Battle of the Bands (MaryGold x lxngdon)

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Jace's heart warmed to see how happy Embry was with her party. He had put a lot of effort into the event and it was all worth it, seeing how gleeful it made her.

He put on his skates and drifted out to join her. He had practiced a couple of times since the last and he was a lot better now, which was good, because he wanted to be near Embry in case she fell. Jace took her hand and squeezed it gently, dropping a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm glad you like it."

"Jace, you dick." Jace looked up to see Jasper holding onto Cass's and Evan's shoulders as he was clearly struggling with the skating. Jace laughed. "You're an asshole. You know I have no balance."

"Sorry, man, I thought it was Embry's birthday."

"Right." Jasper looked at Embry apologetically. "Sorry, Em."
"It's fine. You know Jace had no sense of balance before he met me either." Embry smirked his way. "He fell flat on his ass a couple of times. It was adorable."

"Only you, Embry, would find someone else's pain cute." Eadlyn slid over with ease, chewing on a twizzler. He stood by her free side and lazily put an arm over her shoulder. "Don't worry, not all of us are as skilled. I mean look at that fucker."

Embry followed his gaze to Orion, still standing next to a wall, seemingly for support. "Orion can skate." She said just as he moved away from his 'support' them.

"Oh. I guess that really does leave you." Eadlyn laughed shamelessly at Jasper to which she responded by shoving him and knocking him over on his butt.
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Jace laughed and gazed upon the partygoers with affection. He was happy that their band members liked each other now. He was happy that they were all getting along. He was even happy that his dumbass sisters had decided to tag along.

After an hour or so of skating it was time for cake and presents and everyone took their skates off and sat around in the players' box, with the spread of chocolate-based snacks before them and a large pile of presents to the side.

Bianca had bought Embry a nice pair of earrings, and Hillary a matching necklace. Ashley had bought her a large box, almost the height of Embry's knee, filled with assorted chocolates andJasper had gotten her a pair of Beats headphones because he lacked originality.

Cass and Evan, however, had printed out Jasper's apology tweet and framed it for her.

"Oh my fucking God," sighed Jace as Jasper stared at his friends, appalled.

"What?" said Evan, smirking. "It's brilliant."

"Hey, fuck you, it was my idea," said Cass, punching Evan on the shoulder. "I thought of it when I was high."
"Well, that explains all." Embry smiled nonetheless, and looked the frame over. Because a gift was a gift. Also she was still much to happy to care. And she had already received so many great gifts from the rest of them. "I think it's very creative."

"Hey, if you don't want it. I'll take it. I think I have place for it above my fireplace." Orion offered, jokingly. "The one time Jasper admitted to being wrong."

"And the only time you were right." She closed the topic with a roll of her eyes. "Thanks guys, all of you, I appreciate it all. More than you could imagine." Having them all together, in the same room, not glaring holes into each other was the greatest gift of all.

"And Jace, my love, for throwing it all together." Embry hugged her boyfriend shamelessly, and lovingly. She knew he had worked hard to put this together and it was so thoughtful. The Ice rink. It was too sweet for her not to give him any affections. She kissed his cheek.
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"You are most very welcome," Jace replied happily, kissing Embry on the tip of the nose and squeezing her tightly. He fed off her happiness and was just glad that she had liked her party.

"Hey, Jace, where's your present for her?" Cass asked. He was clearly stoned.

"Up your ass." Cass looked confused and Jace leaned over to murmur to Embry. "I want to give it to you in private."

Because it was a very special gift and he wanted to make it special.
Embry nodded her head softly, understanding and complying with his plans easily. She was curious about it now, but not unbearably so. If she was to speak her mind genuinely, the party he had thrown for her was already a perfect gift enough.

He was too good to her. And she wasn't sure that she deserved it or him. But she loved him and wouldn't give him up for anything or anyone. It only brought more joy to know they we're going to have a baby.

