When Worlds Collide (Blooming Bismuth x potassiumboron)

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"Well, uh... if you can help it, you won't need to eat out of the trash again, it'll be expensive providing for two, but... it's worth it, isn't it?" He defended the decision he had made softly, even if it really didn't need defending. Though he felt he ought to in the face of the ultimate expense this was going to cost him - he would have to learn how to manage his finance, that was all... "Anyway, ah... you'll have what you need here, at least I hope you will..."​
"Hm... How can I repay you?" He blurted, eyes locked on the human in anticipation. "I, uh... I can do something!"
"No, no, don't be daft! I just ask that you... you at least respect me, and try not to provoke my sensitivity," he sighed, even if the latter was mostly his fault for having those mannerisms, and tendencies to become emotional over a comment he took to heart. Though, if the boy was aware of it, then wouldn't it make things easier around the place, especially if they were sharing the accommodation now. "In turn... I'll do my best for you, okay?"​
"Hm. I'll try my hardest, okay?" He reassured, before taking a seat on the carpeted floor in curiosity. "... The ground is so soft here, thats crazy."
"It's carpet-- do I have to explain everything to you? It'll be exhausting," he snorted playfully, plating up the share of meat for him and sitting down with his own, only adding ketchup and fetching -expectantly- a can of Dr Pepper before finding it suitable. "...What sort of stuff do pixies do then? You're not going to go, like, crazy once a month or something, right? I watched a movie once where a pixie went weird once a month and ate human flesh and-- that doesn't happen, does it?"​
"No, it doesn't." He replied, eyes wide in absolute horror. "The thought has never even crossed my mind, to be honest. Mm... Well, before I had to focus on survival and research, I was a student. I also occasionally worked with the blacksmith under an apprenticeship, but I alway stole his shinier weapons..."
"You're like a magpie, then. Taking shiny things," he chuckled, occasionally dropping the pieces of bacon he didn't want to Jynx, who waited expectantly at his feet for the bits. "I have to go to work later, so... you can obviously go out -I'll give you the spare key- but you're free to come back later on in the night, that's cool too."​
"I've never been compared to a bird before... But I'll take that as a compliment- magpies are both beautiful and intelligent after all." He replied smugly, offering a hint of a smirk as he fiddled with the shag carpet absently. "It's just... It's sort of a need, I guess, to collect things like swords and that strange metal humans drink from. There's something hypnotizing about it, I guess."
"Just don't steal from me, I won't accept that," he admitted, not having that big a heart for thieves. Granted, he couldn't blame Arrosa essentially, because for all he knew, it was a pixie thing, but that didn't mean he would ever accept things being stolen from him. "If you like the look of something, just ask? I... I'm pretty reasonable, I think..."​
"It's not stealing if you know where it is..." He murmured, a petulant pout growing on his lips- for someone who claimed to be as dangerous as he did, he sure as hell still had trace amounts of his more childish ways before his friends and family passed. Taking a seat besides the human now, instead of on the carpet, he decided to ferociously pet the puppy with a smile
"Right-- sure," he snorted, deciding to simply let him have his childish moment - in fact, like earlier, it was rather on the cute side. The more he actually was around, the more Alessandro saw that he was a decent guy, and hoped that the pixie felt the same concerning him too. And not just hate him for what humans had done before he had even been on the planet. Noticing Jynx's excited pants and wags of her tail, he did move to scratch affectionately behind her ears. "...She likes you, she's never this enthusiastic..."​
"Animals love me." He explained simply, his hands trailing along her muzzle. "I told you, I have a pair of hounds myself but they're far bigger than Jynx here. They're probably cold outside... But, I suppose they're attuned to nature far better than you and I are. Hm... Did you choose her name, or did she choose her own?"
"How on earth would she choose her own name? No, my little sister chose it," he explained fondly, combing his fingers through her fur with more affection than he had probbaly shown anyone else - beside his ex, at least. "...Aren't your pets... feral? Wild and... whatnot? I mean, I'd want to see them, but they're obviously not domestic and... wolves aren't domestic pets, so..."​
"Just because they're wild and "feral", doesnt mean that they arent safe to be around. Alessandro, ANY animal can be your friend if they show you reaspect."
"I refute that," he admitted, unafraid to voice his opinion. Perhaps, he thought, that was why he hadn't made friends. He gave his opinion far too readily, and most didn't like opinionated people, did they? But if everyone thought the same, then what was the point of anything? "I mean, they're wild. You're a pixie, who's lived with them. They'd maul me if I approached, which I really don't fancy doing in retrospect..."​
"Do I have to prove it?" He countered, a brow raised and a cocky smirk growing on his lips. "Because I can. I can bring you to my home and prove to you that they wouldn't lay a single paw on you. This world is based on mutual respect, and that goes for animals too. Treat a wolf, or deer, or boar kindly, and they'll do the same to you."
"Everything's that simple for you, isn't it?" The boy sighed, though in growing worry he was becoming too stubborn, did relent with the bravest smile he could muster. "I... suppose I'd like to meet them, it'd be surreal but definitely a worthwhile experience, I guess. When else would I see wolves? But if they hurt me, I... expect to be healed. Do you have any powers like that? Uh..."​
"I'm a pixie, not a fairy." He scoffed, beyond offended as he sat up from the floor. "No- well, unless there were other pixies, I might be able to heal you. I mean, I know magical healing but I don't have supplies so that's out... What I CAN do alone is I can change my size, aha... But it sort of takes a lot out of me, so I prefer not to. If only I could stay tall forever, that would be amazing."
Internally, he did cringe at the sound of the apparent single thing the other could do, and while he realised there had to be good situations for that to occur in, it was hardly... useful in everyday circumstances, or even that handy, especially since it couldn't be maintained. Though he knew enough now not to be honest. While he would prefer it, he had to bite his tongue to keep a friendship, which didn't seem entirely fair, but apparently paramount.

"Sounds cool," he lied swiftly with an easy smile, busying himself with clearing the plates in order to distract from the fact he had to lie. He didn't feel comfortable doing so... but convinced himself it was for the best.​
"Not really... Pixies are practically useless on our own, you know? Well, besides the things we learn individually. I chose healing and blacksmithing, but like I said, the blacksmith job sort of fell through. If I had another pixie, we could do virtually anything... but its really silly now, since everyone left me...."
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