Unlikely Heroes

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Ooo a relationship thread <3

Sorry for missing this out earlier O_O I don't even know how I didn't get alert updates -kicks the alert mechanism- Haha well this will be fun to think about (for the 3 weeks time skip). I'll include the Reformers as well:-

Reformers (group in general): Callie doesn't know what to make of them at all. They are holding her in this secret secret place and telling her that she has powers etc. She is still waiting for the punchline to this joke or someone to tell her it was an elaborate prank, but while waiting, she'd just play along. So no real protest there, just lots of skepticism. [Totally doesn't help her powers haven't even surfaced yet ;D Maybe someone in the group should give her a total scare in the meantime]

Garret: He is her favorite among the Reformers. She felt there was this instant connection after kitchen duty. All plans she has fun (or otherwise) would definitely include him. Movie night, PJs All Day, pancakes for dinner (if she ever figures out why it is perpetually bacon and eggs), etc. She doesn't believe in getting bored while trying to figure out what is happen. ._. I think they are more likely to have charade night than movie night for some reason....

Dr. Wilson: He's a doctor, so he must be smart. In other words, she's a bit in awe of Wilson, but not much else. Thankfully she hasn't been too severely injured yet. That first aid class she took before joining the airlines really helped <3

Dan: Cal thinks he is cute in a nerdy way and she'd probably tease him occasionally, while trying to figure out what makes him tick. Not sure where this will go other than general pleasantries for now. Still Garret would be her No. 1 Reformer buddy for now.

And now.... the actual player characters x3

Jenna: Cal would probably try to include Jenna in groups and things, e.g. asking Jenna for her opinions, without making Jenna uncomfortable, naturally. She'd also try to get a little one to one time with Jenna if possible to get to know the girl more. Timid people always have a special place in Cal's heart.

Sam: Nothing much yet, but she will probably try to rescue Sam given that Jenna is very determined to. Really it's more because of her "we're a team" mentality than anything else.

Christian: She hopes he's okay, but overall, she probably needs more time to get to know him better. No opinions as yet.

Pat: Whenever he's not feeling well, she'd probably try and make sure he's comfortable. This includes checking on him and asking him if he'd like her to bring him a tray. That is if he'd let her do it. Overtime, I believe she'd might come to look up to him, given his age and experience. [Side Note: Yeah, she is the sort who respects those in a positions of authority or those who are older than she is.]

Vida: She's definitely protective of Vida having seen the girl get really upset at being called a monster during their fight in the alley. She'd do her best to get to know Vida and include the girl in various activities (pretty much the same she'd do for Jenna).

Ester: Potential ally. She'd probably try to rope Ester to help plan fun activities they can do (provided, of course, that Ester is up for it).

Max: Unsure (and very guilty if he is seen to be unhappy or mad). She did end up bringing him into Reformers after all. Most likely she'd try and be nice, but she is also a little distant. Probably always hoping she'd be able to make it up to him somehow if he lets her.

Katsuro: She'd probably flirt back if he brings on the charm. ;D And did you say karate? Bring it! She'd totally be excited to try something new. Well, she'd admit that much after squealing loudly and going on about how cool Katsuro is. She'd even ask if he's some sort of kungfu master ... OTL

Teddy: I've no idea how Cal is going to divide her time between Jenna, Vida and Teddy. LOL ... three gals she'd always keep an eye on for different reasons, though in Teddy's case she makes an extra effort because she feels responsible for Teddy ending up with the Reformers. So whenever Teddy approaches her, she'd make time for the young woman no matter what she happens to be doing at that time. I sense a rather amusing potential situation - Cal would try to learn more about Teddy but always (inevitably) land up talking a lot. Not about herself all the time, just chattering about random stuff. I wonder how many times she'd end up apologizing to Teddy for taking up so much time. @_@

=P That's pretty much it for now! Haha I would definitely look forward to expanding on these relationships slowly with everyone via Skype, OOC and IC, so let me know what you guys think of my thoughts so far. <3
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About how much of an advance are we going to get on being able to control our powers after the three week period? Cause aside from hunting for Christian developing his abilities so that he can free her is second on his list.
It's going to vary between characters and how willing and determined they are to training but it will be acceptable to be anywhere from getting a firm grip of level one to edging into level two where they would master level one and with enough focus and energy can attempt level three but with no guarantee it will work (this part will be dice work).

