Against The Wits

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"Why would it worry you? I'm absolutely fine, aside from the occasional sore throat, and I want to be able to build a bond with my daughter and sons. Isn't that what I should have done all these years? Demetar and I have an excellent relationship; I need the same with my other children, don't I?" Lucifer replied, somewhat coldly as a reaction to Eden's comments - he knew his husband simply cared for him, but that didn't mean he entirely liked his remarks, or understood them enough to let them slide. "I want to stay for dinner. You're free to go home, should you want to. I may stay the night, actually. It was my home for centuries, after all. I miss it."​
"... Well, I naturally have to accompany you." He replied, before offering a strained smile. "You know I have to be by your side, noatter what, that's what a proper husband does."
"If so, I... don't want to hear you whine or complain about my choice to stay here the night, and t grow close with my family again, okay? I think I've been petulant, as have they, and that it's best to draw a line in the sand, isn't it?" He maturely responded, offering a calm smile to Eden and, hopeful to end the start of tension between them, because he didn't want his marriage to suffer over this, took his hand with fingers almost instantly entwining with his.

"I don't... well, I don't want to cause trouble, it was merely a suggestion--" Luna began tiredly, reaching to gather her papers together and, when noticing both the lack of her future husband and her son, did well to hide a frown at what she saw to be a lack of respect from them both. "...Dinner shouldn't be long, though, thankfully, aha..."​
His once faux smile did soften, only to cause a frown when noticing Luna's lack of company as well. "Hm, would... you like some help on it? I know I'm not the best cook, Lucifer can confirm that, but I think I at least want to speak to you alone, and no better time to do that than to help you cook.'
"I... I usually don't make the food myself, I have chefs obviously, but I can always lend a hand if you wanted to do something with me, I... I'd like that a lot." Luna beamed, fiddling with her hair and casting a glance to her father who, figuring Eden was making nothing more than a major effort to establish a connection with the girl again, gave a supportive smile to his daughter and an encouraging motion to go.

"Right," she smiled, carefully gesturing Eden follow, picking her dress up a tad and wandering out of the meeting room. "I... I was thinking something simple, like a soup or... something like that. I remember it being Dad's favourite."​
"Mhm, the human's summer squash." He replied simply, as he trailed along side of her. "Listen, Luna. I love you, like my own child. You know that, right? It's just... I suppose my kind are filled with worry warts, but how do I know you won't try to hurt him again? Or me?"
"...I'm not going to, I swear. It was a desperate, stupid mistake hurting Dad. I'd happily go back and change it, really, but it was peer pressure from my brothers and... I suppose a want to get him back after how he's mistreated me-- but it won't happen again. I love you guys, and... no matter who whispers in my ear telling me how awful you are, like Reuben or Toby, I'll ignore them," she smiled brightly, at least breaking the dimming quietness to eagerly seize the company and time with the man she had easily seen as a parent as a child, and still felt personal towards - his opinion meant more to her than her own mother's.

"And clearly, my so-called family don't give a shit right now. Toby and Reuben have gone god knows where; my brothers are concerned with their own things, and my mother is practically non-existent. You and Dad are here, and that means a lot, Eden~"​
"Why do you let them do that? Influence you and whatnot? I can understand taking their words into consideration, but they're not a Queen, hm? Granted, I always set my opinion when it came to Lucifer during the war, but he did his own thing, mostly. That's one thing that I DO enjoy after the, uh... incident. He and I have become so much closer. After twenty years of not seeing him, it's refreshing. I've taken up gardening with him."
"Because we're family, and... they were there when you and Lucifer weren't. Or my mother, she was mostly out with men. I only had my brothers," she shrugged, only really cutting that conversation -it provoked far too much emotion- when in the large, grand, and typically rustic kitchens, reaching for an apron easily. "Lucifer? Gardening? Well, whatever... you have fun doing, I suppose that's fine~ I wouldn't have him down as having the patience for it, Eden. He's always been hot-headed. I know he dislikes Reuben, but they're rather similar - he's temperamental most of the time."​
Taking the apron with a silent thank you, he slipped it on and offered an eager grin, happy to at least be doing something with his step daughter, despite still holding some resentment. "Yes, well, I sort of forced him to be bed-ridden for awhile. He got used to being patient through that, I guess. Besides, gardening is something that he doesn't have to use too much strength to do. I know he insists that he just can't speak well, but I think the blow might have done something else, you know? Mentally and whatnot."
"Y-Yes, well, don't make me feel more guilty than I already do," she chuckled under her breath, hiding a multitude of emotions behind a smile as she pulled out some vegetables and -obviously- some blood, mostly for her father's benefit. She wasn't all that fond of it herself, but it was Lucifer's favourite, and that was all she really cared about currently - making sure they could repair their relationship by tending to what he enjoyed the most.

