Angels, Demons, and Vampires choose your character!

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His tail wrapped around her and tickled a bit as he still slept peacefully. He meowed a little and his ears twitched again.
Luna felt Kerv's tail and couldn't retrain her laugh. She looked at his tail and then at him hoping he was still asleep. She watched his ears twitch. 'Ah he's so cute.'
she digs the blade through my arm i scream so loud luna can hear it. i concentrate on thinking of luna and kerv safe and sound watching over them with my powers.
i say kerv is asleep he cant hear any of this i really like him but he wouldnt think of me that way. she digs the knife into my wings cutting them up.
Luna looked up. Searching for Zoey. She didn't see her but swore she heard her scream. She bit her lip. 'I was told to stay here.' She breathed and closed her eyes 'Maybe I can ignore what I heard... Or maybe I can think of a way to help them both.'
i scream again from the pain and kervs hears it alittle and luna definitely hears it. she leaves and i break the chains holding me and run out of the house. i run towards where kerv and luna were.
Luna opened her eyes hearing Zoey scream once more and her tail began to lash back and forth in frustration. 'I was told to stay here... But...'
i run up and hide behind the tree luna and kerv r against. im shaking terribly i say where are they!?!?!? i look around frantic for luna and kerv.
Luna heard Zoey ask where they were. She stood and looked behind the tree. "Right here... And Oh my... Are you okay?"
i collapse on the opposite side of the tree i say ive lost them! then i hear luna i look around the tree and see kerv still sleeping soundly. i also see luna i smile and say you are both safe im glad yeah im fine i will heal eventually although i dont think i can ever fly again i tuck my wings under my jacket.
The saliva left over from him began to mend her wounds slowly. He continued sleeping and curled up in between them and mewed. He was purring.
i say luna can u take first watch please. i fall asleep once i finish the question my tail wraps kerv's arm and my ears twitch but they stop as i start shaking from a bad dream.
Luna looked at her wings. Her eyes grew with sadness. "Maybe not for a while...But I'm sure they can day... But sadly I don't think even I could help with that." She felt her wings hurt just from looking a Zoey's but forced herself to hid any sign. Her tail then stopped and once more rapped itself around Luna's wrist.
Luna nodded at Zoey. And then saw her begin to sleep. Luna sat down beside the two. She let her tail begin to keep her entertained and awake.
i say in lunas mind [i will be fine dont worry about my injuries] i whimper in my sleep slightly.
Feeling sadness, Kerv brings whoever is there closer and wraps their arm over them. Still asleep, he licks them to calm them. He pulls the other person to him as well and purrs.
i keep whimpering then gasp awake and lay my head on kev's shoulder and go back to sleep. my tail gripping his arm.
Luna looked at Zoey hearing her whimper. Once more she bit her lip. [I can't promise that I won't worry. But if your sure I can try to ignore your pain.] Not only could she hear it but she knew her powers would sometimes let her feel another's pain depending on the case and how bad. It also depended on when and how long she last meditated.
i say my friends safe sound. my mom walks up to luna and says give me back my daughter!
He holds the person closer and puts his nose to hers. His tail wraps them both. He opened one eye to see it was Zoey-Alice. He pulled her even closer as he saw she was shaking.
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