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Aha! Perfect- that random boy that had come along had distracted the annoying catboy long enough for her bonds to loosen, allowing Tarlotte to wiggle free from them before jumping backwards, her tail and ears standing straight on end with fury as she glared harshly at Kyle, looking like she wanted nothing more than to- as she had said earlier -crush, crush, crush him.


"Nnnnn I dunno who mew are, meow, but I'm gonna make you pay for that!!! Meowwww!" she roared, a faint reddish-orange glowing forming around her with the air seeming to shimmer in addition, before she reared back to deliver a kick towards Kyle's face. "Meowwwwwwwwwwwww--...wwwww....." she trailed off, her attack seeming to lack as much energy as before, her form falling back to the ground on unsteady feet from her attempt, the girl swaying back and forth.


"Meowww..." she muttered more softly, struggling to stay upright for a few moments before merely collapsing. Welp. Knockout without even trying.


Also, Kofuku was pretty much showering Add with kisses at this rate. O boi.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan


"I don't think I need to answer that until you've answered me on what the hell you were doing? Having a little girl tied up like that and looking like you were about t-..." aaaaannnnnnddddd then Tarlotte got free cutting Yoshiki off...


He didn't seem to say much else as he let Kyle go to run over and check on Tarlotte....

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies


"L-little?!" Tarlotte demanded, her cheeks having puffed out and clearly aggravated, even from her position collapsed on the floor as she. "Who're mew... c-calling...." she began to trail off, brief burst of energy spurred by her offense quickly diminishing due to her lack of mana. "...l-little....--"

Andddd she was out like a light.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan

"You mean h-"

Before Kyle could explain the situation, he basically was knocked out by Tarlotte's sudden kick. He may be powerful with magic, but he wasn't the same with physical means. So... yeah, he was knocked the fuck out.


Esper is happy with all the kisses. >///<

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

"Recall that I mentioned searching for a way to bring the you I know back to life...? Well I was hoping you had the answer on how.." Laslow spoke slightly relieved that she didn't try to kill him.


Black with not many options himself used his rifle to block one of the caltrops though a few do stick into his torso. While lesser men probably would've called it quits there Black did not as he simply pulled each one of them out and let them drop to the ground. Blood was leaking out from a couple of spots where the caltrops hit but Black didn't seem to care.

"Heh, I'm surprised....ain't never seen anyone use my caltrops like that 'fore..." Black comments his voice slightly muffled by his mask as he took his rifle and placed it back in its sling. Taking some for of object in one hand and a revolver in the other Black simply stood there waiting for the next move.

@Gummi Bunnies

"Hm... wait... you do have my fan? Well, my other me's fan? I remember my old Master telling me that my fan was my summoning catalyst. It explains why... that fan you're holding didn't disappear... so maybe you can perform the summoning ritual with it?"

Kiyo took a bit to remember how she was summoned into the world, but it's been awhile since then.


"Fighting off in the streets taught me a few things..."

Kiryu made a brief comment as he went over to grab a chair, given that he had cleared a bit of the floor of the caltrops by kicking a few earlier. Just like with the table earlier, he throws the chair right at Black as a distraction, rushing forward and trying to uppercut Black in the process.

@Crimson Spartan
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
"You mean h-"

Before Kyle could explain the situation, he basically was knocked out by Tarlotte's sudden kick. He may be powerful with magic, but he wasn't the same with physical means. So... yeah, he was knocked the fuck out.


Esper is happy with all the kisses. >///<

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

Hooray. Now there were two unconscious catfolk lying around.



Eventually, the onslaught of kisses from Kofuku finally ceased, the pinkette instead just hugging and snuggling Esper rather tightly., laughing with delight all the while. "Ahaha, I love you, Addy-chan~ You're so funnnn~" she cheered. Wait. Wat. KOFUKU PLS.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan


"Hm... wait... you do have my fan? Well, my other me's fan? I remember my old Master telling me that my fan was my summoning catalyst. It explains why... that fan you're holding didn't disappear... so maybe you can perform the summoning ritual with it?"

Kiyo took a bit to remember how she was summoned into the world, but it's been awhile since then.


"Fighting off in the streets taught me a few things..."

