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Nichole smiled softly and said"my name is Nichole, thank you for asking." She sipped her punch. Nichole then got them another slice of cake and came back with the slice."here we are nice to meet you holly." She sat down again and smiled eating a bite of cake.
"I was until you sneaked out and slipped past me!" she said with a laugh. "Come on, Tori. You're not Wrecking here, are you?" she said sternly but couldn't help the twinkle in her eyes. Maybe she was more like Victoria than she knew. People think she's the rational and well-behaved one though she wasn't. Rational probably. Well-behaved, sometimes. Turning her attention to Tori once again, she glanced at the people with her sister as she straightened her rumpled dress. So much for looking presentable. "Tori. Oh. Sorry for my rudeness. I'm Violet." she introduced herself with a smile. "Her twin." she added. The only difference was her hair color which was either icy blue or white.

"Yeah. I find myself interesting as well." He smirks, not because he thinks he's winning but because it's fun doing this. "After prom, people don't always have to ruin another person's life. Believe it or not. I plan on taking her back to her place, and saying goodnight." He looks at Leo again, Artemis really wanted to throw a punch. But that would be immature, even though Victoria was begging for it. "Is toying with someone's heart your plan for tonight?" Victoria was a pretty girl. But her personality was awful. "Why do you waste your looks on being a practical succubus?" He raises an eyebrow, arms crossed still.
xxxx"Oh, wow, thanks!" Holly said, grinning as Nichole came back with another piece of cake. "It's nice to meet you too." They ate cake in a comfortable silence for a bit before Holly thought of something else to say. "Do you have a date, Nichole?" Holly didn't think so from the way she had seen Nichole wandering around earlier, but she still wanted to know. If Leo never came back for her, then at least she had Nichole to keep her company. The other girl seemed quiet, but Holly hoped that she would open up the way Holly herself had let herself go for the night, at least.
"Oh um no, I came by myself tonight." Nichole said softly rubbing her neck softly."but it's ok. I'll have some memories here I guess, just wish some more of my friends came but they had their own plans. But it's alright." She said rubbing her arm. Nichole bit her lip lightly then sighed to resell. She sipped her punch and laid her head on her arms."I guess it was a bit of a mistake to come by myself." Nichole said smiling weakly.
"Oh heavens no" Victoria giggled, her eyes twinkling with mischief "I was just having...fun" Her dear sister is much like her, only rational.

She then turned her attention to Artemis who seems like he's having fun talking to her. "Actually, that's what I'm planning but looks like I got a better plan" she answered back, flipping her pink hair and smirked. She was enjoying this little game going on between them and she's certain that she didn't want to lose. "As for being the practical succubus, why not? All men care about is looks right? breaking the hearts of young innocent maidens even if they have such nice personalities. Trust me darling, I've been there and I'm not going back again" she said, carelessly looking at her polished nails.

She wasn't like this before. She was modest, innocent, shy and timid but ever since some jerk broke her precious fragile heart and toyed with her feelings, she just changed. Also, their father barely gives them the love that she need so she only find it rational to be who she is now.
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"I'm just giving some friendly advice" Leo said to the girl. He looked over at Artemis then out into the crowd of people. "Shouldn't you be getting back to her now, I'm sure sh is lonely" Leo asked Artemis. His words would have sounded kind of caring if it wasn't for the dulled eyes. Suddenly another girl entered the picture. She looked similar to Victoria, but with ice cold hair. That was when she announced she was her twin. "Great, now there is two of you" Leo said sarcastically. That tone of voice didn't suit him well at all.

Leo's eyes trailed back into the crowed, he noticed Holly sitting down with another girl. For a split second his eyes shone a bright blue. But he was reminded of his situation and they faded again.
She almost snorted aloud at Tori's counter-argument. Almost. But that didn't stop her from smiling. She nudged her when she couldn't keep it any longer. She laughed but it wasn't like those braying horse but rather, a more feminine one. However, some pointed out it sounded almost cold. At those statements, she just smiled until they get confused. She knew why Tori was the way she is now. The said jerk wouldn't be bothering any girl for the rest of his life. Decent ones, she added. "Don't be too negative, dear. Just look at him." she looked at Artemis from head to toe. "Surely, you see how he's different from the others?" she quipped with a tone only her sister understood.
She heard Leo's sarcastic remark but she chose to ignore it. She knew he's itching to get back to the girl. She never messed any girl, only guys but not much. She prefer to target the total jerks and douches. Tori was wel, Tori. She couldn't stop her but she could stand as buffer if things aren't going well. So far, it's all good so no worries, yet.
xxxxHolly couldn't help reaching up and patting the top of Nichole's head. She had way more guy friends than girl friends, so her main gestures of companionship were nudges or punches or a flick, but none of those seemed right for cheering Nichole up. It might seem weird to sling an arm around her shoulders and squeeze since they had only just met. "Hey, I don't have a date either. I mean, I do, but he's just a friend. I don't even know where he is right now. If you want, we can hang out?" she offered. Nichole looked lonely, and really, it was the least Holly could do.
"Because one man let's you down, every other man must be the same way. Sure." This made him annoyed, but made him interested as to why she was so bitter. It showed weakness. It wasn't proper to mess with the weak. "In all honesty, I don't see why you should act like this..." He sighs slightly and bows pleasantly. "If you feel like harassing me again. I'll be with my lovely Sienna. Good luck Leo." He flashes a pleaseant smile and walks back to Sienna. "Sorry... I had to settle some stuff. Anyway... About getting to a more private place..." He smiles again, being generally happy.
Victoria watched Artemis leave, a devilish smile gracing her lips before looking at her sister "That's why I find him so interesting, dear sister. Wouldn't it be fun if we break his heart?" she suggested, getting even more mischievous by the minute.

