The Wizarding World: Hogwarts vs. Death Eaters

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You know...
I am accidentally making a Ravenclaw character right now - was making from yesterday...

Accidentally? Like, they were supposed to be another house but ended up too much a Ravenclaw?

My character was supposed to be a Ravenclaw but he fits in Gryffindor so I can balance it out. Actually considering one detail I decided on this morning, Gryffindor might be a better fit anyway.
No, I specifically made a weaboo-geek magic scientist for Ravenclaw.
Funny, my character was a Ravenclaw I made him a comic fan lol



"My life has a superb cast but I just cannot figure out the plot."


| Name |
Jayden Micheal Woodsen

| Nicknames |
Jayden likes to be called Jay, ever now and then.

| Age |

| Birth Date |
October 1st.

| Gender |

| Sexual Orientation |

| Relationship Status |

| In Depth Appearance |
Jayden stands approxiamately six feet tall exactly, with a weight of about one hundred and twenty-six pounds. He has a very lean but well built and balanced frame. He is very toned all around, as well. Jayden has hazel green eyes that are accented with dark brown and expressive eye brows. He likes to keep his hair cut medium-short all around. Jayden usually wears casual wear; sometimes only wearing a t-shirt and jeans. He wears his house colors, sometimes, as well. Jayden doesn't have any scars, tattoos or piercings.


| Likes |
|| He's at the top of his like list, not only because that's his brother but he's also his best friend as him and his brother get along really well.

Music || Jayden loves all genres of music. He'll jam out to almost anything.

Eating || Ever though he likes to manage his athletic, lean frame, he has high metabolism and loves to eat almost anything in sight.

Coming Out On Top || Jayden is competitive, more than somewhat as he likes winning and coming out on top.

| Dislikes |
Losing || Jayden cannot stand to lose. And even though he doesn't play Quidditch, he hates it whenever his house loses a game.

Isolation || He doesn't like to be alone. It bugs him to the max.

Pain || His body is rather fragile though toned, so he doesn't deal with pain very well.

Certain People || Yes, just like every other human being, Jayden doesn't like most people within his own house and that attend Hogwarts.

| Habits |
Fidgets || If Jayden sits still for long periods of time, he'll suddenly just start to fidget.

Mouths Lyrics || Again, he loves music so sometimes he'll just mouth lyrics randomly. Don't judge.

| Hobbies |
Quotes || Jayden studies quotes for his own personal value. He'll even say a quote here and there, depending on the situation.

Biting his lip || Jayden will only bit his lip when he is very nervous or hiding something.

| Fears |
Losing his brother || If Jayden lost his brother, he'd be lost himself. Jayden wouldn't really know what to do if he lost Jayson.

Choking || Jayden eats and drinks slowly. He's afraid of choking on something or just choking in general.

Tight Spaces || Jayden is very claustrophobic and he'll feel like he's suffocating in tight spaces.


| Personality |
When one first looks at Jayden, they think that he is someone you can easily pushover but he is the complete opposite. He is very bold and will stand his ground against anyone, no matter who you are. Jayden doesn't like it when people bully others so he'll definitely step in and defend anyone without thinking about the consequences first. Even though he has such a bold personality on one side, he can also be very distant especially if you said something wrong towards him. He doesn't really like to talk out his problems with other people but instead writes them out in a journal. He hates being distant and times but most people don't even know that he is distant, considering his other personality traits. If there was a trophy to hand out for being the biggest flirt then Jayden would definitely get that honor as he's been flirting ever since he was in diapers. Jayden loves flirting with girls as it's the possibility and adrenaline aspect of it that makes him want to do it more. Plus, he is a terrific person to cuddle with.

| History |
Growing up a wizard isn't an easy feat for anyone especially for Jayden Woodsen. His parents, James and Tori Woodsen, were wizards, as well and told him that he was a wizard when he turned five years of age. Of course, he was shocked to hear something that he didn't truly understand but his parents taught him how to hone his abilities and hide them from the world. Jayden did a good job at keeping his abilities hidden and didn't tell anyone that he was a wizard.

It wasn't until the day he turned eleven years of age when a letter from a school that was strictly for wizards came in the mail. His parents explained everything once again and he was really nervous about attending the school, known as Hogwarts. Him, his parents along with his brother went and shopped for the needed supplies that was listed for them then off to Hogwarts he went.