Kiryu made a brief comment as he went over to grab a chair, given that he had cleared a bit of the floor of the caltrops by kicking a few earlier. Just like with the table earlier, he throws the chair right at Black as a distraction, rushing forward and trying to uppercut Black in the process.

@Crimson Spartan


"Summoning ritual..? How would I go about this...?" Laslow asked Kiyo for once hopeful that he may see the woman he cared for again.


Erron dodged the chair only to see Kiryu rushing in. No time to react he takes the uppercut but unlike most opponents he doesn't fall back as expected. As he is hit however he attempts to throw sand in Kiryu's face. Stumbling back a bit from the hit Black recovers quickly to see if his plan worked.

@Gummi Bunnies



"L-little?!" Tarlotte demanded, her cheeks having puffed out and clearly aggravated, even from her position collapsed on the floor as she. "Who're mew... c-calling...." she began to trail off, brief burst of energy spurred by her offense quickly diminishing due to her lack of mana. "...l-little....--"

Andddd she was out like a light.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan

"You mean h-"

Before Kyle could explain the situation, he basically was knocked out by Tarlotte's sudden kick. He may be powerful with magic, but he wasn't the same with physical means. So... yeah, he was knocked the fuck out.


Esper is happy with all the kisses. >///<

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan


Well this all really did happen. Why did all the crazy stuff happen to him..? Yoshiki shook his head upon noticing that both of them were out cold. Tempted to leave both of them in that hallway but knowing he at least couldn't leave Tarlotte he figured he'd have to do something. Given how Tarlotte has acted so far he knew he was probably gonna get kicked in the face or something of that nature for what he was about to do if she woke up.


'I'm going to regret this...' Slowly and carefully Yoshiki attempted to pick Tarlotte up. The least he could do for her was find an infirmary or something like that..

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

Well this all really did happen. Why did all the crazy stuff happen to him..? Yoshiki shook his head upon noticing that both of them were out cold. Tempted to leave both of them in that hallway but knowing he at least couldn't leave Tarlotte he figured he'd have to do something. Given how Tarlotte has acted so far he knew he was probably gonna get kicked in the face or something of that nature for what he was about to do if she woke up.


'I'm going to regret this...' Slowly and carefully Yoshiki attempted to pick Tarlotte up. The least he could do for her was find an infirmary or something like that..

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

Welp. Though she seemed to stir ever-so-slightly when initially lifted up by the male, Tarlotte didn't seem to wake, obviously completely out cold at this point due to a complete drain of her eternal mana. It was unlikely she'd be waking or giving anyone trouble any time soon unless she got some 'assistance'... Which, unfortunately, the sort she needed? Wasn't exactly one people would think to give. So she was probably going to die, rip.

In any case, she seemed much more mellow and manageable like this, her body slightly more relaxed and soft, quiet 'meow's parting her lips even in her unconscious state.

Well she wasn't dead yet.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan
Hooray. Now there were two unconscious catfolk lying around.



Eventually, the onslaught of kisses from Kofuku finally ceased, the pinkette instead just hugging and snuggling Esper rather tightly., laughing with delight all the while. "Ahaha, I love you, Addy-chan~ You're so funnnn~" she cheered. Wait. Wat. KOFUKU PLS.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan


Well this all really did happen. Why did all the crazy stuff happen to him..? Yoshiki shook his head upon noticing that both of them were out cold. Tempted to leave both of them in that hallway but knowing he at least couldn't leave Tarlotte he figured he'd have to do something. Given how Tarlotte has acted so far he knew he was probably gonna get kicked in the face or something of that nature for what he was going to do if she woke up.


'I'm going to regret this...' Slowly and carefully Yoshiki attempted to pick Tarlotte up. The least he could do for her was find an infirmary or something like that..

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies


"... what happened here?"

Another person just walks in to see the mess that was happening... which was the two unconscious cat people, Yoshiki trying to take one of them somewhere else to recover, and some eccentric couple really enjoying the shared kisses in the back. Someone help him understand on what's going on.

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

"Summoning ritual..? How would I go about this...?" Laslow asked Kiyo for once hopeful that he may see the woman he cared for again.


Erron dodged the chair only to see Kiryu rushing in. No time to react he takes the uppercut but unlike most opponents he doesn't fall back as expected. As he is hit however he attempts to throw sand in Kiryu's face. Stumbling back a bit from the hit Black recovers quickly to see if his plan worked.

