Academia Crystalis: A Magitek adventure

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Miso of the Dry Wastes
Age: 23
Miso is of average size for an Ethian, but is short by most other races' standards. Her body is lithe and quick, and her skin is tanned and rough from years of battling under the sun. Her hair is cut to a medium length, and is a strange combination of grey and faded red. Her eyes are wide and sharp, a light, pale yellow that reflects brightly in the dark. Miso's ears are tall and flick often, and mostly involuntarily. She wears simple clothes that cover her body most of the time, as she is used to heats much greater than what she encounters in other parts of the world.

Race: Ethian
Nation: Ethia
Familiar: Dholholholholh (Dhol)
Weapon: Grhl, a long-handled light blue spear of simplistic, yet elegant design.
Magical Abilities
Creeping Ice
Miso can concentrate for a moment before conjuring a sheet of ice that slowly covers everything it moves across. The initial area of this is not very large, but the longer she concentrates the larger the area becomes. This ice is thick, slick, and difficult to navigate - Miso can move about it unhindered, however. After it is conjured, it melts as ice normally would.

Piercing Storm
Miso can summon a small, immobile snowstorm around herself, limiting visibility and pelting her enemies with bits of frozen snow. The storm does limit her own visibility, but she does not get struck with hard snow, as it just melts against her, allowing her to move freely.

Miso is a kind and steady soul, always happy to give advice when requested and is amicable to most people she meets. She is, however, highly competitive, and is willing to take on any challenge at any time - the reasoning being that even if she's not good at the contest, she'll still learn something from it. She has rare exceptions where she will become irrationally angry if someone is from a combative tribe or does something that insults her morals, but for the most part she can let things go.

In combat Miso is a fast thinker and an opponent that is difficult to pin down - she prefers it this way, being able to be quick on her feet and not be weighed down by heavy armor is more important to her than other protections. She uses misdirection through her abilities, movement, and familiar to conceal her presence and strike before her opponents can react.

Miso was born as the 7th daughter, and 13th child of a wealthy tribe leader that controls a large oasis in the Ethian Desert. It's hospitable and strategic location is key to the tribe's success in the constant fighting that takes place on the continent, and all of the tribes folk go through intensive combat training to keep it that way. Miso herself was born in a time of conflict, and as such had a sword and spear in her hands practically since birth.

She often found herself on the frontlines of conflict, even as a teenager, and was never exactly sure why. Her brothers and sisters, and even her father participated in combat, but certainly she was too young for this? Why would they be constantly sending her out before she was even 16? Soon, she learned of her family's secret - a deadly disease had taken over her father, and soon he would be dead. A tradition of the family was to give the rulership of the tribe to the first child who survived 99 battles, and given his grave condition, he needed a successor as soon as possible.

With this in mind, Miso began to push herself to be the best warrior in the tribe. She had already lost multiple siblings that seemed to be great candidates, and if someone became wounded on the battlefield, they would be left out of many possible battles to take part in. She focused on agility over strength, not getting hit so that she could survive, pick up the pieces, and get back to the fight as soon as possible. While she was capable with a blade, the spear's reach and safety called to her, and soon she was known as one of the swiftest warriors with a polearm.

It was when her reputation reached her family that she was given a special weapon - one that had belonged to her great great uncle, and had not been used in decades. She was the best candidate to reach the goal of survival, and the gift of the ancient spear Grhl would give her the edge to reach that goal.

And then her father died. She was 17, on the eve of her 80th battle when it happened. With the tribe's future uncertain, it seemed as though her eldest surviving brother would take the helm - though the rest of the tribe was unconvinced that he would be the correct choice, given his inability to complete the test. Many of the tribespeople supported a powerful warrior who had been through hundreds of battles with warring tribes. So many, in fact, that when they raided Miso's family's tent, her and her siblings were immediately overwhelmed.

In this time of stress, she was finally able to summon the guardian of Grhl, the enormous ice worm that had been bound to the spear. Dholholholholh, Miso, and two of her siblings were able to hold off the mob while her mother and other siblings escaped, scattering across the continent. Miso and one of her other siblings survived that night, and agreed that they should go their own ways - with no tribe, they were more likely to get by if they were alone. Miso wanted to hone her fighting skills, and having heard of the institution that could teach her to utilize her magical artifact to its fullest extent, she decided to head in that direction. Of her family, her mother, 4 brothers and 5 sisters remain. She is not sure where they are.

It took her a few years of training and raising money to make it to the academy, and when she did she managed to pass the exam with little difficulty. In her 3rd year, she has lost most of her bitterness towards the incident with her family, and has chosen to try and become a happier, more amicable person. Still, she burns with the desire to prove herself, to prove that she could have been a great warrior and could have led her tribe.

Misc Possession and Information
- Cutlass: Useful for close combat, though Miso is less skilled with this blade.
- Buckler: A dented light steel shield that Miso uses to parry strikes.
- Cloth Armor: While Miso relies almost entirely on her nimbleness to keep her safe in combat, she does wear light cloth armor - not enough to stop most blade strikes, but might slow down an attack enough that it doesn't do major damage.
- Charms: Various charms and gems from her old tribe. Though they give her no special ability, she wears them to retain the memory of what she once was a part of, as well as her family.





Dhol is a large white worm, around the size of a horse. He has a single, terrifying eye in the center of his eye, and mandibles filled with rows of sharp teeth that could crush armor with little effort. His body extends out behind him about a dozen feet, and he moves with an unnatural grace, his armored plating clicking and slithering organically alongside his body.

Dhol acts very regal and even-tempered most of the time - he often acts as though he is judging others or giving them stern looks with his single red eye, enjoying intimidating people that do not know him. However, underneath that he is actually extremely easy-going and amicable, and the appearance of nobility is only for strangers and enemies. He cannot speak beyond making low hissing noises, but can understand speech. In combat, he burrows through the ground, especially if there is ice and snow, to get a good flanking position on his enemies before violently engaging on them, wishing to protect his partner by removing the threats entirely.

Lay Waste
Dhol can unleash a cone of freezing breath from within his maw, delivering subzero temperatures along with a blizzard of snow to all caught in it. This does minor damage but severely hinders its victims.

Cold Blooded
Dhole's entire body is freezing, and that is exacerbated when he is enraged or in combat - so much so that if he is in combat and someone touches him, they will get severe frostbite. This can also hamper and slow those he is very close to.
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Name: Fridtjof Kierkegaard
Age: 21

Appearance: Fridtjof is a large youth, standing at six feet and two inches. He wears his hair in the top knot style of his family's status and often dresses in dark or drab tones.
Race: Norh
Nation: Alexia/Tribe

Familiar: Hjálmarr the Revenant.

Magical Ability: Summoning

Weapon: Jorobifask and Steinnbrjota, a shovel and pickaxe respectively.

Magical Abilities:
Raise "Dead": Striking the earth with either Jorobifask or Steinnbrjota, Fritdjof raises an shadowy construct and allows his familiar to control it, even when fused. The construct is weaker than Hjálmarr's natural state and is unarmed, but retains the revenant's intellect, bloodlust, and skill. The construct is destroyed if: the "head" is destroyed, Fridtjof is incapacitated, or the "body" receives enough damage.

Undead Physique: Fridtjof channels Hjálmarr's unnatural toughness and strength to empower himself. Fridtjof's eyes burn with ghostly blue flame and his skin and hair begin draining of color as he slowly becomes like his familiar. In this state pain is reduced to nearly nothing, his senses are dulled into blurs and indistinct sensations, and his emotions are suppressed wxcept for freezing rage. Also, due to attaining a death like state, poison and other weakening agents are not as effective. If used in conjunction with Raise Dead, he only gains half the strength and endurance of his Familiar, but also doesn't suffer as harsh consequences..


Unlike most Norh, Fridtjof Kierkegaard is reticent and taciturn in his dealings and relations. He is somber and serious. However, while he appears to be even tempered and slow to anger, that is far from the truth. His rage is greater than that of any true Norh Berserker, but he buries it under chains of control and few can tell how enraged he is, a trait only worsened by his Familiar. As much of a loner as he is though, Fridjof enjoys the companionship of others, though he normally limits himself to one on ones and small groups.. This reflects his fighting style, either fighting alone and powering himself through his loneliness or summoning a companion to fight beside.

Despite his anger, Fridtjof is always willing to forgive and forget, provided the person he feels slighted by apologizes. If not, the he holds a grudge that would last even longer than his Familiar has lived. He may not go out of his way to bother the object of his dislike, but he'll still be churlish and kind of an asshole towards them. Granted, the same hatred does not necessarily extend to that person's relations, and he is willing to be friendly if the person he is holding a grudge against talks to him.

He is also a slightly heartless boy, assuming the worst in others due to the hypocrisy of his childhood as a shame-holder. When asked for favors Fridtjof is just as likely to refuse as not if he feels the person sees him as merely a commodity or tool to be used and then discarded. As well, due to his interactions with the "ghost" of Warrior's Helm, Fridtjof is extremely nihilistic in the sense that since the world and life have no meaning other than existing, there is no reason to not help others with their suffering.


In some of the many Nohrn tribes there exists the concept of fshame-holders, families who prepare the funerals of those who did not die in battle, who died of sickness or old age but not in childbirth. The shame-holders would take on the shame and dishonor of the ignoble death unto themselves, essentially damning themselves after death for others. It began as an honor, but developed into a mockery and a curse for the families who were chosen to bear the title.

As such, Fridtjof Kierkegaard never expected to be much in his life. He and his family were mocked, shunned, and mistreated save when they were needed to save the souls of someone from damnation. It pricked at the young boy's heart, scarring and callusing the boy's soul into a sort of armor against the barbed words and mocking smiles of his peers. He began spending more time alone, exploring and finding work around his village in mines and other low end jobs. He never expected to be chosen in the annual selection tour of the Nohr tribes.

Until then, he watched with detached interest as his tormentors were chosen to go to the Academy, only for many to return in shame and anger. Anger they would try to take out on Fridtjof, only to find that he had grown in body and mind while they were gone.

One day, on his eighteenth name day, he found himself back in an immortalis mine when a cave in occurred. He was trapped for weeks as he tried to make his way out of the mine. By luck, just as his tool was about to break he broke through into another mine tunnel. However, it was one he didn't recognize and it seemed far too old to be by the Alexians. Exploring the tunnel, he found an exit that lead into the famed Warrior's Helm. Awe struck, he looked around at the undisturbed snow that no one had seen since the Crystal War. He was startled by the Revenant, who threatened to kill him if he didn't leave.

In response, Fridtjof replied that he was dead anyways before asking who the Revenant was. It shrugged and replied that it was the spirit of death that hung over the Helm, and that he would remain until he felt at peace. Here Fridtjof did something he still puzzles about to this day. He offered to take the sins and shame of the thousands of dead in the Helm if it granted the Revenant peace. The Revenant laughed at the young man, telling him that human spirits were a load of horse-shit and counter-offered that he would let Fridtjof live if the young man let the Revenant bind to him. When asked why, the Revenant replied that it could not leave its place of birth and that since the Alexians had begun mining around the Helm, there was no one for him to fight. Fridtjof agreed, and so the Revenant lent him the strength to make his way out of the Helm and back into the world.

When he announced that he would go to the academy, with the Revenant of Warrior's Helm as his beast, he was met with scoffs of him going insane in the caves. Until the recruiters came, Fridtjof began studying for the exams; spending every waking moment poring over tomes and books or training with his familiar.

He barely passed the entrance exam his on first try, but his troubles did not end their. The other students that came from his tribe and area targeted him, mocking his status as a shame-holder and the fact that his Immortalis weapons were tools. Needless to say, Fridtjof received many hours of combat experience outside of class. Nonetheless Fridtjof made a name for himself for his toughness and quiet determination.

The second year was better, as many of his tormentors either dropped out or had developed a grudging respect for the undertaker's' son. It was in his second year that Fridtjof discovered his ability to infuse constructs with parts of his familiar's essence to create a partner when fighting with magic, unveiling the trick in a spar against one of his more persistent tormentors. He nearly killed the other boy in a fit of rage. That was the first time that he truly understood what it meant The boy survived and recovered, but Fridtjof was traumatized and nearly dropped out. He was packing his things when the boy he nearly killed came to talk to him and demanded a rematch.

