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Norindul Lore Master
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
FANTASY! I need strong plot points to strive. I need open world sand box. I need things that keep me challenged and indulge me as a writer.


~Historical Introduction~

No one remembers it. The way the fire nursed the shadows and darkness enveloped the world. Nor how dragons tore through the skies, while on the land below mighty catapults were slung to the sky. Powerful magic was used to quell the threat of the ancients and Seven kings came together to stand before the darkness that threatened to consume everything. No one remembers these days, but everyone knows of them. After all it is the pinnacle to the world now.

The great darkness was pushed back and the kings sealed it away within a hidden vessel; shattered and spread throughout the land. What was left was called the Fissure; A scrack in the earth of which no mortal man hoped to tread. The event changed the world forever. From here the Kings took up thrones and raised high kingdoms. And soon, mortal sins claimed them. Darkness was gone now but even the light was not safe. War soon consumed the land, and with it tragedy. The Dragons vanished from the world and humanity was left to destroy itself. This is the tale that Scholars will tell, but Scholars who only look for fact in the mysteries of fantasy will never tell of the champions that fought and died for the cause; or the wars of arbitration that broke out. Many do not know of the truths the world has hidden in its bosom and those that do will not so easily tell of mans faults. For mankind has never truly known responsibility for itself.

With time and practice civilization would find its peaks. Cities were born from fire and ash. Covenants would emerge from ideas about the past, and they would be forged in agreements of blood. The age of honor faded with the last breath of the old kings, and their sons and daughters took up the mantle, forging their own selfish ideals upon the world. Yes the world was changing now, and from its heart it cried out... It called for a champion...

"I wonder.. when all is lost and the world is forced to realize its faults... Who will it be that walks the bloody way, paves their path in death, and betrayal... Who will it be that saves this... truly godless land"


This is a story that is heavily inspired by Darksouls (The Game's) lore. That being said it is not a carbon copy, and the story itself is completely my own. The concept is that right now there are Five kingdoms left; Out of the original seven. Most of them are at war, or in hiding. The players will have a choice to which kingdom they were born into, and will be allowed a chance to seek out truths of this world. The plot to the story will reveal itself quickly but it is only the bare bones of what is really going on. I strongly suggest for people to fully indulge into this world and its lore. As said before there will be concepts that I have taken from the Darksouls lore. In example for those that know it I took the gritty feel of the world of Lordran As my example of the state of the world Aristara is in. This is designed to be a fantasy roleplay with interesting characters, and dark pasts. Please note that the first chapter is completed already but that does not mean that anyone joining will be ANY LESS important. With each new chapter comes another opening for characters to write themselves into this massive unique story.

Elements that will be involved in this roleplay are as followed-

Mystery, Fantasy, Magic, Dragons, Mythical races, Racism, Sexual themes, Romance, Combat, Politics, Religious themes, Conspiracy, Dark Themes, Gore, Gritty Themes, betrayal, Character/Npc Death, Heroic Themes, Lore.


Common Races~

Humans- Humans are seen as the failure of God. Mankind is the pinnacle of aspiration, and a greedy and neutral race with the ability to adapt to whatever situation they come across given time and effort. Humans are the leading race throughout the whole of Aristara. Humans do best in truly any role, and most are also hybrid to their predecessors. This means that many humans have arcane bloodlines which make them.... not so human. Human's by far are the easiest race to place in this world.

Best Class Type: Any. They are adaptable.

Elven Kind- The elves too many would be considered one of the few ancient races. They have a sacred bond with Aristara, and for ages they have developed magic and sorcery. They have also had their hand in the creation of covenants whom pledge protection over the great trees. However their greatest faith is what many would call heresy. Elves worship the dragons of old, and hold a great disdain for the kingdom of Barigot for their 'cruel' slaughter over dragon kind. In appearance, elves appear very slightly dragon-like. They have lithe bodies, pointed ears, and their eyes are often very strange colors. Every elf has a very pronounced bone structure, and very sharp looking canines that only emphasize the appearance of the dragon more. Elves tend to remain very secluded in their forests, but they spare nothing in their hatred for the Kingdom of Barigot, nor their disdain for the Holy Kingdom across the Divided sea.

Best Class Types: Ranger, Rogues, Duelists, Mage, Druid, and Hunter.

Dwarves- Dwarves are lesser versions of man. They are stout and rigid looking men that embody the greed and pride of mankind. Many dwarves seal themselves within great vaults of steel and Iron; filled with treasure. The dwarves are masters of invention, and they have personally developed a machine process that uses ashen powder from the scorched lands in order to create powerful bombs that combust into grand flames used in combustion and the creation of grand flames. Taking the power from dragons blood the dwarves will stop at nothing to further their ashen flame inventions. They will create stronger and stronger weapons to combat anyone who dare intrude upon them and think to take their treasure. Many of the dwarves have fallen, though it remains a mystery as to how. The greed of dwarves know no bounds however, and as long as even one of them yet breathes they will continue developing their crude machinations. Dwarves hate almost all of the other races, however they have a strong fondness for the witches in the shadow wood and often procreate with them... and share... ideas.

Best Class Types: Warrior, Knight, Vanguard, Monk, Cleric, Tech, and Alchemist

Witches- The Witches are creatures said to have been cursed by the fall of the darkness. Their blood holds the power of the Noctus Arcana, and as such they are said to be able to produce powerful hexes and deathly curses. The witches are said to be a reclusive race but recently they have stepped beyond the Darkwood to pursue the fall of man that their Dark father, as they call him; once desired. Witches are powerful mages at their very nature, and will often seek out the most forbidden of ancient secrets. Witches are hated in high society, and for those that are seen in society at all, it is often without clothes. Many view witches as an exotic sexual adventure and often capture them and sell them off in brothels. Most male witches are considered Much more powerful and killed on the spot for being what some would call a 'warlock.' However witches have becomes incredibly good at blending into this racist, cruel society. Most wont know that they are sleeping with a witch until its too late, and by then I can promise you that they wont care...

Best Class Types: Mage, Rogue, Huntress, Ranger, Druid, and Alchemst.

