This is A Thing

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"I don't drink beer, I'm not an animal. I drink wine, you ought to know that about your future husband. If I ever drink beer, I'm probably already blind drunk, Thomas," he reminded in his typically smug manner, his signature and identifiable smirk already tugging at his lips as he strolled far more calmly away from the cafe than the hyped up, emotional state he had entered it.

"I promise, hand over heart, that I won't harm or kill anyone in our living space, okay? I wouldn't do that anyway. If the police ever came to randomly inspect our home, I don't want to have any worries about them finding a speck of blood I failed to clean up. The business won't ever affect our home, promise," he quickly smiled more sincerely once realising he did have a cause to doubt Roman, and needed reassurance. "Okay? Happy?"​
"Okay, okay," he chuckled, his own smile making an appearance as he trailed along. "And, I don't know... I'll try not to freak out at home. I don't want to break some fine vase, or something... Can we get a pet? Oh, I'd love a lizard. We could use him as a guard dog, huh? I mean, you're already the guard dog, but...• he babbled absently, before flashing a grin at his pun. "Get it?"
"I get the joke, I do have a sense of humour, Thomas. You're such a dork, you know that?" He grinned, having fought hard not to smile and give him the satisfaction of knowing he had made Roman laugh, though it had admittedly amused him. He didn't really like jokes... though apparently, ones from Tom were exempt from criticism, partly because having this joking banter between them was far more normal than ROman claiming to hate the neko. It felt far more like a relationship now, and the inu did want to keep it that way.

In fact, he was happy to stroll back into the room if it wasn't for one of his two phones going off - one for personal matters, and the other for work. With it being the former, and seeing it was his father, he felt he had no choice but to answer, frowning to himself as he warily placed the phone to his ear.

"...I can't right now, Dad, I've told you," he immediately grimaced at the very audible yelling, offering a faint smile to Tommy before turning his back to try and limit the other knowing what was being discussed. "I'm at the hospital-- I'm sure Meg and Aleksei will send pictures. Maybe if you hadn't dragged Pa back to Russia, you'd be able to see your grandchild in the flesh-- I don't know! I can't, I'm busy-- with Tom. Oh, fuck off, you know who Tom is!"

The rest of the conversation, rather predictably, took place in Russian, given Roman's heightened emotions. Eventually, he shoved his phone away before straightening, smoothing out the collar of his shirt and turning back to his boyfriend apologetically. "I... have business to attend to, apparently. Something I promised my father I would do. Him being in Russia still doesn't get me out of it, so... look, I'll be back about ten tonight-- keep me some takeaway food back, okay? Some pizza, or some curry, or whatever you guys order. I... It's nothing dangerous, so you don't need to fret out, alright? I really have to go, so I'll see you later."​
" 'It's not dangerous'? I would hope so! Roman, tell me why you're leaving your niece behind for some crazy, under the table business?" Tommy immediately protested, his hand having tightened the moment he noticed Roman's growing anger. "Jeez, I really don't want you to hide stuff from me... Like, I want to know whether or not I should be nervous- and I'll just freak out if you're out too late! Um... Seriously, why do you need to leave so urgently?" He whimpered, his lip quivering childishly as he pressed close. "Today should be about family..."
"It isn't dangerous-- I'd tell you if I was in danger of getting killed, regardless of how nervous you'd be. This isn't really business, it's something I'm required to do that I've been putting off for a while, that's literally it-- I'd explain, but I really need to go," he sighed, his urgency haltering the moment he noticed just how anxious Tommy was becoming. "...I can't explain everything I do, Tom. It'd probably make you hate me, anyway. Just... trust me. This isn't dangerous, nor is it some underground business discussion. It's literally something normal that I have to do today or else risk my father ruining my chance of holding down a business myself, so-- hey, relax, would you?"​
"I can't 'relax', dummy. Not when you're randomly leaving to do something that is apparently totally fine and safe, yet you refuse to tell me. I think that's beyond suspicious... But- look, if you're not home at, like, exactly 10, I'll be pissed and I will call the cops to make sure you're okay. I don't care if you say everything'll be fine, I'd rather be overly protective than hear that my boyfriend was found dead in a ditch downtown... Also, it's nice knowing that your dad totally doesn't care about me. Can't wait to be his son in law...." The neko murmured, his eyes narrowed in search for a single sign of the other's lying. "Just be safe, okay?"
"Oi, I haven't actually proposed to you yet, don't get carried away. Maybe I'll never propose. Maybe you'll never be Kristof's son-in-law-- honestly, that's the greatest gift I could give you, never letting you be family with my father," he admitted with his own degree of humour, though it was somewhat dashed by the fact he had apparently upset Thomas. Relationships were built on trust, so he expected the neko to trust him... though relationships also needed honesty, and deliberately hiding the facts of where he was going wasn't going to do them any good. Though he did think that this was the right decision, not to let him in.

