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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Alec Paz;

Today really fucking sucked. Storm lasting for nearly a week at this point kept him inside, yet being on break from school, he was stuck inside his dorm. Sure, he could probably have gone home for the week, but his brother wasn't there. What did he care? The dorms were closer to the hospital anyway. He was just finally getting dressed, considering taking his dormmates offer to go to the casino. He almost left his phone, and maybe if he did leave his phone, he'd survive the day.

He barely stepped foot back into his dorm and grabbing his phone as it rang out. It was the worst possible news he could ever get in his young life. His own brother, he didn't know, he didn't know it was this bad. Why did Adam lie to him for so long? He raced downstairs, skipping steps, hopping off the last few steps to the floor below as he pushed out the dorm doors. Steering past various peers, people who knew him, who didn't know his brother was dying.

If someone knew, they could have calmed him down, could have slowed his race towards death.

Speeding, cutting cars off, the rain had even been kind to him and let up, he could see the road clearly. Not that he would have slowed down, and the light so fucking close to the hospital turned red. He was almost there, he should have been patient for once in his life. And he wasn't.

And of course, why would the truck with a green light not be driving through the intersection? The cleared rain, the clear street. He should have seen it, should have started slowing before. He was focused on the light and the hospital. The horn was so loud in his ear and he barely turned his head before the last thing he'd see, the grill of a truck getting ready to slam right into him.

His old car didn't stand a chance at protecting him. He didn't have time to even gasp, or grasp the concept that he was in danger.

He woke gasping in nothingness. Grasping for air that didn't even make it to his lungs, there was no air, he couldn't feel anything moving as he tried breathing in, but he wasn't suffocating. He held his chest and looked around, into the void around him.

There was a voice. There was a game to be played and the figure would let him go back to life? Just like that? Though if he fails, he'd be erased.

What happens if he refuses to play? He doubts it's a second chance.

"Of course I'll play. Whatever it takes." He gasps out, still in shock at his death. How could he not? How could he be calm? He was still near hysterical. He needed to see his brother. It didn't matter if he did it all for just five minutes with his brother. He needed to see him, hug him, punch him for never telling him how sick he was.

Once the phone and pin were handed to him, he shoved both into his pocket for a moment, as if pretending to be alive would give him any advancement in this game. Thinking against it, he just attaches the pin to his overall strap.

Then he was being asked for an Entry Fee. He patted his pockets, he had his wallet, but he only had a few loose dollars. Was that enough to be granted a second chance? He had his keys, hair band from his boyfriend, pocket knife from his mother, his phone, and the keycard to his brothers hospital room. He didn't even remove his keycard, just holding the other objects with an awkward smile to the hooded figure.

But then he was letting Alec by without taking any of his objects. He started putting his things back into his pockets awkwardly when- he didn't feel his brothers keycard. He snapped around to look at the figure, but he was gone.

"... Fuckin' son of a bitch." He cursed before a light surrounded him.

He blinked, almost falling backwards at this light surrounding him. Rubbing his eyes and looking around… A city? He eyed the billboards. There were some English words, but different markings. Certainly wasn't in Canada anymore. Asian lettering, Japanese? He didn't know Japanese. He knew English and French. He sighed, defeated.

Were the others here going to- oh. They were mostly dead it looks like. Not natives to Japan, generally, so maybe they understood the same language at least.

He pulled the flip phone he was given out and opened the messages. Nothing happening. No tasks yet. He wasn't sure what to do yet, but… He, he felt like shit still. He wasn't in pain, but he felt horrible. He was dead and didn't get time to even let it sink in or grieve. He let his feet guide him, finding himself in the small park. Sitting on a swing, and letting his feet dangle. Leaning against the chain, and keeping his head down.

Maybe he needed to close his eyes. He ignored everyone around him.

" Well, I guess it's nice to meet you then, maybe Rey. I do think it might be useful if we take a look around. There seems to be a hot dog cart, a statue and a park. Anything sound interesting to you?"


Interactions: @udon @thatguyinthestore
Classic Flip Phone
Player's Pin
Castle Dedede Crest
Meta Knight's Mask

Meta Knight blinked, as he was shaken from his thoughts by a realization. Someone was up there, high above it all, staring down at him and the various others that were mulling about atop one of the many buildings that dotted the city. Were they possibly one of those that oversaw the games…? A so-called reaper, perhaps?

At that moment, he also happened to overhear a conversation. A man and a girl were discussing the games it seemed, and one of them appeared to be exhibiting an odd power. Meta Knight's eyes narrowed, the blue warrior was still rather on edge on the account that he'd just died some time before, and in this state of distrust, he falsely assumed that they weren't players much the same as him.

"Both of you. What is your business here?" He said, as he briskly approached the pair. "Are you associated with the one overseeing us above?" Meta Knight's gaze was as sharp as his voice, even if he didn't look like it at a glance.​
The fear, the panic, it made his blood pump so hard his heart was beating in his throat. Why was everyone just chill about that giant... that... big whatever?! If what that guy earlier said was true, then they were all in danger of being erased from existence, and what if this thing was what did it?

inland.png No, this beast is no threat to us. This is your spirit animal. A vision only you see for what it is -- there's a kinship between you. A similarity that transcends into the shell of the cosmos. You are he in another life.

Okay, he can get into it. Yeah. Certainly a much better line of thought than getting eaten. With two whole people urging him to get a move on now he hoisted himself up onto his feet, taking a moment to steady himself, and nodded to Majima.

logic1.png Hang on, if everyone here is meant to be dead and playing in these "Reaper Games", why is there a perfectly normal food vendor conducting his business?

Looking to the hotdog guy, he opened his mouth, then closed it again when he remembered he couldn't speak. He scratched his head, then looked to Majima.

drama.png 'Tis time to *pantomime*!

For a moment he just stared at Majima, jaw set in thought with hands at his hips, then he held up a finger at an angle towards the eyepatch'd man. Attention grabbed, the finger flicked between the both of them, the all-encompassing signal of 'us', then brought a thumb across his neck - dead. He jabbed that thumb towards the hotdog vendor and gave a very purposeful shrug.

Hopefully the message was clear.

