"Am I being ignored? I'm being ignored."

Cell continued to have his arms crossed and simply watched Rosalina as they did their own thing. Not paying any attention to his reasonable approach to the situation? The Vegeta in him was screaming in infuriation and irritation. Now he was ever more tempted to just end the poor girl's life right there but more important things were in order. Looking towards one of the wall carvings, "FURTHER BEYOND", sparked some interest.

(Hmm. Now how would I go about getting out of this place... Naturally, I could just blast my way out but even I have an admiration for architecture. Made using similar materials that I carved to make my immaculate Cell Games Arena. Hmm. A test of power, I see. Let's try this.)



Cell was coated in an aura which to Rosalina looked like he was on yellow-coloured fire. The room was also covered in the smoke generated from his display as he waited to see the results.

@ThePotatoGod @Galaxy Guy

  • R.eac9c171afeedd9a971c9883bf1c65cd

    .... You got to be kidding ME! I keep being left behind on things and NOW this?!

    Bardock grabs his head if in a vision crawls up in his head seeing parts of another creature who was greenish, and yet another enemy as he was propelled to the other floor.

    As soon as he blinked, his scouter was off the CHARTS. The power level wasn't even fair now for the Saiyan and instead of usual cocky flair the Saiyan had, he frowned, his scouter going up fast and almost breaking.


    He found himself eyeing the most powerful creature in the room and the small power level near him.

    Call it foolish Saiyan pride.

    @Raynar Saassin @The PotatoGod @ Galaxy Guy @dark

  • .

    John Connor eyed his way through the maze, once again alone, making his way slowly but watching around every corner. "That was weird as fuck."


Last edited:
Childe, Klee, and Kirby

Finding the button in the center of the Eastern Wall, Childe was fully prepared to press it until he caught sight of two younger members of the group, attempting to push the wall. Shaking his head, he was about to explain to them the button... until multiple powerful booms sounded throughout the room. Whipping his head to the north, he saw that Des had punched the wall, making it turn... and the same thing had happened to the other walls, with varying attacks opening up! Well, that was certainly useful to note....

Turning back towards the two young ones who were also wished to go east, he said as gently as he could "So... would you two mind sticking around with someone else, or finding an opened path in another direction? Sticking around with me may end up with you getting hurt, and I personally think I work better alone."

While the reasons he had given were technically true, the Habringer had a hidden motive. His Foul Legacy was something he had gotten used to, being able to hide any aftereffects or lingering pains. He knew what it felt like to have that power.... and he knew when something had changed. Something was different, and having been pumped full of energy previously, he could take a page out of The Doctors book and do some testing on any creature unlucky enough to face him.

And these two... were just kids. Above the age of the son of the man he think he knew as Hason Todd, but still so young. Young enough that those childhood fantasies likely persisted...

Shaking his head, he continued. " So.... please, don't accompany me. I can handle whatever is thrown at me, but I worry about you two and my ability to protect!"

Turning back towards the wall, Childe pressed the button on the Eastward wall. If that didn't do anything, he could simply conjour a singular hydro blade, and slash at it.


Klee beamed with delighting at Mister Kaito giving her the okay to blow things up! With Master Jean, she had to promise a lot of things she didn't understand, but now she could go boom, boom, BOOM!

"Okay, Mister Kaito~ Shoot this!" Having grabbed a handful of small bombs from her backpack, she threw them at the wall with all her force her body could muster!

@ThePotato @SolsticeArcanum

It had been a while since Kirbo had gotten a stomachache, but it looked as if Kabcelot really did taste that bad! Regardless of whether Kirby had achieved a copy ability or now, the area around him would would begin to turn green....

And he hurtled. The Kirbster had eaten several big monsters, alongside a crap-ton of food, so it would come as no suprise to those who had accompanied the puffball previously that he could throw up.... a lot.

An avalanches worth of throw up emerged from Kirbys mouth, headed directly for the middle of the room! Those who had already exited would be fine, but those who hadn't would need to pick a door- and fast, unless they wished to be buried in a mountain of throw-up!

@ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @Raynar Saassin @Gotham Knight Todd (Characters in-range of throw-up!)​
"Am I being ignored? I'm being ignored."

Cell continued to have his arms crossed and simply watched Rosalina as they did their own thing. Not paying any attention to his reasonable approach to the situation? The Vegeta in him was screaming in infuriation and irritation. Now he was ever more tempted to just end the poor girl's life right there but more important things were in order. Looking towards one of the wall carvings, "FURTHER BEYOND", sparked some interest.

(Hmm. Now how would I go about getting out of this place... Naturally, I could just blast my way out but even I have an admiration for architecture. Made using similar materials that I carved to make my immaculate Cell Games Arena. Hmm. A test of power, I see. Let's try this.)



Cell was coated in an aura which to Rosalina looked like he was on yellow-coloured fire. The room was also covered in the smoke generated from his display as he waited to see the results.

@ThePotatoGod @Galaxy Guy
She turns around.

"Wait, why the fuck is a Dragon Ball character here-"

Seems like she knew the anime, but not the character. The only anime she's really watched was Pokémon.

"Uhm...are you alright, Mister, uh, Dragon-Ball-character-I-forgor-the-name-of? Sorry, I'm not an anime kind of person."

She didn't even know if this guy was evil or not. But in all seriousness, she simply just happened not to notice him earlier.

"Do you know where we are? And uh, can you keep it down a bit? I don't like loud noises-"

However, she didn't seem too fazed by the fire itself. Strange, considering she's literally made of paper.
Kaoru noticed the northernmost wall opening, mentally noting that before kicking the eastern wall as hard as he possibly could and walking away, dragging the other male behind him as they made their way to the north wall, passing the two girls, and glancing back at them as a light emanated from one of them.
Yuuji righted himself and began stumbling along as Kaoru pulled him, stopping suddenly and looking down at the ground. "Kaoru-" he said, causing the pinkette to stop himself, looking back at Yuuji over his shoulder.
"Should we go over to them? We might be able to find out more from talking to them." Yuuji said, pointing over his shoulder at the two girls.
Kaoru's eyes lit up. "You're right!" he said, letting go of Yuuji's wrist and walking over to them, hearing one of them talk about abilities, and sharing her own. "excuse me, uhh, I was wondering if you know what's happening, by chance...?" he said, trailing off.

