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Wolves on the loose

( Mutt!? MUTT!?!?!?!? BRING IT ON, YA FLEA-INFESTED CUR!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Tsumetai's unblinking blue eyes stared at the Alpha before her. She felt no fear. She stood up; her ears slowly re-asserting themselves. Yes, there was no fear. Only focus. The black wolf gave a childish grin, then ran. Her tail was like a banner. She was not fleeing, but gave the appearance of a mocking foe. Faster. The instinct urged her. Maybe this Alpha could play with her?
Auctor started to get up. His side was still hurting him but if he could find the herbs he was looking for he could fix it up... he maybe... He looked at his alpha knowing he had let her down. He had slowed her down... he was so ashamed he couldn't even look at her anymore so he bowed his head down and said "Sorry..." It was a horse voice, a bit strained as well but he managed to say it. He expected his alpha to be mad at him, first day as beta and he already messed everything up. He was going to wait for her to speak but he had find his herbs before he bled out so he turned and started to walk away allowing the trail of blood to drip on the snow.
Tsumetai was amused at the broken one's weakness. It had been so easy to rip him open. She was proud of her Alphas. They would sneer at such a weakling, then kill him to spare him the shame he brought upon his pack. They were strong.
Felicitas gave one last growl at the coward. She knew she should give chase, but she needed to be sure Auctor was alright. She kept pace with him and pushed her shoulder against him, taking some of his weight. She whined quietly and licked his bleeding wound. There was just so much blood and she was becoming increasingly worried. Quickly Felicitas ducked under Auctor and took his full weight onto her shoulders. It was faster this way and in half the time she had him back to the camp and by the fire. She knew just enough about medicine to fetch the correct herbs and apply them. She had morphed back into her human body but had been so worried about Auctor she hadn't taken the time to pull on anything other than a shirt. "Auctor I'm so sorry you got hurt." She said as she sat next to the fire by his side. "It's all my fault"
((Puurrrrrrfect)) Sniffs the air, Blood! Hops down from her tree padding softly on the ground making only slight noise on the crunching snow. Sniffs out the trail and starts to follow it, this should be fun, this is wolves blood.
Tsumetai watched the Alpha leave, knowing that she wouldn't follow her. Though a bit disappointed, she had not lost this battle. The beta's blood stained her mouth and parts of her fur, making her stomach grumble. Hungry. Tsumetai Shi ignored her savage instinct, her mind almost instantly switching to her Alpha. Excitedly she ran after Sanguinem, forgetting the Alpha's past anger.
Auctor felt the alpha helping him, she didn't even yell or get mad at him like he thought she would. He walks with her as she tried to lick his wound clean, it wouldn't help much but it still would start to clog the blood flow. It was taking a while and he felt like he was getting weaker. Just as he was starting to slouch she pick him up completely and ran him back to the den. He had closed his eyes by then but still fought to stay conscious. She started to apply some of his herbs, she had done everything right by the feel of it but he was out of the last herb. It was his secret herb that he figured she didn't know about, no one knew about it except him...

When Felicitas started to apologize and say everything was her fault he wanted to protest, he had followed her out of his own choosing. He had messed it all up, but he was unable to speak, weather his physically couldn't or could say anything against his alpha he didn't know. He just couldn't manage to say anything.

After a while of rest he opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Felicitas siting next to him, she had forgotten to put on clothing. He quickly closed his eyes and he didn't know what to say so he just quietly laid where he was.
Catches up to the wolves, now there where 2. Intersting, Blaise creeps behind them at the one tries to support the other and lets out a low growl. "Hello puppies." She snarls crouching low and unseen to the ground. The injured one was easy prey, she may not kill but she would do something to it.
( HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, oh- HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhehehehehahahah......priceless. Kitty Cat got ignored...)
Sanguinem had waited for a mere second at the thing Felicitas had said, she would kill her? Kill her that easily. Was she really so foolish to think a wolf from her pack, one of her favorites would be killed that easily. A low rumbling laugh escaped her and she grinned at Tsumi. With a soft snort she picked up the pace again, panting slightly to give the illusion she was getting tired and hurt from the tackle by limping a bit. She followed the tracks of the the two, threatening, 'hurt' and angry. Maybe poke around a little by their pack before returning to her own. Her tail was swaying from side to side a little, standing to wait at the border of their territory. "Hey... hey... LITTLE MUTT! COME OUT AND PLAY YE COWARD!" She roared, just now she had realized that she had actually been tackled. Her form shifted half, standing about 5'10" in her half human half wolf form, longer than she normally would be. Her tank top was still on somehow and impatiently she marched from side to side. She was sure the commotion could be heard in all the territories so if she was right it wouldn't take long for more wolves to show up. "If it takes too long I'll be going again, but don't think I will forget this little kid. "She grumbled, her tail quivering and her arms crossing. She wasn't going to invade their territory just yet, this wasn't not enough reason.
Tsumetai was overjoyed at Sanguinem's good mood and sat on the ground a few feet away from her, wagging her tail slowly. It was getting dark and the moon was already starting to climb in the sky. She yawned suddenly. Tired.
Follows the wolves as they head back to their den. "Hmmm what fun." She mutters to herself. Quickly scales a tree near the den and looks down at them. They would pay, all of them, pay for family and her whole clan.

