Academia Crystalis: A Magitek adventure

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Crystal Wielder Sheet
Name: Rajiv "Riya" Pothuvaal.
Age: Twenty-two.
Gender: Male.

Nation: Bathmeran
Familiar: Aagma.

A red Immortalis gem stone grafted onto his back, in five parts. A masterfully forged, delicately crafted and skilfully worked clear crystal, Riya's father had his grandfather (who was turned into Immortalis in the Valley of Immortals) forged into a set of nineteen gem stones made from the Immortalis ore which he had been turned into. One of these gem stone made from a petrified old man had been fractured into five parts and burnt into Riya's back. Each fragment is too weak to hold the intended fire spirit. But the complete gem stone would of put too much strain on Riya's fragile body. So the fire spirit is housed in five seperate fragments and Riya is only able to access one fifth of the spirit's power. Until he learns to tap into the other pieces, one by one, and gradually work towards the full power of Aagma; the Pothuvaal's lineage spirit of embers.

Magical Abilties:
Fire Tail: A three foot stream of fire protrudes from the single gem stone that Riya is channeling Aagma from. Riya can use the tail of fire like a whip. Capable of setting other objects on fire and hits stronger than Riya can with his fist (though weaker than other people with their fists for the most part).
Heat Vision: Riya can tap into the fire spirit's energy and see infrared radiation. Does not allowed him to see through walls or anything like that. However, Riya can sort of see in the dark with this.

Personality: Shy. Unsure. Lack of confidence. Not really any kind of fighter and was forced into the academy by his father as a form of exile, made it through the first two years with a combination of hard studying and dumb luck.
Backstory: His father was cruel, old fashioned and stuck up. A noble, born and raised. Nothing would stop him from expanding their empire of wealth and nobility. While his father assisted President Cid Mattel with government affairs, his father also runs his own trading company. Using Ethian as cheap labour to export exotic goods from Ethia. His father was always hard on Rajiv and never condoned his crossdressing. While his father frowned upon it, his brothers seized the many opportunities to make his life a living Hell. His two younger brothers, twins both two years younger, often took it into their own hands to torment and ridicule Rajiv. So much so that he hated them.

On one evening the twins went too far. Their father had previously ordered Rajiv to dress in formal male attire for the night's event. And Rajiv had promised that he would, ever fearful of his father's wrath despite longing to be able to be honest with who he really was. The twins, as per usual, took this opportunity. They forced Rajiv into their sister's clothes (one year young than Rajiv and one year older than both twins). Rajiv as then dragged to the banquet hall and paraded around in front of all of their father's guests. Their father was angry. Very angry. But not at the twins as he had always forgiven them for everything. But he was angry at Rajiv. So told Rajiv that if he wanted to dress as a woman then he would have to act like a woman. There upon ordering the servants to take Rajiv away and dress him in a waitress uniform for the evening. Rajiv spent the evening as "Riya", as his brother's called him, (the first time he ever used that name) and poured drinks for wealth nobleman. Riya was at the blunt end of rude comments, vulgar statements, groping hands, and unwanted attention from older men. As the banquet was ending Riya was stripped of all clothes in front of all of the guests and sent into one of the scullery rooms. Unspeakable things happened in that scullery room on that night. And Riya would have nightmares for the rest of her life.

Disgusted by Riya disgracing him in front of the upper class, and secretly ashamed of his own actions, his father could not let Riya inherit the family fortune and company. So he found a way to legitimately exile Riya without disgracing the family any further: Sending Riya to Academia Crystalis. To send Riya away he would first have to make it so that his oldest son met the entry requirements. So he had a series of nineteen Immortalis crystals made. One of the crystals was broken down into five pieces and those five pieces were melted onto Riya's back. Aagma, a fire spirit held by the Pthuvaal family for three generations was bound to the five fragments. After that the quiet and meek Riya was sent of to the academy to learn magic.

Since escaping his family, Riya has found his own opportunity to live as Riya instead of Rajiv. He wears female clothes when he is allowed. Even wears a little makeup. And looks naturally feminine. Without being told, many assume that he is a girl. Though he has nightmares every night and is terrified of people, he is still doing a lot better than when he was at home.

Familiar Sheet
Name: Aagma, the Pothuvaal's lineage spirit of ember.
Element: Fire.
Gender: Female. Typically, Aagma is the same gender as the wielder but Aagma see's Riya as a girl.

Personality: Hot headed. Rushes in and is very arrogant. Talks very little. With the exception of those have wielded him/her, many assume that Aagma is a savage animal that can not think because he/she never talks and always acts on impulses.

Trail Blaze: Ten tails, made entirely of fire and stretching up to six feet in length, burst from Aagma's back. Aagma uses the tails like fiery whips. They burn, carry as much physical force as an actual whip, and can be used as prehensile taisl for grabbing and holding. The angrier Aagma is, the hotter the flames burn.
Inferno Blade: Aagma can summon a sword made of fire. Only Aagma and Riya can touch the sword without being burnt. For the most part is used to set fires and cut, is unbreakable, but can be dispelled or put out like a normal fire (by cutting off oxygen supply or dousing with water).
Crystal Wielder Sheet
Name: Rajiv "Riya" Pothuvaal.
Age: Twenty-two.
Gender: Male.

Nation: Bathmeran
Familiar: Aagma.

A red Immortalis gem stone grafted onto his back, in five parts. A masterfully forged, delicately crafted and skilfully worked clear crystal, Riya's father had his grandfather (who was turned into Immortalis in the Valley of Immortals) forged into a set of nineteen gem stones made from the Immortalis ore which he had been turned into. One of these gem stone made from a petrified old man had been fractured into five parts and burnt into Riya's back. Each fragment is too weak to hold the intended fire spirit. But the complete gem stone would of put too much strain on Riya's fragile body. So the fire spirit is housed in five seperate fragments and Riya is only able to access one fifth of the spirit's power. Until he learns to tap into the other pieces, one by one, and gradually work towards the full power of Aagma; the Pothuvaal's lineage spirit of embers.

Magical Abilties:
Fire Tail: A three foot stream of fire protrudes from the single gem stone that Riya is channeling Aagma from. Riya can use the tail of fire like a whip. Capable of setting other objects on fire and hits stronger than Riya can with his fist (though weaker than other people with their fists for the most part).
Heat Vision: Riya can tap into the fire spirit's energy and see infrared radiation. Does not allowed him to see through walls or anything like that. However, Riya can sort of see in the dark with this.

