Unlikely Heroes

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Just going to sneak in a hello peeps. Both because it makes me think of little marshmallow chicks and is funnerer(totally a word) than just saying hi. Getting around to joining up here, possibly on the wait list, yay for those things being possible. :)

Also, maaaaan you guys have written a lot! Fun reading. :D
Aww you make me blush. As far as I know tomorrow we will have a spot open. Kirra will have to confirm that.

We wrote alot? In the IC or OOC?
Yeah, waiting to hear from RainyDays, I think.

I'm reading the IC currently, gone through the OOC here, though I might skip the RPG OOC.... That'd be a bit more than a lot, methinks. :P
Sorry about the delay Nemaisare. Things have been pretty busy recently for me. It's been a week since RainyDays asked about joining so your have the green light! Let me find something to eat and I'll respond to your PM.
Heyyy guys, I am sorry for the additional delays. I mentioned to Kirra that lately I've been sick a lot. Was down again yesterday ... ~_~

I will get back to UH asap.
Nemaisare, a full, intimate knowledge of IC and OOC is not required to play. We do expect you to have knowledge of relevant situations, but that's easily remedied by a link or a PM. We realize that hundreds of pages is not a realistic requirement for new players.

With that said, we are reviewing your concept and hope to get back with you soon.
Gook luck Nemaisare!

And if you think this is a lot then you are in for a surprise if you are accepted :P
Thanks IzKripp! Surprises are fun, right? :P

And yeah, I know I don't need to, I'm just getting a feel for the rp, and I'm admittedly not reading every single post, mostly just skimming.

Sam all like "Idiots...."
Generally, yes. But it's not her fault, really. She assumes everybody knows what she knows.
I have my post up. =D

Finally! -celebrates-

Please let me know if I missed anything. I know one of our current objectives (other rescuing the kidnapped and finding Masaru) is recruiting Adam and Maxim. Would that be done by Ester and Vida too?

Edit: second question - what does the van look like? Other than having a driver's seat and a passenger's seat (shot gun), do we have benches at the back? Also, yeah, what is the back door like? =/ I realized my definition of a "van" is actually an SUV-type thing or a mini bus.

What I think of [pic] vs. What Google says [pic]

Also back door = this?

OTL sorry for the dump moment.
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I was thinking the standard 14-passenger van, like we had at my inventory job. You had two front seats, separated by space for walking, followed by three or four rows of seats which go nearly all the way across. There's a small space on the right side for getting to the back. Last row goes all the way across the van, with no space, and there's a small area behind that for cargo.

The rear door picture you have posted has a much larger rear compartment than what I was thinking, but essentially similar.

Kirra? What say you?

P.S. Something like this: http://www.ecarshawaii.com/images/h...2005-ford-e350-econoline-passenger-van-04.jpg

Yes, Weaver is on track on what the van would look like. The latter two that you showed Kx'a would look more like the van they had modified and blew up earlier on when people were kidnapped.

However do you think you could have Cal (or I could have Jenna if you like) drive? Daniel won't be able to drive and track at the same time.
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Mind if I make the adjustment in the morning? I'll have Cal drive then. Unless Jenna is confident driving the van. =)
Sure, go right ahead. Jenna might if no one else steps up to do it but I don't see her as someone confident enough to drive something that big after relying on public transportation for the past few years.
Just another instance where my life experience helps out with my thought process. I can remember being crammed into those vans with 15 people, and it was NOT fun.

Half of them had no idea how to shut the f---- up, the other half was a mishmash of gum-snapping, floor-scraping, radio-blasting nincompoops that I couldn't tolerate for five seconds of conversation, much less 3+ hours of travel, both ways.

Still...it was an experience. It hardened me, gave me new skills... I guess I wouldn't change it.

You can bet your life, I'll count faster than you. That's for sure. ^_^
Sorry, I've been a bit busy lately. I should get a post up sometime soonish.
No worries dpickle. Great post! I'll be working on mine the next few days but I have a feeling that Jenna isn't going to be too happy about leaving Sam and Christian behind.

It's been awhile since we've done questions and such as we did before in the guild. With quite a few new characters since we last did some, it might be fun to start up a new batch of questions. I'll start first and feel free to respond for your character and once we get a few answers, feel free to get a question up if you have one.

If your character was to meet you in real life, what would they think of you?

Jenna would be envious. She'd love to have a normal life without the worries of the TSP or Reformers. I don't think she would like my current job though. It would be too busy and fast paced for her to feel comfortable.
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