Misc Possession and Information
-Doesn't like hot foods or liquids as they scald his tongue
-Sunburns really fucking easily
-Like learning about burial cultures and traditions of other races.
-Owns Leg armor, only leg armor.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Hjálmarr the Revenant

Element: Darkness

Appearance: The manifestation of the "cursed" land Warrior's Helm that saw the deaths of thousands on it's earth in the barren, frigid north long before the Crystal War. He appears as a decaying corpse, pale flesh stretched over deteriorated muscle and bone, stringy brown hair framing glowing blue eyes and noseless grin. In his death (heh) grip, he wields a rotting and rusting great ax

Personality: Despite his wretched state, Hjálmarr is still intelligent and lucid, if bloodthirsty and violent. When not screaming about the lack of knee deep pools of his enemies' blood he can be relied upon to offer pithy one liners like the psychopath that he is. He is also self concious about his lack of nose, but hides it under violence and collecting noses as trophies.


Mortal Coils: Hjálmarr shoots out tethers of shadowy energy that bind to the first things they hit. He can either aim one tether or let three tendrils shoot out at random from his body. Regardless, the bound targets are pulled to the Revenant unless the object is too heavy. For example items bolted to floors or walls would actually pull Hjálmarr towards the object.

Undead Monster: As the spirit of both a geographic feature and the manisfestation of large scale death, it is damn near impossible to permanently kill Hjálmarr. He does not require sustenance, rest, nor breath to function and can repair himself by tearing pieces off his enemies and attaching it to himself. Those pieces begin to rot and take on the same quality as the rest of Hjálmarr, and allow him to be highly adaptable. However he is highly susceptible to being burned and crushed, and if his head is destroyed so is he.

Warrior's Helm's History

Warrior's Helm is a place of tragedy for the tribes that live in the far North, with a history of death and destruction. It is a valley surrounded on three sides by mountains and on its last it has access to the sea. Difficult to capture and difficult to leave, it was a peaceful hamlet before it was settled. Here BCW stands for years Before the Crystal War
2000-1993 BCW-First settlement, a now lost people who settled in the valley. Wiped out when the Helm was invaded by wandering tribes wiped out most of the village, only for the sea to flood the valley following a hurricane that submerged the area for a century. (~100 deaths)
1983-1887 BCW-Submerged underwater.
1887-1700 BCW-Tide recedes, found by fisherman and resettled. Settlement forced to leave when a terrible winter storm began freezing the ocean and covering the helm in snow. (67 deaths)
1653-1450 BCW-Rediscovered by wandering tribes. Declared a holy ground by the tribes, and a neutral meeting ground of peace. Eventually desecrated The tribes were massacred by the strongest who enslaved any survivors. (~500 deaths)
1400-1100 BCW-Raiders arrive and begin sacking the Helm. Eventually conquered and settled by raiders, but not before almost eradicating the former tribesman. (~1030 deaths)
1100-749 BCW-Named the Warrior's Helm by the raiders. The raiders expand south from the Helm, and set up their own kingdom. The civilization dissolved into civil war after Jarl-King Ásbjörn the Feeble, sixth of his name of the Bardian dynasty, died sonless. The war culminated in a siege of Warrior's Helm where the walled city that had been built in the valley and it's besiegers were crushed by an avalanche. (~120,000 deaths)
749-690 BCW-Warrior's Helm is inaccessible.
701 BCW-First appearance of the Revenant, from The Journals of Traveling Brother Soren in which the monk describes his party being massacred while passing by the Helm by a pale creature "that shrieked an unearthly wail of thousands of voices, it was enough to drive a man made or, in the case of one of my brothers, lose control of his bowels. It is only by the grace The One that even a handful of us survived, as the monster disappeared after the twelfth hour when the cockerel crowed." (10 deaths)
700-100 BCW-Warrior's Helm goes unsettled as the Revenant continues to slaughter any who dare approach. A popular, if grossly inflated, tale is that five kings approached the Helm, but only King Death left with scores of new subjects. In truth, they were little more than warbands who were foolish enough to try and camp in the Helm. (500 deaths)
100-Crystal War- Immortalis is discovered in Warrior's Helm. The Revenant disappears until the end of the War, but reappears calmer and intelligent. The interior of the Helm is inaccessible as the Revenant guards it. Deciding it wasn't worth the trouble, the Alexians decide to mine around the Helm and leave the center alone.
Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Quelon Vir
Age: 23

Like many of his kind, Quelon's skin is a pale grey of sorts, and his eyes a deep red color. Often, he adorns a simple leather tunic over loose-fitting cloth pants and hide boots. For protection, the Obeli also adorns simple iron gauntlets, as well as arm and shin guards. If necessary, Quelon is also trained to do battle in medium-weight armor should he be faced with situations that require a greater degree of protection.

Race: Obeli
Nation: Ispea
Familiar: Vylian

Vosz is Quelon's trusted tool, and has been passed through at least two generations of his lineage. As with all immortalis weapons, Vosz has taken on different appearances based on the bound spirit of its user, and in Quelon's case the tool bears deep orange and red inscriptions along its handle and axe-head. The weapon serves a dual purpose, in that only one side of it bears a blade, while the other bears a blunt hammer. Much like Quelon himself, the weapon bears a staunch duality between the elegant blade of the axe, and the coarse--yet dependably--hammer head.

Magical Abilties:
  1. Molten Projectile: After several seconds of concentration, Quelon summons a melon-sized ball of super-heated stone in one hand that he can lob at his enemies. Due to the weight of the projectile, he can't throw it more then ten or twelve feet, and the velocity varies dependent on how much energy Quelon has left. Upon impact, the ball crumbles into a small pool of magma of about one foot in diameter. However, due to the nature of the magic, the magma cools at a vastly accelerated rate, and becomes naught but a heap of stone within two minutes.
  2. Conductive Palms: Quelon can conduct heat through his palms as well as through the bottom of his feet. While he can super-heat his skin in these areas, he doesn't summon any kind of external magic. Instead, uses physical contact to transfer heat to conducive materials like stone and metal.

Personality: Like many of his kind, Quelon shares the deeply-held belief that he and his kind are of Bahamut himself. Therefore, it is to be expected that the Obeli bears the pride of his people and his blood despite his deep respect for other races. While Quelon has yet to understand this for himself, his fervor for the strength and respect of his people comes from a deep inadequacy: after much of Obelixtra fell to ruin, and the exodus of many Obeli families, much of his people's culture and identity was lost. The Vir family in particular has attempted to hold onto the vestiges of the old way, and all children--like Quelon--are instilled with a passion for their history at a young age. As a result, Quelon's pride is matched only by his curiosity and hunger for knowledge--especially pertaining to his kind.

When it comes to his dealings with other races, Quelon acts atypically for an Obeli in that he is often the first to initiate a conversation, or pursue a stranger. Much as he loves his lineage, he does not share the reclusive traits of his family, and has had a passion for travel and exploration since his youth. He can come off as abrasive, but most of the strangers who have experienced prolonged exposure to his boisterous personality become friends rather than enemies. He does not wholly understand the notion of personal space, or why individuals might want to be alone, and therefore he does have the irritating habit of not knowing when to shut up.

For all his brash and--at times--foolish behavior outside of the battlefield, Quelon utilizes his wit and gadgets in combat. When he fights, he becomes acutely focused on reading the moves of his enemies, and developing the most efficient counter-measures possible. He is fiercely competitive, and this translates into battle despite not being the most proficient warrior. Quelon relies less on his magic in battle than most of his peers as well, often opting to release his bound spirit and work in tandem with them over attempting to control its power for himself. Quelon is enamored with constructs, gadgets, and all manner of gizmos. He uses his own tools, as well as anything he can find on a battlefield, to the utmost efficiency.

Backstory: The Vir clan of Oblixtra have a long and rich history, but with the ruin of their homes on the mother continent, much of that tapestry has been lost. Quelon's grandfather, Astar, was a famed blacksmith amongst the higher clans of Oblixtra, and while the Vir family had always been traditional craftsmen, Astar was skilled with the use of immortalis in a way none of his rivals could compare to. It was he who first developed the weapon Vosz, and to it he bound a flame wyrm--Colvasa--whom foretold to his master the oncoming devastation of their ancestral home. In response, Astar funneled the clan's efforts into the production of one large sea-faring vessel so that they might escape when the time came.

Naturally, a great fiery doom befell Oblixtra but due to Astar's foresight, the Vir clan managed to sail to Amathea. When they arrived at Ispea's shores, they used their remaining wealth and crafting abilities to acquire land holdings. Unfortunately, Astar's death soon followed the establishment of a Vir clan homestead, and between his three sons a great schism developed. Quelon's grandfather had not named a clan chief in his wake, and so the family found themselves further divided. Quelon's father purchased and maintained a separate villa far from the inaugural homestead, and deep within the more urban regions of Ispea where Quelon and his siblings grew up.

His family branch was not the wealthiest of the three, but were well off nonethless and possessed an heirloom more valuable to the Vir name than money: the immortalis weapon, Vosz. His father had briefly bound a spirit to the tool, but the domestication of his family had left little meaning in bearing such power. The family had done well for themselves, and taught their children about that same prosperity in hopes they would integrate into Ispean society as renowned craftsmen themselves. For Quelon's brothers, the pride of their lineage and their handiwork was enough: they were content to mingle with Ispean society, and flaunt their bloodline as though it inherently made them worth something. It was not a temperament shared by Quelon: the boy burned with a passion for exploration that often found him in trouble with the local authorities. He was a born troublemaker, and despite the reprimands from his peers and family, he only grew more emboldened.

To Quelon, the stories of his great and strong grandfather weren't just stories. They were a benchmark to live up to, and the older he grew, the more he saw the opulent and lethargic nature of his home to be a sick perversion of what the stories told him Obeli were supposed to be. To this end, Quelon pushed his parents into allowing him to travel the nation and explore what life had to offer instead of pursuing a tradecraft. In his travels, he heard tales of great spirits and their homes and, despite his utter lack of magical knowledge, felt a compulsive desire to bind a spirit of his own.

When he at last returned home, Quelon demanded of his father the possession of Vosz despite the knowledge that it belonged to his eldest brother by birthright. His plea was met with incredulous laughter and irritation: his family valued tradition too much to see how far their son had grown in his time away, or if they did recognize it, they were too foolish to nurture it. It was of no consequence how his parents reacted: Quelon didn't need their blessing to steal the weapon for himself. For a long year, he pursued whispers and tall tales regarding a particular spirit, while avoiding the hired mercenaries and investigators his agitated father sent after him at every turn. At long last, after having traveled deep into the wilderness, Quelon happened upon his quarry: a firebird nestled in a crevasse near the peak of a stout stone hill. The creature attempted to kill him, but at every turn the Obeli used his wit to either evade it's talons or counter-attack with his own strike.

For nearly an hour the two played a game of cat-and-mouse with neither managing to subdue the other until both were utterly exhausted. It was then that Quelon moved towards the creature head on, and presented the immortalis weapon. The bird's burning eyes scanned the warrior and his weapon with intrigue; its eyes widened as a mutual understanding came to be. In a way, Quelon had bested the bird, and while the proud Vylian would never admit it, it was more than interested in finding out what would become of the headstrong Obeli.

When Quelon at last returned home, and his brothers and father demanded his submission, the third son produced Vosz, but it was not the same cold, dark axe that had hung lifeless over the fireplace. Now, the blade was lit with magic, and hummed with the presence of a bound spirit. While his father did not want to relinquish the blade's title to Quelon, his honor--and newfound respect for his youngest son--now demanded it, and the boy was bequeathed with its title. For several years he trained under the best tutelage his family's sizeable wealth could find, but he was neither the strongest nor most magically gifted of those students pursuing a life at the academy.

He failed his first entrance exam during the combat portion, but would come back a year later fitted with the gadgets necessary to just barely pass by the skin of his teeth. It was after finally being accepted that his family seemed to reconcile themselves with his unorthodox nature, and once again embraced their wayward son. The effect his family's acceptance had on him was profound: in the years that followed, he struggled wholeheartedly, but always managed to push himself just far enough for their sake more than his own. The academy was a great boon, but Quelon sees it as but a stepping stone on his long journey to make his ancestors proud.

Misc Possession and Information
  1. The Grappler: A long, multi-pronged hook attached to a length of strong, tensile cord that expands and retracts from a waist-attached magic tool. The tool itself Quelon fashioned, but the magic properties were attributed by a peer with far better binding skills than he. Quelon uses the tool for mobility purposes, and often find it most useful in battlefields of varying heights .
  2. The Zoomer: A single-eye lense that magnifies objects. It comes with an additional lenses that can be slotted over the first to increase magnification.
  3. Wheelers: A set of four small wooden wheels attached to a copper frame and bound to ones feet with leather straps. The wheelers turn ordinary shoes into shoes with flimsy, yet unabashedly quick wheels. While not the most intricately designed contraption (nor the safest given its complete lack of a brake function) Quelon is proud of it nonetheless, as it helped him outrun many of his would-be pursuers in confined streets and alleyways where they were all but forced to pursue on foot.
  4. Waterskin: Extensive travel has taught Quelon much about the perils of thirst, and he now carries a full water-skin at all times lest he need it.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Vylian

Element: Fire

Vylian's body is slighter smaller than that of a hawk, but her wingspan and tail length are impressively lengthy as well as beautifully adorned. The firebird is comprised of generous orange and red hues, and when flying, one might notice the occasional spark or ember whiz from the tips of her wings. While magically powerful, the bird can easily be harmed from physical damage due to her lithe frame.

