War of the Roses (Medieval Alternate History RP)

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Speaking from experience, that usually ends with a concussion and a furious women refusing to acknowledge you
Damn... xD
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Poor man..... :D

@RedWillow , what charrie are you wanting to use?
I was thinking a sort of Jester, or maybe a musician. Is that what you meant? There's a lot of activity lulz it's a little hard to follow
Fun fact, the archbishop of my grandfather's church, Our Mother of Sorrows, came to do mass one sunday, and took my first and last confession. I wound up being excommunicated after the confession >_<
As the son of a priest (Episcopalian/Anglican to be clear), I know that must have been one insane confession for an archbishop to condemn you.
As the son of a priest (Episcopalian/Anglican to be clear), I know that must have been one insane confession for an archbishop to condemn you.
Grandpa was a roman catholic, and right around the time that this happened, the archdiocese had just been hit with an obscene number of lawsuits for misconduct. They were a bit....overly sensitive to sexually abhorrent proclivities. Also, Kentucky, even a metropolis like Louisville isn't exactly known for being amazingly progressive (recent history notwithstanding) on that front.
I was thinking a sort of Jester, or maybe a musician. Is that what you meant? There's a lot of activity lulz it's a little hard to follow
Sorry about that, me and Justin tend to talk a lot.
I was thinking a sort of Jester, or maybe a musician. Is that what you meant? There's a lot of activity lulz it's a little hard to follow
Indeed :) I think I would be able to handle a musician/artistic kind for the idea I had if you still want in upon that idea.
That leads into possible excitement for what the Pope is doing regarding the interpretation of Catholic doctrine on such.
Indeed :) I think I would be able to handle a musician/artistic kind for the idea I had if you still want in upon that idea.
I was planning on making my jester more of the magician type than stupid clown type, since I don't need that working against me when I'm trying to have my way with you
Indeed :) I think I would be able to handle a musician/artistic kind for the idea I had if you still want in upon that idea.
How does that sound? :)



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I was planning on making my jester more of the magician type than stupid clown type, since I don't need that working against me when I'm trying to have my way with you
Mmm that might work , not sure if my Princess would take immediate interest in that kind but... Maybe something that would develop in time. Over Nobles it would be great competition for any court entertainer to gain her said attention if historically accurate.
How does that sound? :)




Will! Lol :D I do not think I would mind it at all.
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Mmm that might work , not sure if my Princess would take immediate interest in that kind but... Maybe something that would develop in time. Over Nobles it would be great competition for any court entertainer to gain her said attention if historically accurate.

Will! Lol :D I do not think I would mind it at all.
I could go the advisor route instead. less competition that way, and a slightly higher chance that I won't get killed as quickly
I could go the advisor route instead. less competition that way, and a slightly higher chance that I won't get killed as quickly
True , True. ^^
My adviser has more of utilitarian role, hence a higher chance of being bribed to switch sides or killed in battle.
@Justin The Mad Prince ~ Should I do the blonde version of Emilia Clarke or go dark haired? :D
Just got back from being downstairs XD lol, and I love her Blonde look lol but you decide, I don't want to make your char for you lol I want to be a bit surprise.

@Gateman Is it bad that I kind of want to sleep with Priest one day... a young Priest not a old one, I think I might have Daddy Issues... would explain why I can make such a bitchy char girl all the time since usually they have daddy issues XD rofl... but there's my little truth of the night XD... that might be something that might send me to Hell... I hope not but yeah I always and still want to get with a Young 30 something year old Priest... and I will be going now.
Then mine will cheat too mehahaha
lol @Pasiphae @Stryder have a Pm @Stryder can add you to it and we had an idea that Duke's wife is cheating with The Guard of the Duke maybe lol.

@Shayla Hey! Found Duke's Duchess so no need to make her^^ thanks though Shaybae lol
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