Against The Wits

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"Years..." Ajax sighed, the sounds of sighs simultaneous among the four generals, who had anticipated maybe two to four years of combat, but facing double that was devastating. Not only were funds a major problem, but so were casualties, of which there were bound to be plenty, on both sides. It was war - casualties were a given and expected in plenty.

"So what about money? Wars cost money," he reminded, finally joined by a chorus of agreement rather than a wall all disagreeing with him. "And we ain't got that much because our wonderful King spent most of it on himself. You wonder why people want him dead, Eden."​
"We need to collect funds. Maybe raise taxes? What is the poverty rate here? And do we have scientists? If so, we need them to start working on weapons. Nuclear warfare is lacking here, even though we're the closest to the chemicals needed to absolutely destroy them." He babbled, snatching a piece of paper and a pen. "Can one of you please get Lucifer? Hm I'll get him."
"We can afford raising them a few percent before people really struggle," the blonde murmured as he shuffled through the papers to find the statistics, nodding to himself as he took note of raising taxes. When nuclear warfare was mentioned, he immediately glanced to the others before a wry grin appeared - it was a frankly fantastic idea, a war-changer, that nobody would have really proposed. They had scientists, some of the cleverest around, but they would never have worked on such a thing if Eden hadn't suggested it. "That's... that'd be great, make a note of that, we'll get the boffins onto it-- fetch Lucifer? If he's ill, it's best to leave him."

"He ain't ill, that was a lie," Ajax muttered as he glanced to the doorway once hearing Luna's light and airy footsteps trail down the staircase, though without Lucifer's heavy ones following.​
"Luna?" He cooed, his serious gaze fading the moment he heard the steps. Motioning them to wait, he hurried to follow the noise and smiled. "Mm? What's wrong, Luna?"
"I... got bored," she shrugged, moving into the room with no real sense of shyness in front of the men, even if she had never so much as seen them before. Coen was born when Ruby and Lucifer were still married, so he had experienced four years of being treated like a real Prince would, and the generals had known him at least, and likewise, he'd known of their importance to the point of having stayed out of their way when they were in this meeting room. Luna, on the other hand, was born and practically ignored by her father up until now, so trailed into the room with no reservations to place herself up at the table calmly.

"And Dad said I should come down, so... are you talking about the war?" She asked rather eloquently, biting on her lip as she brought her colouring pad out. "Just carry on, I'm not really listening, Eden."​
"Okay, draw me a nice picture alright?" He whispered, wanting this little girl to receive the well deserved attention. Once returning to his seat, he cleared his throat and sighed. "Men, this is Lucifer's daughter, Luna. I hope you don't mind that she'll be joining our,conversation".
"Is it wise to have a child around talk of war?" Another of the men murmured, a wary frown appearing as he eyed the young child, the spit of her mother, who had busied herself just colouring and paying little to no attention that she was even the topic of conversation. "I mean, daughter or not, it's not a talk a child should be around, sire."

"Meh, she's alright," Ajax shrugged, moving immediately to carry on with the discussion, regardless of the new addition in the room. "In terms of Heaven, how has their fighting style changed? You were there up until recently. How's their weaponry?"​
"I'm... Not quite sure. As far as I know, they've began to adjust to more human weaponry. They have close contact with humans after all, naturally they'd begin to adapt to their style. Fighting style? 88 percent confident that it's exactly the same."
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"So it should be easy--"

"But they beat us before, pretty amazingly, so they could beat us again-- this time we have Eden, though."

"Don't praise him." Ajax laughed, seated beside Luna and, as such, leant to absently help her colour in one of the men she was drawing in her picture, a widened grin on his face. "Praise Eden any more, and he won't get through the door. His head's already swelled with all these compliments. Bit of a big head, aren't 'ya Eden~?"​
"If that's what you think," He muttered, refusing to get too overworked by the comment. "Now how about we focus, Ajax."
With a silent muffle under his breath, the burly man begrudgingly agreed, settling back with hands working to organise the array of papers, though only really made another attention grabbing scene when Luna smiled and handed him the picture she'd been working on - even if it had taken a swift change at his words. "I'm just gonna fetch a milkshake for myself~" She beamed, toddling off after a chaste peck to Eden's cheek, and leaving Ajax frowning after her.

"She's a little odd, isn't she?" He finally muttered, placing the picture down, depicting who he assume was himself, being killed by none other than Eden - he assumed she had done it when hearing his insults of Eden, and while that was somewhat cute, it was slightly worrying at the same time. "How old is she? Like, six?"​
"Five," He corrected, waving to her with a soft smile. "She's the youngest of Lucifer's children, and I thought it would be nice of me to take care of her properly since her father has done a somewhat shotty job lately. She's certainly creative, hm?" He cooed
"It's... different from other five year old art," he murmured, a tad hypocritical now he was being diplomatic himself and refusing to divulge what he himself thought - that was, it was highly worrying and rather embarrassing if anything, and for it, he both disliked Luna... but did decide that if Lucifer was ever to come off the throne, it ought to be his daughter that took it. She evidently had the right frame of mind for it, and the fact she was the spit of her mother would play well.

Though it had to be a few years before she was even properly considered, possibly in her teens at least, and preferably after the war.

"Anyway, that aside, I think we have enough to go on for now. There's nothing else, right? We'll just draft in more soldiers, get the scientists onto nuclear warfare..."​
"We can continue this discussion when you've updated the status. Come to me straight away tomorrow morning with the list of scientists on the scene, alright?" He muttered, folding the picture neatly and placing it in his pocket. "I'll see you all soon, gentlemen, but I should probably get ready for today."
"He was a jerk, huh?" Luna muttered, appearing directly on the table in a flurry of red sparks once the men left in the same sort of demonic fashion, though Luna had to her advantage a great sense of grace - the feline aspect to her helped with that. "...I'm gonna draw pictures like that if anyone upsets you, anyway. 'Cause you're sweet and kind and-- Dad's gone to sleep, y'know. He's supposed to be helping with the war stuff, isn't he?"​
"Yeah, he's suppose to be..." He muttered, exhaling as he leaned back in the chair. "But hey, I'm not surprised. I can handle this, though, this isn't my first time handling war... The only difference is that my companions didn't help me and I wasn't completely alone."
"If it's gonna go on years, I can help you out when I'm older," she promised sweetly, swinging her legs as the ears now popping out her snow white hair twitched and perked upright at the littlest of sounds, before simply moving to hug into the other's side. "I mean, c'mon, I can be pretty fierce. You met my Mom, right? She's pretty strong and stuff, so I'll be good at fighting... even if I'm more artsy than... fierce."​
"I don't want you to fight if you don't want to, Luna. I think you should focus on art, not fighting." He admitted, ruffling her hair as he wandered up the stairs wearily. "How about this, can you go and draw me the best picture you can while I take a shower?"
"Mm, and while you shout at my Dad?" She grinned, feline fangs on show as she did so, but moved to kiss his cheek again as a sign of obedience, toddling back off to find a maid or two to spend her time with - she didn't treat then like servants, but more like friends if anything.

And as she did so, Lucifer had only now stirred awake, stretching his arms out to see the other enter the room and flashed a quick grin at him playfully. "Aw, how was the meeting? Did I miss it? How awful~"​
"Your friends are pissed at you." He replied flatly, cracking his back wearily as he shimmied out of his clothes. "I'm taking a shower, okay? You should probably get up and get ready to deal with some shit because I'm pissed."
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