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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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IC thread is now posted.
Link is in the first post at the very bottom.
Name: Ezekial James Austin
Alias(es): Will respond to nothing except Shockwave, Shock, or Mister Explodey.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Multiple Personalities
(will expand later)

Sexual orientation: Probably heterosexual
Likes: Bombs, explosions, weapons, bright lights, sleeping
Dislikes: Darkness, heavy armor, being solitary,
Advantage: Open minded, makes bombs, good at reading people, unpredictable, good at finding cover
Flaw: Unstable, not good with hand to hand combat, bad with accuracy, impatient
Equipment: Medium armor, laser pistol, lots of bombs and bomb making materials.
Background: Shock grew up in an orphanage, where he was branded a problem child because he would attempt to create bombs and explosives out of materials he found around the building, including chemicals. He was sent to the academy so he wouldn't be a threat to others, and where he could maybe put his skills to good use.
Combat Style: Unpredictable
Personal Starfighter
Name: Scarlet Flame
Model: SX94 Valkyrie
Class: Bomber
Shields: 1
Armour: 5
Speed: 2
Maneuverability: 2
Weaponry: Heavy Lasers, Dummy Missiles
Special: Can carry a wide range of payloads depending on the mission; usually plasma bombs.
Sorry for the wait, but finally made him.
I have to create a characters sheet and reply to a few things before I can get to this. Hopefully I can do all that this afternoon but I have things to do today and yesterday was mainly spent in the car coming back from Florida. I promise to get to it soon though I apologize.
I have to create a characters sheet and reply to a few things before I can get to this. Hopefully I can do all that this afternoon but I have things to do today and yesterday was mainly spent in the car coming back from Florida. I promise to get to it soon though I apologize.
Lol, it's alright.
Don't take my overreactions too personally, I'm just bored as hell
I completely understand that. When I first came back I was like, so nobody has posted.... *checks back five minutes later* WHY IS NO ONE TALKING TO ME. Q _ Q
I haven't gotten alerts. Sorry >.<
I'm currently rebuilding my music playlist that was lost to the ages.

All of these vocaloid songs

send help
I'll hopefully post tonight, I am working all day
Two hours remain
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