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"...So you didn't," she sighed, eyes closing as her gaze briefly drifted downwards. Her hands clasped firmly in her lap, she did her best to shut out those intruding thoughts. The feelings of inferiority that she had known for all her life. She didn't have any desire to have such things cross her mind, it was just something she couldn't help. Something she did her best to hide and lock away with a stone cold facade.

"I apologize. That was-... I was out of line."

Qrow simply looked at her for a few moments. He didn't know what she had gone through to the full extent, but he knew enough to get somewhat of an understanding of it. He could tell that she was had a low self esteem, most likely due to her overbearing father. But he wasn't entirely certain of this.

"C'mere." He said softly as he placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close yet again. Before he was just holding her because of the moment, but now he felt like she really needed it. More than anything right now, he felt like she just needed someone to comfort her and tell her it was okay.

@Midnight Maiden
Qrow simply looked at her for a few moments. He didn't know what she had gone through to the full extent, but he knew enough to get somewhat of an understanding of it. He could tell that she was had a low self esteem, most likely due to her overbearing father. But he wasn't entirely certain of this.

"C'mere." He said softly as he placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close yet again. Before he was just holding her because of the moment, but now he felt like she really needed it. More than anything right now, he felt like she just needed someone to comfort her and tell her it was okay.

@Midnight Maiden


It was all Winter could do, at first, to stare at Qrow almost helplessly. She wanted to say something, perhaps make some snide or dismissive comment about his display and attempt to comfort her. But nothing came. All she could do was just let him gently ease her back against him again, unsure what to do or say about it all. Just one thing came to her. A simple expression, something that she hardly would say meant much with how overused it was.

"..Thank you."




"Oh, no..." a girl of no more than eighteen murmured to herself, biting her lip as she looked around the corridor of the hotel. She'd gotten lost yet again, and she had no idea where Kaon was. This was bad... Really bad. She had never been good on her own, and even if she were, she found herself insanely worried about the well-being of the maiden clouding her thoughts.

I hope Kaon is okay...



It was all Winter could do, at first, to stare at Qrow almost helplessly. She wanted to say something, perhaps make some snide or dismissive comment about his display and attempt to comfort her. But nothing came. All she could do was just let him gently ease her back against him again, unsure what to do or say about it all. Just one thing came to her. A simple expression, something that she hardly would say meant much with how overused it was.

"..Thank you."




"Oh, no..." a girl of no more than eighteen murmured to herself, biting her lip as she looked around the corridor of the hotel. She'd gotten lost yet again, and she had no idea where Kaon was. This was bad... Really bad. She had never been good on her own, and even if she were, she found herself insanely worried about the well-being of the maiden clouding her thoughts.

I hope Kaon is okay...

Qrow just nodded when Winter thanked him.

"Don't mention it. I'll always be here if you need me, Winter." He said honestly. He knew that she needed someone to support her. He wasn't about to let her feel like she was alone. Not again. He didn't say anything else, though. No snarky comments about how he was holding her or just about the situation in general. Instead he just used he free hand to take another swig from his flask as he securely wrapped Winter in his other, taking a few deep breaths as he just enjoyed the peace and quiet for once.

@Midnight Maiden

Qrow just nodded when Winter thanked him.

"Don't mention it. I'll always be here if you need me, Winter." He said honestly. He knew that she needed someone to support her. He wasn't about to let her feel like she was alone. Not again. He didn't say anything else, though. No snarky comments about how he was holding her or just about the situation in general. Instead he just used he free hand to take another swig from his flask as he securely wrapped Winter in his other, taking a few deep breaths as he just enjoyed the peace and quiet for once.

@Midnight Maiden
No words were uttered in response, Winter only nodding slightly and humming in acknowledgement of his words as opposed to responding with her own. Nothing felt right to say, whereas the silence they basked in? It felt just right in the moment. So she let it remain, not even complaining when she got a whiff of the less than pleasant scent of alcohol. It may not have been a desirable thing, but she was certain there was a reason for his little habit. If, of course, one could call it little. It was seldom that anyone drank for no reason, and she couldn't see him doing so, either.

If only she knew of his semblance and the other tragedies he had faced in the past.

No words were uttered in response, Winter only nodding slightly and humming in acknowledgement of his words as opposed to responding with her own. Nothing felt right to say, whereas the silence they basked in? It felt just right in the moment. So she let it remain, not even complaining when she got a whiff of the less than pleasant scent of alcohol. It may not have been a desirable thing, but she was certain there was a reason for his little habit. If, of course, one could call it little. It was seldom that anyone drank for no reason, and she couldn't see him doing so, either.

