Zayn/Elvira/Niall? Who will win?

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Harry laughed, "Well, not my fault you look so dang adorable when you blush...." He stretched out on the bed cat- like and yawned.
Niall looked at him "I wasn't even blushing then Hazza" he said smiling and watched him and rolled onto him with a smile and kissed his lips before getting up off him
Harry grinned, "You still look adorable Niallers." He kissed Niall back, and when Niall got up off him, Harry chuckled and pulled him back down. "Not so fast there."
Niall laughed "thanks you always look very, to be honest I'm surprise I can keep my hands off you" he said smiling and he felt Harry kiss him back as well. Niall laughed when he was back on Harry "oh did you want me to stay a bit longer" he said smiling
Harry grinned and nodded, "Yep." He winked, and kissed the tip of Niall's nose. "You aren't going anywhere."

Elvira came out of the bathroom then, and leaned against the doorframe with a grin as she watched the two. "Having fun there?"
Niall grinned at him and laughed "But what if i don't want to stay" he said smiling "I'm joking, i guess i don't have a choice you would just pull me back again" he said smiling and heard Elvira's voice and looked at her with a smile "You could say more like Harry is having fun, not letting me go" he said smiling
Harry chuckled, and sat up, ruffling Niall's blond hair. "Not my fault he is so irresistible. So, what is for breakfast?"

Elvira laughed, "You two have spent too much time together - you are turning into Niall! But we are having croissants and hot chocolate. A proper French breakfast."
Niall grinned as Harry ruffled his hair and Niall got off him and laughed "I think he has been spending too much time with me, but what you ordered sounds good, thank you again" he said smiling

Zayn got up from his and Elvira's bed and went to the bathroom and had a shower and then got changed and then saw Elvira and smiled and wrapped his arms from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder
Elvira looked up over her shoulder at Zayn and smiled. "Good morning sunshine. Ready for a day of work?" She grinned, and turned around, still in his arms. "However, I have something planned for later on tonight after rehearsals."
Zayn smiled and kissed her cheek "Morning, yeah i'm ready for work today" he said smiling and stood up stairght as she turned in his arms and raised an eyebrow at her "Oh you do?" he asked looking at her "I wonder what it is" he said smiling at her
Elvira smiled and tapped the side of her nose secretively. "That is for me to to know, and you to find out later." She grinned, and kissed his lips. "Now, breakfast time."
Zayn looked at her and wanted to know and frowned a bit "Fine, i'll just have to wait until later" he said and kissed her back before she talked again and smiled "Good thing i'm hungry" he said smiling
"I had to save Niall before - he was getting frustrated with the serving woman." Elvira giggled, and ruffled his hair.

The rest of the day went by quickly, filled with rehearsal for the concert the following day, and soon it was time for the group to return to the hotel. Elvira hailed a French taxi, and they climbed in.
Zayn laughed "Damn i wish i could of seen Niall trying to order now" he said smiling and rolled his eyes as her ruffling his hair

Zayn didn't mind the rehearsals as they had a joke sometimes and would misbehave and not do as told but, still got the rehearsals done in the end and Zayn was tired and sweaty and needed a shower and got into the taxi
Elvira sniffed Zayn, and made a face. "Malik, you really need a shower." She grinned though - she had been doing some dancing with them, and was almost as bad.
Zayn looked at her and laughed "You could of said that in a nicer way, but i know i do need a shower" he said smiling and kissed her cheek and crossed his arms over his chest
Elvira rested her head on his shoulder. "We can go home, get cleaned up and changed, and then we will go out for my surprise." She smiled warmly.

Harry remarked, "Well, it is the city of love."
Zayn smiled and put his head on top of hers "Mmhmmm we can do that, is there anything you wanted me to wear to this surprise?" he asked and looked at Harry and smiled

Niall grinned "That's why we are going out as well tonight Hazza" he said smiling
"Just whatever you wanted. Something comfortable." Elvira smiled. "And I really hope you are not either afraid of heights, or get sea-sick."

Harry looked at Niall, and raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Oh? A surprise of yours?"
Zayn smiled and nodded "Alright, errrr no i'm not afraid of heights and i don't get sea-sick either i don't think" he said smiling

Niall looked at Harry and grinned "Maybe, but it's nothing special" he said smiling
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