follow or not. She taps the scarred teen and waits for him to pay attention to her before she does a well practiced curtsy and bows her head apologetically. She meets his gaze afterwards and nervously goes about her purpose "Joakim, I apologize for running off like that and making such a scene. Please forgive me despite my lack of a gift to give you in return. However I request that you not touch my hair anymore please. Keeping it perfect and in place is very important to me, my mother's memory would be tarnished if she were to look down on me from heaven to see me letting myself look disheveled" She takes a deep breath and awaits his response, her having thought of this apology the entire time she was fixing her hair until about 5 minutes ago. The words having been chose carefully to convey the sincerity of her apology
Ann Marie Rayne

Ann looked to Alicia as the girl excused herself to go to Joa a d Ricchon. She nodded and smiled softly as she followed the girl back over to the boys. She glanced to Ricchon then back down to Alicia as she spoke. A blush tinged her cheeks as she remembered that moment earlier but she hoped that could be attributed to the cold outside. She hoped that Joa would let Alicia know that she was forgiven and that he wouldn't mess with her too much in the future.

She waited quietly, watching both boys and Alicia and Jameson with her. She wondered what the boy thought of her but there was no way she was going to even try to ask.
Jameson Francis

As they walked outside again Jameson shuddered and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets, thinking once again that he might offer it to Ann even though she'd said no the first time. "Geez, I swear it's gotten even colder since we went in," he muttered, thinking that having gone out into the cold, back into the warm building, and then back out to the cold again had made everything worse. At the very least, it had done well enough to help cool off his temper, and he'd managed to get himself near Ann and Alica, who were some of the few familiar faces he had in this place so far. He could take a little cold if it meant decent company for a while.

When Alicia asked if they would come over with her, Jameson glanced at where Joa and Ricchon stood and held back the urge to make faces so as not to upset the girl. He only shrugged in response, and wandered dutifully along behind her so she could go and explain to Joa just why she'd ran off. As much as he'd known the gist of what she might say, Jameson hadn't thought she would want to have some sort of gift to offer, since Joa had been the one to upset her in the first place, however unknowingly.

Finally, after a pause, Jameson heaved a sigh, swallowed his godawful pride and looked at Ricchon. "Guess I should apologize to, for being a jerk at breakfast. I'm new to all this . . . powers stuff, and I overreacted." He doubted the other teen would offer any sort of truce, since he'd practically tried to kill Jameson the night before and bad memories did not fade so quickly, but there was no need to actively fight and Jameson was more tired and wary than angry about it. They were going to have to coexist whether they liked it or not, the only decision was at what distance they would do it. Wearily, Jameson wondered if Alicia's apparent connection to Joa, and Joa's apparent connection to Ricchon, would lead to them spending more time near each other.

Maybe, by some miracle, the specter teen might even apologize for tackling him off a roof one day. He wasn't holding out much hope, but maybe.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Ricchon had made a joke, and giggled at the sarcastic mutter from Joakim. Even though this started out as a promising friendship, Ricchon had little idea of what the little trickster was capable of. Apparently Joakim had spotted that short glance of longing towards Ann. Ricchon opened his mouth to object while being guided outside by the playful boy. When the Romeo and Juliet jokes started to be about him and Ann Marie, he wasn't sure if they were that funny anymore. Joakim was charmingly funny though, and even though Ricchon felt embarrassed, he couldn't be angry with him. "Eeh!" Ricchon started to object, but people started showing up from nowehere, and his comeback was lost in the crowd. "Damn you, Joakim!" Ricchon cursed inwardly while standing next to him like a dark pole. Having Ann Marie this close just after being teased about her made his heart beat fast, but his face was serious as they all gathered close to him and Joakim. His heart beat so fast he didn't even shudder at the cold. Keeping a stone face all the while, he hid whatever went on inside of him. Ann Marie looked at him, and Ricchon squealed inwardly. She knows! Joakim's got telekinesis! I just know it! I'll kill him if he's said anything! Ricchon couldn't quite focus on Jameson's apology while fearing the worst, but he stared right into his eyes mercilessly. However, having heard his apology, Ricchon nodded that tiny nod again. His merciless stare softened. It was a silent acceptance of the apology. Joakim was right; Ricchon did like silence. He also liked Jameson's behavior. Interesting.
[First post in a good while, I hope it turns out okay xD)


