The Siren's Song [ IC ]

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"Oh, well," Rengi paused again, still playing with her red hair. "I can make weapons. And I can craft anything out of metal. I can tell what the weather will be. I think that's it."
"...Well, you might be helpful in the seas, but for now, help with the preparations of the ship for sailing", Okami replied to the red haired girl as he turned back and walked to the stairs heading below the deck.

"Oh, right, okay," Rengi murmured, looking around. She sighed, shuffling on her feet before walking up to Dale. "Yo.... What do I do?"

Dale sighed, looking at her. "See the rope over there, it needs to be fixed. Do you know how to?"

"Of course... Sorta."

"I'll take that as a no."
The harpy girl had completely ignored him, the boy who had started this whole mess was probably going to get to be in charge of their food, and some man from the King had just joined them all. How had the king learned of this journey so fast? This ship had only decided to head out on this venture yesterday! It hasn't even been a full day, and he was already fed up with this crew.

And now there was a suspicious-looking fuzzy thing rolling about between the women-folk, and there was still almost NO ONE doing anything to get the ship in order. He threw his hands in the air and returned to the job of preparing the ship to leave.
Darcia looked up as she saw the dwarf walk away from her. Wait he had been there all the time...whoops. Darcia hadn't even noticed he was there she had been to busy with Scottie en getting a power nap. Darcia rose up and made her way to the small man. "Can I help with something?" She asked as she put the book under her arm
The dwarf spun, eyes narrowing. "Oh now ye want to help, do ye lass? Is yer sleep over then, had a good nap?" He planted his fists on his hips and stared daggers at her, and said "If the captain isn't going to keep order, then I will, and if I catch ye sleeping on the deck when there is work to be done, ye'll be woken up by the waves, if ye understand me."

The threat was not an idle one. Everything about this dwarf was deadly serious, and unless the captain told him he wasn't allowed to do that, he was going to do it. Hell, he'd do it now if she didn't have wings. She'd just fly back up once he tossed her overboard.

"Anyway, get yerself up into the crow's nest, and take the other harpy with ye. I want ye both keepin' an eye out for dangers in the ocean. Sandbars, reefs, underground mountains, giant sea-turtles, the usual stuff. That is, if ye aren't too groggy to do it."
Busted. "I'm sorry Sir, but trust me that one nap might have saved the ship." Darcia frowned upon the man. "I don't know how much you heard of our chit chat but I am half a demon who doesn't accept her darkness." Darcia slighty sifted her feet. "Because if that it doesn't have a way out and will build up. If not handled carefully I could lose control and take the ship down." It was true full blood demons use their power to posses people, to blackmail them to do bad. Darcia refused to use any of it so the darkness within her blood keeps growing without getting out if not handled with care it could take control turning Darcia in a monster or explode out of her taking the ship. "I apologize if it has bothered you but I didn't feel like getting the ship on the bottom of the sea the first day. And no problem I can deal with it" Darcia turned her head scanning the deck for Scottie.

On the other hand Alex had made his way to find his spot to sleep. A bunch of paper towels had ended in a bucket as Alex was busy cleaning everything spotless. There was dust everywhere! If he had known this he had taken half the cleaning stick in the castle. On a shelf jars with dried herps and plents were standing proudly as the man himself. Every jar was labled, was clean and had the jars were sorted by name. If oy everything could be so organized as he.
Honestly, the dwarf was kind of scaring Scottie. Despite his height, the short man had did carry some serious authority and the harpy surely did not want the other male's anger directed at him. Ever. Scottie would rather stay on the dwarf's good side until the journey was over. Upon hearing the dwarf's threat of throwing Darcia overboard, the male harpy's blood chilled. He made a mental note to do whatever the short man wanted and not screw anything up while he was at it. The young winged male was almost afraid to sleep.

The dwarf had seemed nice earlier, unlike some others on The Serpent, and Scottie wasn't too fond of this angry side he was seeing now. Neither did he like to hear Darcia's words. His opinion on the female had already shifted slightly when he had heard she was part demon but hearing what she could do by her own words, was slightly unsettling.

He might have done the biggest mistake of his life by ever leaving home.

The harpy wasn't too far away from his two crew mates he now saw in slightly different light, which was also why he had heard their argument. Though the two hadn't been whispering either so he hadn't really needed to try to hear it either. He stood awkwardly as Darcia's eyes landed on him and glanced briefly at the female before averting his eyes again while nodding towards the crow's nest.

"Uh, sorry... I think we should head up then...?"