If only she knew of his semblance and the other tragedies he had faced in the past.

Qrow decided to put his flask away after taking only a few sips out of it, opting to just stuff it inside of his coat instead. He enjoyed this. Just sitting here on the bench, Winter securely wrapped in one arm and his other coming to rest on the side of he bench. Not thinking of anything to say, Qrow just leaned back into the bench and slouched a bit.

"So... you wanna talk about somethin'?" Qrow said after a good bit of silence. He needed something to do aside from just hold Winter for several hours.

@Midnight Maiden
Qrow decided to put his flask away after taking only a few sips out of it, opting to just stuff it inside of his coat instead. He enjoyed this. Just sitting here on the bench, Winter securely wrapped in one arm and his other coming to rest on the side of he bench. Not thinking of anything to say, Qrow just leaned back into the bench and slouched a bit.

"So... you wanna talk about somethin'?" Qrow said after a good bit of silence. He needed something to do aside from just hold Winter for several hours.

@Midnight Maiden

"I suppose that would be suitable," Winter replied after a pause, thoughtfully. She wasn't entirely sure just what they would talk about, after all that had come to pass, but she supposed the topic didn't really matter. Just as long as it was him she was speaking to... As long as it wasn't something completely inappropriate, anyways.


"I suppose that would be suitable," Winter replied after a pause, thoughtfully. She wasn't entirely sure just what they would talk about, after all that had come to pass, but she supposed the topic didn't really matter. Just as long as it was him she was speaking to... As long as it wasn't something completely inappropriate, anyways.

"Okay..." He said aloud, trying to think of a topic to talk about. He wasn't about to go for anything overly sappy, but he didn't want to talk about anything that would make him look like a bigger prick than he already was like sex. After a bit, he finally decided on talking about one thing that they have in common.

"You think that everyone's doin' alright at Beacon?" He asked as he just tried to make some form of small talk.

@Midnight Maiden
"Okay..." He said aloud, trying to think of a topic to talk about. He wasn't about to go for anything overly sappy, but he didn't want to talk about anything that would make him look like a bigger prick than he already was like sex. After a bit, he finally decided on talking about one thing that they have in common.

"You think that everyone's doin' alright at Beacon?" He asked as he just tried to make some form of small talk.

@Midnight Maiden
The question earned a long, thoughtful pause from Winter, who's expression turned much more serious as she pondered this. "There isn't much we can do but hope so, I'm afraid," she admitted, unable to come up with a proper answer to the question. She really did hope everyone was alright, but after the fall? Well, it was hard to say anything on the matter with confidence.

The question earned a long, thoughtful pause from Winter, who's expression turned much more serious as she pondered this. "There isn't much we can do but hope so, I'm afraid," she admitted, unable to come up with a proper answer to the question. She really did hope everyone was alright, but after the fall? Well, it was hard to say anything on the matter with confidence.

Qrow could only nod in agreement with her comment. All they really cold do was hope for the best. Sure, all four of them could hold their own in a fight, but would that truly be enough to defeat someone the likes of Salem? Only time could tell, he supposed.

"Yeah... you're right." He said with a shrug. "Goddamn White Fang. Not to mention that bastard Torchwick is somehow still alive." He said, a hint of anger lingering in his voice.

@Midnight Maiden
Qrow could only nod in agreement with her comment. All they really cold do was hope for the best. Sure, all four of them could hold their own in a fight, but would that truly be enough to defeat someone the likes of Salem? Only time could tell, he supposed.

"Yeah... you're right." He said with a shrug. "Goddamn White Fang. Not to mention that bastard Torchwick is somehow still alive." He said, a hint of anger lingering in his voice.

@Midnight Maiden
"Indeed," Winter uttered, idly rubbing the side of her face with a single gloved hand. "How he survived is beyond me. All Intel pointed to death being the outcome." And oh, there were few things she hated more than when Intel and probability were defied. "...But that is of no matter. There are much larger forces at work than that petty thief. Even Mistral appears to have trouble brewing," she murmured, shaking her head with discontent.

"Indeed," Winter uttered, idly rubbing the side of her face with a single gloved hand. "How he survived is beyond me. All Intel pointed to death being the outcome." And oh, there were few things she hated more than when Intel and probability were defied. "...But that is of no matter. There are much larger forces at work than that petty thief. Even Mistral appears to have trouble brewing," she murmured, shaking her head with discontent.