Yuuji walked over, rubbing his wrists as he listened to Kaoru talk, hearing one of the girls talk about abilities. He wondered why he suggested this idea in the first place. "Did you even introduce yourself first, you idiot-" he said lightly. "Sorry," he apologized to the two girls before speaking. "I don't think my boyfriend here introduced us. I'm Yuuji. Yuuji Rurikawa. This spi-person," he corrected himself, "is Kaoru. Kaoru Sakisaka. Who are you two?" he said.

When they had introduced themselves Yuuji continued speaking. "So uh...like Kaoru said, do you know what's happening?" Kaoru tapped Yuuji's shoulder, interrupting him momentarily. "Y'know, they're gonna find out eventually, so can we just get it over with and tell them? It'll be fine." he added the last part after seeing Yuuji stick his tongue out at his pink-haired boyfriend. "Anyway~" he practically sang, "I don't think any of you guys, minus maybe one person, have seen us fight. But Uhm...we're not human, technically. We're ghosts. Spirits, supernaturals, whatever the hell you wanna call it." he said, sighing.
Yuuji raised his hands disappointedly before letting go of the strings concealing his and Kaoru's powers, watching scales grow on Kaoru's face, arms and hands, his own nails sharpening, Kaoru's fishtail on the back and webbed hands, and his own cat ears and tail poking out from under his hat. "Dammit, time to get back to weaving that magic again." he said, grabbing more invisible strings of magic and braiding them, watching as a shimmer came from thin air, making them look once again like normal teenagers.

Sakuto looked around, disoriented from the rainbow of colours he had just seen, seeing the two paths in front of him. He flapped his wings nervously, noticing that the concealment magic Yuuji had used previously had worn off on him. "Ah, well." he muttered to himself before inspecting the wall, pushing against it, noticing how the wall made a small clicking noise when pushing the circle. Was it a button?
If it didn't open, he would reach int his pocket and pull out a small cylinder, pressing a button and watching it lengthen into a long, steampunk-esque scythe, hitting the wall with the heavy back of the blade, seeing if it would open then.

  • Interaction: @Kirie98 @Raynar Saassin @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Centergang

    "Lovely! I wonder if there are any means to purify the Taint off of this 'Soul Gem'." Katrielle nodded, witnessing Mami's detransformation, reverting back to what she could assume to be the Magical Girl's civilian outfit. A fancy highschool's blouse-like top and red ribbon, with a plaid skirt at the bottom. After which, she explained her powers.
    It was around this time that Yuuji and Kaoru approached Katrielle and Mami, asking about the situation. "Long story short: Everyone who saw a flashing aurora like the one back at the 3rd Floor got sent here in this 12 Floor Dungeon. We're practically a quarter of the way through, and we're back to the basics of exploring the maze and beating up the corner mid-bosses and collecting gold Tarot Cards." Katrielle summarized to the best of her ability before grabbing Yuuji's hand. "By the way! That lad with you mentioned something about you being a ghost, yes? Fascinating! Tell me more!" She requested with sparkles in her eyes, fascinated by the concept--she has dealt with supernatural incidents before, but none of them had introduced her to actual ghosts! But before she could fire off whatever questions she had, she felt a massive power surging somewhere down south, prompting the Detective to turn to the Southern Path, letting go of Yuuji's hand.

    ". . .I'm not the only one who just felt that, right?" She asked, trying to mark down the power signature; it's surprisingly near. "Okay, it doesn't read like The Fool, but just in case, we should probably just–" Just as Katrielle was about to suggest avoiding the power signature, the buff guy nearby with the fuzzy brown belt suddenly turned blonde along with a spike in his power level and dashed out towards the Southern path, turning east.

    "Son of a bloody–after him!" Katrielle took charge, rushing after the Saiyan with the intent of not letting him die to a seemingly random threat. It would seem that Yuuji and Kaoru's introduction fell on mostly deaf ears due to the more urgent matter of a stupid comrade rushing headfirst into danger.

    [Those who followed after Kat, proceed to the South]

    After the Detective leaves, it would seem that the pink cute blob thing's about to burst–and NOT in a good way. They should definitely leave soon as the stench slowly began to seep from the mouth.

    "...Yep, that's enough rest for now. Got some Master-ing to do." Hakuno nodded out of fear, soon making a dash towards the path Saber went towards.

  • Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Topless

    After being spat out by Kirby, Lancelot landed at yet another Crossroads to the west and east, neither of the paths having any smackable walls blocking anything. After Artoria woke Lancelot up, Hakuno would arrive shortly after. Somewhat rested.

    Des, meanwhile, reaches the northmost part of the maze. Where there's a moveable wall to the east, and a sharp turn to the west. The furthermost wall of the maze looks and feels different than the other walls of this maze; for one, there's this lack of engravings to them. Not to mention how they seem…Coral-like. Filled with holes like thinly connected cheese.

    Interaction: @SorryTM

    "Hah!" Kaito delightfully aimed his gun at one of the small targets Klee had thrown for him. Call it an awakened hidden talent, but Kaito managed to shoot a particular bomb that set off a large chain reaction that should be more than enough to whip the block of golden bricks out of the way–even managing to chip away a couple of golden chunks off of it, resulting in a somewhat damaged wall, allowing them to gaze through it a bit and discover a deadend to the south of it with a Treasure Chest lodged behind the wall. Aside from that, the path continues westward.

    "Robot Christ! What's IN those things?!" Gaon yelped in shock, surprised about Klee's destructive potential just by throwing a bunch of small, cutesy looking balls.

    "Oh hey, there's a box behind that wall." Juran took note, peering through the damaged wall, which seemed to be damaged enough for one to vault over it.

  • Interaction: @Midle1998 @Kirie98

    "Of course not!" Saber shook her head at the notion of her blaming her Master for her circumstances. "It's just that…I don't think this place is the perfect condition to Summon a Servant, is all." She explained, before the pair was approached by a blonde man, about Shinji's age, by the looks of it.

    "I…Don't think this is a dream. Even if it was, this is quite a terrible start to one." Saber answered when approached by the now awoken blonde swordsman–as hinted by the iron plated armor on his chest and shoulders over his hoodie. It feels as though he is but a warrior in training, judging by how naive he felt. "The two of us just woke up ourselves. Suffice to say, we don't know where we are." She said, glancing back to her Master for a moment before asking the man. It didn't take long for her Master to berate the blonde, though, going off with video game logic–almost affirming his query in some way.