(@CaffeineFreak @The Fool @Jeff_Jones @Second2Last)

" Well, I guess it's nice to meet you then, maybe Rey. I do think it might be useful if we take a look around. There seems to be a hot dog cart, a statue and a park. Anything sound interesting to you?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Rey said, giving the boy a thumbs up before immediately beelining toward the statue. @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 (I must apologize for my lack of words. I couldn't think of anything else!)
Torin Radamanthos

It was a clear and windy night, the remnants of the temple Torin and Auris were battling in lit only by the moonlight and the resulting flames from their violent clashes. After 38 hours of battle, a winner was finally settled, and it wasn't Torin. "Foolish mortal, these are the consequences of defying the will of the gods" Auris said amidst heavy breathing, while twisting his spear inside Torin's gut. "Stop being so-agh!... Arrogant, Auris, you almost lost. Nnngh. One of the mightiest gods, left on the verge of death by a mere mort-aaah!" Torin spat out, before being cut off by the pain of Auris furiously injecting flames into his body "... Any last words, worm?" Auris asked, gritting his blood soaked teeth. "The Age of Gods is nearing its end, enjoy it whi-" Torin didn't get to finish, as it all went to black as he spoke.

Torin opened his eyes to a near pitch black void. Odd, this didn't look or feel like the underworld. All he felt was himself. Before he could do much else, a voice called out to him ... "Me?" he asked the disembodied voice ... Having not much else to do in this dark area he was standing in, he put his feet one in front of the other and moved to what he assumed was forward. Soon enough, light far ahead showed this was a tunnel of sorts. He continued a few more steps ... Torin chuckled along with the voice, he was far from young, but then again, wherever he was, might be an Ancient's creation. ... "Game... Rules?" Torin asked, confused by being in the presence of an Ancient alone ... Torin brought one of his hands to his now healed abdomen upon the mention of his death ... Torin sighed, quite a twisted Ancient this one turned out to be "I don't think I have much of a choice here, I accept" The Ancient handed a couple of items, which seemed to make no sense on first look, but without realizing it, Torin acquired the knowledge needed to handle this phone that was given to him. Smooth move from the Ancient's part, which, after handing him the items allowed him to be on his way to this... Game. ... As soon as the Ancient uttered the last word, Torin felt it. His link to Xiaoninin, it was completely cut off somehow. How... No matter, Torin had the hunch he wouldn't get much from asking this Ancient directly. So with nothing else to say, he stepped into the light.

On the other end, a town like none he had seen before. Tall glass buildings, bright moving paintings, all sorts of metal decorations that were strange to no end. There were several people wandering around, he imagined they were players of this game too, but he wasn't entirely positive on that. Having not much else to lose at the moment, he approached the wandering swordsman near him. He held a wooden sword of sorts, interesting choice, he thought to himself. "Excuse me. This may be a weird question, but, are you a... Player, too?" Torin asked, eyeing the swordsman peculiar outfit as he spoke.

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The Pyro

"Pick one; but only one. Fire or friends? "

Fire or friends, fire or friends, fire.. or friends..

In the end, fire had prevailed. It was too much to pass for. All the rainbows it could spread, all the hearts it could warm..

Though it's time as a mercenary had left a special place in it's heart, maybe it was time for something.. new. Perhaps.. more people to help, new faces to meet, friends in need..! Yes, this was it! This was his moment!

Oh how the world will know of this!~

"Very well then. Take this badge and set out on your journey, young "heroine." May you spread the world with hope and screams.

Welcome to the Reapers' Game, Class Name: The Pyro.

Reapers' Game.. Nothing like a good ol' start. The man in a fireproof suit set his sights elsewhere, traveling across the city awaiting to find any eager participant willing to approach. Unfortunately, it seemed as if he had arrived too late. A lot of people seemed to be occupied investigating and wandering elsewhere, with some even standing by a hotdog stand.

Bummer, it wishes it could eat..

Nonetheless, it's not too late! For he must complete his duty: to spread happiness and joy all over the world!


1643437387276.pngMatthew Hines

Dead. That's what happened. After that rager party that happened, some jerk decided it would be fun to go hyper speed across the road, which unfortunately hit Matthew's car. The car practically flew across the air before hitting a house just on the edge of the road. Needless to say, that was the end of him.

Or... so he thought.
He was called to an interesting ceremony, as an unknown being decided to have him partake in the "Reaper's Game". The cost? Up to him. He decided to lose all memory of all people he once knew. His friends, family, and definitely that rando who smashed his skull. Luckily, it was enough, and he received the player's pin and an old flip phone. He attached the pin to his hoodie, and dropped the phone into his pocket. Then, he was sent off into the game.

He couldn't tell immediately, but he was definitely somewhere. That where, beats him. He could see people everywhere, though. A surprising amount near a hotdog stand, some at a park, and some near a well. Matthew remained fairly undecided and decided to wait around a bit, flip phone now in hand. He began to try to turn it on, and see if there was anything of importance.

Mentions: @thatguyinthestore (Game Master)
Last edited:
Prologue: The Kiss of Death

Stillness all around

Autumn leaves before Winter

Time waits for no-one.

Goldlewis breathed a long, deep sigh as his shoulders slumped and his head hung low. The chain in his hand clattered to a pile at his feet, and the coffin attached to it fell beside it with a booming thud. He closed his eyes and loosened his tie - not like there was anything to see. All he did was sit back in silence, and let the cold nothingness wash over his tired old form for a long,


long time.

Had Sol succeeded?

Had Happy Chaos?

Goldlewis again sighed. It didn't matter, now. When he was called, he answered. He narrowed his eyes at the hooded figure, speaking of some game he never signed up for, claiming he was one of the lucky ones.

Goldlewis didn't feel very lucky.

When he was offered a cellphone, the old soldier recoiled. Some relic of the accursed tech that destroyed his country. Tech Happy Chaos used to destroy his country. Was this just another one of his twisted games? It didn't matter - the promise of a second chance was all Goldlewis needed. He would endure for America's sake.

When he was asked for his entry fee - his most prized possession - Goldlewis didn't hesitate. He strode right past the hooded figure with his head again held high - a great weight placed on his heart, feeling that same weight absent from the coffin he carried. Though as he walked and walked, braving the blinding void, what laid on the other side took his breath away.


"Sweet baby Jesus."

Goldlewis cursed, utterly elated by the sight of a modern Shibuya, frozen in time and preserved, as if pressed into a scrapbook. His head spun aswirl, enraptured by the sights, sounds, and smells, until nearly tripping and falling. "Shit-! Wh- woah!" he cursed as he regained balance, staring down at his feet to find it was nothing so ordinary as a crack that had nearly sent him tumbling down, but a woman. A woman he had very rudely awoken. . .

"Wah!" she yelped and reflexively reached for the massive axe close by her side, holding it defensively against her person as her frazzled eyes darted towards Goldlewis.