"Yeah. I hope that places like Mistral don't end up like Beacon." He said before shutting his eyes and shaking his head. "I just hope that they can stop Salem." Qrow then let out a sigh and looked over at Winter. "Hmph... maybe after all this is over we could finally settle down, y'know? I mean it ain't like we can do all this forever. Like... you spend your whole life runnin'. And then you wake up one day and your legs... they just give, and suddenly you just can't run no more."

@Midnight Maiden
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"Yeah. I hope that places like Mistral don't end up like Beacon." He said before shutting his eyes and shaking his head. "I just hope that they can stop Salem." Qrow then let out a sigh and looked over at Winter. "Hmph... maybe after all this is over we could finally settle down, y'know? I mean it ain't like we can do all this forever. Like... you spend your whole life runnin'. And then you wake up one day and your legs... they just give, and suddenly you just can't run no more."

@Midnight Maiden

"...A hope we share," Winter murmured, seeming more solemn as she spoke, going so far as to sigh quietly. "However, I am uncertain it is an outcome we are ready to stop. As for Salem, I fear that she is not a threat we are prepared for, either. Not now.." It was rare of her to seem so solemn or lacking in confidence of the ability to take down a threat, but she knew what had transpired at Beacon. She had seen it with her own two eyes. This wasn't Roman, not some petty criminal, that they were dealing with. Not anymore. This had come so much further.

But his next proposition was not what she expected. "...Settling down is not something I think suits me," she remarked, sincerely. She didn't function well without something to do to keep herself busy, work and fights to keep herself in the game. It had come to be sort of a coping mechanism, something she didn't think she could just drop. "But running has never been my pace, either. I will continue to fight until Remnant is safe, until my dying day, if I must." There was a pause, an almost bitter, yet sad laugh parting her lips. "But that's the joke, isn't it? Peace is limited. No matter how vigorously they are fought, threats always return. Safety is nothing but a childish dream, a fantasy many are taught from a young age."

Edgy little fuck.


"...A hope we share," Winter murmured, seeming more solemn as she spoke, going so far as to sigh quietly. "However, I am uncertain it is an outcome we are ready to stop. As for Salem, I fear that she is not a threat we are prepared for, either. Not now.." It was rare of her to seem so solemn or lacking in confidence of the ability to take down a threat, but she knew what had transpired at Beacon. She had seen it with her own two eyes. This wasn't Roman, not some petty criminal, that they were dealing with. Not anymore. This had come so much further.

But his next proposition was not what she expected. "...Settling down is not something I think suits me," she remarked, sincerely. She didn't function well without something to do to keep herself busy, work and fights to keep herself in the game. It had come to be sort of a coping mechanism, something she didn't think she could just drop. "But running has never been my pace, either. I will continue to fight until Remnant is safe, until my dying day, if I must." There was a pause, an almost bitter, yet sad laugh parting her lips. "But that's the joke, isn't it? Peace is limited. No matter how vigorously they are fought, threats always return. Safety is nothing but a childish dream, a fantasy many are taught from a young age."

Edgy little fuck.

Qrow nodded in agreement with Winter's words. She wasn't wrong. Roman wasn't like Salem. He was just some street thief with an ego and a fancy cane. He'd probably just get dealt with and turned in just like he was last time.

"Hopefully by the time she's ready to initiate whatever plan she has cookin' up we'll be ready." Qrow said before letting out a yawn. The drunkard then used his hand that wasn't holding Winter to run it through his hair. When Winter made the comment about settling down, Qrow looked down at her and put on his all too unfamiliar genuine smile. "That's what I like about you, Winter. You're a fighter. Always there to take care of take up for the little guy, no matter how big the threat." It was much more than he could say about himself. Qrow usually just did things the way he wanted because he wanted to do them. If he didn't feel like helping out someone, then he wouldn't as long as him or his family weren't harmed in the process.

And then there was Winter. She was much different from Qrow. She didn't have anything to gain from this aside from respect. And even then she usually didn't even get that. At least, not from the people she needed it from the most like her father. It was an admirable trait, to say the least.

@Midnight Maiden
"Kaon?" called a tender, shy voice, it's owner continuing to wander the corridors of the hotel, hands cupped around her mouth to try to make her voice carry. "Kaoooooonnnnnnn...?" she called again, appearing extremely lost, concerned, and out of it. She was lost in her thoughts, more than anything, worry for her Absolute Angel companion on the forefront of her mind as she searched. Unfortunately for her, however, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see the small pup right in front of her...


....and promptly tripped over him.

Landing on the ground just past the canine with an audible thud, the female scrambled to at least situate herself on her knees, her lip trembling and eyes closing as she did so. Oh, what was she going to do? She felt like she could cry, right then and there. She was hopeless. Lost in some place she didn't know, Kaon nowhere to be seen, and now? She was tripping over nothing!... Wait a second.