Sentinels- Sentinels are the perfect example of armor crafted by angels, to rule without body or blood. Infused by the will of gods Sentinels need nothing of sustenance for they have no mortal body. Their armor is timeless and only the taint of rust can slow their form. Sentinels can wield weapons of sizes much larger than that of a normal human proficiently. The race of Sentinel is a mystery for even the greatest of scholars, as their very existence is defiance of what is known. They have no soul or body, and only by the life breathed into their armor are they bound to this world. To kill a Sentinel one must destroy it completely. Most Sentinel are feared for what they are, and thus they are left alone. Only in certain cases will they be put to service of a kingdom, and most Sentinel would gladly accept such an offer over a life of loneliness. A life of servitude is a much better option than searching forever to find the reason that you exist.

Best Class Types: Warrior, Knight, Paladin.

The Deathless- A race of those that linger between functioning in life and falling into insanity. No one knows why the deathless people are as they are. The darkness having receded into the fissure is one theory of course. When the darkness was defeated it filled the fissure where the great dark citadel hanging from a cliff was consumed, and the denizens were then cursed to this life; to linger between life and death. Many see the deathless people as abominations, or cursed souls that are pitiful. Others see them as scourge on this land which must before annihilated at all costs. Following a great purge of their people a pact was made in which the deathless people would be allowed to live so long as they stayed within the lands of the fissure. This did not stop the deathless people from spreading past their given boundaries over time however. Covered in rags, and hiding their rotted decrepit corpse like flesh the deathless hide among society as outcasts and vagabonds. Many do not dare draw attention to themselves, for fear of the Paladin order, and other such organizations that share a hatred for their race. Many deathless however fail in their pursuits... and their hope fails them. When a deathless is without hope and their mind leaves them they become vile monstrous zombie like creatures that only seek to devour and destroy anything in their path. This is the fear of the deathless each and every single night when they tuck into their beds... for falling to the darkness is truly terrifying to even the dead.

Best Class Types: Rogue, Assassin, Bards, Mages.

(Other races may be suggested but this is list for my races that drastically effect the world currently. Talk to me about additional races)


The Holy kingdom of Aunryha-

The Kingdom is a holy citadel that was built upon a beautiful lake. At its center is a large castle where the High King Dagamur sits on his throne. Surrounding this grand citadel are mighty fortresses and towers to home the six Arch-Barons of Aunryha. The Barons control their own military, but are all dedicated to the faith, and in the countries governed by the high king; the faith rules supreme. Anyone who does not worship is either lost... or a heathen. The governing force is the Arch bishop; whom acts as grand adviser to the King himself. Claiming to hear the words of god the Archbishop moves the country to his will and has turned the mainland of Aunrhya into a holy land that has no tolerance for anyone that challenges the faith. Aunryha's baron lords each have one military general that command their personal armies. This general is one of the seven pillars, or members of the Paladin Order of Light. Stay tuned for an extensive history on Aunryha in a later journal.

The Kingdom of Barigot-

This kingdom is ruled by two human brothers, the Elder King Ryas, and the younger King Tirias. The kingdom is rooted within great mountains beyond the ashen land in where the Dragons fell. This point was claimed by them to prove their great victory against the dragons of old. The kingdom is a three tiered fortress that rest atop a mountain. Upon every edge to the octagon shaped outer wall there is a statue of one of the great generals that helped in slaying the dragons. Within the city there are sects of worship that create followers and direct bloodlines from each of the great generals. Societal roles are chosen based on the bloodline and physical and mental aptitude of the being in question. They use this system in order to achieve a maximum efficiency within their society. Everyone has a job within the kingdom. This system was imposed by the younger brother Tirias as he is the much more studious of the two. Ryas is a warrior as heart and often handles anything to do with military. Despite the fact that Tirias proposed such a unique and efficient system; it is Ryas that receives the love of the people while Tirias is forever scorned for a decision he made in his past. Ryas does his best to quell this distrust but none are willing to forget the betrayal of young King Tirias. (An extended History of Barigot will be available in an upcoming Journal for this RP)


Shroud in the grand trees of old, said to be planted when once the Giants walked this world is now home to the last of the elven race. Lead by the Dying king Amidas, There is a great debate as to who is more suited to be the heir of the old king. Currently the two vying for royalty are the princess sisters Lariaht, and Seraluna. Which leaves great discontent among many of the elves in the home land.

Dor' Adyran-

Deep within the Cragurn mountains of old lies a technical masterpiece forged with grand traps and hidden deep within an endless desert that borders the great fissure. The Dwarves hold their three larges vaults within this grand kingdom. Though many would say that though this is the largest it is still quite difficult to say what happened to the six remaining great Dwarf families, and few know what occurred under the great earth.

The Ashen Keep-

Said to reside deep within the walls of the fissure is a black citadel where the Deathless are offered a great sanctuary. Not much is known of this keep only that none unwelcome have ever returned from the depths of the fissure.

The Lost Kingdoms~

The Risen land of the Angels-

Upon the first age after the darkness their was a great series of powerful islands with seven grand citadels that sat upon each of the islands floating upon the sky at the center of the world. Stories have been manipulated and no one knows or would tell of what really happened to fall the fall of the angels but the kingdoms one day fell and created a dark hell zone beneath to curse and mark the fall of divinity as a sin by mankind. To this days the broken citadels can still be found within the Fallen lands.

The Dark Hollow-

Deep within the Darkwood their once was a series of underground tunnels a network within a dark guardian, A deep tree as it was called protected the witches and let them nurture their dark arts within their own home. Only shreds of the tree and the collapsed networks remain now. The Kingdom of Aunryha having lead a merciless crusade into the Darkwood; they set the great dark tree ablaze and watched as the forest was scarred, calling it divine punishment for the witches being of the dark. The war that erupted from this still rages on today.

(These are the prominent kingdoms throughout the main lore. This is not the only kingdoms that existed in this world, not by a long shot but through exploration those secrets will reveal themselves.)


The Paladin Order of Light- This is a group of warriors that have pledged themselves against the darkness. Regardless of morality involved they will slay those of darkness without mercilessly, this includes and thing that the church deems to be of darkness. They are an elite force and take a great deal of training to join.