"Woah-ho, slow down there little lady, honest accident's all it was," he raised his open palms passively to his side and calmly talked her down, cautiously standing his ground. Crooking a brow, he then tapped on the macabre pin the hooded figure had stuck on his breast pocket, "Got one of these?" The woman blinked as she sat up, reaching for the very same pin on her vest, looking up at Goldlewis and murmuring in disbelief, "Suppose that makes us teammates in this 'Reapers Game' huh? Hah!" he crouched down with his tree trunk of a right arm outreached, "Goldlewis Dickinson, Secretary of Defense for the United States of America," he introduced himself, flashing a 5-star smile. With a huff she reluctantly accepted the help, climbing to her feet and leaping back.


"My name is Beauty Thief!" she exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose and holding it, even as the silence lingered and began to weigh on the air.

"Boy, you were rarin' to spring that one on someone weren'tcha?" he rumbled with lighthearted laughter, lifting his coffin up by its chain and turning to leave, gesturing Beauty Thief to follow, "I like your energy! C'mon, how about we get a lay of the land? I reckon we're not the only ones with a horse in this race," he spoke, and Beauty Thief followed from a comfortable distance.


Approaching the statue, Goldlewis beamed. "Well I'll be. . .Hachiko, still standin'!" he said with a childlike twinkle in his eye, standing in the dog's proud presence, garnering Beauty Thief's confusion, "Um. . .still standing?" she parroted, closing some of the distance.

"Yeah, only ever saw pictures. Japan was wiped out looong before my time. . .wait, you're younger than me. What's got you so confused?" he raised a brow at Beauty Thief, who flatly responded: "I live in Japan,"

"Wha-!? Yeah right, livin' twenty-thousand leagues under the sea!" Goldlewis erupted with boisterous laughter, expecting Beauty Thief to break character and admit she was joking. But after an awkward minute had passed, the man had to double take at her amplified confusion, "Nah, you're yankin' my chain, right? Hey fellas!" he hollered, walking right up to the rest of everyone gathered at the statue, "Somethin's possessed my companion here, and she says Japan's still standing! That true?" he tilted his head and asked in earnest, while Beauty Thief hid her face behind the long cap of her hat.

@thatguyinthestore @udon
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  • "This is your burden now. Humanity's fate will be decided by the choices you make."
    "I understand."

    It had been... millennia since Pythagoras had uttered those last words to Kassandra before passing the Staff of Hermes off to his daughter and passing away. And yet, those words had still been etched into her mind. Pythagoras had seen so much from Atlantis, learned so much from the Isu... and yet, the possibility of multiple worlds had likely never been considered.

    But she'd already seen it first-hand. To think it all started when a trip to Markos' vineyard went wrong and had introduced her to the idea that she was only part of a vast web of timelines and places. Made her new friends, and experiences. Imprinted so many memories upon her.

    Memories that she, and she alone, had to bear without anyone else knowing.​

    Sure, she'd told her immediate family about the trip to another universe, and they'd all agreed to keep quiet about her adventures, but that was before she had undertaken the role of being the "Keeper of the Staff". Once she'd found out that she was a vassal for someone else to experience her life through, Kassandra had been extremely cautious within her own world to avoid any mention of her interdimensional journeys. Even on those trips, she'd realized she needed to be careful with who she spoke to, in an attempt to avoid altering their world or prompting some revelation that could change their fates for worse.

    After her final (or at least, so it seemed) unexpected trip into another world, Kassandra still remembered the words imparted upon her: Fight for your friends, no matter what.

    And so, even though Kassandra knew her role as the Keeper, she lived on with the hopes that she would be able to see her friends one more time- whether through a fluke or on purpose. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Months turned into years, and those years quickly began to evolve into decades and even centuries.

    She saw civilizations break down. Watched Greece fall apart from afar. Experienced Egypt at its height, and even checked up on her bloodline from far away. Eventually, though, the dreams of reuniting with her otherworldly brothers and sisters faded as the sands of time buried them and the fleeting societies she visited in her own world.

    Finally, after so much time had passed without a single word from another world, Kassandra gave up on her yearning.

    Making sure to keep the Staff of Hermes- and Alethia- away from her person at the time, Kassandra took all her hidden otherworldly equipment and went to the middle of nowhere- someplace nobody would ever think of travelling. From there, she buried practically everything she acquired from her travels.

    The Hephaestus Suit was the first to go. Then came the Geometric Bracelet, and the Materia she'd earned. They couldn't fall into the wrong hands, and who knew what possibilities could happen if someone uncovered it in her own world. Some of Aloy's arrows had been buried, too, to avoid the potential that someone could reverse engineer them and affect her world's timeline. And Kassandra didn't even want to think about what happened to her Houndour, Charon.

    Only two things were left by the time she'd buried the dangerous equipment: A gray scarf, reminding her to soldier on even in dark times, and a few of Aloy's arrows- mainly the Fire and Hardpoint arrows- that were easily replicated with primitive supplies.

    With the passing of time, Kassandra ended up using all of those arrows, and kept the scarf in her pocket. Not much else was to say about her trials as the Keeper, except for the fact she was forced to continue searching and draining Pieces of Eden so her world wouldn't collapse. Never was there a day where she could rest, have a vacation- her fate was sealed, and there was no getting out of it.

    More time passed by. She watched the Cult of Kosmos and Order of the Ancients evolve into the Templars, whilst the Hidden Ones morphed into the Assassin's Brotherhood to rebel against the Templars. Saw the Italian Renaissance, French and American Revolutions. Throughout all this, she only observed, only being forced to intervene when it was absolutely necessary to retain the balance between the forces of order and chaos. And throughout all this, she never truly felt like she had a friend. The only person she'd have considered a friend was Eivor the Wolf-Kissed, and even then the Spartan's time with the proud Viking was fleeting- only allowing her to leave her Hero's Sword behind, so the latter could use it as a memoir.

    By 2018, Kassandra was over 2,400 years old, and had kept to obscurity for the safety of her world and to avoid anyone discovering the multiverses. And though she'd given up on her desires to see her friends one last time- quashed by her burden as the Keeper and the knowledge that anyone who went through her memoirs could potentially catch her purposefully trying to reach through worlds- the memories she'd made were still kept dear to her, unblemished by the toll that centuries' worth of work had taken upon her mind.

  • Atlantis, October 2018 CE.