"Don't fucking call the cops, that's... the most idiotic thing you could do. You know that they'd arrest me on sight if they had evidence I was up to something. I'll be back, I promise," sighed the man as he dutifully leaned to peck his cheek. "I'll be back home, and I can shower my niece with affection then, in my own cold, awkward, socially inept way. I'll bring you back something as an apology? Some chocolates, flowers, whatever."​
"... Flowers sound nice, yeah," he admitted, before offering a hard exhale. "Fine, go. I don't know how I'm going to explain where you went to everyone, so I'll say you felt sick or something. We've already taken a lot away from Megan's big day, I don't want to ruin that even more. If you don't do it for me, at least do it for her, you know?" He pleaded, his cheeks red in his inevitable growing anxiety. "I'll save you some food, I promise- Junior'll probably find a way to eat it all, even without Elijah..."
"Course he will. I swear, it's unnatural how much he eats. He eats more than Pavor, and that's not exactly an easy feat. How your brother's even still in such a good shape is beyond all comprehension," he mumbled to himself, his lips pursed as he continued to grow guiltier and guiltier about his abrupt exit. It was supposed to be a day about family, and him and Tom did share the niece together... but he knew if he disobeyed his father just once more, the man would find a way of taking away the business; the job Roman needed if he wanted to feel like he was important. "I... I'm sorry, alright? I swear, I just... do you want to know that much? I have to get a tattoo, that's literally it. You know I hate them, so I didn't want to tell you and have you tease me or whatever. It's nothing to get anxious about, Tom."​
"A tattoo? You were worried I would be upset over a tattoo? Roman, fucking hell... I was thinking you were off to burn a building in your fathers name or something. Go ahead, then. I'm not going to stop you from getting a nice piece of art permanently etched into your skin. Hey, maybe I should get one too, huh? Matching tattoos? I think I'd look pretty good, eh?" He went on, hiding his slight annoyance behind his babbles before offering a smile. "You shouldn't be so upset because of that, my gosh. Hey, why not take a pic when you get it done? Oh, get a tramp stamp."
Was he just going for a tattoo? No, of course not. Truth was, despite the fact he was being forced to get some tattoo done (it was a ritual for members of the gang, and a sign of loyalty among them all), he had far more serious matters to deal with... though deliberately kept his boyfriend in the dark in fear he would just grow disgusted and unable to look Roman in the eye. Telling him he was just having a tattoo done seemed easier.

"You know I hate tattoos, Thomas. I've been putting it off for a year now, but-- hey, don't be pissed at me. I've said sorry," he sighed, offering a further smile before hurrying off without another word. If he was late, he wouldn't make it home before ten, and he had promised he'd arrive home at ten at the latest.​
Watching the other walk away, the neko pursed his lips tightly together before forcing a smile. It was suppose to be a celebratory day, and it felt obligatory to fight his urge to grow upset. Wandering back into the room, he offered a wide grin. "Sorry about that! Roman, uh... Had to do something."