@Gummi Bunnies


"Um... I'm not sure. I wasn't around to see the ritual take place to allow me to be here in the first place. All I know is that I first saw a magic circle drawn under me and the fan placed in the middle of it..."

Well, at least Kiyo had remembered that bit of it, but the actual ritual itself was unknown to her.

"But if you do manage to do it... be sure to take good care of her... alright?"


While he did get to land that uppercut, Kiryu wasn't expecting the sand. He's seen some real ballsy moves made in many street fights, but sand? A part of him was glad that he usually stuck around city settings, or else this would be a common occurrence. Knowing that this won't end well if he didn't deal with this soon, Kiryu stepped back to rub the sand out, but even then he couldn't get a break.


Somehow recovering from the thrown chair earlier, Majima literally jumps into the fight, trying to whack his bat on Kiryu's head. The bat would only be caught by Kiryu's hand, and then pushing Majima back.

"Oh Kiryu-chan, don't be like that~ I know I hired a guy after your ass, but I couldn't help myself from getting in the fight. It looks like so much fun!"

"Tch, this isn't the first time you hired somebody to try and fight me to the death... but shouldn't your hired hitman know that you don't actually have the money to pay for the job?"

Upon hearing this, Majima showed a rather exaggerated face of shock.

"How do you even know that for sure, Kiryu-chan? It's not like-"

"The last guy you sent after me realized the money you gave him was forged. I didn't forget you had forger ties all the way in Sotenbori. Knowing you aren't really close with the Tojo clan right now, I figured that you're dirt broke."

"... er, shit."

Well, that was fast. Looks like Majima was exposed, but he shook that shock off his face.

"Never mind that! I bet you're really fired up from fighting so much, it means more fun for meee! Eheheheee!"

"You can't be serious."

Kiryu groaned as he readied himself to defend against Majima's rather erratic bat swings.

@Crimson Spartan

"... what happened here?"

Another person just walks in to see the mess that was happening... which was the two unconscious cat people, Yoshiki trying to take one of them somewhere else to recover, and some eccentric couple really enjoying the shared kisses in the back. Someone help him understand on what's going on.

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

"Shuck if I know," a young male that had stumbled upon the scene mused in response to Luke, looking completely unamused. He had no idea what was going on and, to be completely honest, he was fairly confident that he didn't want to know.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan

"... what happened here?"

Another person just walks in to see the mess that was happening... which was the two unconscious cat people, Yoshiki trying to take one of them somewhere else to recover, and some eccentric couple really enjoying the shared kisses in the back. Someone help him understand on what's going on.

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan


"Shuck if I know," a young male that had stumbled upon the scene mused in response to Luke, looking completely unamused. He had no idea what was going on and, to be completely honest, he was fairly confident that he didn't want to know.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan


"I don't even really know either.... I walk in and see that guy have this little girl tied up looking like he was going to kiss her. So I pulled him back to see what the hell he was doing. She got free, kicked him in the face, and then passed out... So I figured I should at least take her to an infirmary to rest up..." Yoshiki explained to these two that had shown up after he picked Tarlotte up.

Poor fool has no idea on what he's getting into...

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies



"Um... I'm not sure. I wasn't around to see the ritual take place to allow me to be here in the first place. All I know is that I first saw a magic circle drawn under me and the fan placed in the middle of it..."

Well, at least Kiyo had remembered that bit of it, but the actual ritual itself was unknown to her.

"But if you do manage to do it... be sure to take good care of her... alright?"


While he did get to land that uppercut, Kiryu wasn't expecting the sand. He's seen some real ballsy moves made in many street fights, but sand? A part of him was glad that he usually stuck around city settings, or else this would be a common occurrence. Knowing that this won't end well if he didn't deal with this soon, Kiryu stepped back to rub the sand out, but even then he couldn't get a break.


Somehow recovering from the thrown chair earlier, Majima literally jumps into the fight, trying to whack his bat on Kiryu's head. The bat would only be caught by Kiryu's hand, and then pushing Majima back.

"Oh Kiryu-chan, don't be like that~ I know I hired a guy after your ass, but I couldn't help myself from getting in the fight. It looks like so much fun!"