The Spinners- A cult lead by the witches dark shamans they are vengeance filled spirits that seek out the death of the light and those that once scorned them. Longing to bring back their dark father whom they call... Noceris they seek to corrupt the heart of man and preach the darkness wherever they can.

The Order- Lead by a man shroud in black and gold, and wearing a silver mask The Order seeks to maintain balance within the world. They are neutral and only fight if necessary, often acting more as spies and an intelligence/political agency that anything. They seek to divert wars and end wars that appear, for fear of creating another fissure in the world through mans sins.

The Ring of Assassins- As the name suggest it is a cult of assassins that take on objective missions to gain coin or favor. The Ring is comprised of nine Assassins with unique and powerful skills in their art of war. Only by killing one of the assassins may one join the Ring... but the perks involved... well you decide if its worth you taking on a dealer of death.

Scholars of Fangiela- The Scholars are a cultist group of researchers and magicians whom worship the Goddess Fangiela an embodiment of magic and the arcana throughout the world. They are artifact seekers and their greatest goal is to achieve great power and become closer to their Goddess.

The Arcane Magic of Aristara~

Aristara is a world forsaken by Gods that once loved it. As such essence of their pressence stillr emains to be collected upon the air. Every breath you take contains the mana used in casting a spell however only certain people may see and even harness this essence. The more powerful the spell, the more taxing the the reservoire of mana needed. It is a basic concept of magic in many fantasy storylines however I hope to break this down even further.

While it is not impossible to cast Sorceries, Hexes, Mancy, Aura forms, Transmutations, Divinations, etc... by hand, it is incredibly impractical, which has made magic a large money drove in the world of Aristara. catalysts taken from ancient trees of old, or powerful gems stones deep within the earth have become the usable weapon that harnesses, focuses and even fires off power spells with far less stress to the worlds outer being. Yes, when casting by hand the magic is also at its more powerful, but it is also most devestating to the world while used in this form. Every single spell used rips away from the veil that protects Aristara from monstrosities, and the world can only heal itself fast enough. Catalyst magic damage will heal much faster than raw magic.

Casters do not simply pluck their energy to fuel spells from the air around them however. Devotion, meditation, and saccrifice are required in order to summon and shape the power of the arcane into what you desire. For many casters they cling to patrons, or nameless entities that embody the arcane by animal form. Witches are most familiar with this method, though some also draw from those they see as gods. Going into that, Gods are nameless creatures that no one can compleely remember, and although there have been monstrous fossils recovered from the ashlands it is still only through specualtion and blinded faith that many castaers connect themselves to the arcane. Finally Meditation is study, it is a focussed state of enlightenment which for the weaker mind may drive one to insanity. There is a limit to everything and meditation is no different. These focuses allow one to past through a gate that connects this world and to the outer layer where mana exists in the flow.

Types of Arcana-

Sorcery- The most common type of Arcana, is a sorcery. Sorcery at its very anture is to take the mana one can find and shape it into a creative form. Many use this to replicate natural elements and create fire, or to shape the earth as needed for a shield. Some might create mist or use the mana to distort the senses of another creating illusions. Spells of this time have the capability of being cast at their rawest form but they also serve to eliminate the barrier between Aristara and monsters the most. To break it down, any elemental type of spell falls under the field of either sorcery of hexes. This type of spell is cast best through a catalyst of some sort and is the most common form of arcana.

Hexes- Hexes are what many would consider to be the dark branded magic, and well they are not completely wrong. The magic of hexes is drawn by the power left over by the darkness that swelled Aristara. Curses, Witch fire, Dark Pyromancy, Shape shifting, Misfortunes, Blights, and Boons all resonate out of hexing. Corrupt mana is harnessed to create powerful and evestating spells often with intent of murder, or the over all ruination of anothers life. This is the most hated form of Arcana, and on the eastern continent it is completely outlawed.

Mancy- Taken from the control of another is a spell type that considers natural things and bends them to its will. The most common form of mancy is the tampering of the dead. Necromancy. Through heavy focus and sccrifice many powerful casters have taken both sorcery and hexes into their study to create a power that might surpass and control death. This however is not the only version of mancy. Mancy can control the state of metal, and many confuse it with the idea of alchemy. They are not wrong. Mancy is the more magical form of alchemy but still requires quite a scientific understanding to perform. Bombs are created through mancy, Runes, the change of substance and control of another natural force upon Aristara. Mancy is used in commanding the world and bending it to your will. Very few understand the absolute intricacys of mancy.

Aura Forms- Often passed between the bloodlines Aura is a force that is naturally always there. By creating auras you give yourself permanent or even temporary buffs that have specific effects. For example. The Angelic Bloodline creates an aura around its host that makes it so that the living may never lie to her. This is just one example as Auras are often blessings man created to allow for warriors to reach new heights of power. Some may turn undead that come close to them, others may create a state of calm around them. The possibilities for these Arcane blessings are endless however it takes a strong understanding of the arcane, a bloodline, or a very lucky encounter to acquire such blessings.

Transmutations- The change of something by means of spell and understanding. Many consider this magic to be specific to hexing but that is only by its most negative nature. Yes a Witch might be able to turn another into a frog, but someone who has truly mastered and understands the art of transmutation might be able to change more than just people. They are often powerful builders, and architects useful with their power to shape anything to anything. This also makes them very versatile casters however, and from nothing they can have exactly what they might need. Plaw to dagger, Broom to spear. Or vice versa. Transmutation specialists are rare and very valuable to the world.

Divinations- Through a powerful foresight and understanding those who practice the art of divination through the arcana are often aware of everything. They create powerful sensory spells which allow them to scry and monitor everything around them. Often kings will keep a divination mage to themselves in order to have complete control over their kingdom and to never be caught off guard. The price for such intrusive uses of their abilities however is that a Diviner loses their eyesight. This is only the first of many consequences however. Loss of hearing, taste... humanity. This is because Divination is absolute. it is never wrong... and so it cheats the games of the Gods. Using divination for practical things, such as your own safety or to avoid small dangers does not have the same cost. With divination one can say easily "with great power comes great responsibility."

Of course as was hinted above there are many other magics to the world of Aristara within the realm of Arcana. Simply they are just waiting for you to discover them, create them, or for me to include them. A caster is one who aaks many questions, and seeks hard answers... I expect no different of my players. Ask and you shall recieve... at least over time.

