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"... er, I can explain... Robin-kun."

Erika was just unsure on what to do on how to say things as Robin had appeared.

Beatrice, on the other hand, was keeping close to Battler, not even realizing that this whole thing had died down.

@Crimson Spartan @The Tactician @shitpost​
Raven and Add simply kept an eye on Robin, Dlanor, and Erika while Battler lead Beatrice to another part of the garden in the hopes of finding somewhere where little miss detective won't bother them. However they were treated to the psychotic smile of Psyker...

"O-Oh! Um... I didn't know... that. I'm sorry!"

Immediately getting off of Erika, Rena did an apologetic bow out of embarrassment, a bit surprised to know that this adorable girl was married already. She must be lots older than her then!


"Eh... sure, just don't do that again. Besides, Robin-kun, I'm not the know-it-all with the Metaworld to the point where I know every little detail about it. I'm not entirely at fault there either."

Though, the detective went all red when Robin had mentioned something to Rena about nuzzling her neck.


"What are you trying to do?! Give this random girl ideas on how to become an annoyance to me or what?"

As Erika sounded quite annoyed with that in the first place, Rena had froze up at those words, as if it were triggering some strange memories.


"... her neck? Doing that... stirs up a reaction from her... just like me..."

Being somewhat oblivious to Rena's sudden attitude change, Erika backed away and kept herself close to Dlanor and Robin as Rena took a step forward, thinking that the girl was just going to nuzzle her more.


"See? Now she's going to try and do just that!"

@The Tactician

"Well, you are the Witch here, it seems strange for you to not be aware of such things."

He paused for a moment, his grin becoming more of a sly smirk as Erika grew upset over his advice. And Morgan wonders why I say we don't need those strange televisions for all of our entertainment.

"Funny, you seemed quite enamored with the concept last I committed to it. In fact, I believe it caused the cutest noises I've heard you utter..."

Yes, this is definitely more amusing than any sort of mass televised garbage.


"Well, would you prefer if I did it? This is a hotel, so I am quite sure there is somewhere for us to see if you do..."

Was Robin having too much at Erika's expense? Probably.

Did Robin care? Not a damn bit.​

"....Er I hate to break up this moment.... But has anyone noticed the change in this girl...? She appears to be acting different then before..." Kurama comments having followed Rena to where they were now. He had instantly picked up on how someone said something that seemed to cause a change in Rena.. Something seemingly involving the neck apparently... Kurama wasn't sure what to make of this so perhaps waiting to see what happens next might be his best move...

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

Train - Bar/Game Room - Whistler/Ritona


Train lifted his head off the bar and gave the boy a questioning look before shrugging. "Never thought much of them before, to be honest. What makes you like whistles so much?" he asked, drumming his fingers on the bar in front of him while he waited for the bartender to show up so he could order his milk. Ugh, what was taking so long? He was thirsty, dammit!

@ShiroKiyoshi @Kaykay
"Thank god," Ritona sighed as she set her empty glass down when Train confirmed he wasn't planning to discuss aliens or something. Just making sure she'd come to a bar, and not some sort of asylum.

"Children often enjoy the simple things."

@KlutzyNinjaKitty @ShiroKiyoshi @Bar​

whistler's version of explaining.
feat. @Kaykay @KlutzyNinjaKitty

I think these two didn't hear me. I have already said why I enjoyed my whistles. I'll play a song.

Whistler then reached into his pockets sifted through a sack of whistles. One by one he felt them over trying to find one with the tune he needed. His blank stare had gotten some emotion to it for all of five seconds when he found the whistle he needed. Taking this whistle he held it up for them both to see before placing it to his mouth.

"Why I like whistles..."

Whistler cleared his throat before he started to whistle and sing.

"Yeesh, tough crowd..."

But that was okay! She was used to those, which was why it was so easy to bounce back.


"How about Ibuki and Anari-chan look for meat together? Hopefully we didn't wind up in a vegetarian hotel!"

Anari shrugged, looking at her. "I doubt it. But I'm not that hungry right now. Let's go see if there is people we can mess with." She mumbled, grinning widely. "What other rooms are there in this place? Seems to be pretty big."
@Yun Lee
"Thank god," Ritona sighed as she set her empty glass down when Train confirmed he wasn't planning to discuss aliens or something. Just making sure she'd come to a bar, and not some sort of asylum.

"Children often enjoy the simple things."

