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The Elin? I love them, but I love the Popori more! Elin have the special Reaper class now, though, so I'm trying to meet the pre-requisites to play it.

Honestly, it's more fun when you have people to play with...but still a very addicting game.

*mutters to self* If only I had friends as nerdy as me.
huh, well, i don't get addicted to games like other people, i just kind of play it a little bit, say i like it or hate it, then i just go on to play something else or scour different websites until i find another game i haven't tried before and repeat the process :/, it's just kind of been like that ever since i stopped playing Modern Warfare 3 a few years ago. Strangely i do the same thing with Anime and Manga, videos too, it's kind of annoying actually, because i see all these people enjoying the game and i'm like 'that looks fun!', start playing it, then just drift from it for the rest of my life after playing it for a little bit.
I got a mod for Skyrim that puts the Elin as a race into it. That was great going on a rampage with massive explosive spells.
Well, i've caught up on something called Ava's Demon in about 3 hours, over 1300 pages, and still updating monday's and thursdays, and the most recent pages have me both disgusted, excited, and anticipating the next one... Really, they just deconstructed a human, put them back together as a new one, all while Ava was in the same machine that was hiding said deconstruction and reconstruction, watching this, crying, before drinking one of many potions that increase her powers for a lifetime, Ava also happens to have fused with her demon, turning her into a human being that can control/create/and is made out of Lava while still looking like a human, and she is now about to go on a psycopathic fear induced massacre, as the machine that did all this was in front of an exetremely large crowd of the same people who created said machine... Oh, and thats just about 10-15 pages...
Oh, @Ruko - can you get that mod through Nexus?
You can. It took me a hell of a lot of work to actually get it installed correctly though. But then that might be because 400+ mods has made my game incredibly fragile :D
Well, with the Nexus Mod Manager, I'm able to get it done pretty quickly without harming my game or my computer. Which was why I asked if I could get it through Nexus. ^^ I'll have to try, if only I could play a Popori.
Yeah I have the mod manager too, but somehow even with that it still broke, so I had to manually install it.
I'm so down for this ill make a character soon grabbing something to eat real quick :).
That's always such a pain. I'll still have to give it a shot, though. XD

Oh, yay! Another player! XD
Yeah been looking for rp's i can really get into this will be one was going to set up and gm a Naruto one but nobody will probley look at it XD.
I joined up cos I thought it'd be interesting to see how people react to what I plan to do...
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Ok, I'm planning on a rifle that uses a stone known as Maghina. 80-95% of the time it is going to miss, but does slightly more damage and ignores light armor such as leather. Would something like that be ok?
I can allow that, but it has to be rare, as weapons of that calibre and guns in general shouldn't exist in this rp regardless
Oh, ok. Then can I make it into a crossbow that looks like a gun?
Oh, perhaps you could do a repeating crossbow, where the mechanism is actually within a large, round barrel that turns with around six bolts in it. Could be awesome to see, and it'd be a technology that everyone would want to trade for, so your nation would be very valuable. XD

Just a thought. Don't mind me, I'm just thinking out loud. XDXD
Yes it can be a crossbow, as that's more with the time. Always think advanced medieval in the case of weapons, and don't rule out magic, enchantments, and alchemy/potion's while doing so.
Don't forget that enchantments and magic allow for a much more advanced state of technology than science alone can ever hope to achieve. Guns I imagine took so long to develop because prior to the west's discovery of gunpowder from the Chinese, they had no reliable means of making explosions. But an efficient gun could be made by applying an Explosion rune to the back end of the bullet. When the pin hit the rune, it would explode, propelling the bullet forwards. It wouldn't be anywhere near as good as a modern gun, but it would work. That being said, there are far better ways of causing a bullet-worth of damage to someone. Just use vector magic to launch a small pebble at someone at 300 km/h.
Honestly, it's a balance in fantasy gotta know when you've gone too far kind of thing.
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