Personality: Vylian remains mostly reserved and inquisitive, but is also vindictive and spiteful when faced with adversaries. The bird is proud and considers herself above the triflings of most mortal races. Nonetheless, she secretly adores adventure and exploration as much as her master. Despite being bound to Quelon, she maintains that their relationship is purely one-sided in her favor, and that he is more her servant than she is his.

  1. Brazen Beak: Vylian's form becomes wreathed in flame before the bird concentrates the fire at the tip of her beak and spirals downwards in an attempt to impale and burn her would-be prey.
  2. Ash Wreath: Vylian grabs the earth with her talons and super heats the soil much in the same way Quelon uses Conductive Palms. When she's turned the soil to ash, the bird uses a gust of wind to scatter the ashes in a disorienting cloud around her or her allies.
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Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Quelon Vir
Age: 23

Like many of his kind, Quelon's skin is a pale grey of sorts, and his eyes a deep red color. Often, he adorns a simple leather tunic over loose-fitting cloth pants and hide boots. For protection, the Obeli also adorns simple iron gauntlets, as well as arm and shin guards. If necessary, Quelon is also trained to do battle in medium-weight armor should he be faced with situations that require a greater degree of protection.

Race: Obeli
Nation: Ispea
Familiar: Vylian

Vosz is Quelon's trusted tool, and has been passed through at least two generations of his lineage. As with all immortalis weapons, Vosz has taken on different appearances based on the bound spirit of its user, and in Quelon's case the tool bears deep orange and red inscriptions along its handle and axe-head. The weapon serves a dual purpose, in that only one side of it bears a blade, while the other bears a blunt hammer. Much like Quelon himself, the weapon bears a staunch duality between the elegant blade of the axe, and the coarse--yet dependably--hammer head.

Magical Abilties:
  1. Molten Projectile: After several seconds of concentration, Quelon summons a melon-sized ball of super-heated stone in one hand that he can lob at his enemies. Due to the weight of the projectile, he can't throw it more then ten or twelve feet, and the velocity varies dependent on how much energy Quelon has left. Upon impact, the ball crumbles into a small pool of magma of about one foot in diameter. However, due to the nature of the magic, the magma cools at a vastly accelerated rate, and becomes naught but a heap of stone within two minutes.
  2. Conductive Palms: Quelon can conduct heat through his palms as well as through the bottom of his feet. While he can super-heat his skin in these areas, he doesn't summon any kind of external magic. Instead, uses physical contact to transfer heat to conducive materials like stone and metal.

Personality: Like many of his kind, Quelon shares the deeply-held belief that he and his kind are of Bahamut himself. Therefore, it is to be expected that the Obeli bears the pride of his people and his blood despite his deep respect for other races. While Quelon has yet to understand this for himself, his fervor for the strength and respect of his people comes from a deep inadequacy: after much of Obelixtra fell to ruin, and the exodus of many Obeli families, much of his people's culture and identity was lost. The Vir family in particular has attempted to hold onto the vestiges of the old way, and all children--like Quelon--are instilled with a passion for their history at a young age. As a result, Quelon's pride is matched only by his curiosity and hunger for knowledge--especially pertaining to his kind.

When it comes to his dealings with other races, Quelon acts atypically for an Obeli in that he is often the first to initiate a conversation, or pursue a stranger. Much as he loves his lineage, he does not share the reclusive traits of his family, and has had a passion for travel and exploration since his youth. He can come off as abrasive, but most of the strangers who have experienced prolonged exposure to his boisterous personality become friends rather than enemies. He does not wholly understand the notion of personal space, or why individuals might want to be alone, and therefore he does have the irritating habit of not knowing when to shut up.

For all his brash and--at times--foolish behavior outside of the battlefield, Quelon utilizes his wit and gadgets in combat. When he fights, he becomes acutely focused on reading the moves of his enemies, and developing the most efficient counter-measures possible. He is fiercely competitive, and this translates into battle despite not being the most proficient warrior. Quelon relies less on his magic in battle than most of his peers as well, often opting to release his bound spirit and work in tandem with them over attempting to control its power for himself. Quelon is enamored with constructs, gadgets, and all manner of gizmos. He uses his own tools, as well as anything he can find on a battlefield, to the utmost efficiency.

Backstory: The Vir clan of Oblixtra have a long and rich history, but with the ruin of their homes on the mother continent, much of that tapestry has been lost. Quelon's grandfather, Astar, was a famed blacksmith amongst the higher clans of Oblixtra, and while the Vir family had always been traditional craftsmen, Astar was skilled with the use of immortalis in a way none of his rivals could compare to. It was he who first developed the weapon Vosz, and to it he bound a flame wyrm--Colvasa--whom foretold to his master the oncoming devastation of their ancestral home. In response, Astar funneled the clans efforts into the production of one large sea-faring vessel so that they might escape when the time came.

Naturally, a great fiery doom befell Oblixtra but due to Astar's foresight, the Vir clan managed to sail to Amathea. When they arrived at Ispea's shores, they used their remaining wealth and crafting abilities to acquire land holdings. Unfortunately, Astar's death soon followed the establishment of a Vir clan homestead, and between his three sons a great schism developed. Quelon's grandfather had not named a clan chief in his wake, and so the family found themselves further divided. Quelon's father purchased and maintained a separate villa far from the inaugural homestead, and deep within the more urban regions of Ispea where Quelon and his siblings grew up.

His family branch was not the wealthiest of the three, but were well off nonethless and possessed an heirloom more valuable to the Vir name than money: the immortalis weapon, Vosz. His father had briefly bound a spirit to the tool, but the domestication of his family had left little meaning in bearing such power. The family had done well for themselves, and taught their children about that same prosperity in hopes they would integrate into Ispean society as renowned craftsmen themselves. For Quelon's brothers, the pride of their lineage and their handiwork was enough: they were content to mingle with Ispean society, and flaunt their bloodline as though it inherently made them worth something. It was not a temperament shared by Quelon: the boy burned with a passion for exploration that often found him in trouble with the local authorities. He was a born troublemaker, and despite the reprimands from his peers and family, he only grew more emboldened.

To Quelon, the stories of his great and strong grandfather weren't just stories. They were a benchmark to live up to, and the older he grew, the more he saw the opulent and lethargic nature of his home to be a sick perversion of what the stories told him Obeli were supposed to be. To this end, Quelon pushed his parents into allowing him to travel the nation and explore what life had to offer instead of pursuing a tradecraft. In his travels, he heard tales of great spirits and their homes and, despite his utter lack of magical knowledge, felt a compulsive desire to bind a spirit of his own.

When he at last returned home, Quelon demanded of his father the possession of Vosz despite the knowledge that it belonged to his eldest brother by birthright. His plea was met with incredulous laughter and irritation: his family valued tradition too much to see how far their son had grown in his time away, or if they did recognize it, they were too foolish to nurture it. It was of no consequence how his parents reacted: Quelon didn't need their blessing to steal the weapon for himself. For a long year, he pursued whispers and tall tales regarding a particular spirit, while avoiding the hired mercenaries and investigators his agitated father sent after him at every turn. At long last, after having traveled deep into the wilderness, Quelon happened upon his quarry: a firebird nestled in a crevasse near the peak of a stout stone hill. The creature attempted to kill him, but at every turn the Obeli used his wit to either evade it's talons or counter-attack with his own strike.

For nearly an hour the two played a game of cat-and-mouse with neither managing to subdue the other until both were utterly exhausted. It was then that Quelon moved towards the creature head on, and presented the immortalis weapon. The bird's burning eyes scanned the warrior and his weapon with intrigue; its eyes widened as a mutual understanding came to be. In a way, Quelon had bested the bird, and while the proud Vylian would never admit it, it was more than interested in finding out what would become of the headstrong Obeli.

When Quelon at last returned home, and his brothers and father demanded his submission, the third son produced Vosz, but it was not the same cold, dark axe that had hung lifeless over the fireplace. Now, the blade was lit with magic, and hummed with the presence of a bound spirit. While his father did not want to relinquish the blade's title to Quelon, his honor--and newfound respect for his youngest son--now demanded it, and the boy was bequeathed with its title. For several years he trained under the best tutelage his family's sizeable wealth could find, but he was neither the strongest nor most magically gifted of those students pursuing a life at the academy.

He failed his first entrance exam during the combat portion, but would come back a year later fitted with the gadgets necessary to just barely pass by the skin of his teeth. It was after finally being accepted that his family seemed to reconcile themselves with his unorthodox nature, and once again embraced their wayward son. The effect his family's acceptance had on him was profound: in the years that followed, he struggled wholeheartedly, but always managed to push himself just far enough for their sake more than his own. The academy was a great boon, but Quelon sees it as but a stepping stone on his long journey to make his ancestors proud.

Misc Possession and Information
  1. The Grappler: A long, multi-pronged hook attached to a length of strong, tensile cord that expands and retracts from a waist-attached magic tool. The tool itself Quelon fashioned, but the magic properties were attributed by a peer with far better binding skills than he. Quelon uses the tool for mobility purposes, and often find it most useful in battlefields of varying heights .
  2. The Zoomer: A single-eye lense that magnifies objects. It comes with an additional lenses that can be slotted over the first to increase magnification.
  3. Wheelers: A set of four small wooden wheels attached to a copper frame and bound to ones feet with leather straps. The wheelers turn ordinary shoes into shoes with flimsy, yet unabashedly quick wheels. While not the most intricately designed contraption (nor the safest given its complete lack of a brake function) Quelon is proud of it nonetheless, as it helped him outrun many of his would-be pursuers in confined streets and alleyways where they were all but forced to pursue on foot.
  4. Waterskin: Extensive travel has taught Quelon much about the perils of thirst, and he now carries a full water-skin at all times lest he need it.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Vylian

Element: Fire

Vylian's body is slighter smaller than that of a hawk, but her wingspan and tail length are impressively lengthy as well as beautifully adorned. The firebird is comprised of generous orange and red hues, and when flying, one might notice the occasional spark or ember whiz from the tips of her wings. While magically powerful, the bird can easily be harmed from physical damage due to her lithe frame.

Personality: Vylian remains mostly reserved and inquisitive, but is also vindictive and spiteful when faced with adversaries. The bird is proud and considers herself above the triflings of most mortal races. Nonetheless, she secretly adores adventure and exploration as much as her master. Despite being bound to Quelon, she maintains that their relationship is purely one-sided in her favor, and that he is more her servant than she is his.

  1. Brazen Beak: Vylian's form becomes wreathed in flame before the bird concentrates the fire at the tip of her beak and spirals downwards in an attempt to impale and burn her would-be prey.
  2. Ash Wreath: Vylian grabs the earth with her talons and super heats the soil much in the same way Quelon uses Conductive Palms. When she's turned the soil to ash, the bird uses a gust of wind to scatter the ashes in a disorienting cloud around her or her allies.
come join us friend, at discord
Does this RP have an IC yet? :)
@Radio Jelly

Ignore this. I missread it as plural clans, and failed basic grammar becouse I am a tired son of a bitch.