Another cold day, another sleepless night. Well, it wasn't the cold that had disturbed her, but rather all the noise the orphanage had made. She already had a hard enough time sleeping as it was, her instincts didn't allow her. The night was a time for hunting, not lazily lying around, and some times she did listen to this instinct.

This... wasn't very popular with the staff, obviously, she was supposed to sleep after curfew. Eve never really understood why, she wasn't disturbing anyone since she was pretty light on her feet. She never hurt anyone and she kept the insects to a minimum, maintaining the small cobwebs she'd put here and there in the orphanage. Sadly enough those same webs were cleaned up rather quickly, much to her dismay. Last night she'd been obedient enough to stay in the dorm, though it had been a long night. She had managed to get a few hours of sleep in, though this never mattered as she always woke up feeling drained. The staff always offered her sleeping pills, and while they helped her sleep, it didn't help against the morning tiredness. She was told that her internal clock was the problem, it should fix itself.

Evelyn knew that, of course she did, but wouldn't it have been fixed by now? No, Eve had decided to blame it on her spider side rather than her internal clock. This was simply how she was, there was no fixing that.

Either way, she'd gotten up around the same time as everyone else and did her morning routines. She'd put on some warmer clothes, a gray woolen shirt over her tee and a pair of warmer trousers. The only pair of shoes she had currently were her combat boots, they were still usable, but they did show signs of degradation. It was rather sad, really, she'd grown to like them. Then again it's no wonder they've got some holes here and there, she'd been using them rather religiously over the last decade or so. She sighed, that being said they brought memories along with them as well. But that's a story for another time.
Eve also put her red scarf around her and although it has some sentimental value to her, she's forgotten who gave it to her.

She decided to head down to get her breakfast. Being on autopilot for most of the morning she didn't take notice of much, her brain was simply too sluggish to take in any important information that early. While she did think she heard a couple of voices she'd never heard before, the young spider didn't bother. Right then the only thing that mattered was food, and sugar, it was necessary to her. Kick-start herself and all that. She managed to hear Mr. Powers, it wasn't that hard considering how loud the speakers were. No idea if she were to be thankful for that or not. Yeah, let's go with not thankful. Loud noises were a headache. Please just shut up already, okay? I'm on my way, alright?

And so the red eyed girl stood up and headed to the yard. Once she got there, the first thing she noticed was how cold it was. It didn't look that cold from the inside? Ah well, looks can be deceiving. The second thing, however, was much more interesting. She'd taken notice of the group consisting of Ann, Ro, Alicia and two boys she'd never seen here before. She suddenly felt herself getting excited, Eve just had to get to know those two. They seemed to be messing around with eachother, though Eve didn't care much about why. It was none of her concern.

"Umumu~?" She sang out to herself, slowly striding closer to the group of five. She decided to be silent, it was more interesting to sneak up to people as if they were prey, rather than fellow humans. Oh right, she wasn't really human now, was she? In any case, Eve never quite understood the meaning of "personal space", so she didn't stop until she were but a few short inches away from the boy with the short brown hair. She then took a small whiff from the air around him. He smelled... a bit more exotic than the others? A southerner... perhaps? Or a foreigner?! It was a nice smell though. "Hmm~ I was never told about new arrivals. A surprise it is, a surprise it is indeed!" Her melodic tone rang out as she twirled around backwards, as did her red scarf. She then turned her attention to blondie, to whom she began heading up to, hands behind her back. "Humor this little lady, whoever might you two be?" There was a bright smile plastered on her face, red eyes glimmering with curiosity. She normally would've greeted the others as well, but she was too caught up in the moment to do so.

