The Seven Deadly Sins - Chosen Hunters (OOC/Signup

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I am popping in and out - w - When we start back up, I'll be more prominent <3
How many Cohens are there? Because I'd love to make my OC the eldest Cohen sibling. And I'd like to make him be close to his siblings, hopefully.

Also it's important that my OC is made compatible with theirs.
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How many Cohens are there? Because I'd love to make my OC the eldest Cohen sibling. And I'd like to make him be close to his siblings, hopefully.

I'm not sure how well that'd work. There are two at the moment — cousins: Bart and Leila. Bart is of the main branch (as far as I understood), Leila of a side branch. You can find their character sheets on the first and second page respectively. Nevertheless, if you talk to either Jeff or Berry I'm sure you guys would be able to work something out. I can understand why you'd want to be part of the Cohen family. It simply seems like it'd suit that sort of character.

This makes me think drawing up a family tree for each of the families may not be a bad idea after all...
*Technically Flynn is also a Cohen child, but he was illegitimate and adopted into the Nolan family by his aunt.
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*tilts head* There are side branches of each family? So it's one huge extended family or something? I didn't realize that!
*tilts head* There are side branches of each family? So it's one huge extended family or something? I didn't realize that!

Yes. Especially the Cohen and Lialrus families are HUGE, with plenty of branches. Grehe is relatively small in size and has always been that, though it probably also has a few branches. The Nolan's... are pretty much in their demise. I think the head family is one of the few remaining branches. The rest has more or less died out due to the curse.
Hmm... do you know where Bart is?
Jeff isn't going to want an elder cohen sibling, as technically he already had an older sister that previously failed her trial and died at the hands of wrath. She is going to be a part of our trial. As the second child in line, and the only remaining one, Bart is the heir to the family head. Also heir to obtain the "head" position of all hunters. I'm not really sure of the exact words though. Having a younger sibling would also be difficult given the back ground that Jeff has already set up for his character. I highly recommend talking to him before deciding anything, as last time he seemed quite distressed about people making more cohens.
*chuckles* My character is twenty five. Also, I was making a character from a side branch.
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How is it that one gains a familiar exactly? I wish to describe the act in Avaon's history as it is a major part of it and also is a reason for some of his physical abilities and appearances.
*chuckles* My character is twenty five. Also, I was making a character from a side branch.

If you're meaning from a side branch of the Cohen family then that would probably make him Leila's older brother and Bart's cousin, and we should probably have a chat about their relationship at some point. ^^ Unless, of course, you'd prefer him to be from a different side branch in which case they'd probably still be cousins of some sort.
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*uncertainly* I guess... we could make him Leila's older brother if you want. But he's really different. Black haired, very light olive skin, while Leila is blonde and fair skinned. I don't thin they'd fit as brother and sister. Cousins would be more likely. The easiest solution would be to make him from a different side branch entirely.

But... I really did want him to have siblings.
*uncertainly* I guess... we could make him Leila's older brother if you want. But he's really different. Black haired, very light olive skin, while Leila is blonde and fair skinned. I don't thin they'd fit as brother and sister. Cousins would be more likely. The easiest solution would be to make him from a different side branch entirely.

But... I really did want him to have siblings.

In that case maybe a family other than Cohen could be a better fit? I'm not too sure about the genetics or how many side branches there are or anything, I know there's a family tree in progress but since it's not finished yet I don't know how much help it'd be >.<
I've thought of that but it doesn't fit. He's definitely a Cohen.

Doesn't matter! I'll just make him from a minor side branch.
If he's a cousin to Leila, should we talk about what their relationship should be?

[Avaon at his current age]

Avaon [de] Cohen

Mia'cova (only by Mierin)



0712 hours at the 19th of February




[Mierin Human Form; Gray Tones; Note The Fangs]


Personality Description
Avaon, is, like most people, a very complicated person. Both kindly and impassive alternatively. The best I can say is that at first he will be distrustful, indifferent and slightly hostile but once he has gathered your intentions and has approved of them, he will brighten up and become rather cheery. However, he is normally a serious, solemn person to all but family and closest friends.