"...?" Peering over her shoulder, tentatively, Himiko found her amethyst eyes widening upon landing on a small, white dog of some sort. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!...!" she suddenly burst out, looking like she might cry as she suddenly went to hug the canine, apologetically.

Qrow nodded in agreement with Winter's words. She wasn't wrong. Roman wasn't like Salem. He was just some street thief with an ego and a fancy cane. He'd probably just get dealt with and turned in just like he was last time.

"Hopefully by the time she's ready to initiate whatever plan she has cookin' up we'll be ready." Qrow said before letting out a yawn. The drunkard then used his hand that wasn't holding Winter to run it through his hair. When Winter made the comment about settling down, Qrow looked down at her and put on his all too unfamiliar genuine smile. "That's what I like about you, Winter. You're a fighter. Always there to take care of take up for the little guy, no matter how big the threat." It was much more than he could say about himself. Qrow usually just did things the way he wanted because he wanted to do them. If he didn't feel like helping out someone, then he wouldn't as long as him or his family weren't harmed in the process.

And then there was Winter. She was much different from Qrow. She didn't have anything to gain from this aside from respect. And even then she usually didn't even get that. At least, not from the people she needed it from the most like her father. It was an admirable trait, to say the least.

@Midnight Maiden

"...We can only hope," Winter spoke in response, exhaling deeply. She wasn't keen on the idea of admitting it, but these concerns plagued her often. Worries for what would become of Remnant with the trouble inevitably continuing to brew, continuing to build up more and more until it would boil over. For that was simply the way the world worked. To her, this mindset was not that of pessimism, but merely that of cold, hard fact. Peace was unattainable; not for good. It was something that could only come in short bursts, much like the blooming of flowers in the Spring, where they quickly wilted come Fall and Winter.

"Is that so?" she replied to his statement that he liked her for being a fighter, idly raising a brow. "I take it you like yourself quite a bit, then, as well," she mused with a small chuckle.

"Kaon?" called a tender, shy voice, it's owner continuing to wander the corridors of the hotel, hands cupped around her mouth to try to make her voice carry. "Kaoooooonnnnnnn...?" she called again, appearing extremely lost, concerned, and out of it. She was lost in her thoughts, more than anything, worry for her Absolute Angel companion on the forefront of her mind as she searched. Unfortunately for her, however, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see the small pup right in front of her...


....and promptly tripped over him.

Landing on the ground just past the canine with an audible thud, the female scrambled to at least situate herself on her knees, her lip trembling and eyes closing as she did so. Oh, what was she going to do? She felt like she could cry, right then and there. She was hopeless. Lost in some place she didn't know, Kaon nowhere to be seen, and now? She was tripping over nothing!... Wait a second.


"...?" Peering over her shoulder, tentatively, Himiko found her amethyst eyes widening upon landing on a small, white dog of some sort. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!...!" she suddenly burst out, looking like she might cry as she suddenly went to hug the canine, apologetically.



"...We can only hope," Winter spoke in response, exhaling deeply. She wasn't keen on the idea of admitting it, but these concerns plagued her often. Worries for what would become of Remnant with the trouble inevitably continuing to brew, continuing to build up more and more until it would boil over. For that was simply the way the world worked. To her, this mindset was not that of pessimism, but merely that of cold, hard fact. Peace was unattainable; not for good. It was something that could only come in short bursts, much like the blooming of flowers in the Spring, where they quickly wilted come Fall and Winter.

"Is that so?" she replied to his statement that he liked her for being a fighter, idly raising a brow. "I take it you like yourself quite a bit, then, as well," she mused with a small chuckle.


"Oh, I do." Qrow mused with a tiny smirk and a nod. It definitely wasn't his usual shit eating smirk, just more of a playful smirk. "But you're definitely a close second." He said as he looked down at Winter before idly playing with her hair again without even fully realizing what he was doing.

@Midnight Maiden
Chibi, the adorable god that he was didn't seem the human until she literally fell on him. The poor pup had grown used to this and looked over at her and tilted his head. He wasn't sure if he should wait for an apology or if he should run. He was hungry though. Maybe the human had some food. He decided to wait and see what she will do.

@Midnight Maiden
"Kaon?" called a tender, shy voice, it's owner continuing to wander the corridors of the hotel, hands cupped around her mouth to try to make her voice carry. "Kaoooooonnnnnnn...?" she called again, appearing extremely lost, concerned, and out of it. She was lost in her thoughts, more than anything, worry for her Absolute Angel companion on the forefront of her mind as she searched. Unfortunately for her, however, she was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't see the small pup right in front of her...


