Title is a Work In Progress. (Paranormal)

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Maine sounds fine to me.

I'm happy with an abandoned home, but if it's just a normal home (i.e. not a big mansion) then why would anyone really call us out to it? If it's abandoned, then no-one lives there and probably no-one cares about it. If you had, say, an abandoned pub or hospital then perhaps someone is trying to re-open it, but there's all this talk about ghosts that puts people off of it, so they need to get the place debunked/exorcised before the locals will go in.

Also, what about the timeline for the group starting and people joining it? If espoir is right that the group started four years back, who started out with Darius and when did other people join? I've done the relationships for Brad, but it'd help to know how long he's been involved with everyone to judge just how close/friendly he actually is...
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I guess we'd be the Maine event.

...Okay, I'll leave.

But yeah! Maine sounds swell to me. As for timeline, I was thinking Wyatt was with the group for three years, but Wren a year and a half. Casper maybe tagged along two years back.

Maybe the abandoned home was recently bought with plans to renovate and turn it into a Bed & Breakfast? Or it could have some important historical context for whatever town they're in, with plans to turn it into a small museum?
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@Lethe That was #golden.

@Kate I feel terrible, I remember now you asked me that and I did not respond.

Darius started the group when he was 24, and is now 27 -- so it's only been about three years since the group was "founded". It started in Pierre Idaho regardless, so everyone would have to have crossed paths with him there, or in that state, or in passing which we can discuss. I glazed over it ready for suggestions from you guys, but ultimately Darius has always been pursuing that entity and then decided to enlist Sonny's help, as she was an indigo child. So they technically did it together, but it's his thing. And then everyone came along at their own times over a period of three years. Is everyone alright with that?

As for Maine, we could say that they all went there for any reason -- they could go to this abandoned house which is indeed a potential bed and breakfast, hotel, or it could be a place that psychics and kids commonly visit, maybe a psychic was attacked by an unseen force and landed in the hospital, maybe a kid mysteriously disappeared or fell to his death -- they can visit a place just to prove there is activity. Or, instead of something seemingly more random, we could all discuss where they visit in Maine as being the first part to the major story line, which is like, shaking up the evil within that specific town? Somehow Darius' entity ties in? We can discus this. I should have brought this in sooner, I am so sorry with this trip I have been less organized than I planned to be when I started this group thread, honestly I didn't think we'd really go to Cali lol.

But yeah if you guys want to make it just an investigation for some development, that's fine -- they're just traveling, maybe even got a little funding to do it idk. Or, it's relevant to the overall plot --ya know what I mean?
I figured Kat came in a few months later after they started?
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And then she dragged Brad in :D #everythingworksout

So Brad's probably been a part of the group for just under two years, then. If you had a few months of Darius/Sonny, and then Kat joins, I think it might be a while before they started needing proper equipment and a guy to look after it. He might have even done the odd visit before that but not really as a proper member of the team, just a guy tagging along because Kat forced him into it.

For me, I'd quite like to do something to start with that's not a massive part of the plot. I like having an early period to just get used to writing a character and interacting with the group. The plot can happen in Maine, and perhaps we're on the way there, but we have to stop over somewhere for the night.

With a group of paranormal investigators, it makes sense that someone would have looked at a map and tried to find a town with a haunted something that was on their route to check out, even if it's just an urban myth and not a job they've been hired for...
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Okay. Well, if no one minds I'll go for the most of with what Kate has voiced, because it makes sense to a very sleep deprived mango. I have to babysit of all things for most the day so if things aren't too hectic I should be able to post in a couple hours. I am just going to take over now and start things off with what I had in mind mixed with everyones suggestions, if the starter is not up to par with preference you guys can drop or we can edit. Just want to get things started now.

Thanks everyone for your patience and input. *yawns*.
Can't wait! Also, I just wanted to let y'all know that there's a hurricane warning in my area. I'm not sure how bad it'll hit my town, but I just wanted to give a heads up in case my wifi dies over the next few days.
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Can't wait! Also, I just wanted to let y'all know that there's a hurricane warning in my area. I'm not sure how bad it'll hit my town, but I just wanted to give a heads up in case my wifi dies over the next few days.

Oh no D: Is it Hurricane Harvey? Hang in there (Harvey or not)!
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Thanks! It is indeed Harvey. On the bright side, there's a chance school might be cancelled Monday, so hooray for sleeping in.
@Lethe my brothers are dealing with that! Be safe.

Apologies to all for failing as a GM. Expect a post sometime today, I had zero time bc we ended up going to chuck e cheese and I was stuck with two hyper toddlers. Got n o t h i n g done.
Nah, you didn't fail. I'm still here and I'm glad things are being taken slow here honestly. I've got a bit to catch up on here and there, so this is nice. :)
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CLOSED SIGNUPS - Though We Walk Through Darkness

Threads up! A week late, but up! And I'm home now so, posts won't take that long. If there is any confusion or you guys simply don't like the start, let me know -- they are currently stopping to stretch, and then getting back on the road, probably just entering the state of Maine or something like that.
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I've been burned out from work so my writing quality isn't the best, but I will definitely try. If anyone wants to collab for an introduction post, let me know. :)
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I've been burned out from work so my writing quality isn't the best, but I will definitely try. If anyone wants to collab for an introduction post, let me know. :)
Like I said, no novels needed, no pressure (: Just at least twoish paragraphs and something to work with is all I ask for! Hope you catch up on your rest.
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I'll be back in school tomorrow, so I'll try and get something up when I'm done with my homework for the day.
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Dont stress too much guys. If we can all just get a post in before the end of this week, that'd be great. (: More is welcome but I know everyone is busy so.
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