The baby who constantly reminded her of it' presence with symptoms like nausea. And though she felt queasy, she didn't feel as if she was going to puke up. Which was good considering, she didn't feel like running to the restroom unexplained.

"Again, this was awesome guys." She held her hand under her nose, waiting for the feeling to past by.
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"We're glad you had fun," said Ashley happily. "Happy birthday."

Soon everyone had left the party and Jace was packing up the leftover snacks to take home to Embry's house. He helped her out to the car and drove to her apartment, where he had stashed her presents and was slightly nervous to give them to her.

But it would be fine. It had to be.

"I hope you had a good time," he said to her as he set the bag down on the bench. Jace kissed her on the lips and smirked. "Close your eyes."

Once she had, he reached under the bench and brought out a vinyl record of their song. It sat in a large envelope decorated with their cover art, and he had written those lyrics from Collar Full -- 'If you're gonna be the death of me that's how I wanna go'.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," he said as he stashed the other present in his pocket.
"No more mystery?" Embry asked jokingly as she reopened her eyes.

She would admit the blindfolding added to the affect. Very much so too when the present was as magnificent and endearing as the one Jace held for her. It was one of a kind, just for her.

She took the enveloped record in her hands and admired the cover art. And she couldn't help but brush her her fingers over the written words, reminiscing.

"Jace ... " Embry breathed, looking back to him and hugging it to her chest carefully."I love it, I can 't think of anything better."
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"I can think of something."

For the first time in a while, Jace was nervous. Truly nervous, with a hurricane in his stomach and his hands slightly shaking as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small, black, velveteen box.

"Um, I guess it'd be fair to say that we're too young," Jace said in a slightly shaky voice as he dropped to one knee in front of Embry.

"But, I mean, I've already knocked you up so this shouldn't be too much of a surprise." Jace opened the box to reveal a sparkly diamond ring, with sapphires set in the band.

"Embry Ashford," he began, looking up at her with nervous blue eyes. If she rejected him, he'd probably die. "I know that we haven't been together for very long. But ... I feel something for you I've never felt for any of my exes. Love, love stronger than I can imagine."

He swallowed back the lump in his throat, closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them, they were glossed over with tears.

"I love you so much, Embry, and I cannot see myself with anyone but you. So, would you please do me the immeasurable honour of being my wife?"
Jace wanted to marry her?

Embry had froze in her spot the moment he got on his knee, making his intentions clear. She kept her gaze on him, eyes unblinking. It felt as if everything else was muted except for the sound of Jace's voice and the internal noise of her heart pounding against her rib cage, over and over.

Yes, it shouldn't have been too much a surprise with their baby on the way, but it was still shocking enough. He hadn't let her on to his plan of a marriage proposal and the question being asked was enough to change her entire world. She knew he loved her, but this meant he loved so much as to wanting to spend the rest of his life with her.

Her eyes welled up with tears. When Embry discovered the ability to move again she set down the record beside her, sniffling. Embry reached out to caress his face and choked on her own voice twice before she could utter a proper sentence.

"If you'll really take and want me..." She paused to breath in deeply, searching his eyes for any doubt or uncertainty. Once all she found was nervousness and or fear for her answer, her tears streamed down her face. "Then, yes. A million times yes!"

Embry leaned in to kiss him and shower him in love and affections.

Earlier, she thought that she was at her happy limit. That things couldn't get any better or more beautiful. But she was wrong, she had been so wrong.
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Jace had been trying to keep composure but when she said yes, he burst into tears. He couldn't keep them in anymore -- they ran down his face and collarbones as he pulled her into a tight but careful hug.

She had said yes. Embry, his beautiful Embry, the love of his life, had said yes. She had agreed to marry him.

"I love you so much," he whispered around his shakily breaths. "I love you so much. I love you so much."

He pulled back and kissed her on the lips, before standing up with her and slipping the sparkly, expensive ring onto her finger.
Embry admired the shimmering ring that fit snug and perfectly on her finger. It was absolutely beautiful, and the reasoning behind it was so much more beautiful. In just a minute or more, she had evolved from the girlfriend status to fiancée. She was engaged to Jace.