Personality: Shy. Unsure. Lack of confidence. Not really any kind of fighter and was forced into the academy by his father as a form of exile, made it through the first two years with a combination of hard studying and dumb luck.
Backstory: His father was cruel, old fashioned and stuck up. A noble, born and raised. Nothing would stop him from expanding their empire of wealth and nobility. While his father assisted President Cid Mattel with government affairs, his father also runs his own trading company. Using Ethian as cheap labour to export exotic goods from Ethia. His father was always hard on Rajiv and never condoned his crossdressing. While his father frowned upon it, his brothers seized the many opportunities to make his life a living Hell. His two younger brothers, twins both two years younger, often took it into their own hands to torment and ridicule Rajiv. So much so that he hated them.

On one evening the twins went too far. Their father had previously ordered Rajiv to dress in formal male attire for the night's event. And Rajiv had promised that he would, ever fearful of his father's wrath despite longing to be able to be honest with who he really was. The twins, as per usual, took this opportunity. They forced Rajiv into their sister's clothes (one year young than Rajiv and one year older than both twins). Rajiv as then dragged to the banquet hall and paraded around in front of all of their father's guests. Their father was angry. Very angry. But not at the twins as he had always forgiven them for everything. But he was angry at Rajiv. So told Rajiv that if he wanted to dress as a woman then he would have to act like a woman. There upon ordering the servants to take Rajiv away and dress him in a waitress uniform for the evening. Rajiv spent the evening as "Riya", as his brother's called him, (the first time he ever used that name) and poured drinks for wealth nobleman. Riya was at the blunt end of rude comments, vulgar statements, groping hands, and unwanted attention from older men. As the banquet was ending Riya was stripped of all clothes in front of all of the guests and sent into one of the scullery rooms. Unspeakable things happened in that scullery room on that night. And Riya would have nightmares for the rest of her life.

Disgusted by Riya disgracing him in front of the upper class, and secretly ashamed of his own actions, his father could not let Riya inherit the family fortune and company. So he found a way to legitimately exile Riya without disgracing the family any further: Sending Riya to Academia Crystalis. To send Riya away he would first have to make it so that his oldest son met the entry requirements. So he had a series of nineteen Immortalis crystals made. One of the crystals was broken down into five pieces and those five pieces were melted onto Riya's back. Aagma, a fire spirit held by the Pthuvaal family for three generations was bound to the five fragments. After that the quiet and meek Riya was sent of to the academy to learn magic.

Since escaping his family, Riya has found his own opportunity to live as Riya instead of Rajiv. He wears female clothes when he is allowed. Even wears a little makeup. And looks naturally feminine. Without being told, many assume that he is a girl. Though he has nightmares every night and is terrified of people, he is still doing a lot better than when he was at home.

Familiar Sheet
Name: Aagma, the Pothuvaal's lineage spirit of ember.
Element: Fire.
Gender: Female. Typically, Aagma is the same gender as the wielder but Aagma see's Riya as a girl.

Personality: Hot headed. Rushes in and is very arrogant. Talks very little. With the exception of those have wielded him/her, many assume that Aagma is a savage animal that can not think because he/she never talks and always acts on impulses.

Trail Blaze: Ten tails, made entirely of fire and stretching up to six feet in length, burst from Aagma's back. Aagma uses the tails like fiery whips. They burn, carry as much physical force as an actual whip, and can be used as prehensile taisl for grabbing and holding. The angrier Aagma is, the hotter the flames burn.
Inferno Blade: Aagma can summon a sword made of fire. Only Aagma and Riya can touch the sword without being burnt. For the most part is used to set fires and cut, is unbreakable, but can be dispelled or put out like a normal fire (by cutting off oxygen supply or dousing with water).
I'm gonna call an audible and say that I don't like this character conceptually very much and I will sadly have to tell you no.
I'm gonna call an audible and say that I don't like this character conceptually very much and I will sadly have to tell you no.
Oh, okay. What about his concept don't you like? I can make any changes you want

To be honest I had some concerns about him fitting into your universe
Oh, okay. What about his concept don't you like? I can make any changes you want

To be honest I had some concerns about him fitting into your universe

How about the fact that it doesn't at all recognize the world the GM has set up? I reread the sheet. And there's no statement of how they were involved in the world. It doesn't seem like you actually understood the concept Hellis himself created. It's not a character you can change and make fit. You'd have to start all over from scratch. Bit like cooking, this baby needs to go back into the oven.
Oh, okay. What about his concept don't you like? I can make any changes you want

To be honest I had some concerns about him fitting into your universe
Clyde put it fairly well. The entire character seem to not fit in the slightest with the setting, the RP/setting feels like a second concern to you. I am for the moment, not interested in having you as a player. It may sound harsh, but It is my right as a GM to deny those I feel won't mesh. Sorry and good luck in the future.
Clyde put it fairly well. The entire character seem to not fit in the slightest with the setting, the RP/setting feels like a second concern to you. I am for the moment, not interested in having you as a player. It may sound harsh, but It is my right as a GM to deny those I feel won't mesh. Sorry and good luck in the future.
That's okay. Thank you for your time.

And in future I will do better
Well this legit sucks, being one of the first that wanted to join. I guess I didn't realize how detailed I wanted my guy to be... since now the idea I originally had is not what I want and it's not coming out any other way. I really love the concept of this rp and I know it will do amazingly, but sadly I won't be a part of it since no char idea is coming into my head. And I wanted to do a fantasy rp since I haven't been in one in years. But good luck everybody and maybe see you all some other time... when I have an idea I actually love.