Avaon was once a very abrasive and easily angered young man. But as he grew older and matured, he realized he was hurting and driving away his friends through his anger and lacerating tongue. After multiple quarrels ending with his friends all getting angry at him, instead of becoming a loner, he looked at himself and decided he didn't want to be such a cruel person. Fast forward many years later and he became a person of quite some patience. It is not to say that he is no longer abrasive. Only that he suppresses that part of himself. However this has an unfortunate side effect. His anger, his annoyance, his fire, it all builds up slowly inside him and when he bursts, he flies into a tempestuous rage, hence the nickname, Tempest.

Avaon is also a thoughtful, slow and deliberate person. He very much dislikes hastiness. He would rather stop and sit down and think how to proceed in decisions. He thinks things through thoroughly. This is also the same for intellectual works of his. Instead of getting it done quickly, he takes an enormous amount of time, perfecting it. Perfectionism is unfortunately a vice of his. He does not accept weakness in himself and hates it when others point it out to him (although he is likely to suppress his resentment and force a nod).

However these all are his negative points. As I have said before, Avaon is nonetheless a surprisingly cheerful and content person. To his friends, he's more of a supportive, overprotective big brother than a close friend. He's likely to ruffle your hair and give a grin, then say something really nice. He also has a special switch to turn into a goofball. Whenever any of his friends are upset or just simply down, he'll come around and act humorous and crazy to bring a smile on his/her face. It embarrasses him to talk about it later so his friends tease him about how he isn't really so grim and gruff.

He has a good heart and strong morals. That is why his siblings sometimes call him Hart. (Spelling is intentional)

So it is probably surprising when I say Avaon is uncomfortable with hugs. He is really uncomfortable with them. Even with his family. It's not that he isn't close to his siblings – he is, – it's just he doesn't really do hugs.

Making his friends laugh and smile
Fingering his beard
Speaking French
Showing off his acrobatics
Humming to himself (he does it a lot of the time without noticing)

People pointing out his faults
His spinal injury when it flames up
Abrasiveness in himself
Taking orders or accepting authority from anyone other than his mother
Being tickled
Having short hair (he keeps it somewhat long)

Paralysis (he used to get sleep paralysis and it terrifies him)
Being crippled



80-90 kgs

Hair Colour
Black with a lock of white

Eye Colour
A very, very dark brown

Skin Tone
A very light olive tone

Scars/Tattoos etc
Snake bite marks, on his shoulder (on his deltoids to be precise) two front and back each. Mierin had climbed round his back to bite him there.

He has a lock of white hair that will be explained in his history.

Clothing style
Dark colours, preferably blue or black. He loves coats. Long ones. And robes (for wearing at home). At summer, he will wear long sleeved clothes but will roll the sleeves up.


A bastard sword (I imagine weapons are still forged for the Hunters) and a long dagger. Sometimes used in tandem. Oh and a battle-axe. He doesn't limit himself to one weapon. That would be a weakness. He uses whichever weapon would be most efficient. Avaon is his name and brutal efficiency is his game. That is why he's trained in so many different weapons. He's best with a sword though. It fits his main style of fighting. Get in, assassinate or slay quickly, get out.

His weapons, are, of course, forged with fire, steel and spells. They need to be able to penetrate through protections that a powerful demon might have. It needs to be able to hurt all kinds of demons. Demons that cannot be hurt by normal steel will be hurt by this. Demons that are not entirely substantial (wraith-like demons etc.) will still be able to be touched by his weapons. Avensurha has forged the weapons well.

Mierin is also not just his partner. Yes, they fight in tandem, however, his familiar is also a weapon. She launches herself off his body and he is the one who creates the opportunities for her to get in and strike.