Name: Callidia Romula Procella
Age: 21
Appearance: Callidia at first glance would likely pass beyond scrutiny as an average enough woman in most regards. Standing 5'6, weighing a modest 140 lbs of being neither slim or heavy and boasting neither being too fragile or too brawny, she is relatively average in stature. Her hair, while decorated with feathers is relatively unmanageable and an unassuming brunette. However, taking a moment longer to study her, details begin to stand out further. Her eyes are a steady pool of cool water grey depths that one sinks deeper into the longer they stare into them. Her skin is not the richer tones of many of the Balamestrian's, in fact, it is many shades lighter. If not enough to hint at her mixed heritage, her facial features give further clue, particularly her aquiline nose. While she attempts to present herself in a gracious, cool manner, steady and tranquil, seems a beat off, as if something is just beneath the surface, looming and ready to get swept up in the tide and take you away.
Race: Half-Balamestrian/Half-Alarian
Nation: Bathmeran Republic
Weapon: Sable Lament - An immortalis in the form of a ring made of sea-green crystal that circles like a band of seaweed up into a frond studded with gems and holding a black pearl.
Magical Abilties:
  • Whelm: Callidia can conjure great orbs of water in order to encapsulate enemies and leave them suspended in their depths in a riptide. Aside from the lack of oxygen, it is inherently harmless.
  • Wash the Wound: When channeling Fontus' powers through herself, the waters she uses can take on a superior healing potential, allowing her to focus on and apply greater healing potential to focused areas. This can be applied to more seriously injured areas to recooperate allies, though serious injuries are still beyond her or can only be healed partially.
Personality: Callidia is the sort to find strength from her ability to be so flexible and immersive. She never felt quite home in the Bathmeran Republic, but the Alexian Republic is not her home either. She manages to hold all in an equilibrium where she neither embraces or rejects and casually floats between spheres where normally lines might be drawn. In situations where others might be hard-pressed to stir to action or keep upbeat, she is swift to her feet and with a warm smile upon her face. She prides herself as a healer, on the battlefield and off and is ready to support those in need where she might offer it.
Familiar: Sea Elemental
Name: Fontus
Element: Water
Appearance: Fontus is a great geyser of water that typically towers over most people. His form is ever shifting, so what he might appear as one moment, he might not appear as the next. Most typical in his features is a pale pulsating aqua light at his core and a helmet that represents his head, not that he needs it. His go-to form appears to be a two-armed humanoid torso that glides about.
Personality: Fontus is a brash creature of roiling intense emotions often stirred to great, sweeping actions in the peak of such passions. From fits of rage that thrashed the seas in great churning waves to quiet, contemplative still nights, the collassal is prone to a vast array and was not easily brought down when in the throes of a moment. These moments can be swift and sudden and have been building for some time, as things that have happened a great time ago suddenly surge to the surface.

  • Adaptive Shape: Having a body made up entirely of water, Fontus can change his body's form into a great number of shapes and forms and hold it, having complete control and dexterity with whatever he assumes, whether it be a wriggling serpent or a thrashing octopus. He can spread his weight out thin and sheer or keep it concentrated and bulky, whatever the situation demands, he can usually comply. Most notably, his form being made of water takes blows to a lesser extent and can replenish itself from water sources.
  • Cleansing Rain: Fontus casts off part of their self and creates a mist of rain in the area in order to cleanse allies of harmful effects, leave them refreshed and regenerate them of light damage done to them.
Backstory: "Your mother is never coming back," murmured her uncle as he took from her hands her mother's most treasured keepsake and the only thing she had of her father's: a bracelet of jade beads. "I wish she was. Leaving us with her..." his gaze was harsh before he looked away, "child." Despite the words, it was apparent in his tone what he meant. Mistake. Bastard. She was born of treachery to the Empire and without a father and since her mother's passing been nothing but a burden upon the family.

Callidia spent most of her life at the heart of the Alexian Empire within the continent of Melanor. She was raised primarily by her mother, Abelia's hands alone. Her father was a soldier from Balamestria, or so she had been told. He had been injured and her mother, as a healer, had taken him under her care to nurse him back to health. So far from his wife and family and so long at war, he had so long been from a loving attentive hand and became enamored with Abelia.

Their time together was brief before Kasakir was called away once more, but it was enough and Abelia was with child. She could have settled and wed, but was reluctant to marry anyone she was not in love with, holding out hope for Kasakir to return whenever the war would conclude. So, Abelia raised Callidia as she treated the wounded of the war.

Callidia was happy enough with her mother within the realms of the Empire. The worst of the war was mostly far from them, and the most of what came their way was those who were stabilized and needed continued treatment. She was ecstatic to help Abelia where she could, even if she was slow to pick up the skills.

Any training she might have gotten was cut short when Abelia grew ill. The best they knew it was that it was a poison of her blood. She had time to set things in order and make her peace, but what that meant for Callidia was essentially to make up her mind which family would best care for her. Her eldest aunt would have nothing to do wither the child given who her father was. Her grandparents were reluctant to consider to bring her into their home. She would be an embarassment to their noble house (and they really did not have much standing to begin, being a lesser house), but they supposed they might be able to come to some arrangement. Her great uncle was a bit of an outlier of the family and kept mostly to himself. He was a rigid man who kept a strict house but would take her if she had nowhere else and give her discipline. Her uncle would do it as a favor for her mother, the least he could do given her state. She had a menagerie of cousins that wouldn't even answer back at first.

Ultimately, she ended up being bounced from house-to-house, passed on as the responsibility of the next family member when one grew marginally inconvenienced or weary of her. She grew accostumed to feeling unwelcome and rejected where she went. That is until she was 16 and her father contacted her to meet him for the first time at a hotel in Alexia. It was there that she also met her half-brother, Lokni, as well.

The experience was jarring and, honestly could have gone better, but not as shocking as the proposal a year later where Kasakir offered to have them meet once more, this time in Amathea and propositioned that they come live with him and presented them with an opportunity that they would be able to attend the Academy. Lokni's disposition towards her was nothing new, but Kasakir was a breath of fresh air with his genuine desire to have her around. If that were not enough, the actual opportunity he presented was too good to pass up...

And that was how she came to live within the walls of the Academy's city with her father and brother. There were pupils and private trainers all with the latest training techniques specialized for the entrance exams of the Academy. It was comfortable, but not overtly lavish. More so, though, it was strained and awkward between the three strangers with shared albeit separate pasts.

Callidia tried her best to keep things peaceable and keep up. She was sure she was going to fail out when it came to test into the Academy. Somehow, though, she managed to pass and join in with Lokni's class, though. She wonders at times if it was on her own merit. Part of her feels it was due to her father's prestige that he managed to gain sway somehow.

Misc Possession and Information:
  • Breech Loading Rifle: A rifle that operates through manually clearing each spent shell and loading a new bullet after each shot.
  • Six Shooter Pistol: A sidearm that has 6 chambers and is a fixed cylinder. It brings each bullet into alignment to fire.
  • Fleet Feet: A pair of light enchanted shoes that give a boost in speed and decrease the weight of the wearer, allowing them to jump higher and fall slower.
  • Hand Torch: A handheld tube that casts light out in one direction in a beam through the use of a light sprite. Can be fixed upon a rifle.
  • Communication Earpiece: A nifty device made by the craftsman and some ingenuity that involved binding an electricity spirit, which allows long range communication between individuals.
  • Librascope: An eyepiece that that can scan the overall conditions of enemies and allies to determine attributes, buffs and afflictions.
  • Ward Charms: A necklace of two charm pieces, a minor shell charm and a minor protection charm with spirits each bound into them to give her a modicum of protection. There is room for other charms to be added with time.
  • Field Medic Kit: A field kit for treatment of allies in the thick of things for more serious matters that need stabilization or are beyond her healing capabilities with her talents. Includes such things as a suture pen, a folding brace, gauze, etc.
  • Balamestri Jade Bracelet: A bracelet made of jade beads that belonged to her mother and before that, her father. She wears it always.
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Does this RP have an IC yet? :)
Not yet.

@Hellis Posted up an incomplete CS of a second. Still working out deets with @Clyde on this one. But going to be gettin busy with packing up stuff and moving for pretty much the whole day, so will have to finish this up another time.
@Hellis Feel free to let me know if anything about my CS is unclear, or doesn't work out. I'm happy to modify or explain anything as I had been writing it over several periods yesterday, and therefore could've been prone to mistakes or continuity errors.
Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Aseela Kalatet
Age: 21

Nation: Kalthran
Familiar: Bandalli (Warrior Ape)
Warrior Apes are incredibly intelligent creatures that often live deep in the jungles of the Kalthran islands. They are about as smart as humans, so much so that there are many myths around Kalthran about Apes who make deals with humans. These deals always have a catch in favor of the Ape, of course; in fact, the Kalthranese phrase, "This is a monkey's deal." that's used to call out one sided deals stems from these stories.
Apes also have a long history of less than stellar behavior. Their knack for mischief and mayhem often makes them difficult to deal with when actually coming across them. While most of these Apes are blessed with innate speed, toughness, and fighting skill, most of it is put to use in less-than-admirable activities. While they have a tendency for mischief, Warrior Apes aren't inherently cruel or malicious. Most of the time, their goal is to steal food or take whatever liquor's been stashed away for themselves. There are even stories of Apes wearing heavy clothing to disguise themselves as humans and con travelers out of their food and anything that might look shiny.
Aleesa met Bandalli the Warrior Ape shortly after she left home for the Academia. She needed something to bind, so she volunteered to tag along with a traveling caravan passing through a jungle on their way to the next town. She bound Bandalli one night after seeing him rooting through their food stores. She mistook him for a thief and knocked him unconscious with a metal pan to the back of the head while he busied himself with their food. Bandalli wasn't too happy to wake up tied up and in a cage. So Aleesa made him a monkey's deal. She'd let him out... if he agreed to a binding. He said he'd rather stay in a cage forever. He caved when she started to enjoy a meal just out of reach.

"Come on, kid, let me out. If I die in a cage, I lose a bet."

Weapon: A Rock and A Hard Place - Aleesa's fighting style can be rolled up into the word, "Pugilist". She hits things with her fists (and also feet, elbows, knees, shoulders, and occasionally her head) and is generally able to fight without a weapon. This isn't to say, however, that a weapon isn't used or wanted. Enter her two good pals: A pair of cestus gloves. The one on her left is called A Hard Place. The one on her right is called A Rock. Getting between them is generally an unpleasant experience. There are small Immortalis crystals instead of metal pieces under the glove, just above the knuckles. The gloves used to belong to her mentor and teacher Jokala Oktelos, a seasoned monk and a veteran of the Crystal War. They're a bit old but they've proven themselves to be as sturdy and as stubborn as their wielders.

"Ha! See Bandalli? He was caught between... A Rock and A Hard Place!"
"That's not funny. At all."
"It's kinda funny."
"Not really."

Magical Abilities:
  • Stubbornness of the Monkey: A passive ability that affects Aseela while Bandalli is bound inside her. An inner fire that keeps her going so long as it burns. In addition to her already thickheaded nature, Aleesa's endurance and resilience is increased. It isn't as flashy or cool as shooting fire and lightning, but plenty useful when your main method of hurting things forces you to get in real close. Unfortunately, being resilient to damage isn't the same thing as being invulnerable to pain. Getting hit still hurts. Kind of a lot, actually.
  • Fury of the Monkey: An activated ability whose description is quite simple. Hit. Really. Hard. With a flaming fist. It's unrefined, not exactly elegant, and requires Aleesa to get in close and physically hit her opponent. It's not graceful and there are clearly better ways to fight than run up and punch them, but if physical contact is actually made, Aleesa can hit with great strength and with a fist burning as brightly as her inner fire. Hard enough to smash through armor or just send an enemy flying back. Academia Board should keep in mind; this attack causes a lot of collateral damage when it misses. And she misses a lot.
Personality: Aleesa's equal parts stubborn, and enthusiastic. She's got big dreams of being one of the great crystal wielders (so naturally, learning that her abilities weren't as cool as shooting lightning and fire came as a huge bummer). She's also slightly overconfident and tends to overestimate her own abilities. She has a bad habit of biting off more than she can chew as well as being incredibly quick to jump into something she may or may not fully understand. It's difficult to sway her away from something she's already set her mind on either for better or for worse. But she's a lot stronger than she looks. Both in terms of physical prowess and willpower. Spending your childhood running errands around a small fishing village carrying, lugging, and throwing a lot of heavy things left her with quite a bit of strength. You haven't strained yourself till you've lugged heavy baskets of fish uphill on your back. And being thickheaded and stubborn does wonders for personal willpower. For better or worse.

Backstory: Aleesa was raised in a monastery set up by a small group of monks overlooking a small coastal village in Kalthran. This monastery, like many others, took in children who were orphaned, unwanted, or simply in need of care. Like most of the other kids there, she never met her parents and in all honesty, she never really wanted to. The monks, the other kids, and even the people down in the village were her family and they were more than enough. The monks taught them to read and write, to meditate and interpret the wise teachings of old scriptures, and to cultivate a sense of appreciation for the world around them. Many of the monks there had at one point been soldiers in the Crystal War, so those who wanted to learn self-defense were taught. Those were good years, spent learning, running errands around the nearby village, and enjoying life near the cliffs and sea.

Aleesa had always found that physical activities appealed to her much, much more than academic or intellectual ones. She liked to practice on her own and explore the village below. Much to the chagrin of the monks, she also liked to wander deep into the tropical forest behind the monastery. It was there where she found one of the head monks, Jokala, sitting in a tree and enjoying a snack; despite Brother Ekshu having made it clear the night before that it was Jokala's turn to organize the libraries. Aleesa was also avoiding her chores at the time. The two got along famously and Jokala mentored her for the rest of her time there. But he became more than a mentor; he was a good friend. They both had a lot in common. Both were stubborn and thickheaded, both had a mischievous side, both had a love of good food, and they both drove Brother Ekshu crazy.