Without further words, assuming Darcia would follow, Scottie flew up into his destination with few sloppy wingbeats. He was busy progressing his new views on his crew mates and second-guessing his own decisions so he didn't pay much attention to the movements of his wings that usually carried him through the air with almost perfect coordination. He didn't care he wasn't functioning perfectly at that moment, it was a short trip into the crow's nest anyway, nor did he give a damn the others might notice his haphazard flight. Maybe he should have, but he didn't.
Darcia followed Scottie up not waiting for the dawrf to say something to her. She didn't really feel like getting anymore judgements printed on to her. Of course she could have preveprevented all of them but her demon side made her lose temper quickly. Her feet lightly landed upon the wooden edge of the crow's nest. "Sorry you had to hear that" Darcia said to the male while she looked at the blue sea sparkling in the sun. Darcia didn't look at the because she didn't wanted him to see the sadness and fear she had in her eyes. Darcia didn't like to be judged bur she didn't like to show her weak side either.
Th Captain,stwnding at the wheel, called out among the crew. "All right you bunch of landlubbers. It's time to cast off! Unhitch the main sails! Haul in the anchor! The sea beckons us and we must answer her call! Quartermaster! Are all cremembers aboard?"
The captain's voice called Okami's attention, "Everything is ready", was his response to the captain's question; it was time to sail and there was no reason to wait more. Okami went to the front part of the deck and sat on the edge of the ship. he took a look to the horizon and took a power jump back to the center of the deck were he said with a bit commanding tone "Everybody...It's time, we are sailing with or without any", were his lasts words; he proceeded to walk toward the stairs and gave the same announcement to the members below the deck.
Harpy the normal harp seal squirmed ineffectually as the evil Reneth handed him over to yet another stranger. Except he didn't squirm anymore. He accepted his new handler's embrace with suprising stillness. Maybe Reneth was just a bad person, and the pure and innocent harpy could sense the blood on her dirty, stained soul? Either way, Harpy closed his eyes, and fell asleep, his little head resting on the new, nicer person's neck.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Love
Reactions: E.T. and Crow
@vegan choi

A small smile spread over the she wolf's pale lips as she held the sleeping seal. She rocked him as if it were a child and walked over near the edge of the ships side looking out at the see. Maybe everyone on this ship wasn't so much of her enemy as she thought. She felt kind of comfortable now that she had an animal, something familiar to her inner hidden personality. She'd always loved animals. They'd always been her only friend when she had none. That's a reason why she was such a silent girl. They could usually read her animal loving personality without her having to speak. She wasn't an ugly girl either. She just needed pampering and food.

Her hair was a ruffled mess from living in the woods and always in wolf form. Her face pale and smudged with dirt from the same living arrangement. She had a small frame, scrawny and weak from lack of food. Just a squirrel every other day was her idea of supper. And she wore the clothing of a dead man. Just an old tatterd shirt and a old hunting jacket. Some pants and boots made from deer fur. But she had a small red nose and slightly freckled cheeks under the dirt. Her eyes now a soft sky blue as she hummed to the slumbering seal.
Harpy's claws dug in deeper, and his snout came to nuzzle her neck, moving slowly to the rhythm of her tune like a snake taking to a charmer. He opened his eyes and thought about crumpets. That trigger harsh memories, for crumpets were the food of the oppressors. He remembered the Riders of the Storm, who braved the black seas only to fall prey to a zombie sealion; his archnemesis Bishop Sealiony, who was both reverend and revenant. He thought about the mosquitos, and how he had housed a family of those cute little insects before foul exterminators had laid the colony low. He thought about the inn he once frequented when he was a mere 300 years old. The inn keeper was male, yet had no interests in the opposite sex His dream -his real dream- was to organize a festival of music, and he would be it's conductor. Alas, his preferences came to the light of the vicious town sheriff, and he was given the dunlukatme - an official shunning by his own people. He died hungry, unable to buy any bread.

Any crumpets.

Harpy's thoughts moved from crumpets to crumples.

"Hail hydra." he whispered, clearly referencing the nazipolium, one of the old faiths that still revered the great sea-dwelling hydras as immortal gods who reproduced through decapitation.

And then he bit down on the wolf's neck, and began sucking the blood and the lifeforce right out of her like a straw.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: E.T.
Varsh looked at the craftsmanship of the wolf girl's arrow as he sat there. The arrow in question was standard game for what someone would use to hunt game or unarmored target with a length of 75 centimeters give or take a few, a broad head arrowhead large enough to cause traumatic internal injury and fletchings made from goose feathers. But the girls' arrows still had this amateur quality to it , the work of full time Fletcher. Did the wolf girl make this herself he wondered? To her credit, if she did the girl could run circles around some the rookie warriors back home when it came to arrow making. But the time for admiring craftsmanship was over now. With the shout from the captain and reply from the newly appointed quartermaster, the ship and its misfits were ready to set sail onto open waters. Varsh took one last look at the harbor and though he could not see it, he thought of the lizardman sanctuary back in the delta. It had been six days since Varsh was banished from his home and forced to seek out redemption, but with several threats and in turn chances for glory, Varsh could only wonder if his people were still safe.