Even among the Bravos, the levels are not the same between each character so a difference would be logical. Speaking of levels, I would like to hear where they are thinking of placing their character and why.

Jenna will be one of the characters sticking in the middle of level one. Being one that isn't good with adjusting to change, she will be very hesitant about her powers and the lack if self confidence will get in her way of gaining control of her power.

Reading what you have gotten up is exciting. I look forward in seeing how things will go between our characters. I've started up my post and will get the bulk of it tomorrow or Monday and then get it up so if you are wanting to get a post in before mine and have it included in my post, it's crunch time!
@ReganOs I've moved Ester over per your request. Feel free to add in your post how exactly that happens. If you want to work on that together, just message me.

@Floofy Fox Gloves @Nemaisare I held back on my cafe post until the two of you return so that Wilson's speech doesn't have to be done again. Feel free to move them over in your next post or two.

@Regendorf I just wanted to check and see if you are still around and if you had plans on getting a post up soon.

@IzKripp how is the game going? I think we are still waiting for your response

@Prince of Seraphs getting to your PM now

I'm hoping for this next round (and hopeully future rounds) to move a tad bit faster and get things more consistent here. How does everyone feel about feeling out if a post every two weeks or so works out and we can adjust it more or less if needed?
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Heyo, Kirra! I think one post over the next two weeks would be good. I am out of town this Wednesday though. Also! Nemai, feel free to post before me.
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I'm hoping for this next round (and hopeully future rounds) to move a tad bit faster and get things more consistent here. How does everyone feel about feeling out if a post every two weeks or so works out and we can adjust it more or less if needed?
That sounds good to me. I'll be able to post again after the weekend.
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Hmmm we have quite a few people who haven't participated in our guessing game .... so tag @of Dirt :D give us a list (1 fact and 2 lies) about Katsuro so we can start guessing which is true!!!!
1) Katsuro is usually very conscious about what he eats, but sometimes he'll indulge himself with a gigantic banana split and hate himself for a couple of days.

2) He has broken bones on 4 different occasions and had at least 5 fractures so far in his fighting career.

3) He hates New York and wishes he were back home in Japan.
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Does anyone take issue with me porting the posts from the RP over to the old thread on the Role Players Guild to use as a personal database to make finding certain character information and looking up previous relevant posts easier for myself because I spend most of my RP career over there and it just makes things simpler for me?
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Ok, I know a number of issues have been popping up lately, but there is one which has not been addressed yet: Names.

I don't really care if people change their names, but...please, guys...keep it reasonable. I have no goddamn clue who "Floofy Fox Gloves" is. I've never seen anything remotely like that since I started UH.

I'm going to make a personal request that A: We keep name-changes relatively close to the original names we signed up with, or B: We keep a Name-Change Update thread on-hand. You guys have me thinking I've got goddamn Alzheimer's. -_-

Ok...stepping off the soapbox.

...for now.
@PoS: Exactly.

On another note: I have been authorized to bring up an issue for debate. Over the last few months, Unlikely Heroes has been reposted to RoleplayerGuild.com. This has been without permission. Now that the issue is under scrutiny, there is talk of a vote, as to whether or not this should continue.

I am asking for a hold on that vote, until Kirra can make a post. She is aware of the debate, and is taking the time to word herself carefully. In the meantime, answers to that question will not be considered. Please wait until the issue is fully explored and is ready for Q&A before answering.

There are other issues under scrutiny as well, which will be handled on a priority basis.

That is all I will say for now.
Floofy fox gloves is Ryver(Callie), I think it was Ryver originally..
I take back my vote from earlier stating that 'I don't mind'. I will cast my vote again after all the facts stated.
I don't really care if people change their names, but...please, guys...keep it reasonable. I have no goddamn clue who "Floofy Fox Gloves" is. I've never seen anything remotely like that since I started UH.

If a member has gone by a different name, a tab is created on their profile called 'Previous Names', so you could just look through those.
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