While being sorted, he was sorted into the Gryfinndor house but his brother was sorted into Slytherin. Jayden thought it was weird but didn't really speak on the matter in public to anyone. Jayden has enjoyed his time in the Gryfinndor house and even enjoyed the new friends that he has made. Of course, at first, he was mostly to himself and shy, rarely speaking to anyone but once he opened up, he spoke to everyone - Even people from other houses. Most of them adore Jayden but most of them hate him, which is definitely a given.

Jayden loves being at Hogwarts and wouldn't trade this lifestyle for nothing in the world. He loves all of the people that are really close to him, as well. Jayden just wishes his brother could be in the same house as him since he doesn't really see him much except for when he's in the same classes with him. Jayden also hopes that nothing drastic happens at Hogwarts as to where him and his brother are truly separated.


| House |

| Blood Status |
Pure Blood.

| Pet |
He has an all white owl named Snow.

| Wand |
Jay has a ten inch wand that is made of Cherry wood with a dragon heartstring core.

| Patronus |

| Boggart |

| Eextracurricular Activities |
Charms Club.[/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr][/hr]
One character down, two or possibly three more to go. :) But for now, sleep!
Bill Lavender-Hagënn | 15 | 5th | Ravenclaw | #0e1a40
Pink Ivory, 11 inches, Mineral infusion core. (Wand is shaped like a thin rhomboid - think of Sirius' wand - and has several runes written on each side of it. Bill is experimenting with infusing different styles of magic - apparently it usually ends with explosions).

Lavender - Appreciates
Pink Witch - Extermination =)
Bill - Appreciates
Billy - Hates
Billy the Bob - Eternal hellfire.

"Hah, if I look like female to you, let's mash it up~"

Sexual Orientation:
"Sexual orientation is commonly much-underestimated part of magic community"

Blood Status:
"As opposite to sexual orientation, blood status is very important in magic community - Pffft, like I care!"

"I created it by myself - first moments were like: "IT'S ALIVEEEEE!""
Black cat, created by Bill himself. It maintains stable form, but can often shift into shadows. It apparently needs to eat, and to do other organic things.

"Well... due to me experimenting with my magic at a very young age, my Patronus looks like some sort of energy blast"
Shapeless energy blast (may change in future).

"Don't laugh at it - It's really scary to get lost, especially in such chaotic place like forest"
Fear of getting lost in the forest - Materializes itself as massive, and dark forest, in center of which Bill is in. All

In Depth Appearance:
"Not hot enough? Oh, please, you look better then?"
Bill is an adult looking young man, standing at 6'4. He has a hazel-brown hair, with some light multicolored dots on it (due to experiments with magic - he still kinda likes it). His skin is covered in marks, stains and burns - effect of his experiments.

Bill usually wears casual clothes, but tends to choose warm clothes - he always feels a bit cold. He wears special glasses, but can change them on lenses if he wants - so far, Bill adored glasses. He carries his wand in a special secret place in his clothes.

"A geek - I'm a total geek"
Muggle machines

"Heh... this one is a bit harder"
Muggles being aggressive
Wizards being selfish
Selfishness itself
Someone trying to make him feel bad, wrong or concerned

"It's not my fault!"
When angry, or stressed, Bill may start using magic manually (example - making books float in order; holding table up in air with no wand for some seconds, then carefully putting it down)

"Wonder how can two such strange hobbies coexist? Hah, live my life and you'll understand"
Experimenting - This hobby was born within Bill. He loved experimenting all his life, and will love it from this time and onward to the darkness of death's love.

Poetry - Bill, being a wizard, loves all kinds of muggle literature and poetry, he just can't stand it. Sometimes, he can write a sketch or two, but it never gets too far.

"I... don't like to talk about that"
Fear to be lost in forest - This fear deeply connects to Bill's biography, when he was once lost in a deep European forest, and only his mother was able to save him.

Fear to be forgotten - Fear also connected to the forest accident, as he was really thinking that parents left him in forest to get rid of him.

Fear to kill - Don't even ask...

Personality Traits:
Hard (In mental way)

Dead inside
M u r d e r e r

Bill is a sarcastic, cheerful person. He always tries to see the best out of every situation, cheering those around him, and himself. Boy is mature for his age, and tries to talk to angry teachers on the same language that they talk to him (without curse words actually). Bill is almost always coolheaded, but loves to have fun and laugh...

