Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!

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What are you complaining about???

Waiter, there's Ian Thorpe in my soup!
Just let him swim.

Waiter, my soup has turned into a weeaboo!
This is the CDC, we are quarantining the restaurant for a few days. We will send in a team to dispose of the Weeaboo soup. Just hang tight.

Waiter, I think an car just crashed through the window!
Yeah, that guy really is a jerk for falling asleep in your soup.

Waiter, this guy appears to be dead.
I'm sure he's still eating his meal in the after life.

Waiter, my soup is on fire!
Soup tastes better hot. You need to blow on it first so it doesn't scald your tongue.

Waiter, there's an unstable wormhole in my soup!
Or is your soup somewhere elsse entirely? Is the wormhole even here? Are we? Theoretically, a wormhole should have sucked up one or another thing in this room by now. How unstable are we talking about?

Waiter, my soup is or is not, that is the complaint.
I think, therefore your soup is. Bon Appetit.

Waiter, are you licensed?
Look, how much to hide a little secret?

Waiter, there's dank memes all over the table.
Deal with it.

Waiter, my soup has geddan!
Huh? Stop complaining and eat. The soup's fine.

Waiter, that couple over there hasn't been served.
What does that matter to you?

Waiter, the elephants are attacking again!
Use the soup, it'll... You know what, just enjoy your soup before it's over.

Waiter, my soup bowl is talking!
Yeah, the drugs'll do that to you. Just tell us if it's commanding you to kill.

Waiter, Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Are you thinking of slash fanfiction, then?
Waiter, my soup's been thrown into your face by my kids! I'm sorry!
Meh. More for me.

Waiter, there's too much water in the soup!
That's a glass of water, sir.

Waiter, There's an angry Scottish Guy yelling about how the steak was cooked.
Soothe him with bagpipes.

Waiter, my soup is doing a Sailor Moon transformation!
In the name of the spoon, it will nourish you.

Waiter, my alphabet soup is telling me that the end is nigh!
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