Name: Callidia Romula Procella
Age: 21
Appearance: Callidia at first glance would likely pass beyond scrutiny as an average enough woman in most regards. Standing 5'6, weighing a modest 140 lbs of being neither slim or heavy and boasting neither being too fragile or too brawny, she is relatively average in stature. Her hair, while decorated with feathers is relatively unmanageable and an unassuming brunette. However, taking a moment longer to study her, details begin to stand out further. Her eyes are a steady pool of cool water grey depths that one sinks deeper into the longer they stare into them. Her skin is not the richer tones of many of the Balamestrian's, in fact, it is many shades lighter. If not enough to hint at her mixed heritage, her facial features give further clue, particularly her aquiline nose. While she attempts to present herself in a gracious, cool manner, steady and tranquil, seems a beat off, as if something is just beneath the surface, looming and ready to get swept up in the tide and take you away.
Race: Half-Balamestrian/Half-Alarian
Nation: Bathmeran Republic
Weapon: Sable Lament - An immortalis in the form of a ring made of sea-green crystal that circles like a band of seaweed up into a frond studded with gems and holding a black pearl.
Magical Abilties:
  • Whelm: Callidia can conjure great orbs of water in order to encapsulate enemies and leave them suspended in their depths in a riptide. Aside from the lack of oxygen, it is inherently harmless.
  • Wash the Wound: When channeling Fontus' powers through herself, the waters she uses can take on a superior healing potential, allowing her to focus on and apply greater healing potential to focused areas. This can be applied to more seriously injured areas to recooperate allies, though serious injuries are still beyond her or can only be healed partially.
Personality: Callidia is the sort to find strength from her ability to be so flexible and immersive. She never felt quite home in the Bathmeran Republic, but the Alexian Republic is not her home either. She manages to hold all in an equilibrium where she neither embraces or rejects and casually floats between spheres where normally lines might be drawn. In situations where others might be hard-pressed to stir to action or keep upbeat, she is swift to her feet and with a warm smile upon her face. She prides herself as a healer, on the battlefield and off and is ready to support those in need where she might offer it.
Familiar: Sea Elemental
Name: Fontus
Element: Water
Appearance: Fontus is a great geyser of water that typically towers over most people. His form is ever shifting, so what he might appear as one moment, he might not appear as the next. Most typical in his features is a pale pulsating aqua light at his core and a helmet that represents his head, not that he needs it. His go-to form appears to be a two-armed humanoid torso that glides about.
Personality: Fontus is a brash creature of roiling intense emotions often stirred to great, sweeping actions in the peak of such passions. From fits of rage that thrashed the seas in great churning waves to quiet, contemplative still nights, the collassal is prone to a vast array and was not easily brought down when in the throes of a moment. These moments can be swift and sudden and have been building for some time, as things that have happened a great time ago suddenly surge to the surface.

  • Adaptive Shape: Having a body made up entirely of water, Fontus can change his body's form into a great number of shapes and forms and hold it, having complete control and dexterity with whatever he assumes, whether it be a wriggling serpent or a thrashing octopus. He can spread his weight out thin and sheer or keep it concentrated and bulky, whatever the situation demands, he can usually comply. Most notably, his form being made of water takes blows to a lesser extent and can replenish itself from water sources.
  • Cleansing Rain: Fontus casts off part of their self and creates a mist of rain in the area in order to cleanse allies of harmful effects, leave them refreshed and regenerate them of light damage done to them.
Backstory: "Your mother is never coming back," murmured her uncle as he took from her hands her mother's most treasured keepsake and the only thing she had of her father's: a bracelet of jade beads. "I wish she was. Leaving us with her..." his gaze was harsh before he looked away, "child." Despite the words, it was apparent in his tone what he meant. Mistake. Bastard. She was born of treachery to the Empire and without a father and since her mother's passing been nothing but a burden upon the family.

Callidia spent most of her life at the heart of the Alexian Empire within the continent of Melanor. She was raised primarily by her mother, Abelia's hands alone. Her father was a soldier from Balamestria, or so she had been told. He had been injured and her mother, as a healer, had taken him under her care to nurse him back to health. So far from his wife and family and so long at war, he had so long been from a loving attentive hand and became enamored with Abelia.

Their time together was brief before Kasakir was called away once more, but it was enough and Abelia was with child. She could have settled and wed, but was reluctant to marry anyone she was not in love with, holding out hope for Kasakir to return whenever the war would conclude. So, Abelia raised Callidia as she treated the wounded of the war.

Callidia was happy enough with her mother within the realms of the Empire. The worst of the war was mostly far from them, and the most of what came their way was those who were stabilized and needed continued treatment. She was ecstatic to help Abelia where she could, even if she was slow to pick up the skills.

Any training she might have gotten was cut short when Abelia grew ill. The best they knew it was that it was a poison of her blood. She had time to set things in order and make her peace, but what that meant for Callidia was essentially to make up her mind which family would best care for her. Her eldest aunt would have nothing to do wither the child given who her father was. Her grandparents were reluctant to consider to bring her into their home. She would be an embarassment to their noble house (and they really did not have much standing to begin, being a lesser house), but they supposed they might be able to come to some arrangement. Her great uncle was a bit of an outlier of the family and kept mostly to himself. He was a rigid man who kept a strict house but would take her if she had nowhere else and give her discipline. Her uncle would do it as a favor for her mother, the least he could do given her state. She had a menagerie of cousins that wouldn't even answer back at first.

Ultimately, she ended up being bounced from house-to-house, passed on as the responsibility of the next family member when one grew marginally inconvenienced or weary of her. She grew accostumed to feeling unwelcome and rejected where she went. That is until she was 16 and her father contacted her to meet him for the first time at a hotel in Alexia. It was there that she also met her half-brother, Lokni, as well.

The experience was jarring and, honestly could have gone better, but not as shocking as the proposal a year later where Kasakir offered to have them meet once more, this time in Amathea and propositioned that they come live with him and presented them with an opportunity that they would be able to attend the Academy. Lokni's disposition towards her was nothing new, but Kasakir was a breath of fresh air with his genuine desire to have her around. If that were not enough, the actual opportunity he presented was too good to pass up...

And that was how she came to live within the walls of the Academy's city with her father and brother. There were pupils and private trainers all with the latest training techniques specialized for the entrance exams of the Academy. It was comfortable, but not overtly lavish. More so, though, it was strained and awkward between the three strangers with shared albeit separate pasts.

Callidia tried her best to keep things peaceable and keep up. She was sure she was going to fail out when it came to test into the Academy. Somehow, though, she managed to pass and join in with Lokni's class, though. She wonders at times if it was on her own merit. Part of her feels it was due to her father's prestige that he managed to gain sway somehow.