A small growl rises in her throat. Tail twitches angrily behind her, sees the injured one wake up in the den and grins. Now, while she can see me end him. Jumps down from the tree easily and lands in front of the two, completly ignoring the naked female. Feels herself shift human and she stands there, arms folded across her chest, ears pinned back, and tail flicking angrily behind here. Slyly she grins and takes a step towards them, "well well well, what do we have here?"
(Guys I have on a long shirt! I'm not nakey!!!!)

Felicitas burst into her wolf form shedding her skin and her fangs elongated. "Back off kitty cat. I've gotten him this far and your not taking him from me!" Felicitas had given up her chase of an enemy for him, twice. She had also carried him all the way back to the den. She would not allow him to die now. Felicitas would guard Auctor with her life, because that's what an alpha does. They protect their pack, and now here she was, standing between her beta and a monster of the woods.
It wasn't long before Dakota realized that he was alone, it had been a while since he had time to think for himself. Though he got unusual thoughts whenever he thought to himself. Why was he even alpha? To protect his pack, though none of them were related to him blood wise. They didn't love him anymore than his own mind, it was torture. If he could only take a break from it and go solo for a few days. It was not his choice anyways. Would he even be missed if he were to leave without a trace? Dakota gave a huff and slammed his body against the hard ground, hard enough for it to be hard to breathe. He weezed slightly and gasped for breath but he closed his eyes and let the pain slowly calm his mind. Ever since he saw that monster, she stared right into his soul. As if he was a window, she saw everything. And now he was wishing things that he had such passion for. He needed a break from being an alpha, he would be a loner, apart of no pack. Try and find this monster and ask her why he was having such horrible dreams, dreams of being a loner again. His eyes closed and for once he heard silence. It was like being dead, and it was so peaceful. Dakota closed his eyes and slowly fell into a state of sleep.

Gaia Rae gave a snort in pleasement, it seems her curse was working on the alpha. Once he was no longer apart of the pack she would drive him here and kill him. But something else was feeling her presence, she could feel it and it made her body freeze. She let out a loud growl, that sunk the trees branches as it blew. A wolf was watching her, and she would kill it quickly.
( *Poker Face* I really want Tsumetai to be the one watching her. I WILL BURN MY EYES INTO HER SOUL FOR MY ALPHA) (Can I?)

Tsumetai Shi had said farewell to Sanguinem already. She was hungry and tired, but she still wanted to stay awake. Something told her that it ws not yet time to relax. She trotted through the forest. A black shadow that glided over the crisp, white snow. Her eyes and nose kept up with her mind; recording everything she noticed for future reference. Nothing seemed out of place, but a darker instinct told her it was so. She picked up her pace. She knew this place, every rock, branch, tree, and hollow, by heart. She would hunt down the danger and return the peace. No one could escape her silent wrath.
Auctor trys to stand, his alpha was fighting a monster on his behalf, he couldn't be week now. She had protected him even though he ruined everything for her, even though he had created so many problems. He did not want to be the direct result of another one, especially now that he was beta. He managed to half stand but wobbled and fell to the ground again. He was not strong enough to even stand, couldn't even move himself to safety if his alpha needed to run. He just hoped she wouldn't risk her life for him, that was his biggest fear. He felt week and hopeless now that he was unable to help or even move himself away. All he could do was watch whatever happened. He dreaded the next few moments of battle.
Scoffs at the Petty little wolves. "Youre sad creatures. How about i make you deal?" she steps towards them with the same grin on her face, Looks directly at the she wolf, "You beat me, i wont hurt him." she shifts her form and turns to the firecat, claws extended she crouches to the ground ready to pounce. "deal?"
Sanguinem snarled, watching Tsumetai leave. Forget the little wolves for a while, get some rest. She grunted, the next time she would even see a hair of those pesky wolves, she would kill them. With the blood lust still in her eyes she turned. Walking slowly through the snow. She left clear marks behind and her tail swayed slowly. How was she going to kill them? an ambush really wasn't her way of attacking after all. Or would she just do what Dakota had tried to do to the pup, lead them to one of the monsters and let the creature kill it off. In all honesty she didn't want to do that either. The monsters were feared for a reason after all. her hand had grabbed and ripped off a dead branch and as soon as she reached the den she threw it against one of the rocks. " COWARDS! EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM! " After the little outburst she returned to silence. Grumbling softly but feeling uncomfortable, something was about to go terribly wrong in the forest.
Felicitas growled before she pounced at the firecat. She jumped at the firecat and locked her teeth onto her throat. Felicitas may not have much chance, but Auctor couldn't even move and she had to protect him. At least if she died she would die in the alphas way, defending her pack.
Tsumetai Shi stood silent, her eyes never leaving her target. Monsters cannot be hunted. It is a known rule to her. But they can be negotiated with. This she also knows. This monster was strange and felt unwhole; like a lot of pieces stuck together that shouldn't be. What was it's weakness? Or rather.......what did it want?