"As for you Leo, my offer still stands" she giggled, focusing her full attention towards the boy "shall we bring chaos in this peaceful night?"
Nichole said"sure." Smiling softly. She finished the rest of the cake and said"um wanna watch the stars with me?" Rubbing her arm again. Nichole looked over and said"oh looks like Leo might be free now. I'll be fine don't worry." Waving her hand off about being by herself again.
She smiled but nodded to tell her she agreed. "Hmm. But the girl. That's not fair. This is challenging. " she muttered more to herself. She turned to look at Leo. "Oh. Is he a kindred spirit?" she asked Tori but her eyes never left Leo's face.
Victoria heard her sister worrying about Sienna which made her smile wickedly "Don't worry about the girl. We can break her heart too. A little sacrifice won't hurt us~" she cooed, already formulating a devious plan inside her mind. She then laughed at Violet's choice of words when she asked about Leo. "You could say that. Fascinating, isn't he? Such bright blue eyes yet so dull. Makes me wonder what makes them lit up"
Leo didn't like this much. Yes these two girls were very beautiful, but there intentions were horrible. It almost reminded him of himself in the past. However he never planned on breaking someones heart, more like there bones. "Well I don't really want to cause chaos. But if I don't you are just going to annoy Artemis aren't you?" he asked her.

The boy glanced between both girls. "i don't think you want to see what will make them light up" Leo told her.
xxxx"Watch the stars? I haven't done that in a while, let's do it!" Holly said, jumping to her feet. The cool air outside would be a welcome respite from the crowded, muggy atmosphere in the room. "Oh, looks like Leo might be free now," Nichole noted, and Holly whipped her head around to follow the other girl's gaze. It didn't look like Leo was about to leave his company... Artemis had gone, but another girl had taken his place. Nichole then tried to wave her off, and Holly pouted. "I can't believe you think I would just leave you like that," she said, putting a hand over her mouth in mock offense. She laughed to show Nichole she was kidding. "But hey, if you're worried about Leo we can invite him too." Before Nichole could stop her, Holly strode over to where Leo and the two girls were chatting. "Hey Leo," she sing-songed, tapping his shoulder. "Me and this girl I met are taking a break outside. Care to join us?" She glanced at the girls he was with, wondering if they would mind too much if Leo left them. She was hesitant to invite them along. After all, Nichole had described one of them as a "she-devil," and Holly didn't want to bring anyone who might make her uncomfortable.
Nichole blinked and went to get punch for them. She decided to be nice and walked over with the four cups of punch."h-here you go everyone." Nichole said softly giving them all a cup of punch. She wasn't trying to drink to much punch because who knows what goes on in those bathrooms. Nichole smiled weakly and rubbed her arm shyly. If it doesn't work out he had her horror anime to watch.
Victoria looked at Leo then to the new girl before speaking in her sweetest voice "Of course he doesn't mind. Right, Leo? Well then, looks like I have to go look for Artemis~" she cooed, obviously trying to provoke him. She knew that this girl can make his eyes lit up and she also knew that he like this girl but who will he choose? the girl she likes or her? Is he willing to sacrifice this opportunity once again or save his friend from Victoria's grasp?
She suddenly went quiet after Tori told her of breaking the girl's heart. She'd just minimize the damage. It would keep the two of them from trouble. They still want to get a clean record in school after all. She just smiled at Leo's sure statement. She knew what he's talking about. She just didn't believe in it which made her smile more unsettling to those who see it. It's not just about boys. They were depraved of any kind of love especially in the parents department. She continued staring at him with those little smile she had on her face. Then another girl approached them. She watched amused as her sister tried to provoke him. It was really interesting. What will you do, lover boy? She thought to herself. She gave a sweet smile across Holly.
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xxxxHolly thanked Nichole, smiling brightly at her. The girl was really too nice. She poured the remnants of her beer into the cup of punch and took a sip. Aah, much better. The pink-haired girl didn't seem bothered by Leo leaving, yet there was something slightly ominous about the way she said she would go find Artemis. Holly glanced at Leo, her confusion clear on her face. At least the other girl didn't appear threatening from the way she smiled sweetly at her. Holly smiled back, but she was a little troubled by this conversation's vibe.
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