Trapped in Hell

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"I really don't know if I even care about that. Like I told you, I've been looking out for myself. Doesn't mean I care what happens to others." This time she sent her fist through the wall. It made a loud crack and buckled underneath her fist, sending dust and crumbling brick onto the ground. She yanked her fist out, leaving a gaping hole in the wall.
"...Fine then. Go hide in the sewers. Hide as the city falls. Hide as we are ruthlessly killed off. HIDE as Sol takes over, making the only option for the army total take over, or worse." He turned and began walking to the streets.
Luna glared at him wordlessly. She was frustrated with him. She transformed into a hawk and flew up to perch on top of a building.
He walked. Not sure where he was going. He just kept walking. Not sure where he was going to.
Luna watched him go, her stomach contracted with guilt. She didn't know why she let all of her frustration out like that but she couldn't really help it.
The sun was starting to set, casting a red glow on the city. Down one street he could see the ocean, dotted with warships. The water they sat on was as red as blood. They have it all wrong. We are not the cause. He thought.
She ruffled her feathers and took into the air, flying near the ocean. She knew if she wanted, she could turn into a fish or something and swim out of here to freedom. But she never had a need to leave.
Darkness soon took the city. The street lights flickered on. It was quiet. No one was out. He was alone. Something moved in an ally near him. He stopped his tracks. It was a person in a red cloak. Reapers. He thought. The person went farther into the ally. Slowly Drake followed.
Luna had just been flying all over the city, when she spotted the person in the red cloak, who Drake was following. Idiot. You'll get caught She thought and then she began a slow descent towards Drake and the red cloaked Reaper.
He heard voices. He peaked around the corner and saw several more Reapers at a power station. He couldn't tell what they were doing, but they were obviously doing something with the transformers. "What are you guys up to?" He muttered.
Luna squawked at Drake to see if she could get his attention. She knew the idiot would get himself killed. This was the first time she was looking out for someone other than herself. It was a little weird.
The man heard Luna and turned to look in her direction. Drake took it as an opportunity to run and hide. "What the- What was that?" The man called.
Luna circled a couple of times, sqawking again, before she dove out of sight. She transformed into a white tiger, and slowly slunk around the corner, growling loudly.
Drake began climbing to the top of one of the buildings nearby. Once he was on top, he got into a position above the power station.
Luna began approaching the man, who was very frightened by the sight of the giant white tiger coming towards him.
"What the heck?! A tiger?!"
"Shoot it!"
"No! Someone might hear!" One of the men lifted a shotgun and aimed at Luna. Drake shot a bolt of electricity at the man, stunning him and causing him to drop the gun.
Luna pounced on one of the other men, shrieking loudly, and slammed them into the ground. She sank her fangs into his throat and sucked until he stopped trying to shove her off, because now he was dead.
"S***! RUN RUN RUN!" They all spit off in different directions. Drake jumped down from the building. "I think we make a good team."
Luna growled, licking the blood of her mouth and nose, looking around for more. She was still in an agressive crouch.
"Keep calm kitty. I think they all ran off." Drake said.