Misc Possession and Information:
  • Breech Loading Rifle: A rifle that operates through manually clearing each spent shell and loading a new bullet after each shot.
  • Six Shooter Pistol: A sidearm that has 6 chambers and is a fixed cylinder. It brings each bullet into alignment to fire.
  • Fleet Feet: A pair of light enchanted shoes that give a boost in speed and decrease the weight of the wearer, allowing them to jump higher and fall slower.
  • Hand Torch: A handheld tube that casts light out in one direction in a beam through the use of a light sprite. Can be fixed upon a rifle.
  • Communication Earpiece: A nifty device made by the craftsman and some ingenuity that involved binding an electricity spirit, which allows long range communication between individuals.
  • Librascope: An eyepiece that that can scan the overall conditions of enemies and allies to determine attributes, buffs and afflictions.
  • Ward Charms: A necklace of two charm pieces, a minor shell charm and a minor protection charm with spirits each bound into them to give her a modicum of protection. There is room for other charms to be added with time.
  • Field Medic Kit: A field kit for treatment of allies in the thick of things for more serious matters that need stabilization or are beyond her healing capabilities with her talents. Includes such things as a suture pen, a folding brace, gauze, etc.
  • Balamestri Jade Bracelet: A bracelet made of jade beads that belonged to her mother and before that, her father. She wears it always.
So. I've been stalking y'all for the past few days, and I would really like to join. Problem is I have my finals two weeks from now, so I don't really have a lot of time to either work on a CS or post right now. Could I just ask how much longer the sign-ups will be open for?
So. I've been stalking y'all for the past few days, and I would really like to join. Problem is I have my finals two weeks from now, so I don't really have a lot of time to either work on a CS or post right now. Could I just ask how much longer the sign-ups will be open for?
Only untill sunday I'm afraid.
Alright. I'll weigh my options and see if I can get a CS up by that time, and if not, good luck! It looks really really awesome. :)
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I am not a fan of your character to be honest. The roller-skates and the "TOtally not 3d gear from Attack on Titan" in particular feels iffy. Its less magi-tech and more "Cool tech that just happen to utilize elements for fuel" in the case of the grappel. His magma power is... strange. It also doesn't really seem to fit his motif. Besides, molten stone isn't created by fire. YOu would needs someone with earth power to provide the material in order to superheat it.
Sorry for briefly disappearing: studying for finals has left me little time to work on personal projects. I understand your criticisms and I'll tweak the sheet when I get a proper moment to sit down. I didn't understand your reference at first, but I looked it up and now the whole gadget aspect feels gimmicky to me too so I'll scrap all of it. As for the abilities, what would you prefer? I could switch out the spirit to an earth-based one to make the current abilities fit, but if it's the actual ability that you're not a fan of I could just come up with a strictly fire-based set. Let me know which you'd prefer.
Sorry for briefly disappearing: studying for finals has left me little time to work on personal projects. I understand your criticisms and I'll tweak the sheet when I get a proper moment to sit down. I didn't understand your reference at first, but I looked it up and now the whole gadget aspect feels gimmicky to me too so I'll scrap all of it. As for the abilities, what would you prefer? I could switch out the spirit to an earth-based one to make the current abilities fit, but if it's the actual ability that you're not a fan of I could just come up with a strictly fire-based set. Let me know which you'd prefer.
Maybe. Revise your CS with these things in mind and I'll give a final verdict.
Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Zalen Typheous
Age: 25

Standing at 6 foot and 5 inches, Zalen is a tall Varsi to say the least. A well toned, and more athletically lean build, Zalen takes pride in his level of fitness and strength. The tattoo on his left side of his chest marks his graduation from apprentice to full monk-hood, a symbol of The flaring Sun Monastery that treated him as an equal and helped nurtured his strength. He often prefers to wear his hooded jacket open, without a shirt when days are warm and bright, but he will wear a simple tank-top if that is not the case.

Race: Varsi
Familiar: Amari

"Ifrit's Knuckles and Feet" - A powerful set of Gauntlets and Greaves that house the crystal that binds Amari to Zalen. It is said that these pairs of purely martial art focused weapons contain the might of Ifrit if unleashed truly. They often appear upon Zalen as a pair of dark red, molten styled Gauntlets and Greaves.

Magical Abilties:

"Ten Pillars Palm Style"
The style of martial arts taught to him through the Monastery of The Flaring Sun. The use of this style comes from Amari's magical link to his being, as he's not yet quite grasp the ability to use it without Amari's help. The style itself focuses upon the form of forceful yet graceful palm strikes delivered in a way of a dance, however, the true power lies within how the style devastates its opponents. Each strike hits the enemy internally, causing considerable amounts of damage if used well. As such, this style can take down a heavily armored foe just as much as a naked one, within theory, as this lies well within the user's capabilities. Works best one on one. his most deadly technique is the fearsome " Seven Stars Destruction Palm" this however requires a substantial amount of energy to pull off, as such, whilst its true power can obliterate the the opponent internally, Zalen's strength at this moment can really pulverize them, but not outright destroy.

"Sunlight Flare Style: Zalen Form"
A form of martial arts that combines magic and energy to create a powerful style that is only utilised when Zalen has merged with Amari. Originally, the fundamentals and basics were taught to Zalen by Amari, however she thought that if he could develop a form of it himself, it would help to quell his inner demons and darkness. As such, his own version is a close to mid range form of magic enhanced strikes, brutal blows and powerful blasts of sunlight. This style is suited to both single and multiple targets, though it will drain Zalen quicker than the Ten Pillars Palm. the strongest technique of this style is the powerful " Flare Wave" a larger, much more devestating orb of light. as is the same with the Seven Stars Destruction Palm, this technique requires a considerable amount of energy to pull off.

Personality: Brash, blunt and short tempered with an even shorter fuse, Zalen is considered many outsiders to be the typical macho minded, single thought "just punch things" Monk that are surprisingly more common than he would like to admit. But as those that get to know him find out that he's rather uplifting towards people that want to better themselves through hard work. He's often very confident in his skills, bordering on arrogant, but what lies deep within a layer of pride and bravado, at the root and heart of it is an inferiority complex, a constant need and desire to prove that he is who he is through the amount of work and time he has put into achieving his level of skill and power. With that said, in battle he often doesn't take his enemy serious, and usually underestimates them, which leads him to burst with anger.


Zalen was born in Ispea, the youngest of seven siblings to the renowned and infamous Typheous Family; Cutthroat Merchants that will even slit their own mother's throats to join a deal for a huge fortune. His father made a name for himself in both aristocracy and the criminal underbelly that lied within the Ispean Empire, and thus began the Typheous Family's rise of wealth and power. When Zalen was born, his father, Maxwell Albertus Typheous, already had his "Heir" and the other five as his spares. He was often nicknamed "Runt" for his rather small size and frail look by both his father and three brothers. This led Zalen to develop a deep rooted hatred for them, and an inferiority complex that will slowly develop in his life. He would often try to make his family proud, with as much as a child can actually do, but most if not all of his pursuits would lead to failure. Part of the problem that was ever brewing, was the fact that Maxwell blamed Zalen for his Wife's death, as she died shortly after giving birth to him.