The Faith of Aristara~

As stated many times Aristara is a world forsaken by Gods, however not so completely as many would perceive. None know why it is that Gods left this place so long ago but one thing is certain; they did not depart without leaving their mark on Aristara. Great monuments can still be found of faceless Giants. Men who stood nine feet tall and walked the very ground that humans and all sorts of other races now walked. For those who understand this in faith they have come to the realization that the Gods did not forsake Aristara, they passed it on... Mankind inherited the kingdom of the Gods. This is the cornerstone for which most of the faith is derived.

Faith without power in a world like this is however... nothing. And so mighty champions were picked to devote themselves to Gods they might never know. Religious beliefs were created by those strong enough to overcome the shunning of the Gods. The faith of Aunryha is what most would consider blind. They do not name their God, but they believe his word is absolute, and that it was by his divine mercy that the First true king of the Holy city was granted three beautiful Angel daughters. Obsessive of the divinity granted to him the faith became the one and other truth that the people of Aunryha could ever accept, and God was absolute.

In other kingdoms while Gods are still nameless many have associated them to what they desire most. Harvest, Moon, War for those it suits. A God by 'name' was created for each and every woe that mankind suffered. This lead to the difference that caused a great and terrible war between those arcane practitioners and the great divine crusaders. Where those of Arcane have accepted their magic to come from devotion to the outer circle surrounding Aristara; Crusaders were blinded by the power they'd been given by their 'Gods' mages called them on this ane challenged their faith to assume that the power they'd attained was nothing more than a new brand of arcane power... and so they fought, and so they still fight.

It was not until the darkness manifest that this war came to a sudden end and only minor skirmishes of faith and devotion still exist. The divine grew more and more powerful reaching into the power granted to them by Gods and before long their minds were corrupted to believe themselves Gods' chosen. It inflated their ego and soon edged them to believe that anyone who did not believe the same was a heritic and deserved only death so that God may judge them. Not all practitioners of the faith believed this but the crusade began with the hunting of witches, and the burning of the Dark hollow. Now three different sects of the faithful still exist upon Aristara.

The Three Sects of the Faithful-

Crusaders- The Crusaders are those that would militarize the word of their faith in order to purge the faithless from this world. They are radical in the worst of ways and follow the word of "God" to the end. Many crusders exist on the Eastern continent rather than the rest of Aristara.

Clerics- While crusaders use the power granted to them by the Gods to cull the faithless, Clerics use this power granted to them, by healing the weak and helping to fight the blight. Some may consider them a different brand of crusader, but their only enemy are are the deathless and by a twisted understanding they feel their purge over the cursed deathless is an act of mercy. They see their holy purge as an act of kindness. The Clerics can be found anywhere, and are considered as genuinely good people with a twisted idea of justice.

The Silent- Many of the faith have chosen to side with neither side in the divine word of God. Though they may follow and have faith they use their powers for their own causes, and silently worship the gods they believe in. They are not weaker than the others for their devotion is real, and their faith still absolute. They just refuse to pretend that Gods without mouths would speak to them. And as such they are the most level headed.

The Magic of Faith-

Where arcane has many types of spells magic comrpised of faith does not. Many of the spells are resolved with light, a powerful light that cleanses darkness. Others are protective, through shields of force that might deflect powerful arcane magic, hexes or otherwise. Although a shared magic with arcane is that of Aura Forms. Blessings granted are given by the Gods in this case that act the same as those of the Arcane. A few examples of common Faithful spells are as followed. Holy fire, Magic barrier, Bolts of light, Cleansing, Calling of the Celestial, Divine protection. This is just a few as these spells are virtually endless and are quite powerful in smiting the wicked, or healing the weak. The magic of the faith is used towards the complete purpose of its wielder and the will of the God they follow, in collaboration. To this end Divine magic is granted rather than learned.

As a final note on this for those specializing in the Faith I will be giving you a broad spectrum in which your magic will encompass. You are not so versatile as those of the arcane however you are just as powerful if not more so. For many arcane spells are weakened by the power of the Gods.

Character Sheet~

Name/Surname- (The Full name you go by)
Titles- (Any title received in service or through your efforts.)
(if a cross breed between races let me know and we will figure it out.)
Age- (If you have questions regarding what ages would be appropriate then ask me.)

Kingdom Born- (Which kingdom were you born into?)
Origin- (What does that birth matter to the kingdom?)

Kingdom Served- (You are welcome to not serve any Kingdom if you wish In which case just put "rogue" in this selection)
Current Occupation- (Include rank, or level at which you perform your occupation)

Covenant One-
Covenant Two-

Magic Bloodline- (Dragon, Angel, Ancient, Witch, Dark, Deathless, Wolf, Spider, Serpent, Phoenix)

(Appearance Picture)
Hair color- (If a color other than the normal colors then pure white is acceptable otherwise very dark and dulled versions of blues, reds, and even greens if race applies.)
Complexion-(Blemishes, Freckles, Scars, or burn marks.)
Skin tone- (Believable Skin tones of the human pallete.)
Eye color- (Can have heterochromia if you have a magical bloodline)
Facial Hair- (Outlandish styles are acceptable thought higher positions of authority should be more trimmed and refined.)
Body Hair- (Leg, torso, arm, back.. etc)
Musculature- (All noticeable muscle Is the character sculpted or of vague muscle tone?)
Body Shape- (Hefty?, Light? Trim? Stocky?)
Breast Size- (Not necessary, just fun if you wish to fill it out to provide further detail.)
Waist Size- (Not necessary just fun if you wish to fill it out to provide further detail.)
Tattoos/warpaint- (As explained, try to stay fair to the lore and time period)
Details- (Anything else I may have missed that you want us to know)

(Anyone is allowed to write their appearance as one well written paragraph that covers all of this if they so wish, If possible i always would like a picture to go above the description)

(Personality Brief)


View- (How does your character feel about everything around them?)
Code- (What does your character live by?)
bearing- (How does your character present themselves to others?)
Depth- (How is your character when he does not have to show bearing?)
Fears- (What is your character afraid of?)
Desires- (What does your character want?)
Secrets- (What skeletons does your character hide?
Faults- (Where do your character suffer? What are they lacking in?)
Strengths- (What is your character good at?)

