Your Pokémon Life RP

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Gjinku was still knocked out, and it seemed that h wouldn't wake up fpr a while without help to do so.
Amber went over to Gjinku, gently lifting him. She limped over to the food and crushed up an Oran berry, pushing the pulp into his mouth. She hoped he would be all right. Amber rubbed his throat, causing him to swallow it down. "Good." She continued to do this with three more berries, then waited for him to stir.
Winter had official set in the region. The activity within the region varied by Pokémon. Many of the bird Pokémon had migrated to warmer areas but some, like the Ledyba, stayed and grouped together to stay warm. Other types of Pokémon began hibernation. While others were joyous of the season and came out to play.

The area inhabited by the group of of diverse Pokémon holds a beautiful scene. So far there is about two inches of snow on the ground with more still falling. The falling snow is gentle and remains a smooth rhythm as it touches the ground. The tree tops are now bare with small amounts of snow resting between the branches of the bigger trees. Although it is morning, not much sun can be seen or felt. However, there are peeks of the yellow circle through the gray colored sky.

Meanwhile, Ren plays with the snow on the ground. He likes to run around leaving his footprints behind. He cups his hands together and shovels as much snow as the size of his hands will hold. Then he flings the snow upwards and lets it falls back to the ground as he stares up at it. He smiles and laughs at his enjoyment.

@That0nePasta @Nocturne997 @Doopliss @PhantomPlazma @latos
Orpheus was sitting next to a river that had frozen over. He tapped his blades on the ice very lightly. He was looking for something, something useful. He continued tapping until one tap returned a much deeper "Thunk". "Gotcha..." He said to himself. Cutting out the area around the ice, Orpheus pulled out the hunk of ice. Then, holding it high, he smashed it onto the ground. All of the ice shattered, save for one, uniform hunk of very bright blue and hard-looking ice.
He calls out "Hey! Anyone here know any Ice-Type moves?"
"Sorry, Orpheus, I don't." Amber had been out searching for any food to be found, but sadly there was nothing. Though they had stored up for the winter, It would have helped to find some more to boost their supply. Though the group had been together for a while now, Amber still didn't fully trust them. It was hard to let go of the instincts that had kept her alive for so long. She cared about them, but she was afraid that they might abandon her if things got bad. That is why she tried to be so useful. She focused her energies and let them out in a little stream, trying to float rocks. She had managed to get some small pebbles to float a few inches off the ground, but that wasn't strong enough to be useful.
Ren turns his head towards the sound of the ice breaking. He responds to Orpheus, "No, sorry. I don't have any Ice Type moves." He was curious, however, about what Orpheus had found. So Ren walks to the frozen river where Orpheus stood. "What'd you find?" Ren asks Orpheus.
Gjinku swallowed the berries that was forced down his throat and stirred slightly, the events leading to this had been a bit unsettling for him and however he didn't feel quite right yet. But eventually he would somewhat awake as the cold and snow had gotten to him. "hmm?... snow...? long... am I dead?..."he mumbled slightly as he looked around to try to get a clue of what was going on around him.
Hearing him, Amber let the pebbles drop as she rushed over to him she floated for a short while in her haste without realizing, then she couldn't anymore and ran the rest of the way. "You're awake! I was afraid you never would!" She really had been worried about that brave little creature. She smiled, then answered his question. "It was late fall when you fell asleep, and now winter is well under way, so about a month."
Gjinku looked at Amber as he tried to stand on a bit shaky legs, and almost fell down again when she told him he had been asleep for a whole month. "Huh?... really?... that long?... then why am I still sleepy?... "he said and yawned slightly, he looked around and then blushed deeply. "So... yoou took care of me for that time?... thank you... I... guess I owe my life to you... " he said to her and started to lick her feet, "On my honor I will protect you for as long as I live"he said weakly and huffed slightly, he felt a bit out of form from having slept for so long.
Amber paused for a moment, letting his words sink in. Then she lifted him to his feet. "It's all right. that's what friends are for, right?" She looked him over. He had lost some weight while knocked out, but he would be okay. Releasing him, she stayed near in case he fell. "Not a lot has happened. We did defeat the Ursaring, and I've started honing my psychic powers. I can do this now, but not very well." Amber paused for a moment, her whole body going stiff. Then, she let out a breath and lifted her arms. Her eyes began to glow with a light blue light. When this happened, a small berry sized pebble also glowed with the blue outline, then floated up, and finally fell back to the ground with a soft thud. Amber returned to normal, and then watched Gjinku with worried eyes.
Gjinku watched her show him her powers, and in fact they weren't too impressive at all. However Gjinku didn't complain, she had saved his life and he looked up to her in several ways because of it. " Im glad we won then... I guess we wouldn't be talking if we did not, we probably would all be dinner by now. he said and got his bearings, he sure would need to run a lot to get his speed and strength back. "Lifting stugg seems cool, but... What does friends mean? Does it mean I serve you?... he asked, not really wanting to know what she had to endure while taking care of him.
Amber chuckled. "No. You don't have to serve me. Friends means that we get along, and we care about each other. If you were in trouble, I'd try to help you, and you would help me if I was in trouble." She stretched, lifting her arms high above her head. Using her powers always made her feel stiff. Realizing that Gjinku was uncomfortable, she had an idea. "Here. You've been asleep for a while now. Do you want to run in the forest?"
Gjinku tilted his head as he looked to Amber and then nodded slightly "Oh I see, I never had a friend berfore... but I'm glad that your my friend then" he said with a smile as he wiggled his tail. At her suggestion to run through the forest he nodded slightly "Yes, I would love too~" he replied happily.
Orpheus looked at Ren. "Oh, well, you see, I've been thinking. One of us is bound to learn a new move someday, even if we don't know any right now. So, I decided to look for some items that would boost those moves power, so far, with winter going on, all I can find is Ice and Snow everywhere. So, I found this looking through the Ice around here." Orpheus picked up the small hunk of light blue Ice. "This is something the humans call NeverMeltIce. It strengthens Ice type attacks for whoever holds it. I don't think my kind ever do learn an Ice type move. But maybe you, Amber, even Gjinku might learn some. Of course, I don't really know much about Amber, so...who knows. Oh, but I do know about your people, grew up with a few. I do have one question for you Ren." Orpheus looked up at the sky "What do you plan on doing once you grow and evolve? By that I mean, there are two paths you could go down once you become a Kirlia. You could use a Dawn Stone and become a Gallade, or just keep going and become a Gardevoir."
"Then let's go!" Amber set of at a light pace so that the still recovering Poochyena could keep up. As she began to go, she turned to a small path she had discovered. It was mostly flat, with a few bumps and one log to jump over. It would be fairly easy to travel on, and it led to a little clearing that had a small frozen spring. It would be beautiful in the summer, with the grasses and flowers. Right now, though, the only remarkable thing was a Rock covered in Ice.
Ren listens carefully as Orpheus presents him with logical information. Ren was willing to learn as much as he could that would possibly help him complete his mission. To him, Orpheus showed a great deal of knowledge about living in the outside world and stuff in general. Ren had begun to appreciate encountering Orpheus. Ren's eyes glitter as Orpheus holds up the piece of ice. He is amazed by the effect that the piece of ice could possibly have as he listens to its description. He begins to wonder if he does learn any Ice Type moves but can't think of any. "It's amazing what effect that piece of ice could have on a Pokémon. Although I don't think I can learn ice type moves. I guess I'll just have to wait and see."