That's what you probably see on outside, and think you know him fully? He announced the truth of himself only to one his friend - Lynn (@Ichigo). Lynn didn't turn away from him actually, and he was glad - someone else would probably turn away from him. Bill still feels guilty for choosing to kill his father in order to save his other family. Bill still sees himself as murderer, and always wonders - did he really make the right choice?

Wizard's life was and wizard's life is a hard task - and it didn't leave Bill untouched.

Bill was a child of union of two clans - British clan of Lavender, and German clan of Hagënn. His mother was from clan Lavender, and she was a squib. Eveline admitted it, and that made her stronger. Bill's father - Theodor - was a strong sorcerer from old wizard's clan of Hagënn, but had deep love for Eveline, enough to surpass rule of mixing blood.

To his parent's surprise, Bill was born a wizard. Following an ancient tradition, Bill was given a double surname, marking his loyalty and heir to both clans. Apparently - as it surprised both clans - Eveline and Theodor had strong love, so they hid across magical world, running away from revenge. After a while, they hid in Britain, maintaining Bill a good life.

There were no arguing or conflicts in his family in childhood - it was indeed a happy family, where everyone deeply cared about and deeply loved everyone. Bill received magic education at a very young age - and simply through his own enthusiasm and love. Eventually, he began experimenting with various methods, learning how to blow things up very quickly. After all, it was very peaceful and quiet in their mansion.

But it was before killer arrived - he set a target on Theodor, and tried to kill him on the eyes of Bill. Trained in strategy from a very young age, Bill made his choice, and made killer shoot killing curse on his own dad. But it wasn't over - while the spell was flying, Bill ran to the killer, and moved his wand on himself. Part of killing curse got into killer, part of killing curse got into Theodor. After pointless crying and trying to save them both, both of them died in pains.

Bill became very closed up, as mother tried her best to keep up. Eveline wasn't exactly like she was before - she had now to rule Lavender clan, and tried to manage it as good as she could. And then, 10 years happened to Bill, and he was finally sent exploring magical world. It was an exploration with dark memories, but he tried to look as happy as he could. They bought an expensive wand, that Bill tried to modernize, and eventually did. Eveline did everything she could to make her only child happy, and when Bill realized that, he became very careful, and tried not to mention his wishes in front of mom.

Other years were amazing, especially because he made a friend - Lynn. Lynn (@Ichigo) wasn't exactly loving Bill's experiment, but still took part in them. But his friendship didn't end on that - he made another friend, Brian (@BlueFlameNikku). Experiments went a lot more crazier, they had a lot of fun. But... his mother started feeling awful and more awful. Bill was ripping apart between school and home for several years, trying to manage both mom's business, his experiments, school and mother herself. Now, Eveline is still feeling bad, but better, and she eventually started to get better. Bill goes to Hogwarts normally, and still manages mom's business for her.

Extracurricular Activities:
Bill is a part of books club; stays to help and assist Potion's, Charm's and Transfiguration professors; He also wants to create his own Anime club - but due to low interest between wizards, his attempts fail.
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Should have my guy up sometime tomorrow. He keeps changing lol
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Brian McLennan | 16 | 5th Year | Gryffindor
Red Oak wood with a unicorn tail hair core, 10.5 inches in length, the bottom end handle has a slight downward knot curve

None (Aside from about every insult ever uttered.)

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered that you had to ask."

Sexual Orientation:
"Ok seriously, where are you getting at with this?"

Blood Status:
"You got a problem with that?"

Barn Owl, Quinn
"Quinn's a part of the family ya know."

(Bird) Swallow
"From the tiny swallow to the large dragon, flying is the ultimate form of freedom."

"Why did my dad have to tell me all of those scary sea time stories..."

In Depth Appearance:
Has a steep U shaped face with light blue irises and light almost golden blonde hair; the length of the hair reaching just past his ears, halfway down his neck and right about his eyes which cover his thin eyebrows most of the time. He has light soft skin with light pink lips. Brian has a single scar on the back of his left shoulder reminiscent of a stab would from a knife. Brian commonly wheres a dark gray (almost black) hoodie jacket which as the hood part of it being a dull orange color. Other than this he commonly wears relaxed and comfy jeans/pants, loose short sleeved shirts and Red/White sneakers. He is about 5ft 9in tall with an average build for his age and size.
"Yeah, I'm not all about that fancy junk that uppity lads and lases are all about."