Resentment, anger, frustration kept building and building within him until he finally broke down at the age of twelve. He let out his anger and fought his brother, brandishing a sword to kill him with. His Father was furious at him, to the point that he exiled him from the famil and kicking him out of his estate. The only family that he had at this point in his life was two other older siblings, a brother and a sister both fairly renowned Crystal Wielders and powerful mages, an aunt from his mother's family who for as long as he could remember treated him like a son. During these periods, Zalen had gained a fascination for acrobatics and martial mastery, often watching the demonstrations of the travelling Monks that often wandered the Ispean Region. It was during one of these demonstrations that Zalen would begin his harsh tutelage under the Flaring Sun Monastery. He was quick to show off his rather sloppy and uncoordinated movements and motions. One monk, Shen, decided to take him as an apprentice, to refine his talent and skill. His aunt reluctantly allowed Zalen to follow his heart.

At first, Zalen hated how rigid and stric Shen was, Zalen had a little rebellious fire in him, not wanting to follow those rules as he trained. It was during his second year that he met a young Amari, befriending him and helping to guide him into thinking outside the box, often training along side him. Zalen had a knack and a gift of befriending strange creatures and spirits, something his Mentor noted. His third year, was the beginning of his advanced training and mentoring, during this period Amari was more distant from the Monastery. Needless to say, while Zalen was still learning, he took his time with Amari to heart, using rather smart methods of sticking within the rules and tasks whilst developing a style for himself. Shen noted his rather quick capacity to learn, for what he had learned in four years, would take others ten, maybe more. Needless to say, he was proud. it was a rather isolated monastery, with only five members left.

As Zalen turned seventeen, he decided that he wanted to follow his sister and Brother, as a Crystal Bearer himself. He would take all the exams as needed, study hard and after graduation, to travel the regions. His mentor, seeing him serious about this path he wanted to take, gave him his old immortalis weapon, a pair of gauntlets and Greaves. His mentor could never find a beast to bind with though tried as he might for weeks upon weeks. Zalen packed what little things he had on his person, and set out to catch the next Airship to the Crystal Academia. It was during his excursion back to his home that he could hear the sounds of a fight. Curiosity set in and he rushed over to the commotion, finding Amari battling a rather deadly creature; a Royal Manticore. Amari fought valiantly, her Sunlight Flare style proved to be capable of holding the creature at bay, to which Zalen put his training to use; fighting the creature to push it back. As deadly and persistent as they can be, the Manticore soon gave up and left the two warriors alone. Worn out, exhausted and almost on the verge of passing out, Amari was poisoned by the creature, to the shock of Zalen. He didn't know what he could do, calling for Shen who appeared to check on the young spirit's condition. Shen told Zalen that he must bond with Amari to save her life. Conflicted and unsure, Amari told him that she wouldn't be afraid if she died. He had made his decision, using his Crystal from immortalis weapon, Zalen bonded with the spirit.

Zalen's trip to the Crystal Academia was long, airships were the one transport he was most afraid of, something Amari found amusing for such an imposing figure like he was. Needless to say the entrance exams were really tough, the written assessments were by far the hardest thing he had to overcome to join the like of many Crystal Wielders. Needless to say he aced the physical part of the exam, something that he knew and Amari knew as well. First year was rough, fraught with many battles, a chance to show his style and to test just how strong other Crystal Wielders were. Overtime, his personality quieted down, becoming a valuable student as he aced his first and second year. His Third Year will test him and Amari, but they both look at it with pride, ready to take on any hurdle in their way.

Misc Possession and Information:

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Amari

Element: Light


Amari is a pale, white haired Fox Spirit that often takes the form of either a young shaman-esque lady or a two tailed fox(to merge with Zalen.). The markings on her human form appear on her fox form as well. She often prefers to travel as a human, at the dismay of Zalen.

Personality: Intelligent, well-mannered, patient and thoughtful, she often acts as an antithesis to Zalen's rather, blunt, brash and short tempered persona. She often takes up a physical manifestation
of a guilty conscience towards Zalen's more "questionable" antics when they travel together. Rather than confront someone directly, Amari will often act passive aggressive and sarcastic to the disdain of her partner.


"Healing Sunlight: Fox"
In her Two Tailed Fox form, Amari acts more supportive in contrast to Zalen's style of close combat. While Zalen is utilizing his pure physical and martial style, Amari will indeed hand back, healing her partner with recovery spells, buffing him with spells that slightly enhancing his physical prowess if needs to. It's also through this ability that she can merge with Zalen to boost his magic abilities and allow him to utilize his signature techniques.

"Sunlight Flare Style: Origin Style"
It is no question that Amari is also a sort of Mentor to Zalen as much as she is his partner. Her original style of the Sunlight Flare is the one that Zalen based his own version on. While more long ranged than her partner's version, She uses these spells to help out with crowds of beasts and enemies that dare surround the great warrior Zalen. This drains her of her stamina much faster than her more supportive ability
Biggest issue is the Healing spell. Its to wide in effect. YOu don't have "recovery spells." That sunlight IS the spell. Your wording for the style is also less an abiltiy and more "This his how he fights in this stance." Including, apperent special attacks WITHIN the style that would count as an ability onto itself.
Note that he would only be able to use the Ten Pillar style when merged with his Familair. As that is how these power work. The same problem is found within the other style. YOu need more straightforward powers. Not a vast repository of moves that possess apperent SUPER ATTACKS.

Those two mentioned Super attacks should prolly be the actual abilities.

TO save you some time in interpretation:

" Seven Stars Destruction Palm" Ability numer uno.

" Flare Wave" Number Two.

Alternative: I would word the flare wave like this:

Seven Stars Destruction Palm: Unlike the regular flames of many spirits, his fire is spirtual and takes the form of intense light that he weave around his hand and project from his palms. Coupled wit his Ten Pillars Palm Style that focuses on kinetik dispersion trough palmstrikes, he it allows him to irradiate and impart this spiritual, scorching heat directly into targets. He calls this the

Flare Wave: Able to channel the power of Amari into his fists and feet, he can not only enhance but also project scorching hot light. He has dubbed the former, projecting a wave of energy as the Flare Wave.
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Aaah, no problem, I'll change that now!

~~ EDIT ~~

Changed it!
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Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Zalen Typheous
Age: 25

Standing at 6 foot and 5 inches, Zalen is a tall Varsi to say the least. A well toned, and more athletically lean build, Zalen takes pride in his level of fitness and strength. The tattoo on his left side of his chest marks his graduation from apprentice to full monk-hood, a symbol of The flaring Sun Monastery that treated him as an equal and helped nurtured his strength. He often prefers to wear his hooded jacket open, without a shirt when days are warm and bright, but he will wear a simple tank-top if that is not the case.

