Beyond Third Rock

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Wyatt began shooting, blood spilled from the creatures and the roars became louder. The autopilot was also set to shoot and bullets wizzed past them in all directions. Most were going down but others were clawing up the walls trying to dig their way out. Wyatt pulled a grenade from his belt launching it to where one was halfway into the wall. It's body blew into two different pieces and the rage that came from the other creatures was unreal. They were closing the space between them and Wyatt was worried they would not make it out of this alive.
Jane sent another exploding arrow flying and watched as the bodies flew. She paused, one of the beasts staring at her with uncanny intelligence. As if in a daze, she found her movements slowing. Her body moved of its own accord and she felt as if the beast was trying to communicate.

But, how could a beast communicate? Especially one that was clearly blood thirsty.

Before she had realized it, she had dropped her phone. Her fingers seemed numb, mind screaming about the danger. The largest beast continued to stare her down, being protected by others around it. Jane's heart beat erratically, filling her ears with the rushing sounds as it moved through her body.
Wyatt had been hit by a barbed tail, sending him flying onto his back. A creature was now directly above him, glaring at him with silver turgoise eyes. Wyatt felt for his knife he stabbed the creature in the abdomen just as it sunk its fangs into his shoulder. Wyatt screamed out in pain, twisting and shoving the blade in any way he could to try and kill the beast or get it off his shoulder. Tom was shooting everything in sight, not missing a single target as trained, Ruth beside him. Mag after mag bullets kept reaching targets, blood soaking the cave ground and walls.
Jane fought against everything, her mind mentally trying to pull her from its trance as she heard Wyatt's scream. "STOP IT!" She yelled, falling to her knees. Creatures around her focused on her, baring fangs angrily. "ENOUGH!" She picked up her bow, sending an arrow flying towards the beast that had mesmerized her.

Something inside Jane snapped as she found her feet again. Her dagger found her hand and watched the leader's body fall. Somehow, she knew the larger beast had been the leader. Instinct drove her to the ground as one of the other creatures leaped over her. Tails slashed in her direction and she barely avoided the one aimed at her head. A small cut oozed blood from her cheek and she let out an animalistic screech of anger as she charged towards the beasts with only a knife.

She was seeing red. Her dagger slashing in all directions as she ducked and dodged in cheetah-like motions. Beasts fell before her, Jane barely noticing the little cuts she was accruing. Jane tackled the beast on Wyatt's shoulder, eyes full of loathing. Grabbing the nose, she ignored a tail whipping towards her back. A shallow cut sliced into her and she angled the beasts head up. The dagger in her hand flashed, the beasts neck severed.

Jane rolled to her feet, crazed and searching for her next target.
Wyatt was in war mode. Sitting from where he had been injured he grabbed his weapon and went back to shooting left and right. He watched as Ruth was charged. Tom shooting the beast right before it chomped her head off. Wyatt watched then as Jane surged forward with just a knife. He ran, wincing at the pain that shot up his leg, blood oozing out of the wound at his ankle. He wrapped an arm around her waist and shoved her up against the cave wall as two barbed tails slashed their way. One of them pierced his shoulder and was gone almost immediately.

He turned and shot at the three nearest them. The numbers were falling, only a few dozen were left. Wyatt pointed to the tunnel. "Go!" he shouted, using his foot to pick up and toss her bow towards her.

"We're searching below! You guys clean out up here." Wyatt shouted over their com and followed Jane into the darker tunnel, walking backwards he aimed his weapon at the opening to shoot whatever may follow.
Jane picked up her bow, eyes unfocused as Wyatt pointed her in a direction. Like a cannon loosed, she shot into the tunnel. Some animal instinct in her had been kick started and she rushed forward, using her bow to shoot into the darkness. The star speckled pelts were too easy to see and she let loose a maddened cackle.

Like a berserker, she dashed. Sliding onto her side to roll under an incoming beast. Holding up her dagger, she opened it from chest to tail. She narrowly avoided the fangs of another, her leg taking the hit. An arrow through the eye ended it and she shot towards the darkness several more times. Almost out of arrows, she strapped the bow to her bag. The pistol found its way to her hand and she shot rapidly at the eyes staring at her.
Wyatt didn't know what to think but he followed beside her, the tunnel becoming a mass gravesite. A short while later Ruth and Tom joined them. The bodies were too great to count and the tunnels were being searched individually. Wyatt leaned againt a wall, his head light from the blood loss. He wiped at the sweat and blood from his face and ran a thermal scan. The bodies were cooler than they were and no active hot ones could be seen in the entire cavernous system. He stabbed one of the creatures with the speciment vial. Slipping the tiny device into his wristband it was analyzed and all information sent to their group up on la vedette navire.

"Let's get out of here, we have a lot of healing to do." Tom said breathless. There wasn't a person that hadn't been hit. Ruth moved towards Wyatt.

"Here let me help." she said grabbing his gun. Wyatt shook his head weakly.

"I'm fine. Ja..Jane where is she?" he said breathlessly.
Jane stood breathless, disoriented. A pile of bodies surrounded her. Her dagger rest in her hand, arms drenched in blood. She had no idea where she was or where everyone else had disappeared to. She shook her head, groaning when she began to hurt. Bringing up her wrist unit, she opened the comms channel. She sunk to her knees, wincing as the cuts and scrapes on her body began to burn. Almost as if they were making up for their lack of attention while she was berserk.

"Tunnels down here are clear..." She gasped over the unit, stepping forward. She crouched by one of the beasts, determined to take something for her trouble. Skinning it deftly, she tucked two or three of the star speckled pelts under her arm.
Ruth ignored Wyatt's plea and walked him into the craft. She went back for tom as Wyatt tightened a bandage around his ankle wound.