After a time, Aleesa decided she wanted to become a crystal wielder and leave for one of the Academies. The monks agreed that she should follow that path she chose for herself and work her hardest to get there. She wasn't the first or the last of the adopted children to want to become a crystal wielder. She was, however, the only one who was accepted into Academia Immortalis...

Studies had always been hard for her. She wasn't much of thinker. But in a test of strength, she showed she had a lot of potential. When the time came to shoot for Academia Immortalis, she figured she had nothing to lose. She barely made it through the knowledge exams and it had been half hard work... and half luck (with maaaybe a little bit of peeking at her neighbor's paper during the exam sprinkled in somewhere; but it isn't cheating if you weren't caught). The physical exams had been easier. It had still been tough, but it put Aleesa in her element. And any advantage is a good advantage during an uphill battle. Now, she's here. Academia Immortalis is the nicest, fanciest place she has ever been in, the food is amazing, and they have real towels in the bathroom. But, the classes are hard and the work is even harder. It's been a grueling two years, and she's got to admit that she's gotten through it by the skin of her teeth, but she's hanging in there.

Misc Possession and Information:
  • A few old scrolls with some of the teachings of the monastery she grew up in. They have yet to be unwrapped and actually read; Aleesa's not much of a reader.
  • A wind shawl, a little old, a little torn. Smells slightly of perfume. Not originally hers.
  • A coin pouch that honestly feels cursed seeing as it is almost always empty no matter what. There is just never enough money for anything.
  • A bracelet made of shells and soft stones from the sea. Received as a gift from one of the villagers years ago. She thought it was very nice of them. The fact that it was a young fisherman's attempt to woo her went right over her head. She doesn't remember his name though.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Bandalli the Warrior Ape

Element: Fire



Personality: Bandalli claims to be one of the oldest, most powerful familiars in the world. Then again, he also claims to have once been the king of Alexia and that he invented airship travel in a single afternoon. The only honest part of all that is probably the part where he's old. He also cheats at any game you invite him to play. It's a bad idea to bet anything against him.

Bandalli is, unfortunately for Aleesa, lazy, rude, and kind of a pervert. It took her weeks to get him to show her how to use his abilities for herself and he still refuses to show her much else. According to him, Aleesa hasn't earned the loyalty of such a powerful familiar... but the truth is he's just too lazy to show her much else. Bandalli only loves two things. Free food and good looking ladies.

He's very laid-back with everything... but somewhere in there hides the fury of a thousand flaming fists. It's just hard to tear him away from the window into the lady's bath houses.

"I'm not peeping, I'm scouting the facilities. See? All safe. You're welcome."

  • A Thousand Fiery Fists: The aforementioned fists of fire. Bandalli can throw an incredible amount of furious, flaming punches with insane speed. Each hit comes faster than the last with a seemingly boundless reserve of energy to fuel that red hot fury. Even after an opponent has been beaten to a pulp, Bandalli's fists keep coming and coming, smashing their opponent deeper and deeper into whatever surface they happened to be standing on. Aleesa keeps nagging at him to teach her to do this herself, but he refuses every time. Too much work. Not enough snacking involved.
  • A Monkey's Best Tool: The best way to hit an opponent is without them even seeing you coming. Bandalli's fiery aura glows and he gains incredible speed and movement on top of his innate simian agility so long as that inner flame glows brightly. His fighting style has its foundation rooted in unpredictability, putting his speed to great use. How does a monkey steal a good meal? One, be faster; two, be hard to catch. Fighting an opponent face-to-face is easy. Fighting one that can come from above, behind, and probably even from below is a lot tougher.
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[BCOLOR=transparent] Lokni di u Quetzalcoatl[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 24[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There was a calmness in his presence and a stillness in his movements. As if he himself were a celestial being merely gracing this world. While some called it arrogance, others called it confidence. While some admired him, others stayed their distance knowing the individual who moved like storm clouds. Even his presence seemed to cause static with those around him. Standing at 5'7" and weighing 120 pounds with a leanly built frame. His eyes were a sharp golden amber, that glowed like lightning, often seen with a messenger bird. He had brunette hair cut short and a glimmering ring made out of a semi precious stone. Often choosing to wear a hooded cloak with what appears to be of a wolf's pelt, feathers from his bird hang from the hood, and a leather cloak attached to the fur covered hood. Wearing arm bracers, pants that were gathered at the shins under his fur lined boots to create a ballooning effect, and a decorative shirt tucked into the waistband of the pants, which is then covered by a sash of fur and decorated with feathers and a stone in the middle. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Race: Balamestri[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Nation: Batherman[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Familiar: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]The Storm Serpent of his Family Crest - Ekaitz Sugea [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A child would look up to a sky turning gray, and their grandmother or grandfather would tell them, "it looks like the serpents are competing" as their fathers and mothers would have told them when they look to stormy skies.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Boy and his Egg[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Your father is never coming back," spat one of the kids. They were about fourteen at the time, all of them a child of earth or so their stories told them. In his home, in his village there were three families. Each had earned a name and a right to manage the community through a rite of passage. Except none of the families any more practiced these rites. Most of the men and women of their village went off to war, and so their fathers or their mothers could not lead them into the forest as their parents must have once done for them. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The elders would say the jungle was too dangerous. The elders would claim that surely those who went into the forest now would be struck by misfortune and certain death. They said the forest was angry. They said the creatures there disturbed by the war and had a distrust for mortal kind. But the skies still turned gray, and serpents of the sky could still be seen in trailing clouds. So then it must mean they still exist. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They were not extinct nor had they vanished. They still brought the storms and commanded the skies. Some of the men and woman of the war had already returned, though they were claimed to deserters. While there were surely across the land, unclaimed and unmarked bodies. The boys of his village certainly believed his father was among them. In earthen clay, returned to their Earth Mother. Just as they had been born.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It wasn't a moment of anger. A moment of rage. It was a quick reaction. A look towards the heaven. A prayer to the Earthen Mother and he dashed into the jungle. As the boys laughter trailed, until they became distant echoes. Perhaps it was the pride in their race that drove him to prove the strength of his family name. They hadn't earned the title or the respect for nothing. He had heard the tales a hundred times from his grandmother. Who'd take out storybooks made from processed leather. She'd tell him of the three brothers who competed each for their father's chair.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And how the Earthen Mother came to the Shaman's dreams. Telling them that neither successor would be successful of their father's chair. But neither of them failed either. That they succeeded in independence, and that the seat of power should be split among them. It was why you had the three families, the three families would managed the community.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They were no law or government in the same way the more "cultured" lands were. They heard the community because they were still the community. And were expected to still live like they were part of the community. They were not hailed as king. Nor worshiped like them either. No that was for "civilized" cultures.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The jungle did not scare him in the same way it scared others. Often it called to him. His grandmother said it was more than likely because the Earthen mother wanted him to take his grandfather's seat in the council. Since his father left, his grandfather had stepped up once again. But he was old, frail, and there were plenty of people who clambered at the chance the Quetzalcoatl family would perish. For a new family of power.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While he did not know if his father would come back. While he did not know if his father was dead or alive or even at all coming back when the war ended. He felt determined to prove his family name and honor. To tame a storm serpent was said to be perilous. And many died trying to do so. Yet, he was determined to do so Omawnakw was still a fledgling, but she was grooming grown in feathers. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You'll help?" he asked her, "To find the Ekaitz Sugea?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She shook out her feathers and pushed out her breast. To him it looked like she was confident and trying to impress him. He simply smiled. She had fallen out of her nest a few years ago. Hurt and wounded, he nursed her back to health, but she adamant about staying with him. Though not a familiar, she made a great messenger bird and to be his pair of eyes in the distance. She expanded her wings out and began to soar among the trees. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was clear to him. The war had done damage to the forest. Fallen trees. Disturbed nest and beyond that disturbed beast. He could almost sense the weariness with his presence here. He spoke wordlessly that he meant no harm. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Though he feared his presence was still a disturbance. He continued to walk, hoping for Omawnakw to lead him the way. The sky through the canopy beginning to turn gray, this area seemed to be known for a lot of storms. Said to be caused by the very serpent he sought after. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They use to tell children the story of the serpents who competed with each other. In order to prove their strength and show mortal men their might. Those who dare try to tame them. Yet, all his life he was fascinated by the lighting in the sky. More so than many of the other kids. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Probably because he was born with an ability that made him want to climb to the skies and claim the heavens with the serpents of their stories. When Omawnakw called out, he knew she had found something and he took no time in going over.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was a large nest, in a small cave. A nest with broken twigs, and scattered shells of eggs. The eggs were quite large, but beings lay in a mutated mess on the ground. This was why the forest cried today. This was why everyone was nervous and cautious of even his presence. Because of the disturbance with this nest. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He cautiously walked further in, only seeing one egg left behind. Unharmed, an opaque color with blue lines that glowed. It was the size of a three month old puppy, the egg was huge. Yet, he knew what it was. Putting his hand on it. He came to tame a serpent, but couldn't simply let this stay here alone. He had to make up to it what had happened.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Don't worry, I will take care of you," he whispered.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magic Description: Arcane Combat[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Don't think of your everyday mage who stands around throwing spells your way. He's a physical fighter who knows how to fight through arcane martial combat. Think a bender from avatar, than your typical mage casting spells.Because you can cast on ability at a time, it does give him an advantage when not casting to also be martially trained. Also able to throw out his chain as well.[/BCOLOR]