    Kassandra knew this was her time to pass the torch. Her own odyssey had come to an end, and her trials as the Keeper was over. On the one hand, she felt relieved that she could finally be released from the shackles that wielding the Staff had given her. No more would she have to carry on for years on end after watching her friends and family in her world die.

    And yet a miniscule part of the ex-Eagle Bearer longed for one more day. One more chance, for her friends from other worlds to try and reach out and find her. She had felt that hope died long ago, but there she was, talking to her successor Layla Hassan, praying that they'd appear out of nowhere at the last second. Childish of her, she knew, and she knew it would never be fulfilled- especially not after millennia had passed and the opportunity hadn't been seized- but she couldn't deny it.

    Even now, though, she was cautious in her wording. She wasn't wrong when she told the Assassin her Spear was used to "defeat enemies even Herodotos could not describe", nor that she had "fought in too many wars", but refrained from telling Layla too much. That was her secret to keep, even unto death.

    But there was one last thing she needed to do. When Layla reached out to accept the Staff, Kassandra looked deep into the young woman's eyes, and hoped that her final words would not fall upon deaf ears.

    "Promise me one thing."
    "When you are done... Destroy it. Destroy them all."

    And with her final request for her world imparted upon Layla, Kassandra let go of the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. The effects were practically instant; she already felt her strength fading away. Without any borrowed time left over, death was rapidly coming to claim its quarry. The same golden bright light that had left Pythagoras long ago dissipated from her eyes and mouth- her literal life force ebbing away.

    Memories flashed by rapidly. Memories of the other worlds, that she could now relive without the worry that someone would peer into her mind. Faces, too- of her closest friends, and those she'd bonded with over time. Cirilla the Witcheress. John Price. Corvo Attano. Aloy of the Nora. Gretar. Arthur Morgan. Aerith Gainsborough.

    The only regret she had was that she wouldn't able to see the others one more time.

    "Γαία... μητέρα όλων... Σε χαιρετώ."
    (Earth... mother of all... I greet you.)

    And with that, Kassandra drew her last breath, all alone save for the next Keeper of the Staff.

  • Half of Kassandra was expecting to be taken to Elysium, as a way of her own world thanking her for her services. The other half was expecting her fate in the afterlife to be relegated to the Underworld as payment for all the bloodshed she'd caused- for righteous causes or for blood money, it did not matter.

    What she was not expecting was complete and utter darkness.​

    She could still feel the suit she'd worn to her death in Atlantis- a way for her to blend into the modern world, but certainly not her familiar misthios attire nor a comfortable t-shirt. But something else was radically different. She could feel the weight of a few weapons once more on her person; a bludgeon and bow slung over her back, and a sword sheathed on her side. And there were two more things- a shape that was almost unmistakably her beloved Spear of Leonidas sandwiched between the bludgeon and bow, and a suit of armor covered her save for her head. No; a helmet was on the other side of the sword she had. Upon taking the helmet and putting it on, she immediately recognized the HUD of the advanced Hephaestus Suit.

    But why was all this stuff here? More importantly, what was going on?


    Upon hearing a voice from behind her, Kassandra spun around on her heel, searching in the darkness for the source. The motion tracker found nothing, and her keen eyes could barely see five feet past her. Drawing her sword- undeniably her Hero's Sword, judging by the familiar weight and shape- she only uttered a quick and sharp "Me?" as her eyes darted around.

    "Yes... you. Come forward."

    With eyes narrowed, Kassandra reached over and drew her Spear of Leonidas- also just the way she knew it felt- adopting a wary stance as she walked forwards in the direction of the voice. As the hallway grew more detailed and revealed itself to the brunette, Kassandra kept her head on a swivel, waiting for someone to try and attack her. The only thing that stopped the hooded figure from being instinctively skewered was the motion sensor that detected them.

    "Not so fast, young one. Before you can enter the game, you must first agree to the rules."

    "Game? What rules?" The brunette was less curious than distrustful, gripping her weapons even tighter.

    "The Reapers' Game, of course. You did die, correct?"

    "I... well, yes. But what does that have to do with a game, or rules? And how do you know that?" The last question, despite the suspicion in the ancient Greek's voice, went completely unanswered.

    "Yes, well, as it turns out, you're one of the lucky ones. You see, The Reapers Game isn't any ordinary game. You have seven days, each with their own set of tasks. Complete each task, and you'll be granted a second chance at life. Fail, and you'll be erased from existence by the Reapers."

    The creepy grin at the thought of failure warranted a scoff of disgust from the demigoddess, though it was apparent that the stranger wasn't going to attack yet. Only now did she sheathe her weapons and take off her helmet, unmasking the guarded look on her face that had been masked by her Spartan helmet.

    "Yeah, well... I'm sure you'd love to see that happen, would you?" Again, this question went unanswered. A few different options formed in her head, and she considered each of them for a couple seconds before finally choosing one.

    Why did you select me for this "game"?
    What if I refused to play?
    I refuse to be a pawn in your game.
    I'll compete in your game.

    Though the first two questions burned on her mind, she had a feeling that they would go unanswered- or if they were, she'd only get vague answers. It'd be better to wait to ask them to someone more forthcoming. The third option was asking to be erased, and she honestly had no other idea what she could possibly do outside the Game. Go back to pure and utter darkness? No; there was only one "option" she had here, even if it meant she risked being "erased".

    And if she was honest, the idea of having her life back- hopefully without the shackles of being a Keeper- was tantalizing. Perhaps she'd be freed from her world, and able to explore other dimensions. Reach out to her old friends.

    "Fine. I'll compete in your game. And if this is some sort of twist on Heracles' twelve labors, I'll beat them soundly." Sure, the declaration was a bit more boastful than her normally-humble demeanor, but she wasn't going to show weakness in front of someone who clearly was hoping she'd mess up somewhere. She'd show them- if only out of spite and selfish purposes.

    Upon receiving the phone, though Kassandra raised an eyebrow as her suspicious gaze was replaced with a genuinely intrigued one. The device wasn't quite as modern as the phones she'd seen in 2018 right before her death, but definitely millennia ahead of ancient Greek technology.

    "This is how you'll receive your missions. Oh, and don't worry, we've already placed the information on how to use these in your heads, for those of you who don't have these in your own world."​

    'Those of you who don't have these in your own world'? 'In your own world'? That could only mean one thing, if Kassandra knew what he meant- and she didn't mean the fact there were other people participating.