@KlutzyNinjaKitty @ShiroKiyoshi @Bar​


whistler's version of explaining.
feat. @Kaykay @KlutzyNinjaKitty

I think these two didn't hear me. I have already said why I enjoyed my whistles. I'll play a song.

Whistler then reached into his pockets sifted through a sack of whistles. One by one he felt them over trying to find one with the tune he needed. His blank stare had gotten some emotion to it for all of five seconds when he found the whistle he needed. Taking this whistle he held it up for them both to see before placing it to his mouth.

"Why I like whistles..."

Whistler cleared his throat before he started to whistle and sing.

Train - Bar/Game Room - Whistler/Ritona


Train scratched the top of his head, playing with one of his locks of spikey, brown hair for a moment. "Why would you be worried about aliens or something anyhow? I've seen a lot of things, but aliens aren't one of them," he replied to the female. It was true. Train had seen bioweapons, people who wielded special powers, monsters, and giant lizards that looked like dinosaurs. Because of this, he didn't write off the existence of aliens entirely, but he didn't exactly believe in them either.

When the boy next to them began to play his whistle, Train glanced over toward him. "Jeez, not bad kid. How long have you been doing that?" the ex-assassin asked, an impressed look showing in his gold eyes.

Before either of the two could reply again, Train banged a fist on the bar. "Dammit! Where is the waiter?!" he complained again.

@Kaykay @ShiroKiyoshi

"Pretty lady, save me."

D.va looked up in all her cuteness.

"There's a pedo after me! Whats a pedo, pretty lady?"



Pretty lady? ...Was this child speaking to her, or was there someone else of that title nearby? A brief glance around confirmed that it was just them, leaving Setsuna to assume it was some sort of nickname. It didn't really matter, though, considering the girl's plea for saving. Immediately, the Absolute Angel's defenses went up, though she wasn't exactly what she was supposed to be saving the girl from in the first place. Soon enough, the question of 'what' was answered, a new one posed that... She couldn't quite answer. "A... Pedo?" she repeated in her typical soft and gentle monotone.


what the fuck kyoshiro never mentioned that is it some sort of poisonous food

Pointing to the large pile of empty bottles that spilled from the surface of the bar onto the floor, the pale man shrugs "I'm not sure how it compares, but me and an...acquaintance drunk all of that."
Stiffening himself out, the male rubs his eyes gently "She's probably around here somewhere. Out of the two of us, she's almost certainly better conversation"

It was taking everything he had to maintain his control of his body, it felt so heavy and sore. Was this what humans did for fun?

@Yun Lee
Birdie clicked his tongue. "Talk about a pity..." He picked up a bottle, trying to see if there was any free booze he could mooch off. But to his sadness, it was bone dry. With a sigh he dropped it to the ground. "...bloody pity."

Anari shrugged, looking at her. "I doubt it. But I'm not that hungry right now. Let's go see if there is people we can mess with." She mumbled, grinning widely. "What other rooms are there in this place? Seems to be pretty big."
@Yun Lee
"Your guess is as good as mine! Ibuki only got here just before Anari-chan, so that means it's time to explore!" Ibuki grabbed Anari's arm to lead her off to, well, anywhere. "Oooh! Maybe this hotel has luggage carts we can ride in! Best mode of transportation there is!!"
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"Well, you are the Witch here, it seems strange for you to not be aware of such things."

He paused for a moment, his grin becoming more of a sly smirk as Erika grew upset over his advice. And Morgan wonders why I say we don't need those strange televisions for all of our entertainment.

"Funny, you seemed quite enamored with the concept last I committed to it. In fact, I believe it caused the cutest noises I've heard you utter..."

Yes, this is definitely more amusing than any sort of mass televised garbage.


"Well, would you prefer if I did it? This is a hotel, so I am quite sure there is somewhere for us to see if you do..."

Was Robin having too much at Erika's expense? Probably.

Did Robin care? Not a damn bit.​

"Robin-kun! Not here! Not where everyone would see that!"

Erika was terribly flustered and tried to deny the fact that she would like that much, only because they were in public. It was just... embarrassing to be doing that type of stuff where literally everybody could see it happen.

@The Tactician

"....Er I hate to break up this moment.... But has anyone noticed the change in this girl...? She appears to be acting different then before..." Kurama comments having followed Rena to where they were now. He had instantly picked up on how someone said something that seemed to cause a change in Rena.. Something seemingly involving the neck apparently... Kurama wasn't sure what to make of this so perhaps waiting to see what happens next might be his best move...