Race: Varsi
Familiar: Amari

"Ifrit's Knuckles and Feet" - A powerful set of Gauntlets and Greaves that house the crystal that binds Amari to Zalen. It is said that these pairs of purely martial art focused weapons contain the might of Ifrit if unleashed truly. They often appear upon Zalen as a pair of dark red, molten styled Gauntlets and Greaves.

Magical Abilties:

"Seven Stars Destruction Palm"
Unlike the regular flames of numerous spirits, his fire is spiritual in nature and takes the form of intense light that he weaves around his hands to project fro them. Coupled with his Ten Pillars Palm Style that focuses on kinetic dispersion through palm strikes, it allows him to irradiate and impart this spiritual, scorching heat directly into targets. He calls this the "Seven Stars Destruction Palm."

"Flare Wave"
By channeling the energy and power of Amari, Zalen is able to enhance his fists and feet with scorching sunlight. He can also generate the searing, burning light from his palms into a blast, to which he calls it the "Flare Wave."

Personality: Brash, blunt and short tempered with an even shorter fuse, Zalen is considered many outsiders to be the typical macho minded, single thought "just punch things" Monk that are surprisingly more common than he would like to admit. But as those that get to know him find out that he's rather uplifting towards people that want to better themselves through hard work. He's often very confident in his skills, bordering on arrogant, but what lies deep within a layer of pride and bravado, at the root and heart of it is an inferiority complex, a constant need and desire to prove that he is who he is through the amount of work and time he has put into achieving his level of skill and power. With that said, in battle he often doesn't take his enemy serious, and usually underestimates them, which leads him to burst with anger.


Zalen was born in Ispea, the youngest of seven siblings to the renowned and infamous Typheous Family; Cutthroat Merchants that will even slit their own mother's throats to join a deal for a huge fortune. His father made a name for himself in both aristocracy and the criminal underbelly that lied within the Ispean Empire, and thus began the Typheous Family's rise of wealth and power. When Zalen was born, his father, Maxwell Albertus Typheous, already had his "Heir" and the other five as his spares. He was often nicknamed "Runt" for his rather small size and frail look by both his father and three brothers. This led Zalen to develop a deep rooted hatred for them, and an inferiority complex that will slowly develop in his life. He would often try to make his family proud, with as much as a child can actually do, but most if not all of his pursuits would lead to failure. Part of the problem that was ever brewing, was the fact that Maxwell blamed Zalen for his Wife's death, as she died shortly after giving birth to him.

Resentment, anger, frustration kept building and building within him until he finally broke down at the age of twelve. He let out his anger and fought his brother, brandishing a sword to kill him with. His Father was furious at him, to the point that he exiled him from the famil and kicking him out of his estate. The only family that he had at this point in his life was two other older siblings, a brother and a sister both fairly renowned Crystal Wielders and powerful mages, an aunt from his mother's family who for as long as he could remember treated him like a son. During these periods, Zalen had gained a fascination for acrobatics and martial mastery, often watching the demonstrations of the travelling Monks that often wandered the Ispean Region. It was during one of these demonstrations that Zalen would begin his harsh tutelage under the Flaring Sun Monastery. He was quick to show off his rather sloppy and uncoordinated movements and motions. One monk, Shen, decided to take him as an apprentice, to refine his talent and skill. His aunt reluctantly allowed Zalen to follow his heart.

At first, Zalen hated how rigid and stric Shen was, Zalen had a little rebellious fire in him, not wanting to follow those rules as he trained. It was during his second year that he met a young Amari, befriending him and helping to guide him into thinking outside the box, often training along side him. Zalen had a knack and a gift of befriending strange creatures and spirits, something his Mentor noted. His third year, was the beginning of his advanced training and mentoring, during this period Amari was more distant from the Monastery. Needless to say, while Zalen was still learning, he took his time with Amari to heart, using rather smart methods of sticking within the rules and tasks whilst developing a style for himself. Shen noted his rather quick capacity to learn, for what he had learned in four years, would take others ten, maybe more. Needless to say, he was proud. it was a rather isolated monastery, with only five members left.

As Zalen turned seventeen, he decided that he wanted to follow his sister and Brother, as a Crystal Bearer himself. He would take all the exams as needed, study hard and after graduation, to travel the regions. His mentor, seeing him serious about this path he wanted to take, gave him his old immortalis weapon, a pair of gauntlets and Greaves. His mentor could never find a beast to bind with though tried as he might for weeks upon weeks. Zalen packed what little things he had on his person, and set out to catch the next Airship to the Crystal Academia. It was during his excursion back to his home that he could hear the sounds of a fight. Curiosity set in and he rushed over to the commotion, finding Amari battling a rather deadly creature; a Royal Manticore. Amari fought valiantly, her Sunlight Flare style proved to be capable of holding the creature at bay, to which Zalen put his training to use; fighting the creature to push it back. As deadly and persistent as they can be, the Manticore soon gave up and left the two warriors alone. Worn out, exhausted and almost on the verge of passing out, Amari was poisoned by the creature, to the shock of Zalen. He didn't know what he could do, calling for Shen who appeared to check on the young spirit's condition. Shen told Zalen that he must bond with Amari to save her life. Conflicted and unsure, Amari told him that she wouldn't be afraid if she died. He had made his decision, using his Crystal from immortalis weapon, Zalen bonded with the spirit.

Zalen's trip to the Crystal Academia was long, airships were the one transport he was most afraid of, something Amari found amusing for such an imposing figure like he was. Needless to say the entrance exams were really tough, the written assessments were by far the hardest thing he had to overcome to join the like of many Crystal Wielders. Needless to say he aced the physical part of the exam, something that he knew and Amari knew as well. First year was rough, fraught with many battles, a chance to show his style and to test just how strong other Crystal Wielders were. Overtime, his personality quieted down, becoming a valuable student as he aced his first and second year. His Third Year will test him and Amari, but they both look at it with pride, ready to take on any hurdle in their way.

Misc Possession and Information:

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Amari

Element: Light


Amari is a pale, white haired Fox Spirit that often takes the form of either a young shaman-esque lady or a two tailed fox(to merge with Zalen.). The markings on her human form appear on her fox form as well. She often prefers to travel as a human, at the dismay of Zalen.

Personality: Intelligent, well-mannered, patient and thoughtful, she often acts as an antithesis to Zalen's rather, blunt, brash and short tempered persona. She often takes up a physical manifestation
of a guilty conscience towards Zalen's more "questionable" antics when they travel together. Rather than confront someone directly, Amari will often act passive aggressive and sarcastic to the disdain of her partner.