    Saber and Shinji carry on westward until they reach a branching path of sorts. Well, less of a branching path and more like, one dead end that leads to a strange, coral-like wall and a path that leads to the North. She didn't speak upon seeing the fork in the road, leaving the decisions to her Master, but she felt a strange presence coming from that wall, prompting Saber to step ahead of Shinji, summoning her sword in a burst of flames.

    "Master! Something's coming from that wall!" Saber informed, preparing for battle as the wall of blue corals began to be stained dark purple, golden veins emerging from that stain as it began to liquify, giving form to a hideous mass of slime. Dripping as bit by bit it moved from the wall; each drip, the creature resembles a humanoid girl.


    --{[THE FOOL]}--
    Hunter From The First Floor

    A featureless shadow, yet marked head to toe with Golden markings, glowing and dimming as if to simulate breathing. From the head were white eyes, streaming with white tears flowing upward. On her hand was a golden naginata; a golden lance.

    "Warning. Ascendants detected within the 4th Floor." The figure spoke in a hushed, robotic monotone, staring at Saber and Shinji. "Detection Confirmed. Status of the Floor Designated Fool Model: Inactive. Commencing Subroutine A. Elimination Protocol: Engage. Magic Engine: Online. Initiating Combat." It raised its hand, extending its finger and thumb to form a gun shape, pressing her finger against her head.



    "Summon: Assassin."​

    With but a mere twitch, blue shards of glass fly out on the opposite side of the figure's head, flying, swirling as her entire body glows; that glow forming into a lanky figure above her, bearing a rather twisted version of Shinji Mato; sunken blackened eyes with slick black hair, his mouth covered with a mechanical fanged facemask. Limbs bandaged with metal bands–his arm tearing open to reveal metal wires attached to black daggers that seem more like tentacles than anything. These wires shot towards Saber and Shinji, her pen-like sword lit aflame as she swung her blade at the approaching daggers, parrying each and every attempted jab and thrust towards her Master.

    As Saber lunged in for a counter attack at the Assassin Class Servant, the shadowy figure interjected with a thrust from her golden spear. With Saber barely managing to block her assault, she was quickly flung back towards Shinji's side as the Assassin Class Servant stood by the Shadowy Figure's Side, breathing heavily.

    "Master…Something feels off about all this." Saber informs, holding her blade with one hand. Considering that this…Shadow Monster just summoned a Servant out of the blue screams foul play; at least, according to what Saber remembers.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @LuckycoolHawk9

    As the path westbound immediately turned South, Ruby and Adam walked cautiously, encountering no enemies whatsoever, save for the ominous gust of winds every so often until they had to turn westward, where they seem bear witness to a…Let's just say Bizarre Events.

    On that corner were 4 entities; 2 of which are humanoid and the other 2 are practically beasts.


    –{[Esper Doge]}--

    In front of the group was a man in a completely black spandex with a minimalistic skeleton motif on it and a pink dog-like creature with two slender tails. In front of the pair was a bizarre white humanoid with a whip, smacking around what seems to be a masked woman on a floating chair, commanding it to shoot out balls of light at the pink dog.


    –{[Shocker Combatmen]}--

    "E-E-EEE!" The black spandex man commanded in Es, which the pink dog somehow understood, prompting it to jump upwards, causing it to dodge the white Shadow's attack as it charged a purple energy ball, shooting it at the floating figure.


    –{[White Amoebaman]}--
    Barmia Gelru


    –{[Vehement Idol]}--​

    "Jamejame! Grrr!" The white humanoid growled, as if ordering its creature to keep attacking; shooting more and more balls of light that the pink dog was barely able to dodge.

    It seems that the four were quite busy with their battle, that they failed to take note of the trio behind them.

    "Uh…" Ruby couldn't help but utter, glancing to Adam as she took out her Scythe. "Should we just…Leave them be?" She shrugged, referring to Adam for judgment on what to do next.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM

    When Childe moved the wall by smacking it with his hydro blade, it revealed a seemingly straight shot eastbound. Of course, the wall that was moved remained, now blocking the northern branching path. In the distance, another one of those engraved walls seemed to be moved with a loud bang, barring the path moving eastward.


    –{[Psychic Ballet]}--

    From the path it once barred came in a…Strangely humanoid green and white creature. With two reddish and rounded horns at the top of its red, which seem to resemble hair tied in long twin tails. In fact, the entire creature seemed to be likened to a child in a white tutu.


    –{[The Saber Of Roses]}--
    Nero Claudius​

    "Indeed–your physical prowess is improving, little one!" Praised a familiar haughty woman, walking towards the small creature. "While not as graceful as I, your technique is quite fascinating. It is right to let you accompany me." The woman appeared to be similar to Artoria, except clad in red. Some parts of her dress seem to be intentionally transparent, as if letting anyone gaze upon her physique. Childe may have seen her before on several occasions, but he didn't notice that she's been missing for quite some time. On her hand is a red blade, curved and jagged like the tails of a flame. "To think this change of appearance would bring such feats. I'm quite curious how far you'll improve."

    "Kirl!" Happily cried the woman's tiny familiar, who seemed to welcome her praise. After which, the creature took note of something in the distance, which seemed to put it on edge. "Krrr…!" It growled softly like an agitated puppy, which prompted the red swordswoman to look in response.

    "What is it?" The Saber glanced over to the direction her Monster had glanced towards, spotting a familiar face. "Hmm…I believe I've seen you somewhere before." She rubbed her chin, "Yes, you were a part of that grand battle at that initial Labyrinth, weren't you? Marvelous!" She beamed, excited to see a familiar face for once, turning to her pet, who seems to be prepared to attack on its Master's command.

    "Stand down, Pueri! He is a friend!" She exclaimed to her companion, who glanced at her with a confused face, but ultimately calmed down, following her as she approached Childe. "I'm sure this means everyone else is with you, correct?" She asked, wanting to confirm the situation at hand.

  • Interaction: @Galaxy Guy @SolsticeArcanum @darkred

    Moving westward proved to have been fruitful for the Paper Princess, rewarding her with an equally golden Treasure Chest after just a few steps of walking. How suspicious, but also intriguing! The chest was nestled at a deadend headed westbound, acting as a crossroads to 2 more paths. North and South. North of which, had another figure emerging from yet another branching path westward, and 2 more further north to a deadend and back on east.