    It was that this was yet another event that had drew in people from other worlds.​

    Now, of all times, only after Kassandra had died, did fate choose to pull her into another event- almost like it was laughing at her. Malaka. She just shook her head out of irritation, not speaking her mind up to the figure. After all, if they were actively plotting against Kassandra, they didn't need to know she was more than experienced enough when it came to these kinds of encounters, regardless of whether she was dead or alive.

    The mysterious host pulled out a small trinket, claiming it was a "Player Pin", before offering it to the ex-Eagle Bearer. Kassandra just took it, observing it in the light, as he mentioned that only others with a Player Pin could see each other.

    "Of course. People who are alive can't see ghosts, after all. I've seen the movies and read the books." Kassandra kept her sarcastic tone as she rolled her amber eyes, pushing forwards just before being stopped by the mention of an "Entry Fee". Immediately, she could feel her mind being tampered with- almost like a Piece of Eden attempting to brainwash her. Except this time, it was actually working.

    Memories of her friends immediately began fading away. Their faces and names were already starting to vanish from her mind, but there was no way she would give those up first.


    Kassandra turned around altogether, with furrowed eyebrows and a look on her face. If this person could erase her memories of her otherworldly friends, they probably already knew she was from another world. No point in hiding that fact anymore, she supposed.

    "If you want to take something from me, take my possessions from my travels. Not my memories." And with that, the memories of her comrades returned to her wholly, untouched by whatever erasing had been going on. Instead, she watched as the Hephaestus Suit on her quickly dissipate into nothingness. She glanced behind her to watch as a few arrows in her quiver- ones she recognized as Aloy's- also disappeared, and Price's gray scarf (which had been draped around her neck the whole time) was vaporized. She could even feel a Pokéball- likely belonging to Charon- vanish from her utility belt. She'd miss Charon for sure, but for now, she didn't want to lose the memoirs she'd made. Still, she wouldn't let her prized possessions go so easily; after everything was said and done, she was expecting her goodies to come back with her to her next life.

    "I promise you I'm coming back for those after I conquer your stupid game." And with a look of determination on her face, Kassandra walked out into the light, ready to brave the unknowns for what would hopefully be the last time- at least, on terms that weren't her own.


    She couldn't quite tell where she was, but the crowded nature of this modern-day city was not her style at all. Were those Japanese characters she saw out there? If she was honest with herself, English and Greek were more her primary languages, even after two millennia's worth of knowledge rattling around in her head, so this certainly wasn't the perfect place for her. If this was open country with a bunch of English and Greek people? Then she'd feel significantly more comfortable. And she definitely remembered the horror show that occurred the last time she was in another world's massive city- this was asking for trouble once more. The worst part was that she definitely didn't have Ikaros to scout the sprawling streets ahead of her here. This demanded that the ex-Eagle Bearer would do her scouting without her bird.

    Still, there was no point in bitching about her situation. No; it was better to take stock of what she had now, and react accordingly. With this in mind, the first thing she did was draw her Spear of Leonidas yet again. Already, she could see her reflection in the polished blade; she looked like she was still as young as she'd been in Ancient Greece. Felt like it, too, like she could bob and weave away without worrying about running out of breath. But was her Spear renewed, too..?


    The brunette quickly twirled her weapon around, bringing it to her right side before finally catching it upright. It felt... in tune with her. Alive again; like it had been given a fresh breath of life alongside her. Even if her inner warrior had faded over the years of hiding, wielding her refreshed Spear gave Kassandra a feeling of giddiness. After she'd lost its powers in Greece, she'd felt too vulnerable- as though she'd become naked- so being granted one last taste of its true power was going to be an absolute treat.

    Satisfied with the result, Kassandra then took a moment to check everything else on herself. Surprisingly, the modern-day suit had been taken away; instead, she'd returned to her usual misthios (mercenary) attire, complete with the red scarf. To quickly mark herself to other players, though, she removed her golden Greek pin and attached the Player's Pin, making her easily identifiable as a Player to anyone who got a quick look at her. Her trusty weapon set from Greece seemed to have returned in full force, too; her Hero Sword, Paris' Bow, and the Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon were all back and in perfect condition. Glad I'm not going into these "games" unarmed. Considering the date and circumstances, however, she had a feeling that firearms and modern armor would be a potential bane when it came to a head-on fights. No matter; she'd more than make up for it if need be.

    The next thing to be checked up on was her surroundings. It looked like she'd ended up right next to a statue of a dog; what was its name again? Buchiko? Habuchiko? By the gods, she really should have studied her geography. It was honestly quite embarassing that she had walked the ends of the earth in search of Pieces of Eden, but couldn't immediately identified landmarks. Still, she supposed it probably wouldn't matter; after all, there was a good chance this place didn't even exist in her world, like a few others.

    Either way, a couple things were already happening. As Kassandra activated her Revelation ability to scan the area for secrets and potential enemies, she spotted a floating piece of paper. A young girl calling herself Shiki Misaki asked a hatted man about the floating note, which promptly fell to the ground. While the two were preoccupied with each other, the Eagle Bearer took the time to pick the note up and read it silently.

    Erasure is a better fate than what he has planned? Who and what was this note referring to? She obviously got the RG reference as "Reapers' Game", she wasn't dumb, but nothing else about the note made sense. She made a mental note to keep it in mind just in case, opting to leave the note right next to Hachiko's paws face-down for now. If nobody else came to collect it, she'd return and snag the note; after all, the Greek warrior could use it to get more information.

    It was at this point that she noticed that a brutish, military-esque giant tripped over a girl with a feathered hat in the distance- both of them sticking out like sore thumbs. Kassandra watched in mild amusement, continuing to people watch for that special pin as she loitered around. Eventually the two aforementioned Players made their way to the statue, prompting the former to claim Japan was wiped out "long before my time". When Haru expressed confusion and prompted Goldlewis to tease her publicly, the Eagle Bearer rolled her eyes with a slight smile of amusement on her face. She might as well help them out a little bit.

    "The girl's not from your world, that's why. In mine, Japan's perfectly fine." Kassandra walked up to the statue itself, rubbing a finger across Hachiko's snout for a few moments before her amber eyes looked back to the duo.

    "If you have a look at everyone else-" A curt gesture towards the conversing Jotaro and Shiki in the background- "I think it's pretty obvious we're all from different times and places. The name's Kassandra, by the way." She pursed her lips, pausing as she finally turned her body to face the two other Players and giving a couple seconds to herself to think.

    Did you also see that figure?
    Does UG mean anything to you?
    What do you remember before you died?
    Any idea as to what we're supposed to do?