Weapons of Choice- (Great Sword, Sword and Shield, Duel wield axes, Whatever one wishes to primarily use.)
Secondary Weapon- (A secondary weapon for a character to turn to. Be practical to some extent)
Hidden Weapons- (Any weapon easily concealed and pulled with ease.)
Ranged Weapons- (Bows, Cross bows, Javelin, Bolas, slings, Throwing Knives, etc)

Magical Catalyst- (Staff, Wand, Talisman, Holy Symbol, or Ring used to cast forth your magic.)
Magical Artifact- (Special artifact with imbued properties of magic and mystery)
Tome- (Powerful works of time and magic that are imbued with specific spells. Only truly researched and devote magicians may use these powerful books)

Armor- (full Detailed description of the armor you wear. If you have nothing particular you will fill this in later when you obtain some.)

Sigil- (Symbol you wear to represent who you are or what you serve.)
Cloak- (A cloak you wear to veil your appearance and or just be fashionable.)

Basic Gear- (Any needed traveling gear that you have. I will take what you write here into consideration to your survival, but remember the larger your bag the harder to carry with you.)

Stat bar~ (To explain this, the numbers ultimately will not matter in reality. What they are used for is the spread of ability. it allows me to gauge just what type of character you are. For my own personal classification.)

(30 Points to allocate if you choose to start as a fresh influence to this world and wish for the world to build you.)
(60 Points to allocate if you are journeyman in your occupation of a upcoming warrior)
(120 Points to allocate If you are a well versed warrior or ranked soldier/artisan or crafter)

Vitality- (How healthy are you? Hp so to speak for your players that want to be hefty and Tanky.)
Endurance- (How much you can bear while wearing heavier armor, as well as the stamina your character has)
Wit- (The Level of intervention your character has, and their ability to create and invent things)
Strength- (How hard do you hit? How much can you lift? Then what sort of weapons do you wield?)
Dexterity- (How agile are you? Your accuracy with a ranged weapon? and ability to wield quicker weapons properly.)
Intelligence- (This plays a factor into artisan trades as well as sorcery, and magic as a whole. How versed are you in your art or research?)
Faith- (How Faithful are you to your deity from which you draw power? Are you protected from curses and dark magic?)
Luck- (Are you one that cheats death? Do you randomly find things, or find yourself in favorable situations while gambling with life?"

Skills- (What Skills and abilities does your character possess?)

Magic Studied- (Spells that you have crafted or learned to make use of in practical ways?)

Affinity in magic- (Where does your magical prowess come from?)

Hobbies- (What do you do in your free time?)

Signature Abilities- (What abilities or talents/attacks do you use that are personal to you at the time?)

Transformations- (There will be a separate page all together for transformations to fill out so that both forms have their own character sheet so to speak.)

Background~ (Write your background based on the lore and make it thurough. The background should highlight critical moments in your characters life as well as explain the lineage from which they come. Be detailed and creative so long as you stay within boundaries, or ask to stretch them.)


1. Be respectful Out of character with your fellow writers. In character nothing is to be taken offensively, there will be morbid and cruel themes in this roleplay.. remember this is roleplay not real life.

2. I expect an intermediate level of writing; bare minimal for this. I look for you to truly take this world by the horns and use the information I provide to create powerful and meaningful posts. I wish to impose a minimal of two paragraphs per post.

3. There is a soft requirement of one post per week. This applies for each character you play in this roleplay. I understand life, but if you don't come to me and talk to me about why you can't post WELL BEFORE due date then I will NOT understand and you will be kicked. Inactivity is a killer for roleplays and I will not allow it to kill this one. Even if its a new game out that you want to binge play for a week I MIGHT understand. Talk to me please.

4. If you are not enjoying this roleplay I suggest you come to me to see if we can fix problems you might be having. If not then I do not want you to force yourself to stay if you are not enjoying yourself. That being said all final decisions are mine and mine alone. Once my final decision has been made it will not be contested anymore.

5. All combat is subject to the players involved you may either fight it out using an actual T1 system or you can have a predetermined outcome. I only ask that you come to me prior so that I know what has been decided and everything is fair. I will have a "story trumps rules" format for this roleplay. However I will not use story to kill anyone's character without first consulting with them.

6. Do not bring outside lore into this without predetermining it with me. I take a lot of time to write out the concepts for this world id appreciate it not being muddled without my permission.

7. You can create your own groups/kingdoms... you can create things and go beyond what the world has to offer for power so long as it is discussed and you assertively work towards those goals.

8. Be creative and have fun. Try your best to never let a post you write be boring or uneventful. This is a treacherous world with crazy lore and you will always have ability to write it as such. I look forward to seeing your creations.​


Tirian Bladefell
Vexalya D'croix
Errol Iossa
Xanthe Liliana Selwyn
Alina Gaea Morgenstern
Kirtah Junir
Roderick Den'aria
Ulysses Dogma
Sehranna Mirri


This is a work that I have created from various lore and personal ideas. I may eventually use this for the writing of a book and so I wish nothing to be used in professional writing from this roleplay unless agreed upon by me. Thank you for taking the time to read and I look forward to writing with you.

In character LInk
OPEN SIGNUPS - Aristara The Godless lands

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Well, certainly wish I had seen this sooner, I would definitely be interested in joining in, been a fan of the Souls series since Demon Souls and the vibe pleases me greatly, if you got room for some another fellow of course.
Absolutely just send me a PM and when i can we can discuss stuff about it.
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Plot Groupings Layout:

The Ship Crew: Vexalya, Jet, Xanthe, and Ansgar
Plot: Following the city of Haribut's untimely destruction many survivors or those of surrounding arena have taken to sea in order to escape the assumed wrath of the capital. This chapter will involve those listed in their relationship building and getting around the perils of the dark sea. They will dock in a small little harbor town that is predominately owned and run by elves.

The Pack's return: Errol, NPC Lycans, and Kirtah
Plot: Having rescued Lyra's first maiden Errol Gerath and his tribe slowly make their way back to their ancient forest. However they must somehow make it past the walk of faith nearest to the Paladin headquarters in order to return to the dark continent as many call it. The chapter will cover the packs journey, and an unlikely ally in desperate times.