Subtle illusionary abilities, all enhancing his stealth. He can muffle the sound he makes and he can make himself harder to notice and stuff like that. All relating to stealth.

I need to get this straight off my chest. Avaon's strong point is not a long, wearying fight. Yes, normally he takes things slow and steady but in battle this is reversed. In battle he tries to finish things as fast and efficiently as possible. He goes all out in his ability and strength in order to defeat the enemies. He's best for relatively short bursts of insane speed and ability, not for his stamina. He'll do it, but he's not that good at it.

Avaon is a very efficient hunter of demons. He dispatches demons below the A-class without significant effort on his part. He is a Cohen hunter, he's been trained for this since his birth. For A-class demons, it depends. If they can survive the first immense expending of skill, then they have a large chance of wearying him down and slowly felling him. But as he normally sneaks up and takes them by surprise, he normally is able to slay them quickly.

Avaon also has skill as a field surgeon. He can work with what he has to patch people up and perform basic first aid before getting them back home to a proper healer.

Oh and some minor skills. Avaon is a skilled acrobat and has mastered the art of balance. Try to make him trip or fall down. He won't fall flat on his face. If he does fall, he'll tuck into a roll and climb smoothly back to his feet.

[Lastly, Avaon has displayed some skill in speaking a strange language. He does not know what it is, nor does anyone else seem to, however he sometimes speaks it without realizing he has spoken it.]

Shrewd in assessing
Grasps things and theories easily
Intelligent (in a lot of things but bad at some things)
Abnormally strong immune system

Does not take orders well except from leaders who have gained his trust
Stamina is unimpressive
Spinal injury remains a minor physical weak point
Refuses to flag or show weakness in front of others resulting in him forcing himself to push on until he finally collapses entirely.



– Mierin [Familiar] –
Avaon is very close to Mierin. They're together most of the time. In fact most of the time Mierin is wrapped around him in her serpentine form, relishing his body warmth. Serpents don't like the cold.

– Leila –

– Bart –

– Other Hunters –

– Mother –
He would walk off a cliff for her. His trust in her is complete and perfect.


Well to tell Avaon's story, we need a little of backstory on his parents. Avaon's father was the Cohen head. Before he married Avaon's mother, he had had married once already and had a child with that woman. After that woman died, Avaon's father remarried a much younger woman who was known for her upstanding personality, intelligence and strong morals. This is important. Avaon's personality was molded majorly by his mother. His morals, his kindliness, his strength and weaknesses, all comes from his mother. You see, his mother is a very strong woman. Literally. She could be working from seven to three in the morning and still smile at the end of the day and seem like she could go on. That is how Avaon seemed to think his mother was tireless, and in thinking so, strove to have no weakness himself and so suppressed his weaknesses and hated any mention of them.

Now, Avaon's father, Gerard, had stepped down as head Cohen and had gone abroad once his first wife had died, and there married his second wife, Jennifer. When Avaon was born, he was many decades younger than his half-brother, now the head Cohen, who himself had children by then. After some time, Gerard brought his wife and his son back to Ashbourne. So, Avaon was brought up as a Cohen hunter. As part of the main line Avaon was trained rigorously. And he had no problems with it. He was a natural at it. And he was a perfectionist and competitive. To himself, he was not like any other hunter. He was better. He would set the new standard. This was the pride and arrogance that filled his early years.

This was the pride and arrogance which began to drove away what few friends he had.

Some say it was because he felt vastly overshadowed by his ever-so-distant and callous older half-brother and so did his best to match him in every feat. He needn't have worried. He would perform many feats in the years to come.


[A young Avaon]

Eventually the lad was old enough to realize how he was hurting his friends. And he loathed himself for it. But Avaon's personality was not such that he would withdraw and become a cold shell. He strived for perfection. Patience was a virtue that Avaon thought he'd never be able to attain. He was wrong. It took him two years but he did become a better person, with the influence of his friends and family. Now his friends poked fun at him and he poked fun at them back. Literally. *pokepoke* And then an idea came to him. Why not study abroad like his father did? His parents were quite receptive to that idea. His mother had a cousin in France. He could go there and study architecture or something.