Reference to Arcane Combat

Reference to His Movement with Chains

[BCOLOR=transparent]Tximista Buztana "Lightning Tail"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Maybe the design was inspired by Ostots tail or maybe he just called it that because all of his teachers think he's a little obsessed with lighting. The chain has been specifically built to act as a conduit chain for his lighting. Being able to wrap enemies in its 15ft length and channel his lightning current through it to BBQ anyone in its grasp. Though it doesn't have to be used for lightning in fact it's a perfectly good lashing weapon as well and he knows how to use it effectively dancing in the air, with light foot work, you never know if you'll get a lash from the chain or a bolt of lighting. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Magical Abilities:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Current Channeling - His grandmother had always told him stories of those born with the storm serpent heart. Though more than a story and a myth, it was to label those with strong affinity with electric energy in their magic. He appears to be statically charged, which makes his "static" presence a metaphoric sense of the word and a literal sense of the word. He can channel a direct current of electricity through his fingertips or his chain as long as he is touching the current channel he wants to direct the lighting through. He is the lighting rod and the objects around him are his channels. Note; this is probably the reason why modern electric items don't like him much. He managed to destroy a toaster once with his touch alone. While not a passive ability he has to will the channel through his body and visualize the current, he does emit low levels of static. Thus those around him find a bang sticking up or get that "shock" when shaking his hand even when he's not willing a channel[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Thunder Strike - An extension of his channeling through his chain, he can crack the chain to make a crackling sound a lot like thunder. It is loud, the sound carrying on for miles and forceful. Creating an after shock that pushes enemies back a few feet from him. While also disorientating them in the process and leaving them deafened for a few seconds. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality Strengths:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Some would argue that there is no strength in Lokni's character, not that he lacks personal strength. It's simply he comes off an asshole. While not outright outspoken, he can give the impression of being so overtly self confident it comes off like arrogance. In retrospective the amount of fucks Lokni gives is zero, which comes off as a negative quality as well. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But Lokni has something to give. It's his determination and dedication. He is committed to his oaths and never breaks a promise, he will keep to all of his promises as long as they can be performed. Lokni is a naturalist, he strives to keeping nature in order, and while it is easy to mistake him a tree hugging hippie. He's more than likely to teach those who disturbed nature a lesson. Headstrong, with a dominating presence, he's strict and stern. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Willing to educate others though, and willing to help them train. He is a destructive force in combat, a tempest of lightning he is a whirlwind of energy. Though he is not without thought, he is tactical and him and Ostots work well together as a natural team. Ostots is an extension of his chain attacks, just as much as he is an extension of Ostots tail. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He commands both beast and storms. A prince of beast some would say, he has the dignity of the wild, and the honor of a noble. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Personality Flaws:[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Possibly all in the way Lokni composes himself. He comes off abrasive and not caring. He also comes off arrogant. Though none of it one hundred percent true. Merely Lokni's own assuredness in himself, makes him unapproachable. It all comes in the way Lokni communicates himself, which he doesn't do very well, choosing simple phrases and simple word choices that make him come off like his intent is that he is better than you. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While not temperamental or known to have a temper, Lokni has a habit of reacting before thinking. Though he is often quick to correct himself afterward if he feels his reaction was not called for. Lokni has a habit of jumping to the solution instead of talking to the individuals involved. He often chooses the most extreme and overblown reactions before resuming his usual calm demeanor after he has had time to settle down.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He often put his beast in high regard over people, though he's still learning to accept people better in his life, and will often lash out at others who do something he disapproves to the beast that accompany him. He has a habit of forcing others to prove themselves to him as well, and will not give them respect or his trust until they do. Often his expectations of people are a lot higher than what they can actually achieve. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He sometimes forgets the limitations of those around him. And often his own intellectualism, as he comes off as a bookworm nature lover, makes him disconnected from those around him. Lacking the communication, and empathy to extend to others. Though it should be noted that he's gotten better since his first year at the academy till now. He's still learning in this department and despite all of his flaws, there's a chance he isn't so stuck in his way. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]History: [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]The Storm's Serpent's Heart[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]To his clan being born on a stormy October night, was a sign from the heavens. While not all families worshiped the storms and praised the storm serpents, his family saw it as a blessing that he was born on the day the sky clashed with lighting and the sound of thunder. His grandmother would say things like, "he was born to lead" and "the Earth Maiden has spoken he is a blessed child". Except that it probably didn't feel like a blessing when his father left for war when he was three. He barely had time to form a relationship, but was thusly trained, cared for by his grandmother, his grandfather, his mother, and the extended family which was the community.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He was taught many skills in the clan, as others were taught. No one, not even a leader was suppose to be higher than the people. He learned to weave baskets, sew clothes together, gather food, learned how to survive off the land, and how to hunt. Though hunting was only permitted with the supervision of an adult. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The elders suspicious and fearful the forest grew angier and angier with all the war and disturbance to their forest. While he lived in a small village, that was an insignificant position to the war, the outside areas of his inner home were greatly disturbed and disrupted by the fighting. And he was generally meant with jealousy because even the Shamans spoke of his destiny being the highest honest the Earth Mother could grant you.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His grandfather always saying something like, "They are afraid because they know you hold a special power. You must cherish the special power, but decide what you want to do with it"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It wasn't like it was unheard of, people in their clan being born with magic. But those who were, had left for the war, and the few born with magic were often hailed as seeing to bring great good into the clan. What probably wasn't great good to the clan, was the few deserters who came back from the war early. Or the fact that many years passed and none heard word from Kasakir, his father in that time. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Kasakir was to take his grandfather's position when the war was over, to lead the community. And instead he had disappear from war, and had made no contact. A deserter and someone who abandoned his duties.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Which allowed secrets and conspirators to plan to take the seat from the Quetzacoatl family. In turn this reflect on the children's relationship with Lokni. Mocking him and shunning him further from their games. His grandmother always encouraging him and his mother always telling him "some day soon they will see what makes you special. You just have to find the right actions to prove it to them"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And action he did take. When he was fourteen he sought out for the storm serpent of his family crest. To prove he was worth the praise of the Shamans, leaders, and his family. But to show the kids of his village that he was meant for something far greater. Some said he was too young, The Serpent Ritual had only been performed by those sixteen and up. But he was determined to do so.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]What he brought back was a blessing to many. An egg. While one could prove themselves by taming a juvenile serpent, to them he was blessed by the Earthen Maiden to raise one from the egg. Its when the kids in his village started to take him seriously. But it changed his relationship with the adults who once treated him like a special child, now treated him like an adult.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Responsibility and duty now thrown onto him. Expected to raise the egg and take his grandfather's seat upon him passing any time soon. Though the kids also treated him with more respect. Trying to aid him in raising and hatching Ostots egg. It was said by his grandmother's account, he did not leave the egg alone for a second. Sleep with it. Singing to it. Speaking with it. And one night it hatched in his bed with him. Cooing softly to him that it had emerged.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]From the two were inseparable. They seemed to harmonize and click. Ostots was eager to learn. And this was a test on Lokni's leadership.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was when he was eighteen his grandfather told him that he would be ready very soon to take the seat and succeed his father, and him. That he was proud of who Lokni had become. And it was nineteen when his father contacted him through a letter to meet him at a hotel in Alexia. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His grandfather told him he was still in good health and that the boy should travel to see if this was in fact his father or a trap of the enemy. A test to prove himself. That is where he met his half sister. And sent his messenger bird off to contact his grandfather of his father's proposal to the both of them. His grandfather encouraged him to stay and take the proposition. That the seat would be waiting for him and that he was proud he had sent the message contacting him of the news. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]These events lead him where he is today.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]While Lokni comes off as some jaded cold hearted asshole, it should be noted he has nursed several animals back to health. And is concerned in the health of beast, and even familiars. And in some ways this is maybe how Lokni connects to people, and why some people have come to accept him. Because he will often come to check up on people's pets or familiars. Not that he in knows anything about familiar health besides Ostots. But he makes sure they look healthy.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He will often also set up playdates for creature familiars to play with each other. It's a club he demanded the teachers allow him to make. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Can be seen picking up and collecting smooth unique stones when he finds them [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While his ring is nowhere near as special as some speculate. In the dark the ring lights up the area surrounding him. A gift from his mother, whom he holds in high regards as well as the ring.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Omawnakw is his messenger bird and he's never seen departed from her [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Callida is his half sister, they share the same father as mentioned in the history [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Last, but not least he's a horrible cook who has a habit of burning things. But that may be due to his reaction with electronic appliances. Some kids rumor they see Lokni setting bonfires on school grounds to cook meals. That or he goes hungry till someone feeds him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Theme Song-[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Familiar [/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Name: Ostots [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Element: Lightning [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A four legged serpent about the size of a horse, it has white scales, odd looking antlers, and toughs of fur on its ankles, and at the end of its tail. With sharp looking teeth. Its goatee has not fully grown in yet, and appears to be a juvenile despite what the picture tells.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Truth be told Lokni a very good trainer, for now Ostots seems obedient and is willing to please. Food and play motivated Ostots is like a little puppy, but a puppy that could destructively tear down a few buildings in the process of playing. Ostots has a great deal of play and love for Lokni, as Lokni has a great deal of love for Ostots. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Note; though it should be noted the true trial is when Ostots begins to grow up from a juvenile into its teen years.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Lightning Breath - Ostots and Lokni are well connected, fighting by each other's side rather than opting to fuse. Ostots the Storm Serpent can unleash a breath of lighting from its mouth, that stretches 30 ft in reach, and hails from its mouth. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Thunder Fangs - At the same time Ostots teeth can be electrically charge and he can crunch down on enemies, or shields, with a toothy maw of lighting tusk. [/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]The way Lokni and Ostots fight together is to provide each other's flanks. While Ostots may use its thick skin and hide to wrap around Lokni to defend him from an attack. Lokni uses Ostots lengthy body to gain the upperhand or as a current pathway to get where he wants. Opting to run on the creature's backside and leap off. Or leap off its head. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And while Ostots distracts an enemy with a rearing of its head to cast lighting itself, Lokni may use that as an opportunity to attack the enemy if Ostots misses. Or Ostots will swipe it's tail to repel enemies away from Lokni.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The two them seeming to be an extension of each other. Ostots would mourn if Lokni was hurt and Lokni would mourn if Ostots was hurt.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Meanwhile, outside of combat. Ostots has been trained a bit like a puppy with a long tail and scales. He can sit before his meal and listens to Lokni's commands. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He likes to roughhouse, and play wrestles. But is starting to get too big for Lokni to wrestle with. Lokni will bathe him and even brush his teeth too. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Theme Song:[/BCOLOR]

[fieldbox= Crystal Wielder Sheet, gray, solid]Name: Euril Gargaux
Age: 25
Like most Obeli, Euril is very tall, has red eyes, silvery hair etc. However, his horns indicate more years of life than he's actually lived and it's very likely this is due to his early friendship with a dragon. She has helped shape him in more ways than one. The red marks on his face are the marks of a warrior tribe unrelated to the Obeli and he wears attire in the general style of said tribe due to his Master.

Race: Obeli
Nation: Kalthran
Familiar: Yasa
Weapon: A Longbow, which Yasa named it variations of "The Third Leg of Gargaux" out of jealousy and malice.

Magical Abilities:
Confounding Arrow: Shaped by Yasa's dark magic, this arrow plagues its target with a momentary shuffling of the 5 senses. The severity of this affliction varies from person to person. A very strong individual might feel dizziness that can take the ground form under him/her, where another weaker individual might see blinding sound, feel the sight of the sword or simply confuse their right for their left or up from down.

Hallucination Time: Contact with the longbow causes the target to hallucinate their fears. The more contact is made the stronger the illusion. A light touch might simply be the flicker of that fear, a momentary distraction. In a way, the afflicted fights their fears mentally.

Personality: Growing up with conflicting moralities and varying degrees of common sense, Euril has developed an erratic character. His choices, actions, and words may be sometimes questionable, but Pride and stubbornness keep him from making any corrections or attempting to adjust his way of understanding things the way others do. Yasa's influence only worsens the matter. However, Euril is a good person, generally speaking, and driven to constantly improve himself. Though failings on his part lead him to extreme training as self-punishment and self-improvement, if mentioned by others sends him into a toxic mood.
While his weapon of choice is the longbow, the major part of his training under Master Gargaux was in close combat with the use of a club. He has adjusted his techniques to use the longbow for close combat in cases where an arrow has low chances of success.

Backstory: Somewhere in the nation of Kalthran, a traveling ship found unclaimed cargo in the form of an Obeli boy. Other captains might have sent this unnamed boy down cruel paths of the unfortunate. Instead, the ship captain refused the pocket money he might have exchanged and dropped the kid off at a small island at the edge of the nation where a religious farm took in abandoned children.

Some said the strange child called it to the farm, others rumored that it was attracted by the Obeli blood, but the truth of it is the young dragon was hungry and dropped briefly near the farm because she could see an easy picking of animals from above. In that manner boy and dragon met and disliked each other. However, though both were young, she was older, wiser and cruel enough to linger. With time he saw her as a motherly friend, she in turn thought him an interesting toy. He called her Yasa, she called him Euril though neither were their first given names.

He was twelve when the island caught on to the presence of a dragon since she'd been growing in appetite and the disappearance of animals could no longer be excused by some sickness going around. She had to go, so Euril went with her as far as he could up until she ordered him to join the crew of The Meridian until she came back for him. In it he found a Master, the red marks on his face proof of his education, who took him under his wing and taught him everything from stealing, to brawling, to combat, and most of all to dominate the longbow as both a long-rage and short-range weapon. Master Gargaux, whose name Euril later took as his own, saw in him the talent that might make of him an impressive crystal wielder and planned to send the boy to the most respected academia after binding his first beast.

Unfortunately, Master Gargaux suffered an injury that upon infection marked him for death. He had only time enough to give Euril his dying will and last instructions. Euril, after watching his Master's body drop to the skies below, took Master Gargaux's name and longbow and left The Meridian. The longbow, forged with immortalis crystal, was now void of spirit or beast which suited Euril Gargaux well since he had Yasa in mind.

Fast forward through search and contract, Euril joined the academia on talent alone. Money, he never had, and connections were not something that came naturally to an Obeli. His first year he'd struggled with every aspect of the academia that wasn't actual training and personal growth. There were social rules, silent understandings, cultural traditions, politics, etc. that most of all pulled him down by the collar of his Pride. This lessened during his second year, which allowed him to be more successful. However, Yasa's personality mixed with his own pride has begun to show its effects.

Misc Possession and Information

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Yasa
Element: Darkness
Appearance: She's still a very young dragon so she's only big enough to carry the tall Euril and fly around with him, but not enough for a marathon long trip.

Personality: Yasa is intelligent and can communicate perfectly well though her vocal chords cannot produce a sound as clear and fluid as a human's. As she belongs to the dragon race, she looks down on everyone other than. She cares little for the matters of humans, but has found watching them scramble rather fun. Her favorite toy has always been Euril, and she will never admit that he's anything more than that. Though she is older than him, they grew up together and Yasa holds somewhat of a motherly approach towards Euril. When she fights, she fights to play and her idea of play isn't the nicest. If her connection with Euril hadn't influenced her, she'd be only malice.

Touch of Insanity: Any physical contact with Yasa sends the afflicted into an illogical state of paranoia. The intensity or severity of this state varies with each individual but also depends on Yasa's whim and level of ill intent.

