Against The Wits

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"I'll go with you," Toby murmured, knowing it probably wasn't the most comforting suggestion, because he had been witness when his mother hurt Lucifer, but he wasn't willing to let someone get hurt who didn't deserve it. Carefully wandering to his feet, the seven foot and possibly more teen trailed to his practical uncle's side and did offer a smile to try and ease tensions. "My mom won't hurt you, I do wish you'd drop it. it happened, end of discussion. If your father wasn't so-- ahem, let's drop it, yeah? Come on, she's probably freaking out..."

As predicted by the teen, the new Queen was currently seated on the bed in her room, her arms wrapped around herself and head directed towards the floor, attempting to not delve into a panic attack by using breathing techniques taught to her by Toby. "I...I can't go down there, tell them to leave, they're judging me and-- I know they have a right to! I, I just can't deal with it, Reuben! I... I want to have things be normal again!"

"Mom, you can't hide away... Mother made a dig, but Serena sorta tried to look out for you." Toby mumbled quietly from the foot of the room, knowing exactly where his mother would go. Eyeing Demetar quickly, he opted not to do or say anything to him and so moved to seat himself by the sniffling woman, even though his eyes did now and then trail towards Reuben, and not with any platonic look. "Ah... Ahem, don't just stand there, Reuben, help out, hm?"​
As the brute of a man watched the scene, he awkwardly remained towards the door with a grimace. Reuban was the total opposite of his girlfriend- he didn't express himself well, if ever when it came to his emotions. He also wasn't one for PDA, and preferred to instead ravish her behind closed doors. Letting out an awkward grumble of noise as a response, he left the door without another word. "..."
"W-Wait, I-- hmph, I don't want you to see me like this," the girl babbled awkwardly, even though a smile briefed her expression, attempting to gather herself once spotting her younger brother stood next to Toby, and quickly realised the purpose of his arrival. "...I suppose you want me to arrive back. I don't... feel comfortable, Demetar. I want everyone to get on! What we did-- what I did was necessary for the kingdom, and I... I won't be judged any longer for it. Lucifer isn't holding a grudge, so why should everyone else?" She grimaced, getting to her feet and hopelessly staring after her boyfriend.

She couldn't judge him for his quick and speechless exit, knowing that, in personality, they were opposites, and she had told him to effectively leave-- but she was used to having him practically glued to her side, and so did fondly pout when having to hold her son's arm rather than her boyfriend's.

"Does Dad hate me? And Eden?" She finally directed Demetar, biting her lip warily. "Because I love them, a lot. Even though Coen says I oughtn't, he's still my Dad, and Eden is... still important to me..."​
"Of course they love you, Luna, that's not the reason they're still mad at you." Whispered the previously silent Archdemon, all the while trying to offer a comforting smile. "I mean, you did almost kill Lucifer- I'd be pretty mad too, I guess? And you know how Eden is, he's beyond protective of him. Don't think so deeply into it- just know that they'll be bugged for awhile. And the others? I mean- the Archdemons, the others I mean, are all pretty grumpy with having to do the paperwork- especially Reik, he's the one that does most of it, since the other's refuse. I help out sometimes, but... A-Anywho!"
"...Right. Right! Just tell me to quit being mopy and irrational, okay? I'm just... emotional, sensitive, you know me. I need to... well, I ought to relax a little, and get this over with. Maybe you can all stay for dinner? An uneventful, normal, quiet and enjoyable dinner," she grinned, trying to at least break out of the pattern of chaotic dinners they had suffered in the path, and all to extend the olive branch and rebuild bridges with her family, and with the Archdemons on a personal level - they had been like family to her when she was a child, after all.

And even despite feeling all eyes on her when she re-entered, she did gracefully take her seat and decided not to dwell on her earlier exit. "Well, the financial situation is momentarily sorted. I won't let taxes be raised, I don't think the people can deal with that," she began carefully, shooting a quick smile at her father and letting it widen when he returned it with a curt, and typically quick nod. "Ahem, Riek? You... You handle the paperwork, I hear... do you have any suggestions about the tax situation, or...?"​
Having been focused almost completely on the paperwork, the boy jumped when he heard mention of him. "O-Oh, uh... Yes, well, I consider raising property tax to fix the last remaining buildings that need repair."
"Is that wise? I understand the building does need to be done as quick as possible but--"

"Stuff all that boring crap a moment," Serena interrupted, the unimpressed look on her expression still aimed at the girl's lover - she was far more vocal on the personal, private matters of Luna, than the matter of the meeting. "Are you going to marry this brute, who can't even drink his wine without slurping, or eat with his mouth closed? He's utterly disgusting, not a patch on that nice incubus you married beforehand."