Playing Pranks | Pyrotechnics | Irish Folk Music | Playing the Violin | Winged Creatures
"Its a good day when I can check all of these off my list of things to do."

Detention | Rules | Dark and Silent Places | Stuck up Pure Bloods | Aquatic Creatures
"Its a real shit day when I have to deal with the majority of these."

Brian always has a folded knife on his person. It has a small black handle with a four inch blade. He mostly carries it for utility reasons but also as a reminder of the non magical world he was born in and that magic can't solve every problem.

He is a compulsive whistler, commonly imitates whistling sounds of birds or whistles the tunes of folk Irish songs when not focused on a current task or conversation.
"Oh please, these aren't even that bad. I bet you've got a troll skeleton in your closet."

Playing pranks | Researching Winged Creatures
"Both are for enjoyment though I know one is at the expense of someone who deserves it."

Being Forgotten | Being Lost | Sirens
"We should move on to another subject huh? Right?"

Personality Traits:
[BCOLOR=#003300]Positive:[/BCOLOR] Nerves of Steel | Friendly | Creative | Positive | Clever

[BCOLOR=#808000]Neutral:[/BCOLOR] Practical | Resourceful | Adaptable | Fast Learner | Indiscriminate

[BCOLOR=#800000]Negative:[/BCOLOR] Immature | Vengeful | Rebellious | Obnoxious | Misfit

Brian is a very family oriented individual. He has close ties and relationships with all of is family members and treats his friends just like family and is usually very willing to help out or stick his neck out for family and friends. He is a generally friendly individual who would much rather have a drink and befriend others whenever he can but he isn't shy about letting his more ugly side show if you mess with him or his friends as he won't walk away from confrontations easily unless he already has some plan in mind to get back at the person. He will wholesomely talk back at people who rub him the wrong way usually resulting in some form of confrontation; if not at the very least said person being Brian's prank target for the next week with each day being a new creative monotony of prank filled concoctions thought up by Brian.

Brian tries to be practical and not be greatly reliant on his magic at all times like when he has to retrieve a book on a high shelf instead of using a simple spell he will just get a step stool. In some "unofficial scuffles" between himself and other students that have a problem with him he will use more than just magic to come out on top. Using his homemade pyrotechnics, his personal knife, his fists and other items to swing the advantage in his favor.

Brian McLennan was born to a large family of seven in Howth Ireland; his father, mother two older brothers and two older sisters and then himself being the youngest sibling. The family supports themselves by fishing in Dublin Bay, selling excess fish from fishing at the market; in short by the time Brian was able to stand in a boat he was helping the family fish, usually along with his older brothers in one boat and they're father and sisters in another. Despite the consistent sibling rivalries and pranks they would pull on one another the McLennan family loved one another unconditionally.

Brian was around ten years of age when he started to display his magical capabilities and he tried to hide them from his family. But shortly within a year his special secret was out and the family knew of his gifts. However, despite the concern of his parents the rest of Brian's siblings both admired and were slightly jealous of the unnatural things that Brian could do. Not long after this is when Brian received his first letter to Hogwartz. At first the whole family was against the idea including Brian himself but after the second and third letter letters that came during the same week everyone was all in favor about Brian going to Hogwartz so he could better learn about his unique trait.

During his five years over at Hogwartz Brian McLennan learned what "Mud-blood" along with numerous other insults that were being said to him meant which was the spark that started his prankster spree in Hogwartz as well as his disdain for stuck up wizards; firmly establishing himself as one of Hogwartz's biggest nuisances in recent years.​

Extracurricular Activities:
Quidditch (Beater), Music Club​
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Brian McLennan | 16 | 5th Year | Gryffindor
Red Oak wood with a unicorn tail hair core, 10.5 inches in length, the bottom end handle has a slight downward knot curve

None (Aside from about every insult ever uttered.)


Sexual Orientation:

Blood Status:

Barn Owl, Quinn

(Bird) Swallow


In Depth Appearance:
Has a steep U shaped face with light blue irises and light almost golden blonde hair; the length of the hair reaching just past his ears, halfway down his neck and right about his eyes which cover his thin eyebrows most of the time. He has light soft skin with light pink lips. Brian has a single scar on the back of his left shoulder reminiscent of a stab would from a knife. Brian commonly wheres a dark gray (almost black) hoodie jacket which as the hood part of it being a dull orange color. Other than this he commonly wears relaxed and comfy jeans/pants, loose short sleeved shirts and Red/White sneakers. He is about 5ft 9in tall with an average build for his age and size.