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

Rena only stared at them... while rubbing the side of her neck idly... almost like an instinct of hers.
Raven and Add simply kept an eye on Robin, Dlanor, and Erika while Battler lead Beatrice to another part of the garden in the hopes of finding somewhere where little miss detective won't bother them. However they were treated to the psychotic smile of Psyker...

"... um... what's with that look?"

Beato is confused with Psyker being here.

@Crimson Spartan
Train - Bar/Game Room - Whistler/Ritona


Train scratched the top of his head, playing with one of his locks of spikey, brown hair for a moment. "Why would you be worried about aliens or something anyhow? I've seen a lot of things, but aliens aren't one of them," he replied to the female. It was true. Train had seen bioweapons, people who wielded special powers, monsters, and giant lizards that looked like dinosaurs. Because of this, he didn't write off the existence of aliens entirely, but he didn't exactly believe in them either.

When the boy next to them began to play his whistle, Train glanced over toward him. "Jeez, not bad kid. How long have you been doing that?" the ex-assassin asked, an impressed look showing in his gold eyes.

Before either of the two could reply again, Train banged a fist on the bar. "Dammit! Where is the waiter?!" he complained again.

@Kaykay @ShiroKiyoshi

whistler's version of explaining.
feat. @Kaykay @KlutzyNinjaKitty

I think these two didn't hear me. I have already said why I enjoyed my whistles. I'll play a song.

Whistler then reached into his pockets sifted through a sack of whistles. One by one he felt them over trying to find one with the tune he needed. His blank stare had gotten some emotion to it for all of five seconds when he found the whistle he needed. Taking this whistle he held it up for them both to see before placing it to his mouth.

"Why I like whistles..."

Whistler cleared his throat before he started to whistle and sing.
The manakravter was taken aback for a second by Train's outburst, but as she wasn't in control of the waiter nor the running of the bar it wasn't like she could really do anything about it. Thus, she pretended it simply didn't happen in hopes he wasn't that desperate for some milk.


"There were a few...people, that I will not name, who have, well, opened my eyes, let's say."

And that's putting it nicely!

She figured perhaps that the strange multiplying aliens had spoken for themselves, but it was true that she hadn't heard from them in some time. Had they left, or was she just crazy? She certainly hoped it was the former. Hearing Whistler play his whistle, Ritona's expression turned into a pleased smile.

"That was quite nice. I can see why you like whistles, now."

@ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bar​

....Did he go too far?

Naw. If anything, he just gave her a taste of her own medicine. That was the problem when you cared both ways, you knew the best ways to get under the others skin. And from the looks of it, he had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Now if he knew his little spitfire well enough? She was going to be lurking to see if he did anything, while planning bloody murder to Cinder.

A neat little side effect.

Even if he was lying on the floor due to her pettiness.

He raised his eyebrow at Cinder, before smirking once as he winked and clicked his tongue, getting up as he brushed himself off.

"Of course. And really, Cindy?"

He deliberately invoked a nickname, where he wouldn't have dared before. Mostly because he had already seen bigger fish out there and survived, before winking slyly.

"Would we really have it any other way?"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9
Cinder Fall
@Ringmster @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes @LuckycoolHawk9


Cinder smiled viciously... One of her eyes lighting up; as if she were preparing to unleash hell upon her former minion, a little present from below as one would say... But instead, the flame... Dissipated? Well, perhaps she was still a little buzzed from a time before, or maybe she was simply not in the mood to burn the place down, but regardless, that vicous smile seemed to turn into a more... Condescending one, before she suddenly burst out laughing... Though the laughter was unlike anyone one would expect to come from her; you'd almost think she was doing her best "laughing Batman" impression on the spot, had it not been obvious that well, she didn't know the show at all, but sooner or later, the laughter petered out and she simply shook her head.

"No. No we wouldn't." She said, shrugging a little.

Well, to be honest with herself, she wasn't sure what exactly had come over her, maybe it was just the whole absurdity of the situation... Roman spilled out on the floor thanks to a girl's telekinetic mischief, and the fact that she was even getting mad at such petty matters... Oh boy, she really must have drunk a LOT to act this way, even when hung over.


"Robin-kun! Not here! Not where everyone would see that!"

