The Water (OOC and sign-ups)

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Okay guys, tomorrow the RP officially begins. I'll put up the first post sometime after I get home from work tomorrow, which should be later in the day. Looking forward to finally seeing these characters come to life! :)

@Jerelin - Well, I don't think they'd be neighbors as in they live next door to each other, since I think it'd be unrealistic for Quinn's dad to buy a house that so happens to be next to his sister and her family's. I do think they should both live in The Shields though.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Okay, I need to get to finish some stuff up and get to bed, so I'm going to make this quick.

@Oyoa -
Alright, glad to see you agree!
They'll be enemies/rivals-of-sorts then!

@Alis_Audāx -
About a year of friendship sounds perfect to me, for the same reasons you mentioned. It would have given them plenty of time to build up a strong relationship, but it wouldn't have been going on for so long that they know everything about each other. I love that idea, as then they would have a general understanding and appreciation of each other, but at the same time they wouldn't entirely know all of the inner going ons of their lives, and their would likely be stuff they still were a long way from figuring out about each other's personalities. It would make for a more interesting dynamic, while still allowing the two to have that strong friendship.

@Jerelin - Okay, glad to see you like the idea! That'll likely come up in the future of the RP, then.

@lost_wisdom - Okay, glad to know! Sometimes planning out my character is the most fun part for me - I just love thinking about their history and how it's affected them as a person. Plus, the family dynamic is always something I just love exploring, as its almost always so terribly complicated, no matter what walk of life you come from. I've really enjoyed all the planning done on this RP so far. I'm usually pretty shy and nervous when it comes to this sort of stuff, so feeling comfortable to throw out ideas is kind of a new thing for me, and it's just so much fun!

I'm excited to see how things will play out in the RP. It seems like we've got a pretty solid group of RPers here, who are all pretty pumped up about the story itself, so hopefully things will turn out well.

- I'll try and add my relationships into my bio tomorrow, busy at the moment -
Okay guys, tomorrow the RP officially begins. I'll put up the first post sometime after I get home from work tomorrow, which should be later in the day. Looking forward to finally seeing these characters come to life! :)

@Jerelin - Well, I don't think they'd be neighbors as in they live next door to each other, since I think it'd be unrealistic for Quinn's dad to buy a house that so happens to be next to his sister and her family's. I do think they should both live in The Shields though.
My entire family is unrealistic. D: What am I going to do with myself?!

Nah, that's coolio. ^_^
URGGHRH guys, I can't get home tonight (got stuck going to dinner with my boyfriend's family), so unfortunately the post will be up tomorrow instead.
We are patient! Take your time, but not to much time. But don't rush. Just be a little quick about it.

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Here's the IC thread guys. :)

I gave a few of you some stuff to work with, but the rest of you are pretty much open to start off the story as you see fit. We will all be congregating at the party soon enough, so maybe your first posts should include you making your way there. Also, feel free to include any storyline beats you think might make for good character stuff. For instance, @Chris_Reaper let me see an earlier version of his first post which included a cool scene with Jason interacting with his brother before heading off to the party. So yeah, remember, feel free to include anything you want.

If you have any questions, let me know!
Super excited for this Rp!
The first post looks absolutely lovely!

I'll try to have a post of my own up soon, though weekends are busier for me than weekdays, so no guarantees.

Also, as I was puzzling over Noah's looks (as he was going to make a very short appearance in my first post, before Idony leaves her home), I decided to make him look really similar to his great uncle, the murdered Kierstead baby. It's not really important, just something I threw in there and decided to tell you because... well... I love coming up with little bits and pieces such as those.

I always planned on having him be a cute little blonde haired boy anyways.
Let's have a kid look like the spitting image of a murdered boy who everyone in town loved. Oh that's not at all creepy, @Cwolf0615! :p It's interesting though. I wonder how the older folks who remember that poor child react when they see Noah.
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@lost_wisdom -
He's a somewhat lonely little kid, so I figured it would farther explain that. No one in the Kierstead family really talks about that incident. Idony herself only really knows about it because when she was younger her older cousins and siblings would try and tell it as some sort of spooky story to scare her - though, being children, they botched it terribly. "And they say he's always with our family, waiting and watching... and if you ever speak his name, he'll do the same thing to you that happened to him.... Okay, now it's bathtime! Come on!" :I
She was tempted to dig deeper into it at times, go looking for old newspaper clippings, and ask some of the older members around town if they were willing to talk to her, and other such things. In the end she decided to leave it alone, though, as she knew if her mom found out she'd go batshit over it.

But uh, yeah. Noah is sort of an unwanted reminder to his mother and a lot of more elderly family members, leaving the older kids to drag him around even more so than Kierstead children usually need dragged around by older siblings. It doesn't much help the kid's ego that the next eldest siblings of his are doted on because they're twins, and considered absolutely adorable for it by their family. BUT YEAH, TOTALLY NOT CREEPY

Also, was thinking Idony might have an uncle who runs a relatively okay, though somewhat sleazy little bar. He's a favorite among the Kierstead kiddos, as it's not unknown for him to let his underage family members slip in through the backdoor and drink in a storeroom in the back. "They're gonna get it somewhere, might as well be from me!" Is his reasoning.
Not really a set in stone thing, and very likely wouldn't ever be mentioned in the roleplay, but just... I like thinking up the personalities and backstories of all her family members. It amuses me. :P
Just woke up and read the post. It's lovely! I'll probably give it a few more read-throughs and work on a post later today.
Yea, just read the first post and I can already foretell a VERY volatile relationship between Jason and Quinn, lol. Ill have my intro up sometime late afternoon.
Thanks for the nice words about the post, everyone! I actually hadn't written any fiction stuff in a while and thus am a bit rusty, so I'm glad I seem to have gotten the point across okay :p. If you guys noticed I edited the time on Quinn's phone from 7:02 to 10:02 and back to 7:02 again, mainly because I thought "Wait, 7 o clock is a bit early for a party," but then remembered that I described the sky as looking like a weird pastiche of orange and grey, so yeah, the time is officially 7:02. Not that it matters very much.

Anyway, I want to write a scene with Peter the sheriff and Damien, Jason's brother, going over a missing person's report. I'll probably have that up tonight or tomorrow.
Sorry for the long intro post, lol. But I may not get another chance to post until Tuesday.
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Awesome posts, you guys! Can't wait to see everyone else's! Oh and, sorry to say @Chris_Reaper, but Jason should play better games. Assassin's Creed Unity is terrible! :p

Also, just wanted to let everyone know that I went ahead and added a listing of the main cast and secondary characters to the opening post (and will be adding profiles as characters appear in the story). That should make it easier to check for a lot of the info that was scattered around the thread. I'll also be editing the opening post some more with relevant town info and the like.
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I was going to come in here and post that I would be making my intro on Monday because I can't post on Sundays. And I remembered that the site will be down for maintenance tomorrow anyway. So, there is that.

Everyone's posts so far are great! I have loved reading them. :) I'm really excited for where this is headed.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Sorry for that also kind of long post I made!
I was having fun, and got a bit carried away, I guess.

I think it's the dialogue that really makes it seem so big.
I've wrote posts with more words than that before that seemed smaller. D:
Anyone else going to have their intro posts up anytime soon?
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