Jace, her one and only, her soulmate, her husband to be.

She gently and affectionately wiped away the tears from his fair skin. Underneath his eyes, hes cherks, hes neck and hia collabone only to proceed to kissed each spot tenderly and to his lips.

"I love you too, so much. " She kissed his lips once more.
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Jace laughed through his tears of happiness and kissed her back passionately, reaching down to pick her up and sit her on the kitchen bench beside him.

He stood between her legs and rubbed her thighs gently as he gazed down at her with affection in his eyes.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured. "I'm the luckiest man alive."

Jace kissed his beautiful fiancée on the forehead and leaned their heads together.

"When do you want to tell people?"
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"Honestly, I would be shouting it to the world right now." Embry slipped her arms around his waist and sighed happily. The blood pumping through her veins still very ecstatic.

"I don't care too much when. It could be later or now or whenever. I would be okay with any time."She drew her hands, stroking his sides warmly. And she meant every word. She didn't care, because she had him and that was all that really mattered to her.

"So, when do you?"
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"I think we should tell our families and friends first," Jace murmured. He rubbed her sides and kissed her on the cheek.

Embry. His fiancée.

"And ... my parents are going to say we should have the wedding before the baby but we can get married anytime."

It was Embry's special day and he wanted her to have her dream wedding.
"If that's the case, we should plan after we inform them all." Embry concluded quietly, swinging her legs back and forth gently.

"We may have to wait until after the baby is born." She pinched her lips thoughtfully. Clearly, she didn't want to displease anyone, especially not his parents. But..

Embry smiled sweetly at him. "If we're going to have that spring or maybe even summer wedding anyway, it would have to be after."

The idea of waiting so long was painful, but she was sure it would be worth it. It was so much to think about and plan. Either way, she would be happy at any time, anywhere, when they would be saying their vows.
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Jace smiled. He didn't care where or when or how they got married, as long as they were happy.

Jace leaned in and kissed her on the neck and then the forehead.

"Come on, lets go watch a movie," he said softly.

((Skip to the next day))
Embry had slept through the whole, if not most, of the flight to New York. Because she was pregnant and the first class seats were too comfortable not to sleep in. And the day before she had hardly slept. How could she after having the day she had. She was engaged.

She did however manage to give a pre-warning call to her family who were elated to know of her short visit.

And so when they landed and walking the gorgeous streets of New York, she was full of energy. She would obviously need that energy for all that was ahead. In fact, she was feeling nervous about meeting with her own parents, yet alone Jace's.

She had even put on an especially pretty dress for the occasion. Nothing too fancy though, because then it'd look as if she was trying to hard. And she did not need that.

"Maybe we should have bought a small gift or something?" She said, biting the corner of her lip, as they neared their destination. The Lesecki household.
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"Nah, it's okay," said Jace with a shrug as he helped Embry and their suitcases out of the town car they had taken to his parents' brownstone. They lived in the city, in a large three-storey square building with a pretty garden.

He knocked and the door was almost immediately opened by a squat, middle-aged woman with Jace's eyes and Bianca's light brown hair.

"Jacey!" she said happily, wrapping her son in a hug and pulling him down so she could plant a kiss to his cheek. "Oh, dear, I missed you. Your sisters have already arrived."

She turned to Embry and wrapped her in a similar hug. "You must be Embry! I've heard a lot about you. It's very nice to meet you, dearie."
Embry would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised to receive a hug. But she quickly adapted and returned the hug of the older woman happily. Because it made her feel a lot better.

"It is so nice to finally meet you as well."
She grinned at his mother after pulling away.

She felt her nerves smooth at seeing his mother's enthusiasm. It was certainly reassuring, to say the least. And already, she liked her.

"I've only heard good things about you." Embry added, leaning back on the heels of her feet a little.