Erika was terribly flustered and tried to deny the fact that she would like that much, only because they were in public. It was just... embarrassing to be doing that type of stuff where literally everybody could see it happen.

@The Tactician


Rena only stared at them... while rubbing the side of her neck idly... almost like an instinct of hers.

".....Are you... okay...?" Kurama would ask Rena while glancing at her. His eyes seemed void of any emotion at the current time to match his expression...

@The Tactician


"... um... what's with that look?"

Beato is confused with Psyker being here.

@Crimson Spartan

"Kek... Don't mind me... I'm only here cause Rave and I are working together currently...." At least his smile seemed less psychotic now...

"He is correct... While our original target was Esper I felt the need to come help you once I learned you were here.. And in doing so as I expressed earlier I would like to learn more about magic..."

"Man you really are invested in this magic stuff huh...? Well you do that and i'll keep doing what I do best..... Punching things...."

"I'm.... Still a little iffy about all of this honestly... It's a lot to take in...."

"Must be troublesome..."

"Not so much more...... unexpected... But hey... Beato's a lot nicer now..... Though I wish that accident wouldn't have happened to Maria.... Damn aunt Rosa's gonna kill me..." poor Battler..

@Gummi Bunnies

The manakravter was taken aback for a second by Train's outburst, but as she wasn't in control of the waiter nor the running of the bar it wasn't like she could really do anything about it. Thus, she pretended it simply didn't happen in hopes he wasn't that desperate for some milk.


"There were a few...people, that I will not name, who have, well, opened my eyes, let's say."

And that's putting it nicely!

She figured perhaps that the strange multiplying aliens had spoken for themselves, but it was true that she hadn't heard from them in some time. Had they left, or was she just crazy? She certainly hoped it was the former. Hearing Whistler play his whistle, Ritona's expression turned into a pleased smile.

"That was quite nice. I can see why you like whistles, now."

@ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bar​
Train - Bar/Game Room - Whistler/Ritona


Train scratched the top of his head, playing with one of his locks of spikey, brown hair for a moment. "Why would you be worried about aliens or something anyhow? I've seen a lot of things, but aliens aren't one of them," he replied to the female. It was true. Train had seen bioweapons, people who wielded special powers, monsters, and giant lizards that looked like dinosaurs. Because of this, he didn't write off the existence of aliens entirely, but he didn't exactly believe in them either.

When the boy next to them began to play his whistle, Train glanced over toward him. "Jeez, not bad kid. How long have you been doing that?" the ex-assassin asked, an impressed look showing in his gold eyes.

Before either of the two could reply again, Train banged a fist on the bar. "Dammit! Where is the waiter?!" he complained again.

@Kaykay @ShiroKiyoshi

Whistler's Version of Explaining

Train's outburst did not catch Whistler's attention instead it made him lose track of his own thoughts. Whistler lowered his whistle and bowed to them both giving neither an answer to their questions. "I am glad you could enjoy the whistle with me. My name is Whistler. What are yours?" Whistler tied the whistle up and hung it around his neck. The small child then got down from his seat and extended both his hands in greeting to the people before him.

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bar
Birdie clicked his tongue. "Talk about a pity..." He picked up a bottle, trying to see if there was any free booze he could mooch off. But to his sadness, it was bone dry. With a sigh he dropped it to the ground. "...bloody pity."

"Your guess is as good as mine! Ibuki only got here just before Anari-chan, so that means it's time to explore!" Ibuki grabbed Anari's arm to lead her off to, well, anywhere. "Oooh! Maybe this hotel has luggage carts we can ride in! Best mode of transportation there is!!"
Looking at Ibuki, Anari raised an eyebrow. "You sure are a strange child.... I like that." She mumbled with a grin, smiling at the girl who was leading her off. Anari still kept her strides long and causal, keeping up with Ibuki. "If there is, I call dibs on the first ride." She added, her luggage swinging over her shoulder lazily.


Elesis wandered throughout the hotel aimlessly. What was she here for? She wasn't sure...

@Chewy Rabbits (i did a thing)

".....Are you... okay...?" Kurama would ask Rena while glancing at her. His eyes seemed void of any emotion at the current time to match his expression...

"... I'm... fine."

That was all that Rena could say.
"Kek... Don't mind me... I'm only here cause Rave and I are working together currently...." At least his smile seemed less psychotic now...

"He is correct... While our original target was Esper I felt the need to come help you once I learned you were here.. And in doing so as I expressed earlier I would like to learn more about magic..."

