valkeria high

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He tilted his head, every part of his body radiating intimidation to the point no one would look their way. He looked to Jace, and raised an eyebrow, his eyes accidentally giving a stroke of fear towards the cat-like male. His eyes reverted back to Evangeline, anger swelled up in them,"The kiss of death, huh?" He said simply, figuring she would know exactly what he was talking about. His arms crossed as he sat up straight, "I thought I'd made it pretty clear that he was mine, Miss Akuma." His scythe inched up off his body, every word having venom in it and his rough metallic voice pouring through the area. Darius was thinking that she was challenging him, I mean why else would she go against a reaper's word if that wasn't the case.
Evangeline kept a calm face, keeping her eyes on him. "Excuse me for doing my job. Being what I am, people who are doomed to die are given a kiss of death to seal there fate. If not, then they could avoid death." Her gaze turned to a challenging glare. She dismissed any respect she formally had to defend her title. She won't let a reaper give her orders about who she can and cannot kill. "If you want the sick shifter, take him. Frankly, I'm not too fond of killing something weak. I'd rather go after the challenging ones." Her voice had it's own lace of demonic venom, a sneer hidden behind her words. Slowly, she stood up, her challenging glare gained hints of red in it. "More importantly, don't come here talking as if you know what my job is. For your information, a kiss of death is nothing more than a marker. Something to attract death and inform other Angels Of Death like myself or Reapers like you who your next target it." A look if distaste spread across her face. "So don't come to me, accusing me with false accusations without getting the full facts. And no matter how vile and dark I may be, I never lie. If I promise a kill to someone, you can be damn sure I won't interfere." She turns away. "Now, if you don't mind I think I've been insulted and disrespected enough for one day. I'll take my leave now." She spat the words out sourly and walked across the gymnasium towards the girls locker room. The teacher yelled at her but Evangeline sneers at him, her eyes piercing through him. She said something to the teacher and his face went pale, allowing her to pass him without another word.
His eyes grew very angry as she walked away from him, he disappeared and appeared in front of her before she got to the locker room. His scythe extended and right below her neck. Mist started forming around him and his cloak was up for once. His eyes bore down to her, a feeling of dark magic and power forming form him. "I know very well what the kiss of death is." His voice boomed a dark metallic sound that was hard on the ears and made several students grip their ears. His eyes were hidden from her from the cloak that now seemed to be shining, magic spewing out of his cloak like a stream but stopped after going as far as she was. "I wasn't done talking yet." His voice still with that venom but his voice was amplified by the magic and making it sound more sinister. He leaned forward his scythe as it passed through her neck but not cutting her but sleeping through as if it were imaginary. His face getting mere inches away from her, his face came up, his black eyes swirling with excitement. The only thing off was his smile. It was a legitimate smile of joy and not a bit menacing or terrifying. "I'll be your reaper, Evangeline Akuma." His voice was normal, and had no tentative features about it. His scythe still back behind her head, and his chilling power still spewing out as he smiled at her.
Her eyes kept a steady glare on him as he spoke, her own aura of darkness mingled with his dropping the temperature to below freezing. When he spoke, his breath coming out in puffs of light white. She studied his features, mainly that smile of joy. Slowly, her own smile of joy crept across her face, her breath coming out in puffs of black. "Interesting.. The powerful Darius Vothe as my very own reaper?" She let out a low chuckle, bowing her head gently in respect to him. "What an honor." Her voice became more relaxed, even the way she stood seemed less tense. "Now, as much as I love this intimidation, please remove your scythe from me." Though she was more relaxed now her eyes still stayed tense. Though she respected him, he seemed slightly unpredictable to her. That and she would never allow herself to fully relax. Being at the young age of 16, Evangeline has made many enemy's. Enough to never allow her to relax enough to drop her guard.
His scythe completely disappeared and he stood up straight, "You honor me with your compliments, I assure you." He breathed out, the cold white mist still coming out of him. His arms crossed, as he looked at the gym teacher who hadn't seemed to get his bearings yet. He smirked at him, and looked back at Evangeline. He looked her over, and wondered if he had made the right choice. All reapers did this, some tried to avoid it but they worked for an Angel of Death most of the time anyways. This one in fact had that demonic side in which would fit his style perfectly. He stretched and sat down, all forms of his power immediately gone. "I'll wait."
As soon as Darius's power had gone, her own power vanished. The students around them had flocked to completely different parts of the gym to avoid the two. She gave a small nod and steps around him. "I shouldn't be long." She said as she pushed open the doors. She walked through the row of lockers, not bothering to acknowledge the female students who were hiding out in the locker room. Lazy people like that always annoyed Evangeline. If they were able bodied people they had no excuse to skip such an easy class. So she dismissed them as she approached her locker an changed rather quickly. She thought over her new partnership and could already see her fathers pride in her when she will tell him. It was rather rare for a partnership between a Reaper and a Angel Of Death to form when the two were young, they usually wait till they're more experienced so they could get higher ranking partners. Evangeline pulled on her vest and made her way back out to Darius.
Darius had been getting some rather dark looks from the people around him. Younger students mostly, and he noticed another reaper who looked at him questioning. He didn't know the reaper first hand but knew he was younger and didn't understand. He noticed that Evangeline as soon as she exited the locker room and he stood up. "Hope you don't mind being a center of attention." He cocked his head, a smile on his face. "And of course I know how much you enjoy people looking at you." His voice full of sarcasm. His scythe automatically appearing as he noticed more people staring at him then before. He crossed his arms, ready to follow her lead.