"Tch, this isn't the first time you hired somebody to try and fight me to the death... but shouldn't your hired hitman know that you don't actually have the money to pay for the job?"

Upon hearing this, Majima showed a rather exaggerated face of shock.

"How do you even know that for sure, Kiryu-chan? It's not like-"

"The last guy you sent after me realized the money you gave him was forged. I didn't forget you had forger ties all the way in Sotenbori. Knowing you aren't really close with the Tojo clan right now, I figured that you're dirt broke."

"... er, shit."

Well, that was fast. Looks like Majima was exposed, but he shook that shock off his face.

"Never mind that! I bet you're really fired up from fighting so much, it means more fun for meee! Eheheheee!"

"You can't be serious."

Kiryu groaned as he readied himself to defend against Majima's rather erratic bat swings.

@Crimson Spartan


"Summoning circle...? What! I know someone who-..." Laslow trailed off at that thought thinking a moment before looking at Kiyo regaining his smile once again.


"Don't worry....if I do manage to summon her.... I won't let what happened last time happen again....even at the cost of my own life..." Laslow declared showing his intention to guard the Kiyo he knew with his life after what happened last time.


"..." Black didn't seem to take kindly to being given forged money as his aim with his revolver had shifted to Majima instead.


"This is why I usually never work with foreign currency..." and cue Black literally attempting to shoot Majima in the back. Seems he turned on Majima upon realizing the money was fake..

@Gummi Bunnies


"Shuck if I know," a young male that had stumbled upon the scene mused in response to Luke, looking completely unamused. He had no idea what was going on and, to be completely honest, he was fairly confident that he didn't want to know.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan


"I don't even really know either.... I walk in and see that guy have this little girl tied up looking like he was going to kiss her. So I pulled him back to see what the hell he was doing. She got free, kicked him in the face, and then passed out... So I figured I should at least take her to an infirmary to rest up..." Yoshiki explained to these two that had shown up after he picked Tarlotte up.

Poor fool has no idea on what he's getting into...

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies


"Why am I not surprised?"

Luke sounded just about done, simply staring over at the unconscious Kyle. Guessing that this wasn't the first time that this has happened. For now, Luke would step over to carry the unconscious "cat" over his shoulder.

"In that case... I'll take care of this one. I just happen to know him."

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

"Summoning circle...? What! I know someone who-..." Laslow trailed off at that thought thinking a moment before looking at Kiyo regaining his smile once again.


"Don't worry....if I do manage to summon her.... I won't let what happened last time happen again....even at the cost of my own life..." Laslow declared showing his intention to guard the Kiyo he knew with his life after what happened last time.


"..." Black didn't seem to take kindly to being given forged money as his aim with his revolver had shifted to Majima instead.


"This is why I usually never work with foreign currency..." and cue Black literally attempting to shoot Majima in the back. Seems he turned on Majima upon realizing the money was fake..

@Gummi Bunnies


"If you say so. Just don't do anything stupid, because I might be watching to see if you actually commit. Just because it's not technically me, a part of me wants to be sure."

Something about this smile from Kiyo looked a bit off. Oh no...


Almost like he had suddenly decided to change up his fighting style, Majima dropped down to the ground, narrowly avoiding that bullet. Before Kiryu could have a sense on what the Mad Dog was planning, Majima began to... breakdance by the looks of it. However, it wasn't just for show, as his legs were wildly spinning around in the air, knocking Kiryu off balance. At the same time before he would start this, he threw his bat at Black. Well... Majima's actually not getting screwed over right away like earlier.

@Crimson Spartan

"I don't even really know either.... I walk in and see that guy have this little girl tied up looking like he was going to kiss her. So I pulled him back to see what the hell he was doing. She got free, kicked him in the face, and then passed out... So I figured I should at least take her to an infirmary to rest up..." Yoshiki explained to these two that had shown up after he picked Tarlotte up.

Poor fool has no idea on what he's getting into...

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies

"Why am I not surprised?"

Luke sounded just about done, simply staring over at the unconscious Kyle. Guessing that this wasn't the first time that this has happened. For now, Luke would step over to carry the unconscious "cat" over his shoulder.

"In that case... I'll take care of this one. I just happen to know him."

