Character Name:
Age: 13.
Travis, oddly, has some control over PSI powers-- psychic abilities, basically. One would expect the origins of such powers to be rather intriguing, but.. not exactly; he just daydreams a lot. He has to take care not to overuse them, though, as he may get a splitting headache, and afterwards, he can't use it. Only, of all things, relaxing with a butterfly he finds fluttering around, will clear his head and recharge his power capabilities. As such, he only uses them when absolutely necessary, or when dealing with foes with similar skills.
Being a kid who loves baseball, he's pretty dang handy with a bat. But that being said, he's a regular kid (budding psychic powers notwithstanding), so he still takes hits like one.
Travis is your average everyday kid who's living his life like one is expected to. He comes from a just-as-average family who love him with all his heart, and has some averagely wholesome interests to match, as well a dog who can be just as much called an average 'man's best friend'. He's perfectly fine where he's standing, and sees no reason to make himself different from everyone or
anyone else, not even his brother, whose shadow he seems to be perpetually stuck in. Zack, his brother in question, doesn't really seem to encourage him to get out of it, nor does he have any sort of problem with it, so the two have a healthy, mutual relationship.
Travis, despite (or perhaps due to) being a normal kid with normal goals, tends to daydream quite a bit, and even, at some points, come up with outside-the-box ideas that are surprising, even for him. This is where he gets his PSI powers, enabling him to do extraordinary things that surely no ordinary kid would be able to pull off. Any kid his age would kill, perhaps daydream (ironic, ain't it?), to have this kind of ability at their disposal, and some, if not most, would want to immediately turn away from it, and find ways to get rid of it. Not Travis, however; although he's fine with maintaining a normal life, he'll go forth and do what's needed with his powers (and regular talents) to save the town he lives in. Of course, when you're dealing with a mysterious team that's anything but ordinary, the Modern Men, planning to drain the energy from the Earth at its source, you've got your work cut out for ya..
Mother 4
Other Info:
If you have any gripes about Travis's PSI abilities and their mentioned limits, let me know, and I'll see what I can do about fixing them to an an agreeable level!