Breath of Illusion: The dark fog-like matter that Yasa breathes out gives life to the fears of those who are engulfed by it. In a way, the afflicted fights their fears physically. [/fieldbox]

Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Quelon Vir
Age: 23

Like many of his kind, Quelon's skin is a pale grey of sorts, and his eyes a deep red color. Often, he adorns a simple leather tunic over loose-fitting cloth pants and hide boots. For protection, the Obeli also adorns simple iron gauntlets, as well as arm and shin guards. If necessary, Quelon is also trained to do battle in medium-weight armor should he be faced with situations that require a greater degree of protection.

Race: Obeli
Nation: Ispea
Familiar: Vylian

Vosz is Quelon's trusted tool, and has been passed through at least two generations of his lineage. As with all immortalis weapons, Vosz has taken on different appearances based on the bound spirit of its user, and in Quelon's case the tool bears deep orange and red inscriptions along its handle and axe-head. The weapon serves a dual purpose, in that only one side of it bears a blade, while the other bears a blunt hammer. Much like Quelon himself, the weapon bears a staunch duality between the elegant blade of the axe, and the coarse--yet dependably--hammer head.

Magical Abilties:
  1. Molten Projectile: After several seconds of concentration, Quelon summons a melon-sized ball of super-heated stone in one hand that he can lob at his enemies. Due to the weight of the projectile, he can't throw it more then ten or twelve feet, and the velocity varies dependent on how much energy Quelon has left. Upon impact, the ball crumbles into a small pool of magma of about one foot in diameter. However, due to the nature of the magic, the magma cools at a vastly accelerated rate, and becomes naught but a heap of stone within two minutes.
  2. Conductive Palms: Quelon can conduct heat through his palms as well as through the bottom of his feet. While he can super-heat his skin in these areas, he doesn't summon any kind of external magic. Instead, uses physical contact to transfer heat to conducive materials like stone and metal.

Personality: Like many of his kind, Quelon shares the deeply-held belief that he and his kind are of Bahamut himself. Therefore, it is to be expected that the Obeli bears the pride of his people and his blood despite his deep respect for other races. While Quelon has yet to understand this for himself, his fervor for the strength and respect of his people comes from a deep inadequacy: after much of Obelixtra fell to ruin, and the exodus of many Obeli families, much of his people's culture and identity was lost. The Vir family in particular has attempted to hold onto the vestiges of the old way, and all children--like Quelon--are instilled with a passion for their history at a young age. As a result, Quelon's pride is matched only by his curiosity and hunger for knowledge--especially pertaining to his kind.

When it comes to his dealings with other races, Quelon acts atypically for an Obeli in that he is often the first to initiate a conversation, or pursue a stranger. Much as he loves his lineage, he does not share the reclusive traits of his family, and has had a passion for travel and exploration since his youth. He can come off as abrasive, but most of the strangers who have experienced prolonged exposure to his boisterous personality become friends rather than enemies. He does not wholly understand the notion of personal space, or why individuals might want to be alone, and therefore he does have the irritating habit of not knowing when to shut up.

For all his brash and--at times--foolish behavior outside of the battlefield, Quelon utilizes his wit and gadgets in combat. When he fights, he becomes acutely focused on reading the moves of his enemies, and developing the most efficient counter-measures possible. He is fiercely competitive, and this translates into battle despite not being the most proficient warrior. Quelon relies less on his magic in battle than most of his peers as well, often opting to release his bound spirit and work in tandem with them over attempting to control its power for himself. Quelon is enamored with constructs, gadgets, and all manner of gizmos. He uses his own tools, as well as anything he can find on a battlefield, to the utmost efficiency.

Backstory: The Vir clan of Oblixtra have a long and rich history, but with the ruin of their homes on the mother continent, much of that tapestry has been lost. Quelon's grandfather, Astar, was a famed blacksmith amongst the higher clans of Oblixtra, and while the Vir family had always been traditional craftsmen, Astar was skilled with the use of immortalis in a way none of his rivals could compare to. It was he who first developed the weapon Vosz, and to it he bound a flame wyrm--Colvasa--whom foretold to his master the oncoming devastation of their ancestral home. In response, Astar funneled the clan's efforts into the production of one large sea-faring vessel so that they might escape when the time came.

Naturally, a great fiery doom befell Oblixtra but due to Astar's foresight, the Vir clan managed to sail to Amathea. When they arrived at Ispea's shores, they used their remaining wealth and crafting abilities to acquire land holdings. Unfortunately, Astar's death soon followed the establishment of a Vir clan homestead, and between his three sons a great schism developed. Quelon's grandfather had not named a clan chief in his wake, and so the family found themselves further divided. Quelon's father purchased and maintained a separate villa far from the inaugural homestead, and deep within the more urban regions of Ispea where Quelon and his siblings grew up.

His family branch was not the wealthiest of the three, but were well off nonethless and possessed an heirloom more valuable to the Vir name than money: the immortalis weapon, Vosz. His father had briefly bound a spirit to the tool, but the domestication of his family had left little meaning in bearing such power. The family had done well for themselves, and taught their children about that same prosperity in hopes they would integrate into Ispean society as renowned craftsmen themselves. For Quelon's brothers, the pride of their lineage and their handiwork was enough: they were content to mingle with Ispean society, and flaunt their bloodline as though it inherently made them worth something. It was not a temperament shared by Quelon: the boy burned with a passion for exploration that often found him in trouble with the local authorities. He was a born troublemaker, and despite the reprimands from his peers and family, he only grew more emboldened.

To Quelon, the stories of his great and strong grandfather weren't just stories. They were a benchmark to live up to, and the older he grew, the more he saw the opulent and lethargic nature of his home to be a sick perversion of what the stories told him Obeli were supposed to be. To this end, Quelon pushed his parents into allowing him to travel the nation and explore what life had to offer instead of pursuing a tradecraft. In his travels, he heard tales of great spirits and their homes and, despite his utter lack of magical knowledge, felt a compulsive desire to bind a spirit of his own.

When he at last returned home, Quelon demanded of his father the possession of Vosz despite the knowledge that it belonged to his eldest brother by birthright. His plea was met with incredulous laughter and irritation: his family valued tradition too much to see how far their son had grown in his time away, or if they did recognize it, they were too foolish to nurture it. It was of no consequence how his parents reacted: Quelon didn't need their blessing to steal the weapon for himself. For a long year, he pursued whispers and tall tales regarding a particular spirit, while avoiding the hired mercenaries and investigators his agitated father sent after him at every turn. At long last, after having traveled deep into the wilderness, Quelon happened upon his quarry: a firebird nestled in a crevasse near the peak of a stout stone hill. The creature attempted to kill him, but at every turn the Obeli used his wit to either evade it's talons or counter-attack with his own strike.

For nearly an hour the two played a game of cat-and-mouse with neither managing to subdue the other until both were utterly exhausted. It was then that Quelon moved towards the creature head on, and presented the immortalis weapon. The bird's burning eyes scanned the warrior and his weapon with intrigue; its eyes widened as a mutual understanding came to be. In a way, Quelon had bested the bird, and while the proud Vylian would never admit it, it was more than interested in finding out what would become of the headstrong Obeli.

When Quelon at last returned home, and his brothers and father demanded his submission, the third son produced Vosz, but it was not the same cold, dark axe that had hung lifeless over the fireplace. Now, the blade was lit with magic, and hummed with the presence of a bound spirit. While his father did not want to relinquish the blade's title to Quelon, his honor--and newfound respect for his youngest son--now demanded it, and the boy was bequeathed with its title. For several years he trained under the best tutelage his family's sizeable wealth could find, but he was neither the strongest nor most magically gifted of those students pursuing a life at the academy.

He failed his first entrance exam during the combat portion, but would come back a year later fitted with the gadgets necessary to just barely pass by the skin of his teeth. It was after finally being accepted that his family seemed to reconcile themselves with his unorthodox nature, and once again embraced their wayward son. The effect his family's acceptance had on him was profound: in the years that followed, he struggled wholeheartedly, but always managed to push himself just far enough for their sake more than his own. The academy was a great boon, but Quelon sees it as but a stepping stone on his long journey to make his ancestors proud.

Misc Possession and Information
  1. The Grappler: A long, multi-pronged hook attached to a length of strong, tensile cord that expands and retracts from a waist-attached magic tool. The tool itself Quelon fashioned, but the magic properties were attributed by a peer with far better binding skills than he. Quelon uses the tool for mobility purposes, and often find it most useful in battlefields of varying heights .
  2. The Zoomer: A single-eye lense that magnifies objects. It comes with an additional lenses that can be slotted over the first to increase magnification.
  3. Wheelers: A set of four small wooden wheels attached to a copper frame and bound to ones feet with leather straps. The wheelers turn ordinary shoes into shoes with flimsy, yet unabashedly quick wheels. While not the most intricately designed contraption (nor the safest given its complete lack of a brake function) Quelon is proud of it nonetheless, as it helped him outrun many of his would-be pursuers in confined streets and alleyways where they were all but forced to pursue on foot.
  4. Waterskin: Extensive travel has taught Quelon much about the perils of thirst, and he now carries a full water-skin at all times lest he need it.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Vylian

Element: Fire

Vylian's body is slighter smaller than that of a hawk, but her wingspan and tail length are impressively lengthy as well as beautifully adorned. The firebird is comprised of generous orange and red hues, and when flying, one might notice the occasional spark or ember whiz from the tips of her wings. While magically powerful, the bird can easily be harmed from physical damage due to her lithe frame.

Personality: Vylian remains mostly reserved and inquisitive, but is also vindictive and spiteful when faced with adversaries. The bird is proud and considers herself above the triflings of most mortal races. Nonetheless, she secretly adores adventure and exploration as much as her master. Despite being bound to Quelon, she maintains that their relationship is purely one-sided in her favor, and that he is more her servant than she is his.

  1. Brazen Beak: Vylian's form becomes wreathed in flame before the bird concentrates the fire at the tip of her beak and spirals downwards in an attempt to impale and burn her would-be prey.
  2. Ash Wreath: Vylian grabs the earth with her talons and super heats the soil much in the same way Quelon uses Conductive Palms. When she's turned the soil to ash, the bird uses a gust of wind to scatter the ashes in a disorienting cloud around her or her allies.
I am not a fan of your character to be honest. The roller-skates and the "TOtally not 3d gear from Attack on Titan" in particular feels iffy. Its less magi-tech and more "Cool tech that just happen to utilize elements for fuel" in the case of the grappel. His magma power is... strange. It also doesn't really seem to fit his motif. Besides, molten stone isn't created by fire. YOu would needs someone with earth power to provide the material in order to superheat it.
Made some edits to my character sheet. Added some things to increase quality. I feel like I didn't do enough the first time around; wrote it while I was admittedly kind of sleepy. Did some proofreading.
There's a Rick and Morty reference somewhere in there too.
Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name || Namae Usolas || Age 22 || Race || Obeli || Nation || Amathea || Familiar || Seemat

Slender in frame, and elegant in appearance, Namae is the epitome of her people. She carries herself with refinement and a quiet air about her as she listens, observes, and contemplates. Her calm demeanor denotes patience and consideration, though is more friendly than abrasive as she carries the faintest of smiles. White hair cascades in thick, natural curls that falls down to mid back she often simply ties together to keep away from her face. Her horns curl out from her crown in a curl of its own, loose that moves ever so slightly inward before twisting back out. Her dark skin is complimented by even darker eyes as black as night yet still manages to glisten like the stars with life and energy behind her cool façade. Her frame carries the slightest tone from her work in the mines, and her palms with labor's callouses.

While she is a compassionate sort, Namae does not dote or sugar coat life for others. She will make sure those she cares about is tended to how they need, but she does not feel what they need is always a gentle gesture. She believes in a firm proverbial hand when the need arises, and thus she can come across mean to those who do not understand. But despite this, she holds true to her methods and never wavers even if it risks relations.
She is an independent individual and can work through problems and situations on her own. This does not mean she is unwilling to work with others, but she does have a confidence in her own intellect and abilities that allows her to find herself without need of a crutch.

Namae has a judgemental nature about her, and to that she thinks she has most things figured out. She will admit her faults, for her pride is not within stupidity but within her abilities. Upon first impressions of a person, she feels she can correctly assess a person's personality and whether or not they would be worth her time. Though, finding someone who matches such a description is very rare from what she has found, for everyone has their flaws, such as she, and to that she cannot fault.

When in the fray of a fight with a team, Namae is more of a supporter than a bruiser. She uses her abilities to give her teammates the advantage as best as she can. Though when she is forced to fight whether it be on her own or due to fewer numbers, she uses her martial skills in tandem with her magical abilities for a more offensive role.

Magical Abilities: || Light

Teleport: Her manipulation of Light presides within the manipulation of it, and so she is able to teleport short distances, often just mere feet. When performing this spell, there is often a burst of light.