    Solstice would've spotted her if her Rosalina's paper thin form is visible from the angle that the lad in black had after looking around, too.

    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

    The Shockwave from Cell's Power Up barely damaged the walls of the maze, but it did knock the wall with engravings on it alarmingly quickly, revealing a rather spacious area with a path to the west in the northmost edge of the room and a branching path to the east. However, there also lies some…Curious beings.


    –{[Power Castle]}--​

    2 small living masses of rock with castles on them, cannons protruding out of its body. Its appearance is almost like a mountain path, save for the massive black neck above the castle and its purple mask, indicating its head.


    –{[Sword-Blade Bug]}--

    In front of it were 3 more buglike creatures–a weaker version of cell, yet samurai-like in appearance. Blades covering its torso, arms, and the axe-like protrusion on their head.

    If Cell can feel power levels, he'd probably laugh at their weakness. Probably. But who knows what they're capable of.

  • Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime

    Smacking the wall seems to have done the trick, prompting the wall to be knocked to the side, revealing a path forward; an immediate turn westward. Of course, one could try to smack the wall again to the east if they want to explore there. It seems that nothing has spotted him quite yet.


  • "Huh? Where are you going?" Filia asked as Hakuno ran off to find Artoria. She was left confused as to why she had left, but then she turned to Kirby and realized the reason. "Don't just sit there! We're going south!" Samson yelled and then he formed a set of spider legs to life Filia off the couch and went down to the south where they will end up being with Solstice and Rosalina.

    @ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum @Galaxy Guy @dark

  • "Apparently so. Have you not seen the vision not quite long ago?" Artoria spoke to Lancelot and then she took notice of Hakuno approaching them. "Master! I'd assume that you have rested well? In any case, your help is needed." She said to her. After taking a look at the two paths, Artoria have came to the decision. "Let's split up. That way we'll have a lot of ground to cover. Lancelot, Mordred, you go east. Master and I will take west. Understood? Then let's wish ourselves luck." And with that said, Artoria and Hakuno would take the western path while Lancelot and Mordred would take the eastern path.

    @ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum

  • Looking at the battle, Adam had a bit of thinking. The pink dog looked rather innocent compared to the other three entities. He also observed that the fight is a one-on-three. "Hey Ruby, you like dogs?" Adam asked "If so, let's help that little critter." On que, Adam charges into the fray, going for a straight jab on the black suited man's face.

    @ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @LuckycoolHawk9
She turns around.

"Wait, why the fuck is a Dragon Ball character here-"

Seems like she knew the anime, but not the character. The only anime she's really watched was Pokémon.

"Uhm...are you alright, Mister, uh, Dragon-Ball-character-I-forgor-the-name-of? Sorry, I'm not an anime kind of person."

She didn't even know if this guy was evil or not. But in all seriousness, she simply just happened not to notice him earlier.

"Do you know where we are? And uh, can you keep it down a bit? I don't like loud noises-"

However, she didn't seem too fazed by the fire itself. Strange, considering she's literally made of paper.

"Hmm? Oh, you. There's a time and a place to break the fourth wall, this isn't one of them. How about we focus and get out of this place?"

Cell commented, witnessing the wall in front of him reveal a passage after his display of power. Looking through it revealed two alternate paths which made him groan. Great, he was stuck in a maze. What else is new. Oh wait, maybe...

Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

The Shockwave from Cell's Power Up barely damaged the walls of the maze, but it did knock the wall with engravings on it alarmingly quickly, revealing a rather spacious area with a path to the west in the northmost edge of the room and a branching path to the east. However, there also lies some…Curious beings.


–{[Power Castle]}--​
2 small living masses of rock with castles on them, cannons protruding out of its body. Its appearance is almost like a mountain path, save for the massive black neck above the castle and its purple mask, indicating its head.


–{[Sword-Blade Bug]}--
In front of it were 3 more buglike creatures–a weaker version of cell, yet samurai-like in appearance. Blades covering its torso, arms, and the axe-like protrusion on their head.

If Cell can feel power levels, he'd probably laugh at their weakness. Probably. But who knows what they're capable of.

Maybe the new beings that appeared before him? Two walking landmasses that were earthling sized, sporting medieval cannons and a head, as well as three edward scissorhand looking bugs. What strange beings were before him, he didn't care what they were. Only that they were in his way, and needed to be eradicated.

"Out of everything to face against in an unknown place, it's these things. I can barely feel an ounce of energy from their bodies, a laughable attempt to put blockages in my way by whoever foolish enough to trap me. Oh well."


Cell raised one of his arms and pointed a finger towards one of the Sword-Blade Bugs; generating a purple light at the tip.

"When you get to hell, tell them to make some room."

The purple light then escaped from Cell's fingertip; resulting in an extremely quick purple beam which would cause a lot of damage on contact with anything organic. After all, it was Frieza's Iconic Technique.

@ThePotatoGod @Galaxy Guy

  • 1670072917442.png
    Lancelot would look at Mordred then look East, "Let's go.." Lancelot would walk down the Eastern path paying no mind to Mordred.

  • 1670072929690.png
    Des would punch the Eastern wall, then walk down the Western path.

  • 1670072953610.png
    Solstice would walk to the North(1 square), East(3 squares), then he would look South before instantly running back a bit to avoid the purple laser.

  • Mami Tomoe

    "I certainly hope there is something or someone that can purify it. Being in this labyrinth seems to slow the progression, but it's worryingly still there. Magical girls like me had to use something called a Grief Seed to remove the taint in them. They only worked up to a certain point, and we needed to hunt Witches to gather them." Seeing as there were people from other worlds coming in, there was at least a chance that one of them knew how to purify. For the moment, all she could do was hope that such a thing existed.

    As they stood around, a pair of two walked up to the group, who were just as confused at what was happening here too. Mami listened in as they spoke to Kat, who explained the situation currently going on. As they spoke, she heard that one of them was a spirit of sorts. She was surprised to hear that. All kinds of people were getting dropped here, weren't they? Before the Magical Girl could comment on it, she noticed a change in Katrielle's behavior.

    And as faint as it was, she could feel whatever she assumed Katrielle was feeling. It was like a massive surge of Magic somewhere, although it was coming in two directions. However, it must be because the source of energy is different enough that it registers more as a faint noise then anything notable.