The Royal Gambit: Aurelia, The royals, and Tirian.
Plot: This chapter will detail the life that Aurelia lives to survive among the capital, information on a specific event, and the sometimes frequent conversations between the vengeful Gladiator and the seducer. if not more.

The Spinners plan: Kaaythe and GM Characters, and ???
Plot: [BCOLOR=#000000]Will be discussed in a PM and played out through rp.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000]For any questions about these plot set ups please let me know so that we can work it out. I hope this helps some people post. Don't be shy![/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#000000](@Wingless_Angel will not be joining us at this time. She will join this roleplay at a later date.)[/BCOLOR]

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Will finish app today!

If anyone wishes to play a guardian for kaathe feel free to PM, I forgot to mention that he will always have two guardians protecting him at all costs considering he is an important member of the Spinners.
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And here is my fine fellow, done and done!


"Who, me? Dear friends, you might not be so readily eager to make acquaintance once that is known."
Ansgar Staudinger

"I am not fond neither titles nor idle nicknames, but they seem to haunt me none the less. My patrons and allies especially find use for them."
Witch Child -Among those of Aunryha-
Yamanu -Among the Order-

"Well, I do tend to try and stay unseen, but it should be fairly plain to see, no?"

"I prefer the term Warlock, but most just go "Oh gods, kill it with fire". Then I have to do things unmentionable in polite company to them, in a timely manner."

"Why, is it not rude to ask one's age before providing...no, wait, that is names. Never you mind me, then."

Kingdom Born
"Ahh, a land of fools and slavers hiding behind the guise of preachers and wise men. I barely escaped with my life, and at such a young age too."
The Holy kingdom of Aunryha

"I was fortunate enough to not be born in public eyes. I had time enough to escape, for capture would have led to the stake. Such an old fashioned way to go, really."
Forbidden Scion of Nobility

Kingdom Served
"Ahh, I am sure my dear patrons within Aunryha would love me to come back and report. I jest, I serve a cause all my own, which coincides with others."

Current Occupation
"Equal parts scoundrel and practitioner within the arcane, and no, unlikely to be at your service."

Covenant One-
"Sometimes a quiet hand and discreet move is magnitudes more effective than loosing the hounds of war upon the world. I doubt we will survive more Fissures, and nothing I have yet to find disagrees with this."
The Order

Covenant Two-

Magic Bloodline-
"It should hardly be surprising I bear the blood of Witches past. Though father dearest has diluted it with his own, surprise surprise there."
Witch, Ancient


Hair color- Dark Brown Hair

Complexion- Burns around his collar bone, in the shape of old iron bindings, coupled with burns across his body as well

Skin tone- Fair in tone, with a slight tan from spending many long days on the road, on foot.

Eye color- Natural Hazel

Facial Hair- Trimmed, see Image

Body Hair- Appears to have been either plucked or burned clean of any body hair

Musculature- Very lean with little in the way of noticeable muscle

Body Shape- Light and very slight under his clothes and armor

Height- 5'9"

Weight- 147lbs

Tattoos/warpaint- N/A

View- Ansgar sees the world's fabled spiral into darkness merely a symptom of some root disease, something not so plainly able to be described, nor have fingers pointed at any one single guilty party. So, to find the answers he wanders the places long forgotten.

Code- "Simply put, friends. Find the truth. And if that truth is impossible? Redefine what is impossible. But without truth, we will never find the answers we seek. For better, or worse."

Introvert/Extrovert- Prefers introversion, however, if needs arise he can display Extrovert tendencies.

Bearing- Acts in a gentlemanly manner towards anyone from close friends to dire enemies, however, he only shows kindness towards said friends. Enemies have little more to see than perhaps a biting remark, and the full might of his magic and guile. But his own personal quest for answers comes first.

Depth- Ansgar is a man driven to find out answers, at the behest of far too many of those that have fallen so that he might live. He speaks in gentle manners, but carries a determination that is unmatched. He might not have the just cause or the noble backing, but he is willing to sacrifice much, if not all, to see the true heart of this darkness so forgotten after its sealing.

Fears- "My fears? I fear a course of events necessitating another Fissure, of darkness and madness, of a loss of truth and knowledge in this world so barren of it already. Things that may indeed be inevitable, which might scare me more so than anything else."

Desires- "The truth, first and foremost, my friends. The past is lost to us, why? What is so terrible, or so awe inspiring, that we know not the truth beyond stories and faith in nameless gods? We fear the dark, and all that comes with it, rightly so according to many. To know why, would give us the how. The how, to stop it again, if such a dire day arises."

Secrets- "Secrets are meant to be kept, why would I divulge such things at merely the question of such things? I have none to keep, but even so."
Ansgar has kept the Ancient blood, and by virtue of that noble blood, hidden from all, and the only people to know are his father, and Ansgar himself. He does not talk openly about himself, and often times lies or otherwise misdirects, so a great deal await to be pried from his mind.

"I cannot claim to be faultless, that is sheer folly. Not that I need to elaborate them for you, where is the enjoyment in that?"
Ansgar wears a mask, figuratively and literally, and lies so often it tends to come second nature, even unintentionally.
His drive can often cross into obsession, and a steadfast refusal to back down along with it
Tends to play fast and loose with morality and loyalty to most, earning him a black reputation
Enjoys extracting the truth and secrets out of captives a bit too much
Trusts very slowly, and is very quick to distrust and over analyze a situation.
Has lost an eye, and suffers from the fact he is half blind from it

"Ahh, I am not one to brag, they tend to over estimate themselves, the braggarts. I do have a few handy tricks, if I can say so in a humble way."
Has proven rather adept at blending in and going unnoticed
Quick and Deadly with his personal sword
Experienced, long time Hexer, having pioneered his own style of Hexing
Enjoys interrogation and taking the truth from people under his tender care
Tends to be a wealth of knowledge, from equal parts experience and learning
Has a will to, and ability to, survive a great deal, born from his refusal to give up in his younger years

Weapons of Choice-
"Ahh, Istdrad, my longest and most faithful companion. She has treated me far better than most, some names come to mind indeed..."
Istdrad, his personal sword and heirloom from his mother as he fled, and his only memento of his lineage. The name is carved on the blade, and beyond its fine forging and unique style, is simply a perfectly serviceable, sharpened blade.