    "I'm assuming we're all... er, dead, here, or else we wouldn't be playing this stupid 'Game'." Kassandra grimaced at the thought for a moment, before continuing to her question.

    "What do you remember before your deaths? Maybe there's something that brings us together somehow. I died of old age, by the way; I know, shocking." She referred to her sprightly appearance, hoping that the acknowledgement would hopefully avoid getting her laughed at by Goldlewis just as he did to the fluffy-haired girl.

  • 8414f59c4bb62e6d31dde1a2ad967692.png

    (Credit: cavalieredispade)

    Physical Status: Healthy
    Mental Status: Inquisitive
    Location: Shibuya Streets (Hachiko's Statue)
    Mentions: Aloy @dark, Eivor the Wolf-Kissed/Cirilla the Witcheress/Aerith Gainsborough @TheElenaFisher, Gretar @Birb-With-Gun, Jotaro Kujo @udon, Shiki Misaki @thatguyinthestore
    Interactions: GM @thatguyinthestore, Goldlewis Dickinson/Haru Okumura @PlumpyNut
    Acquired Equipment: Spear of Leonidas, Paris' Bow, Hero Sword, Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon, Player Pin, Phone
    Text Formatting: 9e1316 color, Georgia font

    Dialogue Tree Legend:
    Regular text - Dialogue option (not chosen)
    Gold bolded text - Chosen option

    Kassandra's CS
    Next Post
Last edited:

In a few scant moments, Audric decides he already has something of a grasp on the situation. Evidently, by the number of others with pins around, he is far from the only player. A rough estimate would be somewhere around sixty, from what he can see. Whether or not this game is cooperative or competitive, however... Time will tell.

He supposes he ought to try to gauge the people involved, then. Know thy enemy, as it is said; or he should at least know potential allies.

Before he can begin any venture to find out, however, he spots a player waving at him from the corner of his eye. A blue-haired young man -- late teens if Audric had to guess on a glance, but he of all people knows better than to assume from that alone -- in... He supposes he should call it interesting clothes, but that isn't unusual here. Many people are dressed in many different ways from what he's seen; enough to say that he himself could be the oddity here. It's no surprise: his existence at all has been something of an anomaly for a long time. Standing out in a crowd is to be expected.

Still, when the young man speaks, Audric finds him turning in his direction to hear. He's right about the first part, at least. Lost would be a decent word to describe the situation, but then, does the same not go for everyone?

Regretfully, however, Audric finds himself at a different kind of loss when faced with the question of what a hotdog is. Best improvise.

"I should say I'm gathering my bearings. I'm a rather bit older than I look, you see." He calmly answers, his gaze slowly following the boy's as it moves elsewhere. "When you reach my age, you do occasionally need a moment..." He trails off as his own gaze finds the same figure the boy also looks open, for however brief that moment is. They weave through the crowd with a familiar -- and nearly suspect -- ease.

Even still, he says nothing. It may well be something to investigate later, but it's far from urgent yet: and he can't very well send people into danger without knowing their capabilities and planning accordingly.

When a distraction arrives in the form of a girl dressed similarly to the boy, then, Audric finds himself grateful for the distraction.

He lets them talk, using the conversation to further gather what little shreds of information about the situation it might bring him. Different time periods -- nothing unusual so far as he is concerned -- perhaps different worlds, given what little he has seen of them. Whatever this game is, it has far reaching influence, and Audric finds himself wary of what it being misused could mean. Perhaps it will not be, and those worries are unfounded; he does not want to simply brush it off on that alone. Best he keep an eye out.

Eventually, he finds himself with cause to speak again. "Be that what it may, if you are here and can see us, then you must also have died." It is... unfortunate. People so young should not have to lose their lives and be thrust into a game like this to reclaim them. A brief frown of genuine sympathy crosses his face. Even still, he remains somewhat firm in tone. "Evidently, whoever is behind this game has great influence indeed. If we wish to come out of this alive anew... we had ought to be careful."

A brief pause.

"Forgive me if I come off as patronising. I suppose 'be careful' is hardly useful advice here, though I fear no one has any better ideas as of yet."

@udon (Minato Arisato) @ThePotatoGod (Minako Arisato)

Physical: Fine
Mental: Fine (nervous)

She had been standing around a while now. People kept dropping in, one by one. It's like this was a factory and the systems were on overdrive - and whether or not it was even a good thing, Chariot wasn't so sure she liked it, with signs of apprehension and nervousness on her. All this waiting had been making her increasingly irritated and bored - she wanted sustenance until that flip phone she had been given let out a sign of life, giving out a task or two. Alas, it was time to force herself on someone - perhaps other people just didn't see her? So are these guys not players at all, then? If what the masked figure said is right, maybe she put her pin on wrong... this 'is' the game, right?

So anyways, sightseeing! The first natural instinct is to spin herself around slowly, a hand over her eyes to narrow her sights down, and eventually her gaze rests on... a somewhat towering, menacing man in a mask and a fireproof suit. Why, she didn't quite know, but there was only a single thought that left her lips after seeing him and deciding to bite the bullet.

"...This is gonna suck."

Not even seconds later, she revved up her wheels (suitably leaving wheel-shaped cuts in the ground beneath her as she did so) and zoomed towards her 'target' - and maybe having a bit too much fun doing so, she thought it would be a bright idea to continuously circle him and poke him from different angles while changing directions between each and every single poke with a single finger from one of her two hands. As she did such, her sword and her shield were respectively hung over her shoulder and on her back as they were not being used, before she finally stopped before her new (hopefully) friend... with a little joking and a blunt assumption!

"Looking like you died on the job, huh? I sure hope getting your hands dirty was worth winding up here."



"...so my efforts...have come to this."

Here standing among the darkness, not unlike that of the Garganta. Stands a figure that was for the lack of a better term, outsmarted and killed by an aspect he prised as important, all consuming, and inevitable to all.


Baraggan Louisenbairn, God-King of Hueco Mundo, has died at the hands of those soul reapers. Now sitting in a dimly lit hallway. Being lectured like some child about his so called "overeagerness".

"Not so fast, young one, Before you can enter the game, you must first agree to the rules."

"I am not in any mood for frivolous distractions. So tell me, what manner of being are you supposed to be? Your nether a hallow nor a soul reaper. So what makes you think you can speak to me like a damn ant? You may as well do yourself a favor and explain this game you speak of."