"I was getting worried, sweetheart. You were gone awfully long... Where did Roman go, then?" Reginald said with a coo, having been cradling the baby carefully.
"Do we really want the answer to that? I don't care where he's gone, as long as he isn't here insulting us." Tobiah muttered admittedly, even if he tried to lower his voice to spare his son the comments on his boyfriend. Frankly, he didn't care much to disguise how much he disliked Roman, but after the situation a few minutes prior, it was probably best not to say anything at all, even if Tobiah couldn't stick to that completely. "You could do much better than him, Thomas. I don't approve, you know that."​
"I'm aware that you don't like him, dad, but I do. We're bonded- didn't you two say you were utterly disgusted by one another when you first bonded? S-So not every relationship is perfect!- except for Meg's. Please just give him a chance? I know he's rough around the edges..."
"Rough around the edges? That's putting it mildly-- whatever. Love him, be with him, I don't care. I won't like him. He's not good enough, but I'll abide him," he admitted tiredly, flopping to rest and lounge back in the chair beside the hospital bed, propping his head up on his closed hand. "...I think my situation with Reggie was different. I never killed people and I wasn't some dangerous gangster, or a son of someone psychotic, Tom. I did bad stuff, but I wasn't a bad person. Your boyfriend? I don't feel comfortable with him around."​
"... But you stole our kind and forced us to be sold to people who weren't our masters, right? I think that's pretty fucked up, dad. That's not just a minor little thing you've done." Tommy reminded, as he took a seat adjacent. "A-And don't blame him for how his father treats them- Aleksai included. I can prove to you that he's not this absolutely terrible Russian mobster whose only here to fuck stuff up! I don't want to be judged by my family for who my master is..."
  • Nice Execution!
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Grimacing to himself at his former indiscretions, the man did settle down from heavy criticising when deciding (or being told) that he was being hypocritical. He wasn't exactly an angel when it came to behaviour, and so he ought to understand Roman-- though he didn't. He didn't like the young man, he probably would never like him, and his sudden and arbitrary disappearance only confirmed t Tobiah how wrong he was for his son. Clearly, the Russian's exit was to do with his job, and while Tobiah didn't know all the specifics of what Roman did, he knew enough to be wary.

Eventually, Aleksei did glance up once realising the tension-- and when realising he ought to speak up and defend his younger brother. He wasn't fond of talking up, when it just made him feel awkward, and he especially didn't want to when his daughter had just been born, but he didn't see any other option. "H-Hey, leave it alone, okay? Roman's a good guy, so... anyway, can we drop it? Roman's got a business to care for, I... I understand that he has to leave, so... let's drop it now, alright?"​
"Gladly. Seriously, today should be about celebrating my sister's baby, not judging my boyfriends- no, fiancé's, actions. I just want to say that I know I can change him for the better, I mean... He's been super sweet today, that should say something at least! A-Anyway, Meg, how long do you plan to be here? Hopefully not long?"

"Sweetheart, don't listen to him. You can stay as long as you like.... As long as Aleksai can pay. I sure as heck know I couldn't. See, when your father and I had you, we just did it on the kitchen floor, up north." Reggie babbled, his giddy mood seemingly never ending
"It was actually disgusting." Junior piped up from the side, if only to break the tension between his father and Tommy, deciding to wander across to Reggie with a grin. He wasn't in the best place himself, after breaking things off with Elijah, but he didn't want the day to be remembered by his sullen face in the background. "There was blood literally everywhere, and Dad was far too stressed to tell us to get lost-- Ace slipped on blood and dislocated his fingers after sneaking in to get a peak at you three, it was pretty... traumatising."

"...Yes, thanks for the conversational contribution, dumbass." Megan grumbled, albeit softly as she hitched up a little. "I'll go soon, when the doctor says. I need to get back home, start the whole motherhood thing properly by getting a bottle of milk together for her and all that crap."​
"It's not crap! This is important, Megan. It's... It's what we're made to do. It's not like when you were a little girl, with the dollhouse. This is important- you're in charge of a small person's life. Trust me, you might not feel it now, but you'll learn how important it is to be motherly. I'm serious, Tobi, I would love to have more kids..." the eldest neko admitted, as he handed over the baby, his lips pursed. "Well, when everyone moves out. We hardly have enough room as is!"
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