    "I think I know what you're feeling. I felt it too. Two actually. It's faint though, perhaps because my magic detection doesn't pair well with some of the different energies being released here." Mami commented. As they spoke, a large man suddenly rushed south! Despite Katrielle's words for caution, it seems like it's already being ignored. As the detective ran after him, Mami followed as well, although saving her transformation until later to conserve Magic until it was necessary.

    As they got closer though, Mami could feel that... overpowering sense of dread of what they were walking into. She hadn't felt this way since she first became a Magical Girl and fought a Witch that just felt overpowering. "I don't like what's coming up. I hope we have enough strength to deal with it."

    Mami Tomoe - #ffd87d

    @ThePotatoGod - Katrielle (Interacting),
    @Anyone else who was in the center and moving south.

  • Shinji Matou

    He was just walking forward, hands in his pockets as he tried to figure out what to do. Well, with labyrinths and stages like these, it really was nothing more then to wander about, fight some enemies, and gather items before you encounter the boss or so, right? Just then, Saber burst forward in front of him, stopping them there, as the wall of blue started to become darkly stained, as things dripped and oozed right out of them!

    An enemy encounter? Just like that? Well, he should've expected the stage to throw something at them as soon as they left their starting point, but as the oozing glob gathered enough mass to form up, he watched as it took the shape of some kind of humanoid.

    He was somewhat too stunned for words. Shit, he never really faced anything like this before.. did he? As it took up a golden spear of some sort, it spoke in a robotic, monotone nature. "Ascendents? What's with all that? You some kind of Terminator A.I? B-big deal..! Saber, destroy that-"

    Did it just shoot itself in the head?

    As much as he hoped for it, the Shadow person didn't end up dying. Instead, the shards of glass began to glow and swirl, forming another mass, another figure. As it began to shift and form, Shinji found the figure to be vaguely recognizable. After all, that was him! It was like some distorted, fucked up version of him! Sure, there were some differences, but it was unmistakable that it was supposed to be him!

    "What the hell is that mockery?!" Shinji shouted, with a hint of uneasiness in his voice as he tried to sound unfazed by what was happening. "You think it's funny to just make a fucked-up copy of me and call it 'Assassin'? As if I'm some sneaky backstabber like that! I'm the sort who likes to make sure my opponent knows who beat the shit out of them!"

    Still though, he could tell that things were going to get bad real quick. That golden spear wasn't just for show. If it was just 'Assassin' alone, Saber maybe could handle it, but the Shadow figure wasn't a slouch either, managing to move quickly and thrust an attack at Saber while Assassin distracted her.

    And he doubted blondie back there could help them. Even if it's a three-on-two, it felt like they were already fighting some kind of extra-level enemy or some kind of boss!

    With how Saber was mentally at the moment, and how both of them were barely out of their jumbled amnesiac states, Shinji pulled up some screens, typing in rapidly with in seconds!

    shock(32); -> 'Assassin'

    Some kind of electric bolt was cast onto the disgusting version of himself, slightly damaging and paralyzing him, at least for a few seconds! With the faster of the two paralyzed, Shinji grabbed the back of Saber's clothes!

    "Saber, we're getting the hell out of here!" He yelled, running back. A dead end's not good, and who knew if the turn up wasn't one as well? Whatever the case, he intended to either find a more advantageous position or get away enough that they separate from the damn thing and it's 'Servant'!

    Shinji Matou - #aebaed

    @ThePotatoGod - Saber (Interacting)
    @Midle1998 - Jaunce Arc (In the area)

Yuuji nodded along as the woman explained, piecing it together in his head and jumping slightly when Kat grabbed his hands. Fortunately, before anything could happen, they felt a huge surge of power in the south, prompting Kat to look over. Once "Fuzzy Belt Man" had begun running to the signature, Kat had let go and run after him, Mami following almost immediately after.
"The Fool...?" Yuuji mumbled for a moment, thinking. Whoever this fool person was, they didn't sound nice. Best to avoid them, hopefully.
"Hey-Yuuji-that pinky thingy don't look good-" Kaoru said quickly, motioning frantically.
Yuuji stared at Kirby for a moment before grabbing Kaoru's hand and dashing into the first exit he saw, which was, naturally the East exit, momentarily forgetting what the orange-haired male had told them earlier.

They skidded into the hallway before coming to a rest on one of the walls. They saw a few people there, but ignored them, hoping they were safe. For now, at least.
Continuing down the path, they came across Childe, standing near someone else. They stopped a few meters short of the two, not wanting to interrupt anything.
"Y'know what...I kinda regret this."

Sakuto froze, not expecting the wall to open up like that. "Myehe...wow." was all he could say before looking around nervously and beginning to follow the new path, turning right and continuing down it.
His scythe was still at the ready...just in case anything was going to attack him. Hopefully, nothing would. Hopefully.
He started humming to himself nervously, flapping his wings as he walked and fiddling with his scythe. It was currently a faint reddish colour, lighter than his hair, but turning yellow and then green before going back to a deeper red.
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Childe, Klee, and Kirbo

The Kirbster groaned, having emptied his stomach. It would be clear that there could be no return to the room for now, unless the throw up had vanished! The puffball seemed almost deflated as he shuffled towards the Western Exit, choosing a completely random path!

Hopefully, he would be able to find food!



Klee eagerly peaked through the hole in the wall she and Kaito had blown up. oOoOO, was that a treasure chest?

Sir Kaeya had told her about them, and how Pirates hid their treasure in chests like those! Climbing upwards, Klee exclaimed "Klee is going to see the pirate treasure!" Practically hopping up and down, Klee opened the chest, eagerly expecting to see glittering golf coins or whatever treasure Pirates had!

@ThePotatoGod @SolsticeArcanum


Stepping through the newly created path, Childe eyed his options. If memory served right, the Pillars were located in the corners... Meaning the path straight East wouldn't be much good, unless it turned north or south along the way. Then of course, there was the path blocked.

A loud bang caught his attention, as the path to the East swung upon..! His dual blades appearing in a flash of blue, he pointed them at whatever appeared through the doorway... to find a small, green child? Confused, he lowered his weapons in time to catch the appearance of someone new. A blonde woman in a stunning red dress, bearing a sword curved like a flame. Oddly enough, she seemed vaguely familiar... And then hearing her voice confirmed it for him. She was one of those servants, beings that supposedly were legendary heros eons ago. After hearing the concept of such a thing, he couldn't help but wonder if someone like him could qualify for such a thing, before dismissing the thought. After all, it wasn't like he truly was a "heroic" being...