Then came the mention of some game...and a offer to come back from the dead. Survive seven days by completing some variety of tasks, and be given a second chance at life. Fail and be erased from existence by the reapers. Perhaps he is among their ranks. No matter, There was actually a chance for him to escape his fate, he would have ended up as nonexistent even without such interventions. All it would take is a fee they said, something of significance whether it be abstract or tangible. But being as prideful as he was, was stubborn on most of the suggestions this mystery reaper gave out. Maybe perhaps he could have simply found a loophole in this demand, But something significant was to be given.

"…If you are going to demand any cost for this reapers game of yours, you may as well take the power held in my release state, if you even know of the concept." he answered "To give my memories, or for that matter, any aspect of myself would be an affront to who I am, and to the insects...The ones who took my kingdom, the ones who killed me in vicious mockery, and to those who ever got in the way of my oath to kill that bastard...It would be nothing but an addition of defeat...My Resurrección is as far as I will allow it. Even without it, my might will not waver to the likes of anyone. And once I am through with this.. game..is where I will proceed with my vengeance. That is what I shall do once I'm through with this Reapers' Game."

To be frank, does this mystery reaper even care about what he is saying? or perhaps he was in a mood to vent his downfall. Ether way Baraggan was handed a flip phone (or what he would compare to a soul pager those soul reapers possess.) and a pin acting as an indicator of his participation. With is fee offered, the king of Hueco Mundo makes his way to the light.
Baraggan Louisenbairn
status: currently viewing his surroundings

When he awoke, Baraggan found himself situated in the middle of a vast cityscape. If it wasn't for the emptiness of this place and his current predicament, he would have thought he was in the world of the living. And as he expected, the powers granted by Resurrección were simply...no longer present. blah, his might was simply beyond that of the powers given to him by Aizen. And from his initial appearance, the majority of "players" are simply humans, at least from sight alone. And there where those who look more...
.Well, that happened. Tricky didn't know what to make of that sudden confrontation. Who even was that guy? Eh, who cares about him.

But what did catch his attention was the new surroundings; going by the name of Shibuya as mentioned by the unknown voice. It certainly wasn't anything like Nevada either. Confused as ever, Tricky stares down - now noticing the aforementioned badge that he was apparently given prior to entering.

「Reapers' Game.. ..Does this mean I'm in Heaven?

Welp, this sucks.」
along the lines of that. It's almost comical how much of a gremlin this particular creature is. With those odd proportions and laughingly red hair. A passing glance was given to tricky the clown before looking back at the wider area. This may as well be an ideal time to gauge his surroundings...and who among the ants may pose a problem to him. So he closes his eyes, constraining, and attempts to use his Pesquisa, or in layman's terms, an Arrancar perception technique for detecting spiritual pressure. Just to see who he might need to keep an eye on.

@thatguyinthestore @edy03829 @anyone_of_intrest

"Ohhhh, multiverse theory, is that right?" Goldlewis responded curiously, tilting his head up and stroking his beard as he took a load off on his coffin, "Well no matter what world you're from, that's some mighty fine English you're speakin' miss Beauty Thief," he said with a smile, disappointed to see she remained confused, "English? But my English is so rusty. . .and, haven't we been speaking Japanese this whole time?" Beauty Thief tilted her head, responding with honest bewilderment. Goldlewis just blinked and retreated into his own thoughts again, muttering and stroking his beard "Could this be the work of a cryptid. . .?"

"Well. . ." Beauty Thief turned to face Kassandra, her expression finally lightening up some, "If we really are all from different worlds, I guess there's no harm in revealing my real name. I'm Haru," she smiled, "Tokyo is my home so, seeing Shibuya this empty made me uneasy. I figured I must have stumbled into a Palace of some kind, and defaulted to using my alias," she giggled, easily melting Goldlewis' heart and allaying his apprehension, "Come to think of it, that's all I can remember. I don't have any memory of dying or, anything out of the ordinary." she answered with a long face, this time garnering Goldlewis' confusion,

"That's odd. I remember it all clearly! I was in a tussle with a real mean sonuvabitch, y'know, the monologueing kind. So of course he starts monologueing, then all of a sudden there's this pillar of light and. . .poof! Got stuck havin' a chat with some odd fellow what gave me this pin," he explained, tapping the Player pin on his breast pocket, "Say. . .y'all meet that fellow too? Real mysterious character - asked me for an entry fee."


@udon @thatguyinthestore

@hachiko statue
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Majima chewed on his hot dog, blankly observing the wild gestures the drunk guy was making in front of him. Both of them? Thumb across the neck? The hotdog vendor? ...Did the guy want his help to off the hotdog vendor?

In-between bites, Majima spoke. "Look pal— I'm just tryna enjoy my grub here." He swallowed. "I got no reason to hurt this guy." He jerked the remaining half of his hot dog toward vendor. But then it finally registered— this drunk guy was wearing a player pin, just like Majima. The street vendor, though...

"Hey," Majima shoveled the rest of the hot dog into his mouth, chewing agressively as he turned back towards the vendor. "Youf know anyfing aboud dis?" He spoke with his mouth full, tapping the player pin on his jacket lapel. He shot a sideways glance at drunk guy, though he had to angle his head slightly on account of the one-eye thing. "Also am I dead?"

@thatguyinthestore @TruthHurts22
Lilith and Shantae
Location: Hotdog Stand

Lilith was ready to attack at any moment as everyone was on edge, well except for the hotdog vender, he just treated this moment like it was a casual every-day occurrence. However even with it's disturbing appearance the creature seemed to be...friendly, or at least it wasn't hostile. The creature responded to Lilith claim by saying that it just wanted a hotdog as well, potentially trying to get someone to drop one of them so it could take it for it's own. "Oh...I see." Lilith said as she let her guard down, her hands stopped glowing and she tried to apologize for the misinformation she projected. "I uh apologize for what just happened."

Meanwhile Shantae listened to their discussion and decided to go about the creature's needs. "Well if that's the case." She then takes the hotdog that would've been hers anyway and hands it over to him. "Here you go, you can have mine." She said as this was some sort of way to make amends for the whole fiasco earlier, another person would enter the scene and his attention was primarily focused on her. He said that she didn't look half-bad and offered her some sort of local gig. Shantae was a little weirded out by this but she still appreciated the complement nether less. "Uh...thanks?"

Lilith on the other hand was making sure that the guy choking from earlier was okay and took notice of this exchange between them, she didn't want to immediately jump to conclusions again if last time was anything to go by but she kept an eye on him just in case.