So came the next part of his life. What he studied in University there isn't important. What is important are the skills that will impact his life now as a Hunter. Simply put, Avaon took on a job as a stunt double for films. Yes. Stunt double. Now that required some skills Avaon didn't have right then. So Avaon trained. In acrobatics and man other such physical activities. Two years doing flips and jumping and climbing and doing all that fancy stuff that a stunt double does, constantly can make a man quite fit and definitely quite agile. He also learnt swimming. Mhmm. Moving on.

So Avaon stayed fit and athletic even then.

And then the accident happened. He was doing some sort of stunt. No need to explain the entirety. And then he was hanged accidentally a metre above ground. The rope crushed his throat. He didn't die. But... his vocal cords were permanently damaged. Permanently. He probably wouldn't be able to raise his voice much anymore. And his voice was a bit raspy and harsh now.

But this isn't all. Once Avaon managed to extricate himself, he fell. And viciously hit his spine on the edge of an object. He hit his spine, on it's lower part, just around his hips. It was also permanently damaged but thankfully more minorly. If he gets ill (which he doesn't so much anymore), it flames up like crazy and hurts a lot. But other than that, it's relatively safe and he won't collapse if someone punches him there.

He was hospitalized. When his parents heard, they demanded he return home. At least for a bit. Avaon did eventually return back home once he was healed but he didn't return to France to continue his studies. He had decided he was needed back at home. He was needed to fight the demons. Older now (nineteen), he distinguished himself as an efficient hunter, even if he frustratingly went off sometimes.

Then he met his familiar-to-be.


[Avaon's Sword]

She wasn't Mierin back then. She was a basilisk demon who had one of the most dangerous venoms among the demons. The fight didn't go well for Avaon. He was taken by surprise and bitten. The venom coursed through his body and his team retreated, taking him back to Ashbourne. But his immune system was strong and the healers were many. They pooled their respective powers together.

And he survived.

But there was a place on his scalp that was horribly torn – the basilisk bit him twice, one was the main bite, that was all over his shoulder and was a clean bite and another where Avaon dodged and a single fang bit into his scalp – where venom had seeped into the skin and bone. The bone healed, the skin healed... but from then on the hair there was always silvery-white.

But Avaon did survive. And winning the intense battle in his body left him stronger. He became immune to the powerful basilisk venom and somehow becoming immune to that potent venom also increased the power of his immune system such that he grew immune to many other venoms, poisons and even diseases and other ailments.

However on the day when he was bitten, the same day every year, Avaon falls dreadfully ill. His entire body courses with pain, his scalp throbs as if trying to explode, and he thrashes and curls up in his bed. It is not known why. Only that the first day is the prelude, the second day is bad, the third day is the worst, and then he slowly heals. He is ill for a week. On the eighth after the first day, he is as strong as ever.

Nonetheless at the end, it was a positive experience for him.

Mierin was understandably shocked and frightened when he confronted her again. Now immune to her poison and quite used to dealing with blinding speed and immense strength, Avaon went all out and brought her down in fifteen minutes.

The venom (possibly still in his body, but impotent to him) allowed him to feel her movements, you see, and allowed her to sense if she was nearby and in which direction and how far. It was relatively easy to defeat her.

The basilisk demon became his familiar and he named her Mierin. Min for short. She wasn't too pleased about it, even if he had gained her respect, but Avaon was a kindly person out of battle and their bond became strong over the years.


Theme Song

Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher 3)

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  • Nice Execution!
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*totters and falls on face* Eurghh... That took soo long!

*lifts a hand up and waves tiredly* Tell me if there's anything wrong. I can fix it!
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