"Well, I was apart of that clash on the 1st floor..." Giving a small slime at her beaming face, he pointed back towards he way he had come from. "They should still be located in the room right the.... really? I told you two to to see if you join another path!" SIghing he prepared to escort the two out back- until the smell hit him. He had cleaned up after younger siblings, and he knew what was awaiting back in the main area. Throw Up... but a lot of it.

Well, it seemed that the Archons did want him to stay with a group after all. Turning toward the path headed north, he smacked the wall barricading it, and turning back towards the small group.

"It seemed that everyone has already begun to explore... ah, Nero, was it? Well, would you mind accompaning me to the Northeastern Pillar? Hopefully, we meet up with others of the groups along the way. And you two kids... stick close to us, and yell if you see a black, goopy young girl. Thats the entity know as The Fool." Turning towards the newly created path headed north, the Harbringer began to walk down it.​

@ThePotatoGod @Foxes81_of_Anime


  • Interaction: @Topless @SolsticeArcanum

    "Geez, you're hard to wake up, you old bastard." Mordred comments as Lancelot finally wakes up after several light nudges from the Treacherous Knight. Soon enough, the Black Knight woke up moments after Artoria's arrival, who asked about the vision. "Yeah, something about a weird priest dude murdering another one of its kind. What of it?" She asked, but before anyone could answer, Saber's Master came along, prompting her Father to ask about her condition.

    "Yeah, somewhat. One of our own had to use the rest place for an unfortunate 'accident'." Hakuno told her Servant, who then ordered the Round Table Knights to split up; Saber went with Hakuno while Mordred with Lancelot. After which, they began the exploration without any hitches.

    [Artoria and Hakuno Proceed to Northwest Tab]
    [Lancelot and Mordred Proceed to Northeast Tab]

    Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum

    Des' journey westward was interrupted by the appearance of monsters forming out of black, shadowy puddles in front of yet another moveable wall.


    –{[Drunken Serpents]}--


    –{[Abyssal King of Avarice]}--

    4 enemies in total; 2 bundles of Snakes, and 2 ugly motherfucking slimes. For a Kaiju like Des, this should be easy pickings.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM

    "Careful there. It's pretty high up." Gaon called out, seeing as Klee immediately climbed up the broken wall to get to the chest, opening it to reveal a sword, resting atop an assorted pile of glowing colored crystals and equally colored shotgun shells.


    The Ice Queen's Point


    –{[Dust Crystals]}–
    Remnants of Man's Strife​

    The sword is quite similar to what Acting Grand Master Jean uses, except for the fact that the guard can be opened to reveal a revolving chamber of sorts with multicolored capsules inside–they smell like gunpowder, but much more…Sweeter. In fact, the crystals themselves smell similar, too! How bizarre.

    "Do Pirates use Rapiers?" Kaito asked Gaon, wanting to get his thoughts on what Klee had discovered.

    "They use guns and swords." Juran answered, "And this thing looks like a mix of both, so maybe whoever owned this sword was one. A real innovator, I'd guess." He then turned to Klee, "Think you'll keep it, kiddo?"

    Interaction: @Topless @Midle1998

    The Master Servant pair sallied westward until they reached a fork in the road going north and south. The southern nearby open space that reconnects them with the shenanigans of Kaito's Team and the literal Child Terrorist they're raising together on the eastern fork of the path, literally no point going there. On the other hand, there are two more open paths that lead them south and further East respectively.

    On the Northern side of things, however, there's also a path that leads East, leading to a branching path to the North and yet another moveable wall. Not to mention; a person! A blonde wearing very light silver plated armor. A sheathe and sword on his hip. His appearance is more akin to a modern knave in training than anything.

    It's around this point that Saber would feel out a presence of yet another Servant–although with the amount of Servants with her, it's correct to assume that it could just be one of her allies but then again…

    That Summoning Circle near the engraved wall isn't doing anyone any favors.

    "I've got a feeling a Mage's been here…" Hakuno couldn't help but utter while peeking at the Northern path a bit, trying not to get the attention of the Blonde Knave, who's definitely not the Servant, but could very well be a Master.

    Interaction: @Kirie98

    Fortunately for Shinji, it would seem that his paralysis spell was successful in keeping their attacker at bay, and by the time it broke free, both of them had already escaped. Although instead of giving chase, the figure seemed to focus on the path they didn't go to; the path the pair came from; sensing others nearby. Thus, it took a step eastward, expecting to encounter the other Ascendants.

    The Master-Servant pair managed to reach the northernmost wall of the maze, with a wall that has a similar pattern to where The Fool emerged from–one might think that that sort of wall lines the entire maze. There's also a similar engraved wall that they've spotted when they first woke up to the east, and a peculiar white quartz platform on the west. In Shinji's presence, a doorway of light emerged from the pedestal, beckoning the Master towards it.

    "I sense something on that passageway. It could be an enemy Servant." Saber would inform her Master, seeing as they fled from their previous encounter, it feels as though it's the right information to take note of. "Are you sure we should go through?"

  • Interaction: @Topless @LuckycoolHawk9 @SorryTM

    The ambush was successful, as the Shocker Grunt didn't see Adam's legendary left hook coming from behind, knocking him down onto the ground with a mighty crack–prompting the others nearby to finally take notice of the group.

    The White Monster, the Gelru, then lunged towards Nicholas, intending to smack him with its flexible baton whip.

    The weird featureless white humanoid sitting atop a floating prism clad in a red mask then emitted strong winds, gathering the currents around itself before releasing two slash waves towards Ruby, who managed to weave in between the two slashes thanks to her Semblance turning her into a spinning red blur. THe blur landed on the ground, revealing Ruby as the blur unfolded into her signature red riding hood, her scythe now open with the barrel pointed on the ground, the trigger was pulled, shooting her towards the Shadow and catching it right at the blade,, knocking it down to the ground as she fired yet another shot, landing behind it as she compressed her weapon behind her back, her eyes now set on capturing the Espeon with her bare hands.

    She lunged at it with her obtained momentum, only for her to be blinded by the pink dog kicking up glittering dust, soon mimicking Ruby's speed and stealing her scythe, managing to carry the thing with its mouth.