Orpheus then asks Ren a question. "Hmmm. That is a real good question. In the end, it's up to me what I will do but there are rules that my family follows." He decides finish his response by sitting on ground. So accordingly, he plops on the soft snow. "Over the years there has been a great abundance of Gardevoir, so the males within our specie are encouraged to evolve into Gallade. Of course, like you said, a Dawn Stone is needed for that process. So if we decide to evolve into Gallade, we would need to go in search of the stone which can be very difficult and dangerous." He pauses for a moment and then continues. "I guess that's another task that I would like to accomplish while I'm on this mission. Since I haven't really decided on what evolutionary step I will take, I would like to have the stone as a 'just in case'."
Orpheus looks at Ren as he explains "Well, if we do come near any caves that could have stones in em'. I'll be glad to help you look for a Dawn stone. But.." Orpheus stood up "Before we look into any of that. I'd like to have a little...sparring session with you. If you don't mind." Orpheus' swords extended.
Ren is caught by surprise at the offer of sparring. Hmmm, the last time I had a battle was with Muchlax and I didn't do so well. Ren then begins to slowly get up from the ground. He takes a look at Orpheus and realizes that he is very tough looking. I don't think I'll have a chances against him, but I need as much training as I can get. He continues to think about the pros an cons of the offer ... He takes a while before he sees that Orpheus is ready and waiting for a response. "Sparring session? Sure!" Ren decides to sound excited about the idea to not let Orpheus know that he isn't feeling very confident.
Gjinku nodded with a smile as he quickly followed Amber as fast as he could, nodding to the others before leaving he soon found himself bouncing through the snow and trying to conserve energy. However this was also quite good training and even thought each small leap was a struggle to his weakened form but he still enjoyed it. But soon he would use the flatter ground with bumps and a funny looking log to leap over, after that he would see a frozen lake which indeed looked quite cool. "huff huff... how cool~" he commented as he wagged his tail.
Orpheus looked at Ren. "All right then! Now, before we start, I will give you one hint. My types are Dark and Steel, remember that. Now... I'll let you make the first move. Go ahead." Orpheus stands ready for whatever attack Ren throws at him.
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