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[ Imagine Dragons - Roots ]

"Eeh!" Ricchon made some sort of embarrassed panic noise, and Joa couldn't but bark a laugh at it. This guy was just too precious to leave alone. However, before Ricchon could vocalize his displeasure any further, Joa felt a light tap on his back, distracting him from giving further hell to his new friend. As he let go from the dark haired boy's shoulder where he had his arm wrapped and turned around, Joa found himself faced with Alicia to his surprise. She looked as pristine as ever, as if the earlier in the dining hall wouldn't have happened in the first place. And then she curtsied at him. She curtsied. At him. Joakim Hale was possibly the last person who felt like he deserved anyone curtsying him, given his small town boy background from the countryside of Virginia, so he just slowly blinked at the whole show the young girl was putting for him. She then proceeded to bow her head as a sign of shame, and that made Joa raise both of his hands uncomfortably, looking around himself warily as Ann and Jameson approached them too.

"Joakim, I apologize for running off like that and making such a scene. Please forgive me despite my lack of a gift to give you in return. However I request that you not touch my hair anymore please. Keeping it perfect and in place is very important to me, my mother's memory would be tarnished if she were to look down on me from heaven to see me letting myself look disheveled." Alicia stops the word flood, leaving Joa staring at her even more thrown off. He then looked each of them slowly, as if wordlessly asking if the girl was being serious, because this was going a bit too overboard. And wasn't it him who was supposed to apologize here? Wait, a gift? Why would she need to give him a gift?! To bribe him?! This was all upside down and going to hell in a handbasket!

Before he had a chance to react, Jameson did the unthinkable and followed after Alicia, apologizing to Ricchon on his behalf. "Guess I should apologize too, for being a jerk at breakfast. I'm new to all this... powers stuff, and I overreacted." Well, hell must have frozen over and it was only a matter of time before it would start raining cats and dogs, he assumed.

Joa blinked slowly again, turning to look at Ricchon and how he was taking it. He saw the dark brown eyes only staring at Jameson, and he could almost see the gears turning in that dark haired head. Then Ricchon nodded a little bit, and the gaze softened a fraction. And that was it, and it seemed like whatever dispute the two other boys had been having before that Joa wasn't aware of was settled then.

He turned to look at Alicia again, taking a deep, nasal breath and opened his mouth to finally respond to her unneeded apology. "Alicia, I--iieagh?!" But whatever words that he was about to say got stuck in his throat and came out as this throaty, odd squeak when he felt someone suddenly practically inhale at the back of his neck and breath down to it. Joa jumped away with wide eyes, swatting his hand on his neck protectively and skidded into a halt next to Alicia, staring at the unknown black haired girl with a red scarf, looking quite offended and flabbergasted and cussed at her. "What the sh--" And then he immediately remembered that younger kids and adults were present, and changed quickly into acronyms. "--sugar honey iced tea?!"

"Hmm~ I was never told about new arrivals. A surprise it is, a surprise it is indeed!" The Creepy Chick said with a sing-song tone and twirled around backwards, the ends of her crimson red scarf flapping about in the air. She then took notice of Jameson, and approached him. "Humor this little lady, whoever might you two be?" She smiled brightly, and Joa might have thought she could have been kinda attractive... had her creepy factor not shot through the roof the moment she had snuck on him and smelled his freaking hair, or the red eyes. That. Was. Not. Normal.

He rubbed the back of his neck, eyeing the black haired girl warily in silence. Freak.