He wanted to stay up and make sure Jane came back but blood loss and pain ebbed him into unconsciousness
Jane stumbled to the upper levels. Her injuries were more numerous than she imagined. She had wandered too far from the group. The sight of the ship made her gasp. Wyatt was no where in sight and she suddenly found herself rushing towards the ship as fast as her body could allow. "Wyatt!!"

She burst into the ship's interior, dropping the pelts and gazing around.
Ruth eyed the crazed woman and stood between her and Wyatt. She had just laid him on the table with Tom's help. A vent was helping him breathe and an I've line started. Though Ruth was injured as well her training was combat medic.

"Calm down Jane. Table beside him is yours. We need to her you scanned and the regrowth not working on you. We're hoping Wyatt can pull out of his. He lost a lot of blood." Tom spoke slowly noticing her stance and the fact her knife was still in hand. his fingers danced at his waist where his twenty two was. Last thing he wanted was to shoot her.

Ruth was standing beside Wyatt. Her fingers brushed at his hair.
Jane gave a growl, clenching her knife more tightly. "Get your damn hands off him!" Adrenaline coursed through her and she saw red. "Back away now..."
Tom drew and aimed his gun then. "Jane don't make me do this. Just drop the knife and get on that table so you can start healing."

Ruth did not remove her hands. She rose her brow. As commander Jone's niece she didn't give two shits for Jane.
"Do us all a favor and shoot her between the eyes. They're all hoping she'd die down here anyway" Ruth mumbled.

Tom shook his head. "Shut up Ruth. And can you both stop spilling your pheromones over this cowboy... its quite embarrassing not to mention emasculating." He kept his gun pointed.
Jane looked down at her hand, surprise flooding her features as she realized she still clutched the knife. She dropped it, looking at Tom. "Let me near him."

Despite her best efforts, she couldn't keep the plea from her voice. She did her best to contain her anger at Ruth's words. Now was not the time to lash out at the woman.
Tom nodded turning towards Ruth. "Stand down. Go pilot us to their cave."

Ruth's eyes met his and though she wanted to disobey his orders she knew better, niece or not she would pay for insubordination. She nodded, brushing Wyatt's hair once more before heading toward the cockpit. Tom lowered his weapon and holstered it.

"Let's go now. You're losing blood fast. I'd rather not have you flat line before getting you on that table."
Jane stepped towards Wyatt, kissing his brow lovingly. "Love you..." She turned towards Tom, feeling the ship sway.

The adrenaline was wearing off and she could feel the aches and pains. "Aye, sir." She whispered, her fire fading quickly. She sat on the table, staring down at her blood covered body. "I don't remember..." She glanced back up, taking a deep breath as pain lanced through her leg.

Her hands moved to the gash in her thigh, putting pressure on it.
Tom nodded his head. One hand behind her head the other on the side of her leg. He swung her slowly until she was laying flat on the bed. He placed the oxygenation mask and typed into the keyboard. Immediately a small orb began to scan her, assessing her for all injuries. It then got to work, healing her. It would take hours for the extensive damage. He placed an IV in her and pushed a sedative to help her sleep, the healing process sometimes is more painful than the actual injury.

He then moved to meet with Rachel at the helm. "Officer Rollins will be pleased with the success of the mission." Ruth said sending uplink information on their mission.

"Yeah, I doubt colonization will occur just yet. I feel he's going to drop more units and a mass planetary reaping is going to occur. I doubt those creatures were the only ones that could harm us." Tom said rubbing at his jaw.
She was laid down, panic filling her when she realized she could no longer see Wyatt. Her safety was unimportant compared to his. "I'm sorry, Wyatt. I said I'd protect you and..." Her eyes fluttered, the sedative beginning to take effect. The orb was repairing skin and muscle and she hissed in pain. Her fingers twitched, trying to find something to hold onto.

Moments later she was unconscious, the sedative knocking her out.
Wyatt awoke hours later. He was laying on a bed in the craft. He sat up, woozy and light headed. He felt as if he had been hit by a train. Everything was overly sore and tender. He massaged at his neck and sat up, slowly walking around the table. He looked around and saw Jane on a bed as well, an orb taking vitals, it had 100% healed her but she was still not up. He held his head as he walked out of the craft. Ruth was being worked on by an orb and Tom was poking at food on a fire.

"How long was I out?" Wyatt asked.

"Thirteen hours. Surprisingly short for the amount of blood you lost. Drink some water, you need rehydrated." Tom answered. Wyatt nodded sitting on a crate and tipping the offered cantine to his mouth. Ruth looked at him with a soft smile.

"You were very brave out there today. Thank you for helping us exterminate them."

Wyatt nodded. "So when are they dropping the colony off now that we've neutralized that threat?"

"Not yet." Tom said. "They're dropping units off in all different places, a mass search of Globus is what is next."

Wyatt blinked his eyes. "But I'm done. We, we are done. We can settle down now."

Tom shook his head. "New orders. They're splitting our units up. You and I head out tomorrow, the females go back to La Vedette Navire to be placed in new units, bigger units and sent out to new locations."
Jane groaned, her eyes struggling to open. She gasped, panicking at the mask on her face and dried blood on her hands and chest. Alarms started blaring, her heart rate exelerating as she struggled to remember through the foggy head what had happened. "Fuck off!" She swatted at the orb, ripping out her IV with a cry of pain.

Her fingers clawed at the mask and she pulled it off with a gasp of breath. Her body rippled as she sat up, moving far too quickly.
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