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan

"Yeah, well, you two shanks have fun with that," Newt muttered, seeming rather nonchalant about the situation in it's entirety. The young man had seen some shit, and in all honesty, was used to such things... And much, much worse, at that. So he was pretty laid back about it all... but....

"One thing, though. Somethin' happen to the girl? She didn't seem to take any hits, from what I saw, but looks like she's completely outta it."

That was pretty mysterious. Huh. And luckily for Yoshiki, Tarlotte still didn't seem to be stirring.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan

"Why am I not surprised?"

Luke sounded just about done, simply staring over at the unconscious Kyle. Guessing that this wasn't the first time that this has happened. For now, Luke would step over to carry the unconscious "cat" over his shoulder.

"In that case... I'll take care of this one. I just happen to know him."

@Midnight Maiden @Crimson Spartan


"Yeah, well, you two shanks have fun with that," Newt muttered, seeming rather nonchalant about the situation in it's entirety. The young man had seen some shit, and in all honesty, was used to such things... And much, much worse, at that. So he was pretty laid back about it all... but....

"One thing, though. Somethin' happen to the girl? She didn't seem to take any hits, from what I saw, but looks like she's completely outta it."

That was pretty mysterious. Huh. And luckily for Yoshiki, Tarlotte still didn't seem to be stirring.

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan


'Hell if I know... Anyways all this standing around is fun but i'm gonna go look for an infirmary to take her to..." for a seventeen year old Yoshiki seemed to be taking this rather well himself but given what he's witnessed in the past this was extremely tame.

Well what Luke said interested him as he started to walk past Luke.


"You know that idiot...?" Yoshiki comments as he passes by Luke.

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies



"If you say so. Just don't do anything stupid, because I might be watching to see if you actually commit. Just because it's not technically me, a part of me wants to be sure."

Something about this smile from Kiyo looked a bit off. Oh no...


Almost like he had suddenly decided to change up his fighting style, Majima dropped down to the ground, narrowly avoiding that bullet. Before Kiryu could have a sense on what the Mad Dog was planning, Majima began to... breakdance by the looks of it. However, it wasn't just for show, as his legs were wildly spinning around in the air, knocking Kiryu off balance. At the same time before he would start this, he threw his bat at Black. Well... Majima's actually not getting screwed over right away like earlier.

@Crimson Spartan


"I'll be sure not to!.." Laslow spoke as he began to leave. Unlike Inigo Laslow didn't seem to panic at the thought that she'd be watching him since he was just happy to have a chance to even see the one he knew again.


Black nonchalantly caught the bat before tossing it behind him. Not seeming surprised at all by this.

"Been 'round the block a couple time.... Hell 'bout a hundred and fifty years worth of it. Fought my fair share of crazies so this ain't nothin' new..." Black responded twirling his revolver as he walked closer to the fight.

@Gummi Bunnies

"...I don't know what your deal is, meow, but mew're crazy. I'm not your stupid Alice," she declared, looking rather frustrated with the male. "And if mew don't back off, I'll--" Unfortunately, she didn't get to finish the thought, Kyle's ribbons beginning to tie around her to hold her in place, much to her obvious dismay.


"H-hey! What're mew doing?!" Tarlotte demanded, fervently squirming against the bonds quickly began to wrap around her, encasing her in their grip. "Back off or I'm gonna make mew pay, meow!!"

@Gummi Bunnies

"I'm quite certain," Winter replied with a smile, not seeming to mind the forehead kiss in the slightest. "I would hope you think the same," she mused in addition, a glint in her eyes as she looked up at him with fondness she had never before imagined she could feel toward the man with her now.

" 'Course I do. I asked you out, didn't I?" The dusty old Qrow asked rhetorically.

@Midnight Maiden

'Hell if I know... Anyways all this standing around is fun but i'm gonna go look for an infirmary to take her to..." for a seventeen year old Yoshiki seemed to be taking this rather well himself but given what he's witnessed in the past this was extremely tame.

Well what Luke said interested him as he started to walk past Luke.


"You know that idiot...?" Yoshiki comments as he passes by Luke.

@Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies
" 'Course I do. I asked you out, didn't I?" The dusty old Qrow asked rhetorically.

