Who would you like to meet from Iwaku?

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Every staff member from Iwaku 2.0(except Homac), too many of you to list down.

And Jinx.

Oh, and Raz. Forgot that he's a 1.0 staffie.
@Esthalia and @Red Velvet (Who I'm assuming is Ai) just want to meet me and Con so they can steal our innocence.

Or something.

Meeting them sounds cool though. I think I'd also like to meet @Kura, she's pretty nifty.
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How did I not know about this sooner? Oh wait, yes. I have been away for quite a while. But let me make up for it now with my list of people I'd LOVE to meet in real life.

@Esthalia Because she is A-W-E-S-O-M-E...frankly speaking :-P
@Aine Because she does need to teach me those damn rules so that I can spread the glory of Dungeons and Dragons in England :D
@redblood Because she was my first long term partner and it would be awesome to meet her in person
@Myrnodyn Because there is only one Myrn for me in this world and I'd love to finally meet him in real life
@Lstorm Quite frankly, I want to see this mad scientist in real life for no specific reason other than that he is crazy
@Malkuthe Highwind He is adorable. I have fallen in kiddish love with this guy from the first day, and I don't think he even knows that :D
@Alan Because he was the guy I could talk to freely and he was always up for a chat

If I have forgotten someone then I am sorry but like I said, I have been away from Iwaku for a long time so the names do slip my mind.
@faunna always makes me laugh over PMs, I think she'd be a pretty funny person to meet xP
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