Battle of the Bands (MaryGold x lxngdon)

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j a c e

"Yeah. Maybe you're the one who's defiling me. I don't know. You might have some dodgy kinks and start running my Twitter account like some controlling abuser."

He pecked her on the side of the head picked her up, placing her on the bench and standing between her legs.

"But I like spoiling you. What's the point of being a rich musician if you can't spend obscene amounts of money on your girlfriend? By the way, I want to casually go to Rome next week."

He was kidding, of course, and bit down on his lip ring as he smirked playfully.

"What do you want me to say on Tyler Crowley?" he asked her softly. "About us?"
Embry chuckled at his witty remarks and loosening up some, or a lot to be precise. Yet, she pondered seriously for an answer to his question as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"I'm okay with you saying anything you like. Except any of the inside negative baggage surrounding us, but that's a given. So just let her them all know you'll never be on the market again."

She offered a genuine beam. "Oh, and don't say anything about my Winnie the Pooh thing because I'm keeping your big Disney love quiet."
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"Was that a proposal?" Jace joked, rubbing Embry's sides with his slender pianist hands.

"Thank you for not leaking my love for Disney to the masses," he added, leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. "I have a reputation to uphold, and you don't see Ariel performing Satanic rituals."

He squeezed her hips and then picked up his phone. "Did you hear my cover of Bohemian Rhapsody for the 'Suicide Squad' soundtrack?" he asked as he checked the ratings of the song on iTunes.
"I did! That and Heathens were absolutely the best songs presented in that movie." And the music was probably the best thing about that movie. That, as well as Will Smith and Margot Robbie, bless their hearts.

"You Don't Own Me was pretty damn catchy too. I love G-eazy. But overall I enjoyed your cover of Bohemian Rhapsody. "
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Jace gave a low whistle at the mention of the twenty one pilots song. "Shit. I would have forgotten about Heathens but it's so amazing that I can't."

He set his phone aside and returned his hands to Embry's waist.

"There go my chances of winning any awards pertaining to that movie. Stupid Tyler Joseph and his stupid talent."
"You can't blame him for his awesome talent." Embry slapped his shoulder playfully and smirked. "He can sing and rap and sound pleasant when doing either one. So, yeah, maybe next time, love."

"If it makes you feel any better, you can tell people you guys are signed to the same record label."
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"The fact that I am signed to the same record label as twenty one pilots is half the reason I am still alive. The other half is you."

He kissed her cheek playfully and checked the time. "Midday. Since we're obnoxiously public now, do you want to go out for lunch?"

It would drive the media crazy and Jasper even crazier but he didn't care. He wanted to be relatively normal and go out for lunch with his girlfriend. Well, as normal as two celebrities could get.
"I'd love to." Embry answered instantly, not bothering to think about it all. Sure, the knowledge of the attention they'd grab had crossed her mind, but that was everyday life for the both of them. And she wanted to go out with him. Instead of staying inside for the day.

Plus, she didn't have to bother thinking over what to eat in her fridge.

She stood up from her seat and swiped her phone from the counter top."You'll have to go on Tyler Crowley in a few hours, right? Though any time spent with you is is always well spent time, let's make haste to go. Do you have a particular place in mind or?"
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"Yeah, I want Indian food so I thought I would take you to this restaurant near Sunset Strip." In the most public place possible, but Jace had stopped caring about privacy.

So he drove them into the heart of Hollywood and lead her into the restaurant. He had sunglasses on to somewhat hide himself and chose a seat in the back of the establishment.

"TMZ did a thing on us," he informed her with a small smirk as he took his glasses off.
"Did they?" Embry lied her menu down and put her gaze onto her boyfriend with an amused face and raised eyebrow. It was only matter of time. She was surprised they hadn't done anything sooner.

"I did not have a chance to see it. What did they say?" She inquired, smiling just a little.

What aspect would they choose to write from? She was unsure. All she knew is that it would have to be the most intriguing one.
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"Well, it started off okay." Jace ran a hand through his shaggy black hair and looked at Embry with an amused expression on his face. He had always found TMZ and their tackiness hilarious, even when he was the subject of their idiotic reports. "You know, just your typical TMZ bullshit. Showing that photo the paparazzi took and then our Instagram picture."

Jace picked up his fork and twirled it between his fingers like a drumstick as he consulted his own menu.

"Then they decided that I've kidnapped you and I'm secretly indoctrinating you into the Church of Scientology or some bullshit like that. Which is a tad insulting. Do I look like Tom Cruise to you?"

Jace loved these rumours, because they fed to the fire he had accidentally created. He didn't mind being called a Satanist or a cult leader because he thought it was absolutely hysterical.​
"Where into Scientology now? What happened to Satanism?" Embry placed her chin the palm of her hand and chuckled. How anyone would mix the two up or feel it would make no difference to replace one with the other bedazzled her.

But it was funny. Never had she been associated with either before now. And it didn't bother her, when it came to gossip, she found rumors more amusing and occasionally annoying than anything else.