"Man you really are invested in this magic stuff huh...? Well you do that and i'll keep doing what I do best..... Punching things...."

"I'm.... Still a little iffy about all of this honestly... It's a lot to take in...."

"Must be troublesome..."

"Not so much more...... unexpected... But hey... Beato's a lot nicer now..... Though I wish that accident wouldn't have happened to Maria.... Damn aunt Rosa's gonna kill me..." poor Battler..

@Gummi Bunnies

"Oh... I can assist you with your proceedings into magic, Raven."

Beatrice reassured Raven that, and then brought her attention to Battler.


"... yes, I wish that accident did not fall upon Maria... I did not mean for that to happen... but it is possible that I can bring her back..."

@Crimson Spartan


"... I'm... fine."

That was all that Rena could say.


"Hmmm...." Kurama considered her words but the small look of concern he had showed that it was likely he didn't believe her.


"..If you say so... I suppose we should get back to looking for your friends...? I still need to find my friends as well..." Kurama spoke to Rena taking note to be careful since the attitude change in Rena...



"Oh... I can assist you with your proceedings into magic, Raven."

Beatrice reassured Raven that, and then brought her attention to Battler.


"... yes, I wish that accident did not fall upon Maria... I did not mean for that to happen... but it is possible that I can bring her back..."

@Crimson Spartan
"My thanks... And in return I will do my best to preserve your life..."

"Kek... Guess i got no choice then... Until we find that idiot Esper...."


"Can you really...?" Battler asked Beatrice...

@Gummi Bunnies
Looking at Ibuki, Anari raised an eyebrow. "You sure are a strange child.... I like that." She mumbled with a grin, smiling at the girl who was leading her off. Anari still kept her strides long and causal, keeping up with Ibuki. "If there is, I call dibs on the first ride." She added, her luggage swinging over her shoulder lazily.
"Fine by me!! Steering is just as fun as riding!!" There had to be one near the front desk, right? "Once we find one, we could take a grand tour of the hotel! Maybe Anari-chan and Ibuki can charge others for a tour, too!"

Elesis wandered throughout the hotel aimlessly. What was she here for? She wasn't sure...


"Speechless? Perhaps out of fear for what comes next? I suppose I couldn't blame you."

Elesis or as she was better known among the demon community 'the Crimson Avenger' hadn't escaped Hiei's notice. Knowing full well of her grudge against demon kind, Hiei had scoured everywhere looking for information on her whereabouts. This of course included punching out lower class demons who made up tall tales on how they had survived an encounter with Elesis. When in actuality they were simply spared out of pity after Elesis had slaughtered the rest of their companions. Hiei didn't have strong affiliations for his demon brethren one way or the other. But someone who could strike that much fear into even the coldest of apparitions deserved some of his attention.

Taking another step towards Elesis, she could have caught a bit of light reflecting upon Hiei's blade as he drew it. He wouldn't be leaving this damned place without blood. He had no need for a 'hotel' or anything of the sort. It was just his good fortune that his search for Elesis had ended up bringing him here.

"You are the Crimson Avenger are you not? The one who hates all demons? Well, rise and draw your weapon! The demon that'll take your life has appeared."

@Gummi Bunnies
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"Speechless? Perhaps out of fear for what comes next? I suppose I couldn't blame you."

Elesis or as she was better known among the demon community 'the Crimson Avenger' hadn't escaped Hiei's notice. Knowing full well of her grudge against demon kind, Hiei had scoured everywhere looking for information on her whereabouts. This of course included punching out lower class demons who made up tall tales on how they had survived an encounter with Elesis. When in actuality they were simply spared out of pity after Elesis had slaughtered the rest of their companions. Hiei didn't have strong affiliations for his demon brethren one way or the other. But someone who could strike that much fear into even the coldest of apparitions deserved some of his attention.

Taking another step towards Elesis, she could have caught a bit of light reflecting upon Hiei's blade as he drew it. He wouldn't be leaving this damned place without blood. He had no need for a 'hotel' or anything of the sort. It was just his good fortune that his search for Elesis had ended up bringing him here.

"You are the Crimson Avenger are you not? The one who hates all demons? Well, rise and draw your weapon! The demon that'll take your life has appeared."

@Gummi Bunnies

"... demon."