Secondary Weapon-
"I have named this one Lithiandra, after a certain love of my past. Yes, there is a good reason this is a crooked dagger."

Hidden Weapons-
"I do not carry such weapons, I have never had much use for them to begin with."

Ranged Weapons-
"Sometimes my Warlock Fire is not discreet enough, alas, so I do have a trick up my sleeve."
Hand Crossbow

Magical Catalyst- A ring etched with his sigil, and stolen from his father by his mother. Attuned to Ansgar over the long years, it takes some time for others to be able to utilize the ring.
Magical Artifact- N/A
Tome- N/A

Armor- Other than his clothes, which do little more than protect him from the elements, wears no armor.

Sigil- Ouroboros
Cloak- A plain, dark green affair with a hood that can be used to obscure his face in shadows

Basic Gear- Ansgar carries the bare essentials, usually in a pack slung over a shoulder, to facilitate ease of discarding should he need to face a threat and not be weighed down. In his pack is usually a blanket, small whet stone, a journal with ink and quill being the only personal belongings alongside a small violin, and as much preserved food and water as he can carry in the remaining space.

Stat bar~

Vitality- 10
Endurance- 10
Wit- 20
Strength- 10
Dexterity- 15
Intelligence- 30
Luck- 25

Decently Accurate with a Crossbow
Vast Array of Knowledge, Arcane and Mundane
Infiltration and Subterfuge
Interrogation and Torture

Magic Studied- Ansgar first studied Hexing, and has a broad knowledge of the art fueled by corrupt Mana, and has refined it into his own style. He prefers to utilize Hexing to unravel and corrupt the magical work of others, either destroying or turning them against their caster. This could be as simple as shorting out a spell, negating its mana with a surge of corrupt, opposing mana, or as devious as reversing an enchantment that sharpens a blade to affect the opposite part of a weapon, the hilt, or turn it into a blunt object that bounces off what it strikes, as a simple example. He does have a signature spell that he utilizes against foes without magic, but he does not often resort to it if swordplay and deception can serve well enough.

Affinity in magic- The mixture of blood lines has created a potent dichotemy within Ansgar, while he focuses on meditation and knowledge to fuel his power, having no faith in nameless gods. This process takes many, many years to become good at, doubly so with not relying on nameless gods like many of his kind, but Ansgar has had the years to do it.

Writing in his Journal
Playing his Violin
Discussing just about anything
Hoarding knowledge

Signature Abilities- Ansgar has one talent that he has not shared the secrets of with anyone, a variation upon dark pyromancy that he refers to as Warlock Fire.

In short, Warlock Fire acts as a sort of sticky flame that draws from his talent in anti magic Hexing. While it will burn away flesh and material well enough, and might even be lacking to an experienced Pyromancer, it's true properties are only realized when exposed to mana that did not spawn it. Whether it be ambient casting, some counter spells, or being exposed to enchanted or magical objects, the flames feed on the mana and arcane energies, rapidly exploding into a raging inferno not readily quenched by water or counter spells. Once unleashed, Ansgar retains only enough control to shield himself from its hunger for magic. As a trick to scare locals and uninitiated, he can coat his sword in Warlock Fire, creating burning wounds that do not readily heal. Curiously, the mere contact with Sentinels snuffs the flames out completely, even if they bear enchanted equipment or magic of their own. A side effect that Ansgar finds both curious, and rather unsettling.

Transformations- N/A

"What sort of bastard did that whore bear me?"

The first words that the young Ansgar Staudinger ever remembers hearing from the man who had dabbled in deviance with a witch, and after being found out by the man. Ansgar knows neither his mother or father's names, though he would gladly curse the father's name if he knew it. Being born in the whorehouse of a Baron's estate within the 'Holy' Kingdom, Ansgar knew not an easy day in his life, something that would shape him. Early on, he hid and fed on scraps smuggled in by his mother and her allies, while hiding him from those that would sell them out for the chance at ascending in status and favor. His mother taught him magic, which sang in his Witch's blood and seemed to be bolstered by the Ancient blood of his father, native to her. Hexing, an art hated by most, no more so than the Holy Kingdom of Aunryha. From these few years, he would learn to survive in the darkest of places.

However, his luck did not last forever and the nobleman brought his personal, most trusted guard with him to the whorehouse upon hearing rumors of a Witch child being hidden among them. Sure enough, clad in irons that seared his flesh due to their enchantments, he was dragged before the Noble, his mother held at knife's point beside him. He learned he was the man's first son and had inherited his lineage as well as his mother's, which simply would not do at all. They intended to kill the boy, if not for his mother casting a death curse onto the assembled guards and Noble before throwing herself onto the blade. Fueled by her death, and her own potent magical talent, each of the cursed suffered the same wounds and fell as well. Ansgar was quick to seize the key to his bindings and free himself of the red hot irons, but the scars would be carried for all his days.

Fleeing the establishment, Ansgar was forced into the underground, sometimes literally, to avoid the Baron's men who hunted for the one who was responsible for the slaughter of the noble and his guard. Of course, that blame fell onto his shoulders, and many a night went by afraid to even breath as the patrols marched by, and Ansgar edged closer and closer to the border, clutching his mother's sword and father's ring, the latter taken as he recognized it as a focus, and he lacked one of his own. He made friends and lost them as quickly, well meaning smugglers and those who would see a blow struck against the Barons by this witch child escaping their mighty grasp. It took several years but the lad, now in his teens, finally tasted freedom outside the controlled borders of Aunryha, and it was good. His hatred for the Holy Kingdom solidified, he fled into the wilderness, determined to survive and grow stronger.

For many years the growing boy practiced Hexing on his own, growing in his own ways that were unfettered by masters and conventional teachings, and discovered his talent for countering and cursing the magics of other practicioners, and grew to enjoy the shock on those that conjured against him as their spells failed or actively turned onto them. Ansgar utilized the fact no one remembered the now adult witch child's face to sneak into Aunryha and beyond, finding himself in positions of use and utilizing that knowledge to spite and hurt those that had harmed him so long ago. There were many a close encounter but fortune seemed to follow him, as if recompensing him for his earlier, most unfortunate formative years. Always wearing false names and fake personas, he never acquired the attention or gave the knowledge necessary to hunt him down.