Ignoring the girl, he focused back on Alicia, dropping into a crouch in front of her. Joa's breath came out in steam as he took one of her small hands into both of his. "Listen, I'm the one who should be apologizing here. I'm sorry I upset you, I didn't know and mean to do that." He patted her hand in attempted comfort, and then reached into the pocket of his pilot jacket, pulling out a muffin wrapped in a napkin. He then proceeded to drop into one knee and offered it to her like the most expensive diamond ring, ready to propose. "Forgive me, princess?" His scarred lips went for that lopsided smile, that widened further when he added; "I got more of this where it came from," he looked around and loudly whispered to her, "I stole some stuff from the dining hall, don't tell the staff or I'm--" He stopped and pulled another napkin from his pocket, which turned out to be bread. "--toast!"
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Alicia Winters.jpg Alicia Winters

Alicia couldn't help but be thrown off by the sudden and invasive appearance of Eve, a girl who even Alicia thought was a bit of an oddball. And of course she had once again done something strange by sniffing Joa! Alicia's eyes looked right at her and practically drilled holes in her head. It was a silent chastising for her interrupting her conversation with Joakim and for making him uncomfortable. The pat on the hand wasnt anything too outrageous for Alicia to endure... it was the next gesture that made her entire face turn a shade of crimson. He dropped to one knee like some sort of proposal, Alicia immediately tensed up and her eyes widened in shock before she actually noticed the muffin in his hand. Alicia swallowed hard, embarrassed by Joa's showmanship before she took the muffin. Her eyes remained wide as she took in the playful lopsided smile Joakim wore... and then the terribly cheesy joke came... As soon as the words left his lips Alicia's shock slowly receded into a fit of giggling. After a short giggle fit she flashed Joa a bright beaming smile and simply stepped in, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him warmly. Her speaking to him during her embrace while still fighting off giggles "You are amazing Joa! That was both charming and funny at the same time! I think we could be the best of friends in no time! Hehe!" Alicia didn't want to make him more uncomfortable so she pulled away from the friendly hug as soon as Joa did the same. Her hoping that he wouldn't be opposed to her offer of friendship
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When Ricchon spotted what had caused Joakim to jump from his side to Alicia's, he smiled. He kept an eye on Evelyn, the spidergirl, while standing steady as a mountain. As she danced around him to face Jameson, Ricchon gave Jameson a reassuring look. The warmth from the hearts of everyone around him had caused Ricchon to appear quite friendly. The creepy spidergirl was perhaps even more creepier than Ricchon, but she was merely curious, and wanted to know who the boys were. Watching Jameson about to meet someone new again, Ricchon started to perhaps enjoy himself a bit too much. His inner, darker ego wanted more. His friendly smile stretched into a tiny, devilish smirk, and he gestured discreetly for Jameson to say hi to Evelyn, as if the whole situation could resemble an evil lord wanting Jameson to pet his dangerous minion.
Jameson Francis

That was it? He'd worked himself up to apologizing to someone who would likely never apologize to him, or take back what had happened, who had even seemed pleased when they had been 'fighting' the night before, and all he got back was the tiniest nod he'd ever seen and slightly less antagonistic staring? It wasn't enough, and Jameson dug a nail into his palm where his hand was hidden in his jacket pocket and fought not to roll his eyes. Whatever. He didn't need to make nice with someone that would fight him because he'd been panicking and shouted. He'd done his part, and whatever Ricchon wanted to do was just a wary side note for the rest of the hopefully short time Jameson would be stuck in this place. He would just keep an eye out.

Unfortunately, being distracted by Ricchon's staring only meant that Joakim jumping to the side was his first sign of a new arrival and then she was coming his way. Jameson took a step backwards, but wasn't sure where Ann was in relation to him and so went no further. He glanced at Ricchon only briefly when he noticed the other teen looking at him, wanting to keep his eyes on the new girl who was frankly freaking him out, and the look on Ricchon's face was not reassuring coming from someone who was barely an acquaintance at this point, and a potentially hostile one at that. Jameson put a hand up in front of him regardless, palm down still but clearly meant to push her away should she get any closer.