Mentions: @thatguyinthestore @TruthHurts22 @CaffeineFreak @Jeff_Jones @The Fool
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Wandering without an aim was tiring work, and Noriaki Kakyoin's legs had finally begun to feel it. If the soreness in his legs was any indication, relative to the position of the sun from behind his shades, he had been walking for at least forty minutes - more probably an hour, if the detail mattered. A sort of quiet frustration had made its home in Kakyoin's mind, the sort that just barely dug its nails into his calm, collected exterior, just enough that he would begin to feel it. A sort of tightly-wound tension accompanied the sensation in his chest - not a physical condition of any sort, of course, but that low, overhanging expectation, like a storm cloud rearing its head over the grey horizon. There was something off about this place, this city... the Reaper's Game as a whole entity, really. And yet... Kakyoin was out of options before he'd begun. The area was foreign, and so he wandered, like a broken compass, wherever the path took him.

At long last, something caught Kakyoin's eye. A structure jutting out from the grass besides the path, caked in moss and wreathed in vines not unlike Hierophant Green's winding tendrils. Stopping in his tracks for a moment, the last of the sun's intrusive rays cutting through the outcrop of cherry red hair that hung over his face, Kakyoin weighed up what little options he had.

"Why not?" he muttered to himself out loud, and stepped off the path and onto the grass to observe the structure more closely.


An old wishing well, it looked like. It had certainly seen better days, the wood gnarled, damp and splintered in places and the unappealing stone devoured entirely in places by the winding weeds that had made their home on the well's surface. Kakyoin ran a hand over the stone as he stopped just shy of the well's opening, both as an inquisitive touch and a way to relieve the burning from the sensation accumulating in his calves. Hierophant Green materialised in short order behind him, peering over his shoulder and then extending itself into the well's opening, not so far that its head disappeared beneath the surface.

Kakyoin couldn't help but smirk at the idea of what he must've looked like, but, with idle hands, any occupation was better than nothing. Reaching into his pocket, Kakyoin felt for an offering - he saw no reason not to, after all - and found his fingers curling around naught but the Player Pin in one pocket and the phone he'd been provided in the other. Once again, Kakyoin chuckled low and hollow, keeping one hand in his pocket with fingers twirling the Player Pin between them, much like a coin, and the other leaning upon the stone as he turned and leaned his body upon the well in full. Reaching up with his free hand, Kakyoin removed his shades, stowing them in his pocket and rubbing the first aches of fatigue from his eyes, fingers tracing over the vertical scars that ran down the both of them. He'd had them since he was little, of course, but the memory of how they'd come to be was long since lost to him. Just a simple accident, Kakyoin thought to himself.

That's all it was.

@TheElenaFisher @thatguyinthestore
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@thatguyinthestore (Shinjiro Aragaki)
@ThePotatoGod (Hiyru Kakogawa)

"..You don't recognize me, remember? And.. besides, the outfit is there for a reason.. we all have things to hide. In my case.. I won't say. And.. look. We're all affected by death in different ways. Some take it better than others.. In the former, you. In my case.. Less said about that the better." Orpheus says as he then turns to see a strange man with a purple pocket watch... more like his own, except more bulky and.. odd. Orpheus gives it a thought.. "Honestly? An alliance isn't a bad idea, considering this game.. it might have dark motives behind it. It seems simple.. but it probably is not."
In truth, it was pretty hard for Shiki to take Meta Knight too seriously - especially without his mask and all. And really, could you blame her? He looked like a more plump Mr. Mew! But, still, she was aware enough to understand that the question itself was serious, even if the tone was lost on her.


"Well, I'm a player," she explained, her smile never dwindling. She even flashed her Player Badge as proof. She turned, then, to look up at the guy who happened to be staring down at the group. A slight frown came about... until she just shrugged and smiled again. "Not sure what his deal is, though." Before long, Haru and Goldlewis had approached the group as well.


"Uhhh," Shiki brought a hand up, having to think for a moment. Of course, she knew that Japan was indeed still standing - she was just... surprised by the question, is all. "Well, last time I checked, Japan's still standing." The girl seemed to think on it a bit more, only to have that thought process entirely interrupted by the appearance of Kassandra. She looked at the tall woman while she explained everything, though the "not from your world" explanation seemed lost on her. Still, she remained silent, until the question about their deaths came up.


For the first time since the others had met her, Shiki truly seemed to frown. Not just one of pensive thought, either. No, this frown seemed to convey genuine, real sadness.

"I'd... rather not talk about how I died..." she replied quietly, tilting her head downward. She allowed the others to explain how they died and everything between each other for the time being. For now, Shiki just kind of... faded into the background. Or that's what she tried to do, anyways.

@FactionGuerrilla @udon @PlumpyNut @Rebebebe @Statue
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The confirmation was all it took for the shadow's next actions to be instant. Like a snake leaping to its prey, it slithered at breakneck speeds towards Pyrrha, blanketing her with its form within mere moments.

While one might think of shadows as weightless, it was not the case with this umbra. The red-haired girl could still walk, think, breathe and act just fine, but it felt as if an anchor that always ought-be was suddenly starting to be there again.

It was a slow, meticulous process, of course-- but the shadow was tying itself to her. It simply became a matter of her not letting go.

"Aha-a~" it laughed, voice becoming clearer and less distant than it was before. "There, there-- don't let go of me, now. If you leave me to drift so far, I might just end up dying. After all, they do say shadows oughtn't to be, right?"

It became of a darker coloration-- extending from the tip of Pyrrha's foot all the way to the entrance of the alleyway. Even amidst shadows, her 'new shadow' could be clearly seen, as odd as it seemed.

It took the same form as her-- if only for a moment. A shift occurred, and the shadowy form of what was meant to take the appearance Pyrrha wasn't to be anymore. That's correct, what grew from her shadow and took a three-dimensional form wasn't too different from her, or you and I, or the other players in this meticulous, inane game of death-beyond-death.

'He' appeared as a human, if not the simulacrum of one. Crow's hair and youngish features, with onyx eyes that reflected no shine from it. His outfit consisted of his own body-- that is, hoodies, long jeans, and what-have-yous that could have been found in any store, all emanating darkish plumes of darkness.

"... there. This [form...]" He mused, opening and closing a hand. "... it'll have to do for now. Maybe it'll change if I become [someone else's] shadow, though."

'He' hummed, before slowly slinking back to a form more hidden, that of her shadow.

"C'mon now, out of this alleyway. There's much to do be done we're missing out. I'll be acting as your shadow, though, so don't feel afraid to call me out."
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