"The same incubus who eyed up my little brother, who cheated on me and left me with little care for our son?" Luna chucked, albeit very awkwardly. She was an open book usually, happy to gush about Reuben to maids and to her brothers, and sister-in-law-- even her son, but to have the relationship criticised by someone who meant a lot to her did make her feel... awful. "...Reuben is lovely, Serena--"

"He's awful!" The woman continued to shriek, the soft tittered laughter of Blaze sounding soon after, the lazy Archdemon happy to watch how it played out. "What's he do? Isn't he the Executioner? How... common, Luna! You're the Queen. You should date aristocrats, Lords! Not some common animal of a man, all grunts and snorts!"

"Serena, she can date whomever she wants..." Cosmo tried to interject with his usual bout of maturity, carefully smiling. "As long as he loves her--"

"So he could be a filthy nobody, but as long as he loves her? I don't want her hurt," she continued, glaring vehemently at the man. "What would make this whole situation a thousand times worse is marriage, or pregnancy. God forbid either of them, let's be honest, it's a horrifying prospect--"

Though, her clear desire to continue her rather spiteful comments came to a fortunate stop, though an abrupt one, which led Lucifer to lift his head curiously from the papers he had been sharing with Eden to examine. The fact he had no real stress on his shoulders did allow his mind to work quickly, therefore able to gauge Luna's awkward expression and understand the meaning, just as Serena had, which explained her silence. Knowing she wasn't going to speak, the man did cough into his fist, before offering a surprisingly gentle smile. "Luna? Are... you..."

"I didn't want to... focus on my personal, private matters." The young Queen chuckled, tapping her fingernail against the wooden table as a form of composure, even if she was growing red in the face. "I... Only three months gone, h-hardly anything, but... it's very early! I don't want to dwell on it, in case it... doesn't last, so le-let's get back to business, alright? I didn't really want to tell Reuben like this, or anyone for that matter, so... thank you, aha..."​
"Luna, you're pregnant?!" Blurted Eden, uncharacteristically loud for him, especially compared to the last months. He jad focused all of his energy on helping his lover, soon to be husband, as much as possible. Nonetheless, he had missed out on Luna growing up and having a child, like hell was he going to miss another. "Why... Didn't you tell me?"
"No-- Yes, I... I don't want to discuss it, it's not that... important right now, we need to sort out the business of the kingdom," she grimaced, silently sipping at the water which hadn't really been noticed until news of the pregnancy hit, Toby now smiling to himself at realising just why she had neglected drinking her favourite wine. "Why didn't I tell you?" She suddenly blurted, unable to really continue ignoring the conversation when Eden had been so vocal concerning it - it was nice to see him speak above hushed tones. "Because, Eden! B-Because I messed up with Da-- with Lucifer. I hurt him, I took power, I did everything badly. I couldn't rock up to your house and announce I was pregnant, e-especially with someone I've only known romantically for six months, and who I know none of you really like--"

"I like Reuben." Toby shrugged quietly, the sixteen year old lifting his head from his slumped position to eye his practical step-father calmly. "He's alright, Mom. And I'm sure everyone else likes him?" He muttered, casting rather stern glances to the others to agree - he hardly wanted his mother to be upset or stressed if she was pregnant with his half-brother or sister.​
"... Hm." Coughed Eden, wanting to keep the mood a tad bit more upbeat when it came to his step daughter's child, and decided to simply keep his opinion on the brital executor to himself. "Luna, I'd like to think that you can at least trust me when it comes to your children. I... Lucifer and I may still be upset with you- understandably so, in our eyes- but we still care about you. We're not as heartless as your son seems to think we are, honestly."
"Not heartless? Oh god, give me a break. You wouldn't care if my mother fell down and died, would you? As long as you're both safe, nothing else particularly matters." Toby mumbled, hanging his head to focus on his scribbled notes, though that didn't disguise the vehemence and vitriolic tones to his voice - he could easily have seen the pair as family, and had done so the first time he was introduced, though everything that had happened did make him see both Lucifer and Eden as threats to his mother, and he was protective over her.

That said, it didn't prevent him performing what was genuinely a betrayal to her - the first month he had met Reuben properly, he had engaged in flirting endlessly with him, albeit in his shy sort of way. And for the last month, had succeeded in developing a sexual relationship with him behind his mother figure's back - something that often hit him with guilt, though in his eyes, what was the problem if she didn't find out? What she didn't know couldn't possibly hurt her.

