There Is Something.. Kurayami and Roses

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Lilly looked at the time, they had some time to get there to have five minutes to spare. She nodded at him. " Yeah of course."
He opened the door, letting her walk out first. Walking out the door himself, he shut and locked the door, and made his way to the car. He looked at Lilly, who was in the passenger seat. "You ready?" He asked her as he started the car and pulled out the driveway.
Lilly got to the door and smiled, walking out. She went into the passenger seat and gulped. She was so scared, she was nervous. She nodded and said, " Yeah "
After about thirty minutes of driving, they'd finally made it to the doctor's office. "We're here." He said, looking at Lilly.
Lilly smiled softly, and nodded. She went to the receptionist desk. She blinked a few times, " hello I was told I had an appointment with Dr, Doom at 11:05," She held onto his hand, She was nervous. She was given some paperwork with a clip board.
He stood there, holding her hand as she filled out the paperwork, not planning to leave her side no matter what happened. "It's going to be okay." He told her, sensing she was nervous.
Lilly closed her eyes softly. She bit her lower lip and smiled thinking. She gulped softly and thinking she was done and went to sit down with him. she waited and until she was called in. She held onto his hand and she went to follow the nurse. She was so scared. She looked at him and held onto him.
"I'll be right here," he told her, still keeping her hand in his grip. "I promise." Following the nurse, they'd went down the hall to the room.
Lilly bit her lower lip softly. She nodded and sat on the bed thing and answered the questions.
Jake was just as nervous for her as she was to be there, unable to hold back his anxiety, he held her hand tighter.
Lilly felt him hold her hand. She smiled sweetly. She looked over at him thinking, but then she was told to show the marks and she showed them and so then the nurse left so the doctor can see this and whatnot
As the nurse left, he looked at Lilly. "How're you feeling..?" He asked her.
Lilly closed her eyes softly
He went over and hugged Lilly as the doctor came into the room, with the nurse close behind.
Lilly bit her lower lip hard, she noticed how the doctor was really curious. " Lilly." He began. " We need you to pee in this cup, put it in the slot, so we can test it for various things." Lilly didn't know what to do, she frowned, she knew what they were probably testing for. " Babe, I can go to the bathroom myself.... " She kissed him softly. ' I love you. " She whispered.
"Alright," he said, slowly letting go of her hand, "I love you too." He sat nervously as she left the room.
Lilly blinked. She didn't know what to do, she walked down the halls to find the bathroom before she did what she was told. She washed her hands and flushed afterwards. She looked at herself in the mirror looking at all the bruises on her neck, from it, and the cut, she moved her shirt. She tensed. She walked out fixing her clothing and came out, Knowing the doctor wanted to see what they did.
He sat waiting patiently for Lilly to come back. Growing a bit more nervous than before, he began to impulsively pace around the room. All he could think about was how much he'd hoped she was okay. I guess it's all up to the doctors... he thought to himself as he thought he heard Lilly walking back into the room.
Lilly gulped softly, unsure what to do. she closed her eyes tightly. She went to him and hugged him, but then she was told to go back to the bed, and the doctor wanted her to lay down to check her body out. So she slowly laid down on the table scared holding onto her love's hand.
He kept a firm grip on Lilly's hand as the doctor inspected all the wounds and injuries. As time passed, he started to shake a little bit, unsure of what the doctor would tell them, or if the doctor would even tell them anything right now or they'd have to wait. He held her hand tighter.
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