Or at least he did until the Lizardman saw an odd site out of his peripheral vision. The ball of fluff and fat that was brought up from below deck had opened his mouth in the neck of the wolf girl. At first he thought the fluff ball was just nipping at the girls neck like how young animals might play with each other, but Varsh got closer to the girl and the animal and saw something even stranger and more cause for alarm. "Fangs!?" and they were buried in the girls neck like a leeches! "Captain! We have a parasite on board!"
When the weird ball of fluff thing attacked the girl, Carrn was done. His eyes widened in confusion and annoyance, and he rushed below decks, scooping up his magical sack and pick-axe along the way. He quickly found the hold, where he went to work. This was ridiculous! Monstrous seal things, demon harpy girls giving him sass, incompetent boys who smelled of wet dog ordering him around. He pulled from his magical pack a pair of caps that he fastened around the sharp bits of his axe, and then he tossed the weapon into the sack. If it was sharp, it might have punctured it from the inside and vent his belongings into the astral plane, but with the caps it was safe enough. He then scooped a bunch of food and a reasonable amount of gold from the ship's emergency stash into his pack. The bag still looked the same despite being loaded with two hundred pounds of food and money, but such was the magic. He then looped the sack over one shoulder, securing it with the single strap sewn into it, and ran back on deck. He paid no mind to what else was going on, and simply leaped over board and into the water. No one would see him surface, but they may see, if they had sharp enough eyes, a twenty foot shark about ten feet below the surface swimming quickly away from the barely-out-of-port ship.
Rengi frowned, staring at Dale blankly as he talked. He certainly knew what he was talking about, but she didn't understand a word he said. Sighing, she tried tying the knot one last time. Of course, by this point, it was just a practice rope so that she could learn rather than to be trusted to tie the actual knot on the ship.

Dale sighed, rubbing the back of his head and obviously frustrated. No one he had known was ever this difficult to teach. Or maybe she was just playing stupid. Either way, he was just about ready to give up and continue his work silently. Why was she even allowed on the ship if she was sneaking on anyways?
The girl blinked in surprise her face paling immediately. What was happening? The seal wasn't meaning it.. she told herself. The seal was her friend. Wasn't he? He wasn't purposely trying to harm her. That want right. Animals loved her right?! Her body stiffened with the possibility of the seal trying to harm her. It couldn't be possible .. She told herself over and over before her eyes fluttered shut and she collapsed into unconsciousness.
Alexander got outside just to see the girl start to faint. He was quickly to catch her. Looking down he could see the holes of fangs with blood leaking out if it. Vampire bite? Alex though as he looked around to see a seal creature having blood around his mouth. Alex didn't think much of it, he learned from the books of his great ancestors that some things never are what they look like. Alex took off his red scarf which belonged to his armor/uniform to tie around the neck to prevent anymore bleeding. "She will be fine there is just an amount of sudden blood lose." Alex said "She just needs some rest and something to eat when she wakes up. I also can treat the wound so it closes up" Alex stated towards the crew around. With that he lifted the girl up in bridal style and took her below deck.

Darcia on the other hand was sitting on the edge of the crows nest. Her eyes closed and mind cleared. She wasn't sleeping oh no, she was meditating, she was reading her surroundings. Which included the dwarfs getting off, the girl being bitten and being taken below deck by a man in armor. Which included the way the sea moved. It was a thing she learned to do to let tiny bits of her demotic powers out to keep her sane. Besides she would notice if there was something out there since the sea, the wind, sound and smell would tell her.
(A note to those in the Rp: Whenever this color is written in by me, it is me influencing the world/narrarating)

The ship left port, all was calm on the ocean...for now. The party headed out towards where the ships were being wrecked. The Captain was unsure what to do with the vampire-seal creature, so he had him put in a rather large cage connected to the mast, the cage surrounded by garlic and holy water. Now the party was about to be met with a surprise...their first monster!

From the water came shadows... there were 4 of them. About the size of a human. They were fast, circiling the ship. Then came a voice. Sweet as honey and seemingly kindhearted. "Oh won't you join us." Another higher one chimed in "Yes please! Join us!" The first voice returned "Oh boys..." It was beckoning them to the starboard side of the ship. Down below in the water was a woman, she had long raven black hair that floated on the water. Her eyes were stunning green, and her face fair and pretty. Her breasts were covered by a bra made of seaweed. She looked up at the side of the ship again. "Won't you join us?" It was then that a fish tail, with a long, split fin, dangled out of the water behind her. It's red scales shimmered in the sunlight.
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