"Healing Sunlight"
In her Two Tailed Fox form, Amari acts more supportive in contrast to Zalen's style of close combat. While Zalen is utilizing his pure physical and martial style, Amari will indeed hand back, healing her partner. Whilst in her Fox form, she can merge with Zalen.

"Sunlight Flare"
It is no question that Amari is also a sort of Mentor to Zalen as much as she is his partner. Her original style of the Sunlight Flare is the one that Zalen based his "Flare Wave." on. While more long ranged than her partner's version, She uses this ability against crowds of beasts and enemies that dare surround the great warrior Zalen. This drains her of her stamina much faster than her more supportive ability.
Crystal Wielder Sheet__________________________

Name: Nima Iashiko
Age: 24
Appearance: The Kihei Clan are known for their strikingly pale features and dark complexion, as well as their large physique. Nima possesses all these traits but the latter. Despite her dignified and mature composure, she is often mistaken for a child (fourteen at best). She wears make up to intensify her innocent features, and must bear the white mark of the Kihei Clan to symbolize her position as the next head. Her long white hair is traditionally tied up in a half bun, and she is always wearing robes of the Kihei Clan successor. Without makeup, her freckles are more apparent.
Race: Alari
Nation: Alexia
Weapon: Shaman - A long sword similar to a nodachi, but with less of a curve. Simple in its design of white blade and black hilt, this blade was passed down to each head of the Kihei Clan. The sword's condition had been kept at best, and immortalis had been infused within the blade and black scabbard. The original purpose of the blade was once for the means of shamanism, thus its given name. Shaman emits a faint purple glow from the energy of the spirit contained within.
Magical Abilities: Darkness



Misc Information and Possession:
  • By tradition, the head of the Kihei Clan births three children, the first becoming the next successor. The younger two are trained to serve the child of the oldest, the next in line to succeed the clan.
  • Nima is the oldest of the three Iashiko sisters. However, she seems to be the youngest. Both of her sisters are in lower years of the Academia, training for the sake of serving the first child of the next head as per tradition.
  • Nima's two personal guards are her uncles, the younger brothers of her father.
  • Compact Mirror: Helps Nima touch up her facial makeup and marking.
Familiar Sheet____________________________________________

Element: Darkness
Appearance: Reference

  • First:
  • Ten Swords:
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(I know this is cuttin it REAALLL close, and if it needs fixing I'll try to fix it ASAP! But please at least consider it? I hope you don't mind I also took some liberties with my imagination of Kalthran...)

Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________

Name : Akie Kamiya

Age: 23

Appearance: Akie has long, slightly coarse black hair with a relatively fair complexion, though one would be surprised to find her skin rougher than it first appears from the wear of the weather. Her features are somewhat angular, and the most striking thing about her is her grey eyes - a trait she shares with her mother, but not her sisters. She stands at around 5'6" and is overall relatively slender in a wiry way. She has a tattoo on her left shoulder of a nautilus shell with claws curling around the top of it that all of the women in their family get when they turn 16. She tends to dress simply in loose clothing that is easy to move in and puts all of her hair up in a large bun with several hair sticks to keep it in place. She will let part of it down for effect during formal occasions, as her family has told her she looks better with it down.

Race: Varsi

Nation: Kalthran

Familiar : Kefeli (Wind Demo)
Wind demons are extremely rare creatures that reside in, obviously, the windiest places on earth. Though they possess some power, bonding to a wind demon is rare for two main reasons. The first is that they are notoriously difficult to find and will only reveal themselves to someone they themselves have chosen. The second is that they are commonly considered, simply put, dangerous. They are clever, sentient, and ruthless creatures who almost certainly have their own agendas, and the already rare Wind-Demon-bonder more often ends up dead than any other - the product of some bored wind demon who thought it might be fun to play a long game of "I'll get you killed, when you trust me the most."

Weapon: Hekethri - Although Akie was taught to use a number of weapons, chief among them staff-based weapons such as naginata, Hekethri is a large, enchanted fan that Kefeli gave her for them to bond. It is made completely of flat rows of immortalis that fold over each other. A thin mesh of almost translucent, white gossamer silk embroidered lightly in coiling golden patterns clings to the crystal sheeting for extra beauty, but makes no attempt to hide what is below. She has no idea how the wind spirit got it, but it is an extravagant and heavy affair she had learned to use not only for close-range defense and offense, but also to enhance her wind powers when open. Sample of how you fight with a closed metal fan below:

Magical Abilities:
Gust Shroud - Can conjure up a strong wind to twist around her (and a few feet away from her body) temporarily, usually violently throwing off or shredding anything that hits it, and in certain terrains stirring up the dust enough to make her difficult to see.
Thin Air - Very gradually sucks air into the fan. In enclosed spaces, this provides a thin-air effect that gives Akie a bit of an advantage, but most commonly she uses it to add power to the fan. A couple examples: when she its someone with it, some of the air can be released in a slightly explosive pop, or she can push the wind out of one end, giving movement in a certain direction extra propulsion.

Personality: As a child Akie was much more outspoken than she is now. She was born with a naturally mischievous and curious personality, and is sometimes a bit on the dramatic side. She used to like to play tricks on people, but now is more likely to use her words and occasional recklessness as her outlet for trouble. Her sense of humor is such that she can find almost anything (and anyone) funny by thinking of something rude about them. However, these attributes are not as obvious as her more aloof and calm attitude. It is difficult to frighten or anger Akie, but she struggles somewhat with making friends, partially because she herself often fails to put in the effort. Those who like her like her for her little bits of sass and usually brutal honesty, but most either simply believe her to be reticent and unfriendly, or don't notice her somewhat quiet existence. While she enjoys her privacy and space, this relative solitude does make her rather lonely at times. She does not trust people easily (so it's something of a wonder that she DOES trust Kefeli) and second-guesses them a lot, but is a good listener and relatively talkative once you get to know her.

Akie has always loved beauty of all kinds, and is attracted to nature, jewelry, art, and elegance of movement. This translates into how she moves, so that her steps are smooth and sure, and changing directions abruptly almost looks like a dance with her. She actively enjoys using weapons that require spins and increase the momentum of her own body - which usually translates to mostly staffs, but can work well with her fan - and has been trying to cure herself of the tendency to move too much when she fights. She is a relatively practical person besides this wistful love of beautiful things.