Slow Time: While she can only stretch a second to around ten seconds, slowing time can have its advantages. Her body glows a soft light in that brief moment in real time.

Weapon: Blyss, The Star of Light is a simple chakram with a star-like motif.


Namae grew up in Helia in an Obeli colony within the Helian mountains. Eldest of five, she often found herself in the throws of caring for her younger siblings while her parents worked. Her father was a miner and her mother was a tailor sewing anything from practical items to formal attire for even out of town patrons. She would help out where she could, sometimes at the shop with her mother when deadlines crept up too quickly. Namae was not one to complain, and she rather enjoyed her life.

The Crystal Wars took their toll on her family resulting in the death of not only her father, but to many of her fellow Obeli within the colony. The closest mine to which they worked was full of the very crystals to which brought about the war, and thus they became a target. Their town became overrun and occupied by Alexia until the war's end, but by that point their spirits were battered and weakened in reflection of their now dilapidated home.

Recovery did not come quick, but it was a joint effort. Many went back to the mines as it was their only profitable trade. Even Namae found herself harvesting crystals so that her people could rebuild in solitude once again. It was a difficult time for her family, and so her able bodied siblings helped in the mines as well despite their age.

The Academia Crystalis's call for students lingered in Namae's mind for a long time. The crystals in which they gathered often went to the Academia for the purposes of research and exploration. Just as her people began to build, so too did beasts wreak havoc upon the land. In their darkest hour, a small dragon of light appeared to aid Namae. And as she neared the proper age, she decided to partake in the entrance exam to the Academia Crystalis. To her, this was an opportunity to further help her family and her people from future sundering.

It took two tries for Namae to pass the exam. She's not the best student by far, but she works hard to achieve what she can do. At first she was reluctant to learn how to fight, but eventually saw the practicality in doing so.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Seemat

Element: Light

Seemat is a pygmy dragon no larger than the length of Namae's hand. He is a ghastly white, and when he flies he gives off a soft glow. The leather of his wings is strong and slightly transparent. His red eyes are large and wide and striking upon his pale features.

Personality: Seemat is mischievous and easily bored. He likes to be active, and especially play, and is often a restless soul needing to fly and wander about. His patience is not as keen as his counterpart, though in their connection Namae dominates this aspect often giving him the means to calm down.

Singularity: He can create a small point in which light is bent which can be used to disorient and confuse an opponent.

Flashbang: A short burst of light that disorients those within the vicinity. Friendly fire possible, and so is not often used.
Teleport trough Light? What. Slowtime trough Light? What. Sorry, those two are both gonna have to be switched out. They make no sense what so ever. Harsh but it is what it is. Think of light as the holy spells of Final Fantasy and of the inherent abilities of light in most fantasy. Teleleporting is not something you do by manipulating light, nor is it even by fragment related to time.
Teleport trough Light? What. Slowtime trough Light? What. Sorry, those two are both gonna have to be switched out. They make no sense what so ever. Harsh but it is what it is.
Ah! Sorry, I was referring to scientific bending of light! The cone of light and whatnot can be manipulated to go forwards or backwards in time and space, in theory. I will gladly change!
Ah! Sorry, I was referring to scientific bending of light! The cone of light and whatnot can be manipulated to go forwards or backwards in time and space, in theory. I will gladly change!
Ah. Allright. Yeah. Please do. I expanded my reasoning around light as element above. If it is any help.
I'm not really familiar with fantasy setting light spells, so let me know if my corrections don't work!
Crystal Wielder Sheet_______________________________________
Name: Aseela Kalatet
Age: 21

Nation: Kalthran
Familiar: Bandalli (Warrior Ape)
Warrior Apes are incredibly intelligent creatures that often live deep in the jungles of the Kalthran islands. They are about as smart as humans, so much so that there are many myths around Kalthran about Apes who make deals with humans. These deals always have a catch in favor of the Ape, of course; in fact, the Kalthranese phrase, "This is a monkey's deal." that's used to call out one sided deals stems from these stories.
Apes also have a long history of less than stellar behavior. Their knack for mischief and mayhem often makes them difficult to deal with when actually coming across them. While most of these Apes are blessed with innate speed, toughness, and fighting skill, most of it is put to use in less-than-admirable activities. While they have a tendency for mischief, Warrior Apes aren't inherently cruel or malicious. Most of the time, their goal is to steal food or take whatever liquor's been stashed away for themselves. There are even stories of Apes wearing heavy clothing to disguise themselves as humans and con travelers out of their food and anything that might look shiny.
Aleesa met Bandalli the Warrior Ape shortly after she left home for the Academia. She needed something to bind, so she volunteered to tag along with a traveling caravan passing through a jungle on their way to the next town. She bound Bandalli one night after seeing him rooting through their food stores. She mistook him for a thief and knocked him unconscious with a metal pan to the back of the head while he busied himself with their food. Bandalli wasn't too happy to wake up tied up and in a cage. So Aleesa made him a monkey's deal. She'd let him out... if he agreed to a binding. He said he'd rather stay in a cage forever. He caved when she started to enjoy a meal just out of reach.

"Come on, kid, let me out. If I die in a cage, I lose a bet."

Weapon: A Rock and A Hard Place - Aleesa's fighting style can be rolled up into the word, "Pugilist". She hits things with her fists (and also feet, elbows, knees, shoulders, and occasionally her head) and is generally able to fight without a weapon. This isn't to say, however, that a weapon isn't used or wanted. Enter her two good pals: A pair of cestus gloves. The one on her left is called A Hard Place. The one on her right is called A Rock. Getting between them is generally an unpleasant experience. There are small Immortalis crystals instead of metal pieces under the glove, just above the knuckles. The gloves used to belong to her mentor and teacher Jokala Oktelos, a seasoned monk and a veteran of the Crystal War. They're a bit old but they've proven themselves to be as sturdy and as stubborn as their wielders.

"Ha! See Bandalli? He was caught between... A Rock and A Hard Place!"
"That's not funny. At all."
"It's kinda funny."
"Not really."

Magical Abilities:
  • Stubbornness of the Monkey: A passive ability that affects Aseela while Bandalli is bound inside her. In addition to her already thickheaded nature, Aleesa's endurance and resilience is increased. It isn't as flashy or cool as shooting fire and lightning, but plenty useful when your main method of hurting things forces you to get in real close. Unfortunately, being resilient to damage isn't the same thing as being invulnerable to pain. Getting hit still hurts. Kind of a lot, actually.
  • Fury of the Monkey: Hit. Really. Hard. It's unrefined, not exactly elegant, and requires Aleesa to get in close and physically hit her opponent. It's not graceful and there are clearly better ways to fight than run up and punch them, but if physical contact is actually made, Aleesa can hit with great strength. Hard enough to smash through armor or just send an enemy flying back. Academia Board should keep in mind; this attack causes a lot of collateral damage when it misses. And she misses a lot.
Personality: Aleesa's equal parts stubborn, and enthusiastic. She's got big dreams of being one of the great crystal wielders (so naturally, learning that her abilities weren't as cool as shooting lightning and fire came as a huge bummer). She's also slightly overconfident and tends to overestimate her own abilities. She has a bad habit of biting off more than she can chew as well as being incredibly quick to jump into something she may or may not fully understand. It's difficult to sway her away from something she's already set her mind on either for better or for worse. But she's a lot stronger than she looks. Both in terms of physical prowess and willpower. Spending your childhood running errands around a small fishing village carrying, lugging, and throwing a lot of heavy things left her with quite a bit of strength. You haven't strained yourself till you've lugged heavy baskets of fish uphill on your back. And being thickheaded and stubborn does wonders for personal willpower. For better or worse.

Backstory: Aleesa was raised in a monastery set up by a small group of monks overlooking a small coastal village in Kalthran. This monastery, like many others, took in children who were orphaned, unwanted, or simply in need of care. Like most of the other kids there, she never met her parents and in all honesty, she never really wanted to. The monks, the other kids, and even the people down in the village were her family and they were more than enough. The monks taught them to read and write, to meditate and interpret the wise teachings of old scriptures, and to cultivate a sense of appreciation for the world around them. Many of the monks there had at one point been soldiers in the Crystal War, so those who wanted to learn self-defense were taught. Those were good years, spent learning, running errands around the nearby village, and enjoying life near the cliffs and sea.

Aleesa had always found that physical activities appealed to her much, much more than academic or intellectual ones. She liked to practice on her own and explore the village below. Much to the chagrin of the monks, she also liked to wander deep into the tropical forest behind the monastery. It was there where she found one of the head monks, Jokala, sitting in a tree and enjoying a snack; despite Brother Ekshu having made it clear the night before that it was Jokala's turn to organize the libraries. Aleesa was also avoiding her chores at the time. The two got along famously and Jokala mentored her for the rest of her time there. But he became more than a mentor; he was a good friend. They both had a lot in common. Both were stubborn and thickheaded, both had a mischievous side, both had a love of good food, and they both drove Brother Ekshu crazy.

After a time, Aleesa decided she wanted to become a crystal wielder and leave for one of the Academies. The monks agreed that she should follow that path she chose for herself and work her hardest to get there. She wasn't the first or the last of the adopted children to want to become a crystal wielder. She was, however, the only one who was accepted into Academia Immortalis...

Studies had always been hard for her. She wasn't much of thinker. But in a test of strength, she showed she had a lot of potential. When the time came to shoot for Academia Immortalis, she figured she had nothing to lose. She barely made it through the knowledge exams and it had been half hard work... and half luck (with maaaybe a little bit of peeking at her neighbor's paper during the exam sprinkled in somewhere; but it isn't cheating if you weren't caught). The physical exams had been easier. It had still been tough, but it put Aleesa in her element. And any advantage is a good advantage during an uphill battle. Now, she's here. Academia Immortalis is the nicest, fanciest place she has ever been in, the food is amazing, and they have real towels in the bathroom. But, the classes are hard and the work is even harder. It's been a grueling two years, and she's got to admit that she's gotten through it by the skin of her teeth, but she's hanging in there.

Misc Possession and Information:
  • A few old scrolls with some of the teachings of the monastery she grew up in. They have yet to be unwrapped and actually read; Aleesa's not much of a reader.
  • A wind shawl, a little old, a little torn. Smells slightly of perfume. Not originally hers.
  • A coin pouch that honestly feels cursed seeing as it is almost always empty no matter what. There is just never enough money for anything.
  • A bracelet made of shells and soft stones from the sea. Received as a gift from one of the villagers years ago. She thought it was very nice of them. The fact that it was a young fisherman's attempt to woo her went right over her head. She doesn't remember his name though.

Familiar char sheet. _______________________________________

Name: Bandalli the Warrior Ape

Element: Fire



Personality: Bandalli claims to be one of the oldest, most powerful familiars in the world. Then again, he also claims to have once been the king of Alexia and that he invented airship travel in a single afternoon. The only honest part of all that is probably the part where he's old. He also cheats at any game you invite him to play. It's a bad idea to bet anything against him.

Bandalli is, unfortunately for Aleesa, lazy, rude, and kind of a pervert. It took her weeks to get him to show her how to use his abilities for herself and he still refuses to show her much else. According to him, Aleesa hasn't earned the loyalty of such a powerful familiar... but the truth is he's just too lazy to show her much else. Bandalli only loves two things. Free food and good looking ladies.

He's very laid-back with everything... but somewhere in there hides the fury of a thousand flaming fists. It's just hard to tear him away from the window into the lady's bath houses.

"I'm not peeping, I'm scouting the facilities. See? All safe. You're welcome."

  • A Thousand Fiery Fists: The aforementioned fists of fire. Bandalli can throw an incredible amount of furious, flaming punches with insane speed. Each hit comes faster than the last with a seemingly boundless reserve of energy to fuel that red hot fury. Even after an opponent has been beaten to a pulp, Bandalli's fists keep coming and coming, smashing their opponent deeper and deeper into whatever surface they happened to be standing on. Aleesa keeps nagging at him to teach her to do this herself, but he refuses every time. Too much work. Not enough snacking involved.
  • A Monkey's Best Tool: The best way to hit an opponent is without them even seeing you coming. Bandalli's capable of incredible speed and movement and his fighting style has its foundation rooted in unpredictability. How does a monkey steal a good meal? One, be faster; two, be hard to catch. Fighting an opponent face-to-face is easy. Fighting one that can come from above, behind, and probably even from below is a lot tougher.
I am not a fan of your personal powerchoice really. It has nothing to do with fire. Its basicly just "I grow more powerful" . There is nothing in it that really fit. And well, nothing about "totally not wukong" feels like it has to do with fire at all. Really. The fire element seems like a after thought and that right now puts me off.
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