    "Hey!" Ruby gasped after feeling the lack of weight on her back, soon turning to see that the Espeon took her most previous thing. "Give back my baby!" Ruby carelessly hopped towards her weapon, which prompted the Espeon to dodge at the right moment, landing on her back with a disgustingly smug look on her face.

    You could almost mistake the pink dog for a Sylveon with its taunting hum.

    The Shocker Grunt would get up sooner than later, attempting to swing his machete at the first man.

    Kirby would arrive late to the chaos occurring down the western path.

  • Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @SolsticeArcanum @dark

    Cell initiates the encounter by shooting a Frieza Branded Death Beam, hitting the Bisharp and…Well, I don't think 'fainting' accurately describes what happened to it. That particular Bisharp is no longer solid; it is now liquid. Hell, maybe an evaporated one at that.

    Solstice clearly doesn't wanna mess with something like that.

    The Power Castles; the rock castle things began to prepare to attack, coating its remaining allies with green light which seemed to set their speed to be on par with at most, Vegeta when he's not trying as the other Bisharps lunged towards Cell and began to string together attacks, thrusting their sword-like spikes at the green menage.

    In the distance, out of Cell's field of vision, the Perfect being could feel a rather familiar power level–is it Goku? Yes, but something's different about it. It's almost as if Goku's gotten weaker.

  • Interaction: @SorryTM @Foxes81_of_Anime

    "Hah! It seems you have some persistent children with you as well. Though unlike my Pueri, they don't seem to have any experience in the martial arts. Save for the Spirit, of course–unlike a certain Caster, they seem trustworthy." Nero chuckled loudly as Childe pointed to the two children with you, who soon pointed out that someone had an oopsie back on the center room. Having pointed it out, Nero could see that they've found the stairs; or at least, they've started exploring from the stairs.

    "That's Emperor Nero to you, Archer!" Nero corrected, hands on her hips as the weird green thing mimicked her posture, letting out a haughty little huff. It's learning from her. "I suppose I could use some actual human company." She nodded, agreeing to Childe's offer as she turned to the wall her monster companion just moved. She raised her blade and promptly span with a sword swing from below, pushing the wall rather gracefully, revealing yet another path eastward towards a small open room. The room revealed a coral-like wall. The only available path from within the room was north. How convenient!

    "Come along now. We've got some beasts to slay!" Nero glanced back at her allies, soon moving ahead of the group, going north from the small open room. Her little green pet following shortly behind.

  • Interaction: @Kirie98 @dark @Galaxy Guy

    The gang arrives at the crossroads only to see Bardock speeding towards the northern path, headed for Cell. They see the split path, the treasure chest and possibly Rosalina.

    Interaction: @SolsticeArcanum @Foxes81_of_Anime

    Mordred and Lancelot find a deadend with 2 split paths going north and south. From the south emerging from a path that leads further east is a curious winged man. There's also a path that takes them further south, too, which the man went down on. The path seemed to curve eastwards, proceeding further down south, but before Sakuma could get any more progress, a woman's voice barked up from behind him.

    "Hey, you!" Mordred spoke up, trekking down towards the path Sakuma had walked towards, "You plan to get killed wanderin' out here alone?" She asked rather bluntly, as if attempting to provoke, albeit unintentionally.


  • Samson eventually stopped running and lowered Filia to her feet. It seemed that they're lost in the south path. "Great, now where are we supposed to go?" Filia asked as she began walking, coming into a fork in the path; one goes north and other south. That's when Filia heard something from afar. Without even thinking, Filia went south once more.


  • After coming into a fork in the path, Artoria felt some sort of presence. It would most likely her fellow knights, but she could assume they're not. It is from there she took notice of a summoning circle by the wall. A Servant must have been summoned, but where? Hakuno spotted somebody by the northern path. Artoria went over to her Master and said to her "Master, get behind me."

    She would go on the northern path, approaching the blonde knight with her Master behind her. Her walk gradually elevated to a sprint and with her invisible sword in hand, she made a leap to strike down the knight.

    @ThePotatoGod @Midle1998

  • Adam stared at the Shocker grunt as he got up and tried to attack him. When he swung his machete, Adam effortlessly caught his wrist and crushed it to force the grunt to drop it.

    @ThePotatoGod @SorryTM @LuckycoolHawk9

  • 1670244002153.png
    Lancelot would turn to the Northern path leaving Mordred behind, while Lancelot goes to the Northeastern corner.

  • 1670244061483.png
    Des would punch one Abaddon and one Yamata-no-Orochi splattering them against the wall. With the other two he'd restrict one of the shadow's movement with his tail and the other with his hands, and use his inner mouth to suck out both of their power and make it his own.

  • 1670244152566.png
    Solstice would look around the corner a few times to make sure he is safe to move in.

  • R.eac9c171afeedd9a971c9883bf1c65cd

    Bardock eyed Katrine running after him, "What do you sense about this being I don't already know ahead? And how exactly strong is this being on this floor?"
    Bardock's own future vision was hitting him in short bursts, but he wanted to know more about what he was getting into.

    Something about this being ahead, he had Kakkarot's level and Frieza's own strength in it. As he landed, he saw Cell's timed Death beam like Frieza's signature attack.

    "I felt your power level. You are incredibly strong, but will it be enough to get rid of this floor's enemy?"

    The Saiyan frowned and eyed Cell and Katrine still holding onto his Super Saiyan form, watching the creatures be turned into putty and goop by one attack.

    @Raynar Saassin @ThePotatoGod @Galaxy Guy @dark

  • .

    Valuable seconds turn into mere minutes as John felt he was traveling in circles as he kept going north.


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Nicholas Harris

Nick wasn't sure how to answer the young girl's question without getting into his entire backstory. It was a long thing and he didn't want to brag about himself or explain how he gotten the way he was. It was probably a better plan to avoid the fight, but Nick didn't get a chance to voice his opinion before the mostly naked man would give one of them a punch. It looked like he was going to get into a fight. Well, that was good, he missed being involved in some sort of action. As the dog stole Ruby's scythe, he would notice that an enemy was aiming to grab him their whip. In a swift movement, he would grab the baton whip and attempt to throw it into the dog. " This will be interesting, haven't been in a fight for a while, let's see what I can do."