Akie was born the second of three sisters on the small pirate islands of Kalthran, a small family that lived somewhat on the fringe of the islands. Like many of the inhabitants there, their culture was both that of the pirate isles, and that of their place of origin. The three sisters knew little of their father, and all their mother would say of him was that he had been a soldier from Ispea who had died during the Crystal Wars. Whether their father was Ispean or not, their mother was every bit the fierce pirate warrior one would expect from Kalthran. When she was little, Akie remembered the war vaguely as periods when their mother would disappear, leaving their eldest sister in charge. She remembered... a man who would come to visit them at times, and certainly he never did quite seem to fit in with the rest of the Kalthran, but that is really all there was to remember of it. The end of the war simply meant that their mother finally returned to take care of them. She was back to stay. Rather than coddle her children, however, Akie's mother immediately set about teaching them martial arts in the tradition of their people - though less motivated by the Varsi culture than perhaps her own experience as a seafaring troublemaker.

Their eldest, Ayako, took to fighting like a duck to water. She had always been quiet and stern, but Akie had never seen her light up until the day she won her first real fight. Their youngest, Aimi, held weapons with unease, but their mother never could seem to be truly upset with her for her pacifist nature. She was the Kamiya family's comfort and joy, and certainly the most beautiful of the three. And then there was Akie. Akie was mischievous enough to have personality, but obedient enough not to cause trouble. Akie took to the martial arts quickly enough, but not as quickly as Ayako. Akie was smart enough. Akie was pretty enough. Akie was.... At times Akie felt that she did not exist to her mother. They lived a simple life and it was largely free of great troubles, but she was not the strong eldest girl, and she was not the gentle youngest girl. She was simply wistful little Akie, and she grew up in the understanding that that somehow meant she mattered just a little bit less than the other two.

As she grew into her teens, the loneliness she had felt at times grew into a full-blown restlessness. She found herself wandering the terrain of the islands alone more often than she cared to admit. Her behavior worried her mother and sisters, but their concern merely frustrated and confused her and she stayed longer and longer away from home. Sometimes she'd sleep out alone in the mountains that bordered their home. This was not a safe place to be, but Aki had never really felt afraid of them. In fact, she more often felt like part of them. The wind that whistled ominously through them comforted her, letting her feel a small sense of freedom during her stays there. She'd always been the invisible Akie - there but not there. Like the wind. What was there to fear?

The answer to that question would take her quite by surprise, for on yet another day that she set out from home - her mother watching her retreating back with furrowed brows - she encountered a creature that frightened her very much. Her usual aimless wandering had begun just as the sun had begun to color the sky, and she did not stop to rest until the sun was high in the sky. She had climbed some ways up and the heat of exertion and the blinding morning star was countered by the bite of the winds. She sat on the rock face and contemplated the world below her, when she realized a voice was calling her name. A voice that had so sounded like the wind that she could not be certain when it had begun. She turned around until she caught sight of the creature she would learn to call Kefeli. Kefeli told Akie to bond with her. When asked why, the creature told the girl that fear did not suit her. She told her that she felt the life of the mountains in her. She told her many things about who she was and who she would be, and even though Akie didn't know quite why, she believed the spirit. She did not return home that night, nor the night after that. When she did come back, three days later, her mother ran out to greet her, anger fueled by worry, only to find Kefeli hovering next to her.

From the moment she saw the spirit, Akie's mother knew what had to be done. She had seen enough of her child wandering without a purpose. She had had enough of being afraid that one day the girl might not return at all. For a couple years, she allowed her daughter to hone her bond with the creature, and then at last she demanded Akie leave to the Academia Crystalis. It was time her most troublesome child found her place in the world, because it was not here.

Misc Possession and Information
- Good at using staff-type weapons and owns a naginata she does use at times
- Can drink like a fish
- Good swimmer and sailor
- Her greatest physical point is probably her high stamina
- Although lives a relatively frugal life, does love different kinds of hair sticks
- Always carries around a small satchel of first aid supplies and water.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name : Kefeli

Element: Air

Appearance: Kefeli does not look like a ghost. She is very much solid and real. She looks instead a bit like a corpse. Her skin is not simply pale it is deathly white, almost grey. She has equally colorless hair cut in a very strict style. Her eyes are a pale gold, and she has delicate little pointed features, including her tapering fingers. She is not as large as the people of Amanthea, standing at only about 2'6" she in some ways resembles a very large doll. She floats in the air, usually at shoulder-height, and wears long, flowing clothes of a ridiculously extravagant style Akie could not imagine moving in. These clothes appear to melt into the air with a flair at the bottom, such that you cannot see anything in the way of feet for her. (Ignore the dragon, it's not relevant)

Personality: Somewhere between vicious and devious. Like most of her kind, Kefeli is untrustworthy at best, downright evil at others. She does not speak often, but when she does, she chooses her words with painstaking care. She speaks with a great deal of intentionality and is often subtly unkind in her words, meaning to poke and jab at those around her. If she's saying something nice to you, there's almost an absolute guarantee she's about to use it to do something horrible to you. Strangely enough, she has yet to show any true ill-will towards Akie.

Windspin - Can form mini-tornadoes where she wants. Though nowhere near as large as what Akie wraps around herself, these small tornadoes would most definitely be unpleasant to touch and can be used in both a defensive and offensive capability.
Air Suction - Although similar to Akie's Thin Air ability in how it WORKS, its use is very different. Kefeli can suck air into her body at high rates, causing massive gusts towards her in open spaces, and in enclosed spaces suddenly forcing the air pressure to dangerously drop (until, y'know, a door explodes inwards, etc). This ability also works on people. If she touches someone on the chest, she can force all the air out of their lungs in a rather dramatic fashion. It is thankfully unlikely to kill them, though, and more likely to leave them gasping for air and seeing stars for a while.
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It all looks very good @firejay1 but you have a few issues to iron out. They won't play in on the deadline. You provided a very solid body for a character. The rest is just corrections .

  1. You kinda forgot the whole "HAVE TO HAVE A IMMORTALIS WEAPON/TOOL/ETC to bind the spirit into." This ideally, would be her Fan. It could possibly be worked into the metal, or she can be superfancy and have it made out Immortalis entirely. (In which case it would be a piece of very expensive art beside being a weapon x3)
  2. just so you understand. Kalthran is not Pseudo-Japan in this. See Ren for where the whole Samurai/Feudal Japan influences come in. That said, Kalthran harbors people from all across the world since it consists pretty much solely of Port cities and towns. The "Japan" of this setting is the Storming Isles. Kalthran is more the Caribbean.
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