This is A Thing

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"You can't have more kids, Pa. I mean, I'm never gonna leave home, and I don't want to share the house for the next eighteen years with a bunch of whining, crying kids." Junior piped up from the side, unsubtly disgruntled by his father's apparent desire to have another child or two. He wasn't great at hiding how he felt, and if any more evidence was needed after failing to show Elijah he had forgiven him, then this exemplified his inability to act. "Pa, c'mon, it's stressful and... I dunno, isn't seven kids enough? You have a grandchild, and I'm sure that you'll have a few more. Not from me, but Ingrid and Molly, maybe Vlad..."​
"You never know, Junior. You might find your master, live happily with a few children... It's not surprising, right? I seriously can't wait!... I just hope Elijah comes back soon. I think you two should talk. Elijah is a good kid, you know? And I hardly want any of you to get hurt. So... Hmph. I know you're stubborn, Junior, so I hardly doubt you'll even listen to me." Came Reginald's attempt at wisdom, though he immediately regretted it- as he often did when it came to trying to be a proper parent. He always had pretty low confidence when it came to his attempt to seem more wise than he was, causing him to immediately regret it and grow quiet. "... Sorry. Ignore me."
"You want me to seriously talk with Elijah? You know, this is what fucks me off, Pa. The guy cheated on me with my own brother. If Roman cheated on Thomas, you'd yell and say Roman was the worst person, yet Elijah 'made a mistake'? It's over, fucking hell. Leave it, okay? You're great at giving advice, Pa, but I... don't want advice on this," he sighed, slipping back down on the windowsill and, after forcing himself not to grow angrier than he already was, he quickly offered a smile. "Anyway... kids aren't my thing, you know that. I hate them, always have-- Valentina's cute, but I can't hold her, I'd break her or somethin'."​
Growing quiet and distant once hearing his son's rants, he only reacted once he mentioned Valentina. Knowing Reggie, he most likely would have had a breakdown of it weren't for the baby and her soft gurgles and coos. "I see... I'm sorry,"
"Don't, Pa. Just... I don't want you thinking I'm gonna be this family man who's going to leave home, you know? I don't want to leave home. I like living with you and Dad, so... my life's a fucking mess, you know that. I've told you, I have nothing going for me right now," he admitted sheepishly, figuring he would receive a telling off from Tobiah. The man wasn't the easiest person to complain to - if you had a problem, Tobiah's advice was simply to solve it without whining on. Junior knew he was probably a disappointment - he didn't have a job, nor did he intend to. Even Vlad had a job and was looking for an apartment in town, and he had failed all his exams miserably.​
"I'm not asking for you to pick up your bags and leave, you know that. Junior, I'm okay with you staying as long as you'd like. I just don't want you to put down the idea of having another brother or sister, hm? Not to mention, I can see you doing amazing things- it just takes time!" He insisted, before moving to carefully hold Junior's hand with a loving smile. Now, Reginald had spent about half of his life with Tobiah, so he wasn't blind to his husband's tough love approach. He, though, knew the man wouldn't dare fuck with him.
"Sure. Amazing things, right. You're too good, Pa. You'll only be disappointed in me, and you know it. I'll end up old and alone. Well, not old. I won't age much, but I'll be alone, definitely. Elijah will shack up with Vlad, and I'll have to watch them get married and have kids and do all that. You know they will, Pa, don't pretend. They're bonded," he muttered, taking advantage of Vlad leaving for coffee to openly discuss him. If he was there to witness it, he would inevitably interject to disprove the predictions. "Whatever, I don't want to focus on me, it's not my fucking day, is it? It's Meg and Aleksei's, so stop talking about boring old me, aha..."​
"... Fine. But, we need to talk about this when we get home. I'm not going to let my children feel this poorly about them, hm? You're an excellent musician and a lovely person, so don't go on claiming that you have no potential. And, if Tobiah dares to say anything, I will personally slap him. Isn't that right, Tobi?" Reginald murmured, eyeing his husband as he offered a smile to the whole group. "But, we should all relax. I'm craving Chinese food..."
"Why aren't I allowed to say something to my son about his future, Reggie? What, is he going to lounge around on our couch for the rest of his long life? I mean, being bonded to you has its advantages. I don't get to age much, which is nice, but if that means I have to live longer just to watch my son lethargically whining, I'd rather not have the advantage, frankly," responded a typically stern Tobiah, the man shooting Junior an unimpressed frown for his moans and whines. He was hard on his children, but it all came from a good place. He didn't really want to see them do nothing with their lives, and a little tough love was his answer to getting them back on their feet, even if it didn't seem to work with Junior much.