"New guys." He said warily, a slight frown on his face because her eyes were plainly in view and he was still trying to figure out if it was just his eyes not working. Surely that color wasn't real? "Ones that would prefer you take two steps backwards and stay there." After the experience he'd had with Ricchon, desoite how normal the teen looked now, Jameson was not entirely trusting of people whose features looked inhuman.
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Ann Rayne

Ann watched the goings on from where she stood beside Jameson and a step behind Alicia, having stopped there to let the girl talk and the others respond. She looked to Eve as the other girl arrived and went up to sniff Joa. Ann had started to raise a hand to warn the boy, but hadn't been fast enough to be seen before he had gotten scared and turned, moving back and to them to stare at Eve as Eve then moved to Jameson to look at him. She sighed and shook her head, knowing Eve had no boundaries from what had to have been an unusual upbringing. Ann moved back a step, reaching to take Alicia's empty hand to bring the girl back out of the way of any possible danger from this meeting. Ricchon wasn't helping matters much with that smirk of his now.

Evelyn Fleming

The moment Eve turned her attention towards Blondie, everyone around her became wary. Well, everyone except Ricchon... or Ro as Eve called him, he knew her better than most of them. But that was because they were similar, to a degree. She felt a pair of eyes staring holes into her and it wasn't a good feeling. Eve understood that it was Alicia, the little girl's never been quiet about the way Eve does things. And as such she understood that she'd just done something unacceptable. Alicia's piercing gaze soon left Eve however, as the brown haired boy went down on one knee and pretty much stole the show. That guy truly had a way with words, didn't he? But while Eve was interested in the two reconciling over something, her attention was still fully attached to the blonde one in front of her. His demeanor had changed.

He was scared. And unlike the one with the name of Joa, she'd heard Alicia speak it, this one had taken a more aggressive stance towards Eve. At first she felt complied to mirror said aggression and answer in kind before she stopped herself and stayed a few small steps in front of his hand. "New guys." He said, the tone in his voice was more than enough for her to understand she wasn't welcome much closer. "Ones that would prefer you take two steps backwards and stay there." Eve took a few slow steps backwards, she didn't want to seem hostile. This had taken a turn for the worse pretty quickly. She didn't want to scare them or make the two hate her, she'd simply wished to say hello. But in her excitement she had forgotten a small thing called "manners", Eve still had trouble understanding what it was good for, but this did seem like a time for that.

When she once again stopped, this time a couple of feet away from the group, Eve frowned sadly. It wasn't forced, she was genuinely troubled. She saw that Ann had pulled Alicia closer to her side, probably afraid of what could've happened... were they that scared? But... what was she supposed to do now? How could she make this situation turn to... something less hostile than this? She pondered for a little bit until she remembered Mr. Powers lecturing her about something called "apology". Then... being sorry? Would she feel better if she said sorry? It felt more awkward than simply just standing there, but she had to say something... right? She began twiddling her thumbs, opening her mouth just to shut it again. How did one say sorry though? This was tough. Being human was tough. She never had to apologize to anyone back in the lab... nor did they ever apologize to her. She took a deep breath, staying quiet was not an option.
And so she spoke, looking down and twiddling her thumbs awkwardly.

"U-uhm... I-I'm sorry if... if I caused you all trouble. I never meant to scare anyone, I only wanted to greet the new ones. I-I'm not good with people, this is all new to me. Nice people... is new to me. I got excited... Just- Just please don't hate me, okay? I will never do that again, to anyone, I promise. I'm sorry." Her eyes were darting from one place to another, her thumbs continued twiddling around. She felt awkward and afraid. This didn't make her feel any better, just worse. She learned she didn't want to feel this way again. Sniffing others as a greeting? Bad. Never again.​
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Ricchon's smirk vanished as the group started to treat Eve like an animal carrying diseases. He didn't blame Jameson for placing boundaries, nor did he remain stern as Ann Marie spoke in the manner she could, but he felt bad for the red eyed girl. Evelyn backed away and apologized. Ricchon only looked at her, and without breaking out of the group, he spoke low "It's okay."
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