....and promptly tripped over him.

Landing on the ground just past the canine with an audible thud, the female scrambled to at least situate herself on her knees, her lip trembling and eyes closing as she did so. Oh, what was she going to do? She felt like she could cry, right then and there. She was hopeless. Lost in some place she didn't know, Kaon nowhere to be seen, and now? She was tripping over nothing!... Wait a second.


"...?" Peering over her shoulder, tentatively, Himiko found her amethyst eyes widening upon landing on a small, white dog of some sort. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't see you there!...!" she suddenly burst out, looking like she might cry as she suddenly went to hug the canine, apologetically.



"...We can only hope," Winter spoke in response, exhaling deeply. She wasn't keen on the idea of admitting it, but these concerns plagued her often. Worries for what would become of Remnant with the trouble inevitably continuing to brew, continuing to build up more and more until it would boil over. For that was simply the way the world worked. To her, this mindset was not that of pessimism, but merely that of cold, hard fact. Peace was unattainable; not for good. It was something that could only come in short bursts, much like the blooming of flowers in the Spring, where they quickly wilted come Fall and Winter.

"Is that so?" she replied to his statement that he liked her for being a fighter, idly raising a brow. "I take it you like yourself quite a bit, then, as well," she mused with a small chuckle.


Chibi, the adorable god that he was didn't seem the human until she literally fell on him. The poor pup had grown used to this and looked over at her and tilted his head. He wasn't sure if he should wait for an apology or if he should run. He was hungry though. Maybe the human had some food. He decided to wait and see what she will do.

@Midnight Maiden

"Yuji?! Yuuuji!! When I find you I'm gonna-" Shana, someone appearing to be around the age of 13 or so stopped when she saw a young woman trip over a puppy. Huffing, the immortal walked over.


"Oi, you okay?" she asked, holding her hand out for the other with a light huff.

@Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9

"Oh, I do." Qrow mused with a tiny smirk and a nod. It definitely wasn't his usual shit eating smirk, just more of a playful smirk. "But you're definitely a close second." He said as he looked down at Winter before idly playing with her hair again without even fully realizing what he was doing.

@Midnight Maiden

"Somehow, I can't say I'm surprised," the white-haired maiden remarked in return, briefly admiring the smirk on his face before glancing away, allowing him to fiddle with her hair. It was a foreign feeling, but she didn't mind any. Just as long as it was him, and no one else, it was alright with her.


Chibi, the adorable god that he was didn't seem the human until she literally fell on him. The poor pup had grown used to this and looked over at her and tilted his head. He wasn't sure if he should wait for an apology or if he should run. He was hungry though. Maybe the human had some food. He decided to wait and see what she will do.

@Midnight Maiden
"Yuji?! Yuuuji!! When I find you I'm gonna-" Shana, someone appearing to be around the age of 13 or so stopped when she saw a young woman trip over a puppy. Huffing, the immortal walked over.


"Oi, you okay?" she asked, holding her hand out for the other with a light huff.

@Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9
"I-I'm sorry, little one..." Himiko repeated, bowing her head to the small wolf and wiping at her eyes, after lifting her glasses to do so. Almost like she had been crying, or felt as though about to start. But nonetheless, she had been about to say more, despite the creature obviously not knowing how to talk, when another approached, offering a hand.


"O-oh..!" she uttered with surprise, looking embarrassed as she took the other's hand and climbed to her feet, smoothing out her dress and bowing wholeheartedly. "I-I'm fine, thank you... I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I must have looked as a fool...."

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9

"Somehow, I can't say I'm surprised," the white-haired maiden remarked in return, briefly admiring the smirk on his face before glancing away, allowing him to fiddle with her hair. It was a foreign feeling, but she didn't mind any. Just as long as it was him, and no one else, it was alright with her.
"Oh, you know me so well." Qrow teased with a smile as he continued to play with her hair. After a good five minutes or so of just fiddling with her hair and staring up at the sky, Qrow looked down at Winter again, only to open up his mouth and say these words:

"So... you wanna make out again?"

@Midnight Maiden
"Oh, you know me so well." Qrow teased with a smile as he continued to play with her hair. After a good five minutes or so of just fiddling with her hair and staring up at the sky, Qrow looked down at Winter again, only to open up his mouth and say these words:

"So... you wanna make out again?"

@Midnight Maiden
"One should think so, if we're to be in a relationship," she returned with a smile of her own, basking in the silent comfort of his presence as he toyed with her hair. But his next words earned a long pause, Winter eventually glancing up at him.


"...Did you really just ask that?"

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