Zayn/Elvira/Niall? Who will win?

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"Arguing over what?" She stared at him - Niall Horan wasn't the fighting type in a relationship. Elvira knew that he was usually very easy-going.
Niall looked at her and shook his head "Seriously Elvira, don't worry about it okay" he said cupping her face "It's nothing to worry about, me and Harry are alright" he said letting her cheeks go
Elvira raised an eyebrow, but let it go, and turned around to face all five guys. "Well? Are we going? According to Simon, there is a large hotel room waiting for us at the Hotel du Vin." She grinned, "We all have to share a room this time, due to a shortage of space in the hotel."
Zayn looked at her and nodded "please can we go, i'm actually tired, but i know nothing about where we are staying so thanks for that Elvira, i believe we have a van waiting for us outside anyway" he said smiling and got his luggage "So let's go" he said smiling
Elvira picked up Zayn other suitcase and groaned at the weight of it. "Seriously Zayn? How many mirrors do you need?" She complained, still smiling at the ludicrity of it all.
Zayn watched Elvira and laughed and shrugged "I need to make sure i look good wherever i go" he said smiling and took it off her "They aren't even heavy, i guess i'm just so used to it" he said smiling
They drove to the hotel, and made their way up to the room. Elvira unlocked the door, and walked in. There were three beds around the room and Elvira immediately jumped on the biggest one, claiming it as hers and Zayn's with a firm, "This bed is for me and Zayn!"

Harry frowned, "Why do you get the biggest bed?"
Zayn followed after Elvira with a smile and watched her unlock the door and laughed as she got the biggest bed and grinned and ran and jumped onto the bed with her and laughed at Harry "Mmmm i don't know" he said smiling

Niall raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry "Let them, we can have another bed and keep each other company" he whispered and walked in
Elvira smirked, "We get the big bed, because we are engaged." She grinned at them smugly.

Harry considered that, and then thought that this was the perfect time. He took Niall's hand, and to everyone's shock got down on one knee. He stared up into Niall's gorgeous blue eyes and softly said, "Niall James Horan, I love you with my entire being. Always have. Always will. Even if you don't want to be with me anymore for asking this, I will love you. For I cannot think of parting myself from you. The thought is gross and inappropriate, and I want to ask you...... will you marry me? Be mine?"
Zayn laughed and wrapped his arms around Elvira's waist and then saw Harry and sat up with a shocked expression

Even Niall was really shocked about this and looked down at Harry and his mouth was open but no words where coming out and he was just really shocked Harry was asking him this but he smiled a wide grin and looked at Harry "Guess what, i love you too and yeah i will marry you" he said smiling and pulled Harry up and hugged him "Sorry about out argument the other day i was being selfish and stupid" Niall whispered to him
Harry's eyes lit up and he picked Niall up, swinging him around with happiness. "You know what? I don't care about that - it was my fault, but now - now, we can be together forever." He set Niall down again and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

All Elvira could say was, "Awwww! That is so cute!"
Niall laughed and wrapped his arms around his neck and smiled at what he said and nodded "We sure can be together for ever" he said smiling and kissed Harry back knowing the others where so used it by now

Zayn smiled a wide grin "We still aren't swaping beds" Zayn said smiling
Harry just waved his hand at Zayn, still kissing Niall. He was so happy right now, and he felt like flying.

Elvira rested her head on Zayn's shoulder, and whispered, "Remember when you proposed? The first time?"
Zayn laughed and kissed the top of Elvira's head and smiled "Yeah, you rejected me the first time" he said smiling "But i still gave you the ring and you took it and then you asked me to ask you again" he said smiling

Niall grinned into the kiss and laughed a bit at Zayn
"Now three of us are engaged - you and I, Liam and Danielle, and now Niall and Harry." Elvira smiled.

Liam nodded, "Yeah - I actually want to have it on the anniversary of the day I proposed, which isn't too far away, so could you lot help?" He pleaded.

Elvira nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah!" She was actually planning something amazayn for her anniversary with Zayn, which she wanted to keep secret.
zayn smiled and nodded "There is three of us" he said smiling and looked at Liam and nodded "I don't mind helping you Liam" he said smiling and lay down on the bed he was on
Later that day, Elvira glanced over at Niall, trying to get his attention, and gestured subtly towards the door. She stood up and made her way into the hallway where she wanted to talk to him.
Niall noticed Elvira looking at him and looked at her and saw her and nodded and looked at Zayn asleep and got up from where he was and walked into the hallway "yeah? what's up Elvira" he said looking at her
"I really want to surprise Zayn for our anniversary, but I am clean out of ideas - what do you think?" She bit her lip - she wanted to do something like the tv interview which had started everything.
Niall looked at her and smiled "Mmmm a surprise for Mr Malik huh?, errrr well how special do you want it to be exactly, this is Zayn we are talking about so will have to be something good" he said smiling
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