"Toby, it's... fine." Luna smiled, blissfully unaware that the boy she saw as a son was committing the offences with the man she did genuinely love - it hardly crossed her mind. "I do trust you, Eden, in a way. I just saw no reason to make an effort, and see no reason t-to. I want to have a relationship with you, but purely business related. I don't think... I could be personal with you and Lucifer, ahem... a-are... are there anymore q-questions about business, o-or...?"​
"Oh. Um, I see." Murmured Eden, his rare interest in trying to at least have a friendly conversation to his step daughter cutting short as he returned to simply scribbling down notes as well, his free hand clenching Lucifer's to keep from showing hurt- he didn't deserve to be angry at the girl, right? He understood that, to an extent, even if he insisted that Luna had brought this all upon herself. "No, I don't believe I have anything to say."

"Aha, yeah!" Demetar laughed awkwardly, rubbing his neck. "Uh, anywho! I think today went well, hm? I think that, ah... We should all break for next week, yeah? Besides, I think that all of us need some rest."
"I think that sounds wise." Luna smiled quietly, adjusting her papers and at least keeping a brave face for as long as the others were around - having to turn down the option of a personal connection with her father and Eden did hurt. She wanted to be in their lives, even after everything, but the constant drama that would come with it was something she wanted to avoid. She knew they wouldn't like Reuben; she knew Toby would kick up a fuss having to witness her be pally with them, and on top of that, the reaffirmation of what she had done to her father would only cause guilt, and that was the last thing she needed. Until she could face it, it would have to be strictly professional.

Even though she couldn't help but to mention personal matters to them. It still mattered to her that they were informed, especially after noting Eden's hurt reaction to not receiving news of the pregnancy first. "...Next week, I'd like to wait until a Friday for the meeting. I... I plan on getting my wedding sorted, perhaps marry Reuben in a few months, so I have planning to start... As much as I'd like to remain professional, Eden, I'd... like your input on wedding stuff..."​
"... Oh, you'd like my input? Even though neither of us are invited?" He quickly whispered, whilst wiping his eyes quickly. "I'm hardly the wedding planner you want, my wedding was spent alone in our cabin. You don't need to pretend to care about us, Luna, I get it. It's nice that you at least tried, though."
"...I do care for you, Eden. I... always have. I just... I didn't want to make things awkward between us, but of course I want you around! You can get an invite, whatever you want, just don't be disengaging? I... love you, jeez-- I just know my actions have probably hindered a relationship with you, but... but we can try again?" She suggested, albeit quietly and without making any eye contact with her lover, who did mostly try and put her off from any contact with her estranged father and his husband​
"... We should talk about this later. I think we should dismiss for the day." He replied quietly, whilst glancing over at his husband with a slight frown. "If you, for some odd reason, actually want to speak with us in private, you know where we are. I think we should leave, now, though."
"You don't need to be rude, Eden." Lucifer sighed, easing himself up out of his chair with a surprisingly sincere smile across to his daughter. In truth, she had brought it all on herself - if she felt excluded, then he knew she shouldn't have tried to kill him, although if she hadn't? He knew also that he probably wouldn't have recognised just how much he loved and respected her.

Despite all she had done to him. Hell, he was her father, and if she was struggling to balance pretty major things in her life, didn't he need to help?

"I'd love to come to the wedding. Considering I missed your coronation, I'd love to come to your wedding, regardless of your chosen partner," he shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant, and uncaring, though the snideness in his tone was hard to disguise. He just felt, like Serena, that Luna could do hell of a lot better. "We would love to help out with things, right Eden?"​
Shooting his husband a wary glance, he decided to offer a halfhearted smile. "Of course, with exceptions. Lucifer can't do any heavy lifting or the likes, but... I can help with physical work, for him."
"Definitely! I want to make this work, and I want to build bonds again, with everyone, even the Archdemons-- I want to be a good Queen, but also a good member of your family, and-- any help will be great~" She beamed happily, almost in relief, having realised that there was a good chance that they would flat-out refuse, and she couldn't have blamed them if they had done as such-- but Lucifer gladly surprised her with his seeming benevolence.

"I'm sure the wedding will go smoothly, I hope at least," she continued, decidedly nervous-- not just for the fact it was a major event, but the constant paranoia she had of being targeted and killed. She was popular, undoubtedly, but her betrayal of her own father ignited paranoia in her, and an uneasiness that someone would do the same to her one day, regardless of the popularity she possessed. "...Would you like to stay for dinner?"​
"I really don't think that's a good idea..." Warned Eden, shooting a wary glance at his husband. "Lucifer, you need to relax. You still haven't fully recovered and it worries me enough that you come to these in the first place."
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