@Midnight Maiden


Welp. Newt may have decided to stay behind, and time had begun to pass since she had passed out, but Tarlotte still showed no signs of wakening. Her murmured 'snores'(more accurately, meowing) were growing fainter by the minute, the female seeming completely drained as Yoshiki carried her along. Whatever it was that had come over her, it was clearly rendering her extremely unwell.

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies



"I suppose you have a point," Winter mused in response, contentedly. Such an expression and sense of ease was extremely uncommon from the typically uptight, militaristic woman, but for once it washed over her soothingly, like a gentle wave. Of course, it probably wouldn't last long... But it would be nice while it did last. Hopefully.



Welp. Newt may have decided to stay behind, and time had begun to pass since she had passed out, but Tarlotte still showed no signs of wakening. Her murmured 'snores'(more accurately, meowing) were growing fainter by the minute, the female seeming completely drained as Yoshiki carried her along. Whatever it was that had come over her, it was clearly rendering her extremely unwell.

@Crimson Spartan @Gummi Bunnies



"I suppose you have a point," Winter mused in response, contentedly. Such an expression and sense of ease was extremely uncommon from the typically uptight, militaristic woman, but for once it washed over her soothingly, like a gentle wave. Of course, it probably wouldn't last long... But it would be nice while it did last. Hopefully.

"Like always." The drunken huntsman joked. He enjoyed this side of Winter. Sure, he still liked to see her get annoyed, admittedly founding the way her otherwise pale cheeks lit up a bright red cute. But he found this side of Winter to be better. He really just enjoyed watching her come out of her usual hard shell, even if it was just for a moment.

@Midnight Maiden
"Like always." The drunken huntsman joked. He enjoyed this side of Winter. Sure, he still liked to see her get annoyed, admittedly founding the way her otherwise pale cheeks lit up a bright red cute. But he found this side of Winter to be better. He really just enjoyed watching her come out of her usual hard shell, even if it was just for a moment.

@Midnight Maiden

"'Always' is slightly over the top," Winter muse with a faint smile. "Perhaps every once in a while. But far from 'always'." That was true. Whether she liked him or not, Winter stood by the fact that Qrow was perfectly faulty, falling in the wrong plenty often. But, well, she supposed she just had to come to terms with that. Contrary to Schnee belief, nobody was perfect. Not even herself.


"'Always' is slightly over the top," Winter muse with a faint smile. "Perhaps every once in a while. But far from 'always'." That was true. Whether she liked him or not, Winter stood by the fact that Qrow was perfectly faulty, falling in the wrong plenty often. But, well, she supposed she just had to come to terms with that. Contrary to Schnee belief, nobody was perfect. Not even herself.

"I dunno, I'm pretty close." Qrow continued to joke, shifting around a bit before finally resting his head on Winter's, draping his arm over her waist.

@Midnight Maiden
"I dunno, I'm pretty close." Qrow continued to joke, shifting around a bit before finally resting his head on Winter's, draping his arm over her waist.

@Midnight Maiden

"The fact you claim such implies quite the opposite," Winter quipped in response, some truth to her words. After all, it was often those that claimed to be perfect that harbored the most imperfections... Though of course, that definitely excluded herself. She was totally in the clear on that front. Definitely.



"The fact you claim such implies quite the opposite," Winter quipped in response, some truth to her words. After all, it was often those that claimed to be perfect that harbored the most imperfections... Though of course, that definitely excluded herself. She was totally in the clear on that front. Definitely.


"Oh does it now? Well then, I was gonna elect you second best person in the world, but now I'm gonna have to revoke that status." Qrow joked, lightly shoving her shoulder with the arm that wasn't currently wrapped around her waist.

@Midnight Maiden
"I'm sure he'll be alright." Shana reassured the other girl as she glanced down at Chibi, who happened to fall asleep. Well then.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Midnight Maiden

"Oh geez.."


Meanwhile, Yato lost both Hiyori and Yukine somehow. How that happened, he had no clue.

@Midnight Maiden @Anybody
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Chibi snored loudly, yet adorably at the same time. It made him grin really wide and he didn't have much to say. He was just really tired.

@Midnight Maiden @Takumi

Caboose appeared to have gotten lost and walked into the bar. Confused, the soldier approached Lucifer and looked at him.

"Hello, I am Caboose and I've gotten lost. Can you help me?" He asked, seeming to either not notice or just not care about the destroyed bar.

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