"...I'm sure that things will be okay. I have the wedding soon, and everything else, so tensions can be diffused in the planning and whatnot. I'm sure it'll be fine~" She promised, as best as she could, as she quietly began to chop the vegetables up. "...I'm pretty sure that Reuben is utterly indifferent to the wedding, aside from getting joint power of the kingdom. Romantically, I doubt he could care less."​
"I'm not trying to make you feel bad, Luna, it's simply the case. Your father had a hard time recovering, is all. And, now that you're the queen and an adult, I think you and I can speak honestly about what's been happening with one another, right?" He replied, any slight inkling of maliciousness completely absent in his tone. Though, his kind smile faded the moment Rueben had been mentioned.

"And you genuinely think he loves you? Marriage shouldn't be about power- though that's apparently something that happens a lot here in Hell, isn't it?" He laughed, while snatching a whole pig. "You should marry him because you two both love one another."
"I realise that, and I love him with all my heart, but he doesn't appear to love me as much when I know for a fact he's cheating on me. My life is a joke sometimes, I'm sure there are angels somewhere manipulating everything to make my life utterly shit," she sighed, finally breaking the hard shell she had established to hide all the knowledge of her fiancé's infidelity - there was the need to simply blurt it all out and relieve it from her shoulders, and the one person she could do that easily with was Eden.

"I did plan on confronting him," she began tiredly, rubbing her head with her spare hand. "But then I realised I was pregnant and I just sort of gave up on that. I think he'll realise that he loves me when the wedding nears-- how did you cope when Dad cheated on you with my Mom?"​
"Not very well... Though that was forever ago, I guess I don't really remember it." He admitted. "I mean... I probably freaked out, but that doesn't matter now. I know for a fact that Lucifer didn't fall in love me because of my status, and I know I didn't do the same to him- I think that was pretty evident when I was willing to literally fall for him. That doesn't seem to be the case with that boy, though. His aura, just.. I don't have a good feeling about it."
"You don't... your opinion obviously matters, but I don't... know what to really do," she admitted with as much helplessness as ever - she was an adult and the Queen, but it was hard not to appeal to Eden for help like she had done as a child constantly. ""If I separate from him, I lose a great deal of admirers and supporters. Reuben's a local boy, with family and friends and... everyone likes him. He's the Executioner! E-Everyone admirers the Executioner, and... I can't really afford to have anyone criticising me when my coronation was hardly half a year ago."​
"Why not postpone the wedding, then? And talk to him privately?" He offered, before cutting into the pig with ease. "Not everyone is going to be happy with you. Do you know how many times I was afraid that the castle was going to be down when Lucifer was at war? People hated him, that's why there was such a happy response to your coronation."
"I'd like to think people were happy because they liked me, not just because they hated my father," she smiled, turning her head away from the blood - she was sensitive to it, despite the role she had and the fact her fiancé was the chief executioner. "...I'll have a word at least, even if I'm pretty sure he'll deny it all and claim that he wouldn't hurt me. Honestly, it's sickening when people lie blatantly..."​
"Especially when they don't lie well." He added, before snatching the first crock pot he spotted in the vast kitchen. "At least, if you lie well, there's less chance you'll find out and get upset. It seems a lot of men in Hell aren't very good at it. Now, in Heaven? That's all they would do."
"I always thought angels were these innocent things, you know. I bet they're worse than demons in some regard. Aside from the odd bout of cheating, I think demons at least... have some loyalty, at least as a race. Angels just seem to want to stab each other in the back-- not you, obviously," she quickly corrected, shoving the vegetables into the pot amongst the packets of blood she had opened and poured in. "...I've invited some angels down for a meeting soon, concerning how to build a deal to prevent further conflict. I'd like you and Dad to attend, if you could?"​
"I don't take any offense to the truth, sweetheart." He replied, while slicing the pig's meat off carefully. "They're terrible people, in Heaven. They deemed me dangerous, after all, and forced me into a fucking desk job. I'm a veteran war general, for fucks sake." He grumbled, before taking a deep breath and offering a smile. "I'm not a big fan of them, anymore. They're too restrictive. Just because I had more dangerous ways to win the war- which I did- doesn't mean I should be forced into reeducation. That's ridiculous. But... If you really want us to be there, then fine."
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