"I can only imagine what my poor parents are thinking after reading that. Their little girl being brainwashed."
She mocked with a dreamy tone and far off look in her eyes.

Her parents weren't naive enough to believe anything and everything in the tabloids, yet alone TMZ. They were, after all, celebrities of a different sort and knew how things worked. However, with all the already rumors surrounding Jace...

"I can seriously see my father having a heart attack right now."
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"Satanism probably wasn't elusive and mysterious enough for them anymore -- next they're going to say we're going to take over Jay-Z and Beyonce as the leaders of the Illuminati." Jace laughed softly as the waitress came to take their orders. He requested rich butter chicken with rice and a large glass of Coke.

Once she had left, Jace leaned in to murmur to Embry. "I forgot to ask about your parents," he said quietly. He was vaguely aware that Mr and Mrs Ashford were classical musicians and he had heard about something about them greatly disapproving of Embry's choice in music.

"Are they going to be okay with this?" Jace gestured to the two of them to signify what he meant.

He knew his own parents wouldn't mind. They would probably invite Embry for Thanksgiving and Christmas, which were only a month or so away now.​
"In all honesty, I doubt it. My father already hates you by now." Embry sighed heavily and rolled her eyes. She hadn't bothered to think about their opinions or concerns because she knew what it would be from the start.

"Don't take it to heart. He pretty much hates everyone, including me. Especially me. My mother might like you, or at least she'll pretend she does so I'll come over more. My family is full of posh, pompous assholes."

Embry didn't wish to say it that way, but it wasn't to far off base. And it annoyed her beyond belief because they weren't that bad and she still loved them, but couldn't stand them judging her everything. It made it hard to talk, yet alone visit.

"What are your parents like?" She asked softly.
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j a c e
Jace frowned. He didn't like that their relationship would cause problems with her family. He didn't care about what their fans thought, or the media, or even their band members. But family was different. Family was supposed to be there for each other.

He lightened up when she asked about his parents. "My mom and dad are the two coolest human beings you will ever meet," he told her with a smile. "They always paid for whatever we wanted as kids, which was how I got so good with so many instruments."

He leaned back in his chair and smiled. "They'd probably love you. They're quite accepting of everyone -- even when my little brother decided to do something completely different to the rest of us and go to law school. Fuckin' weirdo. Anyway, they're awesome."
Embry grinned, hearing him talk about his parents was endearing. She could listen to him speak about them, his time growing up and his whole family all day. It would be absolutely loveable, because she found delight in hearing more and more about him. Because with each fact, strength or flaw, it made her love him more.

"They'd have to be pretty cool to raise you I imagine."

She crossed her legs over one another underneath the table, and leaned in a little. "So, they indulged you and that's how you became such a virtuoso? I am thoroughly impressed. I would have to love and thank them."
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Jace nodded and smiled. "Yeah, they're the reason I am where I am today," he told her. "They were always so good to us when we were kids. They were awesome and they spoiled the shit out of us, but they were fair, and they made sure we were in line. We were the best behaved kids in Las Vegas."

He put his hands on his head and his smile widened. "We've paid them back. Now, Bianca and Hillary and I spoil them. We all pitched in for their big house in Las Vegas, I bought them a new car, Bianca paid for their anniversary in Italy ..."

He sighed in contentment. "I think that spoiling your parents is one of the best feelings in the world. We'll never be able to pay them back for everything they've done, but ... it's nice to make them happy."
"That's entirely marvelous." Embry couldn't imagine the feeling, but hearing how happy it made Jace made her happy too, and maybe even a little jealous.

Of course, she never had the opportunity to do anything of the sort with her parents. They were already greatly wealthy well before she got to her status, though part of the reason she got there was because of them whether they liked to believe it or not. They were the ones who got her interested in the musical world and taught her to play certain instruments and explore.

"They must be so proud of all of you. I know I would be. Even your law student of a brother. Once he really starts working, he'll big bucks too." She laughed softly.​
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Jace nodded. "They're proud of all of us -- even me, despite the fact that I'm basically a stripper." He smirked at her and leaned back as the waitress brought their food and placed it in front of them.

"Riley's going to be a pretty fucking good lawyer, I can tell. He's always been good at getting out of things, like the time the little shit threw a rock at my forehead and managed to convince my parents I fell over." He pushed his hair back to show her the small scar near his hairline. "Little shit. That was when I was ten and he was two, so ... seventeen years ago."

His eyes widened in alarm. "Shit. I'm twenty seven. I'm going to be thirty in three years." He was only half-joking. He didn't think aging was that much of a big deal, but at the same time ... it would be odd, to turn thirty.

"Will you still love me when I'm old and crippled and thirty?"
Lifting her eyebrows for short a second, Embry responded mysteriously with a teasingly devious smirk. "I guess we'll wait those three years and see, won't we?"

"And fifty is old, not thirty. Thirty is just next door to your mid life crisis." She picked her fork up in her right hand and pointed it towards him playfully.

"But, yes I would still love you old, crippled, and thirty. You know , women usually are the ones mostly concerned with that age. I'm afraid you'd leave me when I'm that old."