"Look, can we not argue? I swear, this family loves to bicker, but can't we welcome my daughter into the world without the arguing? She'll get used to it eventually, but give the girl a break today, fuck," Megan grunted, albeit mostly teasingly as she shifted herself out of bed with a faint grimace, grabbing Tommy's hands to pull herself up. "Right, yeah. We can go now, I'm not waiting around any longer. It's costing Aleksei way too much, and they're trying to squeeze more out by making me wait. Let's just go, okay-- and don't give Molly attention when we get back. She's gonna be furious at me, just ignore her."​
"Meg, I don't think that's a good idea..." Said triplet murmured, though helped her up nonetheless. "You just practically deflated like a balloon after having a living being in it, I'm sure you can afford to relax and chill out here for a little while. The food here is great, and the TV is pretty interesting, so... Plus, you have the best view. Wouldn't you like to stay here a little while longer instead of being crammed into the house?"
"I'd rather be home, Tom. It's way too hostile here, and I'd rather feed Valentina at home, not in some cold hospital room I don't feel comfortable in, alright? I'm totally fine, I want to go home and be crowded with my family," she admitted, slipping her shoes on and tugging on Aleksei's jacket to cover herself up, figuring the man wouldn't mind too much. "Stop worrying, Tom. I can relax back at home."​
"But it isn't a sanitary environment, you realize that, right? You and the baby need to at least stabilize so you don't strut into town and immediately get an infection. Like, it's not a matter of being comfortable, it's a matter of safety!" He insisted, his cheeks growing red. After all, he always felt no one listened to him. "Meg, at least stay the night..."
"I appreciate it, Tom, but I... want to go home. Look, if I stay here, I'll miss out on the family takeaway and you'll miss out on Valentina. I'm sure she wants to go home too to be with her cool, super adorable uncle Thomas," she cooed in her subtly persuasive way, reaching to take her daughter and deliberately press close to her brother to ensure his eyes were on the sleeping girl. "C'mon, how can you say no to her little face? I want to take her home-- look, if you're worried, I'll come back in the morning for a checkup, alright? Just let me have tonight~"

"...I'll drive her straight away." Aleksei promised, caught between agreeing with Tom, and agreeing with Megan. He knew it was wise to let her stay overnight... but he also wanted to take Valentina home and be around the others, who he saw as his family now. "I promise, Tom. I... I'll make sure she comes back, but... I'm sure she's fine for a few hours anyway. Can we go now? I... I want to get back and get Valentina dressed into the dress my Pa knitted and made. He had a hunch it was a girl."​
"Our kind is notoriously good at predicting incidences like this," came Reggie's response, his mood lifting already at the idea of seeing the newborn in a cute outfit. Moving to immediately take Tobiah's hand, he scooped the apparently unnecessary overnight bag in the other. "Are you sure you don't want me to cook? I want to make something nice!"
"Tomorrow, Pa. Let us give you a day off, alright? You can spend all your time gushing over Valentina rather than slave away at the stove. Besides, I need you to help me with all this. I don't know what to do, not gonna lie. You've done this with seven kids," she grinned, linking her arm with her husband's for both support and affection, while handing the baby to Tobiah's far more capable arms - and the man had quietly hung around waiting for her to do so.

"So, where has Roman gone, seriously?" Megan murmured as she wandered behind her parents alongside her other triplet. "Were you just being deliberately vague because of Pa and Dad, or... do you not know? It must be important, if he fucked off on his niece's birth..."
"... All he said was that he was getting a tattoo, for his job. I dunno, I don't want to really know. Like, he just didn't want me coming with him, he said he'd be back at ten. Just, leave him be, okay? I don't want this all to ruin today." Tommy insisted, his lips pursed tight. "I don't want to discuss this, okay?
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"Oh right, pull that one. Avoid the conversation. You can't avoid everything, I was only asking because, you know, Roman is sort of the closest thing to a best friend I have. I'm close to the guy. If he's off getting himself in danger, I'd like to know," the sister mumbled in response, though, despite her desire to press the topic and figure out what he was up to, she obediently left it alone out of respect for her brother. She thought it was slightly pathetic to ignore the topic... but she understood. If it was Aleksei, she wouldn't want to imagine him in a dangerous situation either.

"Remember to have my back when we get home, Tom," she reminded, easing herself into the car once outside without a hitch, wrapping the woollen blanket around both herself and the girl in her arms. "I'm not going to get screeched at by our sister when we both made the decision. I'll defend you if you defend me. Cool?"​
"I won't let her scream at us. It was her fault she decided to be a drama queen and get shit faced, not ours. If she pulls something like that off, I won't hesitate to call her out. To be honest, I'm beyond pissed. Like, how fucked up is that? To get drunk the night before your sister's due date?" Tommy grumbled bitterly, as he slid in besides Megan. "She's so desperate for attention, it isn't funny."
"I thought she was pregnant? Like, I thought you guys went to the hospital and got to the bottom of her vomiting? I mean, unless she was lying, her going to get piss drunk isn't very clever. I love wine and champagne, but I haven't had a drop before today," she muttered, buckling herself in with a small sigh. Of course she loved Molly, and she had always felt like she had to protect her, but she wasn't going to just sit back and defend Molly's apparent 'rebellion'. It was stupid, dumb and irresponsible. Practically indefensible, too. "Pavor's not much better, but he's always been a loose wire."​
"Yeah, she is. Granted, I'm pretty sure drinking a tad after just figuring it out isn't bad... But knowing Molly, she'll just keep doing it anyway to seem 'edgy'. She blames us for this, you know? Says we've always been more close than her, yadda yadda. I know that you know I'm not going to immediately buddy up with you again, Megan, after what you did... But you're my sister, and if she sees me being nice and caring for you as me favoriting you over her, she's blind. I don't have a favorite between either of you- you've both done some pretty stupid stuff." Tom rambled on, though he hoped his harsh words were not nearly as bad when he carefully pressed against his sister.
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