Just the word alone had gotten the fallen knight's attention, her empty eyes staring over in Hiei's direction. With what she had become, Elesis was able to sense the energy of a demon within him. Usually she would say more than a single word, but with how long she had been exposed to the Dark El, she had become nothing more than a bloodthirsty combatant that wishes for the blood of demons to be spilled.

Kill the demon.


Kill the demon.

K... Kill...

You swore to kill them all.

I... did...

Then kill this one.

I'll kill this one.

I'm going to kill it.

Kill it...


Reaching for her blade, Elesis pulled it out in a rather sloppy and animalistic manner, not minding that she had cut a bit of her thigh while doing so... not minding that the blood was dripping out of this accidental cut. It was like that pain that a normal person would've felt, it was void to her, nonexistent.

"... blood... blood everywhere..."

Walking towards him slowly like a mindless killer, the fallen knight appeared to have a loose grip on her weapon, the blade being dragged along the floor and creating some ambient noise. Just like how Hiei sought to go through this encounter with blood spilled, Elesis aimed for the same, and she was aiming to walk away from this with him dead.

@Chewy Rabbits


"Hmmm...." Kurama considered her words but the small look of concern he had showed that it was likely he didn't believe her.


"..If you say so... I suppose we should get back to looking for your friends...? I still need to find my friends as well..." Kurama spoke to Rena taking note to be careful since the attitude change in Rena...

"... I think I should look for my friends alone."

Abruptly saying this, Rena would turn around and begin walking towards a certain direction.

"My thanks... And in return I will do my best to preserve your life..."

"Kek... Guess i got no choice then... Until we find that idiot Esper...."


"Can you really...?" Battler asked Beatrice...

@Gummi Bunnies

"If you wish to, I am fine with that."

Usually a Witch wouldn't have to worry about keeping herself around and such, but with the recent happenings with certain individuals wanting to take her life, Beatrice considered the offer and went along with it.

"And yes, Battler, I am not be a Witch of Resurrection, but the Endless Magic does grant me the power to bring someone back from the dead."

Sharing this information with Battler, she would look over to where the dead body of Maria was left... however, she noticed something off.


"Wait... where is Maria? I could've sworn I saw her body rested over there..."

Just as Beatrice was saying this, a hint of purple light could be seen not too far from their location.

@Crimson Spartan
Reaching for her blade, Elesis pulled it out in a rather sloppy and animalistic manner, not minding that she had cut a bit of her thigh while doing so... not minding that the blood was dripping out of this accidental cut. It was like that pain that a normal person would've felt, it was void to her, nonexistent.

"... blood... blood everywhere..."

Walking towards him slowly like a mindless killer, the fallen knight appeared to have a loose grip on her weapon, the blade being dragged along the floor and creating some ambient noise. Just like how Hiei sought to go through this encounter with blood spilled, Elesis aimed for the same, and she was aiming to walk away from this with him dead.


Hiei didn't seem particularly impressed or even intimidated by Elesis's reaction to him calling her out. Was this the being he had sought out? Just a slow and lumbering brute? Pointing his sword in the Crimson Avenger's direction, Hiei spat out petulantly.

"If this is all the thought you're capable of then I'll have to kill you now. To make up for the time you've already wasted."

He supposed it had been somewhat foolish of him to expect any different. But where he had expected a woman with some kind of righteous vendetta against demonkind, he had instead found not a woman but a monster. One that wielded a blade that absolutely dwarfed his. But as Hiei had shown time and time again, size didn't matter when it came to him. Seemingly vanishing before Elesis's eyes, she would have been able to catch glimpses of Hiei moving from side to side as he held his blade out to the side to prep for a strike.

He hadn't been up to anything of note before hearing of Elesis and the trail of death she left in her wake. But he hated having his time wasted. So this would be the chance for Elesis to prove to him that she was indeed worthy of her title or if she was simply a brute who got on by murdering weakling demons.


"Hya!" Hiei shouted as he reappeared in front of Elesis as he swung the sword with the intent to slice Elesis across the stomach. That were of course provided she didn't do anything to block his attack. But whatever result came didn't matter to Hiei. If she took the attack then it simply proved that she'd been a waste of Hiei's time and hadn't been worth his full effort. If she blocked the attack? Then perhaps he'd finally have a decent fight on his hands.

@Gummi Bunnies
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"... I think I should look for my friends alone."

Abruptly saying this, Rena would turn around and begin walking towards a certain direction.