@Topless @SorryTM @ThePotatoGod

Cameron Mahkent and Ben

Cameron wasn't sure how he felt about all of the new people and he looked at Ben and then back at the rest of the group. "I think I'll head south, it seems to be the only way that nobody is looking-"

Ben had already walked down the southern path and was punching the wall and shouted back to Jason, Richie and Cameron. " Are you three coming or am going to punch this wall all alone?" He asked.

@ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd

  • Mami Tomoe

    Just where was this guy running? Mami followed as best as she could, keeping up with Katrielle before they came across the split fork in the road. The man kept going forward, clearly intent on facing off whatever the energy signature was. The other path led down to a girl who was approaching some kind of chest.

    "I'll go on ahead with the man," Mami says, transforming once again and quickly summoning a musket to her hand. "Who knows what's up ahead? He could use some help if a fight breaks out. I'm assuming he's an ally of yours given that you two seem to be fine with each other's presence."

    As she caught up, she'd catch sight of the center of the signature. It was a green bugman, who was shooting energy beams from his fingers! It seemed that the burly man knew the humanoid as he started speaking to it.

    She just hoped it was of a diplomatic friendly nature...

    Mami Tomoe - #ffd87d

    @ThePotatoGod - Katrielle (Interacting)
    @dark - Bardock (In the area)
    @Raynar Saassin - Cell (In the area), Vert (If they're here.)

  • Shinji Matou

    Shinji stopped to catch his breath. Looked like it worked after all. Get away far enough from enemy A.I and they'll forget about you and either idle around in the area or move on to the 2nd best thing. Tch. He was really hoping to show off his prowess and great tactical gaming mind, but the very first enemy they fight is the roaming boss of this game!?

    "Haa.. haa... Another enemy? Tch. This game really likes playing hard, doesn't it? Fine by me. I'm Asia's greatest gaming champion after all. I'll find a way to win even if this game throws the entire world's enemies at me!" He gave a shit-eating grin towards Saber, as he approached the passageway. "Besides, we can't really go back anyways. Damn thing and it's copy-cat Servant of me are blocking the way. You got memory loss and I'm just a Master. Even with my incredible casting skills, it's not enough to give us the win if you barely remember much about yourself. You know, Sun Tzu's whole 'Art of War' stuff about knowing the enemy and yourself. You should know. You're Chinese, I think? The whole 'Dragon' look and stuff kinda gives off that feeling."

    After giving a second look at the glowing doorway, he swallowed a feeling of apprehension. Well, what else was this labyrinth going to throw at him? "Come on Saber! Let's go and see what's waitin for us in this corner! Maybe it's a mini-boss. Should be easy enough for you to handle right?" With that, he headed inside.

    Shinji Matou - #aebaed

    @ThePotatoGod - Saber (Interacting)

Yuuji and Kaoru proceeded to follow Nero North, Kaoru flickering momentarily in and out of sight, eyes widening as he hoped nobody had noticed that.
Yuuji grabbed Kaoru's hand and walked, with a slight bounce in his step.

"Huh?" Sakuto said, tensing up as soon as he saw the other, before relaxing, only slightly. "No, I showed up here with twenty others." he said sarcastically. "I came from back there." he said, carelessly pointing behind him as he pressed a button on his scythe, watching as the long blade slipped back into a small, compact cylinder, which he slipped into his pocket.
His wings flickered in and out of sight as he seemingly weaved invisible strands together before disappearing completely, almost like an old projector before flickering back into sight when he dropped...whatever he was holding.
Cell initiates the encounter by shooting a Frieza Branded Death Beam, hitting the Bisharp and…Well, I don't think 'fainting' accurately describes what happened to it. That particular Bisharp is no longer solid; it is now liquid. Hell, maybe an evaporated one at that.

Solstice clearly doesn't wanna mess with something like that.

The Power Castles; the rock castle things began to prepare to attack, coating its remaining allies with green light which seemed to set their speed to be on par with at most, Vegeta when he's not trying as the other Bisharps lunged towards Cell and began to string together attacks, thrusting their sword-like spikes at the green menage.

In the distance, out of Cell's field of vision, the Perfect being could feel a rather familiar power level–is it Goku? Yes, but something's different about it. It's almost as if Goku's gotten weaker.
"Hmm. Interesting. So they are as weak as I suspected. Of course, nothing matches to me after all."

Cell watched as the Castle seemed to power the other bug pokemon up, quickly recognising that their speed were on par with that of Super Vegeta. Of course if he was Semi-Perfect that'd pose some trouble, but as he took one of Vegeta's most powerful attacks head-on and regenerated what was eradicated, their speed wasn't a factor.

"So you want to play, do you? Fine."

Cell rose his arms and, like a martial artist would, blocked their thrusts with lightning fast reflexes, taking the opportunity between dodges to elbow one of them in the head with quite the force. They'd at least take considerable damage and cause a hefty sized dent in the floor. That was, however, until someone reached out to him and he felt it. A similar power. Goku? No, not quite. It's a bit weaker but on a similar level. Turning to face the source, it was none other than Bardock. Of course Cell had no idea who they were, other than they had Goku's hairstyle.

"A relative of Goku, I see. His offspring? No, not quite, you're a little on the tall side to be mimicking that bookworm. But of course as you sensed my Perfect Power, I felt yours. While you are indeed a Super Saiyan, you're still no match for me."


Vert was watching from the sidelines as everything was going on. It was certainly strange that familiar creatures were attacking an individual of question. They weren't exactly the same but they were similar to Pocketed Monstrosities, a Loweean Game from back home in Gamindustri. Crossing her arms underneath her bountiful assets, she watched the ensuing chaos between Cell and those creatures after having followed the glowing haired warrior there. She was tempted to transform but instead she waited to see how things played out.

"Might I suggest we do something about our humanoid bug looking individual here? He seems quite dangerous."
"I can hear you, woman. My hearing is absolute. Mind telling me how long you plan on staring at me, studying from the shadows? Or do you plan on maintaining that whorish look that you radiate?"
"My what?! I'll have you know that Breasts are the sign of maturity in a Goddess. I am the biggest from my world, hmhm."
"Goddess, hmm? Now that is intriguing. However, you look like an extra from a porno-flick, the kind where everyone gets tested afterwards. Even the Cameraman."

If rage was visible, it'd be flowing from Vert. She looked ready to transform and end it all...

@ThePotatoGod @dark @Southeastern Folks.