Septem swiped a finger through the blood on the ground, lifting it up to his mouth and slowly licking it up with his forked tongue, coughing slightly as he did. Hmm. A tad too bitter for my tastes. He stood from his crouch, eyeing the corpse. He made as if to move, but hesitated. After a second, he jerked back into motion, scooping the corpse up and tossing it over his shoulder. He could always use the extra meat, even if vampire always seemed to taste a bit too dry for his taste. But, waste not, want not. Anyway, his locker was next to an old closet that looked as if no one had used it for awhile. It would do.
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Rosalie couldn't stand sitting in her math class anymore and with a bored sigh she raised her hand and asked to be excused. The teacher said yes and so Rosalie got up and walked out of the classroom. She was exploring the halls when she came across a boy carrying a body that dripped blood. She put her hand on her hip as she watched him. "You're really not going to let the trail of blood stay are you?" She asked the boy as she eyed the body, obviously a dead subject, and from the fangs he looked like he was a vampire. "Why'd you kill a vamp anyway?" She questioned as she leaned against the locker. Rosalie's inner siren was coming out in her attitude and looks. A small smirk appearing on the corner of her lips.
Septem froze for half a second when he heard the voice, but recovered quickly, grinning. "Oh, I didn't kill it. I just found it, and fresh meat is a shame to waste. And the blood..." He wrinkled his nose slightly, still grinning at the same time. "Their blood is bitter, but I'll deal with it. Later," he added dismissively. "Why? Need fresh meat..." His forked tongue flicked out as he paused mid-sentence. ".... Sea-girl?"
Jace sits in the corner of the gym he shivers then blinks a few times. maybe its best I don't make friends. he rubs the back of his neck and stands. I have no idea what just happened... Jace went over to the reaper and gave a quick bow. "hello, your in my home room aren't you." hold out a hand. "your weapon is very interesting. I'm Jace, by the way." he flicked his tail and gave a smile.
Evangeline's gaze moved from Darius to Jace. She watched the two for a moment. Would they be considered "friends"? She asked herself. Evangeline squints at the question. On the pro side, friends were shown to be people who help out and give advice. On the con side, they were basically like pets who needed constant attention and occasionally ate your food. Evangeline frowned to herself and dismissed the debate all together. These things won't be up to her, she decided to sit back and watch how things go and if she gained "friends" throughout the school year. Friends or not, her goal could easily be achieved with or without. Soon she pulled herself out of her mental state and into reality, looking to the clock above them on the wall curiously.
The reaper looked at Jace, "Indeed." he said simply and not really giving him the attention. He looked back at Evangeline, and noticed she wasn't really going to help with this cat-like male. He looked at him and was thinking about scaring him away, but decided he had been just talking to her. He took his hand and shook it, not really saying anything and released his hand on his own only giving a quick hand shake. The reaper nodded to Jace, as he began to walk away. He waved behind him not looking. "See you in class."
"farewell." he replied. that could have gone worse I suppose... Jace looks up at the clock, only a few minutes left. he plops down where he stands returning to his sketch as if nothing had gone on. he looked up at Evangeline. "do you like art at all?" he asks glancing back down at the graphite covers page of the winged boy then flipped to the picture he had started first class. his tail twitched as he concentrated on his picture eyes shining bright. he added large feathered wings the the mermaids back in the drawing though he knew very well she had none.
Evangeline glances and have a quiet farewell nod to Darius, then turned her attention back to that cat. She thought over his question. "I suppose I like it. I more respect it though, since it's something that has stuck around for many years. And I respect the artists who take passion in there work." She said in a rather calm voice. He glares at whoevers eyes still lingered there way and waits impatiently for the bell to ring. Though it wasn't all bad waiting, she had company. Which was a strange thing for her since she usually prefers staying by herself.
pauses and grins not letting his eyes stray from his paper. "its captures a second form of reality and fantasy..." he pauses making a few long strokes with quick throw of his wrist. "you look through the eyes of the artist, how they see the world and see beauty, capturing there beauty in what is the artists reality. yea to you it is a fantasy which you might never understand because no one sees like the same. its is truly interesting... all the sights of a single person captured in a bit of ink." he explains seriously but you almost here the wonder in the voice. "art will only be lost when reality disappears."
Evangeline fell silent. She was an artist herself, but she quit years ago for that very reason. Everyone saw her work as something beautiful and it angered her. She never drew anything but dark things. Evangeline hated how everyone saw things as "beautiful". She knew the world wasn't beautiful and lovely and nice. She chose to saw the darkness and hated in it since to her that washer version of a twisted beautiful. Evangeline lifted her chin and looks at him. "I respect you for your passion. Don't give something like that up. Art is a wonderful form of expression." She spoke in a slightly flat voice.
"my parents don't like my obsession with art... so I don't have a choice." he says very bluntly. "its fun but in the end its just lines on paper." he closes the book. "really I should just stop and find something else, but I am not strong nor talented in any other manor." he shoved the art tools into his bag and stands as the bell rang loudly through the halls. "have a lovely lunch." he gives a small bow before walking off without another word.
Rosalies temper boiled over. "Sea girl? EXCUSE ME?" She marched over to the boy and stared him in the eyes. "Who you calling sea girl... snake boy" She asked, looking down at his odd shaped tongue. She backed away and flipped her blonde hair. "I'm a siren.. beautiful and deadly.. you know we seduce men and then Kill them. Ring a bell? Or did you ditch magical creatures class too?" She asked with a slight joking tone. Her green blue eyes surveyed the boy in front of her.
jace heard the arguing going on in the halls he paused silently to listen his ear flicked to the sides. is that rosa? huh I think so... Jace turned the corner and headed down the hall making little sound and stood a foot behind Rosalie. he narrowed his eyes in a hateful glare shooting it at the lizard boy. "are you causing problems with this student?" he asks the amphibian coldly.
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