Ansgar's luck did fail him during one of his attempts to strike at the allies of an Arch-Baron of Aunryha, where he was betrayed by an 'ally'. Ansgar would never forget her name or face, either, and he sometimes still sees her when he slumbers, those moments of a plunging dagger and the pain that cost him an eye. Lithiandra, or Lithi as Ansgar had affectionately called her, had been a maid in service to one of the nobles under the Arch-Barons control and had convinced Ansgar, in time, she hated the Baron as much as he. The two grew close during the time working together, from slashing the throats of those that tried to unveil the two to plotting the ultimate plan. Assassinate the Arch-Baron and throw the balance of the kingdom out of control. What he was unaware of was the far more wealthy relationship between Lithiandra, as fair of skin and with her shock of pale white hair creating an almost inhuman allure, and the Baron. So the trap was indeed set.

Convinced that Lithiandra had seduced the Baron into a position of vulnerability, Ansgar applied every fiber of his being and experience, young as he still was, into passing by all the defenses unseen and undetected. So focused, in fact, he failed to witness how easy the affair was until it was too late. Ansgar found Lithiandra next to a bed with a slumbering figure, and motioned for him to finish the job. Silently advancing, Ansgar drove his family blade into the bed, only to find a now dead slave chained to the bed. The feeling of cold iron on his neck alerted him, too late, as the guards marched in and Lithiandra laughed in her lilting manner as she walked around him, dragging him down onto his knees, sword barely out of reach of the betrayer and guards. She planted a light kiss on the captain's cheek before flicking her wrist, a dagger embedded into his right eye.

"What, dear Ansgar, no screams for me? Can't give a girl something to remember you by, so rude of you..."

That was the last he had seen of Lithiandra, and the only thing that saved him was the guard captain tried to conjure up a grand fireball to roast the witch child alive. Ansgar was able to cause the spell to go haywire with his hexes, incinerating the captain and sending the key skidding to Ansgar, fortune coming back as he quickly freed himself, lashing out with sword and his magic diffusing the guards. He barely escaped with his life, blood loss and the entire complex coming down on him. Only an open window and a river, like stories that Ansgar had heard in his travels, saved him and convinced the pursuers that no one could survive that. And indeed, Ansgar would have been dead if not for the intervention of a person in a mask of pure White. When he came to, he could remember little of his savior except that mask and a note left in his safe house. It detailed where he was and what had happened, and had a note at the end inviting him to apply his skill elsewhere for a better cause.

Left with such an enigma, plus his near death experience with the life of an assassin, Ansgar found himself drawn to a new path. Track down his savior, and figure out what they meant by a better cause. He would spend nearly ten years wandering the corners of the world in search of answers. He found the stories and references to a time of Dragons and a Darkness combating Light and Fire, and of a time of Kings that founded the kingdoms, but little else. The lack of information of such a time of change and importance disturbed the ever growing Ansgar, and he found himself tracking down any answer or clue, turning his original drive for vengeance into a drive for answers. He would not forget his betrayer Lithiandra, however, and kept an eye and ear open for the white haired maiden. But little more than clues and whispers that helped not, so his focus remained on the truth of the lost past. His maturing outlook and skills finally brought him before his savior, or perhaps the one that employed him.

The man bore a mask of silver and claimed to be part of the Order, and it had been one of his agents that saved Ansgar's life. It was not an overlong conversation, as Ansgar owed his life to the Order, and he found himself with a mask that, when called upon, would be used to conceal him in totality and allow him to execute his duties to the Order in total secrecy. Otherwise, he was free to act as he saw fit, moving from position to position across the land, utilizing his power, status, and access to new information and knowledge to further his own pursuits and feed information as needed back to the Order. It was a careful balancing act, between the Order's interests and mission and his own, but one that he managed well while keeping his own personal identity and self intact through it all. After all, it would be a disservice and downright travesty to all those who had died for him if he would abandon who he was for the sake of a mask or facade, useful as they were. But, his noble way of speaking and increasingly learned manners got him in many places, concealing his injured eye behind dozens of stories and lies, always shifting and changing. He continues to move about under the direction of the Order, in the name of their mission of peace as well as his own truthseeking. Whether he will be happy to know such things or not, well, that remains to be seen.​
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So basically don't quote me on anything, all that is left is the backstory and I'm currently trying to finish that up.

EDIT: Tired and almost finished with it, since I rushed it there are some errors so Ill do some editing tomorrow morning and just make a new post completely.

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K, Doneso, it's a big clusterfuck at the end but I just wanna get to Rping.
I'd like to join
Excellent send me a PM to talk bout characters and ideas.
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Alright, got back from work, I should have a post up today, sure as sure.
POSTING NOW WOO, im so hyped.
Soo my power went out. Ill try to get something up now that its back lol. Kinda busy atm tho
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Reactions: Wolfsin
Hey, I got really interested in this, but how far into the plot are we?

Would there even be a way to introduce a character?
Just saw this as well, wanting to know if you're still accepting new players. If not that's all good, but I'd love to do a 1x1 along a similar vein. I'm a DS enthusiast and this is... Well, I need this in my life xD
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So uh.. whats happening?
Had a slightly busy week with on call construction jobs and such. Ill be posting to those I can today.

As for our people wanting to Join. There is still room for you. I just need a pm from you to discuss what type of character you might wish to play.

As a Final note. Im making a test for those that want it. I need two Co Gm's to help me manage this rp and keep it nice and tidy. Anyone in the rp can apply. Just also send me a seperate pm about that. Thanks guys sorry this is going slow. Im trying to get my life back in order but i wont fail you guys and let this die.

@Robin man and @Bear Enthusiast There was no notice from you, Nor have you replied to what I posted. Should I assume you are out?
Computer is giving me a lot of shit. Ill be posting up soon as I can.
you should put a link to the actual rp on the first post
I'll try to get a response to that great post eventually. I'm currently considering If I can RP at all since I have to deal with life stuff, glad I checked in I'll be gone for a day or so.
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