"...If you so desire... Then I shall leave you alone..." Kurama spoke his face losing all emotion as he turned his back to Rena and started to walk off in a different direction then her...



"If you wish to, I am fine with that."

Usually a Witch wouldn't have to worry about keeping herself around and such, but with the recent happenings with certain individuals wanting to take her life, Beatrice considered the offer and went along with it.

"And yes, Battler, I am not be a Witch of Resurrection, but the Endless Magic does grant me the power to bring someone back from the dead."

Sharing this information with Battler, she would look over to where the dead body of Maria was left... however, she noticed something off.


"Wait... where is Maria? I could've sworn I saw her body rested over there..."

Just as Beatrice was saying this, a hint of purple light could be seen not too far from their location.

@Crimson Spartan
"Where is sh-..."


"Oh Goddammit...."


Apparently Raven and Psyker Add knew what was going on...

"So that idiot's a pedophile now...?"

"More like a necrophiliac.. Give me a moment.."

"What are you...? C-can you get her back...?" Battler would ask Raven seeming both pissed and concerned...

Raven didn't answer but simply stabbed his sword into the ground and raised his human hand up. He was attempting to drag out Maria's body out of the clutches of Esper with his magical power.


"... demon."

Just the word alone had gotten the fallen knight's attention, her empty eyes staring over in Hiei's direction. With what she had become, Elesis was able to sense the energy of a demon within him. Usually she would say more than a single word, but with how long she had been exposed to the Dark El, she had become nothing more than a bloodthirsty combatant that wishes for the blood of demons to be spilled.

Kill the demon.


Kill the demon.

K... Kill...

You swore to kill them all.

I... did...

Then kill this one.

I'll kill this one.

I'm going to kill it.

Kill it...


Reaching for her blade, Elesis pulled it out in a rather sloppy and animalistic manner, not minding that she had cut a bit of her thigh while doing so... not minding that the blood was dripping out of this accidental cut. It was like that pain that a normal person would've felt, it was void to her, nonexistent.

"... blood... blood everywhere..."

Walking towards him slowly like a mindless killer, the fallen knight appeared to have a loose grip on her weapon, the blade being dragged along the floor and creating some ambient noise. Just like how Hiei sought to go through this encounter with blood spilled, Elesis aimed for the same, and she was aiming to walk away from this with him dead.

@Chewy Rabbits


Hiei didn't seem particularly impressed or even intimidated by Elesis's reaction to him calling her out. Was this the being he had sought out? Just a slow and lumbering brute? Pointing his sword in the Crimson Avenger's direction, Hiei spat out petulantly.

"If this is all the thought you're capable of then I'll have to kill you now. To make up for the time you've already wasted."

He supposed it had been somewhat foolish of him to expect any different. But where he had expected a woman with some kind of righteous vendetta against demonkind, he had instead found not a woman but a monster. One that wielded a blade that absolutely dwarfed his. But as Hiei had shown time and time again, size didn't matter when it came to him. Seemingly vanishing before Elesis's eyes, she would have been able to catch glimpses of Hiei moving from side to side as he held his blade out to the side to prep for a strike.

He hadn't been up to anything of note before hearing of Elesis and the trail of death she left in her wake. But he hated having his time wasted. So this would be the chance for Elesis to prove to him that she was indeed worthy of her title or if she was simply a brute who got on by murdering weakling demons.


"Hya!" Hiei shouted as he reappeared in front of Elesis as he swung the sword with the intent to slice Elesis across the stomach. That were of course provided she didn't do anything to block his attack. But whatever result came didn't matter to Hiei. If she took the attack then it simply proved that she'd been a waste of Hiei's time and hadn't been worth his full effort. If she blocked the attack? Then perhaps he'd finally have a decent fight on his hands.

@Gummi Bunnies


'This energy.... Is it really...?' for this reason Kurama changed direction and started heading towards the fight apparently sensing Hiei...

@Gummi Bunnies @Chewy Rabbits
"Fine by me!! Steering is just as fun as riding!!" There had to be one near the front desk, right? "Once we find one, we could take a grand tour of the hotel! Maybe Anari-chan and Ibuki can charge others for a tour, too!"
Anari grinned as she saw the front desk ahead. "Yeah. Ten bucks for a ten minute trip. If worst comes to worst, I can push us." She said with a grin, before pointing forwards. "Looks like there is a few up there. Ready for a joyride?" Anari asked.
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