Playing Pranks | Pyrotechnics | Irish Folk Music | Playing the Violin

Detention | Rules | Dark and Silent Places | Stuck up Pure Bloods

Brian always has a folded knife on his person. It has a small black handle with a four inch blade. He mostly carries it for utility reasons but also as a reminder of the non magical world he was born in and that magic can't solve every problem.

He is a compulsive whistler, commonly imitates whistling sounds of birds or whistles the tunes of folk Irish songs when not focused on a current task or conversation.

Playing pranks | Playing the Violin

Being Forgotten | Being Lost | Sirens

Personality Traits:
[BCOLOR=#003300]Positive:[/BCOLOR] Nerves of Steel | Friendly | Creative | Positive | Clever

[BCOLOR=#808000]Neutral:[/BCOLOR] Practical | Resourceful | Adaptable | Fast Learner | Indiscriminate

[BCOLOR=#800000]Negative:[/BCOLOR] Immature | Vengeful | Rebellious | Obnoxious | Misfit

Brian is a very family oriented individual. He has close ties and relationships with all of is family members and treats his friends just like family and is usually very willing to help out or stick his neck out for family and friends. He is a generally friendly individual who would much rather have a drink and befriend others whenever he can but he isn't shy about letting his more ugly side show if you mess with him or his friends as he won't walk away from confrontations easily unless he already has some plan in mind to get back at the person. He will wholesomely talk back at people who rub him the wrong way usually resulting in some form of confrontation; if not at the very least said person being Brian's prank target for the next week with each day being a new creative monotony of prank filled concoctions thought up by Brian.

Brian tries to be practical and not be greatly reliant on his magic at all times like when he has to retrieve a book on a high shelf instead of using a simple spell he will just get a step stool. In some "unofficial scuffles" between himself and other students that have a problem with him he will use more than just magic to come out on top. Using his homemade pyrotechnics, his personal knife, his fists and other items to swing the advantage in his favor.

Brian McLennan was born to a large family of seven in Howth Ireland; his father, mother two older brothers and two older sisters and then himself being the youngest sibling. The family supports themselves by fishing in Dublin Bay, selling excess fish from fishing at the market; in short by the time Brian was able to stand in a boat he was helping the family fish, usually along with his older brothers in one boat and they're father and sisters in another. Despite the consistent sibling rivalries and pranks they would pull on one another the McLennan family loved one another unconditionally.

Brian was around ten years of age when he started to display his magical capabilities and he tried to hide them from his family. But shortly within a year his special secret was out and the family knew of his gifts. However, despite the concern of his parents the rest of Brian's siblings both admired and were slightly jealous of the unnatural things that Brian could do. Not long after this is when Brian received his first letter to Hogwartz. At first the whole family was against the idea including Brian himself but after the second and third letter letters that came during the same week everyone was all in favor about Brian going to Hogwartz so he could better learn about his unique trait.

During his five years over at Hogwartz Brian McLennan learned what "Mud-blood" along with numerous other insults that were being said to him meant which was the spark that started his prankster spree in Hogwartz as well as his disdain for stuck up wizards; firmly establishing himself as one of Hogwartz's biggest nuisances in recent years.​

Extracurricular Activities:
Quidditch (Beater), Music Club​
Possible secret super-duper friendship?
Possible secret super-duper friendship?
I'm fully open to relationships for my OC, sure. ^ ^

I'm actually editing a few things right quick. One of which being adding in the little quotes, I like doing those too. XP
I'm fully open to relationships for my OC, sure. ^ ^

I'm actually editing a few things right quick. One of which being adding in the little quotes, I like doing those too. XP
I can already imagine words like these:
Bill: But B-Brian!-
Brian: Don't say anything, I saw how they looked at me! I hate them! I hate wizards
Bill: Brian! *silence* I know you're upset, it's hard to be born a wizard-
Brian: *whispers* Especially a pure-blood junk like you-
Brian: W-wait I-I...

Sooo, yeah.
I can already imagine words like these:
Bill: But B-Brian!-
Brian: Don't say anything, I saw how they looked at me! I hate them! I hate wizards
Bill: Brian! *silence* I know you're upset, it's hard to be born a wizard-
Brian: *whispers* Especially a pure-blood junk like you-
Brian: W-wait I-I...

Sooo, yeah.
Fucking lol XD
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