Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!

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Because you don't Smoke Weed everyday and MLG 420Noscope and 360 Blaze it.


Waiter, why is there a random assortment of odds and ends at my table?
You pooped it out. Eat up.

Waiter, why in the fuck is Venus dancing on the table while you're humping a monkey?
Don't do drugs kids.

Waiter, there's a semicolon in my soup!
Yes, that's our semihaggis. Enjoy. It's half off today.

Waiter, why are we doing Parkour away from these cops?
Waiter, there's a wand in my soup!
Ma'am? That's a spoon. I've contacted some nice men in white coats, and they'll take you to a nice place where you'll get Jello. Mmm. Jello. And a new coat! That will be nice!

Waiter, I demand to see a lawyer.
No, young man.You were the one to eat the bread knife. Not me.
Waiter, there's a spoon in my drink. This is an accident, right?
You asked for tea with sugar. It's for stirring.

Life Alert, I've fallen and I can't get up!
Police, my husband's a dead cat in disguise!

Oh no! I forgot to put gas in the Batmobile!
No, it's a special suit.

Waiter, there's a long white beard in my soup!
That's because you've taken so long to eat it, that it's gotten old.

911, what is your emergency?
Dude, I called my mom. Who the hell are you?

Naruto, you ate my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My name's not Naruto, it's Dave. And I work for the demolition company. You called me to knock it down.

Hello, sir. Have you heard of the light of our Lord and Savior?
I already know about Cthulhu and his magical powers of darkness, now good day! *Slams Door*

Waiter this soup made me blind for some reason!
I'm afraid that's the result of pouring it into your eyes.

Waiter, there's a interdimensional portal in my soup...
Shut up and eat, Inferior Life form.

Waiter, it appears North Korea is demanding you return.

Waiter there's a wad of bloody cash in my soup!
Take it, finish your soul, and meet me out back. I got a buddy who can take us to Mexico, and from there, we start a new life.

Waiter, a girl just passed out in my Frosted Flakes!
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